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  1 karl // Copyright (c) 2008 DMTF.  All rights reserved.
  2                  [Version ( "2.20.0" ), 
  3                   UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::User::PrivilegeManagementService" ), 
  4                   Description ( 
  5                      "The PrivilegeManagementService is responsible for creating, "
  6                      "deleting, and associating AuthorizedPrivilege instances. "
  7                      "References to \'subject\' and \'target\' define the entities "
  8                      "that are associated with an AuthorizedPrivilege instance via "
  9                      "the relationships, AuthorizedSubject and AuthorizedTarget, "
 10                      "respectively. When created, an AuthorizedPrivilege instance is "
 11                      "related to this (PrivilegeManagement)Service via the "
 12                      "association, ConcreteDependency." )]
 13               class CIM_PrivilegeManagementService : CIM_AuthorizationService {
 16                     [Description ( 
 17                         "When this method is called, a provider updates the "
 18                         "specified Subject\'s rights to the Target according to "
 19                         "the parameters of this call. The rights are modeled via "
 20                         "an AuthorizedPrivilege instance. If an "
 21                         "AuthorizedPrivilege instance is created as a result of "
 22 karl           "this call, it MUST be linked to the Subject and Target "
 23                         "via the AuthorizedSubject and AuthorizedTarget "
 24                         "associations, respectively. When created, the "
 25                         "AuthorizedPrivilege instance is associated to this "
 26                         "PrivilegeManagementService via ConcreteDependency. If "
 27                         "the execution of this call results in no rights between "
 28                         "the Subject and Target, then they MUST NOT be linked to "
 29                         "a particular AuthorizedPrivilege instance via "
 30                         "AuthorizedSubject and AuthorizedTarget respectively. \n"
 31                         "\n"
 32                         "Note that regardless of whether specified via parameter, "
 33                         "or template, the Activities, ActivityQualifiers and "
 34                         "QualifierFormats, are mutually indexed. Also note that "
 35                         "Subject and Target references MUST be supplied. \n"
 36                         "\n"
 37                         "The successful completion of the method SHALL create any "
 38                         "necessary AuthorizedSubject, AuthorizedTarget, "
 39                         "AuthorizedPrivilege, HostedDependency, and "
 40                         "ConcreteDependency instances." ), 
 41                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6..15999", "16000", 
 42                         "16001", "16002", "16003", "16004", "16005..31999", 
 43 karl           "32000..65535" }, 
 44                      Values { "Success", "Not Supported", "Unspecified Error", 
 45                         "Timeout", "Failed", "Invalid Parameter", "DMTF Reserved", 
 46                         "Unsupported Subject", "Unsupported Privilege", 
 47                         "Unsupported Target", "Authorization Error", 
 48                         "NULL not supported", "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
 49                  uint32 AssignAccess(
 50                        [Required, IN, Description ( 
 51                            "The Subject parameter is a reference to a "
 52                            "ManagedElement instance. This parameter MUST be "
 53                            "supplied." )]
 54                     CIM_ManagedElement REF Subject, 
 55                        [IN, Description ( 
 56                            "MUST be NULL unless Privilege is NULL on input. "
 57                            "The PrivilegeGranted flag indicates whether the "
 58                            "rights defined by the parameters in this call "
 59                            "should be granted or denied to the named "
 60                            "Subject/Target pair." ), 
 61                         ModelCorrespondence { 
 62                            "CIM_AuthorizedPrivilege.PrivilegeGranted", 
 63                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.AssignAccess.Privilege" }]
 64 karl       boolean PrivilegeGranted, 
 65                        [IN, Description ( 
 66                            "MUST be NULL unless the Privilege is NULL on "
 67                            "input. This parameter specifies the activities to "
 68                            "be granted or denied." ), 
 69                         ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "..", 
 70                            "16000..65535" }, 
 71                         Values { "Other", "Create", "Delete", "Detect", "Read", 
 72                            "Write", "Execute", "DMTF Reserved", 
 73                            "Vendor Reserved" }, 
 74                         ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
 75                         ModelCorrespondence { 
 76                            "CIM_AuthorizedPrivilege.Activities", 
 77                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.AssignAccess.Privilege" }]
 78                     uint16 Activities[], 
 79                        [IN, Description ( 
 80                            "MUST be NULL unless Privilege is NULL on input. "
 81                            "This parameter defines the activity qualifiers for "
 82                            "the Activities to be granted or denied." ), 
 83                         ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
 84                         ModelCorrespondence { 
 85 karl              "CIM_AuthorizedPrivilege.ActivityQualifers", 
 86                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.AssignAccess.Privilege" }]
 87                     string ActivityQualifiers[], 
 88                        [IN, Description ( 
 89                            "MUST be NULL unless Privilege is NULL on input. "
 90                            "This parameter defines the qualifier formats for "
 91                            "the corresponding ActivityQualifiers." ), 
 92                         ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", 
 93                            "10..15999", "16000..65535" }, 
 94                         Values { "Class Name", "<Class.>Property", 
 95                            "<Class.>Method", "Object Reference", "Namespace", 
 96                            "URL", "Directory/File Name", 
 97                            "Command Line Instruction", "DMTF Reserved", 
 98                            "Vendor Reserved" }, 
 99                         ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
100                         ModelCorrespondence { 
101                            "CIM_AuthorizedPrivilege.QualifierFormats", 
102                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.AssignAccess.Privilege" }]
103                     uint16 QualifierFormats[], 
104                        [Required, IN, Description ( 
105                            "The Target parameter is a reference to an instance "
106 karl              "of ManagedElement. This parameter MUST be "
107                            "supplied." )]
108                     CIM_ManagedElement REF Target, 
109                        [IN, OUT, Description ( 
110                            "On input, this reference MUST be either NULL or "
111                            "refer to an instance of AuthorizedPrivilege that "
112                            "is used as a template. The rights granted by "
113                            "corresponding entries in the Activities, "
114                            "ActivityQualifiers and QualifierFormats array "
115                            "properties are applied incrementally and do not "
116                            "affect unnamed rights. If the property, "
117                            "PrivilegeGranted, is false, then the named rights "
118                            "are removed. If PrivilegeGranted is True, then the "
119                            "named rights are added. (Note that the "
120                            "RemoveAccess method SHOULD be used to completely "
121                            "remove all privileges between a subject and a "
122                            "target. On output, this property references an "
123                            "AuthorizedPrivilege instance that represents the "
124                            "resulting rights between the named Subject and the "
125                            "named Target. AuthorizedPrivilege instances used "
126                            "as a templates in this property SHOULD have a "
127 karl              "HostedDependency association to the "
128                            "PriviligeManagementService and SHOULD NOT have any "
129                            "AuthorizedTarget or AuthorizedSubject associations "
130                            "to it." )]
131                     CIM_AuthorizedPrivilege REF Privilege);
133                     [Description ( 
134                         "This method revokes a specific AuthorizedPrivilege or "
135                         "all privileges for a particular target, subject, or "
136                         "subject/target pair. If an AuthorizedPrivilege instance "
137                         "is left with no AuthorizedTarget associations, it SHOULD "
138                         "be deleted. The successful completion of the method "
139                         "SHALL remove the directly or indirectly requested "
140                         "AuthorizedSubject, AuthorizedTarget and "
141                         "AuthorizedPrivilege instances." ), 
142                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6..15999", "16000", 
143                         "16001", "16002", "16003", "16004..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
144                      Values { "Success", "Not Supported", "Unspecified Error", 
145                         "Timeout", "Failed", "Invalid Parameter", "DMTF Reserved", 
146                         "Unsupported Privilege", "Unsupported Target", 
147                         "Authorization Error", "Null parameter not supported", 
148 karl           "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
149                  uint32 RemoveAccess(
150                        [IN, Description ( 
151                            "The Subject parameter is a reference to a "
152                            "ManagedElement instance (associated via "
153                            "AuthorizedSubject) for which privileges are to be "
154                            "revoked." )]
155                     CIM_ManagedElement REF Subject, 
156                        [IN, Description ( 
157                            "A reference to the AuthorizedPrivilege to be revoked."
158                             )]
159                     CIM_AuthorizedPrivilege REF Privilege, 
160                        [IN, Description ( 
161                            "The Target parameter is a reference to a "
162                            "ManagedElement (associated via AuthorizedTarget) "
163                            "which will no longer be protected via the "
164                            "AuthorizedPrivilege." )]
165                     CIM_ManagedElement REF Target);
167                     [Description ( 
168                         "ShowAccess reports the Privileges (i.e., rights) granted "
169 karl           "to a particular Subject and/or Target pair. Either a "
170                         "Subject, a Target or both MUST be specified. In the case "
171                         "where only one is specified, the method will return all "
172                         "rights to all Targets for the specified Subject, or all "
173                         "rights for all subjects which apply to the specified "
174                         "Target. \n"
175                         "\n"
176                         "ShowAccess returns the cumulative rights granted between "
177                         "the OutSubjects and OutTargets at the same array index "
178                         "(filtered to return the information that the requestor "
179                         "is authorized to view). If a specific array entry is "
180                         "NULL, then there exist NO rights that the requestor is "
181                         "authorized to view between the Subject/Target pair. \n"
182                         "\n"
183                         "Note that the Privileges returned by this method MAY NOT "
184                         "correspond to what is actually instantiated in the "
185                         "model, and MAY be optimized for ease of reporting. "
186                         "Hence, the data is passed \'by value\', as embedded "
187                         "objects. Also, note that multiple Privileges MAY be "
188                         "defined for a given Subject/Target pair. \n"
189                         "\n"
190 karl           "Other mechanisms MAY also be used to retrieve this "
191                         "information. CIM Operations\' EnumerateInstances MAY be "
192                         "used to return all Privileges currently instantiated "
193                         "within a namespace. Also, if the AuthorizedPrivilege "
194                         "subclass is instantiated, the CIM Operation Associators "
195                         "MAY be used to navigate from the Privilege to "
196                         "AuthorizedSubjects and AuthorizedTargets. These CIM "
197                         "Operations will not generally provide the functionality "
198                         "or optimizations available with ShowAccess." ), 
199                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "16000", 
200                         "16002", "16003", "16004", "16005..31999", "32000..65535" }, 
201                      Values { "Success", "Not Supported", "Unknown", "Timeout", 
202                         "Failed", "Invalid Parameter", "DMTF Reserved", 
203                         "Unsupported Subject", "Unsupported Target", 
204                         "Authorization Error", "NULL not supported", 
205                         "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
206                  uint32 ShowAccess(
207                        [IN, Description ( 
208                            "The Subject parameter references an instance of "
209                            "ManagedElement. The result of this operation is "
210                            "that the cumulative rights of the Subject to "
211 karl              "access or define authorization rights for the "
212                            "Target will be reported. If no Subject is "
213                            "specified, then a Target MUST be supplied and ALL "
214                            "Subjects that have rights to access or define "
215                            "authorizations for the Target will be reported. "
216                            "(It should be noted that the information reported "
217                            "MUST be filtered by the rights of the requestor to "
218                            "view that data.) If the Subject element is a "
219                            "Collection, then the operation will specifically "
220                            "report the Privileges for all elements associated "
221                            "to the Collection via MemberOfCollection. These "
222                            "elements will be reported individually in the "
223                            "returned OutSubjects array." ), 
224                         ModelCorrespondence { 
225                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.ShowAccess.Target" }]
226                     CIM_ManagedElement REF Subject, 
227                        [IN, Description ( 
228                            "The Target parameter references an instance of "
229                            "ManagedElement. The result of this operation is "
230                            "that the cumulative rights of the Subject to "
231                            "access or define authorization rights for the "
232 karl              "Target will be reported. If no Target is "
233                            "specified, then a Subject MUST be supplied and ALL "
234                            "Targets for which that the Subject has rights to "
235                            "access or define authorization will be reported. "
236                            "(It should be noted that the information reported "
237                            "MUST be filtered by the rights of the requestor to "
238                            "view that data.) If the Target element is a "
239                            "Collection, then the operation will be applied to "
240                            "all elements associated to the Collection via "
241                            "MemberOfCollection. These elements will be "
242                            "reported individually in the returned OutTargets "
243                            "array." ), 
244                         ModelCorrespondence { 
245                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.ShowAccess.Subject" }]
246                     CIM_ManagedElement REF Target, 
247                        [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
248                            "The array of Subject REFs corresponding to the "
249                            "individual Privileges and OutTargets arrays. The "
250                            "resulting OutSubjects, Privileges and OutTargets "
251                            "arrays define the cumulative rights granted "
252                            "between the Subject/Target at the corresponding "
253 karl              "index (filtered to return the information that the "
254                            "requestor is authorized to view)." ), 
255                         ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
256                         ModelCorrespondence { 
257                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.ShowAccess.Subject", 
258                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.ShowAccess.Privileges", 
259                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.ShowAccess.OutTargets" }]
260                     CIM_ManagedElement REF OutSubjects[], 
261                        [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
262                            "The array of Target REFs corresponding to the "
263                            "individual Privileges and OutSubjects arrays. The "
264                            "resulting OutSubjects, Privileges and OutTargets "
265                            "arrays define the cumulative rights granted "
266                            "between the Subject/Target at the corresponding "
267                            "index (filtered to return the information that the "
268                            "requestor is authorized to view)." ), 
269                         ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
270                         ModelCorrespondence { 
271                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.ShowAccess.Target", 
272                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.ShowAccess.Privileges", 
273                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.ShowAccess.OutSubjects" }]
274 karl       CIM_ManagedElement REF OutTargets[], 
275                        [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
276                            "The returned Privilege objects represent the "
277                            "cumulative rights granted between the OutSubjects "
278                            "and OutTargets at the same array index (filtered "
279                            "to return the information that the requestor is "
280                            "authorized to view). If a specific array entry is "
281                            "NULL, then there exist NO rights that the "
282                            "requestor is authorized to view between the "
283                            "Subject/Target pair." ), 
284                         EmbeddedObject, ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
285                         ModelCorrespondence { 
286                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.ShowAccess.OutTargets", 
287                            "CIM_PrivilegeManagementService.ShowAccess.OutSubjects" }]
288                     string Privileges[]);
290               };

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