We have modified the CIMClient code so that while keeping the current interfaces for the Pegasus client, the user can choose to use wsman or cimxml interfaces. CLI is one of the test tools for the CLient WSMAN translator. It now operates in two modes: a. using cimxml adapter b. using wsman adapter Both use exactly the same standard Pegasu Client interface so that another application should work normally with the client interface. Note that to make this work we had to modify the pegasus CLient functionality (src/Pegasus/Client) so we did that and put it into the wsm src/Pegasus directory. This means we are committed to a particular version of Pegasus (2.7) for the client to work. Compiling wsm automatically compiles this new client library and overlays the Pegasus client. This is the best we could do for the demo and should be considered temporary functionality for the demo. In any case, within the CIMClient functionality we control use of wsm vs the cimxml encoding for the client by the RUNTIME environment variable WSM_USE_WSMAN. Set this to environment variable (ex set WSM_USE_WSMAN=1) and the client uses wsman for instance calls. Clear it and it uses cimxml for the same calls. Note that we always use the cimxml interface to Pegasus for class calls (getClass, etc.). SELECTION OF PORTS Wheras originally there was only one address and port for the server, now there is a single address but multiple ports. As delivered the CVS code uses port 22222 for wsman and whatever Pegasus uses for the cimxml interface (normally 5988) You can modifly the default port for wsman through a variable in src/wsm/common/defines.h before compiling. That is the port we normally use to communicate when wsman is selected as the protocol with WSM_USE_WSMAN. For the Demo, please try to stay with the standard ports. NOTE: in the demo system, we were required to set the default port to 80 by Microsoft. So we modified the default port definition in defines.h in the code in the test system at Colorado Springs. It is easy to demonstrate if the apis are working in both modes simply by running a cli command: cli ei CIM_ManagedElement export WSM_USE_WSMAN=1 cli ei CIM_ManagedElement The results should be the same.