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   1 mike  1.2 
   2           // ===================================================================
   3           // Title:       Application MOF specification 2.6
   4           // Filename:    CIM_Application26.mof
   5           // Version:     2.6
   6           // Release:     0
   7           // Date:        06/12/2001
   8           // ===================================================================
   9           // Copyright "2001" Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF).
  10           // All rights reserved.  
  11           // DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated 
  12           // to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability. 
  13           // DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses
  14           // consistent with this purpose by members and non-members, 
  15           // provided that correct attribution is given. 
  16           // As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time, 
  17           // the particular version and release cited should always be noted.
  18           // ===================================================================
  19           // Description: The object classes below are listed in an order that
  20           //              avoids forward references. Required objects, defined 
  21           //	        by other working groups, are omitted.
  22 mike  1.2 // ==================================================================
  23           // Author:      DMTF Applications Working Group
  24           // ==================================================================
  25           // ===================================================================
  26           //              06/23/1998 The cardinalities for the associations did not coorespond
  27           //                         to those specified in CR172B.  The errors were corrected
  28           //                         for the following associations:
  29           //                           CIM_SoftwareElementChecks
  30           //                           CIM_DirectorySpecificationFile
  31           //                           CIM_SoftwareElementActions
  32           //                           CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements
  33           //                           CIM_ProductSoftwareFeature
  34           //                           CIM_ToDirectorySpecification
  35           //                           CIM_FromDirectorySpecification
  36           //                           CIM_ToDirectoryAction
  37           //                           CIM_FromDirectoryAction
  38           //                           CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement (This corrected CR174b)
  39           //                          Also, CR232 (fix mappingstring qualifier) was implemented.
  40           //
  41           //               09/24/98  Implemented CR244a and CR275: Added additional architecture types.
  42           //
  43 mike  1.2 //               09/29/98  Fixed ModelCorrespondence syntax ( change "()" to "{}" )
  44           //
  45           //               09/30/98  Changed 3 names (CR296)
  46           //
  47           //               06/07/99  Added FRUIncludesSoftwareFeature association (CR277b)
  48           //                         Removed min(1) from SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElement (CR395)
  49           //                         Added more processor types (CR318c)
  50           //                         Added video processor to Arch Type (CR377)
  51           //                         Added Sparc processor to Arch Type (CR297)
  52           //                         Added additional OS type (CR363)
  53           //                         Added VSE and TPF OS types (CR409)
  54           //
  55           //               01/10/00  Add keys to refs of FRUIncludesSoftwareFeature (CR453)
  56           //                         Add Itanium processor to Arch Type (CR449)
  57           //
  58           //               01/17/00  Updated Mappingstrings qualifiers (CR431)
  59           //
  60           //               03/07/00  Change Intel Processor types for legal reasons (CR438) 
  61           //
  62           //               06/08/00  Added SoftwareElementService/SAPImplementation
  63           //                           associations (CR482a)
  64 mike  1.2 //
  65           //		     08/08/00 - Version 2.4
  66           //				  - CR474 Add Processor types to CIM_Processor.Family
  67           //               11/29/00 - Version 2.5
  68           //                        - CR527 Add to CIM_ArchitectureCheck.ArchitectureType
  69           //                          24 = AMD(R) Duron(TM)  Processor
  70           //                        - CR530 Correct enumerations in
  71           //                          CIM_ArchitectureCheck.ArchitectureType number 19 & 24
  72           //                        - CR531 Add to CIM_ArchitectureCheck.ArchitectureType
  73           //                          120 = "Crusoe(TM) TM5000 Family"
  74           //                          121 = "Crusoe(TM) TM3000 Family"
  75           //                        - CR533b Add Windows(R) Me to *.TargetOperatingSystem*
  76           //                        - CR540c Add SoftwareFeatureComponent Association
  77           //                        - CR542 Add "Not Applicable" to the 
  78           //                                *TargetOperatingSystem*
  79           //                        - CR546a Add InstalledProduct Collection
  80           //                        - CR558 subclass Action and Check from ManagedElement
  81           //
  82           //
  83           // Author     : DMTF Application Management Working Group
  84           // Description: The object classes below are listed in an order that
  85 mike  1.2 //              avoids forward references. Required objects, defined 
  86           //		    by other working groups, are omitted.
  87           //
  88           // ===================================================================
  89           #pragma locale ("en_US")
  91           // ==================================================================
  92           //    ApplicationSystem
  93           // ==================================================================
  94                   [Description (
  95                   " The CIM_ApplicationSystem class is used to represent an  application "
  96                   "or a software system that supports a particular  business function and "
  97                   "that can be managed as an independent  units. Such a system can be "
  98                   "decomposed into its functional  components using the "
  99                   "CIM_SoftwareFeature class. The software  features for a particular "
 100                   "application or software system are  located using the "
 101                   "CIM_ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature  association.  ") ] 
 102           class CIM_ApplicationSystem:CIM_System
 103           {
 104           };
 106 mike  1.2 // ==================================================================
 107           //    CIM_SoftwareElement
 108           // ==================================================================
 109                   [Description (" The CIM_SoftwareElement class is used to decompose  a "
 110                   "CIM_SoftwareFeature object into a set of individually  manageable or "
 111                   "deployable parts for a particular platform.   A software element's "
 112                   "platform is uniquely identified by its  underlying hardware "
 113                   "architecture and operating system  (for example Sun Solaris on Sun "
 114                   "Sparc or Windows NT on Intel).   As such, to understand the details of "
 115                   "how the functionality  of a particular software feature is provided on "
 116                   "a particular  platform, the CIM_SoftwareElement objects referenced by   "
 117                   "CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElement associations are organized   in "
 118                   "disjoint sets based on the TargetOperatingSystem property.    A "
 119                   "CIM_SoftwareElement object captures the management  details of a part "
 120                   "or component in one of  four states  characterized by the "
 121                   "SoftwareElementState property.   ") ] 
 122           class CIM_SoftwareElement:CIM_LogicalElement
 123           {
 124                   [key, maxlen (256) , override ("Name") , Description (
 125                   "The name used to identify this software element") ] 
 126               string Name ;
 127 mike  1.2         [key, Maxlen (64) , Description (
 128                   "Version should be in the form <Major>.<Minor>.<Revision> or <Major>."
 129                   "<Minor><letter><revision>") , MappingStrings {
 130                   "MIF.DMTF|SubComponent Software |001.4"} ] 
 131               string Version ;
 132                   [key, Description (
 133                   " The SoftwareElementState is defined in this model to identify various "
 134                   "states of a software elements life cycle. \n"
 135                   " - A software element in the deployable state describes the details "
 136                   "necessary to successfully distribute it and the details (conditions "
 137                   "and actions) required to create a software element in the installable "
 138                   "state (i.e, the next state). \n"
 139                   " - A software element in the installable state describes     "
 140                   "the details necessary to successfully install it and the details ("
 141                   "conditions and actions) required to create a software element in the "
 142                   "executable state (i.e., the next state). \n"
 143                   " - A software element in the executable state describes the details "
 144                   "necessary to successfully start it and the details (conditions and "
 145                   "actions) required to create a software element in the running state "
 146                   "(i.e., the next state). \n"
 147                   " - A software element in the running state describes the details "
 148 mike  1.2         "necessary to monitor and operate on a started element.") , 
 149                   Values {"Deployable", "Installable", "Executable", "Running"} ] 
 150               uint16 SoftwareElementState ;
 151                   [key, maxlen (256) , Description (
 152                   " This is an identifier for this software element and is designed to be  "
 153                   "used in conjunction with other keys to create a unique representation  "
 154                   "of this SoftwareElement") ] 
 155               string SoftwareElementID ;
 156                   [key, MappingStrings {"MIF.DMTF|SubComponent Software|001.8"} 
 157                   , Description (
 158                   " The Target Operating System property allows the provider to specify "
 159                   "the  operating system environment. The value of this property does not  "
 160                   "ensure binary executable.  Two other pieces of information are needed.  "
 161                   " First, the version of the OS needs to be specified. using the OS  "
 162                   "Version Check. The second piece of information is the architecture the  "
 163                   "OS runs on. This information is capture with the ArchitectureCheck  "
 164                   "class. The combination of these constructs allows the provider to  "
 165                   "clearly identify the level of OS required for a particular software  "
 166                   "element.") , Values {"Unknown", "Other", "MACOS", "ATTUNIX", "DGUX", 
 167                   "DECNT", "Digital Unix", "OpenVMS", "HPUX", "AIX", "MVS", "OS400", 
 168                   "OS/2", "JavaVM", "MSDOS", "WIN3x", "WIN95", "WIN98", "WINNT", "WINCE", 
 169 mike  1.2         "NCR3000", "NetWare", "OSF", "DC/OS", "Reliant UNIX", "SCO UnixWare", 
 170                   "SCO OpenServer", "Sequent", "IRIX", "Solaris", "SunOS", "U6000", 
 171                   "ASERIES", "TandemNSK", "TandemNT", "BS2000", "LINUX", "Lynx", "XENIX", 
 172                   "VM/ESA", "Interactive UNIX", "BSDUNIX", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "GNU Hurd",
 173                   "OS9", "MACH Kernel", "Inferno", "QNX", "EPOC", "IxWorks", "VxWorks", 
 174                   "MiNT", "BeOS", "HP MPE", "NextStep", "PalmPilot", "Rhapsody", 
 175                   "Windows 2000", "Dedicated","VSE","TPF", "Windows (R) Me",
 176                   "Not Applicable" } , 
 177                   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_OperatingSystem.OSType"} ] 
 178               uint16 TargetOperatingSystem ;
 179                   [Description (
 180                   " The OtherTargetOS property records the manufacturer and  operating "
 181                   "system type for a software element when  the TargetOperatingSystem "
 182                   "property has a value of  1 (\"Other\").  Therefore, when the "
 183                   "TargetOperating System property has a value of \"Other\", the "
 184                   "OtherTargetOS  property must have a non-null value.  For all other "
 185                   "values  of TargetOperatingSystem, the OtherTargetOS property is to be "
 186                   "NULL. ") , Maxlen (64) , ModelCorrespondence {
 187                   "CIM_OperatingSystem.OtherTypeDescription"} ] 
 188               string OtherTargetOS ;
 189                   [Maxlen (256) , MappingStrings {"MIF.DMTF|SubComponent Software|001.3"} , 
 190 mike  1.2         Description ("Manufacturer of this software element") ] 
 191               string Manufacturer ;
 192                   [Maxlen (64) , MappingStrings {
 193                   "MIF.DMTF|Software Component Information|002.4"} , Description (
 194                   "The internal identifier for this compilation of this software element."
 195                   ) ] 
 196               string BuildNumber ;
 197                   [Maxlen (64) , MappingStrings {"MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.4"} , 
 198                   Description ("The assigned serial number of this software element.") ] 
 199               string SerialNumber ;
 200                   [Maxlen (64) , Description (
 201                   "The code set used by this software element. ") ] 
 202               string CodeSet ;
 203                   [Maxlen (64) , MappingStrings {
 204                   "MIF.DMTF|SubComponent Software|001.6"} , Description (
 205                   " The value of this property is the manufacturer's identifier for this "
 206                   "software element. Often this will be a stock keeping unit (SKU) or a "
 207                   "part number.") ] 
 208               string IdentificationCode ;
 209                   [Maxlen (32) , MappingStrings {
 210                   "MIF.DMTF|SubComponent Software|001.7"} , Description (
 211 mike  1.2         "The value of this property identifies the language edition of this "
 212                   "software element. The language codes defined in ISO 639 should be used. "
 213                   "Where the software element represents multi-lingual or international "
 214                   "version of a product, the string multilingual should be used.") ] 
 215               string LanguageEdition ;
 216           };
 218           // ==================================================================
 219           //    CIM_SoftwareFeature
 220           // ==================================================================
 221                   [Description (
 222                   " The CIM_SoftwareFeature class defines a particular function  or "
 223                   "capability of a product or application system.  This  class in intended "
 224                   "to capture the level of granularity that  is meaningful to a consumer "
 225                   "or user of a product rather than  the units that reflect how the "
 226                   "product is built or packaged.  The latter detailed is captured using a "
 227                   "CIM_SoftwareElement  class.   When a software feature can exist on "
 228                   "multiple platforms or  operating systems (for example, a client "
 229                   "component of a  three tiered client/server applications might run on "
 230                   "Solaris,  Windows NT, and Windows 95), a software feature is a "
 231                   "collection of all the software elements for these different platforms. "
 232 mike  1.2         " In this case, the users of the model must be aware of this situation  "
 233                   "since typically they will be interested in a sub-collection of the  "
 234                   "software elements required for a particular platform.   Software "
 235                   "Features are always defined in the context of a  CIM_Product class "
 236                   "using the CIM_ProductSoftwareFeature  association since features are "
 237                   "delivered through products.  Optionally, software features from one or "
 238                   "more products  can be organized into application systems using the  "
 239                   "CIM_ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature association. ") ] 
 240           class CIM_SoftwareFeature:CIM_LogicalElement
 241           {
 242                   [Propagated ("CIM_Product.IdentifyingNumber"), Key, Maxlen (64), 
 243                   Description (
 244                   "Product identification such as a serial number on software or a die "
 245                   "number on a hardware chip"), 
 246                   MappingStrings {"DMTF|ComponentID|001.4"} ] 
 247               string IdentifyingNumber ;
 248                   [Propagated ("CIM_Product.Name"), Key, Maxlen (256), 
 249                   Description ("Commonly used Product name"), 
 250                   MappingStrings {"DMTF|ComponentID|001.2"} ] 
 251               string ProductName ;
 252                   [Propagated ("CIM_Product.Vendor"), Key, Maxlen (256), 
 253 mike  1.2         Description (
 254                   "The name of the Product's supplier. Corresponds to the Vendor property "
 255                   "in the Product object in the DMTF Solution Exchange Standard."), 
 256                   MappingStrings {"DMTF|ComponentID|001.1"} ] 
 257               string Vendor ;
 258                   [Propagated ("CIM_Product.Version"), Key, Maxlen (64), Description (
 259                   "Product version information.  Corresponds to the Version property in "
 260                   "the Product object in the DMTF Solution Exchange Standard."), 
 261                   MappingStrings {"DMTF|ComponentID|001.3"} ] 
 262               string Version ;
 263                   [key, override ("Name"), Description (
 264                   "The Name property defines the label by which the object is known to the "
 265                   "world outside the data processing system. This label is a "
 266                   "human-readable name that uniquely identifies the element in the context "
 267                   "of the element's namespace."), Maxlen (256) ] 
 268               string Name ;
 269           };
 271           // ==================================================================
 272           //    CIM_Check
 273           // ==================================================================
 274 mike  1.2         [Abstract, Description (
 275                   " A Check is a condition or characteristic that is  expected to be true "
 276                   "in an environment defined or  scoped by an instance of a "
 277                   "CIM_ComputerSystem.   The checks associated with a particular software  "
 278                   "element are organized into one of two groups  using the Phase property "
 279                   "of the CIM_SoftwareElementChecks  association. Conditions that are "
 280                   "expected to be  satisfied when a software element is in a particular  "
 281                   "environment are known as in-state conditions.  Conditions that need to "
 282                   "be satisfied in order to  transition the current software element to "
 283                   "its  next state are known as next-state conditions   A "
 284                   "CIM_ComputerSystem object represents the  environment in which "
 285                   "CIM_SoftwareElements are already  installed or in which "
 286                   "CIM_SoftwareElements will be installed.  For the case in which a "
 287                   "software element is already installed,  the "
 288                   "CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement association is used to  identify the "
 289                   "CIM_ComputerSystem object that represents  the \"environment\". When a "
 290                   "software elements is being  distributed and installed on a different "
 291                   "computer system, the CIM_ComputerSystem object for the targeted system  "
 292                   "is the environment.") ] 
 293           class CIM_Check : CIM_ManagedElement
 294           {
 295 mike  1.2         [Propagated ("CIM_SoftwareElement.Name") , key, maxlen (256) , 
 296                   Description ("The name used to identify this software element") ] 
 297               string Name ;
 298                   [Propagated ("CIM_SoftwareElement.Version") , key, Maxlen (64) , 
 299                   Description (
 300                   "Version should be in the form <Major>.<Minor>.<Revision> or <Major>."
 301                   "<Minor><letter><revision>") , MappingStrings {
 302                   "MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.3"} ] 
 303               string Version ;
 304                   [Propagated ("CIM_SoftwareElement.SoftwareElementState") , key, 
 305                   Description (" The SoftwareElementState of a software element ") , 
 306                   Values {"Deployable", "Installable", "Executable", "Running"} ] 
 307               uint16 SoftwareElementState ;
 308                   [Propagated ("CIM_SoftwareElement.SoftwareElementID") , key, maxlen (256
 309                   ) , Description (" This is an identifier for this software element.") ] 
 310               string SoftwareElementID ;
 311                   [Propagated ("CIM_SoftwareElement.TargetOperatingSystem") , key, 
 312                   MappingStrings {"MIF.DMTF|Software Component Information|002.5"} , 
 313                   Description (
 314                   " The Target Operating System of the this software element.") , Values {
 315                   "Unknown", "Other", "MACOS", "ATTUNIX", "DGUX", "DECNT", "Digital Unix",
 316 mike  1.2         "OpenVMS", "HPUX", "AIX", "MVS", "OS400", "OS/2", "JavaVM", "MSDOS", 
 317                   "WIN3x", "WIN95", "WIN98", "WINNT", "WINCE", "NCR3000", "NetWare", "OSF",
 318                   "DC/OS", "Reliant UNIX", "SCO UnixWare", "SCO OpenServer", "Sequent", 
 319                   "IRIX", "Solaris", "SunOS", "U6000", "ASERIES", "TandemNSK", "TandemNT",
 320                   "BS2000", "LINUX", "Lynx", "XENIX", "VM/ESA", "Interactive UNIX", 
 321                   "BSDUNIX", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "GNU Hurd", "OS9", "MACH Kernel", 
 322                   "Inferno", "QNX", "EPOC", "IxWorks", "VxWorks", "MiNT", "BeOS", "HP MPE",
 323                   "NextStep", "PalmPilot", "Rhapsody","Windows 2000", "Dedicated","VSE",
 324                   "TPF", "Windows (R) Me", "Not Applicable" } ] 
 325               uint16 TargetOperatingSystem ;
 326                   [key, maxlen (256) , Description (
 327                   "An identifier used in conjunction with other keys to unquely identify "
 328                   "the check") ] 
 329               string CheckID ;
 330                   [Description (
 331                   " The CheckMode property is used to indicate whether the condition is  "
 332                   "expected to exist or not exist in the environment.  When the value is "
 333                   "True, the condition is expected to exist  (e.g., a file is expected to "
 334                   "be on a system) so invoke() is expected to  return True.  When the "
 335                   "value is False, the condition is not expect to exist  (e.g., a file is "
 336                   "not to be on a system) so invoke is expected to return false ") ] 
 337 mike  1.2     boolean CheckMode ;
 338                   [Description (
 339                   " The invoke method is to to evaluate a particular check. The  details "
 340                   "of how the method evaluates a particular check in   a CIM context is "
 341                   "described by the non-abstract Check sub classes.  The results of the "
 342                   "method are based on the return value.    - A 0 (zero) is returned if "
 343                   "the condition is satisfied.   - A 1 (one) is returned if the method is "
 344                   "not supported.    - Any other value indicates the condition is not "
 345                   "satisfied. ") ] 
 346               uint32 Invoke() ;
 347           };
 349           // ==================================================================
 350           //    CIM_DirectorySpecification
 351           // ==================================================================
 352                   [Description (
 353                   " The CIM_DirectorySpecification class captures the major directory  "
 354                   "structure of a software element.  This class is used to organize  the "
 355                   "files of a software element into manageable units that can  be "
 356                   "relocated on a computer system.  ") ] 
 357           class CIM_DirectorySpecification:CIM_Check
 358 mike  1.2 {
 359                   [Description (
 360                   " The DirectoryType property characterizes the type of directory being  "
 361                   "described. ") , Values {"Product base directory", 
 362                   "Product executable directory", "Product library directory", 
 363                   "Product configuration directory", "Product include directory", 
 364                   "Product working directory", "Product log directory", 
 365                   "Shared base directory", "Shared executable directory", 
 366                   "Shared library directory", "Shared include directory", 
 367                   "System base directory", "System executable directory", 
 368                   "System library directory", "System configuration directory", 
 369                   "System include directory", "System log directory", "Other"} , 
 370                   MappingStrings {"MIF.DMTF|Location|001.2"} ] 
 371               uint16 DirectoryType ;
 372                   [Maxlen (1024) , Description (
 373                   "The DirectoryPath property is used to capture the name of a directory.  "
 374                   "The value supplied by an application provider is actually a default or "
 375                   "recommended path name.  The value can be changed for a particular "
 376                   "environment.") ] 
 377               string DirectoryPath ;
 378           };
 379 mike  1.2      
 380           // ==================================================================
 381           //    CIM_ArchitectureCheck
 382           // ==================================================================
 383                   [Description (
 384                   " The Architecture Check specifies the hardware platform a software "
 385                   "element can run on.  The details of this checks are compared with the  "
 386                   "corresponding details found in a CIM_Processor  object referenced by a "
 387                   "CIM_ComputerSystemProcessor  association for the CIM_ComputerSystem "
 388                   "object that  describes the environment.  As long as there is at least "
 389                   "one CIM_Processor that  satisfies the details of the condition, the "
 390                   "check is  satisfied. In other words, all the processors on  the "
 391                   "relevant computer system do not need to satistfy the  condition. There "
 392                   "needs to be at least one. ") ] 
 393           class CIM_ArchitectureCheck:CIM_Check
 394           {
 395                   [Description (
 396                   " The ArchitectureType property identifies a particular  type of "
 397                   "architecture or architecture family that is required  to properly "
 398                   "execute a particular software element.  The intent is to capture the "
 399                   "details about the machine  instructions exploited by the executables of "
 400 mike  1.2         "the software  element. ") ,
 401                  ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", 
 402           		"7", "8", "9", "10", "11", 
 403           		"12", "13", 
 404           		"14", "15", 
 405           		"16", "17", "18", 
 406           		"19", "24", 
 407                       "25", "26", "27", "28", 
 408           		"29", "30", "31", "32", 
 409           		"33", "34", "35", 
 410           		"36", "37", "38", 
 411           		"39", "48", "49", 
 412           		"50", "51", "52", 
 413           		"53", "54", "55", 
 414           		"64", "65", "66", 
 415           		"67", "68", "69", 
 416           		"80", "81", "82", 
 417           		"83", "84", "85", 
 418           		"86", "87", "88", 
 419           		"96", "97", "98", "99", "100", 
 420           		"101", "112", 
 421 mike  1.2             "120", "121",
 422                       "128", "130", 
 423           		"144", "145", "146", 
 424           		"147", "148", "149", 
 425           		"150", "160", "176", 
 426           		"177",
 427                       "178", 
 428           		"180", "200", "201", "202", "250", "251", 
 429           		"260", "261", "280", "281", "300", "301", "302", 
 430           		"320", "350", "500"},
 431                  Values {"Other", "Unknown", "8086", "80286", "80386", "80486",
 432           	       "8087", "80287", "80387", "80487", "Pentium(R) brand",
 433           	       "Pentium(R) Pro", "Pentium(R) II", 
 434           		"Pentium(R) processor with MMX(TM) technology", "Celeron(TM)",
 435           	       "Pentium(R) II Xeon(TM)", "Pentium(R) III", "M1 Family", 
 436                      	"AMD Athlon(TM) Processor Family", "AMD Duron(TM)  Processor", 
 437                       "K5 Family", "K6 Family", "K6-2", "K6-3", 
 438                      	"K7", "AMD29000 Family", "K6-2+", "Power PC Family", 
 439                      	"Power PC 601", "Power PC 603", "Power PC 603+", 
 440                      	"Power PC 604", "Power PC 620", "Power PC X704", 
 441                      	"Power PC 750", "Alpha Family", "Alpha 21064", 
 442 mike  1.2            	"Alpha 21066", "Alpha 21164", "Alpha 21164PC", 
 443                      	"Alpha 21164a", "Alpha 21264", "Alpha 21364", 
 444                      	"MIPS Family", "MIPS R4000", "MIPS R4200", 
 445                      	"MIPS R4400", "MIPS R4600", "MIPS R10000", 
 446                      	"SPARC Family", "SuperSPARC", "microSPARC II", 
 447                      	"microSPARC IIep", "UltraSPARC", "UltraSPARC II", 
 448                      	"UltraSPARC IIi", "UltraSPARC III", "UltraSPARC IIIi", 
 449                      	"68040", "68xxx Family", "68000", "68010", "68020", 
 450                      	"68030", "Hobbit Family", 
 451                       "Crusoe(TM) TM5000 Family", "Crusoe(TM) TM3000 Family",
 452                       "Weitek", "Itanium(TM) Processor",
 453           		"PA-RISC Family", "PA-RISC 8500", "PA-RISC 8000", 
 454           		"PA-RISC 7300LC", "PA-RISC 7200", "PA-RISC 7100LC", 
 455           		"PA-RISC 7100", "V30 Family", "Pentium(R) III Xeon(TM)", 
 456           		"Pentium(R) III Processor with Intel(R) SpeedStep(TM) Technology",
 457                       "Pentium(R) 4 Processor",
 458           		"AS400 Family", "IBM390 Family", "G4", "G5", "i860", "i960", 
 459           		"SH-3", "SH-4", "ARM", "StrongARM", "6x86", "MediaGX", "MII",
 460           	       	"WinChip", "DSP", "Video Processor"},
 461                   MappingStrings {"MIF.DMTF|Processor|004.3"} , 
 462                   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_Processor.Family"} ] 
 463 mike  1.2     uint16 ArchitectureType ;
 464           };
 466           // ==================================================================
 467           //    CIM_MemoryCheck
 468           // ==================================================================
 469                   [Description (
 470                   " The MemoryCheck specifies a condition for the minimum amount  of "
 471                   "memory that needs to be available on a system.  The amount is specified "
 472                   "in the MemorySize property.  The details of this checks are compared "
 473                   "with the  value of the FreePhysicalMemory property of the  "
 474                   "CIM_OperatingSystem object referenced by an InstalledOS  association "
 475                   "for the CIM_ComputerSystem object that describes  the environment.   "
 476                   "When the value of FreePhyscalMemory property is greater  than or equal "
 477                   "to the value specified in MemorySize, the  condition is satisfied. ") 
 478                   ] 
 479           class CIM_MemoryCheck:CIM_Check
 480           {
 481                   [Description (
 482                   "The amount of memory that needs to exist on a  computer system for a "
 483                   "software element to executing  properly. ") , units ("KiloBytes") , 
 484 mike  1.2         ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_OperatingSystem.FreePhysicalMemory"} ] 
 485               uint64 MemorySize ;
 486           };
 488           // ==================================================================
 489           //    CIM_DiskSpaceCheck
 490           // ==================================================================
 491                   [Description (
 492                   " The Disk Space Check the amount of disk space the needs  to be "
 493                   "available on the system. The amount is specified in  the "
 494                   "AvailableDiskSpace property.  The details of this checks are compared "
 495                   "with the  value of the AvailableSpace property of the  CIM_FileSystem "
 496                   "object associated with the  CIM_ComputerSystem object that describes "
 497                   "the environment.   When the value of AvailableSpace property is greater "
 498                   " than or equal to the value specified in  AvailableDiskSpace, the "
 499                   "condition is satisfied. ") ] 
 500           class CIM_DiskSpaceCheck:CIM_Check
 501           {
 502                   [units ("KiloBytes") , ModelCorrespondence {
 503                   "CIM_FileSystem.AvailableSpace "} ] 
 504               uint64 AvailableDiskSpace ;
 505 mike  1.2 };
 507           // ==================================================================
 508           //    CIM_SwapSpaceCheck
 509           // ==================================================================
 510                   [Description (
 511                   " The Swap Space Check specifies the amount of swap space  that needs to "
 512                   "be available on the system. The amount is  specified in the "
 513                   "SwapSpaceSize property.  The details of this checks are compared with "
 514                   "the  corresponding details found in a CIM_OperatingSystem  object "
 515                   "referenced by InstalledOS association for the  CIM_ComputerSystem "
 516                   "object describing the environment.  When the value of "
 517                   "TotalSwapSpaceSize property is greater  than or equal to the value "
 518                   "specified in  SwapSpacesize, the condition is satisfied. ") ] 
 519           class CIM_SwapSpaceCheck:CIM_Check
 520           {
 521                   [units ("KiloBytes") , Description (
 522                   " The SwapSpaceSize property specifies the minimum number of Kilo bytes  "
 523                   "of swap space that needs to be available on the target system.") , 
 524                   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_OperatingSystem.TotalSwapSpaceSize"} ] 
 525               uint64 SwapSpaceSize ;
 526 mike  1.2 };
 528           // ==================================================================
 529           //    CIM_OSVersionCheck
 530           // ==================================================================
 531                   [Description (
 532                   " The OS Version Check class specifies the versions of the OS that  can "
 533                   "support this software element. This check can be for a specific, "
 534                   "minimum, maximum or a range of releases of an OS.   To specify a "
 535                   "specific version the minimum and maximum versions must be the same. To "
 536                   "specify a minimum,  the minimum version needs only be specified. To "
 537                   "specify a maximum  version, the maximum version needs only be specified."
 538                   " To specify  a range both minimum and maximum version need to be "
 539                   "specified.   The type of operating system is specified in the  "
 540                   "TargetOperatingSystem property of the owning SoftwareElement.  The "
 541                   "details of this checks are compared with the  corresponding details "
 542                   "found in a CIM_OperatingSystem  object referenced by InstalledOS "
 543                   "association for the  CIM_ComputerSystem object that describes the "
 544                   "environment.  As long as there is at least one CIM_OperatingSystem that "
 545                   " satisfies the details of the condition, the check is  satisfied. In "
 546                   "other words, all the operating systems on  the relevant computer system "
 547 mike  1.2         "do not need to satistfy the  condition. There needs to be at least one. "
 548                   " Also, note the the OSType property of the CIM_OperatingSystem  class "
 549                   "must match the type of the TargetOperatingSystem  property. ") ] 
 550           class CIM_OSVersionCheck:CIM_Check
 551           {
 552                   [maxlen (64) , Description (
 553                   " Minimum version of required operating system. The value  is encoded as "
 554                   "    <major>.<minor>.<revision> or     <major>.<minor><letter revision>"
 555                   ) , ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_OperatingSystem.Version"} ] 
 556               string MinimumVersion ;
 557                   [maxlen (64) , Description (
 558                   " Maximum version of required operating system. The value  is encoded as "
 559                   "    <major>.<minor>.<revision> or     <major>.<minor><letter revision>"
 560                   ) , ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_OperatingSystem.Version"} ] 
 561               string MaximumVersion ;
 562           };
 564           // ==================================================================
 565           //    CIM_SoftwareElementVersionCheck
 566           // ================================================================== 
 567                   [Description (
 568 mike  1.2         " The Software Element Version Check class specifies  a type of software "
 569                   "element that must exist in the  environment. This check can be for a "
 570                   "specific,  minimum, maximum or a range of versions. To specify  a "
 571                   "specific version the lower and upper versions must  be the same. To "
 572                   "specify a minimum the lower version  needs only be specified. To "
 573                   "specify a maximum version the  upper version needs only be specified. "
 574                   "To specify a range  both upper and lower version need to be specified.  "
 575                   "The details of this checks are compared with the  corresponding details "
 576                   "found in a CIM_SoftwareElement  object referenced by an "
 577                   "InstalledSoftwareElement  association for the CIM_ComputerSystem object."
 578                   " As long as there is at least one CIM_SoftwareElement that  satisfies "
 579                   "the details of the condition, the check is  satisfied. In other words, "
 580                   "all the software elements on  the relevant computer system do not need "
 581                   "to satistfy the  condition. There needs to be at least one. ") ] 
 582           class CIM_SoftwareElementVersionCheck:CIM_Check
 583           {
 584                   [maxlen (256) , Description (
 585                   " The name of the software element being checked. ") , 
 586                   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_SoftwareElement.Name"} ] 
 587               string SoftwareElementName ;
 588                   [maxlen (64) , Description (
 589 mike  1.2         " The minimum version of a software elements being checked.") , 
 590                   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_SoftwareElement.Version"} ] 
 591               string LowerSoftwareElementVersion ;
 592                   [maxlen (64) , Description (
 593                   " The maximum version of a software elements being checked.") , 
 594                   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_SoftwareElement.Version"} ] 
 595               string UpperSoftwareElementVersion ;
 596                   [maxlen (64) , Description (
 597                   " The state of the software element being checked.") , Values {
 598                   "Deployable", "Installable", "Executable", "Running"} , 
 599                   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_SoftwareElement.SoftwareElementState"} ] 
 600               uint16 SoftwareElementStateDesired ;
 601                   [maxlen (64) , Description (
 602                   " The target operating system of the software element  being checked.") 
 603                   , Values {"Unknown", "Other", "MACOS", "ATTUNIX", "DGUX", "DECNT", 
 604                   "Digital Unix", "OpenVMS", "HPUX", "AIX", "MVS", "OS400", "OS/2", 
 605                   "JavaVM", "MSDOS", "WIN3x", "WIN95", "WIN98", "WINNT", "WINCE", 
 606                   "NCR3000", "NetWare", "OSF", "DC/OS", "Reliant UNIX", "SCO UnixWare", 
 607                   "SCO OpenServer", "Sequent", "IRIX", "Solaris", "SunOS", "U6000", 
 608                   "ASERIES", "TandemNSK", "TandemNT", "BS2000", "LINUX", "Lynx", "XENIX", 
 609                   "VM/ESA", "Interactive UNIX", "BSDUNIX", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "GNU Hurd",
 610 mike  1.2         "OS9", "MACH Kernel", "Inferno", "QNX", "EPOC", "IxWorks", "VxWorks", 
 611                   "MiNT", "BeOS", "HP MPE", "NextStep", "PalmPilot", "Rhapsody", 
 612                   "Windows 2000", "Dedicated","VSE","TPF", "Windows (R) Me", 
 613                   "Not Applicable" } , 
 614                   ModelCorrespondence {"CIM_SoftwareElement.TargetOperatingSystem"} ] 
 615               uint16 TargetOperatingSystemDesired ;
 616           };
 618           // ==================================================================
 619           //    CIM_FileSpecification
 620           // ==================================================================
 621                   [Description (
 622                   " A CIM_FileSpecification identifies a file that is either to  be on or "
 623                   "off the system. The file is to be located in the  directory identified "
 624                   "by the DirectorySpecificationFile  associations.   When the invoke() "
 625                   "method is used, it is expected that  it will use the combination of "
 626                   "information provided to  check for the file existance. Therefore, any "
 627                   "of the  properties with a NULL value are not checked. So, if  only the "
 628                   "Name and the MD5 properties have values, they  are the only ones "
 629                   "consider by the invoke() method.  ") ] 
 630           class CIM_FileSpecification:CIM_Check
 631 mike  1.2 {
 632                   [maxlen (1024) , Description (
 633                   " Either the name of the file or the name of the file with a  directory "
 634                   "prefix.  ") ] 
 635               string FileName ;
 636                   [Description ("The creation date and time of the file. ") ] 
 637               datetime CreateTimeStamp ;
 638                   [units ("KiloBytes") ] 
 639               uint64 FileSize ;
 640                   [Description (
 641                   " The File Checksum property  is a checksum calculated as the 16-bit  "
 642                   "sum of the first 32 bytes of the file.") , MappingStrings {
 643                   "MIF.DMTF|Software Signature|002.4"} ] 
 644               uint32 CheckSum ;
 645                   [Description (
 646                   " The File CRC 1 property is the CRC value calculated using the middle  "
 647                   "512K bytes.") , MappingStrings {"MIF.DMTF|Software Signature|002.5"} ] 
 648               uint32 CRC1 ;
 649                   [Description (
 650                   " The File CRC 2 is the CRC value for the middle 512K bytes with a  "
 651                   "offset modulo 3 to the start of the file of zero.") , MappingStrings {
 652 mike  1.2         "MIF.DMTF|Software Signature|002.6"} ] 
 653               uint32 CRC2 ;
 654                   [maxlen (16) , Description (
 655                   " The MD5 algorithm is a well-known algorithm for computing a 128-bit  "
 656                   "checksum for any file or object. The likelihood of two different   "
 657                   "filesproducing the same MD5 checksum is very small  (about 1 in 2^64), "
 658                   "and as such, the MD5 checksum of a file can be  used to construct a "
 659                   "reliable content identifier that is very  likely to uniquely identify "
 660                   "the file. The reverse is also true.  If two files have the same MD5 "
 661                   "checksum, it is very likely that  the files are identical. For purposes "
 662                   "of MOF specification  of the MD5 property, the MD5 algorithm always "
 663                   "generates a 32  character string. For example: The string "
 664                   "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz  generates the string "
 665                   "c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b. See http://www. rsa.com/pub/rfc1321."
 666                   "txt for details on the implementation of the MD5  algorithm.") ] 
 667               string MD5Checksum ;
 668           };
 670           // ==================================================================
 671           //    CIM_VersionCompatibilityCheck
 672           // ==================================================================
 673 mike  1.2         [Description (
 674                   " The VersionCompatibilityCheck class specifies whether it is  "
 675                   "permissible to create the next state of a software element. ") ] 
 676           class CIM_VersionCompatibilityCheck:CIM_Check
 677           {
 678                   [Description (
 679                   " The AllowDownVersion property indicates that this software element  "
 680                   "can transition to its next state even if a higher or latter version  of "
 681                   "the software element already exists in the  environment.") ] 
 682               boolean AllowDownVersion ;
 683                   [Description (
 684                   " The AllowMultipleVersions option controls the ability to configure  "
 685                   "multiple versions of a product on a system.") ] 
 686               boolean AllowMultipleVersions ;
 687                   [Description (
 688                   " The Reinstall property indicates that this software element can  "
 689                   "transition to its next state even if a software element of the same  "
 690                   "version  already exists in the environment.") ] 
 691               boolean Reinstall ;
 692           };
 694 mike  1.2 // ==================================================================
 695           //    CIM_Action
 696           // ==================================================================
 697                   [Abstract, Description (
 698                   " A CIM_Action is an operation that is part of a process to  either "
 699                   "create a SoftwareElement in its next state or  to eliminate the "
 700                   "SoftwareElement in the current state. ") ] 
 701           class CIM_Action : CIM_ManagedElement
 702           {
 703                   [Propagated ("CIM_SoftwareElement.Name") , key, maxlen (256) , 
 704                   Description ("The name used to identify this software element") ] 
 705               string Name ;
 706                   [Propagated ("CIM_SoftwareElement.Version") , key, Maxlen (64) , 
 707                   Description (
 708                   "Version should be in the form <Major>.<Minor>.<Revision> or <Major>."
 709                   "<Minor><letter><revision>") , MappingStrings {
 710                   "MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.3"} ] 
 711               string Version ;
 712                   [Propagated ("CIM_SoftwareElement.SoftwareElementState") , key, 
 713                   Description (" The SoftwareElementState of a software element ") , 
 714                   Values {"Deployable", "Installable", "Executable", "Running"} ] 
 715 mike  1.2     uint16 SoftwareElementState ;
 716                   [Propagated ("CIM_SoftwareElement.SoftwareElementID") , key, maxlen (256
 717                   ) , Description (" This is an identifier for this software element.") ] 
 718               string SoftwareElementID ;
 719                   [Propagated ("CIM_SoftwareElement.TargetOperatingSystem") , key, 
 720                   MappingStrings {"MIF.DMTF|Software Component Information|002.5"} , 
 721                   Description (
 722                   " The Target Operating System of the owning software element.") , 
 723                   Values {"Unknown", "Other", "MACOS", "ATTUNIX", "DGUX", "DECNT", 
 724                   "Digital Unix", "OpenVMS", "HPUX", "AIX", "MVS", "OS400", "OS/2", 
 725                   "JavaVM", "MSDOS", "WIN3x", "WIN95", "WIN98", "WINNT", "WINCE", 
 726                   "NCR3000", "NetWare", "OSF", "DC/OS", "Reliant UNIX", "SCO UnixWare", 
 727                   "SCO OpenServer", "Sequent", "IRIX", "Solaris", "SunOS", "U6000", 
 728                   "ASERIES", "TandemNSK", "TandemNT", "BS2000", "LINUX", "Lynx", "XENIX", 
 729                   "VM/ESA", "Interactive UNIX", "BSDUNIX", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "GNU Hurd",
 730                   "OS9", "MACH Kernel", "Inferno", "QNX", "EPOC", "IxWorks", "VxWorks", 
 731                   "MiNT", "BeOS", "HP MPE", "NextStep", "PalmPilot", "Rhapsody",
 732                   "Windows 2000", "Dedicated","VSE","TPF", "Windows (R) Me", 
 733                   "Not Applicable" } ] 
 734               uint16 TargetOperatingSystem ;
 735                   [key, Description (
 736 mike  1.2         " The ActionID property is a unique identifier assigned to a particular  "
 737                   "action for a softare element. ") , maxlen (256) ] 
 738               string ActionID ;
 739                   [Description (
 740                   " The Direction property is used to indicate whether a particular   "
 741                   "Actionobject is part of a sequence of actions to transition the   "
 742                   "currentsoftware element to its next state, such as Install or to  "
 743                   "remove the current software element, such as Uninstall.") , Values {
 744                   "Install", "Uninstall"} ] 
 745               uint16 Direction ;
 746                   [Description (
 747                   " The invoke method is to take a particular action. The  details of how "
 748                   "the method performs the action is implementation  specific.  The "
 749                   "results of the method are based on the return value.    - A 0 (zero) is "
 750                   "returned if the condition is satisfied.   - A 1 (one) is returned if "
 751                   "the method is not supported.    - Any other value indicates the "
 752                   "condition is not satisfied. ") ] 
 753               uint32 Invoke() ;
 754           };
 756           // ==================================================================
 757 mike  1.2 //    CIM_DirectoryAction
 758           // ==================================================================
 759                   [Abstract, Description (
 760                   " The DirectoryAction is an abstract class that is used for  directories "
 761                   "to be managed. Creation of directories is handled  by the "
 762                   "CreateDirectoriesAction and removal is handled by  the RemoveDirectory "
 763                   "action. ") ] 
 764           class CIM_DirectoryAction:CIM_Action
 765           {
 766                   [maxlen (1024) ] 
 767               string DirectoryName ;
 768           };
 770           // ==================================================================
 771           //    CIM_CreateDirectoryAction
 772           // ==================================================================
 773                   [Description (
 774                   " The CreateDirectory action creates empty directories for  "
 775                   "SoftwareElements to be installed locally.") ] 
 776           class CIM_CreateDirectoryAction:CIM_DirectoryAction
 777           {
 778 mike  1.2 };
 780           // ==================================================================
 781           //    CIM_RemoveDirectoryAction
 782           // ==================================================================
 783                   [Description (
 784                   " The RemoveDirectoryAction removes directories for SoftwareElements. "
 785                   ) ] 
 786           class CIM_RemoveDirectoryAction:CIM_DirectoryAction
 787           {
 788               boolean MustBeEmpty ;
 789           };
 791           // ==================================================================
 792           //    CIM_FileAction
 793           // ==================================================================
 794                   [Abstract, Description (
 795                   " The CIM_FileAction allows the author to locate files that  already "
 796                   "exist on the users machine, and move or copy those  files to a new "
 797                   "location.") ] 
 798           class CIM_FileAction:CIM_Action
 799 mike  1.2 {
 800           };
 802           // ==================================================================
 803           //    CIM_CopyFileAction
 804           // ==================================================================
 805                   [Description (
 806                   " The CIM_CopyFileAction specifies files that  exist on a computer "
 807                   "system, and to move or copy those  files to a new location.   The "
 808                   "to/from information for the copy is specified using  either the "
 809                   "ToDirectorySpecification/FromDirectorySpecification  or the "
 810                   "ToDirectoryAction/FromDirectoryAction associations.  The first set is "
 811                   "used when the source and/or the target are to  exist before any actions "
 812                   "are taken. The second set is  used when the source and/or target are "
 813                   "created as a part  of a previous action. In the latter case, the action "
 814                   " to create the directory must occur prior to the  CopyFileAction object."
 815                   "  ") ] 
 816           class CIM_CopyFileAction:CIM_FileAction
 817           {
 818                   [maxlen (1024) ] 
 819               string Source ;
 820 mike  1.2         [maxlen (1024) ] 
 821               string Destination ;
 822               boolean DeleteAfterCopy ;
 823           };
 825           // ==================================================================
 826           //    CIM_RemoveFileAction
 827           // ==================================================================
 828                   [Description ("The RemoveFileAction uninstalls files.") ] 
 829           class CIM_RemoveFileAction:CIM_FileAction
 830           {
 831                   [maxlen (1024) ] 
 832               string File ;
 833           };
 835           // ==================================================================
 836           //    RebootAction
 837           // ==================================================================
 838                   [Description (
 839                   " The RebootAction Causes a reboot of the system where the  "
 840                   "SoftwareElement is installed. ") ] 
 841 mike  1.2 class CIM_RebootAction:CIM_Action
 842           {
 843           };
 845           // ==================================================================
 846           //    CIM_ExecuteProgram
 847           // ==================================================================
 848                   [Description (
 849                   " The ExecuteProgram causes files to be executed on the system  where "
 850                   "the SoftwareElement is installed. ") ] 
 851           class CIM_ExecuteProgram:CIM_Action
 852           {
 853                   [maxlen (1024) ] 
 854               string ProgramPath ;
 855                   [Description ("A string that is invocable on a system command line.") ] 
 856               string CommandLine ;
 857           };
 859           // ==================================================================
 860           //    SoftwareElementChecks
 861           // ==================================================================
 862 mike  1.2         [Association, Aggregation, Description (
 863                   " Since software elements in a runnable state cannot transition into  "
 864                   "another state, the value of the Phase property is restricted to  "
 865                   "In-State for SoftwareElement objects in a runable state. ") ] 
 866           class CIM_SoftwareElementChecks
 867           {
 868                   [Min (1) , Max (1) , Aggregate] 
 869               CIM_SoftwareElement REF Element;
 870                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Weak] 
 871               CIM_Check REF Check;
 872                   [Description (
 873                   " The Phase property indicates whether the referenced check is an  "
 874                   "in-state check or a next-state check.") , Values {"In-State", 
 875                   "Next-State"} ] 
 876               uint16 Phase ;
 877           };
 879           // ==================================================================
 880           //    SettingCheck
 881           // ==================================================================
 882                   [Description (
 883 mike  1.2         " This class specifies information needed to check a particular setting "
 884                   "file for a specific entry that contains  a value that is equal to, or "
 885                   "contains, the value specified.  All compares are assumed to be case "
 886                   "insensitive.") ] 
 887           class CIM_SettingCheck:CIM_Check
 888           {
 889                   [Description ("Key of section containing the settings to be checked.") 
 890                   , Maxlen (256) ] 
 891               string SectionKey ;
 892                   [Description ("Name of the Entry to be checked") , Maxlen (256) ] 
 893               string EntryName ;
 894                   [Description (
 895                   "Value to be checked that is associated with the named entry.") ] 
 896               string EntryValue ;
 897                   [Description (
 898                   "This specifies the way the setting value should be compared.") , 
 899                   Values {"Matches", "Contains"} ] 
 900               uint16 CheckType ;
 901                   [Description ("File name of the setting file to be checked.") , Maxlen (
 902                   1024) ] 
 903               string FileName ;
 904 mike  1.2 };
 906           // ==================================================================
 907           //    ModifySettingAction
 908           // ==================================================================
 909                   [Description (
 910                   "This class specifies the information to be used to modify a particular "
 911                   "setting file for a specific entry with a specific value. The value "
 912                   "specified is created as a new entry or appends to, replaces, removes "
 913                   "from,  or deletes the specified entry. All additions are assumed to be "
 914                   "case sensitive. Removes are assumed to be case insensitive.") ] 
 915           class CIM_ModifySettingAction:CIM_Action
 916           {
 917                   [Description (
 918                   "This is the key of the section of the setting entry to be modified.") 
 919                   , Maxlen (256) ] 
 920               string SectionKey ;
 921                   [Description ("Name of Entry to be modified.") , Maxlen (256) ] 
 922               string EntryName ;
 923                   [Description (
 924                   "This is the value to be used to add, append, or replace to the "
 925 mike  1.2         "specified setting.") ] 
 926               string EntryValue ;
 927                   [Description ("File Name of setting file entry to be modified.") , 
 928                   Maxlen (1024) ] 
 929               string FileName ;
 930                   [Description (
 931                   "Type of action to be performed on the specified setting entry.  Create "
 932                   "-  Creates the specified entry. Delete - Deletes the specified entry. "
 933                   "Append - Append to the end of the specified entry. Remove - Remove the "
 934                   "value from the specified entry.") , Values {"Create", "Delete", 
 935                   "Append", "Remove"} ] 
 936               uint16 ActionType ;
 937           };
 939           // ==================================================================
 940           //    DirectorySpecificationFile
 941           // ==================================================================
 942                   [Association, Description (
 943                   " The CIM_DirectorySpecificationFile association identifies the   "
 944                   "directorythat contains the file being specified by referencing  the "
 945                   "CIM_DirectorySpecification class. ") ] 
 946 mike  1.2 class CIM_DirectorySpecificationFile
 947           {
 948                   [Min (0) , Max (1) ] 
 949               CIM_DirectorySpecification REF DirectorySpecification;
 950                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL)] 
 951               CIM_FileSpecification REF FileSpecification;
 952           };
 954           // ==================================================================
 955           //    ActionSequence
 956           // ==================================================================
 957                   [Association, Description (
 958                   " The CIM_ActionSequence association is used to define a series of  "
 959                   "operations that either transitions the software element, referenced  by "
 960                   "the CIM_SoftwareElementActions association, to its next state or  "
 961                   "removes the software element from its current environment. The Action "
 962                   "classes participating in this association must have the same value for "
 963                   "the Direction property since they are either part of a sequence to  "
 964                   "transition a software element into its next state or to uninstall a  "
 965                   "software element. The next-state actions and uninstall actions  "
 966                   "associated with a particular software element must be a continuos  "
 967 mike  1.2         "sequence. Since the ActionSequence is an association the loops on  the "
 968                   "Action class with roles for the 'prior' action and 'next' action in a "
 969                   "sequence, the need for a continous sequence imples:  (1)Within the set "
 970                   "of next-state or uninstall actions, there is one and only one action "
 971                   "that does not have an instance of the ActionSequence  association "
 972                   "referencing it in the 'next' role. This is the first action in the "
 973                   "sequence. (2) Within the set of next-state or uninstall actions, there "
 974                   "is one and only one action that does not have an instance of the "
 975                   "ActionSequence association referencing it in the \"prior\" role. This  "
 976                   "is the last action in the sequence. (3) All other actions within the  "
 977                   "set of next-state and uninstall actions must participate in two  "
 978                   "instances of the ActionSequence association, one in a  prior role and "
 979                   "one in the next role.") ] 
 980           class CIM_ActionSequence
 981           {
 982                   [Min (0) , Max (1) ] 
 983               CIM_Action REF Next;
 984                   [Min (0) , Max (1) ] 
 985               CIM_Action REF Prior;
 986           };
 988 mike  1.2 // ==================================================================
 989           //    SoftwareElementActions
 990           // ==================================================================
 991                   [Association, Aggregation, Description (
 992                   " This association is used to identify the actions for a software "
 993                   "element. ") ] 
 994           class CIM_SoftwareElementActions
 995           {
 996                   [Min (1) , Max (1) , Aggregate] 
 997               CIM_SoftwareElement REF Element;
 998                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Weak] 
 999               CIM_Action REF Action;
1000           };
1002           // ==================================================================
1003           //    SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements
1004           // ==================================================================
1005                   [Association, Aggregation, Description (
1006                   " The SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements associations identifies the "
1007                   "software elements that make up a particular software feature.") ] 
1008           class CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements : CIM_Component
1009 mike  1.2 {
1010                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Aggregate, Override ("GroupComponent") ] 
1011               CIM_SoftwareFeature REF GroupComponent;
1012                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Override ("PartComponent") ] 
1013               CIM_SoftwareElement REF PartComponent;
1014           };
1016           // ==================================================================
1017           //    ProductSoftwareFeatures
1018           // ==================================================================
1019                   [Association, Aggregation, Description (
1020                   " The ProductSoftwareFeatures association identifies the software   "
1021                   "features for a particular product. ") ] 
1022           class CIM_ProductSoftwareFeatures
1023           {
1024                   [Min (1) , Max (1) , Aggregate] 
1025               CIM_Product REF Product;
1026                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Weak] 
1027               CIM_SoftwareFeature REF Component;
1028           };
1030 mike  1.2 // ==================================================================
1031           //    ToDirectorySpecification
1032           // ==================================================================
1033                   [Association, Description (
1034                   " The ToDirectorySpecification association identifies the target  "
1035                   "directory for the file action. When this association is used,  the "
1036                   "assumption is that the target directory already existed.   This "
1037                   "association cannot exist with a ToDirectoryAction association since a "
1038                   "file action can only involve a  single target directory.") ] 
1039           class CIM_ToDirectorySpecification
1040           {
1041                   [Min (0) , Max (1) ] 
1042               CIM_DirectorySpecification REF DestinationDirectory;
1043                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL)] 
1044               CIM_CopyFileAction REF FileName;
1045           };
1047           // ==================================================================
1048           //    FromDirectorySpecification
1049           // ==================================================================
1050                   [Association, Description (
1051 mike  1.2         " The FromDirectorySpecification association identifies the source  "
1052                   "directory for the file action. When this association is used,  the "
1053                   "assumption is that the source directory already existed.  This "
1054                   "association cannot exist with a  FromDirectoryAction association since "
1055                   "a file action  can only involve single source directory.") ] 
1056           class CIM_FromDirectorySpecification
1057           {
1058                   [Min (0) , Max (1) ] 
1059               CIM_DirectorySpecification REF SourceDirectory;
1060                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL)] 
1061               CIM_FileAction REF FileName;
1062           };
1064           // ==================================================================
1065           //    ToDirectoryAction
1066           // ==================================================================
1067                   [Association, Description (
1068                   " The ToDirectoryAction association identifies the target directory for  "
1069                   "the file action. When this association is used, the assumption  is that "
1070                   "the target directory was created by a previous action.   This "
1071                   "association cannot exist with a ToDirectorySpecification  association "
1072 mike  1.2         "since a file action can only  involve a single target directory. ") ] 
1073           class CIM_ToDirectoryAction
1074           {
1075                   [Min (0) , Max (1) ] 
1076               CIM_DirectoryAction REF DestinationDirectory;
1077                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL)] 
1078               CIM_CopyFileAction REF FileName;
1079           };
1081           // ==================================================================
1082           //    FromDirectoryAction
1083           // ==================================================================
1084                   [Association, Description (
1085                   " The FromDirectoryAction association identifies the source directory  "
1086                   "for the file action. When this association is used, the assumption  is "
1087                   "that the source directory was created by a previous action.  This "
1088                   "association cannot exist with a FromDirectorySpecification  association "
1089                   "since a file action can only  involve a single source directory. ") ] 
1090           class CIM_FromDirectoryAction
1091           {
1092                   [Min (0) , Max (1) ] 
1093 mike  1.2     CIM_DirectoryAction REF SourceDirectory;
1094                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL)] 
1095               CIM_FileAction REF FileName;
1096           };
1098           // ==================================================================
1099           //    SoftwareFeatureServiceImplementation
1100           // ==================================================================
1101                   [Association, Description (
1102                   " An association between a Service and how it is implemented in software."
1103                   "  The cardinality of this association is many-to-many.  A Service may "
1104                   "be  provided by more than one SoftwareFeature, operating in conjunction."
1105                   "   And, any software Feature may provide more than one Service.  When  "
1106                   "multiple SoftwareFeatures are associated with a single Service, it is  "
1107                   "assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the  "
1108                   "Service.  If different implementations of a Service exist, each of  "
1109                   "these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the  "
1110                   "Service object.  These individual instantiations would then have  "
1111                   "associations to the unique implementations. ") ] 
1112           class CIM_SoftwareFeatureServiceImplementation : CIM_Dependency
1113           {
1114 mike  1.2         [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Override ("Antecedent") ] 
1115               CIM_SoftwareFeature REF Antecedent;
1116                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Override ("Dependent") ] 
1117               CIM_Service REF Dependent;
1118           };
1120           // ==================================================================
1121           //    SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation
1122           // ==================================================================
1123                   [Association, Description (
1124                   " An association between a ServiceAccessPoint and how it is   "
1125                   "implementedin software.  The cardinality of this association  is "
1126                   "many-to-many.  A SAP may be provided by more than one  SoftwareFeature, "
1127                   "operating in conjunction.  And, any  SoftwareFeature may provide more "
1128                   "than one ServiceAccessPoint. a  When many SoftwareFeatures are "
1129                   "associated with single SAP,  it is assumed that these elements operate "
1130                   "in conjunction to  provide the AccessPoint.  If different "
1131                   "implementations of a  SAP exist, each of these implementations would "
1132                   "result in  individual instantiations of the ServiceAccessPoint object.  "
1133                   "These individual instantiations would then have associations  to the "
1134                   "unique implementations. ") ] 
1135 mike  1.2 class CIM_SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation : CIM_Dependency
1136           {
1137                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Override ("Antecedent") ] 
1138               CIM_SoftwareFeature REF Antecedent;
1139                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Override ("Dependent") ] 
1140               CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF Dependent;
1141           };
1143           // ==================================================================
1144           //    ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature
1145           // ==================================================================
1146                   [Association, Aggregation, Description (
1147                   " The ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature associations identifies the  "
1148                   "software features that make up a particular application system.  The "
1149                   "software features can be part of different products. ") ] 
1150           class CIM_ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature : CIM_SystemComponent
1151           {
1152                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Override ("GroupComponent") , Aggregate, 
1153                   Description ("The parent system in the Association") ] 
1154               CIM_ApplicationSystem REF GroupComponent;
1155                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Override ("PartComponent") , Description (
1156 mike  1.2         "The child element that is a component of a system") ] 
1157               CIM_SoftwareFeature REF PartComponent;
1158           };
1160           // ==================================================================
1161           //    InstalledSoftwareElement
1162           // ==================================================================
1163                   [Association, Description (
1164                   " The InstalledSoftwareElement association allows one to  to identify "
1165                   "the Computer System a particular Software element is installed on. ") 
1166                   ] 
1167           class CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement
1168           {
1169                   [Min (0) , Max (NULL), Description (
1170                   "References the software element that is installed.") ] 
1171               CIM_SoftwareElement REF Software;
1172                   [Min (0) , Max (1) , Description (
1173                   "References the computer system hosting a particular software element. "
1174                   ) ] 
1175               CIM_ComputerSystem REF System;
1176           };
1177 mike  1.2      
1178           // ================================================================== 
1179           //    FRUIncludesSoftwareFeature 
1180           // ================================================================== 
1181           [Association, Aggregation, 
1182            Description( "The FRUIncludesSoftwareFeature association identifies "
1183              "the software features packaged with a particular FRU. A common way "
1184              "this association can be used is to support a management task to "
1185              "determine if a particular FRU is compatible with a particular hardware "
1186              "product. In order to determine whether or not a FRU is compatible with "
1187              "a particular hardware product, the following conditions need to verified: "
1188              "(1) Is the physical package of the FRU compatible with the slots or "
1189              "equivalent of the hardware device? (2) Are there any physical constraints "
1190              "(like power consumption) that prevent the FRU from being installed "
1191              "properly? (3) Are the software features packaged with the FRU compatiable "
1192              "with the underlying operating system and other software already installed "
1193              "in the hardware product? This latter question can be answered by first "
1194              "seeing if an instance of the FRUIncludesSoftwareFeature association exists. "
1195              "If it does, then the compatibility of each SoftwareFeature can be "
1196              "determined by evaluating the Check classes that are referenced by the " 
1197              "SoftwareElementChecks association on each SoftwareElement. For example, "
1198 mike  1.2    "there might be a SoftwareElementVersionCheck that declares that a "
1199              "SoftwareElement of the FRU's SoftwareFeature is not compatible with "
1200              "another SoftwareFeature." )
1201           ] 
1202           class CIM_FRUIncludesSoftwareFeature 
1203           { 
1204                   [Key, Min(0), Max(1), Aggregate ] 
1205               CIM_FRU REF FRU; 
1206                   [Key, Min(0), Max(NULL) ] 
1207               CIM_SoftwareFeature REF Component; 
1208           }; 
1210           // ==================================================================
1211           //    SoftwareElementServiceImplementation
1212           // ==================================================================
1213                   [Association, Description (
1214                   "  An association between a Service and how it is implemented "
1215                   "by one or more executable SoftwareElements. Note that this "
1216                   "association is restricted to 'executable' Elements. In "
1217                   "earlier phases of deployment, the SoftwareFeatureService"
1218                   "Implementation association is adequate and recommended. \n"
1219 mike  1.2         "  The relationship between this association and SoftwareFeature"
1220                   "ServiceImplementation is more fully described here. Software"
1221                   "ElementServiceImplementation allows the description of greater "
1222                   "granularity than SoftwareFeatureServiceImplementation, when a "
1223                   "SoftwareFeature is fully deployed and results in several "
1224                   "executable Elements. These Elements may implement several "
1225                   "different Services. \n"
1226                   "  Since SoftwareFeatures decompse into SoftwareElements, "
1227                   "it is possible to describe how software implements a Service "
1228                   "by using either this association or the SoftwareFeatureService"
1229                   "Implementation relationship.  One or the other should be chosen. "
1230                   "Both associations should not be used for a particular Service, "
1231                   "since their information is redundant. \n"
1232                   "  This relationship is especially important when the "
1233                   "SoftwareFeature and Product aspects are not described for a "
1234                   "SoftwareElement (ie, when the acquisition and deployment of "
1235                   "the software is not detailed). In this case, the Software"
1236                   "ElementServiceImplementation association is the only one "
1237                   "available to describe how a Service is implemented in "
1238                   "software.  Since SoftwareFeatures are not instantiated, it "
1239                   "is not possible to use the SoftwareFeatureService"
1240 mike  1.2         "Implementation association. \n"
1241                   "  The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A "
1242                   "Service may be provided by more than one SoftwareElement. (If "
1243                   "this is true, it is assumed that the SoftwareElements operate "
1244                   "in conjunction.) And, any SoftwareElement may provide more "
1245                   "than one Service.") ]
1246           class CIM_SoftwareElementServiceImplementation : CIM_Dependency
1247           {
1248                   [Override ("Antecedent"), 
1249                   Description (
1250                   "The executable SoftwareElement implementing the Service.") ]
1251               CIM_SoftwareElement REF Antecedent;
1252                   [Override ("Dependent"), 
1253                   Description (
1254                   "The Service implemented by the SoftwareElement.") ]
1255               CIM_Service REF Dependent;
1256           };
1258           // ==================================================================
1259           //    SoftwareElementSAPImplementation
1260           // ==================================================================
1261 mike  1.2         [Association, Description (
1262                   "  An association between a ServiceAccessPoint and how it is "
1263                   "implemented by one or more executable SoftwareElements. Note "
1264                   "that this association is restricted to 'executable' Elements. "
1265                   "In earlier phases of deployment, the SoftwareFeatureSAP"
1266                   "Implementation association is adequate and recommended. \n"
1267                   "  The relationship between this association and SoftwareFeature"
1268                   "SAPImplementation is more fully described here. Software"
1269                   "ElementSAPImplementation allows the description of greater "
1270                   "granularity than SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation, when a "
1271                   "SoftwareFeature is fully deployed and results in several "
1272                   "executable Elements. These Elements may implement several "
1273                   "different ServiceAccessPoints. \n"
1274                   "  Since SoftwareFeatures decompse into SoftwareElements, "
1275                   "it is possible to describe how software implements a SAP "
1276                   "by using either this association or the SoftwareFeatureSAP"
1277                   "Implementation relationship.  One or the other should be chosen. "
1278                   "Both associations should not be used for a particular Access"
1279                   "Point, since their information is redundant. \n"
1280                   "  This relationship is especially important when the "
1281                   "SoftwareFeature and Product aspects are not described for a "
1282 mike  1.2         "SoftwareElement (ie, when the acquisition and deployment of "
1283                   "the software is not detailed). In this case, the Software"
1284                   "ElementSAPImplementation association is the only one "
1285                   "available to describe how an AccessPoint is implemented in "
1286                   "software.  Since SoftwareFeatures are not instantiated, it "
1287                   "is not possible to use the SoftwareFeatureSAP"
1288                   "Implementation association. \n"
1289                   "  The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A "
1290                   "ServiceAccessPoint may be provided by more than one Software"
1291                   "Element. (If this is true, it is assumed that the Software"
1292                   "Elements operate in conjunction.) And, any SoftwareElement "
1293                   "may provide more than one SAP.") ]
1294           class CIM_SoftwareElementSAPImplementation : CIM_Dependency
1295           {
1296                   [Override ("Antecedent"), 
1297                   Description (
1298                   "The executable SoftwareElement implementing the SAP.") ]
1299               CIM_SoftwareElement REF Antecedent;
1300                   [Override ("Dependent"), 
1301                   Description (
1302                   "The ServiceAccessPoint implemented by the SoftwareElement.") ]
1303 mike  1.2     CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF Dependent;
1304           };
1306           // ================================================================== 
1307           //    SoftwareFeatureComponent 
1308           // ================================================================== 
1309                   [Association, Aggregation, Description ( 
1310                    "The SoftwareFeatureComponent aggregation models a set of  " 
1311                    "subordinate or independent Software Features " 
1312                    "under a Product " 
1313                    "that are aggregated together to form " 
1314                    "a higher-level or large grain Software Feature " 
1315                    "under the same Product.") ] 
1316           class CIM_SoftwareFeatureComponent : CIM_Component 
1317           { 
1318                   [Override ("GroupComponent"), Aggregate, 
1319                    Description ("The parent SoftwareFeature.") ] 
1320              CIM_SoftwareFeature REF GroupComponent; 
1321                   [Override ("PartComponent"), 
1322                    Description ("The component SoftwareFeature.") ] 
1323              CIM_SoftwareFeature REF PartComponent; 
1324 mike  1.2 }; 
1326           // =================================================================== 
1327           //    InstalledProduct 
1328           // =================================================================== 
1329                   [Description ( 
1330                    "The InstalledProduct object allows the grouping of " 
1331                    "SoftwareFeatures and SoftwareElements that  " 
1332                    "represent a purchased Product or the result of " 
1333                    "the installation of a Product. Often, Products are purchased " 
1334                    "once but may be installed several times in different locations " 
1335                    "on a system or different systems. All of the SoftwareElements " 
1336                    "and SoftwareFeatures of a single install should be grouped in " 
1337                    "instances of InstalledProduct. " 
1338                    "This is defined using the two associations, Collected" 
1339                    "SoftwareFeatures and CollectedSoftwareElements." 
1340                    "These associations define the particular " 
1341                    "SoftwareFeatures and SoftwareElements that are " 
1342                    "part of an InstalledProduct. " 
1343                    "These MemberOf associations allow one to find all of the " 
1344                    "Product installations in which a SoftwareFeature is represented  " 
1345 mike  1.2          "or a SoftwareElement is deployed. " 
1346                    "In general, the InstalledProduct " 
1347                    "object represents a grouping or 'bag' of 'like' Elements. " 
1348                    "InstalledProduct is weak to Product. ") ] 
1349           class CIM_InstalledProduct : CIM_Collection 
1350           { 
1351                   [Propagated ("CIM_Product.IdentifyingNumber"), Key, Maxlen (64), 
1352                   Description ( 
1353                   "Product identification such as a serial number on software or a die " 
1354                   "number on a hardware chip"), 
1355                   MappingStrings {"DMTF|ComponentID|001.4"} ] 
1356               string ProductIdentifyingNumber ; 
1357                   [Propagated ("CIM_Product.Name"), Key, Maxlen (256), 
1358                   Description ("Commonly used Product name"), 
1359                   MappingStrings {"DMTF|ComponentID|001.2"} ] 
1360               string ProductName ; 
1361                   [Propagated ("CIM_Product.Vendor"), Key, Maxlen (256), 
1362                   Description ( 
1363                   "The name of the Product's supplier. Corresponds to the Vendor property " 
1364                   "in the Product object in the DMTF Solution Exchange Standard."), 
1365                   MappingStrings {"DMTF|ComponentID|001.1"} ] 
1366 mike  1.2     string ProductVendor ; 
1367                   [Propagated ("CIM_Product.Version"), Key, Maxlen (64), Description ( 
1368                   "Product version information.  Corresponds to the Version property in " 
1369                   "the Product object in the DMTF Solution Exchange Standard."), 
1370                   MappingStrings {"DMTF|ComponentID|001.3"} ] 
1371               string ProductVersion ; 
1372                  [Key, MaxLen (256), Description ( 
1373                   "The identifying information of the System (ie, the instance) on " 
1374                  "which the Product is installed. The property contains the " 
1375                  "path of an instance, encoded as a string parameter - if the " 
1376                  "System instance is modeled in the CIM Schema,  if the product " 
1377                  "is installed on a single system, and if the " 
1378                  "information is available during installation. If not, " 
1379                  "the property contains some identifying string that names the " 
1380                  "System on which the Product is installed.") ] 
1381              string SystemID; 
1382                  [Key, MaxLen (256), Description ( 
1383                    "The identification of the InstalledProduct object. " 
1384                    "This key can be used to differentiate between " 
1385                    "product intstallations - usually installation location.") ] 
1386              string CollectionID; 
1387 mike  1.2        [Description ( 
1388                   "The Name property defines the label by which the object is known to the " 
1389                   "world outside the data processing system. This label is a " 
1390                   "human-readable name that uniquely identifies the element in the context " 
1391                   "of the element's namespace."), Maxlen (256) ] 
1392               string Name ; 
1393           }; 
1394           // ================================================================== 
1395           //    InstalledProductImage 
1396           // ================================================================== 
1397                   [Association,  Description ( 
1398                   " The InstalledProductImage association identifies the  " 
1399                   "InstalledProduct instance representing the " 
1400                   "collection of installed features and elements " 
1401                   "for a particular product's installed instance. ") ] 
1402           class CIM_InstalledProductImage 
1403           { 
1404                   [Min (1) , Max (1) , Aggregate, 
1405                   Description("The product that has been " 
1406                   "installed and created the software features " 
1407                   "and software elements on the system.")] 
1408 mike  1.2     CIM_Product REF Product; 
1409                   [Weak, Description("The collection representing " 
1410                   "the set of software features and elements that " 
1411                   "are the result of one product installation. ")] 
1412               CIM_InstalledProduct REF Collection; 
1413           }; 
1415           // ================================================================== 
1416           //    CollectedSoftwareElements 
1417           // ================================================================== 
1418                   [Association, Aggregation, Description ( 
1419                    "CIM_CollectedSoftwareElements is an association used to " 
1420                    "establish the SoftwareElements of a product " 
1421                    "installation represented by the grouping object, " 
1422                    "InstalledProductCollection. ") ] 
1423           class CIM_CollectedSoftwareElements : CIM_MemberOfCollection 
1424           { 
1425                   [Aggregate, Description ( 
1426                    "The collection representing the " 
1427                    "installed image of a Product ."), Override("Collection") ] 
1428              CIM_InstalledProduct REF Collection; 
1429 mike  1.2         [Description ("The SoftwareElements that are " 
1430                    "members of the InstalledProduct Collection."), 
1431             Override("Member") ] 
1432              CIM_SoftwareElement REF Member; 
1433           }; 
1435           // ================================================================== 
1436           //    CollectedSoftwareFeatures 
1437           // ================================================================== 
1438                   [Association, Aggregation, Description ( 
1439                    "CIM_CollectedSoftwareFeatures is an association used to " 
1440                    "establish the SoftwareFeatures of a product " 
1441                    "installation represented by the grouping object, " 
1442                    "InstalledProductCollection. ") ] 
1443           class CIM_CollectedSoftwareFeatures : CIM_MemberOfCollection 
1444           { 
1445                   [Aggregate, Description ( 
1446                    "The collection representing the " 
1447                    "installed image of a " 
1448                    "Product."), Override("Collection") ] 
1449              CIM_InstalledProduct REF Collection; 
1450 mike  1.2         [Description ("The SoftwareFeatures that are " 
1451                    "members of the InstalledProduct Collection."), 
1452             Override("Member") ] 
1453              CIM_SoftwareFeature REF Member; 
1454           }; 
1456           // ==================================================================
1457           // end of file
1458           // ==================================================================

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