Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -a TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -b TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -c TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -d TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -e TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -f TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -g TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -i TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -j TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -k TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -l TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -m TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -n TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -o TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -q TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -t TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -v TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -x TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -y TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage - error TestStressTestController::Unknown flag -z TestStressTestController::Invalid option. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Missing required value for hostname - error TestStressTestController::Missing required value for flag h TestStressTestController::Incorrect usage. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Missing required value for port - error TestStressTestController::Missing required value for flag p TestStressTestController::Incorrect usage. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Missing required value for username - error TestStressTestController::Missing required value for flag u TestStressTestController::Incorrect usage. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Missing required value for password - error TestStressTestController::Missing required value for flag w TestStressTestController::Incorrect usage. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Display usage Usage: TestStressTestController [ -s ] [ -h hostname ] [ -p portnumber ] [ -u username ] [ -w password ] [ --help ] [ --version ] [ --verbose ] [] Options : -h - Connect to CIM Server on specified hostname. --help - Display this help message. -p - Connect to CIM Server on specified portnumber. -s - Use SSL protocol between Stress Test Client and the CIM Server -u - Connect to CIM Server using the specified username --version - Display CIM Server version number --verbose - Display verbose information -w - Connect to CIM Server using the specified password Operands : - Specifies the name of the configuration file that is to be used for the tests. Missing configuration file - error TestStressTestController::Specified Configuration file "nofile.conf" does not exist. Unexpected Argument - error TestStressTestController::argument "anotherfile.conf" was unexpected TestStressTestController::Incorrect usage. Use '--help' to obtain command syntax. Invalid Tolerance, Port number, & Host name - error TestStressTestController::Using config file: invalid_configuration.conf TestStressTestController::Invalid Configuration in File: invalid_configuration.conf line#4:: Invalid Property Value: ToleranceLevel=200 line#5:: Invalid Property Value: port=99999 line#6:: Invalid Client property value: hostname=testa in [hostname=testa,ClientName=cimcli,options="ei pg_computersystem"] No clients specified in Configuration - error TestStressTestController::Using config file: invalid_noclients.conf TestStressTestController::Invalid Configuration in File: invalid_noclients.conf TestStressTestController::No clients found.