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Diff for /pegasus/Schemas/CIM231/DMTF/Core/CIM_StorageExtent.mof between version and

version, 2012/01/24 13:50:01 version, 2012/02/15 17:46:15
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   // Copyright (c) 2011 DMTF.  All rights reserved.
      [Version ( "2.29.0" ),
       UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Core::StorageExtent" ),
       Description (
          "StorageExtent describes the capabilities and management of the "
          "various media that exist to store data and allow data "
          "retrieval. This superclass could be used to represent the "
          "various components of RAID (Hardware or Software) or as a raw "
          "logical extent on top of physical media." )]
   class CIM_StorageExtent : CIM_LogicalDevice {
         [Description ( "Type of data organization used." ),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" },
          Values { "Other", "Unknown", "Fixed Block", "Variable Block",
             "Count Key Data" }]
      uint16 DataOrganization;
         [Description (
             "A free form string describing the media and/or its use." ),
          MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.hrStorageDescr" }]
      string Purpose;
         [Description (
             "Access describes whether the media is readable "
             "(value=1), writeable (value=2), or both (value=3). "
             "\"Unknown\" (0) and \"Write Once\" (4) can also be "
             "defined." ),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" },
          Values { "Unknown", "Readable", "Writeable",
             "Read/Write Supported", "Write Once" }]
      uint16 Access;
         [Description (
             "ErrorMethodology is a free-form string describing the "
             "type of error detection and correction supported by this "
             "StorageExtent." )]
      string ErrorMethodology;
         [Description (
             "Size in bytes of the blocks which form this "
             "StorageExtent. If variable block size, then the maximum "
             "block size in bytes should be specified. If the block "
             "size is unknown or if a block concept is not valid (for "
             "example, for AggregateExtents, Memory or LogicalDisks), "
             "enter a 1." ),
          Units ( "Bytes" ),
          MappingStrings { "MIF.DMTF|Host Storage|001.4",
             "MIF.DMTF|Storage Devices|001.5" }]
      uint64 BlockSize;
         [Description (
             "Total number of logically contiguous blocks, of size "
             "Block Size, which form this Extent. The total size of "
             "the Extent can be calculated by multiplying BlockSize by "
             "NumberOfBlocks. If the BlockSize is 1, this property is "
             "the total size of the Extent." ),
          MappingStrings { "MIF.DMTF|Host Storage|001.5",
             "MIB.IETF|HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.hrStorageSize" }]
      uint64 NumberOfBlocks;
         [Description (
             "The maximum number of blocks, of size BlockSize, which "
             "are available for consumption when layering "
             "StorageExtents using the BasedOn association. This "
             "property only has meaning when this StorageExtent is an "
             "Antecedent reference in a BasedOn relationship. For "
             "example, a StorageExtent could be composed of 120 "
             "blocks. However, the Extent itself may use 20 blocks for "
             "redundancy data. If another StorageExtent is BasedOn "
             "this Extent, only 100 blocks would be available to it. "
             "This information (\'100 blocks is available for "
             "consumption\') is indicated in the ConsumableBlocks "
             "property." )]
      uint64 ConsumableBlocks;
         [Description (
             "True indicates that the underlying StorageExtent(s) "
             "participate in a StorageRedundancyGroup." )]
      boolean IsBasedOnUnderlyingRedundancy;
         [Description (
             "Boolean set to TRUE if the Storage is sequentially "
             "accessed by a MediaAccessDevice. A TapePartition is an "
             "example of a sequentially accessed StorageExtent. "
             "StorageVolumes, Disk Partitions and LogicalDisks "
             "represent randomly accessed Extents." )]
      boolean SequentialAccess;
         [Description (
             "StorageExtents have additional status information beyond "
             "that captured in the OperationalStatus and other "
             "properties, inherited from ManagedSystemElement. This "
             "additional information (for example, \"Protection "
             "Disabled\", value=9) is captured in the ExtentStatus "
             "property. \n"
             "\'In-Band Access Granted\' says that access to data on "
             "an extent is granted to some consumer and is only valid "
             "when \'Exported\' is also set. It is set as a side "
             "effect of PrivilegeManagementService.ChangeAccess or "
             "equivalent interfaces. \n"
             "\'Imported\' indicates that the extent is used in the "
             "current system, but known to be managed by some other "
             "system. For example, a server imports volumes from a "
             "disk array. \n"
             "\'Exported\' indicates the extent is meant to be used by "
             "some comsumer. A disk array\'s logical units are "
             "exported. \n"
             "Intermediate composite extents may be neither imported "
             "nor exported.\n"
             "\'Relocating\' indicates the extent is being relocated." ),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
             "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18",
             "..", "32768..65535" },
          Values { "Other", "Unknown", "None/Not Applicable", "Broken",
             "Data Lost", "Dynamic Reconfig", "Exposed",
             "Fractionally Exposed", "Partially Exposed",
             "Protection Disabled", "Readying", "Rebuild",
             "Recalculate", "Spare in Use", "Verify In Progress",
             "In-Band Access Granted", "Imported", "Exported",
             "Relocating", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }]
      uint16 ExtentStatus[];
         [Description (
             "Indicates whether or not there exists no single point of failure."
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_StorageSetting.NoSinglePointOfFailure" }]
      boolean NoSinglePointOfFailure;
         [Description (
             "Number of complete copies of data currently maintained." ),
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_StorageSetting.DataRedundancyMin" }]
      uint16 DataRedundancy;
         [Description (
             "How many physical packages can currently fail without "
             "data loss. For example, in the storage domain, this "
             "might be disk spindles." ),
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_StorageSetting.PackageRedundancyMin" }]
      uint16 PackageRedundancy;
         [Description (
             "Current value for Delta reservation. This is a "
             "percentage that specifies the amount of space that "
             "should be reserved in a replica for caching changes." ),
          Units ( "Percentage" ),
          MinValue ( 1 ),
          MaxValue ( 100 ),
          ModelCorrespondence {
             "CIM_StorageSetting.DeltaReservationMin" }]
      uint8 DeltaReservation;
         [Description (
             "If true, \"Primordial\" indicates that the containing "
             "System does not have the ability to create or delete "
             "this operational element. This is important because "
             "StorageExtents are assembled into higher-level "
             "abstractions using the BasedOn association. Although the "
             "higher-level abstractions can be created and deleted, "
             "the most basic, (i.e. primordial), hardware-based "
             "storage entities cannot. They are physically realized as "
             "part of the System, or are actually managed by some "
             "other System and imported as if they were physically "
             "realized. In other words, a Primordial StorageExtent "
             "exists in, but is not created by its System and "
             "conversely a non-Primordial StorageExtent is created in "
             "the context of its System. For StorageVolumes, this "
             "property will generally be false. One use of this "
             "property is to enable algorithms that aggregate "
             "StorageExtent.ConsumableSpace across all, StorageExtents "
             "but that also want to distinquish the space that "
             "underlies Primordial StoragePools. Since implementations "
             "are not required to surface all Component StorageExtents "
             "of a StoragePool, this information is not accessible in "
             "any other way." )]
      boolean Primordial = false;
         [Override ( "Name" ),
          Description ( "A unique identifier for the Extent." ),
          MappingStrings {
             "SPC.INCITS-T10| VPD 83, Association 0 | Identifier" },
          ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_StorageExtent.NameFormat",
             "CIM_StorageExtent.NameNamespace" }]
      string Name;
         [Description (
             "The list here applies to all StorageExtent subclasses. "
             "Please look at the Description in each subclass for "
             "guidelines on the approriate values for that subclass. "
             "Note that any of these formats could apply to a "
             "CompositeExtent. \n"
             "Note - this property originally touched on two concepts "
             "that are now separated into this property and "
             "NameNamespace. Values 2,3,4,5,6, and 8 are retained for "
             "backwards compatibility but are deprecated in lieu of "
             "the corresponding values in "
             "CIM_StorageExtent.NameNamespace. \n"
             "For example, the preferred source for SCSI virtual "
             "(RAID) disk names is from Inquiry VPD page 83 response, "
             "type 3 identifiers. These will have NameFormat set to "
             "\'NAA\' and NameNamespace to \'VPD83Type3\'. \n"
             "Format of the Name property. Values for extents "
             "representing SCSI volumes are (per SCSI SPC-3): \n"
             "2 = VPD Page 83, NAA IEEE Registered Extended "
             "(VPD83NAA6) \n"
             "(DEPRECATED) \n"
             "3 = VPD Page 83, NAA IEEE Registered (VPD83NAA5) \n"
             "(DEPRECATED) \n"
             "4 = VPD Page 83, (VPD83Type2) (DEPRECATED) \n"
             "5 = VPD Page 83, \n"
             "T10 Vendor Identification (VPD83Type1) (DEPRECATED) \n"
             "6 = VPD Page 83, Vendor Specific (VPD83Type0) "
             "(DEPRECATED) \n"
             "7 = Serial Number/Vendor/Model (SNVM) SNVM is 3 strings "
             "representing the vendor name, product name within the "
             "vendor namespace, and the serial number within the model "
             "namespace. Strings are delimited with a \'+\'. Spaces "
             "may be included and are significant. The serial number "
             "is the text representation of the serial number in "
             "hexadecimal upper case. This represents the vendor and "
             "model ID from SCSI Inquiry data; the vendor field MUST "
             "be 8 characters wide and the product field MUST be 16 "
             "characters wide. For example, \n"
             "\'ACME____+SUPER DISK______+124437458\' (_ is a space "
             "character) \n"
             "8 = Node WWN (for single LUN/controller) (NodeWWN) \n"
             "(DEPRECATED) \n"
             "9 = NAA as a generic format. See \n"
             "http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/tutorials/fibrecomp_id.html. "
             "Formatted as 16 or 32 unseparated uppercase hex "
             "characters (2 per binary byte). For example "
             "\'21000020372D3C73\' \n"
             "10 = EUI as a generic format (EUI64) See \n"
             "http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/tutorials/EUI64.html. \n"
             "Formatted as 16 unseparated uppercase hex characters (2 "
             "per binary byte) \n"
             "11 = T10 vendor identifier format as returned by SCSI "
             "Inquiry VPD page 83, identifier type 1. See T10 SPC-3 "
             "specification. This is the 8-byte ASCII vendor ID from "
             "the T10 registry followed by a vendor specific ASCII "
             "identifier; spaces are permitted. For non SCSI volumes, "
             "\'SNVM\' may be the most appropriate choice. 12 = OS "
             "Device Name (for LogicalDisks). See LogicalDisk Name "
             "description for details." ),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
             "10", "11", "12" },
          Values { "Unknown", "Other", "VPD83NAA6", "VPD83NAA5",
             "VPD83Type2", "VPD83Type1", "VPD83Type0", "SNVM",
             "NodeWWN", "NAA", "EUI64", "T10VID", "OS Device Name" },
          ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_StorageExtent.Name",
             "CIM_StorageExtent.OtherNameFormat" }]
      uint16 NameFormat;
         [Description (
             "The preferred source SCSI for volume names is SCSI VPD "
             "Page 83 responses. Page 83 returns a list of identifiers "
             "for various device elements. The metadata for each "
             "identifier includes an Association field, identifiers "
             "with association of 0 apply to volumes. Page 83 supports "
             "several namespaces specified in the Type field in the "
             "identifier metadata. See SCSI SPC-3 specification. \n"
             "2 = VPD Page 83, Type 3 NAA (NameFormat SHOULD be NAA) \n"
             "3 = VPD Page 83, Type 2 EUI64 (NameFormat EUI) \n"
             "4 = VPD Page 83, Type 1 T10 Vendor Identification \n"
             "(NameFormat T10) \n"
             "Less preferred volume namespaces from other interfaces: \n"
             "5 = VPD page 80, Serial number (NameFormat SHOULD be "
             "Other) \n"
             "6 = FC NodeWWN (NameFormat SHOULD be NAA or EUI) \n"
             "7 = Serial Number/Vendor/Model (NameFormat SHOULD be "
             "SNVM) \n"
             "The preferred namespace for LogigicalDisk names is "
             "platform specific device namespace; see LogigicalDIsk "
             "Description. \n"
             "8 = OS Device Namespace." ),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" },
          Values { "Unknown", "Other", "VPD83Type3", "VPD83Type2",
             "VPD83Type1", "VPD80", "NodeWWN", "SNVM",
             "OS Device Namespace" },
          MappingStrings {
             "SPC.INCITS-T10| VPD 83, Association 0 | Identifier" },
          ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_StorageExtent.Name",
             "CIM_StorageExtent.NameFormat" }]
      uint16 NameNamespace;
         [Description (
             "A string describing the namespace of the Name property "
             "when NameNamespace includes the value 1, \"Other\"." ),
          ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_StorageExtent.NameNamespace" }]
      string OtherNameNamespace;
         [Description (
             "A string describing the format of the Name property when "
             "NameFormat includes the value 1, \"Other\"." ),
          ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_StorageExtent.NameFormat" }]
      string OtherNameFormat;

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