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  1 karl // Copyright (c) 2011 DMTF.  All rights reserved.
  2                  [Abstract, Version ( "2.28.0" ), 
  3                   UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Core::CoreElements" ), 
  4                   Description ( 
  5                      "CIM_ManagedSystemElement is the base class for the System "
  6                      "Element hierarchy. Any distinguishable component of a System "
  7                      "is a candidate for inclusion in this class. Examples of system "
  8                      "components include: \n"
  9                      "- software components such as application servers, databases, "
 10                      "and applications \n"
 11                      "- operating system components such as files, processes, and "
 12                      "threads \n"
 13                      "- device components such as disk drives, controllers, "
 14                      "processors, and printers \n"
 15                      "- physical components such as chips and cards." )]
 16               class CIM_ManagedSystemElement : CIM_ManagedElement {
 18                     [Description ( 
 19                         "A datetime value that indicates when the object was "
 20                         "installed. Lack of a value does not indicate that the "
 21                         "object is not installed." ), 
 22 karl        MappingStrings { "MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.5" }]
 23                  datetime InstallDate;
 25                     [Description ( 
 26                         "The Name property defines the label by which the object "
 27                         "is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be "
 28                         "overridden to be a Key property." ), 
 29                      MaxLen ( 1024 )]
 30                  string Name;
 32                     [Description ( 
 33                         "Indicates the current statuses of the element. Various "
 34                         "operational statuses are defined. Many of the "
 35                         "enumeration\'s values are self-explanatory. However, a "
 36                         "few are not and are described here in more detail. \n"
 37                         "\"Stressed\" indicates that the element is functioning, "
 38                         "but needs attention. Examples of \"Stressed\" states are "
 39                         "overload, overheated, and so on. \n"
 40                         "\"Predictive Failure\" indicates that an element is "
 41                         "functioning nominally but predicting a failure in the "
 42                         "near future. \n"
 43 karl           "\"In Service\" describes an element being configured, "
 44                         "maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered. \n"
 45                         "\"No Contact\" indicates that the monitoring system has "
 46                         "knowledge of this element, but has never been able to "
 47                         "establish communications with it. \n"
 48                         "\"Lost Communication\" indicates that the ManagedSystem "
 49                         "Element is known to exist and has been contacted "
 50                         "successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable. \n"
 51                         "\"Stopped\" and \"Aborted\" are similar, although the "
 52                         "former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the "
 53                         "latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and "
 54                         "configuration of the element might need to be updated. \n"
 55                         "\"Dormant\" indicates that the element is inactive or "
 56                         "quiesced. \n"
 57                         "\"Supporting Entity in Error\" indicates that this "
 58                         "element might be \"OK\" but that another element, on "
 59                         "which it is dependent, is in error. An example is a "
 60                         "network service or endpoint that cannot function due to "
 61                         "lower-layer networking problems. \n"
 62                         "\"Completed\" indicates that the element has completed "
 63                         "its operation. This value should be combined with either "
 64 karl           "OK, Error, or Degraded so that a client can tell if the "
 65                         "complete operation Completed with OK (passed), Completed "
 66                         "with Error (failed), or Completed with Degraded (the "
 67                         "operation finished, but it did not complete OK or did "
 68                         "not report an error). \n"
 69                         "\"Power Mode\" indicates that the element has additional "
 70                         "power model information contained in the Associated "
 71                         "PowerManagementService association. \n"
 72                         "\"Relocating\" indicates the element is being relocated.\n"
 73                         "OperationalStatus replaces the Status property on "
 74                         "ManagedSystemElement to provide a consistent approach to "
 75                         "enumerations, to address implementation needs for an "
 76                         "array property, and to provide a migration path from "
 77                         "today\'s environment to the future. This change was not "
 78                         "made earlier because it required the deprecated "
 79                         "qualifier. Due to the widespread use of the existing "
 80                         "Status property in management applications, it is "
 81                         "strongly recommended that providers or instrumentation "
 82                         "provide both the Status and OperationalStatus "
 83                         "properties. Further, the first value of "
 84                         "OperationalStatus should contain the primary status for "
 85 karl           "the element. When instrumented, Status (because it is "
 86                         "single-valued) should also provide the primary status of "
 87                         "the element." ), 
 88                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", 
 89                         "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", 
 90                         "19", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
 91                      Values { "Unknown", "Other", "OK", "Degraded", "Stressed", 
 92                         "Predictive Failure", "Error", "Non-Recoverable Error", 
 93                         "Starting", "Stopping", "Stopped", "In Service", 
 94                         "No Contact", "Lost Communication", "Aborted", "Dormant", 
 95                         "Supporting Entity in Error", "Completed", "Power Mode", 
 96                         "Relocating", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, 
 97                      ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
 98                      ModelCorrespondence { 
 99                         "CIM_ManagedSystemElement.StatusDescriptions" }]
100                  uint16 OperationalStatus[];
102                     [Description ( 
103                         "Strings describing the various OperationalStatus array "
104                         "values. For example, if \"Stopping\" is the value "
105                         "assigned to OperationalStatus, then this property may "
106 karl           "contain an explanation as to why an object is being "
107                         "stopped. Note that entries in this array are correlated "
108                         "with those at the same array index in OperationalStatus." ), 
109                      ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
110                      ModelCorrespondence { 
111                         "CIM_ManagedSystemElement.OperationalStatus" }]
112                  string StatusDescriptions[];
114                     [Deprecated { "CIM_ManagedSystemElement.OperationalStatus" }, 
115                      Description ( 
116                         "A string indicating the current status of the object. "
117                         "Various operational and non-operational statuses are "
118                         "defined. This property is deprecated in lieu of "
119                         "OperationalStatus, which includes the same semantics in "
120                         "its enumeration. This change is made for 3 reasons: \n"
121                         "1) Status is more correctly defined as an array. This "
122                         "definition overcomes the limitation of describing status "
123                         "using a single value, when it is really a multi-valued "
124                         "property (for example, an element might be OK AND "
125                         "Stopped. \n"
126                         "2) A MaxLen of 10 is too restrictive and leads to "
127 karl           "unclear enumerated values. \n"
128                         "3) The change to a uint16 data type was discussed when "
129                         "CIM V2.0 was defined. However, existing V1.0 "
130                         "implementations used the string property and did not "
131                         "want to modify their code. Therefore, Status was "
132                         "grandfathered into the Schema. Use of the deprecated "
133                         "qualifier allows the maintenance of the existing "
134                         "property, but also permits an improved definition using "
135                         "OperationalStatus." ), 
136                      ValueMap { "OK", "Error", "Degraded", "Unknown", "Pred Fail", 
137                         "Starting", "Stopping", "Service", "Stressed", 
138                         "NonRecover", "No Contact", "Lost Comm", "Stopped" }, 
139                      MaxLen ( 10 )]
140                  string Status;
142                     [Description ( 
143                         "Indicates the current health of the element. This "
144                         "attribute expresses the health of this element but not "
145                         "necessarily that of its subcomponents. The possible "
146                         "values are 0 to 30, where 5 means the element is "
147                         "entirely healthy and 30 means the element is completely "
148 karl           "non-functional. The following continuum is defined: \n"
149                         "\"Non-recoverable Error\" (30) - The element has "
150                         "completely failed, and recovery is not possible. All "
151                         "functionality provided by this element has been lost. \n"
152                         "\"Critical Failure\" (25) - The element is "
153                         "non-functional and recovery might not be possible. \n"
154                         "\"Major Failure\" (20) - The element is failing. It is "
155                         "possible that some or all of the functionality of this "
156                         "component is degraded or not working. \n"
157                         "\"Minor Failure\" (15) - All functionality is available "
158                         "but some might be degraded. \n"
159                         "\"Degraded/Warning\" (10) - The element is in working "
160                         "order and all functionality is provided. However, the "
161                         "element is not working to the best of its abilities. For "
162                         "example, the element might not be operating at optimal "
163                         "performance or it might be reporting recoverable errors. \n"
164                         "\"OK\" (5) - The element is fully functional and is "
165                         "operating within normal operational parameters and "
166                         "without error. \n"
167                         "\"Unknown\" (0) - The implementation cannot report on "
168                         "HealthState at this time. \n"
169 karl           "DMTF has reserved the unused portion of the continuum "
170                         "for additional HealthStates in the future." ), 
171                      ValueMap { "0", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "..", 
172                         "32768..65535" }, 
173                      Values { "Unknown", "OK", "Degraded/Warning", 
174                         "Minor failure", "Major failure", "Critical failure", 
175                         "Non-recoverable error", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
176                  uint16 HealthState;
178                     [Description ( 
179                         "CommunicationStatus indicates the ability of the "
180                         "instrumentation to communicate with the underlying "
181                         "ManagedElement. CommunicationStatus consists of one of "
182                         "the following values: Unknown, None, Communication OK, "
183                         "Lost Communication, or No Contact. \n"
184                         "A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) "
185                         "does not implement this property. \n"
186                         "\"Unknown\" indicates the implementation is in general "
187                         "capable of returning this property, but is unable to do "
188                         "so at this time. \n"
189                         "\"Not Available\" indicates that the implementation "
190 karl           "(provider) is capable of returning a value for this "
191                         "property, but not ever for this particular piece of "
192                         "hardware/software or the property is intentionally not "
193                         "used because it adds no meaningful information (as in "
194                         "the case of a property that is intended to add "
195                         "additional info to another property). \n"
196                         "\"Communication OK \" indicates communication is "
197                         "established with the element, but does not convey any "
198                         "quality of service. \n"
199                         "\"No Contact\" indicates that the monitoring system has "
200                         "knowledge of this element, but has never been able to "
201                         "establish communications with it. \n"
202                         "\"Lost Communication\" indicates that the Managed "
203                         "Element is known to exist and has been contacted "
204                         "successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable." ), 
205                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
206                      Values { "Unknown", "Not Available", "Communication OK", 
207                         "Lost Communication", "No Contact", "DMTF Reserved", 
208                         "Vendor Reserved" }]
209                  uint16 CommunicationStatus;
211 karl       [Description ( 
212                         "DetailedStatus compliments PrimaryStatus with additional "
213                         "status detail. It consists of one of the following "
214                         "values: Not Available, No Additional Information, "
215                         "Stressed, Predictive Failure, Error, Non-Recoverable "
216                         "Error, SupportingEntityInError. Detailed status is used "
217                         "to expand upon the PrimaryStatus of the element. \n"
218                         "A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) "
219                         "does not implement this property. \n"
220                         "\"Not Available\" indicates that the implementation "
221                         "(provider) is capable of returning a value for this "
222                         "property, but not ever for this particular piece of "
223                         "hardware/software or the property is intentionally not "
224                         "used because it adds no meaningful information (as in "
225                         "the case of a property that is intended to add "
226                         "additional info to another property). \n"
227                         "\"No Additional Information\" indicates that the element "
228                         "is functioning normally as indicated by PrimaryStatus = "
229                         "\"OK\". \n"
230                         "\"Stressed\" indicates that the element is functioning, "
231                         "but needs attention. Examples of \"Stressed\" states are "
232 karl           "overload, overheated, and so on. \n"
233                         "\"Predictive Failure\" indicates that an element is "
234                         "functioning normally but a failure is predicted in the "
235                         "near future. \n"
236                         "\"Non-Recoverable Error \" indicates that this element "
237                         "is in an error condition that requires human "
238                         "intervention. \n"
239                         "\"Supporting Entity in Error\" indicates that this "
240                         "element might be \"OK\" but that another element, on "
241                         "which it is dependent, is in error. An example is a "
242                         "network service or endpoint that cannot function due to "
243                         "lower-layer networking problems." ), 
244                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
245                      Values { "Not Available", "No Additional Information", 
246                         "Stressed", "Predictive Failure", "Non-Recoverable Error", 
247                         "Supporting Entity in Error", "DMTF Reserved", 
248                         "Vendor Reserved" }, 
249                      ModelCorrespondence { 
250                         "CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.PrimaryStatus", 
251                         "CIM_ManagedSystemElement.HealthState" }]
252                  uint16 DetailedStatus;
253 karl 
254                     [Description ( 
255                         "OperatingStatus provides a current status value for the "
256                         "operational condition of the element and can be used for "
257                         "providing more detail with respect to the value of "
258                         "EnabledState. It can also provide the transitional "
259                         "states when an element is transitioning from one state "
260                         "to another, such as when an element is transitioning "
261                         "between EnabledState and RequestedState, as well as "
262                         "other transitional conditions.\n"
263                         "OperatingStatus consists of one of the following values: "
264                         "Unknown, Not Available, In Service, Starting, Stopping, "
265                         "Stopped, Aborted, Dormant, Completed, Migrating, "
266                         "Emmigrating, Immigrating, Snapshotting. Shutting Down, "
267                         "In Test \n"
268                         "A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) "
269                         "does not implement this property. \n"
270                         "\"Unknown\" indicates the implementation is in general "
271                         "capable of returning this property, but is unable to do "
272                         "so at this time. \n"
273                         "\"None\" indicates that the implementation (provider) is "
274 karl           "capable of returning a value for this property, but not "
275                         "ever for this particular piece of hardware/software or "
276                         "the property is intentionally not used because it adds "
277                         "no meaningful information (as in the case of a property "
278                         "that is intended to add additional info to another "
279                         "property). \n"
280                         "\"Servicing\" describes an element being configured, "
281                         "maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered. \n"
282                         "\"Starting\" describes an element being initialized. \n"
283                         "\"Stopping\" describes an element being brought to an "
284                         "orderly stop. \n"
285                         "\"Stopped\" and \"Aborted\" are similar, although the "
286                         "former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the "
287                         "latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and "
288                         "configuration of the element might need to be updated. \n"
289                         "\"Dormant\" indicates that the element is inactive or "
290                         "quiesced. \n"
291                         "\"Completed\" indicates that the element has completed "
292                         "its operation. This value should be combined with either "
293                         "OK, Error, or Degraded in the PrimaryStatus so that a "
294                         "client can tell if the complete operation Completed with "
295 karl           "OK (passed), Completed with Error (failed), or Completed "
296                         "with Degraded (the operation finished, but it did not "
297                         "complete OK or did not report an error). \n"
298                         "\"Migrating\" element is being moved between host "
299                         "elements. \n"
300                         "\"Immigrating\" element is being moved to new host "
301                         "element. \n"
302                         "\"Emigrating\" element is being moved away from host "
303                         "element. \n"
304                         "\"Shutting Down\" describes an element being brought to "
305                         "an abrupt stop. \n"
306                         "\"In Test\" element is performing test functions. \n"
307                         "\"Transitioning\" describes an element that is between "
308                         "states, that is, it is not fully available in either its "
309                         "previous state or its next state. This value should be "
310                         "used if other values indicating a transition to a "
311                         "specific state are not applicable.\n"
312                         "\"In Service\" describes an element that is in service "
313                         "and operational." ), 
314                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", 
315                         "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
316 karl        Values { "Unknown", "Not Available", "Servicing", "Starting", 
317                         "Stopping", "Stopped", "Aborted", "Dormant", "Completed", 
318                         "Migrating", "Emigrating", "Immigrating", "Snapshotting", 
319                         "Shutting Down", "In Test", "Transitioning", "In Service", 
320                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, 
321                      ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.EnabledState" }]
322                  uint16 OperatingStatus;
324                     [Description ( 
325                         "PrimaryStatus provides a high level status value, "
326                         "intended to align with Red-Yellow-Green type "
327                         "representation of status. It should be used in "
328                         "conjunction with DetailedStatus to provide high level "
329                         "and detailed health status of the ManagedElement and its "
330                         "subcomponents. \n"
331                         "PrimaryStatus consists of one of the following values: "
332                         "Unknown, OK, Degraded or Error. \"Unknown\" indicates "
333                         "the implementation is in general capable of returning "
334                         "this property, but is unable to do so at this time. \n"
335                         "\"OK\" indicates the ManagedElement is functioning "
336                         "normally. \n"
337 karl           "\"Degraded\" indicates the ManagedElement is functioning "
338                         "below normal. \n"
339                         "\"Error\" indicates the ManagedElement is in an Error "
340                         "condition." ), 
341                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "..", "0x8000.." }, 
342                      Values { "Unknown", "OK", "Degraded", "Error", 
343                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, 
344                      ModelCorrespondence { 
345                         "CIM_ManagedSystemElement.DetailedStatus", 
346                         "CIM_ManagedSystemElement.HealthState" }]
347                  uint16 PrimaryStatus;
350               };

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