#pragma locale ("en_US") instance of PG_ProviderModule { Description = "Instance Provider for the MultithreadingSampleClass"; Caption = "Instance Provider for the Multithreading Sample"; Name = "MultithreadingSampleProviderModule"; Vendor = "Pegasus"; Version = "1.0"; InterfaceType = "C++Default"; InterfaceVersion = "2.1.0"; Location = "MultithreadingSampleProvider"; }; instance of PG_Provider { ProviderModuleName = "MultithreadingSampleProviderModule"; Name = "MultithreadingSampleProvider"; }; instance of PG_ProviderCapabilities { ProviderModuleName = "MultithreadingSampleProviderModule"; ProviderName = "MultithreadingSampleProvider"; CapabilityID = "MultithreadingSampleProvider"; ClassName = "ThreadSampleOne"; Namespaces = { "root/SampleProvider" }; ProviderType = { 2 }; SupportedProperties = NULL; SupportedMethods = NULL; }; instance of PG_ProviderCapabilities { ProviderModuleName = "MultithreadingSampleProviderModule"; ProviderName = "MultithreadingSampleProvider"; CapabilityID = "MultithreadingSampleProvider"; ClassName = "ThreadSampleTwo"; Namespaces = { "root/SampleProvider" }; ProviderType = { 2 }; SupportedProperties = NULL; SupportedMethods = NULL; }; instance of PG_ProviderCapabilities { ProviderModuleName = "MultithreadSampleProviderModule"; ProviderName = "MultithreadSampleProvider"; CapabilityID = "MultithreadSampleProvider"; ClassName = "ThreadSampleThree"; Namespaces = { "root/SampleProvider" }; ProviderType = { 2 }; SupportedProperties = NULL; SupportedMethods = NULL; };