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  1 karl // Copyright (c) 2010 DMTF.  All rights reserved.
  2                  [Version ( "2.27.0" ), 
  3                   ClassConstraint { "inv: AccessContext=10", 
  4                      "inv: InfoFormat=200 or InfoFormat=206" }, 
  5                   UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Core::LaunchInContext" ), 
  6                   Description ( 
  7                      "Each instance provides a flexible representation of a URI "
  8                      "stored in the AccessInfo property that is used to launch a "
  9                      "management service. This URI may contain dynamic information "
 10                      "in the form of parameters that can used to modify the URI for "
 11                      "use in a specific context." )]
 12               class CIM_LaunchInContextSAP : CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint {
 14                     [Override ( "AccessContext" ), 
 15                      Description ( 
 16                         "AccessContext shall specify a Management Service (10)." ), 
 17                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", 
 18                         "10", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
 19                      Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Default Gateway", "DNS Server", 
 20                         "SNMP Trap Destination", "MPLS Tunnel Destination", 
 21                         "DHCP Server", "SMTP Server", "LDAP Server", 
 22 karl           "Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server", 
 23                         "Management Service", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, 
 24                      ModelCorrespondence { 
 25                         "CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint.OtherAccessContext" }]
 26                  uint16 AccessContext;
 28                     [Override ( "AccessInfo" ), 
 29                      Description ( 
 30                         "The URL may contain ${ParameterName} strings. The client "
 31                         "is responsible for replacing such strings with the "
 32                         "values of the corresponding parameters. (See the "
 33                         "properties Parameter<Name, Description, Type, "
 34                         "Constraint, and Derivation> below for various ways for a "
 35                         "client to obtain those values." ), 
 36                      ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.ParameterName", 
 37                         "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.InfoFormat" }]
 38                  string AccessInfo;
 40                     [Override ( "InfoFormat" ), 
 41                      Description ( 
 42                         "InfoFormat shall contain either 200(URL) or 206(Paramterized URL)."
 43 karl            ), 
 44                      ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", 
 45                         "11", "12", "13", "100", "101", "102", "103", "104", 
 46                         "200", "201", "202", "203", "204", "205", "206", "..", 
 47                         "32768..65535" }, 
 48                      Values { "Other", "Host Name", "IPv4 Address", 
 49                         "IPv6 Address", "IPX Address", "DECnet Address", 
 50                         "SNA Address", "Autonomous System Number", "MPLS Label", 
 51                         "IPv4 Subnet Address", "IPv6 Subnet Address", 
 52                         "IPv4 Address Range", "IPv6 Address Range", "Dial String", 
 53                         "Ethernet Address", "Token Ring Address", "ATM Address", 
 54                         "Frame Relay Address", "URL", "FQDN", "User FQDN", 
 55                         "DER ASN1 DN", "DER ASN1 GN", "Key ID", 
 56                         "Parameterized URL", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, 
 57                      ModelCorrespondence { 
 58                         "CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint.OtherInfoFormatDescription" }]
 59                  uint16 InfoFormat;
 61                     [Description ( 
 62                         "Each entry specifies the name of a parameter specified "
 63                         "in the URL string stored in the AccessInfo property as ${ParameterName}.\n"
 64 karl           "Parameter names should have the format "
 65                         "orgName:specName:specVersion:parameterName. In this "
 66                         "format: orgName shall be a trademarked, or otherwise "
 67                         "owned name of the defining organization, specName "
 68                         "together with specVersion shall name a specification "
 69                         "within that organization and parameterName shall be a "
 70                         "name defined by the specification.\n"
 71                         "For DMTF defined parameters: orgName shall be \'DMTF\'; "
 72                         "specName shall be the DSP name of the specification "
 73                         "defining the parameter; and specVersion shall have the "
 74                         "form M.N.E where M is the major version number, N is the "
 75                         "minor version number, and E shall be the errata number. "
 76                         "Each number shall not include leading zeros." ), 
 77                      ArrayType ( "Indexed" )]
 78                  string ParameterName[];
 80                     [Description ( 
 81                         "Provides information about each parameter to display for "
 82                         "each entry." ), 
 83                      ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
 84                      ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.ParameterName" }]
 85 karl    string ParameterDescription[];
 87                     [Description ( 
 88                         "Each non empty entry shall specify a derivation for the "
 89                         "value of the corresponding ParameterName property. Each "
 90                         "derivation shall be specified as an OCL Derive "
 91                         "constraint. (See OMG Object Constraint Language, v2.0, http://www.omg.org/technology/documents/spec_catalog.htm)\n"
 92                         "If specified, the derivation context is an instance of "
 93                         "CIM_ManagedElement specified in the "
 94                         "GetDerivedParametersForElement method of this class. The "
 95                         "derivation context and the \'derive:\' keywords are not "
 96                         "explicitly specified here.\n"
 97                         "Example: to return the Caption of the specified element, "
 98                         "the entry would contain the string: \"self.Caption\".\n"
 99                         "On retrieval, the values returned by the method are used "
100                         "to replace the corresponding ${ParameterName} string in "
101                         "Accessinfo or LaunchMessage." ), 
102                      ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
103                      ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.ParameterName", 
104                         "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.GetDerivedparametersForElement" }]
105                  string ParameterDerivation[];
106 karl 
107                     [Description ( 
108                         "Each non-empty entry specifies additional constraints on "
109                         "the corresponding parameter value beyond those that can "
110                         "be inferred from the corresponding ParameterType entry.\n"
111                         "Each entry shall be empty if the corresponding "
112                         "ParameterDerivation value is not empty or null. "
113                         "Otherwise, this shall be an OCL Invariant constraint "
114                         "that limits the values of the string. \n"
115                         "The OCL context, and therefore, the \'self\' variable "
116                         "shall refer to the parameter\'s value.\n"
117                         "For patterns, the OCL syntax is extended to include the "
118                         "use string function \'Like()\' with the regular "
119                         "expression grammar as defined in DSP0200 Annex C, "
120                         "(http://www.dmtf.org/standards/published_documents/DSP0202_1.0.0.pdf)."
121                          ), 
122                      ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
123                      ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.ParameterName" }]
124                  string ParameterConstraints[];
126                     [Description ( 
127 karl           "Each entry specifies the type of the corresponding entry "
128                         "in the ParameterName property. If not specified, "
129                         "3(string) is assumed.Note, ParameterConstraint entries "
130                         "can be used to specify valid value ranges." ), 
131                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "0x8000..0xFFFF" }, 
132                      Values { "Integer", "String", "Boolean", "Real", "DateTime", 
133                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }, 
134                      ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
135                      ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.ParameterName" }]
136                  uint16 ParameterType[];
138                     [Description ( 
139                         "Each entry names a feature supported by the service "
140                         "addressed by AccessInfo.\n"
141                         "Feature names shall have the format "
142                         "orgName:specName:specVersion:featureName,where orgName "
143                         "shall be a trademarked, or otherwise owned name of the "
144                         "defining organization, specName together with "
145                         "specVersion shall name a specification within that "
146                         "organization and featureName shall be a name defined by "
147                         "the specification.\n"
148 karl           "For DMTF defined features: orgName shall be \'DMTF\'; "
149                         "specName shall be the DSP name of a management profile; "
150                         "and specVersion shall have the form M.N.E where M is the "
151                         "major version number, N is the minor version number, and "
152                         "E shall be the errata number. Each number shall not "
153                         "include leading zeros." ), 
154                      ArrayType ( "Indexed" )]
155                  string SupportedFeatureName[];
157                     [Description ( 
158                         "Each entry describes the corresponding feature named in SupportedFeatureName.\n"
159                         "Each entry should describe the required parameters and "
160                         "related information used to select the feature when the "
161                         "service is launched." ), 
162                      ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
163                      ModelCorrespondence { 
164                         "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.SupportedFeatureName" }]
165                  string SupportedFeatureDescription[];
167                     [Description ( 
168                         "This property, together with ManagementIsRestricted "
169 karl           "defines the set of instances exposed in the namespace of "
170                         "this instance, that may be managed by the service "
171                         "addressed by this instance. \n"
172                         "The entries of this property identify the classes that "
173                         "such instances must be a kind of." ), 
174                      ModelCorrespondence { 
175                         "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.ManagementIsRestricted" }]
176                  string ManagedClasses[];
178                     [Description ( 
179                         "This property, together with ManagementIsRestricted "
180                         "defines the set of instances exposed in the namespace of "
181                         "this instance, that may be managed by the service "
182                         "addressed by this instance. \n"
183                         "If the value of this boolean is false, then all "
184                         "instances exposed by the namespace which are kinds of "
185                         "the classes named in the entries of ManagedClasses may "
186                         "be managed by the addressed service. If true, then only "
187                         "those instances that are associated via CIM_ManagedSAP "
188                         "may be managed by the addressed service. This value "
189                         "shall be true if such associations exist." ), 
190 karl        ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.ManagedClasses" }]
191                  boolean ManagementIsRestricted = false;
193                     [Description ( 
194                         "LaunchMessage is a template for a message, to be sent to "
195                         "the URL specified in the AccessContext property. Like "
196                         "the AccessInfo property, this template may contain "
197                         "parameter value placeholders as ${ParameterName}, where "
198                         "ParameterName matches an entry in the ParameterName "
199                         "property. The format of the template is defined by the "
200                         "protocol specified by the value of the LaunchMessageProtocol.\n"
201                         "The client that uses this information to send a request "
202                         "is responsible for understanding the side-effects of "
203                         "passing the message. For instance if the message causes "
204                         "a service to be invoked, the client is responsible for "
205                         "handling reply messages." ), 
206                      ModelCorrespondence { 
207                         "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.LaunchMessageProtocolOperation" }]
208                  string LaunchMessage;
210                     [Description ( 
211 karl           "This enumeration defines the protocol used to send the LaunchMessage.\n"
212                         "The format shall be "
213                         "orgName:protocolName:protocolVersion:protocolOperation,where "
214                         "orgName shall be a trademarked, or otherwise owned name "
215                         "of the defining organization, protocolName together with "
216                         "protocolVersion shall name protocol defined by that "
217                         "organization and protocolOperation shall name an "
218                         "operation of the protocol." ), 
219                      ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
220                      Values { "IETF:HTTP:1.0:GET", "IETF:HTTP:1.0:POST", 
221                         "IETF:HTTP:1.1:GET", "IETF:HTTP:1.1:POST", 
222                         "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
223                  uint16 LaunchMessageProtocolOperation = 3;
226                     [Description ( 
227                         "This method evaluates the parameters in the context of a "
228                         "specified instance referenced by ManagedElement. For "
229                         "each parameter entry containing an empty "
230                         "ParameterDerivation entry, the corresponding "
231                         "ParameterValue entry shall be an empty string. "
232 karl           "Otherwise, the value of the corresponding entry shall be "
233                         "the result of evaluating the derivation expression "
234                         "contained in the corresponding ParameterDerivation property.\n"
235                         "0\'Completed with No Error\' is returned on success.\n"
236                         "1\'Not Supported\' is returned if this method is not supported.\n"
237                         "2\'Unknown or Unspecified Error\' is not expected\n"
238                         "3\'Failed\' is not expected\n"
239                         "4\'Invalid Parameter\' can happen if Self is not a "
240                         "well-formed association." ), 
241                      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "..", "32768..65535" }, 
242                      Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported", 
243                         "Unknown or Unspecified Error", "Failed", 
244                         "Invalid Parameter", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
245                  uint32 GetDerivedParametersForElement(
246                        [Required, In, Description ( 
247                            "The ManagedElement used as \'self\' in the "
248                            "derivation expressions contained in the "
249                            "ParameterDerivation array." )]
250                     CIM_ManagedElement REF Self, 
251                        [In ( false ), Out, Description ( 
252                            "An array of parameter values corresponding to the "
253 karl              "entries of the ParameterNames array" ), 
254                         ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), 
255                         ModelCorrespondence { 
256                            "CIM_LaunchInContextSAP.ParameterName" }]
257                     string ParameterValue[]);
259               };

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