Autoconf and Libtool are Gnu utilities that automate the building and installation of software libraries and executables. They abstract platform differences and provide a toolkit of macros and shell scripts that solve platform interoperability issues. Building slp_client library requires Autoconf and Libtool. However, these tools are licensed under the Gnu Public License and therefore they are not included in the Pegasus CVS repository. You need to obtain Autoconf and Libtool and install them on your platform prior to rebuilding the slp_client library. Most Unix platforms have versions of Autoconf and Libtool pre-installed. However, you should still update your platform to the latest versions. Obtaining Autoconf ==================== The following web page contains information on downloading and using Autoconf: Obtaining Libtool ================= The following web page contains information on downloading and using Libtool: Autoconf Manual =============== There is an up-to-date Autoconf manual at: Online Book on Autoconf and Libtool ==================================== You may be interested in a book on Autoconf, Automake (another Gnu tool), and Libtool that was published commercially and is now available on-line: This book is out of date but nevertheless contains a lot of very useful information about using Autoconf and Libtool.