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   1 karl  1.1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
   2           <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Specification for the Representation of CIM in XML</TITLE>
   3           <META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type>
   4           <META content="MSHTML 5.00.2014.210" name=GENERATOR>
   5           <LINK TYPE="text/css" REL=STYLESHEET href="cimxml.css"></LINK>
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   7           <BODY>
   8           <DL>
   9             <DD>
  10             <P class=CenterTitle>Distributed Management Task Force, 
  11             Inc.</P>
  12             <P class=BigCenterTitle>Specification for the 
  13             Representation of CIM in XML</P>
  14             <P class=CenterTitle>Version 2.0</P>
  15             <P class=CenterTitle>July 20<SUP>th</SUP>, 1999</P>
  16             <P align=justify>Technical inquiries and editorial 
  17             comments should be directed in writing to:</P>
  18             <P align=center>Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. 
  19             (DMTF)</P>
  20             <P align=center>c/o <A href="http://www.mkinc.com/" 
  21             >MacKenzie Kesselring, Inc.</A> <BR 
  22 karl  1.1   >200 SW Market Street, Suite 450, <BR 
  23             >Portland, OR 97201 <BR>(503) 
  24             225-0725 <BR>(503) 225-0765 (fax) <BR 
  25             >email: <A href="mailto://dmtf-info@dmtf.org" >dmtf-info@dmtf.org</A> </P>
  26             <H3>Participants</H3>
  27             <DIR>
  28             <DIR>
  29             <P>This list shows the names of the companies and 
  30             organizations that have participated in the Distributed Management Task Force - 
  31             CIM TDC XML Sub-Committee whose contributions made this document possible.</P>
  32             <UL>
  33               <LI>Agranat Systems 
  34               <LI>Hewlett-Packard Company 
  35               <LI>Microsoft Corporation 
  36               <LI>Tivoli Systems, Inc. 
  37               <LI>Customer Support Consortium 
  38               <LI>Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  39               <LI>Intel Corporation</LI></UL></DIR></DIR>
  40             <H3>Change History</H3>
  41             <DIV align=center>
  42             <TABLE border=1 class=ChangeHistory>
  43 karl  1.1     <TBODY>
  44               <TR>
  45                 <TD width="17%">Version 1.0a</TD>
  46                 <TD width="30%">Tuesday, July 14th, 1998</TD>
  47                 <TD width="52%">First Draft Release</TD></TR>
  48               <TR>
  49                 <TD>Version 1.0b</TD>
  50                 <TD>Friday August 7th, 1998</TD>
  51                 <TD>Draft Release</TD></TR>
  52               <TR>
  53                 <TD>Version 1.0c</TD>
  54                 <TD>Friday August 28th, 1998</TD>
  55                 <TD>Updated Version during Company review</TD></TR>
  56               <TR>
  57                 <TD>Version 1.0</TD>
  58                 <TD>Tuesday, September 15th, 1998</TD>
  59                 <TD>Final version</TD></TR>
  60               <TR>
  61                 <TD>Version 1.0.1</TD>
  62                 <TD>Friday, January 22nd, 1999</TD>
  63                 <TD>METHOD subelement removed from 
  64 karl  1.1         ASSOCIATION.INSTANCE</TD></TR>
  65               <TR>
  66                 <TD>Version 1.1a</TD>
  67                 <TD>Wednesday,&nbsp;April 28th, 1999</TD>
  68                 <TD>Changes for support of HTTP protocol</TD></TR>
  69               <TR>
  70                 <TD>Version 2.0b</TD>
  71                 <TD>May 7th, 1999</TD>
  72                 <TD>Updates after first Working Group Review</TD></TR>
  73               <TR>
  74                 <TD>Version 2.0c</TD>
  75                 <TD>May 11th, 1999</TD>
  76                 <TD>DTD Corrections, changes to DECLGROUP and removal of IMPLICITKEY 
  77                   element</TD></TR>
  78               <TR>
  79                 <TD>Version 2.0d</TD>
  80                 <TD>May 20th, 1999</TD>
  81                 <TD>Corrected error in definition of LOCALINSTANCEPATH</TD></TR>
  82               <TR>
  83                 <TD>Version 2.0e</TD>
  84                 <TD>May 25th, 1999</TD>
  85 karl  1.1       <TD>
  86                   <P>Corrected LOCALNAMESPACEPATH definition<BR>Corrected CIMName entity 
  87                   definition<BR>Changed LOCAL to PROPAGATED<BR>Added 
  88                   VALUETYPE&nbsp;attribute to KEYVALUE<BR>Added explanatory text 
  89                   concerning pragmas</P></TD></TR>
  90               <TR>
  91                 <TD>Version 2.0f</TD>
  92                 <TD>May 28th, 1999</TD>
  93                 <TD>
  94                   <P>Corrected VALUE.REFERENCE, KEYVALUE.REFERENCE and 
  95                   PARAMVALUE.REFERENCE so that they could contain relative and absolute 
  96                   paths</P></TD></TR>
  97               <TR>
  98                 <TD>Version 2.0</TD>
  99                 <TD>June 2nd, 1999</TD>
 100                 <TD>
 101                   <P>Updated document references<BR>Removed references to 
 102               CIM_Object</P></TD></TR>
 103               <TR>
 104                 <TD></TD>
 105                 <TD>July 6th, 1999</TD>
 106 karl  1.1       <TD>
 107                   <P>Remove INSTANCE attribute from SCOPE element<BR>Simplify method 
 108                   parameter declaration elements<BR>Replace KEYVALUE.REFERENCE by 
 109                   VALUE.REFERENCE<BR>Add ARRAYSIZE attribute to 
 110                   QUALIFIER.DECLARATION<BR>Remove ASSOCIATION elements</P></TD></TR>
 111               <TR>
 112                 <TD> </TD>
 113                 <TD>July 20th, 1999</TD>
 114                 <TD>
 115                   <P>Updated IPARAMVALUE and IRETURNVALUE 
 116                   elements<BR>   
 117                           Added 
 118                   VALUE.NAMEDINSTANCE element</P>         
 119               </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
 120             <CENTER></CENTER></DIV>
 121             <H3><A name=SecContents>Contents</A></H3>
 122             <DL>
 123               <DD><A href="#SecAbstract" >Abstract</A> 
 124               <DD><A href="#SecIntroduction" >1. Introduction</A> 
 125               <DL>
 126                 <DD><A href="#SecANoteOnRenderingToMOF" >1.1. A Note 
 127 karl  1.1       on Rendering to MOF</A> 
 128                 <DD><A href="#SecTerminology" >1.2. Terminology</A> 
 129                 <DD><A href="#SecStyle" >1.3. Style</A> </DD></DL>
 130               <DD><A href="#SecANoteOnMappingChoices">2. A Note On 
 131               Mapping Choices</A>&nbsp; 
 132               <DL>
 133                 <DD><A href="#SecCIMTerminology">2.1. CIM Terminology</A></DD></DL>
 134               <DD><A href="#SecTheCIMXMLSchemaReference">3. The CIM 
 135               XML Schema Reference</A>
 136               <DL>
 137                 <DD><A href="#SecEntityDescriptions">3.1. Entity 
 138                 Descriptions</A>
 139                 <DL>
 140                   <DD><A href="#SecCIMName">3.1.1. CIMName</A>
 141                   <DD><A href="#SecCIMType">3.1.2. CIMType</A>
 142                   <DD><A href="#SecQualifierFlavor">3.1.3. 
 143                   QualifierFlavor</A>
 144                   <DD><A href="#SecClassOrigin">3.1.4. ClassOrigin</A>
 145                   <DD><A href="#SecPropagated">3.1.5. 
 146           Propagated</A>&nbsp;
 147                   <DD><A href="#SecArraySize">3.1.6. ArraySize</A>
 148 karl  1.1         <DD><A href="#SecSuperClass">3.1.7. SuperClass</A>
 149                   <DD><A href="#SecClassName">3.1.8. ClassName</A>
 150                   <DD><A href="#SecReferenceClass">3.1.9. 
 151                   ReferenceClass</A></DD></DL>
 152                 <DD><A href="#SecElementDescriptions">3.2. Element 
 153                 Descriptions</A>
 154                 <DL>
 155                   <DD><A href="#SecTopLevelElements">3.2.1.&nbsp;Top Level 
 156                   Elements</A>&nbsp; 
 157                   <DL>
 158                   <DD><A href="#SecCIM">3.2.1. CIM</A></DD></DL>
 159                   <DD><A href="#SecDeclarationElements">3.2.2. 
 160                   Declaration Elements</A>
 161                   <DL>
 162                   <DD><A href="#SecDECLARATION"> DECLARATION</A>
 163                   <DD><A href="#SecDECLGROUP"> DECLGROUP</A>
 164                   <DD><A href="#SecDECLGROUPWITHNAME"> 
 165                     DECLGROUP.WITHNAME</A>
 166                   <DD><A href="#SecDECLGROUPWITHPATH"> 
 167                     DECLGROUP.WITHPATH</A>
 168                   <DD><A href="#SecQUALIFIERDECLARATION"> 
 169 karl  1.1         QUALIFIER.DECLARATION</A>
 170                   <DD><A href="#SecSCOPE"> SCOPE</A></DD></DL>
 171                   <DD><A href="#SecValueElements">3.2.3. Value 
 172                   Elements</A>&nbsp; 
 173                   <DL>
 174                   <DD><A href="#SecVALUE"> VALUE</A>
 175                   <DD><A href="#SecVALUEARRAY"> VALUE.ARRAY</A>
 176                   <DD><A href="#SecVALUEREFERENCE"> 
 177                   VALUE.REFERENCE</A>
 178                   <DD><A href="#SecVALUEREFARRAY"> 
 179                   VALUE.REFARRAY</A>
 180                   <DD><A href="#SecVALUEOBJECT"> VALUE.OBJECT</A>&nbsp; 
 181                     <DD><A href="#SecVALUENAMEDINSTANCE"> VALUE.NAMEDINSTANCE</A>
 182                   <DD><A href="#SecVALUENAMEDOBJECT"> 
 183                   VALUE.NAMEDOBJECT</A>
 184                   <DD><A href="#SecVALUEOBJECTWITHPATH"> 
 185                   VALUE.OBJECTWITHPATH</A>
 186                   <DD><A 
 187                     href="#SecVALUEOBJECTWITHLOCALPATH"> 
 188                     VALUE.OBJECTWITHLOCALPATH</A></DD></DL>
 189                   <DD><A href="#SecNamingAndLocationElements">3.2.4. 
 190 karl  1.1         Naming and Location Elements</A>
 191                   <DL>
 192                   <DD><A href="#SecNAMESPACEPATH"> 
 193                   NAMESPACEPATH</A>
 194                   <DD><A href="#SecLOCALNAMESPACEPATH"> 
 195                     LOCALNAMESPACEPATH</A>&nbsp;
 196                   <DD><A href="#SecHOST"> HOST</A>
 197                   <DD><A href="#SecNAMESPACE"> NAMESPACE</A>
 198                   <DD><A href="#SecCLASSPATH"> CLASSPATH</A>
 199                   <DD><A href="#SecLOCALCLASSPATH"> 
 200                   LOCALCLASSPATH</A>
 201                   <DD><A href="#SecCLASSNAME2"> CLASSNAME</A>&nbsp; 
 203                   <DD><A href="#SecINSTANCEPATH"> INSTANCEPATH</A>
 204                   <DD><A href="#SecLOCALINSTANCEPATH"> 
 205                   LOCALINSTANCEPATH</A>
 206                   <DD><A href="#SecINSTANCENAME"> INSTANCENAME</A> 
 207                     <DD><A href="#SecOBJECTPATH" > OBJECTPATH</A>&nbsp; 
 208                     <DD><A href="#SecKEYBINDING" > KEYBINDING</A> 
 209                     <DD><A href="#SecKEYVALUE" > KEYVALUE</A></DD></DL>
 210                   <DD><A href="#SecObjectDefinitionElements" >3.2.5. 
 211 karl  1.1         Object Definition Elements</A> 
 212                   <DL>
 213                     <DD><A href="#SecCLASS" > CLASS</A><A href="#SecQUALIFIER" > 
 214                     <DD></A><A href="#SecINSTANCE" > 
 215                     INSTANCE</A><A href="#SecQUALIFIER" ></A><A href="#SecQUALIFIER" > 
 216                     <DD> QUALIFIER</A> 
 217                     <DD><A href="#SecPROPERTY" > PROPERTY</A> 
 218                     <DD><A href="#SecPROPERTYARRAY" > 
 219                     PROPERTY.ARRAY</A> 
 220                     <DD><A href="#SecPROPERTYREFERENCE" > 
 221                     PROPERTY.REFERENCE</A><A href="#SecMETHOD" > 
 222                     <DD> METHOD</A> 
 223                     <DD><A href="#SecPARAMETER" > PARAMETER</A> 
 224                     <DD><A href="#SecPARAMETERREFERENCE" > 
 225                     PARAMETER.REFERENCE</A> 
 226                     <DD><A href="#SecPARAMETERARRAY" > 
 227                     PARAMETER.ARRAY</A> 
 228                     <DD><A href="#SecPARAMETERREFARRAY" > 
 229                     PARAMETER.REFARRAY</A></DD></DL>
 230                   <DD><A href="#SecMessageElements" >3.2.6. Message 
 231                   Elements</A> 
 232 karl  1.1         <DL>
 233                     <DD><A href="#SecMESSAGE" > MESSAGE</A> 
 234                     <DD><A href="#SecMULTIREQ" > MULTIREQ</A> 
 235                     <DD><A href="#SecSIMPLEREQ" > SIMPLEREQ</A> 
 236                     <DD><A href="#SecMETHODCALL" > METHODCALL</A> 
 237                     <DD><A href="#SecPARAMVALUE" > PARAMVALUE</A> 
 238                     <DD><A href="#SecIMETHODCALL" > 
 239                     IMETHODCALL</A> 
 240                     <DD><A href="#SecIPARAMVALUE" > 
 241                     IPARAMVALUE</A> 
 242                     <DD><A href="#SecMULTIRSP" > MULTIRSP</A> 
 243                     <DD><A href="#SecSIMPLERSP" > SIMPLERSP</A> 
 244                     <DD><A href="#SecMETHODRESPONSE" > 
 245                     METHODRESPONSE</A> 
 246                     <DD><A href="#SecIMETHODRESPONSE" > 
 247                     IMETHODRESPONSE</A>&nbsp; 
 248                     <DD><A href="#SecERROR" > ERROR</A> 
 249                     <DD><A href="#SecRETURNVALUE" > 
 250                     RETURNVALUE</A>&nbsp; 
 251                     <DD><A href="#SecIRETURNVALUE" > 
 252                     IRETURNVALUE</A></DD></DL></DD></DL></DD></DL>
 253 karl  1.1     <DD><A href="#SecReferences" >4. References</A> </DD></DL>
 254             <P></P></DD></DL>
 255           <H1><A name=SecAbstract>Abstract</A></H1>
 256           <P>The <A href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml">Extensible Markup Language</A> (XML) is a simplified subset 
 257           of SGML that offers powerful and extensible data modeling capabilities. An <I>XML Document</I> is a collection of data represented in 
 258           XML. An <I>XML Schema</I> is a grammar that describes the 
 259           format of an XML Document. An XML Document is described as <I>valid</I> if it has an associated XML Schema to which it 
 260           conforms.</P>
 261           <P>The <A href="http://dmtf.org/spec/cims.html">Common Information Model</A> (CIM) is an object-oriented 
 262           information model defined by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) which 
 263           provides a conceptual framework for describing management data.</P>
 264           <P>This document defines a standard for the 
 265           representation&nbsp;of Common Information Model (CIM)&nbsp;elements and messages 
 266           in XML.</P>
 267           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 268           <H1><A name=SecIntroduction>1. 
 269           Introduction</A></H1>
 270           <P>This document defines an XML grammar, written in DTD 
 271           (Document Type Definition), which can be used both to represent CIM declarations 
 272           (Classes, Instances and Qualifiers) and CIM Messages for use by the CIM mapping 
 273           onto HTTP [9].</P>
 274 karl  1.1 <P>For convenience the complete unannotated DTD is 
 275           available as a separate document [11].</P>
 276           <P>There are potentially many different ways in which CIM 
 277           information could be represented within XML. In the interests of 
 278           interoperability between different implementations of CIM there is an obvious
 279           requirement for standardization of this representation. The following criteria 
 280           have been applied in the design of the representation presented here: 
 281           <UL>
 282             <LI>Fully standardized technologies are used wherever 
 283             possible, in preference to Working Drafts. Where use is made of a Working 
 284             Draft, the intention is to track the changes to the Working Draft in this 
 285             specification. 
 286             <LI>Completeness is favored over conciseness (all aspects 
 287             of CIM should be modeled). </LI></UL>
 288           <P>Whilst this document makes no restrictions on the use of 
 289           this mapping, it is recognized that a number of possible usage scenarios exist 
 290           for which the mapping should cater: 
 291           <OL>
 292             <LI>XML documents conforming to this mapping that express 
 293             CIM declarations should be capable of being rendered or transformed using 
 294             standard techniques into other formats.&nbsp; In particular the mapping should 
 295 karl  1.1   contain sufficient information to be rendered into MOF (Managed Object Format) 
 296             syntax [1]. 
 297             <LI>The mapping should be applicable to the wire-level 
 298             representation of CIM&nbsp;Operations defined by the&nbsp;CIM mapping onto 
 299             HTTP [9]. </LI></OL>
 300           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 301           <H2><A name=SecANoteOnRenderingToMOF>1.1. A Note On Rendering to MOF</A></H2>
 302           <P>Currently the W3C is still investigating the mechanisms 
 303           by which XML documents are rendered. The available technologies include CSS 
 304           (Cascading Style Sheets) [<A href="#RefCSS1" >6</A>,<A href="#RefCSS2" >7</A>] and XSL (Extensible Style Sheet Language) [<A href="#RefXSL" >8</A>].</P>
 305           <P>CSS is already established in the HTML/SGML domain, but 
 306           is limited in the nature of transformations that it can express, being 
 307           essentially a formatting technology that can alter the appearance of individual 
 308           elements but cannot reorganize them.&nbsp; The XSL proposal attempts to address 
 309           the shortcomings of CSS by providing more sophisticated reordering 
 310           and&nbsp;formatting capabilities.</P>
 311           <P>The subset of the DTD for CIM presented in this 
 312           specification concerned with object declarations (identified by the element <A href="#SecDECLARATION" >DECLARATION</A> ) is intended to allow 
 313           expression of CIM objects in XML sufficient for rendering into a number of 
 314           formats, of which MOF is one.</P>
 315           <P>The semantic content of a MOF file is fully captured by 
 316 karl  1.1 the DTD presented herein, so that it is possible to express any MOF conformant 
 317           to [1] in&nbsp;an equivalent XML representation using this DTD.&nbsp;This 
 318           includes the ability to express any of the standard MOF pragmas defined in [1], 
 319           with the exception of the locale and instancelocale pragmas (which is a subject 
 320           for further&nbsp;study in the context of localization support within CIM).</P>
 321           <P>Note that the Processing Instruction (PI) mechanism 
 322           defined by XML is the means by which bespoke pragmas may be added to an XML 
 323           document in an analagous manner to the #pragma extension mechanism defined for 
 324           MOF.&nbsp;The format of such PIs is necessarily outside the scope of this 
 325           document.</P>
 326           <P>CSS alone is not sufficient to provide a rendering of 
 327           CIM XML declarations into MOF.&nbsp; XSL is capable of doing this, but due to 
 328           the fact that it&nbsp;is not yet a full W3C recommendation,&nbsp;a standard 
 329           stylesheet for MOF cannot be given at this time.&nbsp; Instead it is the 
 330           intention to publish a companion document to this document&nbsp;which defines a 
 331           MOF stylesheet based on the latest available XSL working draft, and to continue 
 332           to track&nbsp;XSL as it&nbsp;evolves to a full recommendation.</P>
 333           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 334           <H2><A name=SecTerminology>1.2. 
 335           Terminology</A></H2>
 336           <P>The key phrases and words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, 
 338           document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [10].</P>
 339           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 340           <H2><A name=SecStyle>1.3. 
 341           Style</A></H2>
 342           <P>This document uses a number of stylistic conventions to 
 343           highlight examples and definitions.</P>
 344           <P>Examples are displayed in this fashion:</P>
 345           <P>
 346           <TABLE class=Example>
 348             <TR>
 349               <TD>This is an example</TD></TR></TABLE></P>
 350           <P>Definitions are illustrated thusly:</P>
 351           <P>
 352           <TABLE class=Definition>
 354             <TR>
 355               <TD>This is a definition</TD></TR></TABLE></P>
 356           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 357           <H1><A name=SecANoteOnMappingChoices></A>2. A Note on Mapping Choices</H1>
 358 karl  1.1 <P>There are two fundamentally different models for mapping 
 359           CIM in XML: 
 360           <UL>
 361             <UL>
 362               <LI>A <I>Schema Mapping</I> is one 
 363               in which the XML Schema is used to describe the CIM classes, and CIM 
 364               Instances are mapped to valid XML Documents for that schema. (Essentially 
 365               this means that each CIM class generates its own DTD fragment, the XML 
 366               element names of which are taken directly from the corresponding CIM element 
 367               names.) 
 368               <LI>A <I>Metaschema Mapping</I> is 
 369               one in which the XML schema is used to describe the CIM metaschema, and both 
 370               CIM classes and instances are valid XML documents for that schema. (In other 
 371               words the DTD is used to describe in a generic fashion the notion of a CIM 
 372               class or instance. CIM element names are mapped to XML attribute or element 
 373               values, rather than XML element names.) </LI></UL></UL>
 374           <P>Although there are obvious benefits to employing a 
 375           schema mapping (more validation power, and a slightly more intuitive 
 376           representation of CIM in XML), the metaschema mapping is adopted here for the 
 377           following reasons: 
 378           <UL>
 379 karl  1.1   <UL>
 380               <LI>It only requires one standardized metaschema DTD 
 381               for CIM, rather than an unbounded number of DTDs. This considerably reduces 
 382               the complexity of management and administration of XML mappings. 
 383               <LI>XML DTD does not allow an unordered list of 
 384               elements. In a static mapping this would mean either: 
 385               <UL>
 386                 <LI>Fixing an arbitrary order for property, method 
 387                 and qualifier lists (making it harder for a receiving application to 
 388                 process), or; 
 389                 <LI>Defining a very unwieldy mapping which took 
 390                 account of all list orderings explicitly (and whose size would grow 
 391                 exponentially with the number of list elements). </LI></UL>
 392               <LI>In a schema mapping, the names of CIM schema 
 393               elements (class, property, qualifier and method names) populate the XML 
 394               element namespace. In order to replicate the scoping rules on CIM element 
 395               names within XML DTD, it would be necessary to employ XML Namespaces [<A href="#NamespaceRef" >3</A>] to define XML Schema to per-property 
 396               level of granularity. This would be extremely cumbersome to administer and 
 397               process. A metaschema mapping only introduces a small, fixed number of terms 
 398               into the XML element namespace (such as "Class", "Instance", "Property", and 
 399               so forth). As an alternative to the introduction of additional XML 
 400 karl  1.1     Namespaces, some renaming of CIM elements could be used (for example, 
 401               prefixing a qualifier name with the name of its owning property and its 
 402               owning class), but this would result in XML documents that were verbose and 
 403               difficult to understand. 
 404               <LI>Although a schema mapping could allow XML-based 
 405               validation of instances against classes, this would only be possible if the 
 406               entire class hierarchy were flattened prior to mapping the CIM Class to an 
 407               XML Schema. If this flattening were not performed then inherited properties 
 408               may be absent from the DTD, which would cause validation to fail against an 
 409               instance that included the value of an inherited property. </LI></UL></UL>
 410           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 411           <H2><A name=SecCIMTerminology>2.1. CIM 
 412           Terminology</A></H2>
 413           <P>Throught this document the term <EM>CIM Element</EM> is used to describe one of the following 
 414           components of the CIM meta-model: Namespace, Class, Property, Method or 
 415           Qualifier.</P>
 416           <P>The term <EM>XML Element</EM> is 
 417           used to describe a component of XML defined using the ELEMENT construct in DTD. 
 418           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
 419           <H1><A name=SecTheCIMXMLSchemaReference>3. The CIM XML Schema Reference</A></H1>
 420           <H2><A name=SecEntityDescriptions>3.1. 
 421 karl  1.1 Entity Descriptions</A></H2>
 422           <P>This section describes each of the parameter entities 
 423           used in the CIM XML Schema vocabulary. The use of Parameter Entities has been 
 424           adopted to highlight common features of the DTD.</P>
 425           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A> </P>
 426           <H3><A name=SecCIMName>3.1.1. 
 427           CIMName</A></H3>
 428           <P>The CIMName entity describes the name of a CIM Element 
 429           (Class, Instance, Method, Property,Qualifier or Parameter).&nbsp;The value MUST 
 430           be a legal CIM element name [1].</P>
 431           <P>
 432           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 433             <TBODY>
 434             <TR>
 435               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 436                 >&lt;!ENTITY % CIMName&nbsp;"NAME&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 437                 CDATA&nbsp;&nbsp; #REQUIRED"&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
 438           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
 439           <H3><A name=SecCIMType>3.1.2. 
 440           CIMType</A></H3>
 441           <P>The CIMType entity describes the allowed type 
 442 karl  1.1 descriptions for a non-reference CIM Property, CIM Qualifier or non-reference 
 443           CIM Method Parameter.</P>
 444           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 445             <TBODY>
 446             <TR>
 447               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 448                 >&lt;!ENTITY % CIMType&nbsp;"TYPE <BR 
 449                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 450                 (boolean|string|char16|uint8|uint16|sint16|uint32|sint32|uint64|sint64|datetime|real32|real64)"&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
 451           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
 452           <H3><A name=SecQualifierFlavor>3.1.3. 
 453           QualifierFlavor</A></H3>
 454           <P>The QualifierFlavor entity describes the flavor settings 
 455           for a CIM Qualifier, modeled as XML attributes.</P>
 456           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 457             <TBODY>
 458             <TR>
 459               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
 460                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ENTITY % 
 461                 QualifierFlavor "OVERRIDABLE&nbsp; (true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp; 'true'<BR 
 462                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 463 karl  1.1       TOSUBCLASS&nbsp;&nbsp; (true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'true'<BR 
 464                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 465                 TOINSTANCE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp; 'false'<BR 
 466                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 467                 TRANSLATABLE 
 468             (true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'false'"&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
 469           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
 470           <H3><A name=SecClassOrigin>3.1.4. 
 471           ClassOrigin</A></H3>
 472           <P>The ClassOrigin entity describes the originating Class 
 473           of a CIM Property or Method. </P>
 474           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">CLASSORIGIN </FONT>attribute defines the name of the 
 475           originating class (the Class in which the Property or Method was first defined) 
 476           of the CIM element represented by the XML element to which the attribute is 
 477           attached.</P>
 478           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 479             <TBODY>
 480             <TR>
 481               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
 482                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ENTITY % 
 483                 ClassOrigin&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "CLASSORIGIN CDATA 
 484 karl  1.1     #IMPLIED"&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
 485           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
 486           <H3><A name=SecLocal>3.1.5.</A>&nbsp;<A name=SecPropagated>Propagated</A></H3>
 487           <P>The&nbsp;Propagated entity is a convenient shorthand for 
 488           the <FONT face="Courier New">PROPAGATED</FONT> attribute, 
 489           which may apply to a CIM Property, Method or Qualifier. </P>
 490           <P>This attribute indicates whether the definition of the 
 491           CIM&nbsp;Property, Qualifier or Method is local to the&nbsp;CIM Class 
 492           (respectively,&nbsp;Instance) in which it appears, or was propagated without 
 493           modification from the underlying Subclass (respectively, Class), as defined by 
 494           [1]. </P>
 495           <P>
 496           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 id=TABLE6 width="100%">
 497             <TBODY>
 498             <TR>
 499               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
 500                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ENTITY 
 501                 %&nbsp;Propagated&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "PROPAGATED 
 502                 (true|false) 'false'"&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
 503           <P>Uses of the <FONT face="Courier New">PROPAGATED</FONT> attribute include:</P>
 504           <UL>
 505 karl  1.1   <LI>To facilitate the rendering of CIM XML declarations 
 506             into MOF syntax, which by convention only describes local overrides in a CIM 
 507             Subclass or Instance. 
 508             <LI>To filter XML representations of CIM Classes or 
 509             Instances so that they can be returned as responses to CIM&nbsp;Operation 
 510             requests [9] which require only local elements.</LI></UL>
 511           <P><FONT face=Verdana><A href="#SecContents" >Back to 
 512           contents</FONT></A></FONT></P>
 513           <P><A href="#SecContents" ></FONT></A></P>
 514           <H3><A name=SecArraySize>3.1.6. 
 515           ArraySize</A></H3>
 516           <P>The ArraySize entity is a convenient shorthand for the 
 517           <FONT face="Courier New">ARRAYSIZE</FONT> attribute, which 
 519           element.</P>
 520           <P>
 521           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 id=TABLE1 width="100%">
 522             <TBODY>
 523             <TR>
 524               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
 525                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ENTITY 
 526 karl  1.1       %&nbsp;ArraySize&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "ARRAYSIZE 
 527                 CDATA&nbsp; #IMPLIED"&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P><FONT face=Verdana>
 528           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">ARRAYSIZE</FONT> attribute defines the size of the array in 
 529           the case that it is constrained to a fixed number of elements. The value of this 
 530           attribute (if it is present) must be a positive integer.</P>
 531           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P></FONT>
 532           <H3><H3<A name="SecSuperClass">3.1.7. 
 533           <A name=SecSuperClass>SuperClass</A> </A></H3><FONT 
 534           face=Verdana>
 535           <H3></H3>
 536           <P>The&nbsp;SuperClass entity is a convenient shorthand for 
 537           the <FONT face="Courier New">SUPERCLASS</FONT> 
 538           attribute.</P>
 539           <P>
 540           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 id=TABLE1 width="100%">
 541             <TBODY>
 542             <TR>
 543               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
 544                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ENTITY 
 545                 %&nbsp;SuperClass&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "SUPERCLASS CDATA&nbsp; 
 546                 #IMPLIED"&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P><FONT face=Verdana>
 547 karl  1.1 <P>This attribute defines the name of the superclass.&nbsp; 
 548           Where it is omitted, it MUST be inferred that the owning element has no 
 549           superclass.</P>
 550           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 551           <H3><A name=SecClassName>3.1.8. 
 552           ClassName</A></H3>
 553           <P>The&nbsp;ClassName entity is a convenient shorthand for 
 554           the <FONT face="Courier New">CLASSNAME</FONT> attribute. 
 555           The value MUST be a legal CIM&nbsp;Class name [1].</P>
 556           <P>
 557           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 id=TABLE1 width="100%">
 558             <TBODY>
 559             <TR>
 560               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
 561                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ENTITY 
 562                 %&nbsp;ClassName&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "CLASSNAME&nbsp; 
 563                 CDATA&nbsp; #REQUIRED"&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P><FONT 
 564           face=Verdana>
 565           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 566           <H3><A name=SecReferenceClass>3.1.9. 
 567           ReferenceClass</A></H3>
 568 karl  1.1 <P>The&nbsp;ReferenceClass entity is a convenient shorthand 
 569           for the <FONT face="Courier New">REFERENCECLASS</FONT> 
 570           attribute. If present, the value MUST be a legal CIM&nbsp;Class name [1].</P>
 571           <P>
 572           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 id=TABLE1 width="100%">
 573             <TBODY>
 574             <TR>
 575               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
 576                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ENTITY 
 577                 %&nbsp;ReferenceClass&nbsp; "REFERENCECLASS&nbsp; CDATA&nbsp; 
 578                 #IMPLIED"&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P><FONT face=Verdana>
 579           <P>The value defines the strong type of a CIM reference 
 580           type.&nbsp;If absent, it MUST be inferred that the owning element is not a 
 581           strong&nbsp;reference type.</P>
 582           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to 
 583           contents</A></P></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT>
 584           <H2><A name=SecElementDescriptions>3.2. Element Descriptions</A></H2>
 585           <P>This section describes each of the elements in the CIM 
 586           XML Schema.</P>
 587           <H3>3.2.1. <A name=SecTopLevelElements>Top Level Elements</A></H3>
 588           <P>This section defines the root element of the XML Schema 
 589 karl  1.1 for CIM.</P>
 590           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P></FONT>
 591           <H4><A name=SecCIM> 
 592           CIM</A></H4>
 593           <P>The CIM element is the root element of every XML 
 594           Document that is valid with respect to this schema.</P>
 595           <P>Each document takes one of two forms; it either contains 
 596           a single <A href="#SecMESSAGE" >MESSAGE</A> element defining a CIM message (to be 
 597           used in&nbsp;the HTTP mapping defined in [9]), or it&nbsp;contains a <A href="#SecDECLARATION" >DECLARATION</A> element used to declare a set of 
 598           CIM objects.</P>
 599           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 style="LEFT: 10px; TOP: 5907px" 
 600           width="100%">
 601             <TBODY>
 602             <TR>
 603               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 604                 >&lt;!ELEMENT CIM (<A href="#SecMESSAGE" >MESSAGE</A></CODE><FONT 
 605                 face="Courier New"><FONT size=2 
 606                 >|<A href="#SecDECLARATION" >DECLARATION</A></FONT></FONT><FONT size=3 
 607                 ><CODE>)&gt;<BR 
 608                 >&lt;!ATTLIST CIM<BR 
 609                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CIMVERSION&nbsp;CDATA 
 610 karl  1.1       #REQUIRED&nbsp;<BR 
 611                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DTDVERSION&nbsp;CDATA 
 612                 #REQUIRED&gt;</CODE></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
 613           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">CIMVERSION</FONT> attribute defines the earliest version of 
 614           the CIM Specification to which the XML Document conforms. It MUST be set to 
 615           "2.0".</P>
 616           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">DTDVERSION</FONT> attribute defines the version of the CIM 
 617           XML Mapping to which the XML Document conforms. It MUST be set to "2.0" to 
 618           conform to this version of the specification.</P>
 619           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 620           <H3>3.2.2. <A name=SecDeclarationElements>Declaration Elements</A></H3>
 621           <P>This section defines those elements of the Schema that 
 622           are concerned with expressing the declaration of CIM objects.</P>
 623           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 624           <H4><A name=SecDECLARATION> 
 625           DECLARATION</A></H4>
 626           <P>The DECLARATION element defines a set of one or more 
 627           declarations of CIM objects.&nbsp; These are partitioned into logical 
 628           declaration subsets.</P>
 629           <P>
 630           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 id=TABLE8 width="100%">
 631 karl  1.1   <TBODY>
 632             <TR>
 633               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 634                 >&lt;!ELEMENT </CODE><FONT face="Courier New" 
 635                 ><FONT size=2>DECLARATION&nbsp; 
 637                 ></FONT></FONT>&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
 638           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
 639           <H4><A name=SecDECLGROUP> 
 640           DECLGROUP</A></H4>
 641           <P>The DECLGROUP element defines a logical set of 
 642           CIM&nbsp;Class, Instance and Qualifier declarations.&nbsp; It&nbsp;MAY 
 643           optionally include a&nbsp;<A href="#SecNAMESPACEPATH" >NAMESPACEPATH</A> or <A href="#SecLOCALNAMESPACEPATH" >LOCALNAMESPACEPATH</A> element which, if 
 644           present,&nbsp;defines the common namespace in which all objects within the group 
 645           are declared.</P>
 646           <P>The objects within the group are CIM 
 647           Classes,&nbsp;Instances and Qualifiers. </P>
 648           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 649             <TBODY>
 650             <TR>
 651               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 652 karl  1.1       >&lt;!ELEMENT </CODE><FONT face="Courier New" 
 653                 ><FONT size=2>DECLGROUP&nbsp; 
 655           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
 656           <P><A href="#SecContents" ></FONT></A></P>
 658           <P>The DECLGROUP.WITHNAME element defines a logical set of 
 659           CIM&nbsp;Class, Instance and Qualifier declarations.&nbsp; It&nbsp;MAY 
 660           optionally include a&nbsp;<A href="#SecNAMESPACEPATH" >NAMESPACEPATH</A> or <A href="#SecLOCALNAMESPACEPATH" >LOCALNAMESPACEPATH</A> element which, if 
 661           present,&nbsp;defines the common namespace in which all objects within the group 
 662           are declared.</P>
 663           <P>The objects within the group are CIM 
 664           Classes,&nbsp;Instances and Qualifiers. </P>
 665           <P>This element extends the DECLGROUP element in the sense 
 666           that any Instance declaration contains an explicit Instance Name (i.e. a Model 
 667           Path in the terms of the CIM specification [1]).</P>
 668           <P>
 669           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 670             <TBODY>
 671             <TR>
 672               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 673 karl  1.1       >&lt;!ELEMENT </CODE><FONT face="Courier New" 
 674                 ><FONT size=2 
 676                 ></FONT></FONT><A href="#SecVALUENAMEDOBJECT" >VALUE.NAMEDOBJECT</A>*)&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
 677           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
 679           <P>The DECLGROUP.WITHPATH element defines a logical set of 
 680           CIM&nbsp;Class and Instance declarations.&nbsp; Each object is declared with its 
 681           own independent naming and location information.&nbsp;</P>
 682           <P>
 683           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 684             <TBODY>
 685             <TR>
 686               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 687                 >&lt;!ELEMENT </CODE><FONT face="Courier New" 
 688                 ><FONT size=2 
 690                 ></FONT></FONT><A href="#SecVALUEOBJECTWITHLOCALPATH" >WITHLOCALPATH</A>)*&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
 691           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
 693           <P>The QUALIFIER.DECLARATION element defines a single CIM 
 694 karl  1.1 Qualifier declaration. </P>
 695           <P>The declaration MAY include a default value.&nbsp; If 
 696           the Qualifier has a non-array type, it contains a single <A href="#SecVALUE" >VALUE</A> element representing 
 697           the value of the Qualifier. If the Qualifier has an array type, it contains a 
 698           single <A href="#SecVALUEARRAY" >VALUE.ARRAY</A> element to represent the 
 699           value.</P>
 700           <P>The <A href="#SecSCOPE" >SCOPE</A> subelement, if present, defines the valid 
 701           set of scopes for this Qualifier.&nbsp; If absent it implies that there is no 
 702           restriction on the scope at which the Qualifier may be applied (so that it has 
 703           'any' scope in the terminology of CIM [1]).</P>
 704           <P>
 705           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 style="LEFT: 0px; TOP: -1px" 
 706           width="100%">
 707             <TBODY>
 708             <TR>
 709               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
 710                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT 
 711                 QUALIFIER.DECLARATION (<A href="#SecSCOPE" >SCOPE</A>?,(<A href="#SecVALUE" >VALUE</A>|<A href="#SecVALUEARRAY" >VALUE.ARRAY</A>)?)&gt;<BR 
 712                 >&lt;!ATTLIST QUALIFIER.DECLARATION&nbsp;<BR 
 713                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A><BR 
 714                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMType" >%CIMType;</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 715 karl  1.1       #REQUIRED&nbsp;<BR 
 716                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 717                 ISARRAY&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 718                 #IMPLIED<BR 
 719                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecArraySize" >%ArraySize;</A><BR 
 720                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecQualifierFlavor" >%QualifierFlavor;</A>&gt;</FONT><CODE 
 721                 > </CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><FONT face=Verdana size=2></P></FONT>
 722           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the Qualifier, 
 723           and the <FONT face="Courier New">TYPE</FONT> and <FONT 
 724           face="Courier New">ISARRAY</FONT> attributes together 
 725           define the CIM Type. The <FONT face="Courier New">ISARRAY</FONT> attribute MUST be present if 
 726           the&nbsp;Qualifier declares no default value, in order to infer whether the 
 727           Qualifier has an array type or not.&nbsp; The <FONT face="Courier New">ISARRAY</FONT> attribute SHOULD be absent if the Qualifier 
 728           declares a default value, as in this case whether the Qualifier has an array 
 729           type can be deduced from whether a VALUE or VALUE.ARRAY element is used to 
 730           declare that default; if present its value MUST be consistent with the declared 
 731           Qualifier default value.</P>
 732           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">ARRAYSIZE</FONT> attribute MUST NOT be present if the value 
 733           of the <FONT face="Courier New">ISARRAY</FONT> attribute is 
 734           <FONT face="Courier New">true</FONT>. If the <FONT 
 735           face="Courier New">ARRAYSIZE</FONT> attribute 
 736 karl  1.1 is&nbsp;present, this indicates that the values taken by this Qualifier MUST be 
 737           of the size&nbsp;specified by the value of this attribute.</P>
 738           <P>The flavor attributes declared using the QualifierFlavor 
 739           entity define the propogation and override semantics for the Qualifier.</P>
 740           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 741           <H4><A name=SecSCOPE> 
 742           SCOPE</A></H4>
 743           <P>The&nbsp;SCOPE element defines the scope of a&nbsp;<A href="#SecQUALIFIERDECLARATION" >QUALIFIER.DECLARATION</A> in the case 
 744           that there are restrictions on the scope of the Qualifier declaration. </P>
 745           <P>
 746           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 style="LEFT: 0px; TOP: -1px" 
 747           width="100%">
 748             <TBODY>
 749             <TR>
 750               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
 751                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;SCOPE 
 752                 EMPTY&gt;<BR>&lt;!ATTLIST&nbsp;SCOPE&nbsp;<BR 
 753                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CLASS&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 754                 (true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 'false'<BR 
 755                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ASSOCIATION&nbsp; 
 756                 (true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 'false'<BR 
 757 karl  1.1       >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;REFERENCE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 758                 (true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 'false'<BR 
 759                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PROPERTY&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 760                 'false'<BR 
 761                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;METHOD&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 762                 (true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 'false'<BR 
 763                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PARAMETER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 764                 (true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 'false'<BR 
 765                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;INDICATION&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(true|false)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
 766                 'false'&gt;</FONT><CODE> 
 767           </CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><FONT face=Verdana size=2></P></FONT>
 768           <P>The attributes define which scopes are valid.&nbsp; A 
 769           SCOPE element MUST declare at least one attribute with a true value (otherwise 
 770           the Qualifier would have no applicable scope). </P>
 771           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 772           <H3>3.2.3. <A name=SecVALUEELEMENTS>Value Elements</A></H3>
 773           <P>This section defines those elements of the Schema that 
 774           are concerned with expressing the&nbsp;value of CIM objects.</P>
 775           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 776           <H4><A name=SecVALUE> 
 777           VALUE</A></H4>
 778 karl  1.1 <P>The VALUE element is used to define a single (non-array 
 779           and non-reference) CIM Property value, CIM Qualifier value, or a&nbsp;CIM Method 
 780           Parameter value. </P>
 781           <P>
 782           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 style="LEFT: 10px; TOP: 5960px" 
 783           width="100%">
 784             <TBODY>
 785             <TR>
 786               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 787                 >&lt;!ELEMENT VALUE 
 788           (#PCDATA)&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
 789           <P>Values are not type-validatable using DTD, so each value 
 790           appears in PCDATA format irrespective of the type. The TYPE attribute of the 
 791           parent element will determine the (CIM) type of the value. The format of the 
 792           PCDATA content depends on the CIM type, and is described in what follows.</P>
 793           <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
 794             <P><STRONG>String 
 795           Values</STRONG></P>
 796             <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
 797               <P>If the CIM type is <FONT face="Courier New" 
 798               >string</FONT>, then the PCDATA value MUST be a sequence 
 799 karl  1.1     of zero or more UCS-2 characters. The value MUST NOT be surrounded by string 
 800               delimiter&nbsp;characters (such as double-quote or single-quote). The actual 
 801               representation of characters&nbsp;depends on the <FONT face="Courier New" 
 802               >encoding</FONT> attribute defined for the <FONT 
 803               face="Courier New">&lt;?xml&gt;</FONT>&nbsp;processing 
 804               instruction. </P>
 805               <P>If this value contains reserved XML characters, then 
 806               it MUST be escaped using standard XML character escaping mechanisms. 
 807             </P></BLOCKQUOTE>
 808             <P><STRONG>Character 
 809             Values</STRONG></P>
 810             <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
 811               <P>If the CIM type is <FONT face="Courier New" 
 812               >char</FONT>, then the PCDATA value MUST be a single 
 813               UCS-2 character.&nbsp; The value MUST NOT be surrounded by single-quote 
 814               characters. If this value is a reserved XML character, then it MUST be 
 815               escaped using standard XML character escaping mechanisms. The actual 
 816               representation of the character&nbsp;depends on the <FONT face="Courier New" 
 817               >encoding</FONT> attribute defined for the <FONT 
 818               face="Courier New">&lt;?xml&gt;</FONT>&nbsp;processing 
 819               instruction.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
 820 karl  1.1   <P><STRONG>Real Values</STRONG></P>
 821             <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
 822               <P>If the CIM type is <FONT face="Courier New" 
 823               >real32</FONT> or <FONT face="Courier New" 
 824               >real64</FONT>, then the PCDATA value MUST conform to 
 825               the following syntax:</P>
 826               <P><FONT face="Courier New" 
 827               >&nbsp;[ "+" | "-" ] *decimalDigit "." 1*decimalDigit [ 
 828               ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] 1*decimalDigit ] </FONT></P>
 829               <P>where <FONT face="Courier New" 
 830               >decimalDigit</FONT> is any character from the set 
 831               {<FONT face="Courier New">0</FONT>, <FONT 
 832               face="Courier New">1</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 833               >2</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 834               >3</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 835               >4</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 836               >5</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 837               >6</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 838               >7</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 839               >8</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 840               >9</FONT>}.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
 841 karl  1.1   <P><STRONG>Boolean 
 842             Values</STRONG></P>
 843             <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
 844               <P>If the CIM type is <FONT face="Courier New" 
 845               >boolean</FONT>, then the PCDATA value MUST be either 
 846               <FONT face="Courier New">TRUE</FONT> or <FONT 
 847               face="Courier New">FALSE</FONT>.&nbsp;These values MUST 
 848               be treated as case-insensitive.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
 849             <P><STRONG>Integer 
 850             Values</STRONG></P>
 851             <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
 852               <P>If the CIM type&nbsp;belongs to the set {<FONT 
 853               face="Courier New">uint8</FONT>, <FONT 
 854               face="Courier New">uint16</FONT>, <FONT 
 855               face="Courier New">uint32</FONT>, <FONT 
 856               face="Courier New">uint64</FONT>} then the PCDATA value 
 857               MUST be&nbsp;a valid unsigned decimal or hexadecimal&nbsp;value.</P>
 858               <P>If the CIM type&nbsp;belongs to the set {<FONT 
 859               face="Courier New">sint8</FONT>, <FONT 
 860               face="Courier New">sint16</FONT>, <FONT 
 861               face="Courier New">sint32</FONT>, <FONT 
 862 karl  1.1     face="Courier New">sint64</FONT>} then the PCDATA value 
 863               MUST be&nbsp;a valid signed decimal or hexadecimal&nbsp;value.</P>
 864               <P>Decimal values have the format:</P>
 865               <P>&nbsp;<FONT face="Courier New" 
 866               >[ "+" | "-" ] ( positiveDecimalDigit *decimalDigit | 
 867               "0" )</FONT></P>
 868               <P>Where <FONT face="Courier New" 
 869               >decimalDigit</FONT> is as defined above and <FONT 
 870               face="Courier New">positiveDecimalDigit </FONT>is any 
 871               decimal digit other than <FONT face="Courier New" 
 872               >0</FONT>.&nbsp;The leading sign character MUST NOT be 
 873               used when the CIM type is unsigned.</P>
 874               <P>Hexadecimal values have the format:</P>
 875               <P><FONT face="Courier New" 
 876               >&nbsp;[ "+" | "-" ] ( "0x" | "0X" ) 
 877               1*hexDigit</FONT></P>
 878               <P>Where hexDigit is either a decimalDigit or a 
 879               character from the set {<FONT face="Courier New" 
 880               >a</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 881               >A</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 882               >b</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 883 karl  1.1     >B</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 884               >c</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 885               >C</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 886               >d</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 887               >D</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 888               >e</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 889               >E</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 890               >f</FONT>, <FONT face="Courier New" 
 891               >F</FONT>}. The leading sign character MUST NOT be used 
 892               when the CIM type is unsigned.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
 893             <P><STRONG>Datetime 
 894             Values</STRONG></P>
 895             <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
 896               <P>If the CIM type is <FONT face="Courier New" 
 897               >datetime</FONT> then the PCDATA value MUST be a valid 
 898               datetime value as defined in detail by the CIM specification [1]. (For 
 899               interval values the format is <FONT face="Courier New" 
 900               >ddddddddhhmmss.mmmmmm:000</FONT>, and for absolute 
 901               values the format is <FONT face="Courier New" 
 902               >yyyymmddhhmmss.mmmmmmsutc</FONT>).</P>
 903               <P>The value MUST NOT be surrounded by string 
 904 karl  1.1     delimiter&nbsp;characters (such as double-quote or 
 905             single-quote).</P></BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE>
 906           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
 907           <H4><A name=SecVALUEARRAY> 
 908           VALUE.ARRAY</A></H4>
 909           <P>The VALUE.ARRAY element&nbsp;is used to represent the 
 910           value of a CIM Property or Qualifier that has an array type.</P>
 911           <P>CIM arrays are classified as "Bag", "Ordered" or 
 912           "Indexed" [1] using the ARRAYTYPE Qualifier.&nbsp;If the array is Ordered or 
 913           Indexed then the constituent <A href="#SecVALUE" >VALUE</A> elements MUST appear in the correct 
 914           order.</P><CODE>
 915           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 916             <TBODY>
 917             <TR>
 918               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 919                 >&lt;!ELEMENT VALUE.ARRAY (<A href="#SecVALUE" >VALUE</A>*)&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CODE>
 920           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
 921           <H4><A name=SecVALUEREFERENCE> 
 922           VALUE.REFERENCE</A></H4>
 923           <P>The VALUE.REFERENCE element is used to define a single 
 924           CIM reference Property value. </P>
 925 karl  1.1 <P>If a <A href="#SecLOCALCLASSPATH" >LOCALCLASSPATH</A> or <A href="#SecLOCALINSTANCEPATH" >LOCALINSTANCEPATH</A>&nbsp;subelement is 
 926           used, the target object is assumed to be on the same host.&nbsp; If a <A href="#SecCLASSNAME2" >CLASSNAME</A> or <A href="#SecINSTANCENAME" >INSTANCENAME</A> is used, 
 927           the target object is assumed to be in the same Namespace.</P>
 928           <P>
 929           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 930             <TBODY>
 931             <TR>
 932               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 934           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 935           <H4><A name=SecVALUEREFARRAY> 
 936           VALUE.REFARRAY</A></H4>
 937           <P>The VALUE.REFARRAY element&nbsp;is used to represent the 
 938           value of an array of CIM references.</P>
 939           <P>CIM arrays are classified as "Bag", "Ordered" or 
 940           "Indexed" [1] using the ARRAYTYPE Qualifier.&nbsp;If the array is Ordered or 
 941           Indexed then the constituent <A href="#SecVALUEREFERENCE" >VALUE.REFERENCE</A> elements MUST appear in 
 942           the correct order.</P>
 943           <P><CODE>
 944           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 945             <TBODY>
 946 karl  1.1   <TR>
 947               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 948                 >&lt;!ELEMENT VALUE.REFARRAY (<A href="#SecVALUEREFERENCE" >VALUE.REFERENCE</A>*)&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CODE></P>
 949           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 950           <H4><A name=SecVALUEOBJECT>;</A><A name=SecVALUEOBJECT>VALUE.OBJECT</A></H4>
 951           <P>The VALUE.OBJECT element is used to define a value which 
 952           is comprised of a single CIM Class or Instance definition.</P>
 953           <P>
 954           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 955             <TBODY>
 956             <TR>
 957               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 958                 >&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;VALUE.OBJECT </CODE><FONT 
 959                 face="Courier New"><FONT size=2 
 960                 >(<A href="#SecCLASS" >CLASS</A>|<A href="#SecINSTANCE" >INSTAN</A><CODE 
 961                 ><FONT size=2><A href="#SecINSTANCE" >CE</A></FONT></CODE><CODE 
 962                 ></FONT></FONT>)&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
 963           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
 965           <P>The VALUE.NAMEDINSTANCE element is used to define a 
 966           value which is comprised of a single named CIM Instance definition.</P>
 967 karl  1.1 <P>
 968           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 970             <TR>
 971               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 972                 >&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;VALUE.NAMEDINSTANCE </CODE><FONT 
 973                 face="Courier New"><FONT size=2 
 974                 >(<A href="#SecINSTANCENAME" >INSTANCENAME</A>,<A href="#SecINSTANCE" >INSTAN</A><CODE 
 975                 ><FONT size=2><A href="#SecINSTANCE" >CE</A></FONT></CODE><CODE 
 976                 ></FONT></FONT>)&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
 977           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></FONT></P>
 978           <H4><A name=SecVALUEOBJECT>;</A><A name=SecVALUENAMEDOBJECT>VALUE.NAMEDOBJECT</A> </H4>
 979           <P>The VALUE.NAMEDOBJECT element is used to define a value 
 980           which is comprised of a single named CIM Class or Instance definition.</P>
 981           <P>
 982           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
 983             <TBODY>
 984             <TR>
 985               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
 986                 >&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;VALUE.NAMEDOBJECT </CODE><FONT 
 987                 face="Courier New"><FONT size=2 
 988 karl  1.1       >(<A href="#SecCLASS" >CLASS</A>|(<A href="#SecINSTANCENAME" >INSTANCENAME</A>,<A href="#SecINSTANCE" >INSTAN</A><CODE><FONT 
 989                 size=2><A href="#SecINSTANCE" >CE</A></FONT></CODE><CODE 
 990                 ></FONT></FONT>))&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
 991           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
 992           <H4><A name=SecVALUELOCOBJ> 
 994           <P>The VALUE.OBJECTWITHPATH element is used to define a 
 995           value which is comprised of a single CIM Object (Class or Instance) definition 
 996           with additional information that defines the absolute path&nbsp;to that 
 997           Object.</P>
 998           <P>
 999           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1000             <TBODY>
1001             <TR>
1002               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1003                 >&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;VALUE.OBJECTWITHPATH </CODE><FONT 
1004                 face="Courier New"><FONT size=2 
1005                 >((<A href="#SecCLASSPATH" >CLASSPATH</A>,<A href="#SecCLASS" >CLASS</A>)|(<A href="#SecINSTANCEPATH" >INSTANCEPATH</A>,<A href="#SecINSTANCE" >INSTANCE</A>))<CODE 
1006                 ></FONT></FONT>&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1007           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
1008           <H4><A name=SecVALUELOCOBJ> 
1010           <P>The VALUE.OBJECTWITHLOCALPATH element is used to define 
1011           a value which is comprised of a single CIM Object (Class or Instance) definition 
1012           with additional information that defines the&nbsp;local path&nbsp;to that 
1013           Object.</P>
1014           <P>
1015           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1016             <TBODY>
1017             <TR>
1018               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1019                 >&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;VALUE.OBJECTWITHLOCALPATH 
1020                 </CODE><FONT face="Courier New"><FONT size=2 
1022                 ></FONT></FONT>&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1023           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></FONT></P>
1024           <H3>3.2.4. <A name=SecNamingAndLocationElements>Naming and Location Elements</A></H3>
1025           <P>This section defines those elements of the Schema that 
1026           are concerned with expressing the&nbsp;name and location of CIM objects.</P>
1027           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1028           <H4><A name=SecNAMESPACE> 
1029           </A><A name=SecNAMESPACEPATH>NAMESPACEPATH</A><A 
1030 karl  1.1 name=SecNAMESPACE></A></H4>
1031           <P>The NAMESPACEPATH element is used to define a Namespace 
1032           Path. It consists of a <A href="#SecHOST" >HOST</A> element and a <A href="#SecLOCALNAMESPACE" >LOCALNAMESPACE</A> 
1033           element.&nbsp; </P>
1034           <P>The <A href="#SecNAMESPACE" >NAMESPACE</A> elements MUST appear in heirarchy 
1035           order, with the root Namespace appearing first.</P>
1036           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1037             <TBODY>
1038             <TR>
1039               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1040                 >&lt;!ELEMENT NAMESPACEPATH (<A href="#SecHOST" >HOST</A>,<A href="#SecLOCALNAMESPACEPATH" >LOCALNAMESPACEPATH</A>)&gt; 
1041               </CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
1042           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1044           <P>The LOCALNAMESPACEPATH&nbsp;element is used to define a 
1045           local Namespace path (one without a Host component). It consists of one or more 
1046           <A href="#SecNAMESPACE" >NAMESPACE</A> elements (one for each namespace in 
1047           the path).</P>
1048           <P>
1049           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1050             <TBODY>
1051 karl  1.1   <TR>
1052               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1053                 >&lt;!ELEMENT LOCALNAMESPACEPATH (<A href="#SecNAMESPACE" >NAMESPACE</A>+)&gt; 
1054           </CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1055           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1056           <H4><A name=SecHOST> 
1057           HOST</A></H4>
1058           <P>The HOST element is used to define a single Host. The 
1059           element content MUST specify a legal value for a hostname in accordance with the 
1060           CIM specification [1].</P>
1061           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1062             <TBODY>
1063             <TR>
1064               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1065                 >&lt;!ELEMENT HOST (#PCDATA)&gt; 
1066           </CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
1067           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
1068           <H4><A name=SecNAMESPACE> 
1069           NAMESPACE</A></H4>
1070           <P>The NAMESPACE element is used to define a single 
1071           Namespace component of a Namespace path.&nbsp; </P>
1072 karl  1.1 <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 id=TABLE2 width="100%">
1073             <TBODY>
1074             <TR>
1075               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1076                 >&lt;!ELEMENT NAMESPACE EMPTY&gt; <BR 
1077                 >&lt;!ATTLIST NAMESPACE<BR 
1078                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A>&gt; </CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
1079           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME 
1080           </FONT>attribute defines the name of the Namespace. </P>
1081           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P></FONT>
1082           <H4><A name=SecCLASSPATH> 
1083           CLASSPATH</A></H4>
1084           <P>The CLASSPATH element defines the 
1085           absolute&nbsp;path&nbsp;to a CIM Class. It is formed from a namespace path and 
1086           Class name.&nbsp; </P>
1087           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1088             <TBODY>
1089             <TR>
1090               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1092                 >&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
1093 karl  1.1 <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1094           <H4><A name=SecCLASSPATH> 
1095           </A><A name=SecLOCALCLASSPATH>LOCALCLASSPATH</A></H4>
1096           <P>The LOCALCLASSPATH element defines the a local 
1097           path&nbsp;to a CIM Class. It is formed from a local namespace path and Class 
1098           name.&nbsp; </P>
1099           <P>
1100           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1101             <TBODY>
1102             <TR>
1103               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1105                 >&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1106           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1107           <H4><A name=SecCLASSPATH> 
1108           </A><A name=SecCLASSNAME2>CLASSNAME</A><A name=SecCLASSPATH></A></H4>
1109           <P>The CLASSNAME element defines the qualifying name of a 
1110           CIM Class.&nbsp; </P>
1111           <P>
1112           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1113             <TBODY>
1114 karl  1.1   <TR>
1115               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1116                 >&lt;!ELEMENT CLASSNAME EMPTY</CODE><CODE 
1117                 >&gt;<BR>&lt;!ATTLIST 
1118                 CLASSNAME<BR 
1119                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A>&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1120           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the class.</P>
1121           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1122           <H4><A name=SecINSTANCEPATH> 
1123           INSTANCEPATH</A></H4>
1124           <P>The INSTANCEPATH element defines the absolute path to a 
1125           CIM Instance.&nbsp;It is comprised of a Namespace path and an Instance Name 
1126           (model path).</P>
1127           <P>
1128           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1129             <TBODY>
1130             <TR>
1131               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1133                 ><A href="#SecINSTANCENAME" >INSTANCENAME</A>)&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1134           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1135 karl  1.1 <H4><A name=SecINSTANCEPATH> 
1137           <P>The LOCALINSTANCEPATH element defines the&nbsp;local 
1138           path to a CIM Instance.&nbsp;It is comprised of a local Namespace path and an 
1139           Instance Name (model path).</P>
1140           <P>
1141           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1142             <TBODY>
1143             <TR>
1144               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1146                 ><A href="#SecINSTANCENAME" >INSTANCENAME</A>)&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1147           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1148           <H4><A name=SecINSTANCEPATH> 
1149           </A><A name=SecINSTANCENAME>INSTANCENAME</A></H4>
1150           <P>The INSTANCENAME element defines the location of a CIM 
1151           Instance within a Namespace (it is referred to in the CIM Specification [1] as a 
1152           Model Path).&nbsp;It is comprised of a class name and a key 
1153           binding&nbsp;information.</P>
1154           <P>If the Class has a single key property, then&nbsp;a 
1155           single <A href="#SecKEYVALUE" >KEYVALUE</A> or <A href="#SecVALUEREFERENCE" >VALUE.REFERENCE</A>&nbsp;subelement may be 
1156 karl  1.1 used to describe the (necessarily) unique key value without a key name. 
1157           Alternatively a single <A href="#SecKEYBINDING" >KEYBINDING</A> sublement may be used instead.</P>
1158           <P>If the Class has more than one key property, then a <A href="#SecKEYBINDING" >KEYBINDING</A> subelement MUST appear for each 
1159           key.</P>
1160           <P>If there are no key-bindings specified, the instance is 
1161           assumed to be a singleton instance of a keyless Class.</P>
1162           <P>
1163           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1164             <TBODY>
1165             <TR>
1166               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1167                 >&lt;!ELEMENT INSTANCENAME (</CODE><FONT size=2 
1168                 ><FONT face="Courier New"><A href="#SecKEYBINDING" >KEYBINDING</A>*|</FONT><CODE 
1169                 ></FONT><A href="#SecKEYVALUE" >KEYVALUE</A><FONT face="Courier New" size=2 
1170                 >?|<A href="#SecVALUEREFERENCE" >VALUE.REFERENCE</A></FONT>?)&gt;<BR 
1171                 >&lt;!ATTLIST INSTANCENAME<BR 
1172                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecClassName" >%ClassName;</A>&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1173           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">CLASSNAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the class 
1174           for this path.</P>
1175           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1176           <H4><A name=SecVALUELOCOBJNAME> </A><A name=SecOBJECTPATH>OBJECTPATH</A></H4>
1177 karl  1.1 <P>The&nbsp;OBJECTPATH element is used to define a full 
1178           path to a single CIM Object (Class or Instance).</P>
1179           <P>
1180           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1181             <TBODY>
1182             <TR>
1183               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1184                 >&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;OBJECTPATH </CODE><FONT 
1185                 face="Courier New"><FONT size=2 
1186                 >(<A href="#SecINSTANCEPATH" >INSTANCEPATH</A>|<A href="#SecCLASSPATH" >CLASSPATH</A>)<CODE 
1187                 ></FONT></FONT>&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1188           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1189           <H4><A name=SecKEYBINDING> 
1190           KEYBINDING</A></H4>
1191           <P>The KEYBINDING element defines a single&nbsp;key 
1192           property value binding. </P>
1193           <P>
1194           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 id=TABLE3 width="100%">
1195             <TBODY>
1196             <TR>
1197               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1198 karl  1.1       >&lt;!ELEMENT KEYBINDING (</CODE><FONT 
1199                 face="Courier New" size=2><A href="#SecKEYVALUE" >KEYVALUE</A><FONT 
1200                 face="Courier New" size=2>|<A href="#SecVALUEREFERENCE" >VALUE.REFERENCE</A></FONT>)&gt;<BR 
1201                 >&lt;!ATTLIST KEYBINDING<BR 
1202                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A>&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1203           <P>The&nbsp;<FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute indicates the name of the key 
1204           property.</P>
1205           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
1206           <H4><A name=SecKEYVALUE> 
1207           KEYVALUE</A></H4>
1208           <P>The KEYVALUE element defines a single property key value 
1209           when the key property is a non-reference type.&nbsp;&nbsp;</P>
1210           <P>
1211           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1212             <TBODY>
1213             <TR>
1214               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1215                 >&lt;!ELEMENT KEYVALUE (#PCDATA)&gt;<BR 
1216                 >&lt;!ATTLIST KEYVALUE<BR 
1217                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;VALUETYPE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1218                 (string|boolean|numeric)&nbsp; 'string'&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1219 karl  1.1 <P>Values are not type-validatable using DTD, so each value 
1220           appears in PCDATA format irrespective of the type. The&nbsp;CIM Type of the 
1221           underlying key property determines the&nbsp;format of the PCDATA value.&nbsp; 
1222           The rules for how the content of this element&nbsp;is formatted depending 
1223           on&nbsp;that CIM type are exactly the same as for the <A href="#SecValue" >VALUE</A> element.</P>
1224           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">VALUETYPE</FONT> attribute provides necessary and 
1225           sufficient information regarding the CIM type to allow the transformation of the 
1226           key value to and from its' textual equivalent (as part of a text-based CIM 
1227           object path, as defined in [1]).&nbsp; The value of this attribute MUST conform 
1228           to the following rules:</P>
1229           <UL>
1230             <LI>If the CIM type is string, datetime or char16, then 
1231             the value is <FONT face="Courier New">string</FONT>. 
1232             <LI>If the CIM type is boolean, then the value is <FONT 
1233             face="Courier New">boolean</FONT>. 
1234             <LI>Otherwise the value is <FONT face="Courier New" 
1235             >numeric</FONT>.</LI></UL>
1236           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
1237           <H3>3.2.5. <A name=SecObjectDefinitionElements>Object Definition Elements</A></H3>
1238           <P>This section defines those elements of the Schema that 
1239           are concerned with expressing the&nbsp;definition of CIM objects (Classes, 
1240 karl  1.1 Instances, Properties, Methods and Qualifiers).</P>
1241           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1242           <H4><A name=SecCLASS> 
1243           CLASS</A></H4>
1244           <P>The CLASS element defines a single CIM Class.</P>
1245           <P>
1246           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1247             <TBODY>
1248             <TR>
1249               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1250                 >&lt;!ELEMENT CLASS (<A href="#SecQUALIFIER" >QUALI</A></CODE><FONT 
1251                 face="Courier New"><FONT size=2 
1253                 ></FONT></FONT><A href="#SecMETHOD" >METHOD</A>*)&gt;<BR 
1254                 >&lt;!ATTLIST CLASS&nbsp;<BR 
1255                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A><BR 
1256                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecSuperClass" >%SuperClass;</A>&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><FONT 
1257           face=Verdana size=2></P></FONT>
1258           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the Class.</P>
1259           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">SUPERCLASS</FONT> attribute, if present, defines the name 
1260           of the superclass of this class. If absent, it should be inferred that the class 
1261 karl  1.1 in question has no superclass.</P>
1262           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1263           <H4><A name=SecINSTANCE> 
1264           INSTANCE</A></H4>
1265           <P>The INSTANCE element defines a single CIM Instance of a 
1266           CIM Class.</P>
1267           <P>
1268           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1269             <TBODY>
1270             <TR>
1271               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1272                 >&lt;!ELEMENT INSTANCE (<A href="#SecQUALIFIER" >QUALIFIER</A></CODE><CODE 
1274                 >)*)&gt;<BR>&lt;!ATTLIST 
1275                 INSTANCE<BR 
1276                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecClassName" >%ClassName;</A>&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1277           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">CLASSNAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the CIM 
1278           Class of which this is an Instance.</P>
1279           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
1280           <H4><A name=SecQUALIFIER> 
1281           QUALIFIER</A></H4>
1282 karl  1.1 <P>The QUALIFIER element defines a single CIM Qualifier. If 
1283           the Qualifier has a non-array type, it contains a single <A href="#SecVALUE" >VALUE</A> element representing 
1284           the value of the Qualifier. If the Qualifier has an array type, it contains a 
1285           single <A href="#SecVALUEARRAY" >VALUE.ARRAY</A> element to represent the 
1286           value.</P>
1287           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 style="LEFT: 0px; TOP: -1px" 
1288           width="100%">
1289             <TBODY>
1290             <TR>
1291               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1292                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT QUALIFIER (<A href="#SecVALUE" >VALUE</A>|<A href="#SecVALUEARRAY" >VALUE.ARRAY</A>)&gt;<BR 
1293                 >&lt;!ATTLIST QUALIFIER&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR 
1294                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A><BR 
1295                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMType" >%CIMType;</A>&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1296                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1297                 #REQUIRED&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR 
1298                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecPropagated" >%Propagated;</A><BR 
1299                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecQualifierFlavor" >%QualifierFlavor;</A>&gt;</FONT><CODE 
1300                 > </CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FONT>
1301           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the Qualifier, 
1302           and the <FONT face="Courier New">TYPE</FONT> defines the 
1303 karl  1.1 CIM Type. </P>
1304           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1305           <H4><A name=SecPROPERTY> 
1306           PROPERTY</A></H4>
1307           <P>The PROPERTY element defines a single (non-array) CIM 
1308           Property that is not a reference. It&nbsp;contains a single <A href="#SecVALUE" >VALUE</A> element&nbsp; 
1309           representing the value of the Property.</P>
1310           <P>If the Property has no assigned value then the <A href="#SecVALUE" >VALUE</A> 
1311           element MUST be absent.</P>
1312           <P>CIM Reference Properties are described using the&nbsp;<A href="#SecPROPERTYREFERENCE" >PROPERTY.REFERENCE</A> element.</P></FONT>
1313           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1314             <TBODY>
1315             <TR>
1316               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1317                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT PROPERTY (<A href="#SecQUALIFIER" >QUALIFIER</A>*,<A href="#SecVALUE" >VALUE</A>?)&gt;<BR 
1318                 >&lt;!ATTLIST PROPERTY&nbsp; <BR 
1319                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A><BR 
1320                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMType" >%CIMType;</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#REQUIRED&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR 
1321                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecClassOrigin" >%ClassOrigin;</A><BR 
1322                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecPropagated" >%Propagated;</A>&gt;</FONT><CODE 
1323                 > </CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><FONT face=Verdana size=2></FONT>
1324 karl  1.1 <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME 
1325           </FONT>attribute defines the name of the Property, and the TYPE defines the CIM 
1326           Type. </P>
1327           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1328           <H4><A name=SecPROPERTYARRAY> 
1329           PROPERTY.ARRAY</A></H4>
1330           <P>The PROPERTY.ARRAY element defines a single CIM Property 
1331           with an array type. It&nbsp;contains a single <A href="#SecVALUEARRAY" >VALUE.ARRAY</A> 
1332           element&nbsp; representing the value of the Property.</P>
1333           <P>If the Property has no assigned value then the <A href="#SecVALUEARRAY" >VALUE.ARRAY</A> element MUST be absent.</P>
1334           <P>There is no element to model a Property that contains an 
1335           array of references as this is not a valid Property type according to CIM 
1336           [1].</P>
1337           <P></P>
1338           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 id=TABLE7 width="100%">
1339             <TBODY>
1340             <TR>
1341               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1342                 ><FONT face="Courier New" size=2 
1343                 >&lt;!ELEMENT PROPERTY.ARRAY (<A href="#SecQUALIFIER" >QUALIFIER</A>*,<A href="#SecVALUEARRAY" >VALUE.ARRAY</A>?)&gt;<BR 
1344                 >&lt;!ATTLIST PROPERTY.ARRAY&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR 
1345 karl  1.1       >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A><BR 
1346                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMType" >%CIMType;</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#REQUIRED&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR 
1347                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecArraySize" >%ArraySize;</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR 
1348                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecClassOrigin" >%ClassOrigin;</A><BR 
1349                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecPropagated" >%Propagated;</A>&gt;</FONT> 
1350             </CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
1351           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the Property, and 
1352           the <FONT face="Courier New">TYPE</FONT> defines the CIM 
1353           Type.</P>
1354           <P>If the <FONT face="Courier New">ARRAYSIZE</FONT> attribute is not present on a 
1355           PROPERTY.ARRAY element within a containing <A href="#SecCLASS" >CLASS</A> or <A href="#SecASSOCIATIONCLASS" >ASSOCIATION.CLASS</A> element, this 
1356           indicates that the array is of variable size. </P>
1357           <P>Presence or otherwise of&nbsp;the <FONT 
1358           face="Courier New">ARRAYSIZE</FONT> attribute&nbsp;on a 
1359           PROPERTY.ARRAY element within a containing <A href="#SecINSTANCE" >INSTANCE</A> element MUST NOT 
1360           be taken to imply that the Property type is or is not a fixed-size array (i.e. 
1361           the <A href="#SecCLASS" >CLASS</A> 
1362           definition is always authoritative in this respect).</P>
1363           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
1365           <P>The PROPERTY.REFERENCE element models a single CIM 
1366 karl  1.1 Property with reference semantics. In future the features of XML Linking [<A href="#RefXLL" >4</A>]&nbsp;may be 
1367           used to identify linking elements within the XML Document;&nbsp;as XML Linking 
1368           is currently only at Working Draft status no explicit dependencies have been 
1369           made at this point.</P>
1370           <P>
1371           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1372             <TBODY>
1373             <TR>
1374               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1375                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT 
1376                 PROPERTY.REFERENCE (<A href="#SecQUALIFIER" >QUALIFIER</A><FONT face="Courier New" size=2 
1377                 >*,<A href="#SecVALUEREFERENCE" >VALUE.REFERENCE</A></FONT>?)&gt;<BR 
1378                 >&lt;!ATTLIST PROPERTY.REFERENCE<BR 
1379                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A><BR 
1380                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecReferenceClass" >%ReferenceClass;<BR 
1381                 ></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecClassOrigin" >%ClassOrigin;</A><BR 
1382                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecPropagated" >%Propagated;</A>&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1383           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME 
1384           </FONT>attribute defines the name of the Property. </P>
1385           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">REFERENCECLASS</FONT>&nbsp;attribute, if present, defines 
1386           the strong type of the reference.&nbsp; If not present it indicates that this 
1387 karl  1.1 reference is not strongly typed.</P>
1388           <P>The ClassOrigin and Propagated entities are used in the 
1389           same manner as for other CIM Properties.</P>
1390           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1391           <H4><A name=SecMETHOD> 
1392           METHOD</A></H4>
1393           <P>The METHOD element defines a single CIM Method. It may 
1394           have Qualifiers, and zero or more parameters. </P>
1395           <P>The order of the&nbsp;<A href="#SecPARAMETER" >PARAMETER</A>, <A href="#SecPARAMETERREFERENCE" >PARAMETER.REFERENCE</A>,&nbsp;<A href="#SecPARAMETERARRAY" >PARAMETER.ARRAY</A>&nbsp;and <A href="#SecPARAMETERREFARRAY" >PARAMETER.REFARRAY</A>&nbsp;subelements is 
1396           significant as it MUST conform to the parameter order in the formal signature of 
1397           the method. </P>
1398           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1399             <TBODY>
1400             <TR>
1401               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1403                 >&lt;!ATTLIST METHOD&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR 
1404                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A><BR 
1405                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMType" >%CIMType;</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1406                 #IMPLIED&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR 
1407                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecClassOrigin" >%ClassOrigin;</A><BR 
1408 karl  1.1       >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecPropagated" >%Propagated;</A>&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
1409           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the Method. </P>
1410           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">TYPE 
1411           </FONT>attribute defines the method return type, if the method returns a 
1412           value.&nbsp; If this attribute is absent then the method MUST&nbsp; return no 
1413           value (i.e. it has the special return type <FONT face="Courier New">void</FONT>).</P>
1414           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
1415           <H4><A name=SecPARAMETER> 
1416           PARAMETER</A></H4>
1417           <P>The PARAMETER element defines a single (non-array, 
1418           non-reference) Parameter to a CIM Method.&nbsp;The parameter&nbsp;MAY 
1419           have&nbsp;zero or more Qualifiers.</P>
1420           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 id=TABLE5 width="100%">
1421             <TBODY>
1422             <TR>
1423               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1424                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT PARAMETER (<A href="#SecQUALIFIER" >QUALIFIER</A>*)&gt;<BR 
1425                 >&lt;!ATTLIST PARAMETER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR 
1426                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR 
1427                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMType" >%CIMType;</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1428                 #REQUIRED&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
1429 karl  1.1 <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the Parameter. 
1430           The <FONT face="Courier New">TYPE</FONT> attribute defines 
1431           the CIM type of the parameter.</P>
1432           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
1434           <P>The PARAMETER.REFERENCE element defines a single 
1435           reference Parameter to a CIM Method. The parameter&nbsp;MAY have&nbsp;zero or 
1436           more Qualifiers.</P>
1437           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1438             <TBODY>
1439             <TR>
1440               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1441                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT 
1442                 PARAMETER.REFERENCE (<A href="#SecQUALIFIER" >QUALIFIER</A>*)&gt;<BR 
1443                 >&lt;!ATTLIST PARAMETER.REFERENCE<BR 
1444                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A><BR 
1445                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecReferenceClass" >%ReferenceClass;</A>&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FONT>
1446           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the Parameter. 
1447           </P>
1448           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">REFERENCECLASS</FONT> attribute, if present, defines the 
1449           strong type of the reference.&nbsp; If absent the parameter is assumed to a 
1450 karl  1.1 reference that is not strongly typed.</P>
1451           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
1452           <H4><A name=SecPARAMETERARRAY> PARAMETER.ARRAY</A></H4>
1453           <P>The PARAMETER.ARRAY element defines a single Parameter 
1454           to a CIM Method that has an array type. The parameter&nbsp;MAY have&nbsp;zero or 
1455           more Qualifiers.</P>
1456           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1457             <TBODY>
1458             <TR>
1459               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1460                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT 
1461                 PARAMETER.ARRAY (<A href="#SecQUALIFIER" >QUALIFIER</A>*)&gt;<BR 
1462                 >&lt;!ATTLIST PARAMETER.ARRAY<BR 
1463                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A><BR 
1464                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMType" >%CIMType;</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1465                 #REQUIRED<BR 
1466                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecArraySize" >%ArraySize;</A>&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FONT>
1467           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the Parameter. 
1468           The <FONT face="Courier New">TYPE</FONT> attribute defines 
1469           the CIM type of the parameter.</P>
1470           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">ARRAYSIZE </FONT>attribute is present if and only if the 
1471 karl  1.1 array is constrained to a fixed number of elements. If it has empty content this 
1472           indicates that the array is of variable size.</P>
1473           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
1475           <P>The PARAMETER.REFARRAY element defines a single 
1476           Parameter to a CIM Method that has an array of references type. The 
1477           parameter&nbsp;MAY have&nbsp;zero or more Qualifiers.</P>
1478           <P>
1479           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1480             <TBODY>
1481             <TR>
1482               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1483                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT 
1484                 PARAMETER.REFARRAY (<A href="#SecQUALIFIER" >QUALIFIER</A>*)&gt;<BR 
1485                 >&lt;!ATTLIST PARAMETER.REFARRAY<BR 
1486                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A><BR 
1487                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecReferenceClass" >%ReferenceClass;</A><BR 
1488                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecArraySize" >%ArraySize;</A>&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FONT></P>
1489           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the Parameter. 
1490           </P>
1491           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">REFERENCECLASS</FONT>&nbsp;attribute defines the strong 
1492 karl  1.1 type of a reference.&nbsp; If absent, it is assumed that the parameter 
1493           is&nbsp;not a strongly typed reference.</P>
1494           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">ARRAYSIZE</FONT> attribute is present if and only if the 
1495           array is constrained to a fixed number of elements. If&nbsp;absent this 
1496           indicates that the array is of variable size.</P>
1497           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
1498           <H3>3.2.6. <A name=SecMessageElements>Message Elements</A></H3>
1499           <P>This section defines those elements of the Schema that 
1500           are concerned with expressing the&nbsp;definition of CIM Messages for the CIM 
1501           Mapping onto HTTP [9].</P>
1502           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1503           <H4><A name=SecMESSAGE> 
1504           MESSAGE</A></H4>
1505           <P>The MESSAGE element models a single CIM message.&nbsp; 
1506           This element is used as the basis for CIM Operations [9].</P>
1507           <P>
1508           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1509             <TBODY>
1510             <TR>
1511               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1512                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT MESSAGE (<A href="#SecSIMPLEREQ" >SIMPLEREQ</A>|<A href="#SecMULTIREQ" >MULTIREQ</A>|<A href="#SecSIMPLERSP" >SIMPLERSP</A>|<A href="#SecMULTIRSP" >MULTIRSP</A>)&gt;<BR 
1513 karl  1.1       >&lt;!ATTLIST&nbsp;MESSAGE<BR 
1514                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ID&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1515                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; #REQUIRED<BR 
1516                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1517                 PROTOCOLVERSION CDATA&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1518             #REQUIRED&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1519           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">ID</FONT> attribute defines an identifier for the 
1520           MESSAGE.&nbsp; The content of the value is not constrained by this 
1521           specification, but the intention is this be used as a correlation mechanism 
1522           between two CIM&nbsp; entities.</P>
1523           <P>The PROTOCOLVERSION attribute defines the version of the 
1524           CIM&nbsp;Mapping to which this message conforms. </P>
1525           <P>The&nbsp;HTTP mapping specification [9] provides more 
1526           details on the values&nbsp;that these attributes may take.</P>
1527           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A> </P>
1528           <H4><A name=SecMULTIREQ> 
1529           MULTIREQ</A></H4>
1530           <P>The MULTIREQ element defines a&nbsp;Multiple CIM 
1531           Operation request.&nbsp; It contains two or more&nbsp;subelements defining the 
1532           <A href="#SecSIMPLEREQ" >SIMPLEREQ</A> elements that make up this multiple 
1533           request.</P>
1534 karl  1.1 <P>
1535           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1536             <TBODY>
1537             <TR>
1538               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1539                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;MULTIREQ 
1540                 (<A href="#SecSIMPLEREQ" >SIMPLEREQ</A>,<A href="#SecSIMPLEREQ" >SIMPLEREQ</A>+)&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1541           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
1542           <H4><A name=SecSIMPLEREQ> 
1543           SIMPLEREQ</A></H4>
1544           <P>The SIMPLEREQ element defines a Simple CIM Operation 
1545           request.&nbsp; It contains either a <A href="#SecMETHODCALL" >METHODCALL</A> (extrinsic 
1546           method) element or an <A href="#SecIMETHODCALL" >IMETHODCALL</A> (intrinsic method) element.</P>
1547           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1548             <TBODY>
1549             <TR>
1550               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1551                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;SIMPLEREQ 
1552                 (<A href="#SecMETHODCALL" >METHODCALL</A>|<A href="#SecIMETHODCALL" >IMETHODCALL</A>)&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
1553           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
1554           <H4><A name=SecMETHODCALL> 
1555 karl  1.1 METHODCALL</A></H4>
1556           <P>The METHODCALL element defines a single method 
1557           invocation on a Class or Instance.&nbsp; It specifies the local path of the 
1558           target Class or Instance, followed by zero or more <A href="#SecPARAMVALUE" >PARAMVALUE</A>&nbsp;subelements as the parameter 
1559           values to be passed to the method.</P>
1560           <P>
1561           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1562             <TBODY>
1563             <TR>
1564               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1565                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT METHODCALL 
1567                 >&lt;!ATTLIST&nbsp;METHODCALL<BR 
1568                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A>&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1569           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the method to be 
1570           invoked.</P>
1571           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1572           <H4><A name=SecPARAMVALUE> 
1573           PARAMVALUE</A></H4>
1574           <P>The PARAMVALUE element defines a single extrinsic method 
1575           named parameter value. If&nbsp;no subelement&nbsp;is present this indicates that 
1576 karl  1.1 no value has been supplied for this parameter.</P>
1577           <P>
1578           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1579             <TBODY>
1580             <TR>
1581               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1582                 face="Courier New" size=2 
1583                 >&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;PARAMVALUE (<A href="#SecVALUE" >VALUE</A>|<A href="#SecVALUEREFERENCE" >VALUE.REFERENCE</A>|<A href="#SecVALUEARRAY" >VALUE.ARRAY</A>|<A href="#SecVALUEREFARRAY" >VALUE.REFARRAY</A>)?&gt;<BR 
1584                 >&lt;!ATTLIST&nbsp;PARAMVALUE<BR 
1585                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A>&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1586           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the 
1587           parameter.</P>
1588           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></FONT></P>
1589           <H4><A name=SecINTRINSICCALL> 
1590           </A><A name=SecIMETHODCALL>IMETHODCALL</A></H4>
1591           <P>The IMETHODCALL element defines a single intrinsic 
1592           method invocation.&nbsp; It specifies the target local namespace, followed by 
1593           zero or more&nbsp;<A href="#SecIPARAMVALUE" >IPARAMVALUE</A>&nbsp;subelements as the 
1594           parameter values to be passed to the method.</P>
1595           <P>
1596           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1597 karl  1.1   <TBODY>
1598             <TR>
1599               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1600                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT IMETHODCALL 
1602                 >&lt;!ATTLIST&nbsp;IMETHODCALL<BR 
1603                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A>&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1604           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the method to be 
1605           invoked.</P>
1606           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
1607           <H4><A name=SecIPARAMVALUE> 
1608           IPARAMVALUE</A></H4>
1609           <P>The IPARAMVALUE element defines a single intrinsic 
1610           method named parameter value. If&nbsp;no subelement&nbsp;is present this 
1611           indicates that no value has been supplied for this parameter.</P>
1612           <P>
1613           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1614             <TBODY>
1615             <TR>
1616               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1617                 face="Courier New" size=2 
1619                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1620                 <A href="#SecCLASS" >CLASS</A>|<A href="#SecINSTANCE" >INSTAN</A><CODE 
1621                 ><FONT size=2><A href="#SecINSTANCE" >CE</A>|<A href="#SecVALUENAMEDINSTANCE" >VALUE.NAMEDINSTANCE</A></FONT></CODE>)?&gt;<BR 
1622                 >&lt;!ATTLIST&nbsp;IPARAMVALUE<BR 
1623                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A>&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1624           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the 
1625           parameter.</P>
1626           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1627           <H4><A name=SecMULTIRSP> 
1628           MULTIRSP</A></H4>
1629           <P>The MULTIRSP element defines a&nbsp;Multiple CIM 
1630           Operation response.&nbsp; It contains two or more&nbsp;subelements defining the 
1631           <A href="#SecSIMPLERSP" >SIMPLERSP</A> elements that make up this multiple 
1632           response.</P>
1633           <P>
1634           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1635             <TBODY>
1636             <TR>
1637               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1638                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;MULTIRSP 
1639 karl  1.1       (<A href="#SecSIMPLERSP" >SIMPLERSP</A>,<A href="#SecSIMPLERSP" >SIMPLERSP</A>+)&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1640           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
1641           <H4><A name=SecSIMPLERSP> 
1642           SIMPLERSP</A> </H4>
1643           <P>The SIMPLERSP element defines a Simple CIM Operation 
1644           response.&nbsp; It contains either a <A href="#SecMETHODRESPONSE" >METHODRESPONSE</A> (for 
1645           extrinsic methods) or <A href="#SecIMETHODRESPONSE" >IMETHODRESPONSE</A> (for intrinsic methods) 
1646           subelement.</P>
1647           <P>
1648           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1649             <TBODY>
1650             <TR>
1651               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1652                 face="Courier New" size=2>&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;SIMPLERSP 
1654           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
1655           <H4><A name=SecMETHODRESPONSE> METHODRESPONSE</A></H4>
1656           <P>The METHODRESPONSE defines the response to a single CIM 
1657           extrinsic method invocation.&nbsp; It contains either an <A href="#SecERROR" >ERROR</A> subelement (to report a 
1658           fundamental error which prevented the method from executing), or a combination 
1659           of an optional&nbsp;return value and zero or more out parameter values.<CODE></P>
1660 karl  1.1 <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1661             <TBODY>
1662             <TR>
1663               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1664                 >&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;METHODRESPONSE (<A href="#SecERROR" >ERROR</A>|(<A href="#SecRETURNVALUE" >RETURNVALUE</A>?,<A href="#SecPARAMVALUE" >PARAMVALUE</A>*))&gt;<BR 
1665                 >&lt;!ATTLIST&nbsp;METHODRESPONSE<BR 
1666                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A>&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CODE>
1667           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the 
1668           method&nbsp;that was invoked.</P>
1669           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
1671           <P>The IMETHODRESPONSE defines the response to a single 
1672           intrinsic CIM method invocation.&nbsp; It contains either an <A href="#SecERROR" >ERROR</A> subelement (to report a 
1673           fundamental error which prevented the method from executing), or an 
1674           optional&nbsp;return value.<CODE></P>
1675           <P>
1676           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1677             <TBODY>
1678             <TR>
1679               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1680                 >&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;IMETHODRESPONSE (<A href="#SecERROR" >ERROR</A>|<A href="#SecIRETURNVALUE" >IRETURNVALUE</A>?)&gt;<BR 
1681 karl  1.1       >&lt;!ATTLIST&nbsp;IMETHODRESPONSE<BR 
1682                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="#SecCIMName" >%CIMName;</A>&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CODE></P>
1683           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">NAME</FONT> attribute defines the name of the 
1684           method&nbsp;that was invoked.</P>
1685           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1686           <H4><A name=SecERROR> 
1687           ERROR</A></H4>
1688           <P>The&nbsp;ERROR element is used to define a fundamental 
1689           error which prevented a method from executing normally. </P>
1690           <P>
1691           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1692             <TBODY>
1693             <TR>
1694               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><CODE 
1695                 >&lt;!ELEMENT&nbsp;ERROR EMPTY&gt;<BR 
1696                 >&lt;!ATTLIST&nbsp;ERROR<BR 
1697                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CODE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#REQUIRED<BR 
1698                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1699                 DESCRIPTION CDATA&nbsp;&nbsp; #IMPLIED&gt;</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1700           <P>The <FONT face="Courier New">CODE</FONT> attribute contains a numerical status code 
1701           indicating the nature of the error.&nbsp; The valid status codes are defined in 
1702 karl  1.1 [9].&nbsp; The <FONT face="Courier New">DESCRIPTION</FONT> 
1703           attribute, if present, provides a human-readable description of the error.</P>
1704           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1705           <H4><A name=SecRETVAL> </A><A 
1706           name=SecRETURNVALUE>RETURNVALUE</A></H4>
1707           <P>The RETURNVALUE element specifies the value returned 
1708           from an extrinsic method call.</P>
1709           <P>
1710           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1711             <TBODY>
1712             <TR>
1713               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1714                 face="Courier New" size=2 
1716           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</FONT></A></P>
1717           <H4><A name=SecINTRINSICRETVAL> </A><A name=SecIRETURNVALUE>IRETURNVALUE</A></H4>
1718           <P>The IRETURNVALUE element specifies the value returned 
1719           from an intrinsic method call.</P>
1720           <P>
1721           <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=1 width="100%">
1722             <TBODY>
1723 karl  1.1   <TR>
1724               <TD bgColor=#00ffff vAlign=center><FONT 
1725                 face="Courier New" size=2 
1728                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1730                 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
1731                 <A href="#SecCLASS" >CLASS</A>*|<A href="#SecINSTANCE" >INSTAN</A><CODE 
1732                 ><FONT size=2><A href="#SecINSTANCE" >CE</A>*|<A href="#SecVALUENAMEDINSTANCE" >VALUE.NAMEDINSTANCE</A></FONT></CODE>*)&gt;</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
1733           <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1734           <H1><A name=SecReferences>4. 
1735           References</A></H1>
1736           <OL>
1737             <LI><A name=RefCIM></A>"Common 
1738             Information Model (CIM) Specification", Version 2.0, DMTF,&nbsp;3<SUP 
1739             >rd</SUP> March 1998 (<A 
1740             href="http://dmtf.org/spec/cim_spec_v20" 
1741             >http://dmtf.org/spec/cim_spec_v20</A>) 
1742             <LI>"Extensible Markup Language (XML)", Version 1.0, W3C 
1743             Recommendation (<A href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml" 
1744 karl  1.1   >http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml</A>) 
1745             <LI><A name=NamespaceRef 
1746             ></A>"Namespaces in XML", 14<SUP 
1747             >th</SUP> January 1999, W3C Recommendation (<A 
1748             href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names" 
1749             >http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names</A>) 
1750             <LI><A name=RefXLL></A>"XML Linking 
1751             Language (XLink)", 3<SUP>rd</SUP> March 1998, W3C Working 
1752             Draft (<A href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xlink" 
1753             >http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xlink</A> 
1754             <LI><A name=RefXMLWP></A>"XML as a 
1755             Representation for Management Information - A White Paper", Version 1.0, 
1756             DMTF,&nbsp;September 15<SUP>th</SUP> 1998 (<A 
1757             href="http://www.dmtf.org/spec/xmlw.html" 
1758             >http://www.dmtf.org/spec/xmlw.html</A>) 
1759             <LI><A name=RefCSS1></A>"Cascading 
1760             Style Sheets, Level 1", W3C Recommendation 17<SUP 
1761             >th</SUP> December 1996 (<A 
1762             href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS1" 
1763             >http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS1</A>) 
1764             <LI><A name=RefCSS2></A>"Cascading 
1765 karl  1.1   Style Sheets, Level 2", W3C Recommendation, 12<SUP 
1766             >th</SUP> May 1998 (<A 
1767             href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2" 
1768             >http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2</A>) 
1769             <LI><A name=RefXSL></A>"XSL 
1770             Transformations&nbsp;(XSLT)", Version 1.0, W3C&nbsp;Working Draft, 21<SUP 
1771             >st</SUP> April 1999 (<A 
1772             href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsltl" 
1773             >http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xslt</A>) 
1774             <LI>"Specification for CIM Operations over HTTP", Version 
1775             1.0, DMTF, 20<SUP>th</SUP>&nbsp;July 1999 (<A 
1776             href="http://www.dmtf.org/spec/CIM_HTTP_Mapping10.htm" 
1777             >http://www.dmtf.org/spec/CIM_HTTP_Mapping10.htm</A>) 
1778             <LI>"Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement 
1779             Levels",&nbsp;IETF RFC 2119,&nbsp;March 1997 (<A 
1780             href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt" 
1781             >http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt</A>) 
1782             <LI>"CIM XML DTD", Version 2.0, DMTF, 20<SUP 
1783             >th</SUP>&nbsp;July&nbsp;1999 (<A 
1784             href="http://www.dmtf.org/download/spec/xmls/CIM_DTD_V20.txt" 
1785             >http://www.dmtf.org/download/spec/xmls/CIM_DTD_V20.txt</A>)</LI></OL>
1786 karl  1.1 <P><A href="#SecContents" >Back to contents</A></P>
1787           <DL></DL></BODY></HTML>

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