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  1 karl // Copyright (c) 2005 DMTF.  All rights reserved.
  2                  [Version ( "2.10.0" ), 
  3                   UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Device::StorageServices" ), 
  4                   Description ( 
  5                      "This subclass defines the replication capabilities of a "
  6                      "StorageConfigurationService. Multiple instances of "
  7                      "StorageReplicationCapabilities may be associated with a "
  8                      "StorageConfigurationService using ElementCapabilities. A "
  9                      "provider should create one instance for each supported "
 10                      "SynchronizationType." )]
 11               class CIM_StorageReplicationCapabilities : CIM_Capabilities {
 13                     [Description ( 
 14                         "SupportedSynchronizationType describes the type of "
 15                         "Synchronization that is characterized by this instance "
 16                         "of StorageReplicationCapabilities. Values are:\n"
 17                         "Async: create a mirror that is nearly always "
 18                         "synchronized. Sync: create a mirror that is always synchronized.\n"
 19                         "UnSyncAssocFull: create a full size snapshot (Point In "
 20                         "Time image).\n"
 21                         "UnSyncAssocDelta: create a delta snapshot (Point In Time image).\n"
 22 karl           "UnSyncUnAssoc: create a full size, independent replica." ), 
 23                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
 24                      Values { "Async", "Sync", "UnSyncAssoc-Full", 
 25                         "UnSyncAssoc-Delta", "UnSyncUnAssoc", "DMTF Reserved", 
 26                         "Vendor Specific" }]
 27                  uint16 SupportedSynchronizationType;
 29                     [Description ( 
 30                         "Enumeration indicating what operations will be executed "
 31                         "as asynchronous jobs. If an operation is included in "
 32                         "both this and SupportedSynchronousActions then the "
 33                         "underlying implementation is indicating that it may or "
 34                         "may not create a job." ), 
 35                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", ".." }, 
 36                      Values { "Local Replica Creation", "Remote Replica Creation", 
 37                         "Local Replica Modification", 
 38                         "Remote Replica Modification", "Local Replica Attachment", 
 39                         "Remote Replica Attachment", "Buffer Creation", 
 40                         "DMTF Reserved" }, 
 41                      ModelCorrespondence { 
 42                         "CIM_StorageReplicationCapabilities.SupportedSynchronousActions" }]
 43 karl    uint16 SupportedAsynchronousActions[];
 45                     [Description ( 
 46                         "Enumeration indicating what operations will be executed "
 47                         "without the creation of a job. If an operation is "
 48                         "included in both this and SupportedAsynchronousActions "
 49                         "then the underlying instrumentation is indicating that "
 50                         "it may or may not create a job." ), 
 51                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ".." }, 
 52                      Values { "Local Replica Creation", "Remote Replica Creation", 
 53                         "Local Replica Modification", 
 54                         "Remote Replica Modification", "Local Replica Attachment", 
 55                         "Remote Replica Attachment", "Buffer Creation", 
 56                         "NetworkPipe Creation", "DMTF Reserved" }, 
 57                      ModelCorrespondence { 
 58                         "CIM_StorageReplicationCapabilities.SupportedAsynchronousActions" }]
 59                  uint16 SupportedSynchronousActions[];
 61                     [Description ( 
 62                         "InitialReplicationState specifies which initial "
 63                         "ReplicationState is supported by a particular provider. "
 64 karl           "Values are: \n"
 65                         "Initialized: The replication relationship is known and "
 66                         "unsynchronized, but time required to synchronize may be "
 67                         "long. \n"
 68                         "Prepared: The replication relationship is known and "
 69                         "unsynchronized and the time required to synchronize will "
 70                         "be short. \n"
 71                         "Synchronized: The replicas are synchronized.Idle: an "
 72                         "UnSyncAssoc replica is ready to manage." ), 
 73                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "0x8000..0xFFFF" }, 
 74                      Values { "Initialized", "Prepared", "Synchronized", "Idle", 
 75                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }, 
 76                      ModelCorrespondence { 
 77                         "CIM_StorageConfigurationService.AttachReplica", 
 78                         "CIM_StorageConfigurationService.AttachOrModifyReplica", 
 79                         "CIM_StorageConfigurationService.CreateReplica" }]
 80                  uint16 InitialReplicationState;
 82                     [Description ( 
 83                         "Enumeration indicating which specialized storage element "
 84                         "types are supported by this instance of "
 85 karl           "StorageReplicationCapabilities. Specialized types are "
 86                         "indicated by the value of the IntendedUsage in "
 87                         "StorageSetting." ), 
 88                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "..", 
 89                         "0x8000..0xFFFF" }, 
 90                      Values { "Delta Pool", "Delta Pool Component", 
 91                         "Remote Mirror", "Local Mirror", "Full Snapshot", 
 92                         "Delta Snapshot", "Replication Buffer", "DMTF Reserved", 
 93                         "Vendor Specific" }, 
 94                      ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_StorageSetting.IntendedUsage" }]
 95                  uint16 SupportedSpecializedElements[];
 97                     [Description ( 
 98                         "Enumeration indicating which ModifySynchronization "
 99                         "operations are supported by this instance of "
100                         "StorageReplicationCapabilities." ), 
101                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", 
102                         "11", "12", "13", "..", "0x8000..0xFFFF" }, 
103                      Values { "Detach", "Fracture", "Resync", "Restore", 
104                         "Prepare", "Unprepare", "Quiesce", "Unquiesce", 
105                         "Reset To Sync", "Reset To Async", "Start Copy", 
106 karl           "Stop Copy", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }, 
107                      ModelCorrespondence { 
108                         "CIM_StorageConfigurationService.ModifySynchronization" }]
109                  uint16 SupportedModifyOperations[];
111                     [Description ( 
112                         "Indicates host access restrictions for replicas with "
113                         "thesecapabilities. Values: 2 = not accessible. \n"
114                         "3 = no restrictions. Any host may access. 4 = only "
115                         "accessible by associated source element hosts. 5 = not "
116                         "accessible by source element hosts. Other hosts OK." ), 
117                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", ".." }, 
118                      Values { "Not Accessible", "No Restrictions", 
119                         "Source Hosts Only", "Source Hosts Excluded", 
120                         "DMTF Reserved" }]
121                  uint16 ReplicaHostAccessibility;
123                     [Description ( 
124                         "Lists the replica synchronization states in which the "
125                         "provider allows host access to replicas. Accessibility "
126                         "does not guarantee replica contents are valid or "
127 karl           "consistent." ), 
128                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", 
129                         "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
130                      Values { "Initialized", "Prepare In Progress", "Prepared", 
131                         "Resync In Progress", "Synchronized", 
132                         "Fracture In Progress", "Quiesce In Progress", "Quiesced", 
133                         "Restore In Progress", "Idle", "Broken", "Fractured", 
134                         "Frozen", "Copy In Progress", "DMTF Reserved", 
135                         "Vendor Specific" }, 
136                      ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_StorageSynchronized.SyncState" }]
137                  uint16 HostAccessibleState[];
139                     [Description ( 
140                         "True indicates space limits on allocation from "
141                         "StoragePools may be enforced." ), 
142                      ModelCorrespondence { 
143                         "CIM_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceLimit" }]
144                  boolean SpaceLimitSupported;
146                     [Description ( 
147                         "True indicates space reserved for replicas can be from a "
148 karl           "specialized pool." )]
149                  boolean SpaceReservationSupported;
151                     [Description ( 
152                         "True indicates local mirror can be snapshot source." )]
153                  boolean LocalMirrorSnapshotSupported;
155                     [Description ( 
156                         "True indicates remote mirror can be snapshot source." )]
157                  boolean RemoteMirrorSnapshotSupported;
159                     [Description ( 
160                         "True indicates all delta replicas associated with the "
161                         "same source element can be incrementally dependent. Only "
162                         "the oldest replica in the set may be deleted or "
163                         "resynced." )]
164                  boolean IncrementalDeltasSupported;
166                     [Description ( 
167                         "True indicates replicas can persist during power off or "
168                         "system reset. False indicates replicas lost during these "
169 karl           "events." )]
170                  boolean PersistentReplicasSupported;
172                     [Description ( 
173                         "True indicates peer-to-peer connections are "
174                         "bi-directional. False indicates connections are "
175                         "uni-directional." )]
176                  boolean BidirectionalConnectionsSupported;
178                     [Description ( 
179                         "Maximum number of replicas that can be associated with "
180                         "one source element." )]
181                  uint16 MaximumReplicasPerSource;
183                     [Description ( 
184                         "Maximum number of port pairs assigned to a peer-to-peer "
185                         "connection." )]
186                  uint16 MaximumPortsPerConnection;
188                     [Description ( 
189                         "Maximum number of peer-to-peer connections to which a "
190 karl           "port maybe assigned." )]
191                  uint16 MaximumConnectionsPerPort;
193                     [Description ( 
194                         "Maximum number of peer connections supported by this "
195                         "instance of StorageConfigurationService." )]
196                  uint16 MaximumPeerConnections;
198                     [Description ( 
199                         "Maximum local mirror replication depth allowed by this "
200                         "instance of StorageConfigurationService. Value 1 "
201                         "indicates multi-level replication not supported." )]
202                  uint16 MaximumLocalReplicationDepth = 1;
204                     [Description ( 
205                         "Maximum remote mirror replication depth allowed by this "
206                         "instance of StorageConfigurationService. Value N means "
207                         "that remote replicas can span N linked peer-to-peer "
208                         "connections. Value 1 indicates multi-level replication "
209                         "not supported." )]
210                  uint16 MaximumRemoteReplicationDepth = 1;
211 karl 
212                     [Description ( 
213                         "Start or do not start background copy when replica is created."
214                          ), 
215                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
216                      Values { "Not Managed", "Start", "Do Not Start", 
217                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }, 
218                      ModelCorrespondence { 
219                         "CIM_StorageSetting.InitialSynchronization" }]
220                  uint16 InitialSynchronizationDefault;
222                     [Description ( 
223                         "ReplicationPriority allows the priority of background "
224                         "Replication I/O to be managed relative to host I/O. "
225                         "Default applies to initial or deferred background "
226                         "Replication operations. Value can be modified while in "
227                         "Replication-in-progress state. Values: Low: Replication "
228                         "engine I/O lower priority than host I/O. \n"
229                         "Same: Replication engine I/O has the same priority as "
230                         "host I/O. \n"
231                         "High: Replication engine I/O has higher priority than "
232 karl           "host I/O." ), 
233                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
234                      Values { "Not Managed", "Low", "Same", "High", 
235                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }, 
236                      ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_StorageSetting.ReplicationPriority" }]
237                  uint16 ReplicationPriorityDefault;
239                     [Description ( 
240                         "Warning threshold for generating an indication for "
241                         "RemainingManagedSpace. Value of zero means no warning "
242                         "generated.Triggered when RemainingManagedSpace <= "
243                         "(TotalManagedSpace*LowSpaceWarningThreshold)/100." ), 
244                      Units ( "Percentage" ), 
245                      MinValue ( 0 ), 
246                      MaxValue ( 100 ), 
247                      ModelCorrespondence { 
248                         "CIM_StoragePool.LowSpaceWarningThreshold" }, 
249                      PUnit ( "percent" )]
250                  uint8 LowSpaceWarningThresholdDefault;
252                     [Description ( 
253 karl           "Warning threshold for instance modification indication "
254                         "for SpaceConsumed by a replica element. Value of zero "
255                         "means no warning generated. Triggered when SpaceConsumed "
256                         ">= (SpaceLimit*SpaceLimitWarningThreshold)/100." ), 
257                      Units ( "Percentage" ), 
258                      MinValue ( 0 ), 
259                      MaxValue ( 100 ), 
260                      ModelCorrespondence { 
261                         "CIM_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceLimitWarningThreshold" }, 
262                      PUnit ( "percent" )]
263                  uint8 SpaceLimitWarningThresholdDefault;
265                     [Description ( 
266                         "Remote replication provides StorageConfigurationService "
267                         "instances for source systems and target systems. A "
268                         "client determines that extrinsic methods of the service "
269                         "should be invoked to one instance or the other based on "
270                         "the value of this property. Values: Not Specified: "
271                         "invoke a method to either system instance. Source: "
272                         "invoke to source element service instance. Target: "
273                         "invoke to target element service instance. Proxy: find "
274 karl           "and invoke to proxy service instance." ), 
275                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
276                      Values { "Not Specified", "Source", "Target", "Proxy", 
277                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
278                  uint16 RemoteReplicationServicePointAccess;
280                     [Description ( 
281                         "Remote replication provides StorageConfigurationService "
282                         "instances for source systems and target systems. A "
283                         "client determines that extrinsic methods of the service "
284                         "should be invoked to one instance or the other based on "
285                         "the value of this property. If the primary instance is "
286                         "unavailable, the provider may indicate an alternate "
287                         "instance. Values: None: no alternate exists. Source: "
288                         "invoke to source element service instance. Target: "
289                         "invoke to target element service instance. Proxy: find "
290                         "and invoke alternate proxy service instance." ), 
291                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
292                      Values { "None", "Source", "Target", "Proxy", 
293                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
294                  uint16 AlternateReplicationServicePointAccess;
295 karl 
296                     [Description ( 
297                         "DeltaReplicaPool indicates that a specialized pool is "
298                         "required as a container for delta replica elements. "
299                         "Values: Any: delta replicas can be created in any pool. "
300                         "Exclusive: one specialized, exclusive pool must be "
301                         "created for each source element that has associated "
302                         "delta replicas. Shared: one specialized, shared pool "
303                         "must be created to be shared by all source elements with "
304                         "associated delta replicas." ), 
305                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
306                      Values { "Any", "Exclusive", "Shared", "DMTF Reserved", 
307                         "Vendor Specific" }]
308                  uint16 DeltaReplicaPoolAccess;
310                     [Description ( 
311                         "Remote replication buffer elements are instances of "
312                         "CIM_Memory. A buffer element may be created from a "
313                         "component extent with a BasedOn association or in a "
314                         "storage pool with an AllocatedFromStoragePool "
315                         "association. The provider can also make the size and "
316 karl           "element type opaque to a client. Values: \n"
317                         "Not specified: client allows provider to determine size "
318                         "and container element type. \n"
319                         "InExtent: buffer must be created from passed component "
320                         "extent. \n"
321                         "InPool: buffer must be created in passed pool." ), 
322                      ValueMap { "0", "2", "3", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
323                      Values { "Not specified", "InExtent", "InPool", 
324                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
325                  uint16 RemoteBufferElementType;
327                     [Description ( 
328                         "Array provider may require multiple buffer elements per "
329                         "array instance as indicated by this property. Values: \n"
330                         "Array: one buffer element for the entire array. \n"
331                         "ComponentCS: one buffer element per ComputerSystem "
332                         "element in a clustered array. \n"
333                         "Pipe: one or two buffer elements per replication pipe." ), 
334                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
335                      Values { "Array", "ComponentCS", "Pipe", "DMTF Reserved", 
336                         "Vendor Specific" }]
337 karl    uint16 RemoteBufferHost;
339                     [Description ( 
340                         "This property allows the provider to indicate the "
341                         "required location for remote buffer elements. Values: \n"
342                         "Source: buffer needed only on platforms hosting source "
343                         "elements. \n"
344                         "Target: buffer needed only on platforms hosting target "
345                         "elements. \n"
346                         "Both: buffers needed for both source and target "
347                         "platforms." ), 
348                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
349                      Values { "Source", "Target", "Both", "DMTF Reserved", 
350                         "Vendor Specific" }]
351                  uint16 RemoteBufferLocation;
353                     [Description ( 
354                         "Peer may require a write buffer for remote replica "
355                         "elements with async I/O buffering. Typically used to "
356                         "increase remote mirror replication engine performance "
357                         "while maintaining high availability. Values: \n"
358 karl           "Required: must have buffer if any Async remote replicas "
359                         "are created. \n"
360                         "Optional: may have buffer if any Async remote replicas "
361                         "are created." ), 
362                      ValueMap { "0", "2", "3", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
363                      Values { "Not Supported", "Required", "Optional", 
364                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
365                  uint16 RemoteBufferSupported;
367                     [Description ( 
368                         "Indicate if an async remote replica pair is allowed to "
369                         "use a write buffer for asynchronous write buffering. - "
370                         "Not Managed: use or not of the buffer is up to the "
371                         "implementation. - Use Buffer: use of a buffer is "
372                         "required. - Do Not Use Buffer: a buffer shall not be "
373                         "used." ), 
374                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
375                      Values { "Not Managed", "Use Buffer", "Do Not Use Buffer", 
376                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }, 
377                      ModelCorrespondence { 
378                         "CIM_StorageSetting.UseReplicationBuffer" }]
379 karl    uint16 UseReplicationBufferDefault;
381                     [Description ( 
382                         "Peer connection protocol is a private, vendor-specific "
383                         "protocol for replication data transport. A client "
384                         "verifies that two peers support the same protocol before "
385                         "establishing a peer-to-peer connection." )]
386                  string PeerConnectionProtocol;
389               };

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