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File: [Pegasus] / pegasus / Schemas / CIM231 / DMTF / Network / CIM_USBRedirectionService.mof (download)
Revision: 1.1, Tue Jan 24 13:50:21 2012 UTC (12 years, 5 months ago) by marek
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: preBug9676, postBug9676, TASK-TASK_PEP362_RestfulService_branch-root, TASK-TASK_PEP362_RestfulService_branch-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-TASK_PEP362_RestfulService_branch-merged_in_to_trunk, TASK-TASK_PEP362_RestfulService_branch-merged_in_from_branch, TASK-TASK_PEP362_RestfulService_branch-branch, TASK-PEP362_RestfulService-root, TASK-PEP362_RestfulService-merged_out_to_branch, TASK-PEP362_RestfulService-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-PEP362_RestfulService-merged_in_to_trunk, TASK-PEP362_RestfulService-merged_in_from_branch, TASK-PEP362_RestfulService-branch, TASK-PEP317_pullop-merged_out_from_trunk, TASK-PEP317_pullop-merged_in_to_trunk, RELEASE_2_14_1, RELEASE_2_14_0-RC2, RELEASE_2_14_0-RC1, RELEASE_2_14_0, RELEASE_2_14-root, RELEASE_2_14-branch, RELEASE_2_13_0-RC2, RELEASE_2_13_0-RC1, RELEASE_2_13_0-FC, RELEASE_2_13_0, RELEASE_2_13-root, RELEASE_2_13-branch, RELEASE_2_12_1-RC1, RELEASE_2_12_1, RELEASE_2_12_0-RC1, RELEASE_2_12_0-FC, RELEASE_2_12_0, RELEASE_2_12-root, RELEASE_2_12-branch, HEAD, CIMRS_WORK_20130824
Branch point for: TASK-PEP317_pullop-branch
TITLE: Upgrade Pegasus to Include the CIM 2.31 Schema in CVS


// Copyright (c) 2009 DMTF.  All rights reserved.
   [Version ( "2.22.0" ), 
    UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Network::USBRedirection" ), 
    Description ( 
       "USBRedirectionService describes the service that manages the "
       "USB Redirection of a system." )]
class CIM_USBRedirectionService : CIM_RedirectionService {

      [Override ( "RedirectionServiceType" ), 
       Description ( 
          "RedirectionServiceType\'s enumeration is limited to the "
          "\'USB\' and reserved RedirectionServiceType values for "
          "this subclass of CIM_RedirectionService." ), 
       ValueMap { "4", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
       Values { "USB", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specified" }]
   uint16 RedirectionServiceType[] = {4};

      [Description ( 
          "This method is used to add new redirection sessions "
          "modeled by CIM_USBRedirectionSAP, to the USB Redirection "
          "Service. The USBDevice parameter may contain references "
          "to instances of CIM_USBDevice that model the USB Device "
          "to be redirected by the new USB Redirection Session. "
          "Alternatively new instances of CIM_USBDevice may be "
          "created to redirect in the new session. The "
          "NewUSBDevices parameter describes the new devices to be "
          "created. Typically the new CIM_USBDevices created "
          "represent devices that are emulated by the USB "
          "Redirection Service. Or the new USB devices may be "
          "associated to the existing logical devices specified in "
          "the RedirectedLogicalDevices parameter. When the "
          "ConnectionMode parameter specifies the new redirection "
          "session be in the \'Connect\' mode, the AccessInfo "
          "parameter specifies the remote network location the "
          "redirection session should connect to when it is "
          "enabled. Upon completion the following instances will "
          "have been created, CIM_USBRedirectionSAP, "
          "CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP associating the new "
          "USBRedirectionSAP with the USBRedirectionService, "
          "CIM_HostedAccessPoint associating the new SAP with the "
          "CIM_ComputerSystem that hosts the new SAP, "
          "CIM_SAPAvailableForElement associating the "
          "CIM_ComputerSystem that has the USB device being "
          "redirection with the new SAP, "
          "EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities that describes the "
          "capabilities of the new SAP, ElementCapabilties "
          "associating the new EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities "
          "with the new SAP, SAPAvailableForElement associating the "
          "new SAP with the USBDevices specified in the parameters "
          "to this method. CIM_BindsTo a new CIM_ProtocolEndpoint "
          "to the new SAP if the ConnectionMode is 2, or if the "
          "ConnectionMode parameter is 3, a new "
          "CIM_RemoteAccessAvailableToElement associating the new "
          "SAP to a new CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint." ), 
       ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7..32767", 
          "32768..65535" }, 
       Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported", 
          "Unknown/Unspecified Error", "Busy", "Invalid Reference", 
          "Invalid Parameter", "Access Denied", "DMTF Reserved", 
          "Vendor Specified" }]
   uint32 CreateRedirectionSAP(
         [IN, Description ( 
             "A string-valued embedded instance of "
             "CIM_USBRedirectionSAP describing the new SAP to be "
             "created." ), 
          EmbeddedInstance ( "CIM_USBRedirectionSAP" )]
      string NewUSBRedirectionSAP, 
         [IN, Description ( 
             "an enumeration of the RequestedStatesSupported "
             "capability for the newly created SAP. The values "
             "specified for this parameter must be from the set "
             "of values found in the Redirection Service\'s "
             "CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities.RequestedStatesSupporteForCreatedSAP "
             "array." ), 
          ModelCorrespondence { 
             "CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities.RequestedStatesSupportedForCreatedSAP" }]
      uint16 NewSAPRequestedStatesSupported[], 
         [IN, Description ( 
             "Array of existing devices to redirect via the "
             "redirection session. These will be associated with "
             "the new CIM_USBRedirectionSAP by a "
             "CIM_SAPAvailableForElement association." )]
      CIM_USBDevice REF USBDevices[], 
         [IN, Description ( 
             "CreateDevices is a boolean that when TRUE tells "
             "the method to create new instances of "
             "CIM_USBDevice for each embedded instance in the "
             "NewUSBDevices parameter. When CreateDevices is "
             "FALSE, the NewUSBDevices and "
             "RedirectedLogicalDevices parameters are unused." )]
      boolean CreateDevices, 
         [IN, Description ( 
             "The NewUSBDevices parameter contains the "
             "description of the new CIM_USBDevice instances to "
             "be created and redirected via the redirection "
             "session. This is an array of class CIM_USBDevice "
             "encoded as a string-valued embedded instance "
             "parameter. The string-valued embedded instances "
             "allow specifying the properties desired for the "
             "CIM_USBDevice instances that will be created by "
             "this method. The new CIM_USBDevice instances "
             "created by this method will be associated with the "
             "CIM_USBRedirectionService instance by a "
             "CIM_ServiceAffectsElement association and with the "
             "newly created CIM_USBRedirectionSAP by a "
             "CIM_SAPAvailableForElement association. Each entry "
             "in this list of new USB Devices is related to the "
             "entry in the RedirectedLogicalDevices array that "
             "is located at the same index." ), 
          EmbeddedInstance ( "CIM_USBDevice" ), 
          ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
          ModelCorrespondence { 
             "CIM_USBRedirectionService.CreateRedirectionSAP.RedirectedLogicalDevices" }]
      string NewUSBDevices[], 
         [IN, Description ( 
             "RedirectedLogicalDevices parameter is an array of "
             "references to concrete subclass of "
             "CIM_LogicalDevice that will be associated with the "
             "new instances of CIM_USBDevice created from the "
             "embedded instances of NewUSBDevices. Each entry of "
             "this array is related to the entry of "
             "NewUSBDevices array that is located at the same "
             "index." ), 
          ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
          ModelCorrespondence { 
             "CIM_USBRedirectionService.CreateRedirectionSAP.NewUSBDevices" }]
      CIM_LogicalDevice REF RedirectedLogicalDevices[], 
         [IN, Description ( 
             "When the ConnectionMode parameter of the new SAP "
             "is 3, \'Connect\' this parameter contains a "
             "string-valued embedded instance of "
             "CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint to be created and "
             "associated by a CIM_RemoteAccessAvailableToElement "
             "association to the new SAP. The represents the "
             "remote redirection access point that the new SAP "
             "should connect to." ), 
          EmbeddedInstance ( "CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint" )]
      string NewRemoteServiceAccessPoint, 
         [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
             "A reference to the instances of "
             "CIM_USBRedirectionSAP created by the method. This "
             "parameter is not returned when the method is run "
             "as a Job" )]
      CIM_USBRedirectionSAP REF SAP, 
         [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
             "Reference to the job spawned if the operation "
             "continues after the method returns. (May be null "
             "if the task is completed)." )]
      CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job);

      [Description ( 
          "This method is invoked to delete a USB Redirection "
          "session. This includes the associations created by "
          "CreateRedirectionSession. The method may also delete the "
          "instances of USBDevice associated by a "
          "CIM_SAPAvailableForElement association with the "
          "CIM_USBRedirectionSAP instance being deleted." ), 
       ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7..32767", 
          "32768..65535" }, 
       Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported", 
          "Unknown/Unspecified Error", "Busy", "Invalid Reference", 
          "Invalid Parameter", "Access Denied", "DMTF Reserved", 
          "Vendor Specified" }]
   uint32 DeleteRedirectionSAP(
         [IN, Description ( 
             "A reference to the instance of "
             "CIM_USBRedirectionSAP the method shall delete." )]
      CIM_USBRedirectionSAP REF SAP, 
         [IN, Description ( 
             "Indicates whether the USBDevices associated to the "
             "SAP shall also be deleted by this method." )]
      boolean DeleteUSBDevices, 
         [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
             "Reference to the job spawned if the operation "
             "continues after the method returns. (May be null "
             "if the task is completed)." )]
      CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job);

      [Description ( 
          "This method is invoked to create an new instance of "
          "USBDevice that will be redirected by the USB Redirection "
          "Service. The RedirectedLogicalDevice parameter may "
          "contain a reference to an existing instance of a "
          "concrete subclass of CIM_LogicalDevice that will be "
          "redirected via the USB RedirectionService. Upon "
          "Successful completion of this operation the following "
          "instances will have been created. A new instance of "
          "CIM_USBDevice, a new instance of ServiceAffectsElement "
          "associating the new instance of CIM_USBDevice with the "
          "instance of USBRedirectionService. If the "
          "RedirectedLogicalDevice parameter is not empty, a new "
          "CIM_LogicalIdentity is created associating the new "
          "CIM_USBDevice with the RedirectedLogicalDevice." ), 
       ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7..32767", 
          "32768..65535" }, 
       Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported", 
          "Unknown/Unspecified Error", "Busy", "Invalid Reference", 
          "Invalid Parameter", "Access Denied", "DMTF Reserved", 
          "Vendor Specified" }]
   uint32 CreateUSBDevice(
         [IN, Description ( 
             "The NewUSBDevice parameter contains the "
             "description of the new CIM_USBDevice instance to "
             "be created and redirected via the redirection "
             "session. This parameter is a string-valued "
             "embedded instance of the CIM_USBDevice class." ), 
          EmbeddedInstance ( "CIM_USBDevice" ), 
          ModelCorrespondence { 
             "CIM_USBRedirectionService.CreateUSBDevice.RedirectedLogicalDevice" }]
      string NewUSBDevice, 
         [IN, Description ( 
             "If not empty, this is a reference to a concrete "
             "subclasss of CIM_LogicalDevice representing the "
             "device to be redirected by the USB Redirection "
             "Service. This might, for example, be a "
             "CIM_CDROMDrive or a CIM_DisketteDrive." )]
      CIM_LogicalDevice REF RedirectedLogicalDevice, 
         [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
             "A reference to the instance of CIM_USBDevice "
             "created by the method. This parameter is not "
             "returned when the method is run as a Job" )]
      CIM_USBDevice REF USBDevice, 
         [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( 
             "Reference to the job spawned if the operation "
             "continues after the method returns. (May be null "
             "if the task is completed)." )]
      CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job);


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