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  1 mike  1.2 // ==================================================================
  2           // Title:       System MOF Specification Additions_2 for 2.6
  3           // Filename:    CIM_System26_Add2.MOF
  4           // Version:     2.6
  5           // Date:        06/12/2001
  6           // Release:     Preliminary
  7           // Description: The object classes below are new to the version stated 
  8           //              above and are being evaluated in premliminary release 
  9           //              status.  These additions are specific to the area of
 10           //              a UNIX environment.
 11           // ===================================================================
 12           // Copyright "2001" Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF).
 13           // All rights reserved.  
 14           // DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated 
 15           // to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability. 
 16           // DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses
 17           // consistent with this purpose by members and non-members, 
 18           // provided that correct attribution is given. 
 19           // As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time, 
 20           // the particular version and release cited should always be noted.
 21           //
 22 mike  1.2 // UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group.
 23           // ===================================================================
 24           // Author: DMTF System and Devices Working Group
 25           // ===================================================================
 26           //  - CR608, Initial Unix Environment Model
 27           // ===================================================================
 29           // ===================================================================
 30           //  CIM_UnixLocalFileSystem
 31           // ===================================================================
 32              [Description (
 33                "A class derived from LocalFileSystem that represents the Unix "
 34                "environment view of a file store controlled by a ComputerSystem "
 35                "through local means (e.g., direct device driver access). In "
 36                "this case, the file store is managed directly by the "
 37                "ComputerSystem without the need for another computer to act "
 38                "as a file server. This definition does not breakdown in the " 
 39                "case of a Clustered File System. In this scenario, the " 
 40                "FileSystem is a LocalFileSystem, weak to the Cluster.") ]
 41           class CIM_UnixLocalFileSystem : CIM_LocalFileSystem {
 42                 [Description (
 43 mike  1.2         "The number of free inodes present in the file system.  "
 44                   "This value is only valid if TotalSlots is non-zero."),
 45                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Host File System|001.12"} ]
 46              uint64 FreeSlots;
 47                 [Description (
 48                   "The total number of inodes available in the file system.  "
 49                   "A value of zero for TotalSlots indicates that this file "
 50                   "system does not have a preset limit."),
 51                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Host File System|001.11"} ]
 52              uint64  TotalSlots;
 53                 [Description (
 54                   "The reserve data capacity of the file system in bytes."),
 55                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Host File System|001.15"},
 56                  Units("Bytes") ]
 57              uint64 ReservedCapacity;
 58           };
 61           // ===================================================================
 62           //  CIM_UnixProcess
 63           // ===================================================================
 64 mike  1.2    [Description (
 65                "Each instance of the CIM_UnixProcess class represents a single "
 66                "instance of a running program. A user of the Operating System "
 67                "will typically see a Process as an application or task. Within "
 68                "an OperatingSystem, a Process is defined by a workspace of "
 69                "memory resources and environmental settings that are allocated "
 70                "to it. On a multitasking System, this workspace prevents "
 71                "intrusion of resources by other Processes. Additionally, a "
 72                "Process can execute as multiple Threads, all which run within "
 73                "the same workspace.") ]
 74           class CIM_UnixProcess : CIM_Process {
 75                 [Description (
 76                   "The parent process ID of this executing process."),
 77                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.2"} ]
 78              string ParentProcessID;
 79                 [Description (
 80                   "The Real User ID of this currently executing process."),
 81                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.4"} ]
 82              uint64 RealUserID = 0;
 83                 [Description (
 84                   "The Group ID of this currently executing process."),
 85 mike  1.2        MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.2"} ]
 86              uint64 ProcessGroupID = 0;
 87                 [Description (
 88                   "The ID of a group of processes under the control of a session "
 89                   "leader.") ]
 90              uint64 ProcessSessionID = 0;
 91                 [Description (
 92                   "The TTY currently associated with this process."),
 93                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.5"} ]
 94              string ProcessTTY;
 95                 [Description (
 96                   "The executing process' command path."),
 97                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.7"} ]
 98              string ModulePath;
 99                 [Description (
100                   "The operating system parameters provided to the executing "
101                   "process."),
102                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.8"} ]
103              string Parameters[];
104                 [Description (
105                   "The process's 'nice' value.  Used to compute its priority."),
106 mike  1.2        MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.11"} ]
107              uint32 ProcessNiceValue = 0;
108                 [Description (
109                   "The percentage of a CPU's time this process is consuming."),
110                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.12"} ]
111              uint32 ProcessCPUTime = 0;
112                 [Description (
113                   "The number of Kbytes of real text space used by the process."),
114                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.15"},
115                  Units("KBytes") ]
116              uint64 ProcessRealText = 0;
117                 [Description (
118                   "The number of Kbytes real data space used by the process."),
119                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.16"},
120                  Units("KBytes") ]
121              uint64 ProcessRealData = 0;
122                 [Description (
123                   "The number of Kbytes real stack space used by the process."),
124                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.17"},
125                  Units("KBytes") ]
126              uint64 ProcessRealStack = 0;
127 mike  1.2       [Description (
128                   "The number of Kbytes of virtual text space used by the "
129                   "process."),
130                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.18"},
131                  Units("KBytes") ]
132              uint64 ProcessVirtualText = 0;
133                 [Description (
134                   "The number of Kbytes of virtual data space used by the "
135                   "process."),
136                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.19"},
137                  Units("KBytes") ]
138              uint64 ProcessVirtualData = 0;
139                 [Description (
140                   "The number of Kbytes of virtual stack space used by the "
141                   "process."),
142                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.20"},
143                  Units("KBytes") ]
144              uint64 ProcessVirtualStack = 0;
145                 [Description (
146                   "The number of Kbytes of virtual shared memory used by the "
147                   "process."),
148 mike  1.2        MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.22"},
149                  Units("KBytes") ]
150              uint64 ProcessVirtualMemoryMappedFileSize   = 0;
151                 [Description (
152                   "The number of Kbytes of virtual space used for memory mapped "
153                   "files by the process."),
154                  MappingStrings{"MIF.DMTF|Process Information|001.21"},
155                  Units("KBytes") ]
156              uint64 ProcessVirtualSharedMemory = 0;
157                 [Description (
158                   "A description of the event this process is currently sleeping "
159                   "for.  The precise nature of this string is implementation defined, "
160                   "but is typically the address of a system data structure that "
161                   "will be modified when the event occurs.  This string only has "
162                   "meaning when the ExecutionState is \"Blocked\" or "
163                   " \"SuspendedBlocked\".") ]
164              string ProcessWaitingForEvent;
165                 [Description (
166                   "CPU time of terminated child processes in clock ticks")]
167              uint64 CpuTimeDeadChildren;
168                 [Description (
169 mike  1.2         "System time of terminated child processes in clock ticks")]
170              uint64 SystemTimeDeadChildren;
171           };
174           // ===================================================================
175           // CIM_UnixThread
176           // ===================================================================
177           class CIM_UnixThread : CIM_Thread {
178                 [Description (
179                   "Indicates the thread's scheduling policy."),
180                  Values{"SCHED_FIFO", "SCHED_RR", "SCHED_OTHER"} ]
181              uint16 SchedPolicy;
182                 [Description (
183                   "Indicates the size of the guard area for a created thread's "
184                   "stack.") ]
185              string GuardSize;
186                 [Description (
187                   "Indicates the creation state of the thread."),
189              uint16 DetachState;
190 mike  1.2       [Description (
191                   "Indicates how the scheduling attributes are to be set"),
192                  Values{"PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED", "PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED"} ]
193              uint16 InheritSched;
194                 [Description (
195                   "Indicates the contention scope of the thread"),
196                  Values{"PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM", "PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS"} ]
197              uint16 ContentionScope;
198                 [Description (
199                   "Indicates the size of storage to be used for the thread's "
200                   "stack.") ]
201              string StackSize;
202                 [Description (
203                   "Indicates the thread's concurrency level.") ]
204              uint64 ConcurrencyLevel;
205                 [Description (
206                   "Indicates the thread's cancelability state"),
207                  Values{"PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE", "PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE"} ]
208              uint16 CancelState;
209                 [Description (
210                   "Indicates the thread's cancelability type"),
212              uint16 CancelType;
213           };
216           // ===================================================================
217           //  CIM_UnixFile
218           // ===================================================================
219              [Association, Aggregation, Description (
220                "Properities that are associated with various sub-classes "
221                "of LogicalFile in a Unix environment.  This "
222                "class should have a FileIdentity relationship to the "
223                "appropriate sub-class of Logical File.")]
224           class CIM_UnixFile : CIM_LogicalElement {
225                 [Description ("An Identifer that uniquely describes the owner "
226                   "of this file.")] 
227              string  Uid;
228                 [Description ("An identifier that describes the group that "
229                   "owns this file.") ] 
230              string  Gid;
231                 [Description ("Indicates restricted deletion for directories, "
232 mike  1.2         "or possible implementation defined properties for executable "
233                   "files") ] 
234              boolean SaveText;
235                 [Description ("Count of the number of names this file has." ) ] 
236              string LinkCount;
237                 [Description ("File Inode number, as printed by \"ls -i\"") ] 
238              string FileInodeNumber;
239                 [Description ("Tells if the associated file has setuid "
240                   "permissions.") ]
241              boolean SetUid;
242                 [Description ("Tells if the associated file has setgid "
243                   "permissions.") ]
244              boolean SetGid;
245                 [Description ("The time that the Inode was last modified.")]
246              datetime  LastModifiedInode;
247                 [Description ("Minimum number of bits needed to represent, as a "
248                   "signed integer value, the maximum size of a regular file "
249                   "allowed in the specified directory. Minimum Acceptable "
250                   "Value: 32 pathconf returns this variable when "
251                   "_PC_FILESIZEBITS is passed to it.") ]
252              uint64 FileSizeBits; 
253 mike  1.2       [Description ("Maximum number of links to a single file.  "
254                   "Minimum Acceptable Value: _POSIX_LINK_MAX(8).  "
255                   "pathconf returns this variable when _PC_LINK_MAX is passed "
256                   "to it.") ]
257              uint64 LinkMax;  
258                 [Description ("Maximum number of bytes in a filename (not "
259                   "including terminating null). Minimum Acceptable Value: "
260                   "_POSIX_NAME_MAX(14) pathconf returns this variable when "
261                   "_PC_NAME_MAX is passed to it.") ]
262              uint64 NameMax; 
263                 [Description ("Maximum number of bytes in a pathname, including "
264                   "the terminating null character.  Minimum Acceptable Value: "
265                   "_POSIX_PATH_MAX(255) pathconf returns this variable when "
266                   "_PC_PATH_MAX is passed to it.") ]
267              uint64 PathMax;  
268                 [Description ("The use of chown() is restricted to a process "
269                   "with appropriate privileges, and to changing the group ID of "
270                   "a file only to the effective group ID of the process or to "
271                   "one of its supplementary group IDs. It is defined if a value "
272                   "other than -1 is returned. pathconf returns this variable when "
273                   "_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED is passed to it.") ]
274 mike  1.2    uint64 PosixChownRestricted; 
275                 [Description ("Pathname components longer than {NAME_MAX} "
276                   "generate an error.  Defined if a value other than -1 is "
277                   "returned.  pathconf returns this variable when _PC_NO_TRUNC "
278                   "is passed to it.") ]
279              uint64 PosixNoTrunc;  
280                 [Description ("If any of the following three constants are not "
281                   "defined in the header <unistd.h>, the value varies depending "
282                   "on the file to which it is applied. If any of the following "
283                   "constants are defined to have value -1 in the header <unistd.h>, "
284                   "the implementation will not provide the option on any file; "
285                   "if any are defined to have a value other than -1 in the header "
286                   "<unistd.h>, the implementation will provide the option on all "
287                   "applicable files. All of the following three constants, "
288                   "whether defined in <unistd.h> or not, may be queried with "
289                   "respect to a specific file using the pathconf() or fpathconf() "
290                   "functions. Asynchronous input or output operations may be "
291                   "performed for the associated file. pathconf returns this "
292                   "variable when _PC_ASYNC_IO is passed to it.") ]
293              uint64 PosixAsyncIo; 
294                 [Description ("Prioritized input or output operations may be "
295 mike  1.2        "performed for the associated file. Also see description for "
296                  "_POSIX_ASYNC_IO.  pathconf returns this variable when "
297                  "_PC_PRIO_IO is passed to it.") ]
298              uint64 PosixPrioIo; 
299                 [Description ("Synchronised input or output operations may be "
300                   "performed for the associated file. Also see description for "
301                   "_POSIX_ASYNC_IO. pathconf returns this variable when "
302                   "_PC_SYNC_IO is passed to it.") ]
303              uint64 PosixSyncIo; 
304           };
307           // ===================================================================
308           //  CIM_FileIdentity
309           // ===================================================================
310              [Association, Description (
311                "CIM_FileIdentity is an association indicating that a UnixFile "
312                "is describing additional aspects of a Logical File.")]
313           class CIM_FileIdentity : CIM_LogicalIdentity {
314                 [Override ("SystemElement"), Description (
315                   "The Logical File.")]
316 mike  1.2    CIM_LogicalFile ref SystemElement;
317                 [Override ("SameElement"), Description (
318                   "SameElement represents the additional aspects of the "
319                   "Unix/Linux Logical file.") ]
320              CIM_UnixFile ref SameElement;
321           };
324           // ===================================================================
325           //  CIM_UnixDeviceFile
326           // ===================================================================
327              [Description (
328                "DeviceFile is a special type of LogicalFile that represents "
329                "a Device. This convention is useful for some operating systems "
330                "that manage devices using a byte stream I/O model. The Logical"
331                "Device that is associated with this file is specified using "
332                "the DeviceAccessedByFile relationship.") ]
333           class CIM_UnixDeviceFile : CIM_DeviceFile {
334                 [Description ("The type of device file"),
335                  Values {"Block", "Character", "Other"} ] 
336              uint16 Type = 0;
337 mike  1.2       [Description ("Additional information for type \"Other\"") ] 
338              string OtherTypeDescription = "";
339                 [Description ("The device Identifier: this is the st_rdev field "
340                   "in the stat structure")] 
341              string DeviceId = "";
342                 [Description ("Additional information provided by the driver "
343                   "this may be null if no info is available, or a "
344                   "general description of the device is available, e.g. "
345                   "\"Non-rewind tape streamer\"") ] 
346              string DeviceDescription = "";
347                 [Description ("The Device's Major Id.")]
348              string DeviceMajor;
349                 [Description ("The Device's Minor Id.")]
350              string DeviceMinor;
351           };
354           // ===================================================================
355           //   CIM_NamedPipe
356           // ===================================================================
357              [Description (
358 mike  1.2      "NamedPipe is a special type of LogicalFile that represents "
359                "a pipe. This convention is useful for some operating systems "
360                "that manage interprocess communication. ") ]
361           class CIM_NamedPipe : CIM_LogicalFile {
362           };
365           // ===================================================================
366           //   CIM_UnixSymlink
367           // ===================================================================
368              [Description (
369                "UnixSymLink is a special type of LogicalFile that represents "
370                "a Symbolic Link. This convention is useful for some operating "
371                "systems that want to represent a single file in multiple "
372                "places or a single file that is represented via multiple "
373                "names.")]
374           class CIM_UnixSymlink : CIM_LogicalFile {
375                 [Description ("The target of the symbolic link") ]
376              string SymLinkTarget;
377           };
379 mike  1.2 
380           // ===================================================================
381           //   CIM_UnixSysconf
382           // ===================================================================
383           // Expand on description to be UnixSettings and/or sub classes of...
384              [Description (
385                "UnixSysConf is used to collect a set of subclasses of Unix"
386                "Settings.  Use the SettingContext aggregation to place the "
387                "individual settings into the Configuration.") ]
388           class CIM_UnixSysConf : CIM_Configuration {
389           };
392           // ===================================================================
393           //   CIM_UnixSetting
394           // ===================================================================
395              [Abstract, Description (
396                "The UnixSetting class is the base class for the various types "
397                "of settings which are associated with a unix system configuration")]
398           class CIM_UnixSetting : CIM_Setting {
399                 [Key, MaxLen (256), Description (
400 mike  1.2         "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
401                   "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
402                   "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
403                   "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to "
404                   "be uniquely identified.") ]
405              string CreationClassName;
406                 [Key, Override ("SettingID"), 
407                  Description ("The inherited SettingID serves as part of the "
408                   "key for a CIM_UnixSetting instance.") ] 
409               string SettingID;
410           };
413           // ===================================================================
414           //    CIM_UnixSettingContext
415           // ===================================================================
416              [Association, Aggregation, Description (
417                "This relationship associates a Unix settings with the Unix "
418                "configuration object.") ]
419           class CIM_UnixSettingContext : CIM_SettingContext {
420                 [Override ("Context"), Aggregate, Description (
421 mike  1.2         "The Unix Configuration object that aggregates the Setting.") ]
422              CIM_UnixSysConf REF Context;
423                 [Override ("Setting"), Description ("An aggregated Unix "
424                  "Setting.") ]
425              CIM_UnixSetting REF Setting;
426           };
429           // ===================================================================
430           //   CIM_UnixMiscSetting
431           // ===================================================================
432              [Description (
433                "Miscellaneous configuration settings")]
434           class CIM_UnixMiscSetting : CIM_UnixSetting {
435                 [Description ("Maximum length of argument to the exec functions "
436                   "including environment data. Minimum Acceptable Value: "
437                   "_POSIX_ARG_MAX(4096).  sysconf returns this variable when "
438                   "_SC_ARG_MAX is passed to it.")]
439              uint64 ArgMax; 
440                 [Description ("Maximum number of simultaneous processes per "
441                   "real user ID.  Minimum Acceptable Value: 25.  sysconf returns "
442 mike  1.2         "this variable when _SC_CHILD_MAX is passed to it.")]
443              uint64 ChildMax; 
444                 [Description ("Number of clock ticks per second returned by the "
445                   "times() function.  sysconf returns this variable when "
446                   "_SC_CLK_TCK is passed to it.")]
447              uint64 ClkTck; 
448                 [Description ("Maximum number of weights that can be assigned "
449                   "to an entry of the LC_COLLATE order keyword in the locale "
450                   "definition file; see the XBD specification, Locale. Minimum "
451                   "Acceptable Value: _POSIX2_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX(2).  sysconf "
452                   "returns this variable when _SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX is passed "
453                   "to it.")]
454              uint64 CollWeightsMax; 
455                 [Description ("The maximum length, in bytes, of a utility's "
456                   "input line (either standard input or another file), when the "
457                   "utility is described as processing text files. The length "
458                   "includes room for the trailing newline. Minimum Acceptable "
459                   "Value: _POSIX2_LINE_MAX(2048) sysconf returns this variable "
460                   "when _SC_LINE_MAX is passed to it.")]
461              uint64 LineMax; 
462                 [Description ("Maximum number of repeated occurrences of a "
463 mike  1.2         "regular expression permitted when using the interval "
464                   "notation {m,n}; see the XBD specification, Regular Expressions. "
465                   "Minimum Acceptable Value: POSIX2_RE_DUP_MAX(255) sysconf "
466                   "returns this variable when _SC_RE_DUP_MAX is passed to it.")]
467              uint64 ReDupMax; 
468                 [Description ("Maximum number of bytes supported for the name "
469                   "of a time zone (not of the TZ variable). Minimum Acceptable "
470                   "Value: _POSIX_TZNAME_MAX(3) sysconf returns this variable "
471                   "when _SC_TZNAME_MAX is passed to it.")]
472              uint64 TZNameMax; 
473                 [Description ("Maximum number of significant bytes in a password "
474                   "(not including terminating null). (LEGACY) Minimum Acceptable "
475                   "Value: 8 sysconf returns this variable when _SC_PASS_MAX is "
476                   "passed to it.")]
477              uint64 PassMax;     
478                 [Description ("Maximum number of functions that may be registered "
479                   "with atexit(). Minimum Acceptable Value: 32 sysconf returns this "
480                   "variable when _SC_ATEXIT_MAX is passed to it.")]
481              uint64 AtexitMax; 
482                 [Description ("Size in bytes of a page. Minimum Acceptable Value: "
483                   "1 sysconf returns this variable when _SC_PAGESIZE is passed "
484 mike  1.2         "to it.")]
485              uint64 PageSize; 
486                 [Description ("Same as PAGESIZE. If either PAGESIZE or PAGE_SIZE "
487                   "is defined, the other will be defined with the same value.  "
488                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_PAGE_SIZE is passed "
489                   "to it.")]
490              uint64 PAGE_SIZE; 
491                 [Description ("Maximum number of timer expiration overruns. "
492                   "Minimum Acceptable Value: _POSIX_DELAYTIMER_MAX(32) sysconf "
493                   "returns this variable when _SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX is passed to it.")]
494              uint64 DelayTimerMax; 
495                 [Description ("The maximum number of message priorities "
496                   "supported by the implementation. Minimum Acceptable Value: "
497                   "_POSIX_MQ_PRIO_MAX(32) sysconf returns this variable when "
498                   "_SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX is passed to it.")]
499              uint64 MqPrioMax; 
500                 [Description ("Maximum number of realtime signals reserved for "
501                   "application use in this implementation. Minimum Acceptable "
502                   "Value: _POSIX_RTSIG_MAX(8) sysconf returns this variable "
503                   "when _SC_RTSIG_MAX is passed to it.")]
504              uint64 RtsigMax; 
505 mike  1.2       [Description ("The maximum value a semaphore may have.  Minimum "
506                   "Acceptable Value: _POSIX_SEM_VALUE_MAX(32767) sysconf returns "
507                   "this variable when _SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX is passed to it.")]
508              uint64 SemValueMax; 
509                 [Description ("Maximum size of group entry buffer.  sysconf "
510                   "returns this variable when _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX is passed "
511                   "to it.")]
512              uint64 NssBufLenGroup; 
513                 [Description ("Maximum size of password entry buffer.  sysconf "
514                   "returns this variable when _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX is passed "
515                   "to it.")]
516              uint64 NssBufLenPassWd; 
517                 [Description ("Maximum length of a login name. Minimum "
518                   "Acceptable Value: _POSIX_LOGIN_NAME_MAX(9) sysconf returns "
519                   "this variable when _SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX is passed to it.")]
520              uint64 LoginNameMax; 
521                 [Description ("Maximum length of terminal device name. Minimum "
522                   "Acceptable Value: _POSIX_TTY_NAME_MAX(9) sysconf returns this "
523                   "variable when _SC_TTY_NAME_MAX is passed to it.")]
524              uint64 TtyNameMax; 
525           };
526 mike  1.2 
528           // ===================================================================
529           //   CIM_UnixProcessSetting
530           // ===================================================================
531              [Description (
532                "Per process configuration settings")]
533           class CIM_UnixProcessSetting : CIM_UnixSetting {
534                 [Description ("Maximum number of simultaneous supplementary "
535                   "group IDs per process. Minimum Acceptable Value: 8 "
536                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_NGROUPS_MAX is "
537                   "passed to it.") ]
538              uint64 NGroupsMax;  
539                 [Description ("The number of streams that one process can have "
540                   "open at one time. If defined, it has the same value as "
541                   "{FOPEN_MAX} (see <stdio.h>). Minimum Acceptable Value: "
542                   "_POSIX_STREAM_MAX(8) sysconf returns this variable when "
543                   "_SC_STREAM_MAX is passed to it.") ]
544              uint64 StreamMax; 
545                 [Description ("Maximum number of files that one process can "
546                   "have open at any one time. Minimum Acceptable Value: 20 "
547 mike  1.2         "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_OPEN_MAX is passed "
548                   "to it.") ]
549              uint64 OpenMax; 
550                 [Description ("Maximum number of iovec structures that one "
551                   "process has available for use with readv() or writev(). "
552                   "Minimum Acceptable Value: _XOPEN_IOV_MAX(16) sysconf returns "
553                   "this variable when _SC_IOV_MAX is passed to it.") ]
554              uint64 IovMax; 
555                 [Description ("The maximum number of open message queue "
556                   "descriptors a process may hold. Minimum Acceptable Value: "
557                   "_POSIX_MQ_OPEN_MAX(8) sysconf returns this variable when "
558                   "_SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX is passed to it.") ]
559              uint64 MqOpenMax; 
560                 [Description ("Maximum number of semaphores that a process may "
561                   "have.  Minimum Acceptable Value: _POSIX_SEM_NSEMS_MAX(256) "
562                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX is passed "
563                   "to it.") ]
564              uint64 SemNsemsMax; 
565                 [Description ("Maximum number of queued signals that a process "
566                   "may send and have pending at the receiver(s) at any time. "
567                   "Minimum Acceptable Value: _POSIX_SIGQUEUE_MAX(32) sysconf "
568 mike  1.2         "returns this variable when _SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX is passed to it.") ]
569              uint64 SegqueueMax; 
570                 [Description ("Maximum number of timers per-process supported "
571                   "by the implementation.  Minimum Acceptable Value: "
572                   "_POSIX_TIMER_MAX(32) sysconf returns this variable when "
573                   "_SC_TIMER_MAX is passed to it.") ]
574              uint64 TimerMax; 
575                 [Description ("Maximum number of data keys that can be created "
576                   "by a process.  Minimum Acceptable Value: "
577                   "_POSIX_THREAD_KEYS_MAX(128) sysconf returns this variable when "
578                   "_SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX is passed to it.") ]
579              uint64 PthreadKeysMax; 
580                 [Description ("Maximum number of threads that that can be "
581                   "created per process.  Minimum Acceptable Value: "
582                   "_POSIX_THREAD_THREADS_MAX(64) sysconf returns this variable "
583                   "when _SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX is passed to it.") ]
584              uint64 PthreadThreadsMax; 
585           };
588           // ===================================================================
589 mike  1.2 //   CIM_UnixAppSetting
590           // ===================================================================
591              [Description (
592                "Application specific configuration settings.")]
593           class CIM_UnixAppSetting : CIM_UnixSetting {
594                 [Description ("Maximum base values allowed by the bc utility.  "
595                   "Minimum Acceptable Value: _POSIX2_BC_BASE_MAX(99). sysconf "
596                   "returns this variable when _SC_BASE_MAX is passed to it.") ]
597              uint64 BcBaseMax; 
598                 [Description ("Maximum number of elements permitted in an array "
599                   "by the bc utility.  Minimum Acceptable Value: "
600                   "_POSIX2_BC_DIM_MAX(2048). sysconf returns this variable when "
601                   "_SC_BC_DIM_MAX is passed to it.") ]
602              uint64 BcDimMax; 
603                 [Description ("Maximum scale value allowed by the bc utility.  "
604                   "Minimum Acceptable Value: _POSIX2_BC_SCALE_MAX(99). sysconf "
605                   "returns this variable when _SC_BC_SCALE_MAX is passed to it.") ]
606              uint64 BcScaleMax;
607                 [Description ("Maximum length of a string constant accepted by "
608                   "the bc utility. Minimum Acceptable Value: "
609                   "_POSIX2_BC_STRING_MAX(1000). sysconf returns this variable "
610 mike  1.2         "when _SC_BC_STRING_MAX is passed to it.") ]
611              uint64 BcStringMax; 
612                 [Description ("Maximum number of expressions that can be nested "
613                   "within parentheses by the expr utility. Minimum Acceptable "
614                   "Value: _POSIX2_EXPR_NEST_MAX(32) sysconf returns this variable "
615                   "when _SC_EXPR_NEST_MAX is passed to it.") ]
616              uint64 ExprNestMax; 
617           };
620           // ===================================================================
621           //   CIM_UnixThreadSetting
622           // ===================================================================
623              [Description (
624                "Thread specific configuration settings")]
625           class CIM_UnixThreadSetting : CIM_UnixSetting {
626                 [Description ("Maximum number of attempts made to destroy a "
627                   "thread's thread-specific data values on thread exit. Minimum "
628                   "Acceptable Value: _POSIX_THREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS(4) "
629                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_THREAD_DESTRUCTOR_"
630                   "ITERATION is passed to it.") ]
631 mike  1.2    uint64 PthreadDestructorIterations; 
632                 [Description ("Minimum size in bytes of thread stack storage. "
633                   "Minimum Acceptable Value: 0 sysconf returns this variable "
634                   "when _SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN is passed to it.") ]
635              uint64 PthreadStackMin; 
636           };
639           // ===================================================================
640           //   CIM_UnixIoIpcSetting
641           // ===================================================================
642              [Description (
643                "IO and IPC specific configuration settings.")]
644           class CIM_UnixIoIpcSetting : CIM_UnixSetting {
645                 [Description ("Maximum number of I/O operations in a single "
646                   "list I/O call supported by the implementation. Minimum "
647                   "Acceptable Value: _POSIX_AIO_LISTIO_MAX(2) sysconf returns "
648                   "this variable when _SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX is passed to it.") ]
649              uint64 AioListioMax; 
650                 [Description ("Maximum number of outstanding asynchronous I/O "
651                   "operations supported by the implementation. Minimum Acceptable "
652 mike  1.2         "Value: _POSIX_AIO_MAX(1) sysconf returns this variable when "
653                   "_SC_AIO_MAX is passed to it.") ]
654              uint64 AioMax; 
655                 [Description ("Maximum amount by which a process can decrease "
656                   "its asynchronous I/O priority level from its own scheduling "
657                   "priority.  sysconf returns this variable when _SC_AIO_PRIO_"
658                   "DELTA_MAX is passed to it.") ]
659              uint64 AioPrioDeltaMax; 
660                 [Description ("Maximum number of bytes in a terminal canonical "
661                   "input queue.  Minimum Acceptable Value: _POSIX_MAX_CANON(255).  "
662                   "pathconf returns this variable when _PC_MAX_CANON is passed "
663                   "to it.") ]
664              uint64 MaxCanon; 
665                 [Description ("Minimum number of bytes for which space will be "
666                   "available in a terminal input queue; therefore, the maximum "
667                   "number of bytes a portable application may require to be typed "
668                   "as input before reading them. Minimum Acceptable Value: "
669                   "_POSIX_MAX_INPUT(255). pathconf returns this variable when "
670                   "_PC_MAX_INPUT is passed to it.") ]
671              uint64 MaxInput; 
672                 [Description ("Maximum number of bytes that is guaranteed to be "
673 mike  1.2         "atomic when writing to a pipe. Minimum Acceptable Value: "
674                   "_POSIX_PIPE_BUF(512) pathconf returns this variable when "
675                   "_PC_PIPE_BUF is passed to it.") ]
676              uint64 PipeBuf; 
677                 [Description ("Terminal special characters defined in <termios.h> "
678                   "can be disabled using this character value. Defined if a "
679                   "value other than -1 is returned. pathconf returns this "
680                   "variable when _PC_VDISABLE is passed to it.") ]
681              uint64 PosixVdisable; 
682           };
685           // ===================================================================
686           //   CIM_UnixFeatureSetting
687           // ===================================================================
688              [Description (
689                "Configuration settings indicating extent of support for various "
690                "features.")]
691           class CIM_UnixFeatureSetting : CIM_UnixSetting {
692                 [Description ("Implementation supports the C Language Development "
693                   "Utilities option.  A value of -1 indicates that the "
694 mike  1.2         "implementation will never provide the feature and any other "
695                   "value indicates that the implementation will always provide "
696                   "the feature. sysconf returns this variable when _SC_2_C_DEV "
697                   "is passed to it.") ]
698              uint64 Posix2CDev; 
699                 [Description ("Integer value indicating version of the ISO "
700                   "POSIX-2 standard (C language binding).  sysconf returns this "
701                   "variable when _SC_2_C_VERSION is passed to it.") ]
702              uint64 Posix2CVersion; 
703                 [Description ("Implementation supports at least one terminal "
704                   "type. A value of -1 indicates that the implementation will "
705                   "never provide the feature and any other value indicates that "
706                   "the implementation will always provide the feature.  "
707                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_2_CHAR_TERM is passed "
708                   "to it.") ]
709              uint64 Posix2CharTerm; 
710                 [Description ("Implementation supports the FORTRAN Development "
711                   "Utilities option. A value of -1 indicates that the "
712                   "implementation will never provide the feature and any other "
713                   "value indicates that the implementation will always provide "
714                   "the feature.  sysconf returns this variable when _SC_2_FORT_DEV "
715 mike  1.2         "is passed to it.") ]
716              uint64 Posix2FortDev; 
717                 [Description ("Implementation supports the FORTRAN Run-time "
718                   "Utilities option.  A value of -1 indicates that the "
719                   "implementation will never provide the feature and any other "
720                   "value indicates that the implementation will always provide "
721                   "the feature. sysconf returns this variable when _SC_2_FORT_RUN "
722                   "is passed to it.") ]
723              uint64 Posix2FortRun; 
724                 [Description ("Implementation supports the creation of locales "
725                   "by the localedef utility. A value of -1 indicates that the "
726                   "implementation will never provide the feature and any other "
727                   "value indicates that the implementation will always provide "
728                   "the feature.  sysconf returns this variable when _SC_2_LOCALDEF "
729                   "is passed to it.") ]
730              uint64 Posix2LocalDef; 
731                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Software Development "
732                   "Utilities option. A value of -1 indicates that the implementation "
733                   "will never provide the feature and any other value indicates "
734                   "that the implementation will always provide the feature.  "
735                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_2_SW_DEV is passed "
736 mike  1.2         "to it.") ]
737              uint64 Posix2SwDev; 
738                 [Description ("The implementation supports the User Portability "
739                   "Utilities option. A value of -1 indicates that the implementation "
740                   "will never provide the feature and any other value indicates "
741                   "that the implementation will always provide the feature.  "
742                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_2_UPE is passed "
743                   "to it.") ]
744              uint64 Posix2Upe; 
745                 [Description ("Integer value indicating version of the ISO "
746                   "POSIX-2 standard (Commands).  sysconf returns this variable "
747                   "when _SC_2_VERSION is passed to it.") ]
748              uint64 Posix2Version; 
749                 [Description ("If defined with a value other than -1, the system "
750                   "supports job control sysconf returns this variable when "
751                   "_SC_JOB_CONTROL is passed to it.") ]
752              uint64 PosixJobControl; 
753                 [Description ("If defined with a value other than -1, each "
754                   "process has a saved set-user-ID and a saved set-group-ID.  "
755                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_SAVED_IDS is passed "
756                   "to it.") ]
757 mike  1.2    uint64 PosixSavedIds; 
758                 [Description ("Integer value indicating version of the ISO "
759                 "POSIX-1 standard (C language binding).  sysconf returns this "
760                 "variable when _SC_VERSION is passed to it.") ]
761              uint64 PosixVersion; 
762                 [Description ("The implementation supports the X/Open Encryption "
763                   "Feature Group. A value of -1 indicates that the implementation "
764                   "will never provide the feature and any other value indicates "
765                   "that the implementation will always provide the feature.  "
766                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_XOPEN_CRYPT is passed "
767                   "to it.") ]
768              uint64 XopenCrypt; 
769                 [Description ("The implementation supports the Issue 4, Version 2 "
770                   "Enhanced Internationalisation Feature Group. This is always "
771                   "set to a value other than -1. A value of -1 indicates that "
772                   "the implementation will never provide the feature and any "
773                   "other value indicates that the implementation will always "
774                   "provide the feature.  sysconf returns this variable when "
775                   "_SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N is passed to it.") ]
776              uint64 XopenEnhI18n; 
777                 [Description ("The implementation supports the Issue 4, Version 2 "
778 mike  1.2         "Shared Memory Feature Group. This is always set to a value "
779                   "other than -1. A value of -1 indicates that the implementation "
780                   "will never provide the feature and any other value indicates "
781                   "that the implementation will always provide the feature.  "
782                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_XOPEN_SHM is passed "
783                   "to it.") ]
784              uint64 XopenShm; 
785                 [Description ("Integer value indicating version of the X/Open "
786                   "Portability Guide to which the implementation conforms.  "
787                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_XOPEN_VERSION is passed "
788                   "to it.") ]
789              uint64 XopenVersion; 
790                 [Description ("_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION is defined as an integer value "
791                   "indicating the version of the XCU specification to which the "
792                   "implementation conforms. If the value is -1, no commands and "
793                   "utilities are provided on the implementation. If the value is "
794                   "greater than or equal to 4, the functionality associated with the "
795                   "following symbols is also supported Posix2C_BIND, "
796                   "Posix2C_VERSION, Posix2CHAR_TERM, Posix2LOCALEDEF, "
797                   "Posix2UPE, Posix2VERSION, sysconf returns this variable "
798                   "when _SC_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION is passed to it.") ]
799 mike  1.2    uint64 XopenXcuVersion; 
800                 [Description ("The implementation supports the User Portability "
801                   "Utilities option. A value of -1 indicates that the "
802                   "implementation will never provide the feature and any other "
803                   "value indicates that the implementation will always provide "
804                   "the feature.  sysconf returns this variable when "
805                   "_SC_XOPEN_REALTIME is passed to it.") ]
806              uint64 XopenRealtime; 
807                 [Description ("The implementation supports the X/Open Realtime "
808                   "Threads Feature Group. A value of -1 indicates that the "
809                   "implementation will never provide the feature and any other "
810                   "value indicates that the implementation will always provide "
811                   "the feature.  sysconf returns this variable when "
812                   "_SC_XOPEN_REALTIME_THERADS is passed to it.") ]
813              uint64 XopenRealtimeThreads; 
814                 [Description ("The implementation supports the Legacy Feature "
815                   "Group. A value of -1 indicates that the implementation will "
816                   "never provide the feature and any other value indicates that "
817                   "the implementation will always provide the feature. sysconf "
818                   "returns this variable when _SC_XOPEN_LEGACY is passed to it.") ]
819              uint64 XopenLegacy; 
820 mike  1.2       [Description ("The implementation supports X/Open CAE Specification, "
821                   "January 1997, System Interfaces and Headers, Issue 5 (ISBN: "
822                   "1-85912-181-0, C606).  A value of -1 indicates that the "
823                   "implementation will never provide the feature and any other "
824                   "value indicates that the implementation will always provide "
825                   "the feature.sysconf returns this variable when _SC_XOPEN_UNIX "
826                   "is passed to it.") ]
827              uint64 XopenUnix; 
828                 [Description ("Implementation provides a C-language compilation "
829                   "environment with 32-bit int, long, pointer and off_t types. "
830                   "A value of -1 indicates that the implementation will never "
831                   "provide the feature and any other value indicates that the "
832                   "implementation will always provide the feature.  sysconf "
833                   "returns this variable when _SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32 is passed "
834                   "to it.") ]
835              uint64 XopenXbs5Ilp32Off32; 
836                 [Description ("Implementation provides a C-language compilation "
837                   "environment with 32-bit int, long and pointer types and an "
838                   "off_t type using at least 64bits. A value of -1 indicates "
839                   "that the implementation will never provide the feature and "
840                   "any other value indicates that the implementation will always "
841 mike  1.2         "provide the feature.sysconf returns this variable when "
842                   "_SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG is passed to it.") ]
843              uint64 XopenXbs5Ilp32OffBig;
844                 [Description ("Implementation provides a C-language compilation "
845                   "environment with 32-bit int and 64-bit long, pointer and off_t "
846                   "types. A value of -1 indicates that the implementation will "
847                   "never provide the feature and any other value indicates that "
848                   "the implementation will always provide the feature.  sysconf "
849                   "returns this variable when _SC_XBS5_LP64_OFF64 is passed to it.") ]
850              uint64 XopenXbs5Lp64Off64; 
851                 [Description ("Implementation provides a C-language compilation "
852                   "environment with an int type using at least 32 bits and long, "
853                   "pointer and off_t types using at least 64 bits. A value of -1 "
854                   "indicates that the implementation will never provide the feature "
855                   "and any other value indicates that the implementation will "
856                   "always provide the feature.sysconf returns this variable when "
857                   "_SC_XBS5_LPBIG_OFF64 is passed to it.") ]
858              uint64 XopenXbs5IlbigOffbig; 
859                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Asynchronous Input "
860                   "and Output option. This symbolic constant is defined (to an "
861                   "unspecified value) only if _XOPEN_REALTIME is defined to have "
862 mike  1.2         "a value other than -1.  sysconf returns this variable when "
863                   "_SC_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO is passed to it.") ]
864              uint64 PosixAsynchronousIo; 
865                 [Description ("Implementation supports the File Synchronisation "
866                   "option.This constant is always defined. sysconf returns this "
867                   "variable when _SC_FSYNC is passed to it.") ]
868              uint64 PosixFsync; 
869                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Memory Mapped Files "
870                   "option. This constant is always defined. sysconf returns this "
871                   "variable when _SC_MAPPED_FILES is passed to it.") ]
872              uint64 PosixMappedFiles; 
873                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Process Memory "
874                   "Locking option. This symbolic constant is defined (to an "
875                   "unspecified value) only  if _XOPEN_REALTIME is defined to "
876                   "have a value other than -1. sysconf returns this variable "
877                   "when _SC_MEMLOCK is passed to it.") ]
878              uint64 PosixMemlock; 
879                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Range Memory Locking "
880                   "option. This symbolic constant is defined (to an unspecified "
881                   "value) only  if _XOPEN_REALTIME is defined to have a value "
882                   "other than -1. sysconf returns this variable when _SC_MEMLOCK_"
883 mike  1.2         "RANGE is passed to it.") ]
884              uint64 PosixMemlockRange; 
885                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Memory Protection "
886                   "option.  This constant is always defined. sysconf returns this "
887                   "variable when _SC_MEMORY_PROTECTION is passed to it.") ]
888              uint64 PosixMemoryProtection; 
889                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Message Passing "
890                   "option.  This symbolic constant is defined (to an unspecified "
891                   "value) only  if _XOPEN_REALTIME is defined to have a value other "
892                   "than -1. sysconf returns this variable when _SC_MESSAGE_PASSING "
893                   "is passed to it.") ]
894              uint64 PosixMessagePassing; 
895                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Prioritized "
896                   "Input and Output  option. It is defined if and only if the "
897                   "option is supported sysconf returns this variable when "
898                   "_SC_PRIORITIZED_IO is passed to it.") ]
899              uint64 PosixPrioritizedIo; 
900                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Prioritized Input "
901                   "and Output  option. This symbolic constant is defined (to "
902                   "an unspecified value) only  if _XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS is "
903                   "defined to have a value other than -1. sysconf returns this "
904 mike  1.2         "variable when _SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING  is passed to it.") ]
905              uint64 PosixPriorityScheduling; 
906                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Realtime Signals "
907                   "Extension  option. This symbolic constant is defined to an "
908                   "unspecified value only  if _XOPEN_REALTIME is defined to have "
909                   "a value other than -1. sysconf returns this variable when "
910                   "_SC_REALTIME_SIGNALS is passed to it.") ]
911              uint64 PosixRealtimeSignals; 
912                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Semaphores option.  "
913                   "This symbolic constant is defined to an unspecified value "
914                   "only if _XOPEN_REALTIME is defined to have a value other "
915                   "than -1. sysconf returns this variable when _SC_SEMAPHORES "
916                   "is passed to it.") ]
917              uint64 PosixSemaphores; 
918                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Shared Memory Objects "
919                   "option. This symbolic constant is defined to an unspecified "
920                   "value only  if _XOPEN_REALTIME is defined to have a value "
921                   "other than -1. sysconf returns this variable when _SC_SHARED_"
922                   "MEMORY_OBJECTS is passed to it.") ]
923              uint64 PosixSharedMemoryObjects; 
924                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Synchronised Input "
925 mike  1.2         "and Output  option. This symbolic constant is defined to an "
926                   "unspecified value only  if _XOPEN_REALTIME is defined to have "
927                   "a value other than -1. sysconf returns this variable when "
928                   "_SC_SYNCHRONIZED_IO is passed to it.") ]
929              uint64 PosixSynchronizedIo; 
930                 [Description ("Implementation supports the Timers option.  This "
931                   "symbolic constant is defined to an unspecified value only "
932                   "if _XOPEN_REALTIME is defined to have a value other than -1. "
933                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_TIMERS is passed to it.") ]
934              uint64 PosixTimers; 
935                 [Description ("The implementation supports the threads option. "
936                   "This constant is always defined to an unspecified value to "
937                   "indicate that this  functionality from the POSIX Threads "
938                   "Extension is always present on  XSI-conformant systems "
939                   "sysconf returns this variable when _SC_THREADS is passed "
940                   "to it.") ]
941              uint64 PosixThreads; 
942                 [Description ("The implementation supports the thread stack "
943                   "address attribute option. This constant is always defined to "
944                   "an unspecified value to indicate that this functionality from "
945                   "the POSIX Threads Extension is always present  on XSI-"
946 mike  1.2         "conformant systems sysconf returns this variable when "
947                   "_SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR is passed to it.") ]
948              uint64 PosixThreadAttrStackAddr;
949                 [Description ("The implementation supports the thread stack size "
950                   "attribute  option. This constant is always defined to an "
951                   "unspecified value to indicate that this functionality from the "
952                   "POSIX Threads Extension is always present  on XSI-conformant "
953                   "systems sysconf returns this variable when _SC_THREAD_ATTR_"
954                   "STACKSIZE is passed to it.") ]
955              uint64 PosixThreadAttrStackSize; 
956                 [Description ("The implementation supports the thread execution "
957                   "scheduling  option. This symbolic constant is defined (to an "
958                   "unspecified value) only  if _XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS is defined "
959                   "to have a value other than -1. sysconf returns this variable "
960                   "when _SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING is passed to it.") ]
961              uint64 PosixThreadPriorityScheduling; 
962                 [Description ("The implementation supports the priority "
963                   "inheritance option.  This symbolic constant is defined (to an "
964                   "unspecified value) only  if _XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS is defined "
965                   "to have a value other than -1. sysconf returns this variable "
966                   "when _SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT is passed to it.") ]
967 mike  1.2    uint64 PosixThreadPrioInherit;
968                 [Description ("The implementation supports the priority protection "
969                   "option.  This symbolic constant is defined (to an unspecified "
970                   "value) only  if _XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS is defined to have a "
971                   "value other than -1. sysconf returns this variable when "
972                   "_SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT is passed to it.") ]
973              uint64 PosixThreadPrioProtect; 
974                 [Description ("The implementation supports the process-shared "
975                   "synchronisation option. This constant is always defined to an "
976                   "unspecified value to indicate that this functionality from the "
977                   "POSIX Threads Extension is always present  on XSI-conformant "
978                   "systems sysconf returns this variable when _SC_THREAD_PROCESS_"
979                   "SHARED is passed to it.") ]
980              uint64 PosixThreadProcessShared; 
981                 [Description ("The implementation supports the thread-safe "
982                   "functions option.  This constant is always defined to an "
983                   "unspecified value to indicate that  This functionality from "
984                   "the POSIX Threads Extension is always present on  XSI-"
985                   "conformant systems sysconf returns this variable when "
986                   "_SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS is passed to it.") ]
987              uint64 PosixThreadSaveFunctions; 
988 mike  1.2 };

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