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  1 marek 1.1 // Copyright (c) 2011 DMTF.  All rights reserved.
  2              [Version ( "2.29.0" ), 
  3               ClassConstraint { 
  4                  "/* The constraints below aim to efficiently */  /* represent a singular OctetString. Each of the properties*/  /* is a single encoded string, thus only the first element */  /* needs to be populated. */ inv:self.CreateCertificateSigningRequest.Subject->size()<=1 and self.CreateCertificateSigningRequest.AltSubject->size()<=1 and self.CreateCertificateSigningRequest.CSR->size()=1 and self.CreateSelfSignedCertificate.Subject->size()<=1 and self.CreateSelfSignedCertificate.AltSubject->size()<=1 and self.ImportEncodedCertificates.EncodedCertificates->size()=1 and self.ApplyCRL.EncodedCRL->size()=1 and self.ExportEncodedCertificates.EncodedCertificates->size()=1" }, 
  5               UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::User::SecurityServices" ), 
  6               Description ( 
  7                  "CIM_CertificateManagementService is used for managing X509 "
  8                  "based certificates." )]
  9           class CIM_CertificateManagementService : CIM_KeyBasedCredentialManagementService {
 12                 [Description ( 
 13                     "This method is called to request a Certificate Signing "
 14                     "Request (CSR) based on the Distinguished Name provided "
 15                     "through Subject parameter. The CSR utilizes PKCS#10 "
 16                     "structure as defined in RFC2986. If either Subject "
 17                     "parameter or AltSubject parameter are NULL, the method "
 18                     "shall return 2 (Error Occured). If the "
 19                     "PublicPrivateKeyPair parameter is NULL, then 1) "
 20                     "PublicKeyAlgorithm shall specify the algorithm to be "
 21                     "used for the public key, 2) the PublicKeySize shall "
 22 marek 1.1           "specify the length for the public key in bits. If the "
 23                     "PublicPrivateKeyPair parameter is NOT NULL then the "
 24                     "following requirements shall apply: 1) the "
 25                     "PublicKeyAlgorithm shall be NULL, 2) the PublicKeySize "
 26                     "shall be NULL, 3) the PublicPrivateKeyPair shall "
 27                     "reference an instance of CIM_UnsignedCredential "
 28                     "representing the public/ private key pair to be used for "
 29                     "the CSR. The OutputFormat parameter shall specify the "
 30                     "output format of the CSR. If the OutputFormat parameter "
 31                     "has a value that is not equal to any values in the "
 32                     "OutputFormatsSupported property on the associated "
 33                     "CIM_CertificateManagementCapabilities instance, then the "
 34                     "method shall return 2 (Error Occured). Upon the "
 35                     "successful execution, the CSR output parameter shall "
 36                     "contain the CSR in PKCS#10 structure." ), 
 37                  ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "4096", 
 38                     "4097..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
 39                  Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported", 
 40                     "Error Occured", "Busy", "Invalid Reference", 
 41                     "Invalid Parameter", "Access Denied", "DMTF Reserved", 
 42                     "Job Started", "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specified" }]
 43 marek 1.1    uint32 CreateCertificateSigningRequest(
 44                    [IN, Description ( 
 45                        "Subject shall contain information as required by "
 46                        "section of RFC 3280 and shall be formatted "
 47                        "based on RFC 4514. An example of the value of the "
 48                        "Subject parameter could be \"CN=Marshall T. Rose, "
 49                        "O=Dover Beach Consulting, L=Santa Clara, "
 50                        "ST=California, C=US\"." ), 
 51                     DN]
 52                 string Subject, 
 53                    [IN, Description ( 
 54                        "Alternate subject identifier for the Certificate "
 55                        "as specified by section of RFC 3280." )]
 56                 string AltSubject, 
 57                    [IN, Description ( 
 58                        "The PublicKeyAlgorithm specifies the algorithm to "
 59                        "be used for the public key." ), 
 60                     ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
 61                     Values { "RSA", "DSA", "ECDSA", "DMTF Reserved", 
 62                        "Vendor Reserved" }]
 63                 uint16 PublicKeyAlgorithm, 
 64 marek 1.1          [IN, Description ( 
 65                        "The PublicKeySize shall specify the length for the "
 66                        "public key in bits." ), 
 67                     PUNIT ( "bit" )]
 68                 uint16 PublicKeySize, 
 69                    [IN, Description ( 
 70                        "The PublicPrivateKeyPair parameter specifies a "
 71                        "reference to an instance of CIM_UnsignedCredential "
 72                        "which represents a public private key pair to be "
 73                        "utilized by the CSR.The CIM_UnsignedCredential "
 74                        "instance PublicKey and PublicKeyEncoding "
 75                        "properties shall not be NULL." )]
 76                 CIM_UnsignedCredential REF PublicPrivateKeyPair, 
 77                    [In, Description ( 
 78                        "The ExtendedKeyUsageValue indicates one or more "
 79                        "purposes for which the certified public key may be "
 80                        "used in the type specified by the "
 81                        "ExtendedKeyUsageType parameter." ), 
 82                     ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
 83                     ModelCorrespondence { 
 84                        "CIM_CertificateManagementService.CreateCertificateSigningRequest.ExtendedKeyUsageType" }]
 85 marek 1.1       string ExtendedKeyUsageValue[], 
 86                    [In, Description ( 
 87                        "Describes the type for ExtendedKeyUsageValue based "
 88                        "on the ASN.1 GeneralName types." ), 
 89                     ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", 
 90                        "..", "32768..65535" }, 
 91                     Values { "other", "rfc822Name", "dNSName", 
 92                        "x400Address", "directoryName", "ediPartyName", 
 93                        "uniformResourceIdentifier", "iPAddress", 
 94                        "registeredID", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, 
 95                     ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
 96                     ModelCorrespondence { 
 97                        "CIM_CertificateManagementService.CreateCertificateSigningRequest.ExtendedKeyUsageValue" }]
 98                 uint16 ExtendedKeyUsageType[], 
 99                    [In, Description ( 
100                        "The SignatureAlgorithm parameter defines the "
101                        "signature algorithm used to sign the "
102                        "CertificateRequestInfo as part of the CSR as "
103                        "defined in RFC 2986. This parameter covers the "
104                        "algorithms specified in the RFC3279." ), 
105                     ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", 
106 marek 1.1              "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", 
107                        "18", "19", "20..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
108                     Values { "Other", "SHA1withDSA", "SHA1withECDSA", 
109                        "SHA224withECDSA", "SHA256withECDSA", 
110                        "SHA384withECDSA", "SHA512withECDSA", 
111                        "GOST3411withGOST3410", "GOST3411withECGOST3410", 
112                        "MD2withRSA", "MD5withRSA", "SHA1withRSA", 
113                        "SHA224withRSA", "SHA256withRSA", "SHA384withRSA", 
114                        "SHA512withRSA", "RIPEMD160withRSA", 
115                        "RIPEMD128withRSA", "RIPEMD256withRSA", 
116                        "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }]
117                 uint16 SignatureAlgorithm, 
118                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
119                        "The OutputFormat property represents the requested "
120                        "format of the Certificate Signing Request." ), 
121                     ValueMap { "2", "3", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
122                     Values { "PEM", "DER", "DMTF Reserved", 
123                        "Vendor Reserved" }]
124                 uint16 OutputFormat, 
125                    [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
126                        "Contains a reference to the ConcreteJob created to "
127 marek 1.1              "track the execution initiated by the method "
128                        "invocation. If the method returns 4096 - job "
129                        "started, then the parameter shall not have NULL "
130                        "value." )]
131                 CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job, 
132                    [Required, IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
133                        "The CSR parameter is an output parameter that upon "
134                        "successful exection of this method will contain "
135                        "the formated Certificate Signing Request.Only the "
136                        "first element of the array property shall be "
137                        "populated." ), 
138                     OctetString]
139                 string CSR[]);
141                 [Description ( 
142                     "This method is called to generate to generate a "
143                     "self-signed certificate. If either Subject parameter or "
144                     "AltSubject parameter are NULL, the method shall return 2 "
145                     "(Error Occured). If the PublicPrivateKeyPair parameter "
146                     "is NULL, the following numbered requirements shall "
147                     "apply: 1) the PublicKeyAlgorithm shall be non-NULL and "
148 marek 1.1           "specify the algorithm to be used for the public key, 3) "
149                     "the PublicKeySize shall be non-NULL and specify the "
150                     "length for the public key in bits. If the "
151                     "PublicPrivateKeyPair parameter is not NULL, the "
152                     "following numbered requirements shall apply: 1) the "
153                     "PublicKeyAlgorithm shall be NULL, 2) the PublicKeySize "
154                     "shall be NULL, 3) the PublicPrivateKeyPair shall "
155                     "reference an instance of CIM_UnsignedCredential "
156                     "representing the public/ private key pair to be used for "
157                     "the self signed certificate. Upon successful execution "
158                     "the reference to the newly created instance of "
159                     "CIM_X509Certificate shall be returned in the "
160                     "NewCertificate parameter which represents the "
161                     "self-signed certificate with the public/private key pair "
162                     "of the size specified by the KeySize parameter. If the "
163                     "Keystore parameter is not NULL, this instance shall be "
164                     "associated to the instance of CIM_Keystore referenced by "
165                     "the Keystore parameter through CIM_MemberOfCollection "
166                     "association. If the CredentialContext parameter is not "
167                     "NULL, the newly created instance shall be associated "
168                     "with the instance of CIM_ManagedElement referenced by "
169 marek 1.1           "the CredentialContext parameter through "
170                     "CIM_CredentialContext association. If the "
171                     "CredentialContext parameter is NULL, the newly created "
172                     "instance shall not be associated with the instance of "
173                     "CIM_ManagedElement through CIM_CredentialContext "
174                     "association." ), 
175                  ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "4096", 
176                     "4097..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
177                  Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported", 
178                     "Error Occured", "Busy", "Invalid Reference", 
179                     "Invalid Parameter", "Access Denied", "DMTF Reserved", 
180                     "Job Started", "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specified" }]
181              uint32 CreateSelfSignedCertificate(
182                    [IN, Description ( 
183                        "Subject shall contain the information as required "
184                        "by section of RFC 3280 and shall be "
185                        "formatted based on RFC 4514. An example of the "
186                        "value of the Subject parameter could be "
187                        "\"CN=Marshall T. Rose, O=Dover Beach Consulting, "
188                        "OU=Sales, L=Santa Clara, ST=California, C=US\"." ), 
189                     DN]
190 marek 1.1       string Subject, 
191                    [IN, Description ( 
192                        "Alternate subject identifier for the Certificate "
193                        "as specified by section of RFC 3280." )]
194                 string AltSubject, 
195                    [IN, Description ( 
196                        "The PublicKeyAlgorithm specifies the algorithm to "
197                        "be used for the public key." ), 
198                     ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
199                     Values { "RSA", "DSA", "ECDSA", "DMTF Reserved", 
200                        "Vendor Reserved" }]
201                 uint16 PublicKeyAlgorithm, 
202                    [IN, Description ( 
203                        "The PublicKeySize shall specify the length for the "
204                        "public key in bits. The value shall be of power of "
205                        "2." ), 
206                     PUNIT ( "bit" )]
207                 uint16 PublicKeySize, 
208                    [IN, Description ( 
209                        "The PublicPrivateKeyPair parameter specifies a "
210                        "reference to an instance of CIM_UnsignedCredential "
211 marek 1.1              "which represents a public private key pair to be "
212                        "utilized by the newly created selef signed "
213                        "certificate. The PublicKey and "
214                        "PublicKeyEncodingproperties of the instance of "
215                        "CIM_UnsignedCredentialshall be Non-NULL." )]
216                 CIM_UnsignedCredential REF PublicPrivateKeyPair, 
217                    [IN, Description ( 
218                        "The Keystore parameter denotes the reference to "
219                        "the instance of CIM_Keystore that represents the "
220                        "key store where the new certificate will be added." )]
221                 CIM_Keystore REF Keystore, 
222                    [IN, Description ( 
223                        "The managed element that represents the user or "
224                        "owner or the scoping element of the certificate. "
225                        "Such managed element could be the web service that "
226                        "owns the certificate or uses it for verification "
227                        "or account that the certificate is scoped to." )]
228                 CIM_ManagedElement REF CredentialContext, 
229                    [IN, Description ( 
230                        "The usage of the certificate by the managed "
231                        "element that the certificate is for or is scoped "
232 marek 1.1              "to." ), 
233                     ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "6", "7", "8", "..", 
234                        "32768..65535" }, 
235                     Values { "Owned", "Trusted", 
236                        "Trusted for Authentication", 
237                        "Trusted for Authorization", 
238                        "Trusted for Authentication/Authorization", 
239                        "Trusted for Third-Party Authentication/Authorization", 
240                        "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, 
241                     ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_CredentialContext.Usage" }]
242                 uint16 Usage, 
243                    [In, Description ( 
244                        "The SignatureAlgorithm parameter defines the "
245                        "signature algorithm used to sign the "
246                        "TBSCertificate as defined in RFC 3280. This "
247                        "parameter covers the algorithms specified in the "
248                        "RFC3279." ), 
249                     ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", 
250                        "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", 
251                        "18", "19", "20..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
252                     Values { "Other", "SHA1withDSA", "SHA1withECDSA", 
253 marek 1.1              "SHA224withECDSA", "SHA256withECDSA", 
254                        "SHA384withECDSA", "SHA512withECDSA", 
255                        "GOST3411withGOST3410", "GOST3411withECGOST3410", 
256                        "MD2withRSA", "MD5withRSA", "SHA1withRSA", 
257                        "SHA224withRSA", "SHA256withRSA", "SHA384withRSA", 
258                        "SHA512withRSA", "RIPEMD160withRSA", 
259                        "RIPEMD128withRSA", "RIPEMD256withRSA", 
260                        "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }]
261                 uint16 SignatureAlgorithm, 
262                    [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
263                        "Contains a reference to the ConcreteJob created to "
264                        "track the execution initiated by the method "
265                        "invocation. If the method returns 4096 - job "
266                        "started, then the parameter shall not have NULL "
267                        "value." )]
268                 CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job, 
269                    [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
270                        "Reference to the newly created instance of "
271                        "CIM_X509Certificate representing the self signed "
272                        "certificate." )]
273                 CIM_X509Certificate REF SelfSignedCertificate);
274 marek 1.1 
275                 [Description ( 
276                     "This method is called to import a certificate or a "
277                     "certificate chain using the certificate\'s encoded "
278                     "representation. Upon successful execution the array of "
279                     "references to the instance(s) of CIM_X509Certificate "
280                     "representing the imported certificate or certificate "
281                     "chain shall be returned inside the NewCertificates "
282                     "output parameter. If the Keystore parameter is not NULL, "
283                     "the newly created instance(s) of CIM_X509Certificate "
284                     "shall be associated to the instance of the CIM_Keystore "
285                     "referenced in the Keystore parameter. If the "
286                     "CredentialContext parameter is not NULL, the newly "
287                     "created instance(s) of the CIM_X509Certificate shall be "
288                     "associated to the insatnces of CIM_ManagedElement "
289                     "referenced in the CredentialContext property through the "
290                     "CIM_CredentialContext association. If the "
291                     "CredentialContext parameter is NULL, the newly created "
292                     "instance(s) of the CIM_X509Certificate shall not be "
293                     "associated to the insatnces of CIM_ManagedElement "
294                     "through the CIM_CredentialContext association." ), 
295 marek 1.1        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "4096", 
296                     "4097..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
297                  Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported", 
298                     "Error Occured", "Busy", "Invalid Reference", 
299                     "Invalid Parameter", "Access Denied", "DMTF Reserved", 
300                     "Job Started", "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specified" }]
301              uint32 ImportEncodedCertificates(
302                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
303                        "An array of strings representing octet string of "
304                        "an encoded certificate or certificate chain to be "
305                        "imported. Only the first element of the array "
306                        "property shall be populated, even if a certificate "
307                        "chain is imported." ), 
308                     OctetString]
309                 string EncodedCertificates[], 
310                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
311                        "The Format shall specify the format for the "
312                        "encoding that is used by octet string "
313                        "EncodedCertificates parameter." ), 
314                     ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
315                     Values { "DER", "PEM", "PKCS7", "PKCS12", 
316 marek 1.1              "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }]
317                 uint16 Format, 
318                    [IN, Description ( 
319                        "The Keystore parameter denotes the reference to "
320                        "the instance of CIM_Keystore that represents the "
321                        "key store where the new certificate or certificate "
322                        "chain will be added." )]
323                 CIM_Keystore REF Keystore, 
324                    [IN, Description ( 
325                        "The managed element that represents the user or "
326                        "owner or the scoping element of the "
327                        "certificate(s). Such managed element could be the "
328                        "web service that owns the certificate(s) or uses "
329                        "it for verification or account that the "
330                        "certificate is scoped to." )]
331                 CIM_ManagedElement REF CredentialContext, 
332                    [IN, Description ( 
333                        "The usage of the certificate by the managed "
334                        "element that the certificate is for or is scoped "
335                        "to. If a certificate chain is imported, the "
336                        "sequence of elements in the Usage array shall "
337 marek 1.1              "correspond to the sequence of the certificates in "
338                        "the EncodedCertificates octet string parameter." ), 
339                     ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "6", "7", "8", "..", 
340                        "32768..65535" }, 
341                     Values { "Owned", "Trusted", 
342                        "Trusted for Authentication", 
343                        "Trusted for Authorization", 
344                        "Trusted for Authentication/Authorization", 
345                        "Trusted for Third-Party Authentication/Authorization", 
346                        "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, 
347                     ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
348                     ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_CredentialContext.Usage", 
349                        "CIM_CertificateManagementService.ImportEncodedCertificates.NewCertificates" }]
350                 uint16 Usage[], 
351                    [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
352                        "Contains a reference to the ConcreteJob created to "
353                        "track the execution initiated by the method "
354                        "invocation. If the method returns 4096 - job "
355                        "started, then the parameter shall not have NULL "
356                        "value." )]
357                 CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job, 
358 marek 1.1          [Required, IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
359                        "Reference to the newly created instance of "
360                        "CIM_X509Certificate representing the imported "
361                        "certificate or certificate chain." ), 
362                     ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
363                     ModelCorrespondence { 
364                        "CIM_CertificateManagementService.ImportEncodedCertificates.Usage" }]
365                 CIM_X509Certificate REF NewCertificates[]);
367                 [Description ( 
368                     "This method is called to import a certificate or a "
369                     "certificate chain using an array of embedded instance of "
370                     "CIM_X509Certificate. Upon successful execution the array "
371                     "of references to the instance(s) of CIM_X509Certificate "
372                     "representing the imported certificate or certificate "
373                     "chain shall be returned by the NewCertificates output "
374                     "parameter. If the Keystore parameter is not NULL, the "
375                     "newly created instance(s) of CIM_X509Certificate shall "
376                     "be associated to the instance of the CIM_Keystore "
377                     "referenced in the Keystore parameter. If the "
378                     "CredentialContext parameter is not NULL, the newly "
379 marek 1.1           "created instance(s) of the CIM_X509Certificate shall be "
380                     "associated to the insatnces of CIM_ManagedElement "
381                     "referenced in the CredentialContext property through the "
382                     "CIM_CredentialContext association.If the "
383                     "CredentialContext parameter is NULL, the newly created "
384                     "instance(s) of the CIM_X509Certificate shall not be "
385                     "associated to the insatnces of CIM_ManagedElement "
386                     "through the CIM_CredentialContext association." ), 
387                  ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "4096", 
388                     "4097..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
389                  Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported", 
390                     "Error Occured", "Busy", "Invalid Reference", 
391                     "Invalid Parameter", "Access Denied", "DMTF Reserved", 
392                     "Job Started", "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specified" }]
393              uint32 ImportCertificates(
394                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
395                        "An array of embedded instance(s) of "
396                        "CIM_X509Certificate that contains the necessary "
397                        "information to import a certificate or a "
398                        "certificate chain." ), 
399                     EmbeddedInstance ( "CIM_X509Certificate" )]
400 marek 1.1       string InputCertificates[], 
401                    [IN, Description ( 
402                        "The Keystore parameter denotes the reference to "
403                        "the instance of CIM_Keystore that represents the "
404                        "key store where the new certificate or certificate "
405                        "chain will be added." )]
406                 CIM_Keystore REF Keystore, 
407                    [IN, Description ( 
408                        "The managed element that represents the user or "
409                        "owner or the scoping element of the "
410                        "certificate(s). Such managed element could be the "
411                        "web service that owns the certificate(s) or uses "
412                        "it for verification or account that the "
413                        "certificate is scoped to." )]
414                 CIM_ManagedElement REF CredentialContext, 
415                    [IN, Description ( 
416                        "The usage of the certificate by the managed "
417                        "element that the certificate is for or is scoped "
418                        "to. If a certificate chain is imported, the "
419                        "sequence of elements in the Usage array shall "
420                        "correspond to the sequence of the certificates in "
421 marek 1.1              "the InputCertificates array parameter." ), 
422                     ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "6", "7", "8", "..", 
423                        "32768..65535" }, 
424                     Values { "Owned", "Trusted", 
425                        "Trusted for Authentication", 
426                        "Trusted for Authorization", 
427                        "Trusted for Authentication/Authorization", 
428                        "Trusted for Third-Party Authentication/Authorization", 
429                        "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, 
430                     ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
431                     ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_CredentialContext.Usage", 
432                        "CIM_CertificateManagementService.ImportCertificates.InputCertificates", 
433                        "CIM_CertificateManagementService.ImportCertificates.Usage" }]
434                 uint16 Usage[], 
435                    [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
436                        "Contains a reference to the ConcreteJob created to "
437                        "track the execution initiated by the method "
438                        "invocation. If the method returns 4096 - job "
439                        "started, then the parameter shall not have NULL "
440                        "value." )]
441                 CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job, 
442 marek 1.1          [Required, IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
443                        "Reference to the newly created instance of "
444                        "CIM_X509Certificate representing the imported "
445                        "certificate or certificate chain." )]
446                 CIM_X509Certificate REF NewCertificates[]);
448                 [Description ( 
449                     "This method is called to export a certificate or a "
450                     "certificate chain using the certificate\'s encoded "
451                     "representation. Upon successful execution the array of "
452                     "unsigned integers representing octet string of the "
453                     "exported certificate or certificate chain shall be "
454                     "returned inside the EncodedCertificates output parameter "
455                     "based on the encoding specified in the EncodingFormat "
456                     "parameter." ), 
457                  ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "4096", 
458                     "4097..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
459                  Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported", 
460                     "Error Occured", "Busy", "Invalid Reference", 
461                     "Invalid Parameter", "Access Denied", "DMTF Reserved", 
462                     "Job Started", "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specified" }]
463 marek 1.1    uint32 ExportEncodedCertificates(
464                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
465                        "Reference to the instance(s) of "
466                        "CIM_SignedCredential representing the certificate "
467                        "or certificate chain to be exported." )]
468                 CIM_X509Certificate REF CertificatesToExport[], 
469                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
470                        "The Format parameter specifies the format of the "
471                        "octet string EncodedCertificates parameter." ), 
472                     ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
473                     Values { "DER", "Base64", "PKCS7", "PKCS12", 
474                        "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }]
475                 uint16 Format, 
476                    [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
477                        "Contains a reference to the ConcreteJob created to "
478                        "track the execution initiated by the method "
479                        "invocation. If the method returns 4096 - job "
480                        "started, then the parameter shall not have NULL "
481                        "value." )]
482                 CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job, 
483                    [Required, IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
484 marek 1.1              "An array of strings representing octet string of "
485                        "an exported encoded certificate or certificate "
486                        "chain. Only the first element of the array "
487                        "property shall be populated, even if a certificate "
488                        "chain is exported." ), 
489                     OctetString]
490                 string EncodedCertificates[]);
492                 [Description ( 
493                     "This method is called to apply Certificate Revocation "
494                     "List (CRL) using an encoded format. Upon successful "
495                     "execution the references to the instance(s) of "
496                     "CIM_X509CRL representing the applied CRL shall be "
497                     "returned inside the AppliedCRL output parameter. If the "
498                     "Keystore parameter is not NULL, the newly created "
499                     "instance(s) of CIM_X509CRL shall be associated to the "
500                     "instance of the CIM_Keystore referenced in the Keystore "
501                     "parameter. The newly created instance(s) of the "
502                     "CIM_X509CRL shall be associated to the insatnces of "
503                     "CIM_ManagedElement referenced in the CredentialContext "
504                     "property through the CIM_CredentialContext association." ), 
505 marek 1.1        ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "4096", 
506                     "4097..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
507                  Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported", 
508                     "Error Occured", "Busy", "Invalid Reference", 
509                     "Invalid Parameter", "Access Denied", "DMTF Reserved", 
510                     "Job Started", "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specified" }]
511              uint32 ApplyCRL(
512                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
513                        "An array of unsigned integers representing octet "
514                        "string of an encoded CRL to be applied. Only the "
515                        "first element of the array property shall be "
516                        "populated." ), 
517                     OctetString]
518                 string EncodedCRL[], 
519                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
520                        "The Format shall specify the format for the "
521                        "encoding that is used by octet string EncodedCRL "
522                        "parameter." ), 
523                     ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
524                     Values { "DER", "PEM", "PKCS7", "PKCS12", 
525                        "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }]
526 marek 1.1       uint16 Format, 
527                    [IN, Description ( 
528                        "The Keystore parameter denotes the reference to "
529                        "the instance of CIM_Keystore that represents the "
530                        "key store where the CRL will be applied." )]
531                 CIM_Keystore REF Keystore, 
532                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
533                        "The managed element that represents the service or "
534                        "the managed element for which the certificates "
535                        "were revoked by the application of the CRL." )]
536                 CIM_ManagedElement REF CredentialContext, 
537                    [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
538                        "Contains a reference to the ConcreteJob created to "
539                        "track the execution initiated by the method "
540                        "invocation. If the method returns 4096 - job "
541                        "started, then the parameter shall not have NULL "
542                        "value." )]
543                 CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job, 
544                    [Required, IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
545                        "Reference to the newly created instance of "
546                        "CIM_X509CRL representing the applied CRL." )]
547 marek 1.1       CIM_X509CRL REF AppliedCRL);
549                 [Description ( 
550                     "This method is called to apply Certificate Revocation "
551                     "List (CRL) using the decoded format. Upon successful "
552                     "execution the references to the instance(s) of "
553                     "CIM_X509CRL representing the applied CRL shall be "
554                     "returned inside the AppliedCRL output parameter. If the "
555                     "Keystore parameter is not NULL, the newly created "
556                     "instance(s) of CIM_X509CRL shall be associated to the "
557                     "instance of the CIM_Keystore referenced in the Keystore "
558                     "parameter. The newly created instance(s) of the "
559                     "CIM_X509CRL shall be associated to the insatnces of "
560                     "CIM_ManagedElement referenced in the CredentialContext "
561                     "property through the CIM_CredentialContext association." ), 
562                  ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "4096", 
563                     "4097..32767", "32768..65535" }, 
564                  Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported", 
565                     "Error Occured", "Busy", "Invalid Reference", 
566                     "Invalid Parameter", "Access Denied", "DMTF Reserved", 
567                     "Job Started", "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specified" }]
568 marek 1.1    uint32 ApplyDecodedCRL(
569                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
570                        "Issuer represents the information about the issuer "
571                        "of the CRL. The Issuer property shall contain "
572                        "information as required by section of RFC "
573                        "3280 and shall be formatted based on RFC 4514. An "
574                        "example of the value of the Subject parameter "
575                        "could be \"CN=Marshall T. Rose, O=Dover Beach "
576                        "Consulting, OU=Sales, L=Santa Clara, "
577                        "ST=California, C=US\"." ), 
578                     DN]
579                 string Issuer, 
580                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
581                        "An array of serial numbers of X.509 certificates "
582                        "that are part of CRL." ), 
583                     OctetString]
584                 string SerialNumbers[], 
585                    [IN, Description ( 
586                        "The Keystore parameter denotes the reference to "
587                        "the instance of CIM_Keystore that represents the "
588                        "key store where the CRL will be applied." )]
589 marek 1.1       CIM_Keystore REF Keystore, 
590                    [Required, IN, Description ( 
591                        "The managed element that represents the service or "
592                        "the managed element for which the certificates "
593                        "were revoked by the application of the CRL." )]
594                 CIM_ManagedElement REF CredentialContext, 
595                    [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
596                        "Contains a reference to the ConcreteJob created to "
597                        "track the execution initiated by the method "
598                        "invocation. If the method returns 4096 - job "
599                        "started, then the parameter shall not have NULL "
600                        "value." )]
601                 CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job, 
602                    [Required, IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
603                        "Reference to the newly created instance of "
604                        "CIM_X509CRL representing the applied CRL." )]
605                 CIM_X509CRL REF AppliedCRL);
607           };

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