Configuring VxWorks environment variable: ========================================= Add the following to your .bashrc: eval `/home/WindRiver/ -p vxworks-6.2 -o print_env -f sh` Creating a "vxWorks" simulator image: ===================================== $ vxprj create linux gnu vxsim.wpj $ make Starting and querying the registry server: ========================================== $ wtxregd start $ wtxreg Starting the VXWorks simulator: =============================== $ vxsim -f image/vxWorks Starting the target server (to connect to vxsim): ================================================= $ tgtsvr -V -B wdbpipe vxsim Connecting windsh to vxsim (via the target server): =================================================== $ winsh vxsim Running vxsim and running the sample "hello" program: ===================================================== $ vxsim -f image/vxWorks . . . > rtpSp "hello/hello.vxe" Running vxsim with network support Start the simulator support daemon. Note that right now we must start this as a separate window with the commnad vxsimnetd. Note also that we set this with setuid (chmod ugp+sw) so it starts as root when called from server. Note that the default is to set up subnet The start command is: $ vxsimnetd This must be done before starting the simulator Then start the simulator defining the network address for this instance of the simulator as follows: $ vxsim -f image/vxWorks -d simnet -e As a test you should be able to ping the simulator. $ ping To get rpath working with /romfs/lib: ===================================== Create a /romfs/lib directory under your host system. Rebuilding vxworks for the simulator: ===================================== $ make CPU=SIMLINUX TOOL=gnu