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Diff for /pegasus/Schemas/CIM231/DMTF/Device/CIM_StorageReplicationCapabilities.mof between version and

version, 2012/01/24 13:50:09 version, 2012/02/15 17:46:24
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   // Copyright (c) 2005 DMTF.  All rights reserved.
      [Version ( "2.10.0" ),
       UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Device::StorageServices" ),
       Description (
          "This subclass defines the replication capabilities of a "
          "StorageConfigurationService. Multiple instances of "
          "StorageReplicationCapabilities may be associated with a "
          "StorageConfigurationService using ElementCapabilities. A "
          "provider should create one instance for each supported "
          "SynchronizationType." )]
   class CIM_StorageReplicationCapabilities : CIM_Capabilities {
         [Description (
             "SupportedSynchronizationType describes the type of "
             "Synchronization that is characterized by this instance "
             "of StorageReplicationCapabilities. Values are:\n"
             "Async: create a mirror that is nearly always "
             "synchronized. Sync: create a mirror that is always synchronized.\n"
             "UnSyncAssocFull: create a full size snapshot (Point In "
             "Time image).\n"
             "UnSyncAssocDelta: create a delta snapshot (Point In Time image).\n"
             "UnSyncUnAssoc: create a full size, independent replica." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "32768..65535" },
          Values { "Async", "Sync", "UnSyncAssoc-Full",
             "UnSyncAssoc-Delta", "UnSyncUnAssoc", "DMTF Reserved",
             "Vendor Specific" }]
      uint16 SupportedSynchronizationType;
         [Description (
             "Enumeration indicating what operations will be executed "
             "as asynchronous jobs. If an operation is included in "
             "both this and SupportedSynchronousActions then the "
             "underlying implementation is indicating that it may or "
             "may not create a job." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", ".." },
          Values { "Local Replica Creation", "Remote Replica Creation",
             "Local Replica Modification",
             "Remote Replica Modification", "Local Replica Attachment",
             "Remote Replica Attachment", "Buffer Creation",
             "DMTF Reserved" },
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_StorageReplicationCapabilities.SupportedSynchronousActions" }]
      uint16 SupportedAsynchronousActions[];
         [Description (
             "Enumeration indicating what operations will be executed "
             "without the creation of a job. If an operation is "
             "included in both this and SupportedAsynchronousActions "
             "then the underlying instrumentation is indicating that "
             "it may or may not create a job." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ".." },
          Values { "Local Replica Creation", "Remote Replica Creation",
             "Local Replica Modification",
             "Remote Replica Modification", "Local Replica Attachment",
             "Remote Replica Attachment", "Buffer Creation",
             "NetworkPipe Creation", "DMTF Reserved" },
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_StorageReplicationCapabilities.SupportedAsynchronousActions" }]
      uint16 SupportedSynchronousActions[];
         [Description (
             "InitialReplicationState specifies which initial "
             "ReplicationState is supported by a particular provider. "
             "Values are: \n"
             "Initialized: The replication relationship is known and "
             "unsynchronized, but time required to synchronize may be "
             "long. \n"
             "Prepared: The replication relationship is known and "
             "unsynchronized and the time required to synchronize will "
             "be short. \n"
             "Synchronized: The replicas are synchronized.Idle: an "
             "UnSyncAssoc replica is ready to manage." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "0x8000..0xFFFF" },
          Values { "Initialized", "Prepared", "Synchronized", "Idle",
             "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" },
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_StorageConfigurationService.CreateReplica" }]
      uint16 InitialReplicationState;
         [Description (
             "Enumeration indicating which specialized storage element "
             "types are supported by this instance of "
             "StorageReplicationCapabilities. Specialized types are "
             "indicated by the value of the IntendedUsage in "
             "StorageSetting." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "..",
             "0x8000..0xFFFF" },
          Values { "Delta Pool", "Delta Pool Component",
             "Remote Mirror", "Local Mirror", "Full Snapshot",
             "Delta Snapshot", "Replication Buffer", "DMTF Reserved",
             "Vendor Specific" },
          ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_StorageSetting.IntendedUsage" }]
      uint16 SupportedSpecializedElements[];
         [Description (
             "Enumeration indicating which ModifySynchronization "
             "operations are supported by this instance of "
             "StorageReplicationCapabilities." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
             "11", "12", "13", "..", "0x8000..0xFFFF" },
          Values { "Detach", "Fracture", "Resync", "Restore",
             "Prepare", "Unprepare", "Quiesce", "Unquiesce",
             "Reset To Sync", "Reset To Async", "Start Copy",
             "Stop Copy", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" },
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_StorageConfigurationService.ModifySynchronization" }]
      uint16 SupportedModifyOperations[];
         [Description (
             "Indicates host access restrictions for replicas with "
             "thesecapabilities. Values: 2 = not accessible. \n"
             "3 = no restrictions. Any host may access. 4 = only "
             "accessible by associated source element hosts. 5 = not "
             "accessible by source element hosts. Other hosts OK." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", ".." },
          Values { "Not Accessible", "No Restrictions",
             "Source Hosts Only", "Source Hosts Excluded",
             "DMTF Reserved" }]
      uint16 ReplicaHostAccessibility;
         [Description (
             "Lists the replica synchronization states in which the "
             "provider allows host access to replicas. Accessibility "
             "does not guarantee replica contents are valid or "
             "consistent." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
             "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "..", "0x8000.." },
          Values { "Initialized", "Prepare In Progress", "Prepared",
             "Resync In Progress", "Synchronized",
             "Fracture In Progress", "Quiesce In Progress", "Quiesced",
             "Restore In Progress", "Idle", "Broken", "Fractured",
             "Frozen", "Copy In Progress", "DMTF Reserved",
             "Vendor Specific" },
          ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_StorageSynchronized.SyncState" }]
      uint16 HostAccessibleState[];
         [Description (
             "True indicates space limits on allocation from "
             "StoragePools may be enforced." ),
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceLimit" }]
      boolean SpaceLimitSupported;
         [Description (
             "True indicates space reserved for replicas can be from a "
             "specialized pool." )]
      boolean SpaceReservationSupported;
         [Description (
             "True indicates local mirror can be snapshot source." )]
      boolean LocalMirrorSnapshotSupported;
         [Description (
             "True indicates remote mirror can be snapshot source." )]
      boolean RemoteMirrorSnapshotSupported;
         [Description (
             "True indicates all delta replicas associated with the "
             "same source element can be incrementally dependent. Only "
             "the oldest replica in the set may be deleted or "
             "resynced." )]
      boolean IncrementalDeltasSupported;
         [Description (
             "True indicates replicas can persist during power off or "
             "system reset. False indicates replicas lost during these "
             "events." )]
      boolean PersistentReplicasSupported;
         [Description (
             "True indicates peer-to-peer connections are "
             "bi-directional. False indicates connections are "
             "uni-directional." )]
      boolean BidirectionalConnectionsSupported;
         [Description (
             "Maximum number of replicas that can be associated with "
             "one source element." )]
      uint16 MaximumReplicasPerSource;
         [Description (
             "Maximum number of port pairs assigned to a peer-to-peer "
             "connection." )]
      uint16 MaximumPortsPerConnection;
         [Description (
             "Maximum number of peer-to-peer connections to which a "
             "port maybe assigned." )]
      uint16 MaximumConnectionsPerPort;
         [Description (
             "Maximum number of peer connections supported by this "
             "instance of StorageConfigurationService." )]
      uint16 MaximumPeerConnections;
         [Description (
             "Maximum local mirror replication depth allowed by this "
             "instance of StorageConfigurationService. Value 1 "
             "indicates multi-level replication not supported." )]
      uint16 MaximumLocalReplicationDepth = 1;
         [Description (
             "Maximum remote mirror replication depth allowed by this "
             "instance of StorageConfigurationService. Value N means "
             "that remote replicas can span N linked peer-to-peer "
             "connections. Value 1 indicates multi-level replication "
             "not supported." )]
      uint16 MaximumRemoteReplicationDepth = 1;
         [Description (
             "Start or do not start background copy when replica is created."
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "..", "0x8000.." },
          Values { "Not Managed", "Start", "Do Not Start",
             "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" },
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_StorageSetting.InitialSynchronization" }]
      uint16 InitialSynchronizationDefault;
         [Description (
             "ReplicationPriority allows the priority of background "
             "Replication I/O to be managed relative to host I/O. "
             "Default applies to initial or deferred background "
             "Replication operations. Value can be modified while in "
             "Replication-in-progress state. Values: Low: Replication "
             "engine I/O lower priority than host I/O. \n"
             "Same: Replication engine I/O has the same priority as "
             "host I/O. \n"
             "High: Replication engine I/O has higher priority than "
             "host I/O." ),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "..", "0x8000.." },
          Values { "Not Managed", "Low", "Same", "High",
             "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" },
          ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_StorageSetting.ReplicationPriority" }]
      uint16 ReplicationPriorityDefault;
         [Description (
             "Warning threshold for generating an indication for "
             "RemainingManagedSpace. Value of zero means no warning "
             "generated.Triggered when RemainingManagedSpace <= "
             "(TotalManagedSpace*LowSpaceWarningThreshold)/100." ),
          Units ( "Percentage" ),
          MinValue ( 0 ),
          MaxValue ( 100 ),
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_StoragePool.LowSpaceWarningThreshold" },
          PUnit ( "percent" )]
      uint8 LowSpaceWarningThresholdDefault;
         [Description (
             "Warning threshold for instance modification indication "
             "for SpaceConsumed by a replica element. Value of zero "
             "means no warning generated. Triggered when SpaceConsumed "
             ">= (SpaceLimit*SpaceLimitWarningThreshold)/100." ),
          Units ( "Percentage" ),
          MinValue ( 0 ),
          MaxValue ( 100 ),
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceLimitWarningThreshold" },
          PUnit ( "percent" )]
      uint8 SpaceLimitWarningThresholdDefault;
         [Description (
             "Remote replication provides StorageConfigurationService "
             "instances for source systems and target systems. A "
             "client determines that extrinsic methods of the service "
             "should be invoked to one instance or the other based on "
             "the value of this property. Values: Not Specified: "
             "invoke a method to either system instance. Source: "
             "invoke to source element service instance. Target: "
             "invoke to target element service instance. Proxy: find "
             "and invoke to proxy service instance." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "0x8000.." },
          Values { "Not Specified", "Source", "Target", "Proxy",
             "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
      uint16 RemoteReplicationServicePointAccess;
         [Description (
             "Remote replication provides StorageConfigurationService "
             "instances for source systems and target systems. A "
             "client determines that extrinsic methods of the service "
             "should be invoked to one instance or the other based on "
             "the value of this property. If the primary instance is "
             "unavailable, the provider may indicate an alternate "
             "instance. Values: None: no alternate exists. Source: "
             "invoke to source element service instance. Target: "
             "invoke to target element service instance. Proxy: find "
             "and invoke alternate proxy service instance." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "0x8000.." },
          Values { "None", "Source", "Target", "Proxy",
             "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
      uint16 AlternateReplicationServicePointAccess;
         [Description (
             "DeltaReplicaPool indicates that a specialized pool is "
             "required as a container for delta replica elements. "
             "Values: Any: delta replicas can be created in any pool. "
             "Exclusive: one specialized, exclusive pool must be "
             "created for each source element that has associated "
             "delta replicas. Shared: one specialized, shared pool "
             "must be created to be shared by all source elements with "
             "associated delta replicas." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "..", "0x8000.." },
          Values { "Any", "Exclusive", "Shared", "DMTF Reserved",
             "Vendor Specific" }]
      uint16 DeltaReplicaPoolAccess;
         [Description (
             "Remote replication buffer elements are instances of "
             "CIM_Memory. A buffer element may be created from a "
             "component extent with a BasedOn association or in a "
             "storage pool with an AllocatedFromStoragePool "
             "association. The provider can also make the size and "
             "element type opaque to a client. Values: \n"
             "Not specified: client allows provider to determine size "
             "and container element type. \n"
             "InExtent: buffer must be created from passed component "
             "extent. \n"
             "InPool: buffer must be created in passed pool." ),
          ValueMap { "0", "2", "3", "..", "0x8000.." },
          Values { "Not specified", "InExtent", "InPool",
             "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
      uint16 RemoteBufferElementType;
         [Description (
             "Array provider may require multiple buffer elements per "
             "array instance as indicated by this property. Values: \n"
             "Array: one buffer element for the entire array. \n"
             "ComponentCS: one buffer element per ComputerSystem "
             "element in a clustered array. \n"
             "Pipe: one or two buffer elements per replication pipe." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "..", "0x8000.." },
          Values { "Array", "ComponentCS", "Pipe", "DMTF Reserved",
             "Vendor Specific" }]
      uint16 RemoteBufferHost;
         [Description (
             "This property allows the provider to indicate the "
             "required location for remote buffer elements. Values: \n"
             "Source: buffer needed only on platforms hosting source "
             "elements. \n"
             "Target: buffer needed only on platforms hosting target "
             "elements. \n"
             "Both: buffers needed for both source and target "
             "platforms." ),
          ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "..", "0x8000.." },
          Values { "Source", "Target", "Both", "DMTF Reserved",
             "Vendor Specific" }]
      uint16 RemoteBufferLocation;
         [Description (
             "Peer may require a write buffer for remote replica "
             "elements with async I/O buffering. Typically used to "
             "increase remote mirror replication engine performance "
             "while maintaining high availability. Values: \n"
             "Required: must have buffer if any Async remote replicas "
             "are created. \n"
             "Optional: may have buffer if any Async remote replicas "
             "are created." ),
          ValueMap { "0", "2", "3", "..", "0x8000.." },
          Values { "Not Supported", "Required", "Optional",
             "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
      uint16 RemoteBufferSupported;
         [Description (
             "Indicate if an async remote replica pair is allowed to "
             "use a write buffer for asynchronous write buffering. - "
             "Not Managed: use or not of the buffer is up to the "
             "implementation. - Use Buffer: use of a buffer is "
             "required. - Do Not Use Buffer: a buffer shall not be "
             "used." ),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "..", "0x8000.." },
          Values { "Not Managed", "Use Buffer", "Do Not Use Buffer",
             "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" },
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_StorageSetting.UseReplicationBuffer" }]
      uint16 UseReplicationBufferDefault;
         [Description (
             "Peer connection protocol is a private, vendor-specific "
             "protocol for replication data transport. A client "
             "verifies that two peers support the same protocol before "
             "establishing a peer-to-peer connection." )]
      string PeerConnectionProtocol;

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