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Diff for /pegasus/Schemas/CIM231/DMTF/Core/CIM_Setting.mof between version and

version, 2012/01/24 13:50:01 version, 2012/02/15 17:46:15
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   // Copyright (c) 2005 DMTF.  All rights reserved.
   // <change cr="DMTFCR01378.002" type ="change">Update of description to
   // support deprecation of CIM_Profile and
   // CIM_Configuration.</change>
   // <change cr="SysDevCR00728.000" type ="change">Update of
   // descriptions based on Tech Edit review.</
   // <change cr="ArchCR00066.004" type="add">Add UmlPackagePath
   // qualifier values to CIM Schema.</change>
   // ==================================================================
   //  CIM_Setting
   // ==================================================================
      [Abstract, Version ( "2.8.1000" ),
       UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Core::Settings" ),
       Description (
          "The Setting class represents configuration-related and "
          "operational parameters for one or more ManagedSystemElements. "
          "An Element can have multiple Setting objects associated with "
          "it. The current operational values for the parameters of an "
          "Element are reflected by properties in the Element itself or "
          "by properties in its associations. These properties do not "
          "have to be the same values present in the Setting object. For "
          "example, a modem might have a Setting baud rate of 56Kb/sec "
          "but be operating at 19.2Kb/sec. \n"
          "Note: The CIM_SettingData class is very similar to "
          "CIM_Setting, yet both classes are present in the model because "
          "many implementations have successfully used CIM_Setting. "
          "However, issues have arisen that could not be resolved without "
          "defining a new class. Therefore, until a new major release "
          "occurs, both classes will exist in the model. Refer to the "
          "Core White Paper for additional information. Setting instances "
          "can be aggregated together into higher-level Setting objects "
          "using ConcreteComponent associations." )]
   class CIM_Setting : CIM_ManagedElement {
         [Description (
             "The identifier by which the Setting object is known." ),
          MaxLen ( 256 )]
      string SettingID;
         [Description (
             "The VerifyOKToApplyToMSE method is used to verify that "
             "this Setting can be applied to the referenced "
             "ManagedSystemElement at the given time or time interval. "
             "This method takes three input parameters: MSE (the "
             "Managed SystemElement that is being verified), "
             "TimeToApply (which, being a datetime, can be either a "
             "specific time or a time interval), and MustBeCompletedBy "
             "(which indicates the required completion time for the "
             "method). The return value should be 0 if it is okay to "
             "apply the Setting, 1 if the method is not supported, 2 "
             "if the Setting cannot be applied within the specified "
             "times, and any other number if an error occurred. In a "
             "subclass, the set of possible return codes could be "
             "specified using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The "
             "strings to which the ValueMap contents are \"translated\" "
             "can also be specified in the subclass as a Values array "
             "qualifier." )]
      uint32 VerifyOKToApplyToMSE(
            [IN, Description (
                "The ManagedSystemElement that is being verified." )]
         CIM_ManagedSystemElement REF MSE,
            [IN, Description (
                "TimeToApply can be either a specific time or a time interval."
         datetime TimeToApply,
            [IN, Description (
                "The required completion time for the method." )]
         datetime MustBeCompletedBy);
         [Description (
             "The ApplyToMSE method performs the actual application of "
             "the Setting to the referenced ManagedSystemElement. It "
             "takes three input parameters: MSE (the "
             "ManagedSystemElement to which the Setting is being "
             "applied), TimeToApply (which, being a datetime, can be "
             "either a specific time or a time interval), and "
             "MustBeCompletedBy (which indicates the required "
             "completion time for the method). Note that the semantics "
             "of this method are that individual Settings are either "
             "wholly applied or not applied at all to their target "
             "ManagedSystemElement. The return value should be 0 if "
             "the Setting is successfully applied to the referenced "
             "ManagedSystemElement, 1 if the method is not supported, "
             "2 if the Setting was not applied within the specified "
             "times, and any other number if an error occurred. In a "
             "subclass, the set of possible return codes could be "
             "specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The "
             "strings to which the ValueMap contents are \"translated\" "
             "can also be specified in the subclass as a Values array "
             "qualifier. \n"
             "Note: If an error occurs when applying the Setting to a "
             "ManagedSystemElement, the Element must be configured as "
             "it was when the \"Apply\" attempt began. That is, the "
             "Element should not be left in an indeterminate state." )]
      uint32 ApplyToMSE(
            [IN, Description (
                "The ManagedSystemElement to which the Setting is being applied."
         CIM_ManagedSystemElement REF MSE,
            [IN, Description (
                "TimeToApply can be either a specific time or a time interval."
         datetime TimeToApply,
            [IN, Description (
                "The required completion time for the method." )]
         datetime MustBeCompletedBy);
         [Description (
             "The VerifyOKToApplyToCollection method is used to verify "
             "that this Setting can be applied to the referenced "
             "Collection of ManagedSystemElements, at the given time "
             "or time interval, without causing adverse effects to "
             "either the Collection itself or its surrounding "
             "environment. The net effect is to execute the "
             "VerifyOKToApply method against each of the Elements that "
             "are aggregated by the Collection. This method takes "
             "three input parameters: Collection (the Collection of "
             "ManagedSystemElements that is being verified), "
             "TimeToApply (which, being a datetime, can be either a "
             "specific time or a time interval), and MustBeCompletedBy "
             "(which indicates the required completion time for the "
             "method). The return value should be 0 if it is okay to "
             "apply the Setting, 1 if the method is not supported, 2 "
             "if the Setting cannot be applied within the specified "
             "times, and any other number if an error occurred. One "
             "output parameter, CanNotApply, is defined, which is a "
             "string array that lists the keys of the "
             "ManagedSystemElements to which the Setting cannot be "
             "applied. This parameter enables those Elements to be "
             "revisited and either fixed or have other corrective "
             "action taken on them. \n"
             "In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be "
             "specified, using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The "
             "strings to which the ValueMap contents are \"translated\" "
             "can also be specified in the subclass as a Values array "
             "qualifier." )]
      uint32 VerifyOKToApplyToCollection(
            [IN, Description (
                "The Collection of ManagedSystemElements that is being verified."
         CIM_CollectionOfMSEs REF Collection,
            [IN, Description (
                "TimeToApply can be either a specific time or a time interval."
         datetime TimeToApply,
            [IN, Description (
                "The required completion time for the method." )]
         datetime MustBeCompletedBy,
            [IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
                "A string array that lists the keys of the "
                "ManagedSystemElements to which the Setting cannot "
                "be applied." )]
         string CanNotApply[]);
         [Description (
             "The ApplyToCollection method performs the application of "
             "the Setting to the referenced Collection of "
             "ManagedSystemElements. The net effect is to execute the "
             "ApplyToMSE method against each of the Elements that are "
             "aggregated by the Collection. If the input value "
             "ContinueOnError is false, this method applies the "
             "Setting to all Elements in the Collection until it "
             "encounters an error. In the case of an error, the method "
             "stops execution, logs the key of the Element that caused "
             "the error in the CanNotApply array, and issues a return "
             "code of 2. If the input value ContinueOnError is true, "
             "then this method applies the Setting to all of the "
             "ManagedSystemElements in the Collection, and reports the "
             "failed Elements in the array, CanNotApply. For the "
             "latter, processing will continue until the method is "
             "applied to all Elements in the Collection, regardless of "
             "any errors encountered. The key of each "
             "ManagedSystemElement to which the Setting could not be "
             "applied is logged into the CanNotApply array. This "
             "method takes four input parameters: Collection (the "
             "Collection of Elements to which the Setting is being "
             "applied), TimeToApply (which, being a datetime, can be "
             "either a specific time or a time interval), "
             "ContinueOnError (true indicates to continue processing "
             "when an error is encountered), and MustBeCompletedBy "
             "(which indicates the required completion time for the "
             "method). The return value should be 0 if the Setting is "
             "successfully applied to the referenced Collection, 1 if "
             "the method is not supported, 2 if the Setting was not "
             "applied within the specified times, 3 if the Setting "
             "cannot be applied using the input value for "
             "ContinueOnError, and any other number if an error "
             "occurred. One output parameter, CanNotApplystring, is "
             "defined, which is an array that lists the keys of the "
             "ManagedSystemElements to which the Setting could not be "
             "applied. This output parameter has meaning only when the "
             "ContinueOnError parameter is true. \n"
             "In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be "
             "specified using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The "
             "strings to which the ValueMap contents are \"translated\" "
             "can also be specified in the subclass as a Values array "
             "qualifier. \n"
             "Note: If an error occurs when applying the Setting to a "
             "ManagedSystemElement in the Collection, the Element must "
             "be configured as it was when the \"Apply\" attempt "
             "began. That is, the Element should not be left in an "
             "indeterminate state." )]
      uint32 ApplyToCollection(
            [IN, Description (
                "The Collection of ManagedSystemElements to be applied."
         CIM_CollectionOfMSEs REF Collection,
            [IN, Description (
                "TimeToApply can be either a specific time or a time interval."
         datetime TimeToApply,
            [IN, Description (
                "True means to continue processing when an error is encountered."
         boolean ContinueOnError,
            [IN, Description (
                "The required completion time for the method." )]
         datetime MustBeCompletedBy,
            [IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
                "A string array that lists the keys of the "
                "ManagedSystemElements to which the Setting could "
                "not be applied." )]
         string CanNotApply[]);
         [Description (
             "The VerifyOKToApplyIncrementalChangeToMSE method is used "
             "to verify that a subset of the properties in this "
             "Setting can be applied to the referenced "
             "ManagedSystemElement at the given time or time interval. "
             "This method takes four input parameters: MSE (the "
             "ManagedSystemElement that is being verified), "
             "TimeToApply (which, being a datetime, can be either a "
             "specific time or a time interval), MustBeCompletedBy "
             "(which indicates the required completion time for the "
             "method), and a PropertiesToApply array (which contains a "
             "list of the property names whose values will be "
             "verified). If the array is null or empty or contains the "
             "string \"ALL\" as a property name, then all Settings "
             "properties will be verified. If it is set to \"NONE\", "
             "then no Settings properties will be verified. The return "
             "value should be 0 if it is okay to apply the Setting, 1 "
             "if the method is not supported, 2 if the Setting cannot "
             "be applied within the specified times, and any other "
             "number if an error occurred. In a subclass, the set of "
             "possible return codes could be specified using a "
             "ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which "
             "the ValueMap contents are \"translated\" can also be "
             "specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier." )]
      uint32 VerifyOKToApplyIncrementalChangeToMSE(
            [IN, Description (
                "The ManagedSystemElement for which the Setting is "
                "being verified." )]
         CIM_ManagedSystemElement REF MSE,
            [IN, Description (
                "TimeToApply can be either a specific time or a time interval."
         datetime TimeToApply,
            [IN, Description (
                "The required completion time for the method." )]
         datetime MustBeCompletedBy,
            [IN, Description (
                "A list of the property names whose values will be verified."
         string PropertiesToApply[]);
         [Description (
             "The ApplyIncrementalChangeToMSE method performs the "
             "actual application of a subset of the properties in the "
             "Setting to the referenced ManagedSystemElement. It takes "
             "four input parameters: MSE (the ManagedSystem Element to "
             "which the Setting is being applied), TimeToApply (which, "
             "being a datetime, can be either a specific time or a "
             "time interval), MustBeCompletedBy (which indicates the "
             "required completion time for the method), and a "
             "PropertiesToApply array (which contains a list of the "
             "property names whose values will be applied). If a "
             "property is not in this list, it will be ignored by the "
             "Apply. If the array is null, empty, or contains the "
             "string \"ALL\" as a property name, then all Settings "
             "properties will be applied. If it is set to \"NONE\", "
             "then no Settings properties will be applied. \n"
             "Note that the semantics of this method are that "
             "individual Settings are either wholly applied or not "
             "applied at all to their target ManagedSystemElement. The "
             "return value should be 0 if the Setting is successfully "
             "applied to the referenced ManagedSystemElement, 1 if the "
             "method is not supported, 2 if the Setting was not "
             "applied within the specified times, and any other number "
             "if an error occurred. In a subclass, the set of possible "
             "return codes could be specified using a ValueMap "
             "qualifier on the method. The strings to which the "
             "ValueMap contents are \"translated\" can also be "
             "specified in the subclass as a Values array qualifier. \n"
             "Note: If an error occurs when applying the Setting to a "
             "ManagedSystemElement, the Element must be configured as "
             "it was when the \"Apply\" attempt began. That is, the "
             "Element should not be left in an indeterminate state." )]
      uint32 ApplyIncrementalChangeToMSE(
            [IN, Description (
                "The ManagedSystemElement to which the Setting is being applied."
         CIM_ManagedSystemElement REF MSE,
            [IN, Description (
                "TimeToApply can be either a specific time or a time interval."
         datetime TimeToApply,
            [IN, Description (
                "The required completion time for the method." )]
         datetime MustBeCompletedBy,
            [IN, Description (
                "A list of the property names whose values will be applied."
         string PropertiesToApply[]);
         [Description (
             "The VerifyOKToApplyIncrementalChangeToCollection method "
             "is used to verify that a subset of the properties in "
             "this Setting can be applied to the referenced Collection "
             "of ManagedSystemElements at the given time or time "
             "interval, without causing adverse effects to either the "
             "Collection itself or its surrounding environment. The "
             "net effect is to execute the "
             "VerifyOKToApplyIncrementalChangeToMSE method against "
             "each of the Elements that are aggregated by the "
             "Collection. This method takes four input parameters: "
             "Collection (the Collection of ManagedSystemElements that "
             "is being verified), TimeToApply (which, being a "
             "datetime, can be either a specific time or a time "
             "interval), MustBeCompletedBy (which indicates the "
             "required completion time for the method), and a "
             "PropertiesToApply array (which contains a list of the "
             "property names whose values will be verified). If the "
             "array is null or empty or contains the string \"all\" as "
             "a property name, all Settings properties will be "
             "verified. If it is set to \"none\" then no Settings "
             "properties will be verified. The return value should be "
             "0 if it is okay to apply the Setting, 1 if the method is "
             "not supported, 2 if the Setting cannot be applied within "
             "the specified times, and any other number if an error "
             "occurred. One output parameter, CanNotApply, is defined, "
             "which is a string array that lists the keys of the "
             "ManagedSystemElements to which the Setting cannot be "
             "applied. This parameter enables those Elements to be "
             "revisited and either fixed or have other corrective "
             "action taken on them. \n"
             "In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be "
             "specified using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The "
             "strings to which the ValueMap contents are \"translated\" "
             "can also be specified in the subclass as a Values array "
             "qualifier." )]
      uint32 VerifyOKToApplyIncrementalChangeToCollection(
            [IN, Description (
                "The Collection of ManagedSystemElements for which "
                "the setting is being verified." )]
         CIM_CollectionOfMSEs REF Collection,
            [IN, Description (
                "TimeToApply can be either a specific time or a time interval."
         datetime TimeToApply,
            [IN, Description (
                "The required completion time for the method." )]
         datetime MustBeCompletedBy,
            [IN, Description (
                "A list of the property names whose values will be verified."
         string PropertiesToApply[],
            [IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
                "A string array that lists the keys of the "
                "ManagedSystemElements to which the Setting cannot "
                "be applied." )]
         string CanNotApply[]);
         [Description (
             "The ApplyIncrementalChangeToCollection method performs "
             "the application of a subset of the properties in this "
             "Setting to the referenced Collection of "
             "ManagedSystemElements. The net effect is to execute the "
             "ApplyIncrementalChangeToMSE method against each of the "
             "Elements that are aggregated by the Collection. If the "
             "input value ContinueOnError is false, this method "
             "applies the Setting to all Elements in the Collection "
             "until it encounters an error, in which case it stops "
             "execution, logs the key of the Element that caused the "
             "error in the CanNotApply array, and issues a return code "
             "of 2. If the input value ContinueOnError is true, then "
             "this method applies the Setting to all of the "
             "ManagedSystemElements in the Collection, and reports the "
             "failed Elements in the array, CanNotApply. For the "
             "latter, processing will continue until the method is "
             "applied to all Elements in the Collection, regardless of "
             "any errors encountered. The key of each "
             "ManagedSystemElement to which the Setting could not be "
             "applied is logged into the CanNotApply array. This "
             "method takes four input parameters: Collection (the "
             "Collection of Elements to which the Setting is being "
             "applied), TimeToApply (which, being a datetime, can be "
             "either a specific time or a time interval), "
             "ContinueOnError (true indicates to continue processing "
             "when an error is encountered), MustBeCompletedBy (which "
             "indicates the required completion time for the method), "
             "and a PropertiesToApply array (which contains a list of "
             "the property names whose values will be applied). If a "
             "property is not in this list, it will be ignored by the "
             "Apply. If the array is null or empty or contains the "
             "string \"ALL\" as a property name, then all Settings "
             "properties will be applied. If it is set to \"NONE\", "
             "then no Settings properties will be applied. \n"
             "The return value should be 0 if the Setting is "
             "successfully applied to the referenced Collection, 1 if "
             "the method is not supported, 2 if the Setting was not "
             "applied within the specified time, 3 if the Setting "
             "cannot be applied using the input value for "
             "ContinueOnError, and any other number if an error "
             "occurred. One output parameter, CanNotApplystring, is "
             "defined, which is an array that lists the keys of the "
             "ManagedSystemElements to which the Setting could not be "
             "applied. This output parameter has meaning only when the "
             "ContinueOnError parameter is true. \n"
             "In a subclass, the set of possible return codes could be "
             "specified using a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The "
             "strings to which the ValueMap contents are \"translated\" "
             "can also be specified in the subclass as a Values array "
             "qualifier. \n"
             "Note: If an error occurs when applying the Setting to a "
             "ManagedSystemElement in the Collection, the Element must "
             "be configured as it was when the \"Apply\" attempt "
             "began. That is, the Element should not be left in an "
             "indeterminate state." )]
      uint32 ApplyIncrementalChangeToCollection(
            [IN, Description (
                "The Collection of Elements to which the Setting is "
                "being applied." )]
         CIM_CollectionOfMSEs REF Collection,
            [IN, Description ( "A specific time or a time interval." )]
         datetime TimeToApply,
            [IN, Description (
                "True indicates to continue processing when an "
                "error is encountered." )]
         boolean ContinueOnError,
            [IN, Description (
                "This parameter indicates the required completion "
                "time for the method." )]
         datetime MustBeCompletedBy,
            [IN, Description (
                "A list of the property names whose values will be verified."
         string PropertiesToApply[],
            [IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
                "A string array that lists the keys of the "
                "ManagedSystemElements to which the Setting cannot "
                "be applied." )]
         string CanNotApply[]);

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