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// ===================================================================
// Title:       Network MOF Specification 2.6
// Filename:    CIM_Network26.mof
// Version:     2.6
// Release:     0
// Date:        06/01/2001
// ===================================================================
// Copyright "2001" Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF).
// All rights reserved.  
// DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated 
// to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability. 
// DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses
// consistent with this purpose by members and non-members, 
// provided that correct attribution is given. 
// As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time, 
// the particular version and release cited should always be noted.
// ===================================================================
// Description: The object classes below are listed in an order that
//              avoids forward references. Required objects, defined 
//		    by other working groups, are omitted. 
// ===================================================================
// Contents:    Network Model specification, including the
//              BGP, Multi-Protocol Bridge, VLAN and QoS sub-models.
// Editor:      John Strassner
// Authors:     John Strassner, Al Grimstad, and Thomas McNeill,
//              with valuable input from other Networks WG team
//              members, including Andrea Westerinen, Lee Rafalow,
//              Marc Lavine, Walter Weiss, and Bernie Volz (for 2.2).
//              For 2.4 (the QoS model and various small changes),
//              the authors were John Strassner and Andrea Westerinen.
//              Valuable input was contributed by Bob Moore, Lee
//              Rafalow, and Alex Wang, along with Walter Weiss and
//              Dave Durham.
// References:  The information model represented here is based on
//              the following RFCs: BGP: 1657, 1700, 1771, 1965, 1966,
//              and 1997; Bridge: 1493 and 1525; VLAN includes
//              compliance with the 802.1q specification. Also, MAC
//              address formats are required to be in canonical form,
//              as stated in RFC 2469.
//              The QoS model is based on the IETF DiffServ RFCs
//              (2474, 2475, 2597, and 2598), as well as other
//              related drafts (the conceptual model, the MIB,
//              and to a small extent, the PIB).
// ===================================================================
// Date:  04/21/1999 - Initial release of the model, consolidating 
//                      each of the sub-models into a single spec
//                      for CIM V2.2
//        05/06/1999 - Incorporated CR324, deleted references to the 
//                      User Model (this functionality will be added 
//                      back into CIM in V2.3)
//        05/16/1999 - Fixed typos; Incorporated Novell
//                      member review comments
//        06/10/1999 - Added CRs 308a, 324a, 356a, 390a, 391b, 
//                      404a, and 413
//        07/03/1999 - Miscellaneous changes according to CR cisco022
//        02/26/2000 - Incorporated the following CRs: 448b (this added
//                      ManagedElement to the Core model); CIMCR 454 
//                      and 455 (misc changes to the Network model)
//        02/27/2000 - Incorporated CR464, which promotes the
//                      CIM_ServiceComponent and the
//                      CIM_AdapterActiveConnection classes to Core
//        06/18/2000 - Integrated the QoS model into the Network model
//                      (CR499)
// (ERRATA)            (CR500) - Corrected keys of BGPPathAttributes
// (ERRATA)            (CR501) - Correced cardinality of Forwarded
//                      Routes (Antecedent must be Min(1), Max(1))
// (ERRATA)            (CR506) - Corrected subclassing of Network
//                      ServicesInAdminDomain
// (ERRATA)            (CR508) - Corrected 3 BGP-specific 
//                      associations - EGPRouteCalcDependency, 
//                      BGPAttributesForRoute and BGPPeerUsesRouteMap
// (ERRATA)            (CR510) - Removed subclassing from CIM_
//                      Dependency to not force reference name changes
//                      (LogicalNetworkService and NetworksInAdminDomain)
// (ERRATA)            (CR512) - SwitchPortXXXStatistics should 
//                      subclass from SAPStatisticalInformation (not
//                      SAPStatistics) and TransparentBridgingStatic
//                      Forwarding was incorrectly named SwitchService
//                      StaticForwarding (cut and paste error)
//                     Added MOF for the following CRs:
//                      CR483 updated the enum for ForwardingService.
//                        ProtocolType
//                      CR484 added "IB" and "FC" to various enums
//                      CR485 created PortImplementsEndpoint 
//                      CR489 added "Policy Repository" to AdminDomain's
//                        NameFormat enumeration
//                      CR490a added missing associations, FilterListIn
//                        System and FilterEntryInSystem
//                      CR492a added FilterEntryBase, subclasses Filter
//                        Entry from it and updates EntriesInFilterList
//                      CR496 corrected use of SQL reserved words
//                      CR498 added to the existing enums, and defined
//                        two new properties of FilterEntry
//                      CR502 added IsNegated boolean to FilterEntryBase
//                      CR503 - Member comments on QoS 
//                      CR507a removed Min(1) or Max(1) from some
//                       association references, to generalize them
//                      CR509 added Override qualifier which was 
//                       missing on three associations  
//          1/20/2001 - CR552 (Add ProtocolType enum to ProtocolEndpoint)
//                      CR553 (Add NextHopRouting, subclass IPRoute from
//                             it and update)
//                      CR554 (Misc changes in descriptions for FilterEntry
//                             and AdministrativeDistance)
//                      CR556 (Update Descriptions for
//                             TransparentBridgingService,
//                             SpanningTreeService and SoureRouteService)
//                      CR559a (Errata-Use of SQL reserved word in 
//                              CIM_RouteCalculationService (Type) )
//                      CR561 (Need to add Override qualifiers to the 
//                             CollectedBufferPool association)
//                      CR564 (Move AdminDomain to the Core Model, change
//                             to concrete, and update description)
//                      CR565 (Update description for BridgeAddress property
//                             of SwitchService to be more generic)
//                      CR566 (ERRATA - Align with IETF DiffServ Mode)
//                      CR567 (Update FilterList.Direction)
// ===================================================================
// Generic Pragmas
// ===================================================================

#pragma Locale ("en_US")

// ==================================================================
//     NetworkService
// ==================================================================
        [Abstract, Description (
         "This is an abstract base class, derived from the Service "
         "class. It serves as the root of the network service "
         "hierarchy. Network services represent generic functions "
         "that are available from the network that configure and/or "
         "modify the traffic being sent. For example, FTP is not a "
         "network service, as it simply passes data unchanged from "
         "source to destination. On the other hand, services "
         "that provide quality of service (e.g., DiffServ) and "
         "security (e.g., IPSec) do affect the traffic stream. "
         "Quality of service, IPSec, and other services are "
         "subclasses of this class. This class hierarchy enables "
         "developers to match services to users, groups, "
         "and other objects in the network.") ]

class CIM_NetworkService : CIM_Service
        [Description (
         "This is a free-form array of strings that provide "
         "descriptive words and phrases that can be used in queries "
         "to help locate and identify instances of this service.") ] 
    string Keywords [ ];
        [Description (
         "This is a URL that provides the protocol, network "
         "location, and other service-specific information required "
         "in order to access the service. This should be implemented "
         "as a LabeledURI, with syntax DirectoryString and a "
         "matching rule of CaseExactMatch, for directory "
         "implementors.") ]
    string ServiceURL;
        [Description (
         "This is a free-form array of strings that specify any "
         "specific pre-conditions that must be met in order for this "
         "service to start correctly. It is expected that subclasses "
         "will refine the inherited StartService() and StopService()"
         "methods to suit their own application-specific needs. This "
         "property is used to specify application-specific conditions "
         "needed by the refined StartService and StopService"
         "methods.") ]
    string StartupConditions [ ];
         [Description (
         "This is a free-form array of strings that specify any "
         "specific parameters that must be supplied to the "
         "StartService() method in order for this service to start "
         "correctly. It is expected that subclasses will refine the "
         "inherited StartService() and StopService() methods to suit "
         "their own application-specific needs. This property is used "
         "to specify application-specific parameters needed by the "
         "refined StartService and StopService methods.") ]
    string StartupParameters [ ];

// ==================================================================
//     NetworkServicesInAdminDomain
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "  This association establishes the Dependency relationships "
         "that exist between an administrative domain and the Network"
         "Services that it hosts. This also has the semantics that "
         "the associated Services are commonly administered. \n"
         "  This relationship could be viewed as a kind of Hosted"
         "Service. However, the latter carries the additional "
         "semantics of 'weak'ness (or naming) the NetworkService "
         "relative to the hosted System. NetworkServices are scoped/"
         "named by the network device that 'hosts' them, not by "
         "the AdminDomain in which they are administered. Therefore, "
         "this relationship is similar to HostedService, but not a "
         "subclass of it.") ]

class CIM_NetworkServicesInAdminDomain : CIM_HostedService
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(1), Description (
         "The AdminDomain that aggregates the various "
         "network services and administers them.") ]
    CIM_AdminDomain REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The network service that is hosted in the administrative "
         "domain.") ] 
    CIM_NetworkService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    ForwardingService
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents the functions used in forwarding "
         "network traffic. Its instances act on packets received"
         "from one or more ProtocolEndpoints or Services, and "
         "drop (discard), or send those packets to one or more "
         "other ProtocolEndpoints or Services. The explicit "
         "Endpoints being forwarded between, are described using the "
         "ForwardsAmong association (or one of its subclasses). "
         "ForwardingService is different than RouteCalculation"
         "Service in that it represents a way to forward "
         "traffic independent of calculating routing information "
         "(e.g., using static routing). Generally, the Endpoints "
         "among which a ForwardingService routes data are at the "
         "same protocol layer and are usually of similar types, "
         "or of the same type. This kind of service is used in the  "
         "implementation of routers, switches and other network "
         "devices.") ] 
class CIM_ForwardingService : CIM_NetworkService
        [Description (
         "This defines the type of protocol that is being "
         "forwarded. "),
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
                   "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16",
                   "17", "18", "19"},
        Values { "Unknown", "Other", "IPv4", "IPv6", "IPv4/IPv6",
                 "IPX", "AppleTalk", "DECnet", "SNA", "CONP",
                 "CLNP", "VINES", "XNS", "ATM", "Frame Relay", 
                 "Ethernet", "TokenRing", "FDDI", "Infiniband", 
                 "Fibre Channel"} ]
    uint16 ProtocolType;
        [MaxLen(32), Description (
         "This defines the type of protocol that is being forwarded "
         "when the value of the ProtocolType attribute is 1 (e.g., "
         "'Other'). This provides for future extensibility."),
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_ForwardingService.ProtocolType" } ]
    string OtherProtocolType;

// ==================================================================
//     AutonomousSystem
// ==================================================================
	  [Description (
         "An Autonomous System (AS) is a fundamental concept in "
         "networking. An AS provides a structured view of routing by "
         "segregating the system that is using routing (e.g., the "
         "Internet, or an extranet) into a set of separately "
         "administered domains that each have their own independent "
         "routing policies. These domains are called  autonomous "
         "The classic definition of an AS, from RFC1771, is '...a set "
         "of  routers under a single technical administration, using "
         "an interior gateway protocol and common metrics to route "
         "packets within the AS, and using an exterior gateway "
         "protocol to route packets to other ASs'. The RFC continues: "
         "'Since this classic definition was developed, it has become "
         "common for a single AS to use several interior gateway "
         "protocols and sometimes several sets of metrics "
         "within an AS.  The use of the term Autonomous System here "
         "stresses the fact that, even when multiple IGPs and metrics "
         "are used, the administration of an AS appears to other ASs "
         "to have a single coherent interior routing plan and "
         "presents a consistent picture of what destinations are "
         "reachable through it.") ]

class CIM_AutonomousSystem : CIM_AdminDomain
        [Description (
	   "An ASNumber is an integer between 1 and 65535, with the "
         "range 64512 through 65535 reserved for private use. Every "
         "AS has a unique AS number, which is assigned to it by an "
         "Internet Registry or a provider. IANA assigns and "
         "administers AS numbers.") ]
    uint16 ASNumber;
        [Description (
         "IsSingleHomed is a boolean that, when its value is TRUE, "
         "indicates that this AS reaches networks outside of its "
         "domain through a single exit point. Whether a given AS is "
         "single-homed or not has important ramifications for BGP "
         "configuration.") ]
    boolean IsSingleHomed;
        [Description (
         "IsTransit is a boolean that, when its value is TRUE, "
         "indicates that this AS will advertise routes that it "
         "learns from other ASs. A non-transit AS will only "
         "advertise its own routes.") ]
    boolean IsTransit;
        [Description (
         "RequireIGPSync is a boolean that, when its value is TRUE, "
         "indicates that this AS must obey the following BGP rule: a "
         "BGP router should not advertise destinations learned from "
         "internal BGP neighbors to external BGP destinations unless "
         "those destinations are also known via some internal gateway "
         "protocol. Otherwise, a BGP router may receive traffic that "
         "cannot yet be routed. However, since this is a costly "
         "choice, it is common practice to allow this rule to be "
         "broken under certain carefully controlled circumstances.") ]
    boolean RequireIGPSync;
        [Description (
         "RoutingUpdateSource defines how routing information is to "
         "be injected into BGP. Statically injected routes are "
         "maintained by the routing table and are independent of the "
         "status of the networks that they refer to. This is done by "
         "defining static routes in the BGP routing table. "
         "Dynamically injected routes are of two types. "
         "Dynamic routes refer to distributing all of the IGP routes "
         "into BGP. Semi-dynamic routes define a set of specific IGP "
         "routes that will be injected into BGP."),
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3" },
        Values { "Unknown", "Static", "Dynamic", "Semi-Dynamic" } ]
    uint16 RoutingUpdateSource; 
        [Description (
         "Route aggregation refers to summarizing ranges of routes "
         "into one or more aggregate routes. This is done to minimize "
         "the number of routes in the global routing table. A "
         "potential drawback is that specific path information (e.g., "
         "AS_Path attribute value) is lost, which may lead to "
         "potential routing loops. There are a variety of ways to "
         "ensure that this does not happen. Note, however, that BGP4 "
         "is required to do this. "
         "There are many ways to form aggregate routes. The following "
         "are the most popular: 'Aggregate only', where only the "
         "aggregate is advertised, and all of its more specific "
         "routes are suppressed; 'Aggregate Plus Specific Routes', "
         "where both the aggregate as well as its more specific "
         "routes are advertised (e.g., send the aggregate to the NAP, "
         "but send the more specific routes to providers); "
         "'Aggregate Based on a Subset of Specific Routes', where the "
         "aggregate route is formed by looking at certain more "
         "specific routes and forming an aggregate on them, "
         "suppressing all others."),
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" },
        Values { "Unknown", "None", "Aggregate Only ",
                 "Aggregate And All Specific Routes ",
                 "Aggregate Based on Subset of Specific Routes" } ]
    uint16 AggregationType;

// ==================================================================
//     LogicalNetwork
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "A LogicalNetwork groups together a set of "
         "ProtocolEndpoints of a given type which are able to "
         "communicate with each other directly. It is used for "
         "describing the characteristics of the grouping "
         "and/or its associated medium. A LogicalNetwork "
         "represents the ability to send and/or receive data "
         "over a network.") ]

class CIM_LogicalNetwork : CIM_CollectionOfMSEs
        [Propagated ("CIM_System.CreationClassName"), Key, 
	   MaxLen (256), Description (
         "The scoping System's CreationClassName.") ] 
    string SystemCreationClassName;
        [Propagated ("CIM_System.Name"), Key, MaxLen (256),
	   Description ("The scoping System's Name.") ] 
    string SystemName;
        [Key, MaxLen (256), Description (
         "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
         "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
         "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
         "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to "
         "be uniquely identified.") ]
    string CreationClassName;
        [Key, MaxLen (256), Description (
         "The Name property defines the label by which the object is "
	   "known.") ] 
    string Name;
        [MaxLen(64), Description (
         "Type is an enumeration that provides additional "
         "information that can be used to help categorize and "
         "classify different instances of this class . "
         "Subclasses should ensure that they are of the "
         "appropriate type defined in the Type enumeration. "
         "That is, the IPSubnet subclass should define its "
         "property as either IPv4 or IPv6, as opposed to, "
         "for example, ATM."),
         ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
                   "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", 
         Values { "Unknown", "Other", "IPv4", "IPv6",
                 "IPX", "AppleTalk", "DECnet", "SNA", "CONP",
                 "CLNP", "VINES", "XNS", "ATM", "Frame Relay",
                 "Ethernet", "TokenRing", "FDDI", "Infiniband", 
                 "Fibre Channel" },
	   ModelCorrespondence {
          "CIM_LogicalNetwork.OtherTypeDescription"} ]
   string NetworkType;
        [MaxLen(64), Description (
         "A string describing the type of protocol that is being "
         "run by this LogicalNetwork when the value of the Type "
         "property of the Collection class (or any of its subclasses "
         "is set to 1 (e.g., 'Other'). The format of the string "
         "inserted in this property should be similar in format to "
         "the values defined for the Type property. This property "
         "should be set to NULL when the Type property is any value "
         "other than 1."),
	   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_LogicalNetwork.NetworkType"} ]
   string OtherTypeDescription;

// ==================================================================
//     LogicalNetworkService
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "A LogicalNetworkService represents network services that "
         "either originate and/or terminate in a LogicalNetwork. This "
         "enables management applications to more easily identify "
         "services that are provided by particular network devices.") ]

class CIM_LogicalNetworkService 
        [Key, Description (
         "The LogicalNetwork that contains the network service.") ]
    CIM_LogicalNetwork REF Network;
        [Key, Description (
	   "The NetworkService that is running in the LogicalNetwork. ")] 
    CIM_NetworkService REF NetworkService;
        [Description (
	   "An enumeration that explicitly defines this network service "
         "as originating, terminating, or residing in this "
         "LogicalNetwork. "),
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3" },
        Values {"Unknown", "Originates In", "Terminates In",
         "Resides In" } ]
    uint16 ContainmentType;

// ==================================================================
//     IPSubnet
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "An IPSubnet represents a group of related "
         "IPProtocolEndpoints that can communicate with each other "
         "directly using IP. It is used for describing the "
         "characteristics of the grouping.") ]

class CIM_IPSubnet : CIM_LogicalNetwork
        [Description (
         "The IP address of the entire subnet, formatted according "
         "to the appropriate convention as defined in the AddressType "
         "property of this class. "
         "Note that CIDR format is not supported for this release. " 
         "This is because, without more formal methods like "
         "constraints, it is possible to create different instances "
         "of the same object that have different naming formats."
         "IPv4-compatible addresses should be used instead of IPv6 "
         "addresses (see RFC 2373, section 2.5.4). In order to have a "
         "consistent format for IPv4 addresses in a mixed IPv4/v6 "
         "environment, all IPv4 addresses and both IPv4-compatible "
         "IPv6 addresses and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, per "
         "RFC 2373, section 2.5.4, should be formatted in standard "
         "IPv4 format. However, this (the 2.2) version of the Network "
         "Common Model will not explicitly support mixed IPv4/IPv6 "
         "environments. This will be added in a future release.") ]
    string SubnetNumber;
        [Description (
         "The mask for the starting IP address of the IPSubnet, "
         "formatted according to the appropriate convention as "
         "defined in the AddressType property of this class " 
         " (e.g., '').") ] 
    string SubnetMask;
        [Description (
         "An enumeration that describes the format of the address "
         "property. Addresses that can be formatted in IPv4 format, "
         "must be formatted that way to ensure mixed IPv4/IPv6 "
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
        Values { "Unknown", "IPv4", "IPv6" } ]
    uint16 AddressType;

// ==================================================================
//     ProtocolEndpoint
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "A communication point from which data may be sent or "
         "received. ProtocolEndpoints link router interfaces and "
         "switch ports to LogicalNetworks.") ]

class CIM_ProtocolEndpoint : CIM_ServiceAccessPoint
        [Override ("Name"), MaxLen(256), Description (
         "A string which identifies this ProtocolEndpoint with either "
         "a port or an interface on a device. To ensure uniqueness, "
         "the Name property should be prepended or appended with "
         "information from the Type or OtherTypeDescription "
         "properties. The method chosen is described in the "
         "NameFormat property of this class.") ]
    string Name;
        [MaxLen (256), Description (
         "NameFormat contains the naming heuristic that is chosen to "
         "ensure that the value of the Name property is unique. For "
         "example, one might choose to prepend the name of the port "
         "or interface with the Type of ProtocolEndpoint that this "
         "instance is (e.g., IPv4)followed by an underscore.") ]
    string NameFormat;
        [MaxLen (64), Description (
         "ProtocolType is an enumeration that provides additional "
         "information that can be used to help categorize and "
         "classify different instances of this class."),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
                   "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", 
                   "18", "19", "20", "21"},
         Values { "Unknown", "Other", "IPv4", "IPv6", "IPX", 
                 "AppleTalk", "DECnet", "SNA", "CONP", "CLNP",
                 "VINES", "XNS", "ATM", "Frame Relay",
                 "Ethernet", "TokenRing", "FDDI", "Infiniband", 
                 "Fibre Channel", "ISDN BRI Endpoint",
                 "ISDN B Channel Endpoint", "ISDN D Channel Endpoint" },
          ModelCorrespondence {
                 "CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.OtherTypeDescription"} ]
    string ProtocolType;
        [MaxLen(64), Description (
         "A string describing the type of ProtocolEndpoint that this "
         "instance is when the Type property of this class (or any of "
         "its  subclasses) is set to 1 (e.g., 'Other'). The format of "
         "the string inserted in this property should be similar in "
         "format to the values defined for the Type property. This "
         "property should be set to NULL when the Type property is "
         "any value other than 1."),
	   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolType"} ]
   string OtherTypeDescription;

// ==================================================================
//    ForwardsAmong
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This association represents the dependency that exists "
         "between the ProtocolEndpoints that are used to forward data "
         "and the ForwardingService that is performing the forwarding "
         "of data.") ]

class CIM_ForwardsAmong : CIM_ServiceSAPDependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Description(
         "The ProtocolEndpoints that are used to forward the data") ] 
    CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description(
         "The service that is forwarding the data") ]
    CIM_ForwardingService REF Dependent;

// =================================================================== 
// PortImplementsEndpoint 
// =================================================================== 
   [Association, Description ( 
       "PortImplementsEndpoint associates a LogicalPort with one or " 
       "more ProtocolEndpoints that are implemented `on it'. This "
       "class specializes the DeviceSAPImplementation association. "
       "It indicates that the referenced Endpoint is dependent on the "
       "operations of the Port Device. (In the cases where Ports are "
       "not currently defined for a protocol, for example for "
       "Ethernet, an Endpoint could be associated directly with an "
       "EthernetAdapter via the DeviceSAPImplementation "
class CIM_PortImplementsEndpoint : CIM_DeviceSAPImplementation 
      [Override ("Antecedent"), 
       Description (
        "The LogicalPort that represents the Device behind " 
        "the ProtocolEndpoint.") 
   CIM_LogicalPort REF Antecedent; 
      [Override ("Dependent"), 
       Description (
        "The ProtocolEndpoint implemented on the LogicalPort.") 
   CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Dependent; 

// ==================================================================
//     LANEndpoint
// ==================================================================

        [Description (
         "A communication endpoint which, when its associated "
         "interface device is connected to a LAN, may send and "
         "receive data frames. LANEndpoints link switch ports and "
         "host interfaces to LANs. ") ]

class CIM_LANEndpoint : CIM_ProtocolEndpoint
        [Description (
         "A label or identifier for the LAN Segment."),
	   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_LANSegment.LANID"} ]
    string LANID;
        [Description (
         "An indication of the kind of technology used on the LAN."), 
         ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" },
         Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Ethernet", "TokenRing", "FDDI" },
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_LANSegment.LANType"} ]
    uint16 LANType;
        [Description (
         "A free-form string that describes the type of technology "
         "used on the LAN when the value of the LANType property "
         "is equal to 1 (e.g., 'Other'). This provides built-in "
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_LANEndpoint.LANType"} ]
    string OtherLANType;
        [MaxLen(12), Description (
         "The principal unicast address used in communication "
         "with the LANEndpoint. The MAC address is formatted as "
         "twelve hexadecimal digits (e.g., \"010203040506\"), "
         "with each pair representing one of the six octets "
         "of the MAC address in \"canonical\" bit order "
         "according to RFC 2469.") ]
    string MACAddress;
        [Description (
         "Other unicast addresses that may be used to communicate "
         "with the LANEndpoint.") ]
    string AliasAddresses[];
        [Description (
         "Multicast addresses to which the LANEndpoint "
         "listens.") ]
    string GroupAddresses[];
        [Description (
         "The largest information field that may be sent or received "
         "by the LANEndpoint."), Units ("Bits") ]
    uint32 MaxDataSize;

// ==================================================================
//     LANSegment
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "A collection of LAN Endpoints of a particular type "
         "that are able to intercommunicate directly without "
         "the assistance of bridging or routing services.") ]

class CIM_LANSegment : CIM_LogicalNetwork
        [MaxLen(64), Description (
         "A label or identifier for the LAN Segment."),
	   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_LANEndpoint.LANID"} ]
    string LANID;
        [Description (
         "An indication of the kind of technology used on the LAN."), 
         ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" },
         Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Ethernet", "TokenRing", "FDDI" },
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_LANEndpoint.LANType"} ]
    uint16 LANType;
        [MaxLen(64), Description (
         "A string describing the type of technology used on the LAN "
         "when the value of the LANType property of this class (or "
         "any of its subclasses) is set to 1 (e.g., 'Other'). The "
         "format of the string inserted in this property should be "
         "similar in format to the values defined for the LANType "
         "property. This property should be set to NULL when the "
         "LANType property is any value other than 1."),
	   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_LANSegment.LANType"} ]
   string OtherLANType;

// ==================================================================
//    InLogicalNetwork
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This association defines a ProtocolEndpoint as a member of "
         "a specific LogicalNetwork.") ]

class CIM_InLogicalNetwork : CIM_CollectedMSEs
        [Aggregate, Max(1), Override ("Collection"), 
         Description (
         "The LogicalNetwork that groups the ProtocolEndpoint "
         "instances.") ]
    CIM_LogicalNetwork REF Collection;
        [Override ("Member"), Description (
         "The child ProtocolEndpoints that are components of the "
         "LogicalNetwork.") ]
    CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Member;

// ==================================================================
//    InSegment
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "Defines a LANEndpoint as a member of a specific "
         "LANSegment.") ]

class CIM_InSegment : CIM_InLogicalNetwork
        [Aggregate, Max(1), Override ("Collection"), Description (
         "The LANSegment that groups the LANEndpoint instances.") ]
    CIM_LANSegment REF Collection;
        [Override ("Member"), Description (
         "A child LANEndpoint that is a component of the "
         "LANSegment.") ]
    CIM_LANEndpoint REF Member;

// ==================================================================
//    ActiveConnection
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This association defines a connection that is currently "
         "carrying traffic between two ProtocolEndpoints.") ] 

class CIM_ActiveConnection : CIM_SAPSAPDependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
         "A ProtocolEndpoint in active communication with the "
         "dependent ProtocolEndpoint.") ]
    CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "A second ProtocolEndpoint communicating with the "
         "Antecedent ProtocolEndpoint.") ] 
    CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Dependent;
        [Description ("The type of traffic that is carried "
         "over this connection."),
         ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" },
         Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Unicast", "Broadcast",
            "Multicast", "Anycast" },
	   ModelCorrespondence {
          "CIM_ActiveConnection.OtherTrafficDescription" } ]
    uint16 TrafficType;
        [MaxLen(64), Description (
         "A string describing the type of traffic that is being "
         "carried over this instance when its Type property is set "
         "to 1 (e.g., 'Other'). The format of the string inserted "
         "in this property should be similar in format to the "
         "values defined for the TrafficType property. This "
         "property should be set to NULL when the TrafficType "
         "property is any value other than 1."),
	   ModelCorrespondence {
           "CIM_ActiveConnection.TrafficType" } ]
    string OtherTrafficDescription;
        [Description (
         "TRUE means that this connection is uni-directional; FALSE "
         "means that this connection is bi-directional.") ]
    boolean IsUnidirectional;

// ==================================================================
//     IPAddressRange
// ==================================================================
        [Abstract, Description (
         "This represents a grouping of specific addresses, and "
         "provides additional semantics for this group if "
         "appropriate.") ]

class CIM_IPAddressRange : CIM_CollectionOfMSEs
        [Description (
         "The starting IP address of the AddressRange, formatted "
         "according to the appropriate convention as defined in the "
         "AddressType property of this class (e.g.,") ] 
    string StartAddress;
        [Description (
         "The ending IP address of the AddressRange, formatted "
         "according to the appropriate convention as defined in the "
         "AddressType property of this class (e.g.,") ] 
    string EndAddress;
        [Description (
         "An enumeration that defines how to format the address and "
         "mask of the address range that defines this IPSubnet)." 
         "Whenever possible, IPv4-compatible addresses should "
         "be used instead of IPv6 addresses (see RFC 2373, "
         "section 2.5.4). In order to have a consistent format "
         "for IPv4 addresses in a mixed IPv4/v6 environment, all "
         "IPv4 addresses and both IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses "
         "and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, per RFC 2373, section "
         "2.5.4, should be formatted in standard IPv4 format. "
         "However, this (the 2.2) version of the Network Common "
         "Model will not explicitly support mixed IPv4/IPv6 "
         "environments. This will be added in a future release."),
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
        Values { "Unknown", "IPv4", "IPv6" } ]
    uint16 TypeOfAddress;
        [Description (
         "This attribute defines the region that addresses can be "
         "allocated to."),
       ValueMap {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" },
       Values {"Unknown",
               "Multiregional: to",
               "Europe: to",
               "Others: to",
               "North America: to",
               "Central & South America: to",
               "Pacific Rim: to",
               "Others: to",
               "Others: to" } ]
    uint16 AllocationRegion;

// ==================================================================
//     IPProtocolEndpoint
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "A ProtocolEndpoint that is dedicated to running IP.") ]

class CIM_IPProtocolEndpoint : CIM_ProtocolEndpoint
        [Description (
         "The IP address that this ProtocolEndpoint represents, "
         "formatted according to the appropriate convention as "
         "defined in the AddressType property of this class " 
         " (e.g.,") ] 
    string Address;
        [Description (
         "The mask for the IP address of this ProtocolEndpoint, "
         "formatted according to the appropriate convention as "
         "defined in the AddressType property of this class " 
         " (e.g.,") ] 
    string SubnetMask;
        [Description (
         "An enumeration that describes the format of the address "
         "property. Whenever possible, IPv4-compatible addresses "
         "should be used instead of native IPv6 addresses (see "
         "RFC 2373, section 2.5.4). In order to have a consistent "
         "format for IPv4 addresses in a mixed IPv4/v6 environment, "
         "all IPv4 addresses and both IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses "
         "and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, per RFC 2373, section "
         "2.5.4, should be formatted in standard IPv4 format. "
         "However, this (the 2.2) version of the Network Common "
         "Model will not explicitly support mixed IPv4/IPv6 "
         "environments. This will be added in a future release."),
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
        Values { "Unknown", "IPv4", "IPv6" } ]
    uint16 AddressType;
        [Description (
         "It is not possible to tell from the address alone if a "
         "given IPProtocolEndpoint can support IPv4 and IPv6, or "
         "just one of these. This property explicitly defines the "
         "support for different versions of IP that this "
         "IPProtocolEndpoint has. "
         "More implementation experience is needed in order to "
         "correctly model mixed IPv4/IPv6 networks; therefore, this "
         "version (2.2) of the Network Common Model will not support "
         "mixed IPv4/IPv6 environments. This will be looked at "
         "further in a future version."),
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
        Values { "Unknown", "IPv4 Only", "IPv6 Only" } ]
    uint16 IPVersionSupport;

// ==================================================================
//     BGPProtocolEndpoint
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "A ProtocolEndpoint that is dedicated to running BGP.") ]

class CIM_BGPProtocolEndpoint : CIM_ProtocolEndpoint
        [Description (
         "A boolean that, when TRUE, signifies that this is an "
         "instance of the external version of BGP (FALSE is the "
         "internal version).") ]
    boolean IsEBGP;
        [Description (
         "Normally, two routers running EBGP must be physically "
         "connected. This boolean, when TRUE, denotes a LOGICAL "
         "connection between two routers that are running EBGP " 
         "(e.g., there is an intermediate router or interface "
         "between them.") ] 
    boolean IsEBGPMultihop;
        [Description (
         "This is the unique identifier of the local BGP router. "
         "This is often the router ID (e.g., an IP address)."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpIdentifier"} ]
    string LocalIdentifier;
        [Description (
         "This is the unique identifier of the peer BGP router. "
         "This is often the router ID (e.g., an IP address)."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerIdentifier"} ]
    string PeerIdentifier;
        [Description (
         "This defines the current connection state of the "
         "BGP Peer."),
        ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" },
        Values { "Idle", "Connect", "Active", "OpenSet",
         "OpenConfirm", "Established" },
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerState"} ]
    uint16 State;
        [Description (
         "This defines the desired state of the BGP connection."),
        ValueMap { "1", "2" },
        Values { "Stop", "Start" },
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerAdminStatus"} ]
    uint16 AdminStatus;
        [Description (
         "This defines the negotiated version of BGP that is "
         "running between the two peers."),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657- MIB.bgpPeerNegotiatedVersion"} ]
    string NegotiatedVersion;
        [Description (
         "This is the local IP address of this router's BGP "
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerLocalAddr"} ]
    string LocalAddress; 
        [Description (
         "This is the local port number for the TCP connection of "
         "this router's BGP connection."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerLocalPort"} ]
    uint16 LocalPort; 
        [Description (
         "This is the remote IP address of this router's BGP "
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerRemoteAddr"} ]
    string RemoteAddress;
        [Description (
         "This is the remote port number for the TCP connection of "
         "this router's BGP connection."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerRemotePort"} ]
    uint16 RemotePort; 
        [Description (
         "This is the remote AS number for this router's BGP "
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerRemoteAs"} ]
    uint16 RemoteAS;
        [Description (
         "This defines the maximum amount of time in seconds that "
         "may elapse between the receipt of successive KEEPALIVE or "
         "UPDATE messages. This is instrumented as a counter that "
         "increments from zero to the value specified in this "
         "property. The value of this property is calculated by "
         "this BGP speaker by using the smaller of the values of "
         "bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured and the Hold Time received in "
         "the OPEN message. This value, if not zero seconds, must "
         "be at least three seconds, up to a maximum of 65535 "
         "seconds. Receipt of either a KEEPALIVE or an UPDATE "
         "message resets this value."),
        Units ("Seconds"),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerHoldTime"} ]
    uint16 HoldTime;
        [Description (
         "This defines the time interval in seconds for the KeepAlive "
         "timer established with the peer. The value of this property "
         "is calculated by this speaker such that, when compared with "
         "the HoldTime property, it has the same proportion as the "
         "KeepAliveConfigured property has with the "
         "HoldTimeConfigured property. A value of 0 indicates that "
         "the KeepAlive timer has not yet been established. The "
         "maximum value of this property is 21845 seconds."),
        Units ("Seconds"),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerKeepAlive"} ]
    uint16 KeepAlive;

// ==================================================================
//    IPXProtocolEndpoint
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "An IPX communication point from which data may be sent "
         "or received.") ]

class CIM_IPXProtocolEndpoint : CIM_ProtocolEndpoint
        [Description (
         "An IPX address formatted as eight hexadecimal digits "
         "representing the network number, followed by a colon, "
         "followed by twelve hexadecimal digits representing the "
         "host address (e.g. \"00112233:010203040506\").") ]
    string Address;

// ==================================================================
//    IPXNetwork
// ==================================================================
        [Description ("A network or subnet that uses the IPX "
         "protocol") ]

class CIM_IPXNetwork : CIM_LogicalNetwork
        [Description (
         "An IPX network number formatted as eight hexadecimal "
         "digits (e.g., \"00112233\").") ]
    string NetworkNumber;

// ================================================================== 
//     NextHopRouting
// ==================================================================

        [Abstract, Description (
         "NextHopRouting relates a destination address to the "
         "address or interface through which the remote address "
         "may be reached.  An instance of this class can represent "
         "either static or dynamic routing, and may represent a routing "
         "table entry (but it is not required that all NextHopRoutes be "
         "in a routing table).  Static routes are distinguished by "
         "setting the IsStatic boolean property to TRUE. \n"
         "Subclasses of NextHopRouting provide specific protocol "
         "and Key information. For example, the IPRoute subclass "
         "contains an AddressType property as part of its key "
         "structure. This property is not required for next hop "
         "information defined for Infiniband. \n"
         "NextHopRoutes are dependent on at least one "
         "ForwardingService to execute them. This is conveyed by the "
         "CIM_NextHopForwardedByService association.")]

class CIM_NextHopRouting : CIM_LogicalElement
        [Description (
         "The address which serves as the destination to be "
    string DestinationAddress;

        [Description (
         "The mask for the DestinationAddress.")]
    string DestinationMask;

        [Description (
         "This contains either the address of the next-hop router, "
         "or the interface used to reach the destination.") ]
    string NextHop;

        [Description (
         "TRUE indicates that this is a static route, and FALSE "
         "indicates a dynamically-learned route.") ]
    boolean IsStatic;

// ==================================================================
//    RouteForwardedByService
// ==================================================================

        [Association, Description (
         "This assocation makes explicit the next hops that are "
         "forwarded by a specific ForwardingService, to reach the "
         "destination. Every ForwardingService can have its own "
         "unique set of routing destinations and next hops.") ]

class CIM_RouteForwardedByService : CIM_Dependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Min (1)]
    CIM_ForwardingService REF Antecedent;

        [Override ("Dependent")]
    CIM_NextHopRouting REF Dependent;

        [Description (
         "This property contains the current administrative distance "
         "of this route, for the ForwardingService. Note that this "
         "property indicates current, specific values - whereas an "
         "instance of the CIM_AdministrativeDistance class "
         "defines default distances.") ]
    uint16 AdminDistance;

        [Description (
         "PathMetric provides a numeric indication as to the "
         "preference of this route compared to other routes that "
         "reach the same destination.") ]
    uint16 PathMetric;

// ==================================================================
//     IPRoute
// ==================================================================

        [Abstract, Description (
         "An IPRoute relates a destination address to the "
         "address or interface through which the remote address "
         "may be reached. The destination address may be a "
         "specific IP endpoint or a subnet, dependent on the mask. "
         "An instance of this class represents either static or "
         "dynamic routing. Static routes are distinguished by "
         "setting the IsStatic boolean property to TRUE. \n"
         "Since many routes between endpoints can "
         "be defined (using different route calculation algorithms), "
         "the CIM_IPRoute class is defined as Abstract.  This "
         "forces subclassing (for example, see CIM_BGPIPRoute) "
         "and allows the instances of its subclasses to be "
         "distinguished based on their CreationClassName key "

class CIM_IPRoute : CIM_NextHopRouting
         Key, MaxLen (256), Description (
          "The scoping System's CreationClassName.") ]
    string SystemCreationClassName;

        [Propagated("CIM_System.Name"), Key, MaxLen (256),
         Description (
          "The scoping System's Name.") ]
    string SystemName;

         Key, MaxLen (256), Description (
          "The scoping ForwardingService's CreationClassName.") ]
    string ServiceCreationClassName;

        [Propagated("CIM_Service.Name"), Key, MaxLen (256),
         Description (
          "The scoping ForwardingService's Name.") ]
    string ServiceName;

        [Key, MaxLen (256), Description (
         "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
         "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
         "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
         "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to "
         "be uniquely identified.") ]
    string CreationClassName;

        [Key, Description (
         "The IP address which serves as the destination of the "
         "traffic, formatted according to the appropriate convention "
         "as defined in the AddressType property of this class. \n"
         "This property has the same semantics as DestinationAddress "
         "inherited from the NextHopRouting superclass, but a different "
         "property name. This is because this property and class were "
         "defined before NextHopRouting and are Key properties. They "
         "cannot be removed. ModelCorrespondence indicates that they "
         "should be set to equivalent values for consistency and "
         "ease of query."), 
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_IPRoute.DestinationAddress"} ] 
    string IPDestinationAddress;

        [Key, Description (
         "The mask for the destination IP address, formatted "
         "according to the appropriate convention as defined in the "
         "AddressType property of this class. \n"
         "This property has the same semantics as DestinationMask "
         "inherited from the NextHopRouting superclass, but a different "
         "property name. This is because this property and class were "
         "defined before NextHopRouting and are Key properties. They "
         "cannot be removed. ModelCorrespondence indicates that they "
         "should be set to equivalent values for consistency and "
         "ease of query."), 
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_IPRoute.DestinationMask"} ] 
    string IPDestinationMask;

        [Key, Description (
         "An enumeration that describes the format of the address "
         "property. Addresses that can be formatted in IPv4 format, "
         "must be formatted that way to ensure mixed IPv4/IPv6 "
         "support. "
         "AddressType is part of the key so that an IPv4 and an IPv6 "
         "route to IP subnets with the same network number but "
         "different versions (v4/v6) can coexist "),
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
        Values { "Unknown", "IPv4", "IPv6" } ]
    uint16 AddressType;

        [Override ("DestinationAddress"),
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_IPRoute.IPDestinationAddress"} ]
    string DestinationAddress;

        [Override ("DestinationMask"),
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_IPRoute.IPDestinationMask"} ]
    string DestinationMask;

// ==================================================================
//    ForwardedRoutes
// ==================================================================

        [Association, Description (
         "This assocation makes explicit the IP routes that are defined "
         "in the context of a specific ForwardingService. Every "
         "ForwardingService can have its own unique set of IP routing "
         "destinations.") ]

class CIM_ForwardedRoutes : CIM_RouteForwardedByService

        [Override ("Dependent"), Weak ]
    CIM_IPRoute REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    BindsTo
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This association establishes a ServiceAccessPoint "
         "as a requestor of protocol services from a "
         "ProtocolEndpoint. Typically, this association runs "
         "between SAPs and endpoints on a single system. Since a "
         "ProtocolEndpoint is a kind of ServiceAccessPoint, this "
         "binding can be used to establish a layering of two "
         "protocols, the upper layer represented by the Dependent "
         "and the lower layer represented by the Antecedent.") ]

class CIM_BindsTo : CIM_SAPSAPDependency
        [Override ("Antecedent") ]
    CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent") ]
    CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    BindsToLANEndpoint
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This association makes explicit the dependency of a "
         "ProtocolEndpoint on some lower layer ProtocolEndpoint on "
         "the same system.") ]

class CIM_BindsToLANEndpoint : CIM_BindsTo
        [Override ("Antecedent") ]
    CIM_LANEndpoint REF Antecedent;
        [Description (
         "This describes the framing method for the upper layer "
         "protocol endpoint that is bound to a LANEndpoint. Note: "
         "\"Raw802.3\" is only known to be used with the IPX "
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" },
        Values { "Unknown", "Ethernet", "802.2", "SNAP", "Raw802.3" } ]
    uint16 FrameType;

// ==================================================================
//     BGPIPRoute
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "BGPIPRoute describes a BGP routing entry that connects two "
         "peer routers that are running BGP. The source and "
         "destination addresses may be either specific IP endpoints "
         "or IP subnets.") ]

class CIM_BGPIPRoute : CIM_IPRoute
        [Description (
         "Usually, the administrative distance is used to determine "
         "which route gets installed in the routing table. Using this "
         "scheme, routes learned via EBGP will win over routes "
         "learned via an IGP. If this is not desired, then this "
         "assigns the administrative distance of this route to be "
         "equal to that of a local route, which means that the same "
         "route learned by an IGP will have a lower administrative "
         "distance and be installed instead.") ]
    boolean IsBackDoorRoute;
        [Description (
         "Loopback interfaces are often used by IBGP peers, because "
         "they eliminate a dependency that would otherwise occur if "
         "the actual IP address of a physical interface was used to "
         "configure BGP. The loopback interface instead instructs the "
         "router to use any available interface.") ]
    boolean UsesLoopbackPeering;

// ==================================================================
//    RoutesBGP
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This association defines a BGP route, and makes explicit "
         "the dependency between a BGPIPRoute and a "
         "BGPProtocolEndpoint.") ]

class CIM_RoutesBGP : CIM_Dependency
        [Max (2), Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
         "The BGPProtocolEndpoints that represent the source and "
         "destination (or at least the next hop) of the BGP route.") ]
    CIM_BGPProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent;
        [Min (1), Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The routing table entry that represents a BGP route.") ]
    CIM_BGPIPRoute REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//     NetworksInAdminDomain
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This association is used to define the set of Logical"
         "Networks contained in an AdminDomain. This has the implied "
         "semantics that this set of LogicalNetworks are all "
         "administered by the same network administrator that "
         "administrates the AdminDomain.") ]

class CIM_NetworksInAdminDomain 
        [Min(1), Max(1), Key, Description (
         "The AdminDomain that hosts the various LogicalNetworks.") ] 
    CIM_AdminDomain REF Domain;
        [Weak, Key, Description (
         "The LogicalNetworks that are hosted by the AdminDomain.") ] 
    CIM_LogicalNetwork REF Network;

// ==================================================================
//     BGPCluster
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "The BGP speakers in an AS are required to be fully meshed. "
         "This can lead to a huge number of TCP connections per "
         "router. One way to reduce the peering requirements is to "
         "use a route reflector. This is based on specifying one or "
         "more routers to act as focal points for IBGP sessions. "
         "The route reflector as a whole is called a cluster. It is "
         "logically divided into three types of routers: reflectors, "
         "clients of the route reflector(s), and non-clients of the "
         "route reflector. "
         "An AS can have more than one route reflector. There can be "
         "more than one route reflector in a cluster, and there can "
         "be more than one cluster in an AS.") ]

class CIM_BGPCluster : CIM_CollectionOfMSEs
        [Key, Description (
         "If a cluster has more than one route reflector, all of the "
         "route reflectors in the cluster need to be configured with "
         "a 4-byte cluster ID. This allows route reflectors to "
         "recognize updates from other route reflectors in the "
         "same cluster.") ] 
    uint32 ClusterID;

// ==================================================================
//     RoutersInBGPCluster
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This aggregation establishes 'whole-part' relationships "
         "between a BGPCluster and the ComputerSystems (e.g., the "
         "routers) that it contains. At least three routers are "
         "required to form a cluster - a reflector and two clients. "
         "In addition, the routers that form a cluster share common "
         "configuration information, and are commonly administered.") ]

class CIM_RoutersInBGPCluster : CIM_CollectedMSEs
        [Override ("Collection"), Aggregate, Max(1), 
         Description (
         "The Cluster that aggregates the routers belonging to it "
         "and administers them.") ]
    CIM_BGPCluster REF Collection;
        [Override ("Member"), Min(3), Description (
         "The routers that form the Cluster.") ] 
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF Member;

// ==================================================================
//     BGPClustersInAS
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This aggregation establishes 'whole-part' relationships "
         "between an AutonomousSystem and the BGPClusters that it "
         "In addition, the routers that form a cluster share common "
         "configuration information, and are commonly administered.") ]

class CIM_BGPClustersInAS
        [Key, Aggregate, Max(1), Description (
         "The AutonomousSystem that aggregates the Clusters belonging "
         "to it and administers them.") ]
    CIM_AutonomousSystem REF GroupAS;
        [Key, Description (
         "The Clusters that are contained in the AS.") ] 
    CIM_BGPCluster REF PartAS;

// ==================================================================
//     RoutersInAS
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This aggregation establishes 'whole-part' relationships "
         "between an AutonomousSystem and the routers that it "
         "contains. In addition, the routers in the AS share common "
         "configuration information, and are commonly administered.") ]

class CIM_RoutersInAS : CIM_SystemComponent
        [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Max(1), Description (
         "The AutonomousSystem that aggregates the routers belonging "
         "to it and administers them.") ]
    CIM_AutonomousSystem REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
         "The Routers that are contained in the AS.") ] 
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF PartComponent;
        [Description (
         "This is an array of strings that contain the BGP attributes "
         "supported by this router.") ]
    string BGPSupportedAttributes [];
        [Description (
         "TRUE means that the community value of this router is added "
         "to the existing community value, and FALSE means that the "
         "community value of this router replaces the existing "
         "community value.") ]
    boolean AddCommunityValue;
        [Description (
         "This is an enumeration that defines the function, from the "
         "point of view of BGP, of this router."),
         ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" },
         Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Conventional BGP Speaker",
           "Route Reflector", "Router Reflector Client",
           "Route Reflector Non-Client", "Peer Group Member",
           "Confederation Member" },
	   ModelCorrespondence {
          "CIM_BGPService.OtherRoleDescription"} ]
    uint16 Role;
        [MaxLen(64), Description (
         "A string describing the type of function that this router "
         "has in its AS when the value of the Role property of this "
         "class is set to 1 (e.g., 'Other'). The format of the string "
         "inserted in this property should be similar in format to "
         "the values defined for the Role property. This property "
         "should be set to NULL when the Role property is any value "
         "other than 1."),
	   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_BGPService.Role"} ]
   string OtherRoleDescription;

// ==================================================================
//    ProvidesEndpoint
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This association represents the endpoints that a network "
         "service provides to access it.") ]

class CIM_ProvidesEndpoint : CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Max(1), Description (
         "The NetworkService that is being accessed by the "
         "ProtocolEndpoints.") ]
    CIM_NetworkService REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The ProtocolEndpoints that provide access to the "
         "NetworkService.") ] 
    CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//     ASBGPEndpoints
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This aggregation defines the different router interfaces "
         "that are running BGP in the AutonomousSystem.") ]

class CIM_ASBGPEndpoints : CIM_SystemComponent
        [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Max(1), Description (
         "The AutonomousSystem that aggregates the router interfaces "
         "that are running BGP.") ]
    CIM_AutonomousSystem REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
         "The router interfaces that are contained in the AS.") ] 
    CIM_BGPProtocolEndpoint REF PartComponent;

// ==================================================================
//     Confederation
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "The BGP speakers in an AS are required to be fully meshed. "
         "This can lead to a huge number of TCP connections per "
         "router. One way to reduce the peering requirements is to "
         "use a confederation. A confederation effectively partitions "
         "one AS into a group of 'sub-ASs'. This enables all of the "
         "benefits of IBGP to be applied inside the confederation, "
         "while enabling EBGP to be run between each confederation. "
         "This enables certain BGP attribute values to be preserved "
         "between confederations. However, to the outside world, the "
         "AS with its confederations appear to be a single AS.") ]

class CIM_Confederation : CIM_SystemComponent
        [Aggregate, Max(1), Override ("GroupComponent"),
         Description (
         "The AutonomousSystem that contains the confederations.") ]
    CIM_AutonomousSystem REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
         "The Confederation within the AutonomousSystem.") ]
    CIM_AutonomousSystem REF PartComponent;
        [Description (
         "A unique identifier of the AutonomousSystem that contains "
         "the confederations.") ]
    uint32 ParentASNumber;
        [Description (
         "A unique identifier of the Confederation within the "
         "AutonomousSystem.") ]
    uint32 ChildASNumber;

// ==================================================================
//     RouteCalculationService
// ==================================================================
        [Abstract, Description (
         "This is an abstract base class, derived from Network"
         "Service, that represents the route calculation aspects of "
         "a router. This class also addresses functions performed by "
         "the router when it exchanges routing information. "
         "Note that there are a large variety of additional routing "
         "protocols that are not enumerated below, or currently "
         "subclassed. These will be added as models are developed.") ]

class CIM_RouteCalculationService : CIM_NetworkService
        [Description (
         "The RouterID uniquely identifies the router that is "
         "performing the route calculation. It is the highest IP "
         "address on the router (or the highest loopback interface, "
         "if there is one).") ] 
    string RouterID;
        [Description (
         "This is an enumerated value that defines the routing "
         "algorithm used in this route calculation."),
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" },
        Values { "Unknown", "RIPv1", "RIPv2", "OSPFv1", "OSPFv2",
         "BGPv1", "BGPv2", "BGPv3", "BGPv4" } ]
    uint16 AlgorithmType;

// ==================================================================
//    CalculatedRoutes
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This assocation makes explicit the routes that are "
         "calculated by a specific RouteCalculationService. Thus, "
         "every RouteCalculationService can have its own unique set "
         "of calculated routes.") ]

class CIM_CalculatedRoutes : CIM_Dependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Max(1) ]
    CIM_RouteCalculationService REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent") ]
    CIM_IPRoute REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    HostedRoutingServices
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This is a specialization of CIM_HostedService, which is an"
         "association between a Service and the System on which the "
         "functionality resides. The ComputerSystem is made up of "
         "different routing services, which take the form of internal "
         "and external routing protocols. These are different "
         "NetworkServices, and are weak with respect to their hosting "
         "ComputerSystem.") ] 

class CIM_HostedRoutingServices : CIM_HostedService 
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Max(1), Min(1),
	   Description ("The hosting router.") ]
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The Service hosted on the System.") ]
    CIM_RouteCalculationService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    HostedForwardingServices
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This is a specialization of CIM_HostedService, which is an"
         "association between a Service and the System on which the "
         "functionality resides. The ComputerSystem is made up of "
         "different forwarding services, which take the form of "
         "internal and external routing protocols. These are "
         "different NetworkServices, and are weak with respect to "
         "their hosting ComputerSystem.") ] 

class CIM_HostedForwardingServices : CIM_HostedService 
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Max(1), Min(1),
	   Description ("The hosting router.") ]
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The Service hosted on the System.") ]
    CIM_ForwardingService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    EGPRouteCalcDependency
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This is a specialization of ServiceServiceDependency, and "
         "captures the dependency that external gateway protocols " 
         "(such as BGP) have on interior gateway protocols (such "
         "as OSPF).") ] 

class CIM_EGPRouteCalcDependency : CIM_ServiceServiceDependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
         "The independent RouteCalculationService that provides "
         "routing information from the AS, for the EGP to use.") ]
    CIM_RouteCalculationService REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The dependent RouteCalculationService (e.g., the Route"
         "CalculationService that is functioning as an EGP.") ]
    CIM_RouteCalculationService REF Dependent;
        [Description (
         "Sometimes it is necessary to inject EGP information, such "
         "as that from BGP, into IGPs. This attribute defines whether "
         "this should be done for the two routing protocols that are "
         "defined by this association. The values below mean that no, "
         " partial, and full EGP information is injected into the "
         "IGP, respectively."),
        ValueMap { "1", "2", "3" },
        Values { "None", "Partial", "Full" } ]
    uint16 IGPInjection;

// ==================================================================
//     BGPService
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class is used to represent the basic operation of BGP. "
         "It is derived from RouteCalculationService, the superclass "
         "of all routing protocols.") ]

class CIM_BGPService : CIM_RouteCalculationService 
        [Description (
         "The BGPVersion property defines the version of BGP that "
         "this router is using. This is part of the BGP peer "
         "negotiation  process)."),
         Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpVersion"} ]
    uint8 BGPVersion; 
        [Description (
         "BGP sends errors using a NOTIFICATION message. This message "
         "contains an error code, an error subcode, and error data. "
         "The error code defines the type of the notification. The "
         "'Cease' error is for all fatal errors that are not one of "
         "the other five types of errors."),
         ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" },
         Values { "None", "Message Header Error", "OPEN Message Error",
           "UPDATE Message Error", "Hold Timer Expired",
           "Finite State Machine Error", "Cease" } ]
    uint16 LastErrorCode;
        [Description (
         "This defines the BGP error subcode for message header "
         "errors. If the ErrorCode property is any other value, "
         "then this property should be set to NULL."),
         ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3" },
         Values { "None", "Connection Not Synchronized",
           "Bad Message Length", "Bad Message Type" },
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_BGPService.ErrorCode"} ]
    uint16 LastMessageErrorSubCode;
        [Description (
         "This defines the BGP error subcode for OPEN message "
         "errors. If the ErrorCode property is any other value, "
         "then this property should be set to NULL."),
         ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" },
         Values { "None", "Unsupported Version Number", "Bad Peer AS",
           "Bad BGP Identifier", "Unsupported Optional Parameter", 
           "Authentication Failure", "Unacceptable Hold Time"},
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_BGPService.ErrorCode"} ]
    uint16 LastOpenErrorSubCode;
        [Description (
         "This defines the BGP error subcode for UPDATE message "
         "errors. If the ErrorCode property is any other value, "
         "then this property should be set to NULL."),
         ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
                   "10", "11" },
         Values { "None", "Malformed Attribute List",
           "Unrecognized Well-Known Attribute",
           "Missing Well-Known Attribute", "Attribute Flags Error", 
           "Attribute Length Error", "Invalid Origin Attribute",
           "AS Routing Loop", "Invalid NEXT_HOP Attribute",
           "Optional Attribute Error", "Invalid Network Field",
           "Malformed AS_path" },
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_BGPService.ErrorCode"} ]
    uint16 LastUpdateErrorSubCode;

// ==================================================================
//     BGPPeerGroup
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "A BGP Peer Group is a set of BGP neighbors that share the "
         "same update policies. This enables an administrator to "
         "assign policies to the peer group, instead of individually. "
         "This enables the routers in the Peer Group to optimize "
         "UPDATE messages. Consequently, Peer Groups have a set of "
         "restrictions that must be followed in order to work "
         "correctly with external BGP peers. Otherwise, loss of "
         "routing information could occur."
         "A BGPPeerGroup is weak to the AutonomousSystem that "
         "contains it. Therefore, the keys from System must be "
         "propagated to it.") ]

class CIM_BGPPeerGroup : CIM_CollectionOfMSEs
        [Propagated ("CIM_AutonomousSystem.CreationClassName"), Key, 
	   MaxLen (256), Description (
         "The scoping AutonomousSystem's CreationClassName. ") ] 
    string SystemCreationClassName;
        [Propagated ("CIM_AutonomousSystem.Name"), Key, MaxLen (256),
         Description ("The scoping AutonomousSystem's Name.") ] 
    string SystemName;
        [Key, Description (
         "The type of class that this instance is.") ]
    string CreationClassName;
        [MaxLen(256), Key, Description (
         "This is the name of the BGP Peer Group.") ]
    string Name;
        [Description (
         "This defines the time interval, in seconds, for the "
         "ConnectRetry timer. The suggested value is 120 seconds."),
        Units ("Seconds"),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpConnectRetryInterval"} ]
    uint32 ConnectRetryInterval;
        [Description (
         "This defines the time interval in seconds for the Hold "
         "Time configured for this BGP speaker with a peer. This "
         "value is placed in an OPEN message sent to a peer by "
         "this BGP speaker, and is compared with the Hold Time "
         "field in the OPEN message received from the peer. This "
         "enables this speaker to establish a mutually agreeable "
         "Hold Time with the peer. This value must not be less "
         "than three seconds. If it is zero, then the Hold Time "
         "is NOT to be established with the peer. The suggested"
         "value for this timer is 90 seconds."),
        Units ("Seconds"),
         {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured"} ]
    uint16 HoldTimeConfigured;
        [Description (
         "This defines the time interval in seconds for the "
         "KeepAlive timer configured for this BGP speaker with "
         "a peer. This value will determine the frequency of "
         "the KEEPALIVE messages relative to the value of the "
         "HoldTimeConfigured property; the actual frequency is "
         "specified by the value of the KeepAlive property. A "
         "reasonable value is one third of that of the value of "
         "the HoldTimeConfigured property. If it is zero, then "
         "NO periodic KEEPALIVE messages are sent to the peer. "
         "The suggested value for this property is 30 seconds. "
         "The maximum value of this property is 21845 seconds."),
        Units ("Seconds"),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured"} ]
    uint16 KeepAliveConfigured;
        [Description (
         "This defines the time interval in seconds for the "
         "MinASOriginationInterval timer. The suggested value for "
         "this property is 15 seconds."),
        Units ("Seconds"),
         {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval"} ]
    uint16 MinASOriginationInterval; 
        [Description (
         "This defines the time interval in seconds for the "
         "MinRouteAdvertisementInterval timer. The suggested value "
         "for this property is 30 seconds."),
        Units ("Seconds"),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisementInterval"} ]
    uint16 MinRouteAdvertisementInterval;

// ==================================================================
//    ReflectorService
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This association will serve as the base class for defining "
         "BGP routing policies for the reflector of this Cluster.") ] 

class CIM_ReflectorService : CIM_Dependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Max(1), Description (
         "The Cluster for which this policy is being defined.") ] 
    CIM_BGPCluster REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Min(1), Description (
         "The BGPService to which the policy will be applied in "
         "the Cluster.") ]
    CIM_BGPService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    ReflectorClientService
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This association will serve as the base class for defining "
         "BGP routing policies for clients of the reflector of "
         "this Cluster.") ] 

class CIM_ReflectorClientService : CIM_Dependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Max(1), Description (
         "The Cluster for which this policy is being defined.") ] 
    CIM_BGPCluster REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Min(1), Description (
         "The BGPService to which the policy will be applied in "
         "the Cluster.") ]
    CIM_BGPService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    ReflectorNonClientService
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This association will serve as the base class for defining "
         "BGP routing policies for the non-clients of the reflector "
         "of this Cluster.") ] 

class CIM_ReflectorNonClientService : CIM_Dependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Max(1), Description (
         "The Cluster for which this policy is being defined.") ] 
    CIM_BGPCluster REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The BGPService to which the policy will be applied in "
         "the Cluster.") ]
    CIM_BGPService REF Dependent;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_FilterEntryBase 
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "  FilterEntryBase is an abstract class to define the naming "
         "of all filter entries, and to allow their common "
         "aggregation into FilterLists. The FilterEntry subclass "
         "represents packet filtering. Other types of Entries are "
         "possible - for example, to filter security credentials. \n"
         "  FilterEntryBase is weak to the network device (e.g., the "
         "ComputerSystem) that contains it. Hence, the ComputerSystem "
         "keys are propagated to this class.") ]

class CIM_FilterEntryBase : CIM_LogicalElement
        [Propagated ("CIM_ComputerSystem.CreationClassName"), Key, 
	   MaxLen (256), 
         Description (
          "The scoping ComputerSystem's CreationClassName. ") ] 
    string SystemCreationClassName;
        [Propagated ("CIM_ComputerSystem.Name"), Key, MaxLen (256),
         Description (
          "The scoping ComputerSystem's Name.") ] 
    string SystemName;
        [Key, MaxLen (256), 
         Description (
          "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
          "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
          "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
          "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to "
          "be uniquely identified.") ]
    string CreationClassName;
        [Key, MaxLen (256), 
         Description (
          "The Name property defines the label by which the Filter"
	    "Entry is known and uniquely identified.") ] 
    string Name;
        [Description (
          "Boolean indicating that the match condition described "
          "in the properties of the FilterEntryBase subclass "
          "should be negated.") ]
    boolean IsNegated;

// ==================================================================
//     FilterEntry
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "A FilterEntry is used by network devices to identify "
         "traffic and either forward them (with possibly further "
         "processing) to their destination, or to deny their "
         "forwarding. They are the building block of FilterLists."
         "This class is oriented towards packet filtering. Other "
         "subclasses of FilterEntryBase can be defined to do other "
         "types of filtering. "
         "A FilterEntry is weak to the network device (e.g., the "
         "ComputerSystem) that contains it. Hence, the ComputerSystem "
         "keys are propagated to this class.") ]

class CIM_FilterEntry : CIM_FilterEntryBase
        [Description (
         "This defines the type of traffic that is being filtered. "
         "This will affect the filtering rules in the MatchCondition "
         "property of this class."),
        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3" },
        Values { "Unknown", "IPv4", "IPX", "IPv6" } ]
    uint16 TrafficType;
        [Description (
         "This specifies one of a set of ways to identify traffic. "
         "if the value is 1 (e.g., 'Other'), then the specific "
         "type of filtering is specified in the "
         "OtherMatchConditionType property of this class."),
         ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
                   "10", "11", "12" },
         Values {"Other", "Source Address and Mask",
           "Destination Address and Mask", "Source Port",
           "Source Port Range", "Destination Port",
           "Destination Port Range", "Protocol Type",
           "Protocol Type and Option", "DSCP", "ToS Value",
           "802.1P Priority Value" },
         ModelCorrespondence { 
           "CIM_FilterEntry.OtherMatchConditionType" } ]
    uint16 MatchConditionType;
        [Description (
         "If the value of the MatchConditionType property in this "
         "class is 1 (e.g., 'Other'), then the specific type of "
         "filtering is specified in this property."),
         ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_FilterEntry.MatchConditionType" } ]
    string OtherMatchConditionType;
        [Description (
         "This is the value of the condition that filters the "
         "traffic. It corresponds to the condition specified in the "
         "MatchConditionType property. If, however, the value of the "
         "MatchConditionProperty is 1, then it corresponds to the "
         "condition specified in the OtherMatchConditionType "
         "property.") ]
    string MatchConditionValue;
        [Description (
         "This defines whether the action should be to forward or "
         "deny traffic meeting the match condition specified in "
         "this filter."),
         ValueMap { "1", "2" },
         Values { "Permit", "Deny" } ]
    uint16 Action;
        [Description (
         "This defines whether this FilterEntry is the default "
         "entry to use by its FilterList.") ]
    boolean DefaultFilter;
        [Description (
         "This defines the traffic class that is being matched by "
         "this FilterEntry. Note that FilterEntries are aggregated "
         "into FilterLists by the EntriesInFilterList "
         "relationship. If the EntrySequence property of the "
         "aggregation is set to 0, this means that all the Filter"
         "Entries should be ANDed together. Consequently, the "
         "TrafficClass property of each of the aggregated Entries "
         "should be set to the same value."),         
         ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_NextService.TrafficClass" } ]
    string TrafficClass;
// ==================================================================
//     FilterList
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "A FilterList is used by network devices to identify routes "
         "by aggregating a set of FilterEntries into a unit, called a "
         "FilterList. FilterLists can also be used to accept or deny "
         "routing updates." 
         "A FilterList is weak to the network device (e.g., the "
         "ComputerSystem) that contains it. Hence, the ComputerSystem "
         "keys are propagated to this class.") ]

class CIM_FilterList : CIM_LogicalElement
        [Propagated ("CIM_ComputerSystem.CreationClassName"), Key, 
	   MaxLen (256), Description (
         "The scoping ComputerSystem's CreationClassName. ") ] 
    string SystemCreationClassName;

        [Propagated ("CIM_ComputerSystem.Name"), Key, MaxLen (256),
         Description ("The scoping ComputerSystem's Name.") ] 
    string SystemName;

        [Key, Description (
         "The type of class that this instance is.") ]
    string CreationClassName;
        [Key, MaxLen(256), Description (
         "This is the name of the FilterList.") ]
    string Name;

        [Description (
         "This defines whether the FilterList is used "
         "for input, output, or both input and output "
         "filtering. All values are used with respect to "
         "the interface for which the FilterList applies. "
         "\"Not Applicable\" (0) is used when there is no "
         "direction applicable to the FilterList.\n"
         "\"Input\" (1) is used when the FilterList applies "
         "to packets that are inbound on the related "
         "\"Output\" (2) is used when the FilterList applies "
         "to packets that are outbound on the related "
         "\"Both\" (3) is used to indicate that "
         "the direction is immaterial, e.g., to filter on "
         "a source subnet regardless of whether the flow is "
         "inbound or outbound.\n"
         "\"Mirrored\" (4) is also applicable to "
         "both inbound and outbound flow processing, but "
         "indicates that the filter criteria are applied "
         "asymmetrically to traffic in both directions "
         "and, thus, specifies the reversal of source and "
         "destination criteria (as opposed to the equality "
         "of these criteria as indicated by \"Both\"). "
         "The match conditions in the aggregated "
         "FilterEntryBase subclass instances are defined "
         "from the perspective of outbound flows and applied "
         "to inbound flows as well by reversing the source "
         "and destination criteria. So, for example, "
         "consider a FilterList with 3 FilterEntries "
         "indicating destination port = 80, and source and "
         "destination addresses of a and b, respectively. "
         "Then, for the outbound direction, the filter "
         "entries match as specified and the ‘mirror’ (for "
         "the inbound direction) matches on source "
         "port = 80 and source and destination addresses "
         "of b and a, respectively."),
         Values {"Not Applicable", "Input", "Output",
               "Both", "Mirrored" } ]
    uint16 Direction;

// ==================================================================
//    FilterEntryInSystem
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "All filter entries (FilterEntryBase and its subclasses) "
         "can be used directly in the implementation of a network "
         "device such as a router, host or firewall, or they can be "
         "aggregated in a FilterList. Since both of these uses are "
         "possible, FilterEntryBase is defined as weak to the "
         "ComputerSystem (i.e., the network device) where it is used "
         "to identify and act on network traffic.") ]

class CIM_FilterEntryInSystem : CIM_SystemComponent 
        [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Min (1), Max (1), 
	   Description (
         "The ComputerSystem/network device that aggregates the "
         "FilterEntry, for identifying and acting on network "
         "traffic.") ]
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), Weak, Description (
         "The FilterEntry used in the System's operation.") ]
    CIM_FilterEntryBase REF PartComponent;

// ==================================================================
//    FilterListInSystem
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "The purpose of this weak association is to model the use of "
         "a FilterList by a ComputerSystem (e.g., a router, firewall "
         "or host). One example of such a use is in the QoS Model, "
         "where a ClassifierService aggregates a set of FilterLists "
         "in order to build its services.") ]

class CIM_FilterListInSystem : CIM_SystemComponent 
        [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Min (1), Max (1), 
         Description (
         "The ComputerSystem/network device that aggregates the "
         "FilterList and administers it.") ]
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), Weak, Description (
         "The FilterList used in the System's operation.") ]
    CIM_FilterList REF PartComponent; 

// ==================================================================
//     RoutingPolicy
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class is used to implement routing policies. It "
         "aggregates a set of FilterLists, along with other "
         "appropriate constructs, into a unit. One of the most "
         "important uses of this class is to change the routing "
         "policy by changing values of various BGP attributes in a "
         "consistent manner." 
         "A RoutingPolicy is weak to the network device (e.g., the "
         "ComputerSystem) that contains it. Hence, the ComputerSystem "
         "keys are propagated to this class.") ]

class CIM_RoutingPolicy : CIM_LogicalElement
        [Propagated ("CIM_ComputerSystem.CreationClassName"), Key, 
	   MaxLen (256), Description (
         "The scoping ComputerSystem's CreationClassName. ") ] 
    string SystemCreationClassName;
        [Propagated ("CIM_ComputerSystem.Name"), Key, MaxLen (256),
         Description ("The scoping ComputerSystem's Name.") ] 
    string SystemName;
        [Key, MaxLen(256), Description (
         "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
         "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
         "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
         "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to "
         "be uniquely identified.") ]
    string CreationClassName;
        [Key, MaxLen(256), Description (
         "This is the name of the Routing Policy.") ]
    string Name;
        [Description (
         "The Description property is a free-form string that "
         "provides a textual description of the routing policy.") ] 
    string Description;
        [Description (
         "This defines the type of action that will be performed "
         "if the match conditions of this filter policy are met. "
         "There are essentially three choices: forward the traffic "
         "unmodified, forward the traffic, but modify either the "
         "BGP attributes describing the route and/or other "
         "attributes that define how to condition the traffic "
         "(e.g., its ToS byte settings), or prevent the traffic "
         "from being forwarded."),
        ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" },
        Values { "Accept As Is", "Accept With BGP Changes", 
         "Accept and Remark Packet",
         "Accept With BGP and Remark Changes",
         "Accept With Other Actions",
         "Accept With BGP Changes and Other Actions",
         "Accept with Remark Changes and Other Actions",
         "Accept with BGP and Remark Changes and Other Actions",
         "Deny" } ]
    uint16 Action;
        [Description (
         "This defines one or more BGP attributes that should be"
         "used to modify this routing update."),
        ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10" },
        Values { "Origin", "AS_Path", "NEXT_HOP", "Multi_Exit_Disc",
         "Local_Pref", "Atomic_Aggregate", "Aggregator", "Community",
         "Originator_ID", "Cluster_List" } ]
    uint16 BGPAction;
        [Description (
         "The value for the corresponding BGPAction.") ]
    string BGPValue;
        [Description (
         "This defines a remarking action for this traffic."),
        ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" },
        Values { "Change DSCP", "Change ToS", "Change 802.1Q Value",
         "Change CIR", "Change CBR", "Change ABR", "Change VBR" } ]
    uint16 RemarkAction; 
        [Description (
         "The value for the corresponding RemarkAction.") ]
    string RemarkValue;
        [Description (
         "This defines other actions to be taken for this traffic."),
         ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" },
         Values { "Other", "Input Flow Policing",
         "Output Flow Policing", "Input Aggregate Policing",
         "Output Aggregate Policing",
         "PoliceByMarkingDown", "PoliceByDroppingDown" } ]
    uint16 ConditioningAction;
        [Description (
         "If the value of the ConditioningAction property of this "
         "class is 1, this contains an application-specific type of "
         "conditioning that is to be performed. Otherwise, if the "
         "ConditioningAction property is any other value, the value "
         "of this property should be NULL."),
         ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_RoutingPolicy.ConditioningAction" } ]
    string OtherConditioningAction; 
        [Description (
         "The value for the corresponding ConditioningAction.") ]
    string ConditioningValue;
        [Description (
         "This controls whether BGP attribute values replace, get "
         "prepended, or get appended to their existing values."),
         ValueMap { "1", "2", "3" },
         Values { "Replace", "Prepend", "Append" } ]
    uint16 AttributeAction;

// ==================================================================
//    EntriesInFilterList
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This is a specialization of the CIM_Component aggregation "
         "which is used to define a set of filter entries (subclasses "
         "of FilterEntryBase) that are aggregated by a particular "
         "FilterList.") ]
class CIM_EntriesInFilterList : CIM_Component
        [Aggregate, Max(1), Override ("GroupComponent"),
         Description (
          "The FilterList, which aggregates the set "
          "of FilterEntries.") ] 
    CIM_FilterList REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), 
         Description (
          "Any subclass of FilterEntryBase which is a part of "
          "the FilterList.") ] 
    CIM_FilterEntryBase REF PartComponent;
        [Description (
          "The order of the Entry relative to all others in the "
          "FilterList. A value of zero indicates that all the Entries "
          "should be ANDed together. Use of the Sequence property "
          "should be consistent across the List. It is not valid to "
          "define some Entries as ANDed in the FilterList (Sequence"
          "=0) while other Entries have a non-zero Sequence number.") ]
    uint16 EntrySequence;

// ==================================================================
//    ListsInRoutingPolicy
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This is a specialization of the CIM_Component aggregation "
         "which is used to define a set of FilterLists that are "
         "aggregated by a particular RoutingPolicy.") ]

class CIM_ListsInRoutingPolicy : CIM_Component
        [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Description (
         "The RoutingPolicy, which aggregates the set "
         "of FilterLists.") ] 
    CIM_RoutingPolicy REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
         "A FilterList, which is part-of the RoutingPolicy.") ] 
    CIM_FilterList REF PartComponent;
        [Description ("The position of the FilterList relative "
         "to all other entries in the RoutingPolicy.") ]
    uint16 ListSequence;

// ==================================================================
//    BGPRoutingPolicy
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This is a specialization of the Dependency association, and "
         "defines the relationship between a BGPService and the "
         "RoutingPolicy that control it.") ] 

class CIM_BGPRoutingPolicy : CIM_Dependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
         "The BGP routing policy object.") ] 
    CIM_RoutingPolicy REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The BGPService that is controlled by the routing policy.") ] 
    CIM_BGPService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    BGPPeerGroupService
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This defines the relationship between a BGPService and the "
         "BGP Peer Group that hosts it.") ] 

class CIM_BGPPeerGroupService : CIM_Dependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(1), Max(1), 
         Description (
         "The BGP Peer Group that hosts the BGP Service.") ] 
    CIM_BGPPeerGroup REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"),
	 Description (
         "The BGPService that is hosted in the BGP Peer Group.") ] 
    CIM_BGPService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
// AdministrativeDistance
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "Information in this class affects the choice of one "
         "protocol over another, when two protocols learn "
         "the same route. Properties define the preference of "
         "a protocol, called its distance. The lower the "
         "distance, the higher the preference for that protocol. "
         "This class affects ALL routes and contains the "
         "default distances. Specific administrative "
         "distances relative to an individual route and Forwarding"
         "Service are defined in the NextHopForwardedByService "
         "association, its AdminDistance property."
         "AdministrativeDistance, being a global object, is weak to "
         "the AdminDomain that contains it. Hence, the AdminDomain "
         "keys are propagated to this class.") ]

class CIM_AdministrativeDistance : CIM_LogicalElement
        [Propagated ("CIM_ComputerSystem.CreationClassName"), Key, 
	   MaxLen (256), Description (
         "The scoping ComputerSystem's CreationClassName. ") ] 
    string SystemCreationClassName;
        [Propagated ("CIM_ComputerSystem.Name"), Key, MaxLen (256),
         Description ("The scoping ComputerSystem's Name.") ] 
    string SystemName; 
        [Key, Description (
         "The type of class that this instance is.") ]
    string CreationClassName;
        [Key, MaxLen(256), Description (
         "This is the name of the AdministrativeDistance class.") ]
    string Name; 
        [Description (
         "The distance for directly connected peers. It has a default "
         "value of 0.") ]
    uint8 DirectConnect;
        [Description (
         "The distance for staticly connected peers. It has a default "
         "value of 1.") ]
    uint8 Static;
        [Description (
         "The distance for peers using EBGP. It has a default value "
         "of 20.") ]
    uint8 EBGP; 
        [Description (
         "The distance for peers using internal EIGRP. It has a "
         "default value of 90.") ]
    uint8 EIGRPInternal; 
        [Description (
         "The distance for peers using IGRP. It has a default value "
         "of 100.") ]
    uint8 IGRP; 
        [Description (
         "The distance for peers using OSPF. It has a default value "
         "of 110.") ]
    uint8 OSPF; 
        [Description (
         "The distance for peers using ISIS. It has a default value "
         "of 115.") ]
    uint8 ISIS; 
        [Description (
         "The distance for peers using RIP. It has a default value "
         "of 120.") ]
    uint8 RIP; 
        [Description (
         "The distance for peers using EGP. It has a default value "
         "of 140.") ]
    uint8 EGP; 
        [Description (
         "The distance for peers using external EIGRP. It has a "
         "default value of 170.") ]
    uint8 EIGRPExternal; 
        [Description (
         "The distance for peers using IBGP. It has a default value "
         "of 200.") ]
    uint8 IBGP; 
        [Description (
         "The distance for peers using BGP locally. It has a default "
         "value of 200.") ]
    uint8 BGPLocal; 
        [Description (
         "The distance for peers using an unknown protocol. It has a "
         "default value of 255.") ]
    uint8 Unknown;

// ==================================================================
//    BGPAdminDistance
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This is a specialization of the Dependency association, and "
         "defines the relationship between a BGPService and the "
         "Administrative Distances that it uses to control the "
         "(BGP) routing decisions that it makes.") ] 

class CIM_BGPAdminDistance : CIM_Dependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(1), Max(1), Description (
         "The table of (global) administrative distances that are "
         " used by all BGP services.") ] 
    CIM_AdministrativeDistance REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The BGP service object, that makes BGP routing decisions.") ]
    CIM_BGPService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//     BGPRouteMap
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "A route map is used to control and modify routing "
         "information as well as to define when a route is "
         "redistributed between routing domains. Route maps are "
         "placed in router configuration files, and several "
         "instances of the same route map may be used to implement "
         "different actions (see accompanying white paper). "
         "Route maps may use FilterLists to identify the route " 
         " (again, see the accompanying white paper). "
         "A BGPRouteMap is specific to a given AutonomousSystem that "
         "contains it. Hence, the keys of the AutonomousSystem are "
         "propagated to this class.") ]

class CIM_BGPRouteMap : CIM_LogicalElement
        [Propagated ("CIM_AutonomousSystem.CreationClassName"), Key, 
	   MaxLen (256), Description (
         "The scoping AutonomousSystem's CreationClassName. ") ] 
    string SystemCreationClassName;
        [Propagated ("CIM_AutonomousSystem.Name"), Key, MaxLen (256),
         Description ("The scoping AutonomousSystem's Name.") ] 
    string SystemName; 
        [Key, Description (
         "The type of class that this instance is.") ]
    string CreationClassName;
        [Key, MaxLen(256), Description (
         "This is the name of the RouteMap class.") ]
    string Name; 
        [Description (
         "This defines whether this RouteMap is used for input, "
         "output, or both input and output filtering."),
        ValueMap { "1", "2", "3" },
        Values { "Input", "Output", "Both" } ]
    uint16 Direction;
        [Description (
         "This defines whether the action should be to forward or "
         "deny traffic meeting the match condition specified in this "
        ValueMap { "1", "2" },
        Values { "Permit", "Deny" } ] 
    uint16 Action;
        [Description (
         "This specifies the criteria that must be matched in order "
         "for the corresponding MatchAction to take effect. The "
         "matching of the criteria may be specified by using a "
         "FilterList. For example, the command 'match ip address foo' "
         "uses the FilterList named 'foo' to do the matching of IP "
         ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" },
         Values {"Other", "Source Address and Mask",
           "Destination Address and Mask", "Source Port",
           "Source Port Range", "Destination Port",
           "Destination Port Range", "Protocol Type",
           "Protocol Type and Option" },
         ModelCorrespondence { 
           "CIM_RouteMap.OtherMatchConditionType" } ]
    uint16 MatchConditionType;
        [Description (
         "If the value of the MatchConditionType property in this "
         "class is 1 (e.g., 'Other'), then the specific type of "
         "filtering is specified in this property."),
         ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_RouteMap.MatchConditionType" } ]
    string OtherMatchConditionType; 
        [Description (
         "This defines an additional action to take if the "
         "MatchCondition is satisfied. This definition is "
         "specifically limited to BGP filtering for now (e.g., its "
         "use is limited to setting a BGP attribute to a specific "
         "value), and will be upgraded in a subsequent release. The "
         "actual value of the metric is specified in the "
         "SetMetricValue property. "),
         ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" },
         Values { "Origin", "AS_Path", "NEXT_HOP", "Multi_Exit_Disc",
           "Local_Pref", "Atomic_Aggregate", "Aggregator", "Community",
           "Originator_ID" } ]
    uint16 SetMetricType;
        [Description (
         "This is the value of the metric that is being set for the "
         "BGP attribute defined in the SetMetricType property.") ]
    string SetMetricValue;

// ==================================================================
//    BGPRouteMapsInRoutingPolicy
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This aggregation defines the RouteMaps that are used by a "
         "particular RoutingPolicy object. Multiple instances of the "
         "same RouteMap may be used in the same RoutingPolicy "
         "instance; if this is desired, then the Sequence attribute "
         "of this aggregation can be used to disambiguate them.") ]

class CIM_BGPRouteMapsInRoutingPolicy : CIM_Component
        [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Description (
         "The RoutingPolicy that aggregates the RouteMaps.") ] 
    CIM_RoutingPolicy REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
         "The RouteMaps that are used by the RoutingPolicy.") ] 
    CIM_BGPRouteMap REF PartComponent;
        [Description (
         "This defines the position of this RouteMap instance "
         "relative to all other instances of the same RouteMap.") ]
    uint16 MapSequence;

// ==================================================================
//    BGPPeerUsesRouteMap
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This association defines the RouteMaps that are aggregated "
         "and used by a particular BGPPeerGroup object. Multiple "
         "instances of the same RouteMap may be aggregated into the "
         "same BGPPeerGroup; if this is desired, then the MapSequence "
         "attribute of the association can be used to disambiguate "
         "them.") ]

class CIM_BGPPeerUsesRouteMap : CIM_CollectedMSEs
        [Override("Collection"), Aggregate, 
         Description (
         "The BGPPeerGroup that aggregates the RouteMaps.") ] 
    CIM_BGPPeerGroup REF Collection;
	 Description (
         "The RouteMaps that are used by the BGPPeerGroup.") ] 
    CIM_BGPRouteMap REF Member;
        [Description (
         "This defines the position of this RouteMap instance "
         "relative to all other instances of the same RouteMap.") ]
    uint16 MapSequence;

// ==================================================================
//    FilterListsInBGPRouteMap
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "RouteMaps do not have to use FilterLists, but if they do, "
         "this association defines which FilterList is used by a "
         "particular RouteMap.") ] 

class CIM_FilterListsInBGPRouteMap : CIM_Dependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
         "The FilterList used by a RouteMap.") ] 
    CIM_FilterList REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The RouteMap using the FilterList.") ] 
    CIM_BGPRouteMap REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    InBGPPeerGroup
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This aggregation defines the specific routers (e.g., "
         "ComputerSystems) that participate in a PeerGroup.") ] 

class CIM_InBGPPeerGroup : CIM_CollectedMSEs
        [Aggregate, Override ("Collection"), Max(1), Description (
         "The PeerGroup that aggregates the routers.") ] 
    CIM_BGPPeerGroup REF Collection;
        [Min(2), Override ("Member"), Description (
         "The routers that comprise the PeerGroup.") ] 
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF Member;

// ==================================================================
//    CalculatesAmong 
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This is a specialization of the ServiceSAPDependency "
         "association, indicating that the referenced "
         "ProtocolEndpoint is utilized by the "
         "RouteCalculationService to provide its functionality.") ]

class CIM_CalculatesAmong : CIM_ServiceSAPDependency
        [Override ("Antecedent"), 
	   Description ("The required ProtocolEndpoint") ] 
    CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The RouteCalculationService, which is dependent on the "
         "underlying ProtocolEndpoint.") ] 
    CIM_RouteCalculationService REF Dependent;
        [Description (
         "TRUE indicates that this ProtocolEndpoint represents a "
         "static route, and FALSE means that it represents a "
         "dynamically-learned route.") ]
    boolean IsStatic;

// ==================================================================
//    BGPAttributes 
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class defines all of the BGP Attributes, for a given "
         "version of the BGP protocol, that can be used to affect "
         "routing decisions. "
         "BGPAttributes are specific to a given AutonomousSystem that "
         "contains it. Hence, the keys of the AutonomousSystem are "
         "propagated to this class.") ]

class CIM_BGPAttributes : CIM_LogicalElement
        [Propagated ("CIM_AutonomousSystem.CreationClassName"), Key, 
	   MaxLen (256), Description (
         "The scoping AutonomousSystem's CreationClassName. ") ] 
    string SystemCreationClassName;
        [Propagated ("CIM_AutonomousSystem.Name"), Key, MaxLen (256),
         Description ("The scoping AutonomousSystem's Name.") ] 
    string SystemName; 
        [Key, Description (
         "This defines the version of the BGP protocol.") ]
    string Version;
        [Description (
         "This defines the priority, or preference, of a route, in "
         "order to better compare it with other routes for the same "
         "destination. Higher values indicate a higher preference "
         "for a route."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrLocalPref"} ]
    uint16 LocalPreference;
        [Description (
         "This attribute is a sequences of the AS numbers through "
         "which routing information carried in this UPDATE message "
         "has passed. The components of this list can be AS_SETs "
         "or AS_SEQUENCEs."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrASPath"} ]
    string ASPath;
        [Description (
         "This is the set of all elements contained in all specific "
         "paths that are being summarized, so that those attributes "
         "will remain available to the routing decision process.") ]
    string AS_Set;
        [Description (
         "This attribute defines the IP address of the border router "
         "that should be used as the next hop to the destinations "
         "listed in the UPDATE message."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrNextHop"} ]
    string NextHop; 
        [Description (
         "This defines the next hop to be the IP address of the "
         "border IBGP neighbor.") ]
    string NextHopSelf;
        [Description (
         "This is used on external (e.g., inter-AS) links to indicate "
         "which is the preferred entry point into an AS, when that AS "
         "has multiple entry points. Lower MED values have "
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrMultiExitDisc"} ]
    uint32 MED;
        [Description (
         "This defines a group of destinations that share a similar "
         "property. Communities are not restricted to a single AS, "
         "and can span multiple ASs. This attribute is used to "
         "simplify routing policies by basing policies on a logical "
         "value, as opposed to an IP address or an AS number. ") ]
    uint32 BGPCommunityValue;
        [Description (
         "This attribute gets set if there are overlapping routes, "
         "and a less-specific route is selected instead of a more "
         "specific one (e.g., a system propagates an aggregate "
         "that causes loss of information."),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657- MIB.bgp4PathAttrAtomicAggregate"} ]
    boolean AtomicAggregate;
        [Description (
         "This specifies the AS and IP address of the router that has "
         "generated an aggregate."),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657- MIB.bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS"} ]
    string Aggregator;
        [Description (
         "This is generated by the AS that originates the routing "
         "information. There are three types of origins - IGP, EGP, "
         "and INCOMPLETE. These correspond to whether the information "
         "was learned internally in the AS, externally via an EGP, "
         "or by some other means."),
        ValueMap { "1", "2", "3" },
        Values { "IGP", "EGP", "INCOMPLETE" },
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrOrigin"} ]
    uint16 Origin; 
        [Description (
         "This is the router ID for the ORIGIN attribute.") ]
    string OriginatorID;

// ==================================================================
//    FilteredBGPAttributes 
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This is a specialization of the Component aggregation, "
         "which is used to define the set of BGP Attributes that are "
         "used by a particular Routing Policy.") ]

class CIM_FilteredBGPAttributes : CIM_Component
        [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Description (
         "The RoutingPolicy, which aggregates a set of BGP "
         "attributes.") ]
    CIM_RoutingPolicy REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
         "A BGP attribute, which is part-of the RoutingPolicy.") ]
    CIM_BGPAttributes REF PartComponent;

// ==================================================================
//    BGPPathAttributes 
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class defines the per-path information used to process "
         "specific BGP attribute information, as defined in the "
         "bgp4PathAttrTable of RFC 1657.") ]

class CIM_BGPPathAttributes : CIM_LogicalElement
        [Description (
         "This property and its description are taken directly from "
         "RFC 1657. The property represents a sequence of AS path "
         "segments. Each AS path segment is represented by the "
         "tuple: \n"
         "     <type, length, value>"
         "The type is a 1-octet field which has two possible values: \n"
         " 1 = AS_SET \n"
         " 2 = AS_SEQUENCE \n"
         "An AS_SET is an unordered set of ASs representing the path "
         "that an UPDATE message has traversed, and an AS_SEQUENCE is "
         "an ordered set of ASs representing the path that an UPDATE "
         "message has traversed. "
         "The length is a 1-octet field containing the number of ASs "
         "in the value field. "
         "The value field contains one or more AS numbers, each AS is "
         "represented in the octet string as a pair of octets "
         "according to the following algorithm: "
         "    first-byte-of-pair = ASNumber / 256; "
         "    second-byte-of-pair = ASNumber & 255;"
         "This property is mapped from the bgp4PathAttrASPathSegment "
         "MIB variable, which is an OctetString. Its length is "
         "defined as a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 255 octets. "),
         ArrayType ("Indexed"),
         Mappingstrings {
          "MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrASPathSegment"} ]
    uint8 PathAttrASPathSegment[ ];
        [Key, MaxLen (512), Description (
         "A comma-separated list of AS numbers, as would be stored "
         "in the value portion of the path segment in the "
         "PathAttrASPathSegment property. This list can be ordered "
         "or unordered.") ]
    string ASNumbers;
        [Key, MaxLen (32), Description (
         "This is the address of the border router that should be "
         "used for the destination network."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrNextHop"} ]
    string PathAttrNextHop;
        [Description (
         "This is an enumeration that defines the ultimate origin of "
         "the path information. The value 'IGP' means that the origin "
         "is interior; the value 'EGP' means that it was learned via "
         "an EGP; the value 'INCOMPLETE' means that the origin is "
        ValueMap { "1", "2", "3" },
        Values {"IGP", "EGP", "INCOMPLETE"},
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrOrigin"} ]
    uint16 PathAttrOrigin;
        [Description (
         "This metric is used to discriminate between multiple "
         "adjacent autonomous systems. A value of -1 indicates the "
         "absence of this attribute. The range of this attribute "
         "is defined to be -1 to 2147483647."),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657- MIB.bgp4PathAttrMultiExitDisc"} ]
    sint32 PathAttrMultiExitDisc;
        [Description (
         "This is the originating BGP4 speaker's degree of preference "
         "for an advertised route. A value of -1 indicates the "
         "absence of this attribute. The range of this attribute is "
         "defined to be -1 to 2147483647."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrLocalPref"} ]
    sint32 PathAttrLocalPref;
        [Description (
         "This is an enumeration that defines whether or not the "
         "local system has selected a less specific route without "
         "selecting a more specific route. There are two values, 1 "
         "and 2, indicating that a less specific route has not and "
         "has been selected, respectively. This is a 32-bit integer "
         "to correspond to the IETF MIB."),
        ValueMap { "1", "2" },
        Values {"Less Specific Not Selected",
                "Less Specific Selected"},
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657- MIB.bgp4PathAttrAtomicAggregate"} ]
    uint32 PathAttrAtomicAggregate;
        [Description (
         "This is the AS number of the last BGP4 speaker that "
         "performed route aggregation. A value of 0 indicates the "
         "absence of this attribute. The range of this attribute is "
         "defined to be 0 to 65535."),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657- MIB.bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS"} ]
    uint16 PathAttrAggregatorAS; 
        [Description (
         "This is the IP address of the last BGP4 speaker that "
         "performed route aggregation. A value of indicates "
         "the absence of this attribute."),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657- MIB.bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAddr"} ]
    string PathAttrAggregatorAddr;
        [Description (
         "This is the degree of preference calculated by the "
         "receiving BGP4 speaker for an advertised route. A value of "
         "-1 indicates the absence of this attribute. The range of "
         "this attribute is defined to be -1 to 2147483647."),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657- MIB.bgp4PathAttrCalcLocalPref"} ]
    sint16 PathAttrCalcLocalPref;
        [Description (
         "This is an indication of whether or not this route was "
         "chosen as the best BGP4 route. There are two possible "
         "values, 1 (FALSE) and 2 (TRUE)."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrBest"} ]
    uint16 PathAttrBest;
        [Description (
         "This contains one or more path atributes not understood by "
         "this BGP4 speaker. The MIB variable is an OctetString, and "
         "contains a 1-octet length field and up to 254 additional "
         "octets of data. The length is placed in a separate "
         "attribute of this class, PathAttrUnknownNumber."),
         ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_BGPPathAttributes.PathAttrUnknownNumber" },
         Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrUnknown"} ]
    string PathAttrUnknown[ ];
        [Description (
         "The MIB variable is an OctetString, and contains a 1-octet "
         "length field and up to 255 additional octets of data. The "
         "length is placed in this attribute."),
         ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_BGPPathAttributes.PathAttrUnknown" },
         Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrUnknown"} ]
    uint16 PathAttrUnknownNumber;

// ==================================================================
//    BGPAttributesForRoute
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "This defines the attributes that are transmitted between "
         "BGP peers on a per-route basis.") ]

class CIM_BGPAttributesForRoute : CIM_Dependency
        [Max(1), Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
         "The BGPPathAttribute object that may be associated with "
         "a BGP route.") ]
    CIM_BGPPathAttributes REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Max(1), Description (
         "The BGPIPRoute that may have an associated set of "
         "per-peer attributes.") ]
    CIM_BGPIPRoute REF Dependent;
        [Description (
         "This defines the IP address of the peer where the path "
         "information was learned."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgp4PathAttrPeer"} ]
    string PathAttrPeer;
        [Description (
         "This defines the length in bits of the IP address prefix "
         "in the Network Layer Reachability information field. The "
         "range of this attribute is defined to be 0 to 32."),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657- MIB.bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen"} ]
    uint8 PathAttrIPAddrPrefixLen; 
        [Description (
         "An IP address prefix in the Network Layer Reachability "
         "Information field. This object is an IP address "
         "containing the prefix with length specified by the "
         "PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen attribute."),
         ModelCorrespondence {
          "CIM_BGPPathAttributes.PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen" },
         Mappingstrings {
          "MIB.IETF|RFC1657- MIB.bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix"} ]
    string PathAttrIPAddrPrefix; 

// ==================================================================
//    BGPServiceAttributes 
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "This is a specialization of the Component aggregation. This "
         "aggregation defines the set of BGP Attributes that are "
         "transmitted in per-path UPDATE messages.") ]

class CIM_BGPServiceAttributes : CIM_Component
        [Aggregate, Max(1),
         Override ("GroupComponent"), Description (
         "The BGPService that aggregates BGP attributes as part of "
         "its routing information.") ]
    CIM_BGPService REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), Min(1), Max(1), Description (
         "The BGP attribute, which are part-of the BGP UPDATE "
         "message.") ]
    CIM_BGPPathAttributes REF PartComponent;

// ===================================================================
//     SwitchService
// ===================================================================
      [Description (
       "Generic switch (bridging) service class. Additional "
       "switching functions are incorporated as subordinate "
       "services related to this class via ServiceComponent "

class CIM_SwitchService : CIM_ForwardingService
         [MaxLen(32), Description (
          "Address used by this SwitchService when it must be "
          "uniquely identified. For an ethernet bridge, the MAC "
          "Address serves as the BridgeAddress.  When concatenated with a "
          "SpanningTreeService Priority, a unique bridge identifier "
          "results. The MAC address is formatted as twelve "
          "hexadecimal digits (e.g., \"010203040506\"), with each "
          "pair representing one of the six octets of the MAC address "
          "in \"canonical\" bit order according to RFC 2469."
          "In other scenarios, like Ipv6, the address is formatted as "
          "\"ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff\"." ),
        ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_SwitchService.BridgeAddressType"},
        Mappingstrings { 
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dBaseBridgeAddress"}  ] 
    string BridgeAddress; 
         [Description (
          "The number of switch ports controlled by this "
          "switching service.") , 
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dBaseNumPorts"} ] 
    uint16 NumPorts ;

         [Description (
          "BridgeAddressType defines the type of addressing scheme used "
          "for this Bridge. Note that the MappingStrings is ONLY valid "
          "for canonical 802 addresses." ),
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_SwitchingService.BridgeAddress"} ]
    uint16 BridgeAddressType;

// ===================================================================
//     SwitchPort
// ===================================================================
      [Description (
       "Switch Port from which frames are received "
       "and out which they are transmitted.") ]

class CIM_SwitchPort : CIM_ProtocolEndpoint
      [Description (
          "Numeric identifier for a switch port."),
          Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dPort"} ]
   uint16 PortNumber;

// ===================================================================
//     SwitchesAmong
// ===================================================================
      [Association, Description (
       "A SwitchService switches frames between SwitchPorts. "
       "This association makes that relationship explicit.") ]

class CIM_SwitchesAmong : CIM_ForwardsAmong
      [Override ("Antecedent"),
       Description ("The switch port.") ]
   CIM_SwitchPort REF Antecedent;
      [Override ("Dependent"),  Max(1),
       Description ("The switching service.") ]
   CIM_SwitchService REF Dependent;

// ===================================================================
//     Switchable
// ===================================================================
       Description (
       "A switch port has a LANEndpoint that is "
       "exposed via this relationship.") ] 

class CIM_Switchable : CIM_BindsToLANEndpoint
      [Override ("Antecedent"), Max(1),
       Description ("The switch port.") ]
    CIM_LANEndpoint REF Antecedent;
      [Override ("Dependent"), Max(1),
       Description ("The LAN endpoint.") ]
    CIM_SwitchPort REF Dependent;

// ===================================================================
//     TransparentBridgingService
// ===================================================================
      [Description (
       "This service class represents the learning/transparent "
       "bridging aspect of switch service.") ]

class CIM_TransparentBridgingService : CIM_Service
      [Description (
          "The timeout period in seconds for aging out "
          "dynamically learned forwarding information. "
          "802.1D-1990 recommends a default of 300 seconds."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dTpAgingTime"}
   uint32 AgingTime;
      [Description (
          "Filtering Database Identifier. Used by VLAN-aware "
          "switch having more than one filtering database."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC????-MIB.dot1qFdbId"}
   uint32 FID;

// ===================================================================
//     SpanningTreeService
// ===================================================================
      [Description (
       "This service class represents the capability of a switch "
       "to participate in the distributed construction of a "
       "spanning tree.") ]

class CIM_SpanningTreeService : CIM_Service
      [Description (
       "The version of the spanning tree protocol "
       "used by the switch."),
       ValueMap {"1", "2", "3"},
       Values {"unknown", "decLb100", "ieee802d"},
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dStpProtocolSpecification"} ]
   uint16 ProtocolSpec;
      [Description (
       "The format of the priority bits are the first two octets of "
       "the 8-octet long Bridge ID. The other (last) 6 octets of the "
       "Bridge ID are given by the value of the Bridge Address. "
       "A priority that can be assigned to the switch for use in "
       "constructing the spanning tree. The unique identifier for "
       "a switch is constructed by concatenating the MAC address "
       "associated with the switch for spanning tree operations "
       "to the two-byte priority. Choice of the priority value "
       "influences election of the root bridge."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dStpPriority"} ]
   uint16 Priority;
      [MaxLen(16), Description (
       "The Bridge ID (Priority + MAC Address) of the root bridge."
       "The format of the priority bits are the first two octets of "
       "the 8-octet long Bridge ID. The other (last) 6 octets of the "
       "Bridge ID are given by the value of the Bridge Address. "
       "Note that the MAC address is formatted as twelve "
       "hexadecimal digits (e.g., \"010203040506\"), with each "
       "pair representing one of the six octets of the MAC address "
       "in \"canonical\" bit order according to RFC 2469. "),
      Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpDesignatedRoot"}
   string DesignatedRoot;
      [Description (
       "The cost of the path from the switch to the root."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpRootCost"}
   uint16 RootCost;
      [Description (
       "The port number of the port having the lowest cost path "
       "to the root bridge."),
      Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpRootPort"}
   uint16 RootPort;
      [Description (
       "The current value for the maximum age of Spanning Tree "
       "information before discard, as learned from the network."),
      Units ("Hundredths of Seconds"),
      Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpMaxAge"}
   uint32 MaxAge;
      [Description (
       "The current value of the interval between transmission "
       "of bridge PDUs by the switch on any port for which it is "
       "the spanning tree root or trying to become so, as learned "
       "from the network."),
      Units ("Hundredths of Seconds"),
      Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpHelloTime"}
   uint32 HelloTime;
      [Description (
       "The minimum interval between transmission of bridge PDUs "
       "through a given port, as learned from the network."),
      Units ("Hundredths of Seconds"),
      Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpHoldTime"}
   uint32 HoldTime;
      [Description (
       "The time spent by a port in the listening state before "
       "transitioning to the learning state and in the learning "
       "state before transitioning to the forwarding state, as "
       "learned from the network. This value is also used during "
       "the period of a topology change as the maximum age of "
       "Spanning Tree information before discard. "),
      Units ("Hundredths of Seconds"),
      Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpForwardDelay"}
   uint32 ForwardDelay;
      [Description (
       "The MaxAge parameter to be used by all switches in the "
       "network if this switch becomes the root."),
      Units ("Hundredths of Seconds"),
      Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpBridgeMaxAge"}
   uint32 BridgeMaxAge;
      [Description (
       "The HelloTime parameter to be used by all switches in the "
       "network if this switch becomes the root."),
      Units ("Hundredths of Seconds"),
      Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpBridgeHelloTime"}
   uint32 BridgeHelloTime;
      [Description (
       "The ForwardDelay parameter to be used by all switches in "
	 "the network if this switch becomes the root."),
      Units ("Hundredths of Seconds"),
      Mappingstrings {
       "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dStpBridgeForwardDelay"} ]
   uint32 BridgeForwardDelay;
      [Description (
       "MAC address used by the spanning tree service when it "
       "must be uniquely identified. When concatenated with a "
       "SpanningTreeService Priority, a unique bridge identifier "
       "results. This property is defined for use of switches "
       "supporting multiple spanning tree services. "
       "Note that the MAC address is formatted as twelve "
       "hexadecimal digits (e.g., \"010203040506\"), with each "
       "pair representing one of the six octets of the MAC address "
       "in \"canonical\" bit order according to RFC 2469.") ]
   string SpanningTreeBridgeAddress;

// ===================================================================
//     SwitchPortSpanningTree
// ===================================================================
       Description (
       "A switch participating in the spanning tree maintains "
       "spanning-tree specific information about each port "
       "whose forwarding is determined by the spanning tree. "
       "This association represents that information.") ]
class CIM_SwitchPortSpanningTree : CIM_ServiceSAPDependency
      [Override ("Antecedent"), Description ("The switch port.")]
   CIM_SwitchPort REF Antecedent;
      [Override ("Dependent"),
       Description ("The spanning tree service.") ]
   CIM_SpanningTreeService REF Dependent;
      [Description (
       "The priority assigned to the port. Contained in "
       "the first octet of the two-octet port ID; the other "
       "octet is the port number."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpPortPriority"}
   uint8 Priority;
      [Description (
       "The current state of the port as determined by the "
       "spanning tree protocol."),
       ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"},
        Values {"disabled", "blocking", "listening", "learning",
                "forwarding", "broken"},
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpPortState"}
   uint16 State;
      [Description (
       "The enabled/disabled status of the port."),
       ValueMap {"1", "2"},
        Values {"enabled", "disabled"},
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpPortEnable"}
   uint16 Enable;
      [Description (
       "The contribution of this port to the path cost of "
       "paths towards the spanning tree root which include "
       "this port."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpPortPathCost"}
   uint16 PathCost;
      [Description (
       "The bridge identifier of the root bridge for the segment "
       "to which the port is attached, as transmitted by the "
       "designated bridge for the segment."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dStpPortDesignatedRoot"} ]
   string DesignatedRoot;
      [Description (
       "The cost of the path to the root offered by the "
       "designated bridge for the segment."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dStpPortDesignatedCost"} ]
   uint16 DesignatedCost;
      [Description (
       "The bridge identifier of the designated bridge for the "
       "segment to which the port is attached."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dStpPortDesignatedBridge"} ]
   string DesignatedBridge;
      [Description (
       "The port identifier of the port on the designated bridge "
       "serving the segment to which the port is attached."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dStpPortDesignatedPort"} ]
   uint16 DesignatedPort;

// ===================================================================
//     DynamicForwardingEntry
// ===================================================================
      [Description (
       "A DynamicForwardingEntry represents an entry in the "
       "forwarding (filtering) database associated with the "
       "transparent bridging service.")
class CIM_DynamicForwardingEntry : CIM_LogicalElement
       Key, MaxLen (256),
       Description ("The scoping System's CreationClassName.") ]
   string SystemCreationClassName;
       Key, MaxLen (256),
       Description ("The scoping System's Name.") ]
   string SystemName;
       Key, MaxLen (256),
       Description ("The scoping Service's CreationClassName.")
   string ServiceCreationClassName;
       Key, MaxLen (256),
       Description ("The scoping Service's Name.") ]
   string ServiceName;
      [Key, MaxLen (256),
       Description (
	  "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
	  "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
	  "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
	  "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to "
	  "be uniquely identified.") ]
   string CreationClassName;
      [Key, MaxLen (6), Description (
        "Unicast MAC address for which the transparent bridging "
        "service has forwarding and/or filtering information. "
        "Note that the MAC address is formatted as twelve "
        "hexadecimal digits (e.g., \"010203040506\"), with each "
        "pair representing one of the six octets of the MAC address "
        "in \"canonical\" bit order according to RFC 2469."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dTpFdbAddress"}
   string MACAddress;
      [Description (
        "The status of the entry."),
       ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"},
        Values {"other", "invalid", "learned", "self", "mgmt"},
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dTpFdbStatus"}
   uint16 DynamicStatus;

// ==================================================================
//    TransparentBridgingDynamicForwarding
// ==================================================================
      Description (
       "This association links an instance of the transparent "
       "bridging service to the entries of its forwarding database. "
       "The forwarding database is weak to the service.")
class CIM_TransparentBridgingDynamicForwarding : CIM_Dependency
      [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(1), Max(1),
       Description ("The transparent bridging service.") ]
   CIM_TransparentBridgingService REF Antecedent;
      [Override ("Dependent"), Weak,
       Description ("Dynamic Forwarding Entry of forwarding database.")
   CIM_DynamicForwardingEntry REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    SwitchPortDynamicForwarding
// ==================================================================
       Description (
       "This association links a dynamic forwarding entry "
       "and the switch port to which the entry applies.") ] 

class CIM_SwitchPortDynamicForwarding : CIM_Dependency
      [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(1), Max(1),
       Description ("The switch port.") ]
   CIM_SwitchPort REF Antecedent;
      [Override ("Dependent"),
       Description ("Dynamic Forwarding Entry of forwarding database.")
   CIM_DynamicForwardingEntry REF Dependent;

// ===================================================================
//     StaticForwardingEntry
// ===================================================================
      [Description (
       "A StaticForwardingEntry represents an entry in the "
       "static (destination-address filtering) database associated "
       "with the switch service.") ]

class CIM_StaticForwardingEntry : CIM_LogicalElement
       Key, MaxLen (256),
       Description ("The scoping System's CreationClassName.") ]
   string SystemCreationClassName;
       Key, MaxLen (256),
       Description ("The scoping System's Name.") ]
   string SystemName;
       Key, MaxLen (256),
       Description ("The scoping Service's CreationClassName.") ]
   string ServiceCreationClassName;
       Key, MaxLen (256),
       Description ("The scoping Service's Name.") ]
   string ServiceName;
      [Key, MaxLen (256),
       Description (
	  "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
	  "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
	  "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
	  "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to "
	  "be uniquely identified.") ]
   string CreationClassName;
      [Key, MaxLen (6), Description (
        "Destination MAC address (unicast, multicast or broadcast) "
        "to which the filtering information applies. "
        "Note that the MAC address is formatted as twelve "
        "hexadecimal digits (e.g., \"010203040506\"), with each "
        "pair representing one of the six octets of the MAC address "
        "in \"canonical\" bit order according to RFC 2469."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStaticAddress"}
   string MACAddress;
      [Description (
        "The status of the entry."),
       ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"},
       Values {"other", "invalid", "permanent", "deleteOnReset",
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStaticStatus"}
   uint16 StaticStatus;
      [Description (
        "The ports to which frames with the destination MAC "
        "address arriving on the port represented by the "
        "SwitchPortStaticForwarding association are allowed "
        "to be forwarded.")
   uint16 AllowedToGo[];

// ==================================================================
//    TransparentBridgingStaticForwarding
// ==================================================================
       Description (
       "This association links an instance of the transparent "
       "bridging service to the entries of its static "
       "(destination-address filtering) database.")

class CIM_TransparentBridgingStaticForwarding : CIM_Dependency
      [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(1), Max(1),
       Description ("The transparent bridging service.")
   CIM_TransparentBridgingService REF Antecedent;
      [Override ("Dependent"), Weak,
       Description ("Static Forwarding Entry of forwarding database.")
   CIM_StaticForwardingEntry REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    SwitchPortStaticForwarding
// ==================================================================
       Description (
       "This association links a static database entry "
       "and the switch port to which the entry applies.") ] 
class CIM_SwitchPortStaticForwarding : CIM_Dependency
      [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(1),
       Description ("The switch port.") ]
   CIM_SwitchPort REF Antecedent;
      [Override ("Dependent"),
       Description ("Static Forwarding Entry of static database.")
   CIM_StaticForwardingEntry REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    SwitchServiceTransparentBridging
// ==================================================================
      [Association, Aggregation, Description (
       "An association linking SwitchService to a component "
       "TransparentBridgingService. The cardinality of the "
       "TransparentBridgingService is 0..1 for a VLAN-unaware "
       "switch.") ]

class CIM_SwitchServiceTransparentBridging : CIM_ServiceComponent
      [Override ("GroupComponent"), Aggregate, Min(1),
       Description ("The parent service.") ]
   CIM_SwitchService REF GroupComponent;
      [Override ("PartComponent"),
       Description ("The component service.") ] 
   CIM_TransparentBridgingService REF PartComponent;

// ==================================================================
//    SwitchServiceSpanningTree
// ==================================================================
      [Association, Aggregation, Description (
       "An association linking SwitchService to a component "
       "SpanningTreeService. The cardinality of the "
       "SpanningTreeService is 0..1 for a VLAN-unaware "
       "switch.") ] 

class CIM_SwitchServiceSpanningTree : CIM_ServiceComponent
      [Override ("GroupComponent"), Aggregate, Min(1),
       Description ("The parent service.") ]
   CIM_SwitchService REF GroupComponent;
      [Override ("PartComponent"),
       Description ("The component service.") ] 
   CIM_SpanningTreeService REF PartComponent;

// ===================================================================
//     SourceRoutingService
// ===================================================================
      [Description (
       "SourceRoutingService represents the capability of a switch "
       "to participate in the source routing of frames received "
       "at its ports. It is a system-level Service that provides "
       "and supports local switching only. For this reason, it is "
       "not defined as a subclass of NetworkService. Instead, Source"
       "RoutingService is aggregated into a higher level Network/"
       "Forwarding/SwitchService through the SwitchServiceSource"
       "Routing association.")]

class CIM_SourceRoutingService : CIM_Service
      [Description (
       "Indicates whether the bridge operates using older "
       "3 bit length negotiation fields or the newer 6 bit "
       "length field in its RIF."),
       ValueMap {"1", "2"},
        Values {"mode3", "mode6"},
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrBridgeLfMode"}
   uint16 BridgeLfMode;

// ==================================================================
//    SwitchServiceSourceRouting
// ==================================================================
      [Association, Aggregation, Description (
       "An association linking SwitchService to a component "
       "SourceRoutingService. The cardinality of the "
       "SourceRoutingService is 0..1 for a VLAN-unaware "
       "switch.") ] 

class CIM_SwitchServiceSourceRouting : CIM_ServiceComponent
      [Override ("GroupComponent"), Aggregate, Min(1),
       Description ("The parent service.") ]
   CIM_SwitchService REF GroupComponent;
      [Override ("PartComponent"),
       Description ("The component service.") ] 
   CIM_SourceRoutingService REF PartComponent;

// ==================================================================
//    SwitchPortPair
// ==================================================================
      [Association, Description (
        "This association represents information regarding port "
        "pairings that is used by the SourceRoutingService of a "
        "switch.") ]

class CIM_SwitchPortPair : CIM_SAPSAPDependency
      [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(1), Description (
       "The lower numbered port.")]
   CIM_SwitchPort REF Antecedent;
      [Override ("Dependent"), Min(1), Description (
       "The higher numbered port.")]
   CIM_SwitchPort REF Dependent;
      [Description (
       "A bridge number that uniquely identifies the path "
       "provided by this source routing bridge between the "
       "segments connected to high and low ports. The purpose "
       "of bridge number is to disambiguate between multiple paths "
       "connecting the same two LANs."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dPortPairBridgeNum"}
   uint16 BridgeNum;
      [Description (
       "The state of dot1dPortPairBridgeNum. Writing "
       "'invalid(3)' to this property removes the "
       "association instance."),
       ValueMap {"1", "2", "3"},
        Values {"enabled", "disabled", "invalid"},
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dPortPairBridgeState"}
   uint16 BridgeState;

// ===================================================================
//     SwitchPortSourceRouting
// ===================================================================
      [Association, Description (
       "A switch capable of source routing maintains "
       "source-routing specific information about each port. "
       "This association represents that information.") ]

class CIM_SwitchPortSourceRouting : CIM_ServiceSAPDependency
      [Override ("Antecedent"), Description ("The switch port.")]
   CIM_SwitchPort REF Antecedent;
      [Override ("Dependent"), Min(0), Max(1),
       Description ("The source routing service.") ]
   CIM_SourceRoutingService REF Dependent;
      [Description (
       "The maximum number of routing descriptors allowed "
       "in an All Paths or Spanning Tree Explorer frames."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrPortHopCount"}
   uint16 HopCount;
      [Description (
       "The segment number that uniquely identifies the "
       "segment to which this port is connected. Current "
       "source routing protocols limit this value to the "
       "range: 0 through 4095. (The value 0 is used by "
       "some management applications for special test "
       "cases.) A value of 65535 signifies that no segment "
       "number is assigned to this port."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrPortLocalSegment"}
   uint16 LocalSegment;
      [Description (
       "A bridge number uniquely identifies a bridge when "
       "more than one bridge is used to span the same two "
       "segments.  Current source routing protocols limit "
       "this value to the range: 0 through 15. A value of "
       "65535 signifies that no bridge number is assigned "
       "to this bridge."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrPortBridgeNum"}
   uint16 BridgeNum;
      [Description (
       "The segment number that corresponds to the target "
       "segment this port is considered to be connected to "
       "by the switch.  Current source routing protocols "
       "limit this value to the range: 0 through 4095. "
       "(The value 0 is used by some management "
       "applications for special test cases.) A value of "
       "65535 signifies that no target segment is assigned "
       "to this port."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrPortTargetSegment"}
   uint16 TargetSegment;
      [Description (
       "Determines how the port behaves when presented "
       "with a Spanning Tree Explorer frame.  The value "
       "'disabled(2)' indicates that the port will not "
       "accept or send Spanning Tree Explorer packets; any "
       "STE packets received will be silently discarded. "
       "The value 'forced(3)' indicates the port will "
       "always accept and propagate Spanning Tree Explorer "
       "frames. This allows a manually configured "
       "Spanning Tree for this class of packet to be "
       "configured. Note that unlike transparent "
       "bridging, this is not catastrophic to the network "
       "if there are loops. The value 'auto-span(1)' can "
       "only be returned by a bridge that both implements "
       "the Spanning Tree Protocol and has use of the "
       "protocol enabled on this port. The behavior of the "
       "port for Spanning Tree Explorer frames is "
       "determined by the value of the State property of "
       "the SwitchPortSpanningTree association for the port. "
       "If the port is in the 'forwarding' state, the frame "
       "will be accepted or propagated.  Otherwise, it "
       "will be silently discarded."),
       ValueMap {"1", "2", "3"},
       Values {"auto-span", "disabled", "forced"},
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrPortSTESpanMod"}
   uint16 STESpanMode;

// ==================================================================
//     VLAN
// ==================================================================
       [Description (
        "An instance of VLAN represents a VLAN within a switch. "
        "In a particular switch, there should be an instance of VLAN "
        "for every VLAN available in the switch. For example, in a "
        "switch with port-based VLANs, if there are 16 VLANs to which "
        "ports can be assigned (VLAN 1 through VLAN 16), there should "
        "be an instance of CIM_VLAN for each of VLAN 1 through "
        "VLAN 16."
        "VLAN inherits Name from ServiceAccessPoint. Use this for "
        "the textual name of the VLAN, if there is one. Otherwise, "
        "synthesize a textual name, e.g., VLAN 0003. (Consider "
        "leading zero fill, as shown, to ensure that if the textual "
        "VLAN names are extracted and presented by a management "
        "applictions, the VLAN names will sort in the expected order. "
        "It's irritating to see a list sorted"
        "'VLAN 1, VLAN 10, VLAN 11, VLAN 2, VLAN 3...'"
        "when it could have been"
        "'VLAN 0001, VLAN 0002, ..., VLAN 0010, VLAN 0011, ....')"
        "The numeric part of the name should be at least four "
        "digits wide since 802.1Q specifies 4095 VLANs."
        "It is intended that VLAN be subclassed only if necessary "
        "to add attributes. The type of the VLAN can be inferred from "
        "the VLANService(s) with which the VLAN is associated "
        "in the VLANFor association."
        "An instance of VLAN may be associated with more than one "
        "VLANService. For example, there are switches that "
        "support both 802.1Q VLANs and the vendor's proprietary "
        "VLANs. In some such switches if a broadcast packet received "
        "on a port in 802.1Q VLAN 5 will be transmitted from a port "
        "in proprietary VLAN 5. In effect, there is only one VLAN 5, "
        "and the type of port only determines the packet format for "
        "tagged packets. In the case just described, only one "
        "instance of CIM_VLAN should be instantiated for VLAN 5, and "
        "it should be associated both with the 802.1Q VLANService "
        "and the proprietary VLANService. "
        "In typical VLAN-aware switches, packets can be assigned to "
        "a VLAN based on the port on which they are received " 
        "(port-based VLANS), based on the source MAC address " 
        "(MAC-based VLANs), or based on the value of a set of bits in "
        "the packet (protocol-based VLANs). If it is desirable to "
        "represent the VLAN assignment predicate for some MAC-based "
        "VLAN switch, it will be necessary to subclass VLAN. The list "
        "of MAC addresses associated with a VLAN would be an "
        "attribute of the subclass. If it is desirable to represent"
        "the VLAN assignment predicate in a protocol-based VLAN "
        "switch, it will be necessary to subclass VLAN, "
        "InboundVLAN, or both. If the predicate applies to all ports "
        "in the switch, then only VLAN need be subclassed. If the "
        "predicate may vary based on the port, then InboundVLAN must "
        "be subclassed, and CIM_VLAN might have to be subclassed "
        "as well.") ]

class CIM_VLAN : CIM_ServiceAccessPoint
       [Description ("VLAN identifying number.") ]
    uint32 VLANNumber;

// ==================================================================
//     RelatedTransparentBridgingService
// ==================================================================
       [Association, Description (
        "The association between a VLAN and the forwarding database"
        "(some use the term filtering database) used to determine"
        "which port a packet should be transmitted on, given that it"
        "is assigned to the VLAN and that it has a particular"
        "destination MAC address. The TransparentBridgingService"
        "represents a forwarding database.") ]

class CIM_RelatedTransparentBridgingService : CIM_ServiceSAPDependency
       [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(0)]
    CIM_VLAN  REF Antecedent;
       [Override ("Dependent"), Min(1), Max(1)]
    CIM_TransparentBridgingService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//     CIM_RelatedSpanningTree
// ==================================================================
       [Association, Description (
        "This association identifies the spanning tree in which"
        "a forwarding database (TransparentBridgingService) is"
        "nested.") ]

class CIM_RelatedSpanningTree : CIM_ServiceServiceDependency
       [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(0)]
    CIM_TransparentBridgingService REF Antecedent;
       [Override ("Dependent"), Min(0), Max(1)]
    CIM_SpanningTreeService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//     InboundVLAN
// ==================================================================
       [Association, Description (
        "This association makes explicit the operational "
        "dependencies of a SwitchPort when operating in a VLAN."
        "If there is an association between a particular "
        "SwitchPort and a particular VLAN, then there is the "
        "possibility that a packet received by the port will be "
        "assigned to the VLAN (or if the packet already has a VLAN "
        "tag, that the packet will not be dropped). If there is no "
        "such association, then there is no possibility that a "
        "packet received by the port will progress through the "
        "switch having been assigned to the VLAN in question.") ]

class CIM_InboundVLAN : CIM_SAPSAPDependency
       [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(0)]
    CIM_VLAN REF Antecedent;
       [Override ("Dependent"), Min(0)]
    CIM_SwitchPort REF Dependent;
       [Description (
        "If true, packets already tagged with this VLAN number will be"
        "accepted when arriving at this port. For example, if there is"
        "an InboundVLAN association between port 12 and VLAN 7 for"
        "which Tagged is true, then if a packet tagged with VLAN 7"
        "arrives at port 12, the packet will be accepted into the"
        "switch for further processing. If there is no such "
        "association, then the packet will be dropped."
        "If false, it means that any untagged packets arriving at this"
        "port MIGHT be classified into the associated VLAN. If, for a"
        "particular SwitchPort, there is only one instance of the"
        "association for which Tagged is false, then all incoming"
        "untagged packets will be classified into that VLAN. This is"
        "the typical configuration of a non-trunk port in a switch"
        "implementing port-based VLANs. If there is more than one such"
        "association instance, then the packet MIGHT be classified"
        "into any one of them, based on some criterion other than the"
        "identity of the switch port. For example, in a MAC-based "
        "VLAN switch, the decision would be based on the source MAC "
        "address. In a protocol-based VLAN switch, the decision would "
        "be based on the values of some set of bits in the packet. "
        "Note that the MAC address is formatted as twelve "
        "hexadecimal digits (e.g., \"010203040506\"), with each "
        "pair representing one of the six octets of the MAC address "
        "in \"canonical\" bit order according to RFC 2469.") ]
    boolean Tagged;
       [Description (
        "Default should be true if untagged packets received by the "
        "SwitchPort are assigned to the VLAN by default. For "
        "802.1Q-compliant ports, the Default property should be "
        "true on the association instance connecting a SwitchPort to "
        "the CIM_VLAN corresponding to the port's PVID. Default "
        "should never be true if Tagged is true -- it applies only "
        "to untagged packets.") ]
    boolean Default;

// ==================================================================
//     OutboundVLAN
// ==================================================================
       [Association, Description (
        "This association makes explicit the operational "
        "dependencies of a SwitchPort when operating in a VLAN. "
        "If there is no instance of OutboundVLAN between a given "
        "SwitchPort and CIM_VLAN, then any packet that has been "
        "assigned to the VLAN and whose destination address is "
        "associated with the port will be dropped by the switch "
        "without being transmitted. Otherwise, the packet will be "
        "transmitted.") ]

class CIM_OutboundVLAN : CIM_SAPSAPDependency 
       [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(0)]
    CIM_VLAN REF Antecedent;
       [Override ("Dependent"), Min(0)]
    CIM_SwitchPort REF Dependent;
       [Description (
        "If Tagged is true, then the packet will be transmitted in"
        "encapsulated form, tagged with the associated VLAN tag. If"
        "Tagged is false, the packet will be trasmitted without any"
        "VLAN tag.") ]
    boolean Tagged;

// ==================================================================
//     VLANService
// ==================================================================
       [Abstract, Description (
        "VLANService represents the VLAN aspects of the function"
        "performed by a switch. Some VLAN-aware devices participate"
        "in protocols where VLAN information is propagated among"
        "switches, e.g., GVRP in 802.1Q switches and VTP in Cisco"
        "Catalyst switches. VLANService also represents the function"
        "performed by the switch as a participant in such a protocol."
        "VLANService must be subclassed so that instances can be"
        "distinguished by their class. If there is a name assigned to"
        "a set of VLAN-aware switches, e.g., the VTP domain name in"
        "Cisco Catalyst switches, use the Name attribute inherited"
        "from CIM_Service to store the name."
        "A VLANService should be instantiated in a VLAN-aware switch"
        "even if there is no GVRP-like protocol.") ]

class CIM_VLANService : CIM_Service

// ==================================================================
//     802dot1QVLANService
// ==================================================================
       [Description (
        "If a switch supports 802.1Q, an instance of this class should"
        "be instantiated in the switch. If the switch supports GVRP,"
        "this class represents the function that the switch performs"
        "with respect to GVRP.") ]

class CIM_802dot1QVLANService : CIM_VLANService

// ==================================================================
//     SwitchServiceVLAN
// ==================================================================
      [Association, Aggregation, Description (
       "An association linking SwitchService to a component "
       "VLANService.") ]

class CIM_SwitchServiceVLAN : CIM_ServiceComponent
      [Override ("GroupComponent"), Min(1), Max(1), Aggregate]
   CIM_SwitchService REF GroupComponent;
      [Override ("PartComponent")]
   CIM_VLANService REF PartComponent;

// ==================================================================
//     VLANFor
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description(
         "The VLAN Port used by the VLAN Service.") ]

class CIM_VLANFor : CIM_ServiceSAPDependency
       [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(0)]
    CIM_VLAN REF Antecedent;
       [Override ("Dependent"), Min(1)]
    CIM_VLANService REF Dependent;

// ===================================================================
//     TransparentBridgingStatistics
// ===================================================================
       "Statistical information regarding the Transparent Bridging "
       "Service.") ] 

class CIM_TransparentBridgingStatistics : 
      [Description (
       "The total number of Forwarding Database entries, "
       "which have been or would have been learnt, but "
       "have been discarded due to a lack of space to "
       "store them in the Forwarding Database. "),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dTpLearnedEntryDiscards"}
   uint32 LearnedEntryDiscards;

// ===================================================================
//     SpanningTreeStatistics
// ===================================================================
       "Statistical information regarding the Spanning Tree "
       "Service.") ]

class CIM_SpanningTreeStatistics : CIM_ServiceStatisticalInformation
       "The time since the last topology change was "
       "detected by the switch."),
       Units ("Hundredths of Seconds"),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dStpTimeSinceTopologyChange"} ]
   uint32 TimeSinceTopologyChange;
      [Description (
       "The total number of topology changes detected by "
       "the switch since the counter was last reset or "
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dStpTopChanges"}
   uint32 TopChanges;

// ===================================================================
//     SwitchPortStatistics
// ===================================================================
      [Description (
       "Statistical information regarding a generic switch port, "
       "independent of the specific kind of switching done on "
       "frames arriving at the port.") ]

class CIM_SwitchPortStatistics : CIM_SAPStatisticalInformation
      [Description (
       "The number of frames discarded by this port due "
       "to excessive transit delay through the bridge."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dBasePortDelayExceededDiscards"}
   uint32 DelayExceededDiscards;
      [Description (
       "The number of frames discarded by this port due "
       "to an excessive size."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dBasePortMtuExceededDiscards"}
   uint32 MtuExceededDiscards;

// ===================================================================
//     SwitchPortTransparentBridgingStatistics
// ===================================================================
      [Description (
       "Statistical information regarding a switch port, "
       "at which transparent bridging is performed.") ]

class CIM_SwitchPortTransparentBridgingStatistics : 
      [Description (
       "The number of frames that have been received by "
       "the port from its segment. Note that a frame "
       "is only counted if and only if it is for a "
       "protocol being processed by the local bridging "
       "function, including bridge management frames."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dTpPortInFrames"}
   uint32 InFrames;
      [Description (
       "The number of frames that have been transmitted by "
       "the port to its segment. Note that a frame "
       "is only counted if and only if it is for a "
       "protocol being processed by the local bridging "
       "function, including bridge management frames."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dTpPortOutFrames"}
   uint32 OutFrames;
      [Description (
       "Count of valid frames received which were "
       "discarded (i.e., filtered) by the Forwarding Process."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1493-MIB.dot1dTpPortInDiscards"}
   uint32 InDiscards;

// ===================================================================
//     SwitchPortSpanningTreeStatistics
// ===================================================================
      [Description (
       "Statistical information regarding a switch port "
       "participating in the spanning tree.") ]

class CIM_SwitchPortSpanningTreeStatistics : 
      [Description (
       "The number of times the port has transitioned "
       "from the Learning state to the Forwarding state."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1493- MIB.dot1dStpPortForwardTransitions"}
   uint32 ForwardTransitions;

// ===================================================================
//     SwitchPortSourceRoutingStatistics
// ===================================================================
      [Description (
       "Statistical information regarding a switch port "
       "supporting source routing.") ]

class CIM_SwitchPortSourceRoutingStatistics : 
      [Counter, Description (
       "The number of Specifically Routed frames, also "
       "referred to as Source Routed Frames, that have "
       "been received from the segment attached to the port."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrPortSpecInFrames"}
   uint32 SpecInFrames;
      [Counter, Description (
       "The number of Specifically Routed frames, also "
       "referred to as Source Routed Frames, that the "
       "port has transmitted on its segment."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrPortSpecOutFrames"}
   uint32 SpecOutFrames;
      [Counter, Description (
       "The number of All Paths Explorer frames, also "
       "referred to as All Routes Explorer frames, that "
       "have been received by the port from its segment."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrPortApeInFrames"}
   uint32 ApeInFrames;
      [Counter, Description (
       "The number of all Paths Explorer Frames, also "
       "referred to as All Routes Explorer frames, that "
       "have been transmitted by the port on its segment."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrPortApeOutFrames"}
   uint32 ApeOutFrames;
      [Counter, Description (
       "The number of spanning tree explorer frames that "
       "have been received by the port from its segment."),
       Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrPortSteInFrames"}
   uint32 SteInFrames;
      [Counter, Description (
      "The number of spanning tree explorer frames that "
      "have been transmitted by the port on its segment."),
      Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1525-MIB.dot1dSrPortSteOutFrames"}
   uint32 SteOutFrames;
      [Counter, Description (
       "The number of explorer frames that have been "
       "discarded by the port because the routing "
       "descriptor field contained an invalid adjacent "
       "segment value."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1525- MIB.dot1dSrPortSegmentMismatchDiscards"}
   uint32 SegmentMismatchDiscards;
      [Counter, Description (
       "The number of frames that have been discarded by "
       "the port because the routing descriptor field "
       "contained a duplicate segment identifier."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1525- MIB.dot1dSrPortDuplicateSegmentDiscards"}
   uint32 DuplicateSegmentDiscards;
      [Counter, Description (
       "The number of explorer frames that have been "
       "discarded by the port because the Routing "
       "Information Field has exceeded the maximum route "
       "descriptor length."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1525- MIB.dot1dSrPortHopCountExceedsDiscards"}
   uint32 HopCountExceedsDiscards;
      [Counter, Description (
       "The number of duplicate LAN IDs or Tree errors. "
       "This helps in detection of problems in networks "
       "containing older IBM Source Routing Bridges."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1525- MIB.dot1dSrPortDupLanIdOrTreeErrors"}
   uint32 DupLanIdOrTreeErrors;
      [Counter, Description (
       "The number of ARE and STE frames that were "
       "discarded because the last LAN ID in the routing "
       "information field did not equal the LAN-in ID. "
       "This error can occur in implementations which do "
       "only a LAN-in ID and Bridge Number check instead "
       "of a LAN-in ID, Bridge Number, and LAN-out ID "
       "check before they forward broadcast frames."),
       Mappingstrings {
        "MIB.IETF|RFC1525- MIB.dot1dSrPortLanIdMismatches"}
   uint32 LanIdMismatches;

// ==================================================================
//     BGPStatistics
// ==================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class contains statistical information for a "
         "Group sessions.") ]

class CIM_BGPStatistics : CIM_ServiceStatisticalInformation
        [Counter, Description (
         "This is the number of BGP UPDATE messages received on this"
         "router's BGP connection. This is a 32-bit counter."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerInUpdates"} ]
    uint32 InUpdates; 
        [Counter, Description (
         "This is the number of BGP UPDATE messages transmitted on "
         "this router's BGP connection. This is a 32-bit counter."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerOutUpdates"} ]
    uint32 OutUpdates; 
        [Counter, Description (
         "This is the total number of BGP messages received on this"
         "router's BGP connection. This is a 32-bit counter."),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerInTotalMessages"} ]
    uint32 InTotalMessages;
        [Counter, Description (
         "This is the total number of BGP messages transmitted on "
         "this router's BGP connection. This is a 32-bit counter."),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerOutTotalMessages"} ]
    uint32 OutTotalMessages;
        [Description (
         "This contains the last error code and error subcode for "
         "this router's BGP connection. If no error has occurred, "
         "then each integer in the array is zero."),
        Mappingstrings {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerLastError"} ]
    uint8 LastError [2]; 
        [Counter, Description (
         "This contains the total number of times that the BGP Finite "
         "State Machine has transitioned into the established state "
         "for this router's BGP connection. This is a 32-bit "
         {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions"} ]
    uint32 FsmEstablishedTransitions;
        [Gauge, Description (
         "This indicates how long, in seconds, this peer has been in "
         "the established state, or how long since this peer was last "
         "in the established state. It is set to zero when a new peer "
         "is configured or when the router is booted. This has the "
         "semantics of a 32-bit gauge."),
        Units ("Seconds"),
        Mappingstrings {
         "MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime"} ]
    uint32 FsmEstablishedTime; 
        [Gauge, Description (
         "This defines the time in seconds since the last BGP UPDATE "
         "message was received from the peer. This has the semantics "
         "of a 32-bit gauge."),
        Units ("Seconds"),
         {"MIB.IETF|RFC1657-MIB.bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime"} ]
    uint32 InUpdateElapsedTime;

// ==================================================================
//    BGPServiceStatistics
// ================================================================== 
	  [Association, Description ( 
	   "This association defines statistics collected for a BGP " 
	   "session.") ]

class CIM_BGPServiceStatistics : CIM_ServiceStatistics
	  [Max(1), Override("Stats"), Weak, Description (
         "The statistics object for the BGP session.") ] 
    CIM_BGPStatistics REF Stats;
	  [Min(1), Max(1), Override("Element"), Description ( 
	   "The BGPService for which statistics are being gathered.") ] 
    CIM_BGPService REF Element;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_EndpointIdentity (CR308a) - this class stays here!
// ===================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "CIM_EndpointIdentity indicates that two ProtocolEndpoints "
         "represent different aspects of the same underlying address "
         "or protocol-specific ID. This association refines the "
         "CIM_LogicalIdentity superclass by restricting it to the "
         "Endpoint level and defining its use in well understood "
         "scenarios. One of these scenarios is to represent that an "
         "Endpoint has both 'LAN' and protocol-specific aspects. "
         "For example, an Endpoint could be both a LANEndpoint as "
         "well as a DHCPEndpoint.") ]

class CIM_EndpointIdentity: CIM_LogicalIdentity
        [Override ("SystemElement"), Description (
         "SystemElement represents one aspect of the "
         "Endpoint.") ]
    CIM_ProtocolEndpoint ref SystemElement;
        [Override ("SameElement"), Description (
         "SameElement represents an alternate aspect of "
         "the Endpoint.") ]
    CIM_ProtocolEndpoint ref SameElement;

// ===================================================================
// Start of the QoS sub-model
// ===================================================================

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_QoSService
// ===================================================================

        [Description (
         "This is a concrete class that represents the ability to "
         "conceptualize a QoS service as a set of coordinated "
         "sub-services. This enables the network administrator to map "
         "business rules to the network, and the network designer to "
         "engineer the network such that it can provide different "
         "functions for different traffic streams. "
         "This class has two main purposes. First, it serves as a "
         "common base class for defining various sub-services that "
         "are needed to build higher-level QoS services. Second, it "
         "serves as a way to consolidate relationships between "
         "different types of QoS services and different types of "
         "For example, Gold Service may be defined as a set of "
         "sub-services, where each of these sub-services perform one "
         "or more different functions required by the higher-level "
         "service. Continuing the example, Gold Service may be used "
         "to specify EF for one traffic stream along with different "
         "AF services for other different traffic streams. Each of "
         "these services are instances of the class QoSService, and "
         "each require a set of sub-services to be defined as part of "
         "their implementation. For example, one would expect to see "
         "different marking, dropping, and queuing sub-services to be "
         "defined for each of these services.") ]

class CIM_QoSService: CIM_NetworkService

// ==================================================================
//    QoSSubService
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "  The associations - QoSSubService and QoSConditioningSub"
         "Service - operate in conjunction. High level QoS "
         "definitions, such as 'John gets Gold Service', map to "
         "lower level, more concrete QoSServices (the subclasses "
         "of QoSService). This is described by the QoSSubService "
         "association. In turn, each of the SubServices may require "
         "their own conditioning. This is modeled using the "
         "QoSConditioningSubService aggregation. \n"
         "  Note that a more concrete QoSService may only be "
         "aggregated into one higher level Service, using this "
         "association. The cardinality on the GroupComponent "
         "reference is Max (1).") ]

class CIM_QoSSubService : CIM_ServiceComponent 
        [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Max (1), 
         Description (
         "The higher level QoSService that is constructed by"
         "aggregating one or more lower-level QoSServices.") ]
    CIM_QoSService REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), Description (
         "The more concrete QoSService that is used to provide "
         "the higher level Service.") ]
    CIM_QoSService REF PartComponent; 

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_PrecedenceService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a specialization of the general "
         "concept of forwarding network traffic by adding specific "
         "semantics that define how traffic is forwarded based on "
         "the value of the ToS byte of a packet. "
         "This class is used to enable DiffServ devices and non-"
         "DiffServ devices to exchange traffic. This is done by "
         "defining a sibling class, DiffServService, to represent "
         "devices that forward traffic based on the DiffServ code "
         "point. This enables the administrator to define mappings "
         "between devices that do not support DiffServ, and instead "
         "use IP Precedence, to devices that do support DiffServ, "
         "which use DSCPs. "
         "Since the PrecedenceService class is a specialization of "
         "QoSService, it can be related to higher-level QoS services "
         "as well as to lower-level sub-services (e.g., "
         "classification, metering, dropping, queuing, and others).") ]

class CIM_PrecedenceService: CIM_NetworkService
        [Description (
         "This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the "
         "notion of precedence for different types of traffic.") ]
    uint8 PrecedenceValue;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_DiffServService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "DiffServService represents using standard or custom "
         "DiffServ services to implement a (higher-level) QoS service. "
         "Note that the DiffServService may be just one of a set of "
         "coordinated QoSSubServices that together implement a "
         "higher-level QoS service."
         "DiffServService is modeled as a specialization of QoS"
         "Service. This enables it to be related to a higher-level "
         "QoSService (via QoSSubService) as well as to specific "
         "ConditioningServices (e.g., classification, metering, "
         "dropping, queuing, and others).") ]

class CIM_DiffServService: CIM_QoSService
        [Description (
         "This property is an unsigned 8-bit integer, and defines the "
         "Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) that this link "
         "uses to represent various types of differentiated "
         "services through device-specific configuration commands.") ]
    uint8 DSCP;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_8021PService
// ===================================================================

        [Description (
         "This class represents a specialization to the general "
         "concept of forwarding network traffic by adding specific "
         "semantics that define how traffic is forwarded based on "
         "the value of the Priority field in the 802.1P header. "
         "This class is used to enable DiffServ domains and domains "
         "that support 802.1P only to exchange traffic. It represents "
         "the mapping between implementations that only support "
         "802.1P priority marking to be mapped to implementations "
         "that support DiffServ, which use DSCPs. "
         "The 8021PService class is modeled as a specialization of "
         "QoSService. This enables it to be related to a higher-level "
         "QoS service as well as to lower-level sub-services (e.g., "
         "classification, metering, dropping, queuing, and others).") ]

class CIM_8021PService: CIM_QoSService
        [Description (
         "This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the "
         "notion of priority as specified in 802.1P "
         "implementations.") ]
    uint8 PriorityValue;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_AFService
// ===================================================================

        [Description (
         "This class represents a specialization to the general "
         "concept of forwarding network traffic by adding specific "
         "semantics that characterize the operation of the Assured "
         "Forwarding (AF) Service (RFC2597). This RFC defines four "
         "different AF classes to represent four different treatments "
         "of traffic (e.g., a different amount of forwarding "
         "resources, such as buffer space and bandwidth, are "
         "allocated. Within each AF class, IP packets are marked with "
         "one of three possible drop precedence values. The drop "
         "precedence of a packet determines the relative "
         "importance of that packet compared to other packets within "
         "the same AF class if congestion occurs. A congested "
         "interface will try to avoid dropping packets with a lower "
         "drop precedence value by instead discarding packets with a "
         "higher drop precedence value."
         "Note that this RFC defines 12 DSCPs that together implement "
         "the AF Per-Hop Behavior (PHB) group. Implementations are "
         "free to extend this (e.g., add more classes and/or drop "
         "precedences) and indeed do not have to implement the AF PHB "
         "to be considered compliant to DiffServ. However, "
         "implementations should use this set of DSCPs if they "
         "implement the AF PHB. "
         "The AFService class is modeled as a specialization of "
         "DiffServService, which is in turn a specialization of "
         "QoSService. This enables it to be related to a higher-level "
         "QoS services as well as to lower-level sub-services (e.g., "
         "classification, metering, dropping, queuing, and others).") ]

class CIM_AFService: CIM_DiffServService
        [Description (
         "This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the "
         "number of classes that this AF implementation uses. "
         "Implementations should define at least four classes.") ]
    uint8 ClassNumber;
        [Description (
         "This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the "
         "number of drop precedence values that this AF "
         "implementation uses. The number of drop precedence values "
         "are PER AF CLASS. Implementations should define at least "
         "three drop precedence values per class.") ]
    uint8 DropperNumber;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_EFService
// ===================================================================

        [Description (
         "This class represents a specialization to the general "
         "concept of forwarding network traffic by adding specific "
         "semantics that characterize the operation of the "
         "Expedited Forwarding (EF) Service (defined in RFC 2598). "
         "The EFService class is modeled as a specialization of "
         "DiffServService, which is in turn a specialization of "
         "QoSService. This enables it to be related to a higher-level "
         "QoS service as well as to lower-level sub-services (e.g., "
         "classification, metering, dropping, queuing, and others). "
         "The EF PHB can be used to build a low loss, low latency, "
         "low jitter, assured bandwidth, end-to-end service through "
         "DiffServ domains.  Such a service appears to the endpoints "
         "like a point-to-point connection or a virtual leased line. "
         "This service has also been described as Premium service in "
         "the IETF literature. "
         "The EF PHB is not a mandatory part of the DiffServ "
         "architecture (e.g., a node does not have to implement the "
         "EF PHB to be considered DiffServ-compliant.  However, when "
         "a DiffServ-compliant node claims to implement the EF PHB, "
         "the implementation must conform to the specification given "
         "in RFC2598."
         "RFC 2598 defines one DSCP for the EF service. Thus, there "
         "is no need to define any attributes in this class, since an "
         "instance of the EFService class, by definition, means that "
         "this particular DSCP is used.") ]

class CIM_EFService: CIM_DiffServService

// ==================================================================
//    AFRelatedServices
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "The IETF's RFC2597 describes a Differentiated Services "
         "Per-Hop-Behavior (PHB) Group called Assured Forwarding "
         "(AF). Quoting from the RFC, \"The AF PHB group provides "
         "delivery of IP packets in four independently forwarded "
         "AF classes. Within each AF class, an IP packet can be "
         "assigned one of three different levels of drop "
         "precedence.\" The AFRelatedServices association describes "
         "the precedence of the individual AF drop-related "
         "Services within an AF IP packet-forwarding class.") ]

class CIM_AFRelatedServices 
        [Key, Max (1), Description (  
	   "The AFService with a lower drop precedence (ie, lower "
         "probability of dropping packets).") ]
    CIM_AFService REF AFLowerDropPrecedence;
        [Key, Description (  
         "An AFService at the same IP packet-forwarding class level, "
         "but at a higher drop precedence.") ]
    CIM_AFService REF AFHigherDropPrecedence;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_ConditioningService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class is a specialization of ForwardingService, and "
         "represents the ability to define how traffic will be "
         "conditioned in the data forwarding path of a device. The "
         "subclasses of ConditioningService define the particular "
         "type of conditioning that is done. Five fundamental types "
         "of functions are defined in this version (2.4) of the "
         "model. They are the services performed by a classifier, "
         "meter, marker, dropper, and queue. Note that other, more "
         "sophisticated, types of actions may be defined in the "
         "future.") ]

class CIM_ConditioningService: CIM_ForwardingService
        [Description (
         "This property is a boolean that, if TRUE, signifies that "
         "one or more conditioning functions can be performed on "
         "traffic encountered by this ConditioningService. This "
         "allows one or more ConditioningServices to be enabled or "
         "disabled to provide different types of conditioning for "
         "traffic.") ]
    boolean Enabled;

// ==================================================================
//    QoSConditioningSubService
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "A QoSService utilizes underlying ConditioningServices as "
         "part of its overall functionality. This is modeled using "
         "the QoSConditioningSubService association. Note that "
         "a ConditioningService may only be part of a single "
         "QoSService - the cardinality on the QoSService "
         "reference is Max (1).") ]

class CIM_QoSConditioningSubService : CIM_ServiceComponent 
        [Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent"), Max (1), 
         Description (
         "The QoSService that includes the ConditioningService.") ]
    CIM_QoSService REF GroupComponent;
        [Override ("PartComponent"), 
         Description ("The ConditioningService.") ]
    CIM_ConditioningService REF PartComponent; 

// ==================================================================
//    ConditioningServiceOnEndpoint
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "The QoS Model describes the traffic conditioning functions "
         "in place for a network device. In order to 'be "
         "conditioned', a packet is received at a ProtocolEndpoint. "
         "After 'conditioning', a packet is dropped or leaves the "
         "device via a ProtocolEndpoint. This dependency on "
         "ProtocolEndpoints is defined by the ConditioningServiceOn"
         "Endpoint association. A property of the association, "
         "ServiceType, indicates whether the ConditioningService "
         "handles incoming (\"Ingress\") or out-going (\"Egress\") "
         "packets.") ]

class CIM_ConditioningServiceOnEndpoint : CIM_ForwardsAmong 
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Max (1), Description (
         "The ProtocolEndpoint through which traffic arrives at or "
         "leaves from a network device.") ]
    CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Max (1), Description (
         "The ConditioningService which begins or ends the traffic "
         "conditioning processing within a network device.") ]
    CIM_ConditioningService REF Dependent;
        [Description (
         "Indicates whether a packet is incoming (value = 1, "
         "\"Ingress\") or out-going (value = 2, \"Egress\") at the "
         "ProtocolEndpoint, relative to the ConditioningService."), 
         Values {"Unknown", "Ingress", "Egress"} ]
    uint16 ServiceType; 

// ==================================================================
//    NextService
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "  In processing or 'conditioning' a packet at a network "
         "device, that packet is handled by a variety of Conditioning"
         "Services (such as Classifiers, Meters, Droppers, etc.). "
         "The Services may feed one another directly, or be more "
         "discretely mapped to multiple 'next' Services (for example, "
         "queues) based on the characteristics of the packet. \n"
         "  There is a need to indicate the sequence of Services "
         "when conditioning packets in a network device. This "
         "is accomplished via the NextService association.  Both one-"
         "to-one and fan in/fan out relationships can be described. \n"
         "  Note that this relationship is truly a Dependency "
         "association, but can not be modeled as such - since an "
         "additional key property is required. This key allows a "
         "ConditioningService to forward multiple traffic flows to "
         "the same 'next' Service but maintain their traffic "
         "'identity'. This identity must be maintained to allow a "
         "later step in the conditioning process to 'fan out' from "
         "one to many 'next' Services. The TrafficClass key "
         "property uniquely distinguishes potentially multiple "
         "NextService instances between the same "
         "ConditioningServices.") ] 

class CIM_NextService 
        [Key, Description (
         "The preceeding ConditioningService, 'earlier' in the "
         "processing sequence for a packet.") ]
    CIM_ConditioningService REF PreceedingService;
        [Key, Description (
         "The 'next' or following ConditioningService.") ]
    CIM_ConditioningService REF FollowingService;
	  [Key, Description (
         "Traffic flows from the various ConditioningServices may be "
         "distinguished by their specific traffic class (information "
         "which is conveyed in the FilterEntry.TrafficClass "
         "property). There can be only one traffic 'class of "
         "service' per output from the ConditioningService (i.e., "
         "per instance of this association)."),
         ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_FilterEntry.TrafficClass" } ]
    string TrafficClass;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_ClassifierService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a logical entity that resides in the "
         "data forwarding path of a network device. A classifier "
         "takes a single input traffic stream and sorts it into one "
         "or more output traffic streams. The sorting is done by a "
         "set of filters that select packets based on the packet "
         "contents (or possibly other attributes associated with the "
         "packet). Each output stream is the result of matching a "
         "particular filter (or not matching any filter). "
         "Classification is modeled as a QoSSubService that occurs "
         "as part of the conditioning that may be applied to a "
         "traffic stream. Thus, it is subclassed from "
         "ConditioningService.") ]

class CIM_ClassifierService : CIM_ConditioningService
        [Description (
         "This property is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned integer "
         "that is used to define the specific type of classifier "
         "of this instance. The following types of "
         "classifiers are defined: "
         " 1 - Other; \n 2 - Behavior Aggregate; \n"
         " 3 - IPv4 Multi-Field-5; \n"
         " 4 - IPv6 Multi-Field-5; \n 5 - IPv4 Multi-Field-6; \n"
         " 6 - IPv6 Multi-Field-6; \n 7 - 802 MAC; \n "
         " 8 - IEEE Priority; \n"
         " 9 - IEEE VLAN; \n 10 - Free-form. "
         "Here, Multi-Field-5 defines a filter to match on source "
         "and destination IP address, source and destination port, "
         "and IP Protocol. Multi-Field-6 is the same, except that "
         "the DSCP value is also matched."),
         ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", 
         Values {"Other", "Behavior Aggregate", 
                 "IPv4 Multi-Field-5", "IPv6 Multi-Field-5",
                 "IPv4 Multi-Field-6", "IPv6 Multi-Field-6", 
                 "802 MAC", "IEEE Priority", "IEEE VLAN", 
         ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_ClassifierService.OtherClassifierType" } ] 
   uint16 ClassifierType;
        [Description (
         "This is a vendor-specified string describing the type "
         "of classifier. It is used when the value of the "
         "ClassifierType attribute of this class is equal to 1."),
         ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_ClassifierService.ClassifierType" } ]
    string OtherClassifierType;
        [Description (
         "This is a boolean attribute that, if TRUE, means that "
         "this Classifier has already processed at least one "
         "packet.") ]
    boolean HaveClassifiedPackets;

// ==================================================================
//    ClassifierFilterSet
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "In order for a ClassifierService to correctly identify and "
         "process network traffic, that traffic must be described by "
         "FilterEntries, which are aggregated into FilterLists. This "
         "association defines the Dependency of the ClassifierService "
         "on FilterLists (and therefore, their FilterEntries). The "
         "cardinality of the association requires that the Classifier"
         "Service operate against at least one FilterList.") ] 

class CIM_ClassifierFilterSet : CIM_Dependency 
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Min (1), Description (
	   "The FilterList aggregating FilterEntries, these in turn "
         "describe how traffic is identified and processed by the "
         "ClassifierService.") ]
    CIM_FilterList REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The ClassifierService which uses the FilterList and its "
         "aggregated FilterEntries.") ]
    CIM_ClassifierService REF Dependent;
        [Description (
         "The ordering of the FilterLists used in the classification "
         "and forwarding functions of the ClassifierService.") ]
    uint16 FilterListPosition; 

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_MeterService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a logical entity that resides in the "
         "data forwarding path of a network device. It describes "
         "the metering of network traffic. Metering is the "
         "function of monitoring the arrival times of packets of a "
         "traffic stream and determining the level of conformance of "
         "each packet with respect to a pre-established traffic "
         "profile. A meter has the ability to invoke different "
         "ConditioningServices for conforming traffic and non-"
         "conforming traffic. Non-conforming packets may be further "
         "conditioned (e.g., dropped or queued) by routing the packet "
         "to the appropriate conditioning element. "
         "This class is the base class for defining different types "
         "of meters. As such, it contains common properties that all "
         "meter subclasses share. ") ]

class CIM_MeterService: CIM_ConditioningService
        [Description (
         "This property is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned integer "
         "that is used to specify the particular type of meter. "
         "Defined values of the enumeration are: "
         "   1: Other \n"
         "   2: AverageRateMeter \n"
         "   3: EWMAMeter \n"
         "   4: TokenBucketMeter."
         "Note: The MeterType property and the MeterService "
         "subclasses provide similar information. This property is "
         "defined for query purposes and for future expansion. It "
         "is assumed that not all MeterServices will require a "
         "subclass to define them.  Therefore, MeterService will "
         "be instantiated directly and the Type property is "
         ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4"}, 
         Values {"Other", "AverageRateMeter", 
                "EWMAMeter", "TokenBucketMeter"}, 
         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_MeterService.OtherMeterType"} ]
    uint16 MeterType;
        [Description (
         "This property is a string used in conjunction with "
         "the MeterType property. When the value of MeterType "
         "is 1 (e.g., \"Other\"), then the name of the conformance "
         "level for this meter is defined in this property."),
         ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_MeterService.MeterType" } ]
    string OtherMeterType;
        [Description (
         "An unsigned integer indicating the number of conformance "
         "levels supported by the Meter. For example, when only " 
         "'in-profile' or 'out of profile' metering is supported. "
         "ConformanceLevels is set to 2.") ]
    uint16 ConformanceLevels;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_AverageRateMeterService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a logical entity that resides in the "
         "data forwarding path of a network device. It describes the "
         "metering of network traffic using an Average Rate Meter. "
         "This type of meter measures the average rate at which "
         "packets are submitted to it over a specified time. Packets "
         "are defined as conformant if their average arrival rate "
         "does not exceed the specified measuring rate of the meter. "
         "Any packet that causes the specified measuring rate to be "
         "exceeded is defined to be non-conforming. "
         "This is modeled as a subclass of ConditioningService and "
         "has the ability to invoke different ConditioningServices "
         "for conforming and non-conforming traffic.") ]

class CIM_AverageRateMeterService: CIM_MeterService
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit real number that defines the "
         "rate that determines whether admitted packets are in "
         "conformance or not."),
         Units ("KiloBits per Second") ]
    real32 AverageRate;

       [Description ( 
        "This property is a 64-bit unsigned integer that defines " 
        "the time period over which the average measurement should " 
        "be taken."), 
       Units ("NanoSeconds") ] 
    uint64 DeltaInterval; 

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_EWMAMeterService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a logical entity that resides in the "
         "data forwarding path of a network device. It describes the "
         "metering of network traffic using an Exponentially Weighted "
         "Moving Average meter. This meter can be modeled as a simple "
         "IIR low-pass filter that measures the rate of incoming "
         "packets over a small fixed sampling interval. Any admitted "
         "packet that pushes the average rate over a pre-defined "
         "limit is defined to be non-conforming. "
         "This is modeled as a subclass of ConditioningService and "
         "has the ability to invoke different ConditioningServices "
         "for conforming and non-conforming traffic.") ]

class CIM_EWMAMeterService: CIM_MeterService
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit real number that defines the "
         "average rate against which the sampled arrival rate of "
         "packets should be measured. Any packet that causes the "
         "sampled rate to exceed this rate is deemed "
         Units ("KiloBits Per Second") ]
    real32 AverageRate;

       [Description ( 
        "This property is a 64-bit unsigned integer that defines " 
        "the sampling interval used to measure the arrival rate in " 
        "bytes. The calculated rate is averaged over this interval " 
        "and checked against the AverageRate property. All " 
        "packets whose computed average arrival rate is " 
        "less than the AverageRate are deemed conforming."), 
       Units ("NanoSeconds") ] 
  uint64 DeltaInterval;

        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit real number that defines the time "
         "constant (e.g. frequency response) of what is essentially a "
         "simple IIR low-pass filter.") ]
    real32 Gain;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_TokenBucketMeterService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a logical entity that resides in the "
         "data forwarding path of a network device. It describes the "
         "metering of network traffic using a token bucket meter. "
         "Two types of token bucket meters are defined using this "
         "class - a simple, 2 parameter bucket meter, and a multi-"
         "stage meter."
         "A simple token bucket usually has two parameters, an "
         "average token rate and a burst size. Quoting from the IETF "
         "Draft, 'A Conceptual Model for DiffServ Routers', \"TB "
         "meters compare the arrival rate of packets to the average "
         "rate specified by the TB profile.  Logically, tokens "
         "accumulate in a bucket at the average rate, up to a "
         "maximum credit which is the burst size. Packets of length "
         "L bytes are considered conforming if any tokens are "
         "available in the bucket at the time of packet arrival: up "
         "to L bytes may then be borrowed from future token "
         "allocations. Packets are allowed to exceed the average "
         "rate in bursts up to the burst size. Packets which arrive "
         "to find a bucket with no tokens in it are deemed "
         "non-conforming.\" This type of meter has only two "
         "conformance levels - conforming and non-conforming. "
         "This class also defines an excess burst size, which enables "
         "the meter to have three conformance levels (basically, "
         "'conforming', 'partially conforming', and 'non-conforming'). "
         "The difference is that packets that exceed the excess burst "
         "size are deemed non-conforming, while packets that exceed "
         "the smaller BurstSize but are less than the ExcessBurst"
         "Size are deemed partially conforming. "
         "This is modeled as a subclass of ConditioningService and "
         "has the ability to invoke different ConditioningServices "
         "for conforming, partially conforming and non-conforming "
         "traffic.") ]

class CIM_TokenBucketMeterService: CIM_MeterService
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit real number that is used to "
         "define the committed rate of the meter."),
         Units ("KiloBits per Second") ]
    real32 AverageRate;
        [Description (
         "This attribute is a 32-bit real number that is used to "
         "define the peak rate of the meter."), 
         Units ("KiloBits per Second") ]
    real32 PeakRate;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit real number that is used to "
         "define the maximum number of tokens available for the "
         "committed rate (specified by the AverageRate property)."),
         Units ("KiloBytes") ]
    real32 BurstSize;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit real number that is used to "
         "define the maximum number of tokens available for the "
         "peak rate (specified by the PeakRate property)."),  
         Units ("KiloBytes") ]
    real32 ExcessBurstSize;

// ==================================================================
//    NextServiceAfterMeter
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "Describes the 'next' ConditioningService for a packet, "
         "after processing by the MeterService.") ] 

class CIM_NextServiceAfterMeter : CIM_NextService 
        [Override ("PreceedingService"), 
         Description ("The MeterService.") ]
    CIM_MeterService REF PreceedingService;
	  [Description (
         "Information on the result of the metering. Traffic "
         "is distinguished as being in- or out-of-profile, or "
         "\"Partially Conforming\" for a 3 color Meter. This "
         "is captured through setting the property to the value "
         "1, 3 or 2, respectively."),
         Values {"Unknown", "In-profile", "Partially Conforming", 
                 "Out-of-profile"} ]
    uint16 MeterResult;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_MarkerService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a logical entity that resides in the "
         "data forwarding path of a network device. It describes the "
         "marking or re-marking (e.g., set or reset a particular "
         "field in a packet header) of network traffic. Markers may "
         "act either on unmarked packets or re-mark previously "
         "marked packets. Markers are usually invoked as a result of "
         "a preceding classifier match. "
         "This is modeled as a QoSSubService that is part of a "
         "higher-level QoSService. It is a subclass of Conditioning"
         "Service and has the ability to mark traffic and then invoke "
         "another ConditioningServices for further processing of the "
         "traffic.") ]

class CIM_MarkerService: CIM_ConditioningService
        [Description (
         "This property is a boolean attribute that, when TRUE, "
         "signifies that this Marker can remark the field value "
         "specified in the RemarkType property, with the value "
         "specified in the RemarkValue property. This change is "
         "made to unmarked packets or to re-mark a previously "
         "marked packet.") ]
    boolean CanRemark;
        [Description (
         "This property is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned integer "
         "that defines what type of remarking will be done. Values "
         "are: "
         "   1:  Other \n"
         "   2:  Mark ToS Byte \n"
         "   3:  Mark the DSCP \n"
         "   4:  Mark the Priority Field "),
         ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4"},
         Values {"Other", "Mark ToS Byte", "Mark the DSCP", 
                 "Mark the Priority Field"}, 
         ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_MarkerService.OtherRemarkType" } ]
    uint16 RemarkType; 
        [Description (
         "This property contains a vendor-specific value for "
         "the type of remarking that is done. It is used when the "
         "value of the RemarkType property is 1 (Other)."),
         ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_MarkerService.RemarkType" } ]
    string OtherRemarkType; 
        [Description (
         "This property is a 16-bit unsigned integer that is the "
         "value to be applied to the field specified in the "
         "RemarkType attribute.") ]
    uint16 RemarkValue;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_DropperService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a logical entity that resides in the "
         "data forwarding path of a network device. It describes the "
         "ability to drop network traffic. As such, it is the base "
         "class for different types of droppers. These droppers are "
         "distinguished by the algorithm that they use to drop "
         "traffic. "
         "This is modeled as a QoSSubService that is part of a "
         "higher-level QoSService. It is a subclass of Conditioning"
         "Service and has the ability to drop traffic or invoke "
         "another ConditioningServices for further processing of the "
         "remaining traffic.") ]

class CIM_DropperService: CIM_ConditioningService
        [Description (
         "This property is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned integer "
         "that defines the type of dropper. Values are: "
         "   1:  Other \n"
         "   2:  Head \n"
         "   3:  Tail \n"
         "   4:  RED \n"
         "   5:  Weighted RED"
         "Note: The DropperType property and the DropperService "
         "subclasses provide similar information. This property is "
         "defined for query purposes and to not require a "
         "subclass for all types of DropperServices (for example, "
         "to describe a Head or Tail Dropper in today's model). "
         "Therefore, DropperService can be instantiated directly "
         "and the Type property is needed."),
         ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"},
         Values {"Other", "Head", "Tail", "RED", "Weighted RED"},
         ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_DropperService.OtherDropperType" } ]
    uint16 DropperType; 
        [Description (
         "This property contains a vendor-specific value for the "
         "type of dropping that is done. It is used when the value "
         "of the DropperType property is 1 (Other)."),
         ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_DropperService.DropperType" } ]
    string OtherDropperType;
        [Description (
         "This property is a boolean attribute that, if TRUE, "
         "indicates that this Dropper will always drop incoming "
         "packets regardless of their type.") ]
    uint16 AlwaysDrop;
        [Description (
         "This property is an enumerated unsigned 16-bit integer "
         "that defines the metric used to trigger the start of "
         "dropping packets. This does NOT mean that all packets "
         "will be dropped; it does mean that SOME packets will "
         "start to be dropped. The number and type of packets "
         "dropped is a function of the type of algorithm used by "
         "this Dropper. Values are: "
         "   1:  Other \n"
         "   2:  Queue Threshold \n"
         "   3:  Arrival Rate "),
         ValueMap {"1", "2", "3"},
         Values {"Other", "Queue Threshold", "Arrival Rate"} ]
    uint16 DropStartMetric;
        [Description (
         "This property is an enumerated unsigned 16-bit integer "
         "that defines the metric used to determine when ALL "
         "packets will be dropped REGARDLESS of the type of "
         "algorithm used by this Dropper. Values are: "
         "   1:  Other \n"
         "   2:  Queue Threshold \n"
         "   3:  Arrival Rate "),
         ValueMap {"1", "2", "3"},
         Values {"Other", "Queue Threshold", "Arrival Rate"} ]
    uint16  DropMaintainMetric;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_REDDropperService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a logical entity that resides in the "
         "data forwarding path of a network device. It describes the "
         "ability to drop network traffic using a Random Early "
         "Detection (RED) algorithm. The purpose of RED is to avoid "
         "congestion (as opposed to managing congestion). That is, "
         "instead of waiting for the queues to fill up and then "
         "dropping large numbers of packets, RED works by monitoring "
         "the average queue depth. When the queue depth exceeds "
         "a minimum threshold, packets are randomly discarded, asking "
         "only those connections to slow down. "
         "This is modeled as a QoSSubService that is part of a "
         "higher-level QoSService. It is a subclass of Conditioning"
         "Service and has the ability to drop traffic or invoke "
         "another ConditioningServices for further processing of the "
         "remaining traffic.") ]

class CIM_REDDropperService: CIM_DropperService
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, and is used "
         "to define the minimum queue length at which packets are "
         "subject to being dropped according to the dropping "
         "algorithm being used.") ]
    uint32 MinQueueThreshold;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, and is used "
         "to define the maximum queue length at which packets are "
         "subject to always being dropped regardless of the dropping "
         "algorithm being used.") ]
    uint32 MaxQueueThreshold;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit real number, and is used in "
         "conjunction with the StopProbability attribute to define "
         "the slope of the drop probability function. The latter "
         "governs the rate at which packets are subject to being "
         "dropped, as a function of the queue length."),
         MinValue (0), MaxValue (100),
         ModelCorrespondence {
          "CIM_REDDropperService.StopProbability"} ]
    real32 StartProbability;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit real number, and is used in "
         "conjunction with the StartProbability attribute to define "
         "the slope of the drop probability function. The latter "
         "governs the rate at which packets are subject to being "
         "dropped, as a function of the queue length."),
         MinValue (0), MaxValue (100),
         ModelCorrespondence {
          "CIM_REDDropperService.StartProbability"} ]
    real32 StopProbability;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_WeightedREDDropperService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a logical entity that resides in the "
         "data forwarding path of a network device. It describes the "
         "ability to drop network traffic using a Weighted Random "
         "Early Detection (WRED) algorithm. Like RED, the purpose of "
         "WRED is to avoid congestion (as opposed to managing "
         "congestion). This modification of the basic RED algorithm "
         "enables packets belonging to different traffic classes to "
         "be dropped at different queue depths. This algorithm also "
         "enables discard to be done based on different information "
         "contained in the packet header, such as IP Precedence, "
         "RSVP session parameters, or even on other factors not "
         "directly encoded in the packet header, such as the "
         "queue depth. "
         "This is modeled as a QoSSubService that is part of a "
         "higher-level QoSService. It is a subclass of Conditioning"
         "Service and has the ability to drop traffic or invoke "
         "another ConditioningServices for further processing of the "
         "remaining traffic.") ]

class CIM_WeightedREDDropperService: CIM_DropperService
        [Description (
         "This property is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned integer, "
         "and defines the type of metric that is used to drop "
         "traffic.  Values are: "
         "   1:  Other \n"
         "   2:  IP Precedence \n"
         "   3:  DSCP Value \n"
         "   4:  802.1P Priority Value \n"
         "   5:  RSVP Session \n"
         "   6:  Queue Depth \n"
         "   7:  Packet Arrival Rate "),
         ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"},
         Values {"Other", "IP Precedence", "DSCP Value", 
                 "802.1P Priority Value", "RSVP Session", 
                 "Queue Depth", "Packet Arrival Rate"},  
          { "CIM_WeightedREDDropperService.OtherDropMetric" } ]
    uint16 DropMetric;
        [Description (
         "This string property is used in conjunction with the "
         "DropMetric property. When the value of DropMetric is "
         "1 (e.g., Other), then the type of metric to be used "
         "is defined in this property. "),
          { "CIM_WeightedREDDropperService.DropMetric" } ]
    string OtherDropMetric;
        [Description (
         "This is a 32-bit real number that represents the "
         "weighting factor used to determine which queues "
         "get more service."), 
         MinValue (0), MaxValue (100) ]
    real32 Weight;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_QueuingService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a logical entity that resides in the "
         "data forwarding path of a network device. It describes the "
         "ability to queue network traffic and to specify the "
         "characteristics for determining long-term congestion. "
         "This is modeled as a QoSSubService that is part of a "
         "higher-level QoSService. It is a subclass of Conditioning"
         "Service and has the ability to queue traffic or invoke "
         "another ConditioningServices for further processing.") ]

class CIM_QueuingService: CIM_ConditioningService
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit real number, and defines the "
         "degree to which each actual queue depth influences the "
         "averaged (smoothed) queue depth used for determining "
         "long-term congestion in RED-like droppers. This "
         "property is specified as the percentage/weight that "
         "each calculation of averaged queue depth influences "
         "the new value of average depth."), 
         MinValue (0), MaxValue (100) ]
    real32 SmoothingWeight;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, and defines "
         "the number of nano-seconds between each calculation of "
         "average queue depth. When this property is not specified, "
         "it implies that the calculation is performed every time a "
         "packet departs from the queue under normal operating "
         "conditions. In other words, if the queue is serviced "
         "intermittently, the calculations will be performed "
         "logically to simulate a consistent queue servicing "
         Units ("NanoSeconds") ]
    uint32 TimeInterval;
        [Description (
         "This property is a boolean attribute that, if TRUE, "
         "enables the queue to be made available to other "
         "queue/scheduler instances. When true, the queue "
         "can be used to hold packets from other traffic "
         "classes than normally serviced. For example, assume "
         "that queues for Gold, Silver and Bronze traffic "
         "classes are defined.  Further assume that the "
         "Silver queue is full and the others are empty. If "
         "this boolean is set for the Gold and Bronze queues, "
         "their capacity can be used to hold Silver traffic, "
         "as opposed to dropping it.") ]
    boolean GiveExcessCapacity;

// ==================================================================
//    QueueHierarchy
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "Describes the reliance of a QueuingService on other, "
         "supporting queues and their QueuingServices. A given Service "
         "can only act in support of one QueuingService; but a "
         "higher level queue may be supported by many lower level "
         "QueuingServices.") ] 

class CIM_QueueHierarchy : CIM_ServiceServiceDependency 
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
         "The supporting queue(s) and its QueuingService. This Service "
         "can only support at most one, higher level QueuingService.") ]
    CIM_QueuingService REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Max (1), Description (
         "The QueuingService dependent on other, supporting Queuing"
         "Services.") ]
    CIM_QueuingService REF Dependent;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_BufferPool
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents the use of buffers by a Queuing"
         "Service. The existence and management of individual buffers "
         "will be modeled in a future release. At the current level "
         "of abstraction, modeling the existence of the BufferPool "
         "is necessary.  Long term, it is not sufficient."
         "In implementations where there are "
         "multiple buffer sizes, an instance of BufferPool should be "
         "defined for each set of buffers with identical or similar "
         "sizes. These instances of buffer pools can then be grouped "
         "together using the CollectedBuffersPool association. "
         "Note that this class is derived from CollectionOfMSEs, "
         "and not from Forwarding or ConditioningService. BufferPool "
         "is only a collection of storage, and is NOT a Service.") ]

class CIM_BufferPool: CIM_CollectionOfMSEs
        [Key, Override ("CollectionID"), MaxLen (256), 
         Description (
         "This property is defined in the CollectionOfMSEs class, "
         "but is overridden here to serve as part of the " 
         "(composite) key that identifies the BufferPool instance.") ]
    string CollectionID;
        [Key, MaxLen (256), Description (
         "CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the "
         "subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used "
         "with the other key properties of this class, this property "
         "allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to "
         "be uniquely identified.") ]
    string CreationClassName;
        [Key, MaxLen (256), Description (
         "The Name property defines the label by which the object "
	   "is known.") ] 
    string Name;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 16-bit unsigned integer, and defines "
         "the number of bytes in each buffer.") ]
    uint16 BufferSize;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, and defines "
         "the total number of buffers in the Pool.") ]
    uint32 TotalBuffers;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, and defines "
         "the number of buffers in the Pool that are currently "
         "not allocated to any instance of a QueuingService. "
         "Buffers allocated to a QueuingService could either be "
         "in use (containing packet data), or allocated to a Queue "
         "pending the arrival of new packet data.") ]
    uint32 AvailableBuffers;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, and defines "
         "the number of buffers in the Pool that have been "
         "simultaneously allocated to multiple instances of "
         "QueuingService.") ]
    uint32 SharedBuffers;

// ==================================================================
//    QueueAllocation
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "Describes the reliance of a QueuingService on the "
         "availability of space in a BufferPool. ") ] 

class CIM_QueueAllocation : CIM_Dependency 
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Description (
         "The BufferPool supporting packet storage for a "
         "QueuingService.") ]
    CIM_BufferPool REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The QueuingService dependent on the BufferPool for storage "
         "space.") ]
    CIM_QueuingService REF Dependent;

// ==================================================================
//    CollectedBufferPool
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Aggregation, Description (
         "CIM_CollectedBufferPool is an aggregation association "
         "representing that a Pool may itself be contained "
         "in a 'higher level' Pool.") ]
class CIM_CollectedBufferPool : CIM_MemberOfCollection
        [Override("Collection"), Aggregate, 
         Description ("The 'higher level' or parent Pool.") ]
   CIM_BufferPool REF Collection;
         Description ("The 'collected' Pool.") ]
   CIM_BufferPool REF Member;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_PacketSchedulingService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents the scheduling service, which is a "
         "process that determines whether a queued packet should be "
         "removed from a queue and sent to an output interface. Note "
         "that output interfaces can be physical network interfaces or "
         "interfaces to components internal to systems, such as "
         "crossbars or backplanes. In either case, if multiple queues "
         "are involved, schedulers are used to provide access to the "
         "interface. Each instance of a PacketSchedulingService "
         "describes a scheduler from the perspective of the queue "
         "that the scheduler is servicing. One can describe that "
         "different schedulers support different queues, or that "
         "a scheduler supports several queues. "
         "PacketSchedulingService is modeled as a sibling service "
         "to ConditioningService. Both are derived from a common "
         "root, ForwardingService. ") ]

class CIM_PacketSchedulingService: CIM_ForwardingService
        [Description (
         "This property is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned integer, and "
         "defines the type of scheduler. Values are: "
         "   1:  Other \n"
         "   2:  FIFO \n"
         "   3:  Priority \n"
         "   4:  Bandwidth \n"
         "   5:  Priority Bandwidth \n"
         "   6:  Round Robin Packet \n"
         "   7:  Weighted Round Robin Packet. "
         "Note: The SchedulerType property and the Scheduler"
         "Service subclasses provide similar information. This "
         "property is defined for query purposes and to not require "
         "a subclass for all types of SchedulerServices (for "
         "example, to describe a FIFO Scheduler in today's model). "
         "Therefore, SchedulerService can be instantiated directly "
         "and the Type property is needed."),
         ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"},
         Values {"Other", "FIFO", "Priority", "Bandwidth", 
                 "Priority Bandwidth", "Round Robin Packet",
                 "Weighted Round Robin Packet"},
          { "CIM_PacketSchedulingService.SchedulerType" } ]
    uint16 SchedulerType;
        [Description (
         "This string property is used in conjunction with "
         "the SchedulerType property. When the value of "
         "SchedulerType is 1 (e.g., Other), then the type of "
         "metric to be used is defined in this attribute. "),
         { "CIM_ PacketSchedulingService.SchedulerType" } ]
    string OtherSchedulerType;

// ==================================================================
//    SchedulerUsed
// ==================================================================
        [Association, Description (
         "In order to remove queued packets, a process or Service "
         "(identified as a PacketSchedulingService) runs.  This "
         "association describes the Dependency of the queue and its "
         "QueuingService on a SchedulingService, which empties it.") ]

class CIM_SchedulerUsed : CIM_ServiceServiceDependency 
        [Override ("Antecedent"), Min(1), Max (1), Description (
         "The PacketSchedulingService which empties the Queuing"
         "Service's queue.") ]
    CIM_PacketSchedulingService REF Antecedent;
        [Override ("Dependent"), Description (
         "The queue and its QueuingService from which packets "
         "are emptied.") ]
    CIM_QueuingService REF Dependent;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_PrioritySchedulingService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a simple priority scheduler, which is "
         "a process that schedules arriving packets into different "
         "priority queues. "
         "This is modeled as a specialization of the "
         "PacketSchedulingService, which is a sibling service to "
         "ConditioningService. Both PacketSchedulingService and "
         "ConditioningService instances are derived from a "
         "common root, ForwardingService. ") ]

class CIM_PrioritySchedulingService : CIM_PacketSchedulingService
        [Description (
         "This property is a 16-bit unsigned integer that defines "
         "the priority level of the queue that is being scheduled. ") ]
    uint16 Priority;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_PriorityBandwidthSchedulingService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a priority scheduler that is extended "
         "to specify an upper limit on the bandwidth that can be sent "
         "on the priority queue, over some time interval. "
         "This is modeled as a specialization of the "
         "PacketSchedulingService, which is a sibling service to "
         "ConditioningService. Both PacketSchedulingService and "
         "ConditioningService instances are derived from a "
         "common root, ForwardingService. ") ]

class CIM_PriorityBndwidthSchedulingService: CIM_PrioritySchedulingService
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, and defines "
         "the number of bytes that can be delivered from a queue each "
         "cycle. "),
         Units ("Bytes") ]
    uint32 BandwidthAllocation;
        [Description (
         "This is a boolean property which, if TRUE, signifies that a "
         "temporary or short-term allocation of additional bandwidth "
         "in addition to the amount of bandwidth allocated through the "
         "BandwidthAllocation attribute is allowed. ") ]
    boolean BurstsAllowed;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, and specifies "
         "the amount of temporary or short-term bandwidth that can be "
         "allocated beyond the amount of bandwidth allocated through "
         "the BandwidthAllocation attribute. If the maximum actual "
         "bandwidth allocation were to be measured, it would be the "
         "sum of the BurstAllocation and the BandwidthAllocation "
         Units ("Bytes") ]
    uint32 BurstAllocation;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_BandwidthSchedulingService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a bandwidth scheduler, which is a "
         "process that reserves a portion of the bandwidth of a link "
         "for each selected traffic type. This is modeled as a "
         "specialization of the PacketSchedulingService, which is a "
         "sibling service to ConditioningService. Both "
         "PacketSchedulingService and ConditioningService instances "
         "are derived from a common root, ForwardingService. ") ]

class CIM_BandwidthSchedulingService: CIM_PacketSchedulingService
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, and defines "
         "the number of bytes that can be delivered from a queue "
         "each cycle. "),
         Units ("Bytes") ]
    uint32 BandwidthAllocation;
        [Description (
         "This is a boolean attribute which, if TRUE, signifies that "
         "a temporary or short-term allocation of additional bandwidth "
         "in addition to the amount of bandwidth allocated through the "
         "BandwidthAllocation attribute is allowed. ") ]
    boolean BurstsAllowed;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, and specifies "
         "the amount of temporary or short-term bandwidth that can be "
         "allocated beyond the amount of bandwidth allocated through "
         "the BandwidthAllocation attribute. If the maximum actual "
         "bandwidth allocation were to be measured, it would be the "
         "sum of the BurstAllocation and the BandwidthAllocation "
         Units ("Bytes") ]
    uint32 BurstAllocation;
        [Description (
         "This is a boolean attribute that, if TRUE, enables unused "
         "bandwidth from the associated queue to be allocated to "
         "queues that need additional resources. ") ]
    boolean CanShare;
        [Description (
         "This is a boolean attribute that, if TRUE, prevents the "
         "scheduler from bursting traffic from the queue to which this "
         "instance of the scheduler is associated (via SchedulerUsed). "
         "When TRUE, this attribute also prevents bandwidth from other "
         "idle queues to be consumed by the associated queue, thereby "
         "preventing resource allocations above the assigned "
         "bandwidth. ") ]
    boolean WorkConserving;

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_RoundRobinPacketSchedulingService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a round robin packet scheduler, which "
         "is a process that guarantees that bandwidth will be "
         "allocated fairly at the packet level. With this type of "
         "scheduler, each associated queue is entitled to equal access "
         "to the output interface. This is modeled as a specialization "
         "of the PacketSchedulingService, which is a sibling service "
         "to ConditioningService. Both PacketSchedulingService and "
         "ConditioningService are derived from a common root, "
         "ForwardingService. ") ]

class CIM_RoundRobinPacketSchedulingService: CIM_PacketSchedulingService

// ===================================================================
//     CIM_WeightedRoundRobinPacketSchedulingService
// ===================================================================
        [Description (
         "This class represents a weighted round robin packet "
         "scheduler, which is the same as a fair packet scheduler "
         "except that a per-traffic stream multiplier is applied to "
         "each stream. This is modeled as a specialization of the "
         "PacketSchedulingService, which is a sibling service to "
         "ConditioningService. Both PacketSchedulingService and "
         "ConditioningService are derived from a common root, "
         "ForwardingService.") ]

class CIM_WeightedRoundRobinPacketSchedulingService : 
        [Description (
         "This property is a real 32-bit number, which is used to "
         "define the weighting factor that will be used to offer some "
         "queues a higher probability of being serviced than other "
         "queues. This property represents this probability. "),
         MinValue (0), MaxValue (100) ]
    real32 WeightingFactor;
        [Description (
         "This property is a 16-bit unsigned integer, which specifies "
         "a tie breaker in the event that two or more queues achieve "
         "an equal weighting. While this condition may not occur in "
         "some implementations of a weighted round robin scheduler, "
         "there are many implementations that require a priority to "
         "resolve this condition. However, in instances where this "
         "behavior is not necessary or is undesirable, this property "
         "may be left unspecified. ") ]
    uint16 Priority;

// ==================================================================
// Pragmas for new classes in premliminary release status
// ==================================================================

#pragma include ("CIM_Network26_Add.mof")

// ===================================================================
// end of file
// ===================================================================

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