//%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software, Hewlett-Packard Company, IBM, // The Open Group, Tivoli Systems // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN // ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED // "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT // LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //============================================================================== // // Author: Mike Day (mdday@us.ibm.com) // // Modified by: // Ramnath Ravindran (Ramnath.Ravindran@compaq.com) // //%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "slp.h" #ifdef PEGASUS_OS_TRU64 # include //extern "C" void usleep(unsigned int); #endif #if defined(PEGASUS_OS_HPUX) # include #endif PEGASUS_USING_STD; PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // This is necessary to avoid the "reinterpret cast" warning generated // by the HP C++ compiler. #define SOCKADDR_IN_CAST (struct sockaddr_in*)(void*) #define SOCKADDR_CAST (struct sockaddr*)(void*) PEGASUS_EXPORT String slp_get_host_name(void) { String s = String(); Sint8 *buf = new Sint8[255]; if( 0 == gethostname(buf, 254) ) s.append(buf); delete buf; return(s); } #ifdef _WIN32 PEGASUS_EXPORT int gethostbyname_r(const char *name, struct hostent *resultbuf, char *buf, size_t bufsize, struct hostent **result, int *errnop) { name = name; resultbuf = resultbuf; buf = buf; bufsize = bufsize; if(NULL == (*result = gethostbyname(name))) { *errnop = WSAGetLastError(); return(-1); } return(0); } #endif #if defined(PEGASUS_OS_HPUX) || defined(PEGASUS_OS_TRU64) || defined(PEGASUS_OS_AIX) || defined(PEGASUS_OS_OS400) PEGASUS_EXPORT int gethostbyname_r(const char *name, struct hostent *resultbuf, char *buf, size_t bufsize, struct hostent **result, int *errnop) { name = name; resultbuf = resultbuf; buf = buf; bufsize = bufsize; #ifndef PEGASUS_OS_OS400 if(NULL == (*result = gethostbyname(name))) { #else if(NULL == (*result = gethostbyname((char *)name))) { #endif *errnop = h_errno; return(-1); } return(0); } #endif PEGASUS_EXPORT void slp_get_addr_string_from_url(const Sint8 *url, String &addr) { Sint8 *name = NULL; struct sockaddr_in a; if( get_addr_from_url( url, &a, NULL) ) { name = new Sint8 [ 255 ] ; #ifdef _WIN32 _snprintf(name, 254, "%s:%d", inet_ntoa(a.sin_addr), ntohs(a.sin_port) ); #else // ATTN: Mike Brasher: Hack to get built of TRU64: #ifdef PEGASUS_OS_TRU64 sprintf(name, "%s:%d", inet_ntoa(a.sin_addr), ntohs(a.sin_port) ); #else snprintf(name, 254, "%s:%d", inet_ntoa(a.sin_addr), ntohs(a.sin_port) ); #endif #endif addr.clear(); addr = name; delete [] name; } return ; } PEGASUS_EXPORT void slp_get_host_string_from_url(const Sint8 *url, String &host) { Sint8 *s; struct sockaddr_in addr; get_addr_from_url(url, &addr, &s ); host.clear(); host = s; delete [] s; return ; } PEGASUS_EXPORT Boolean get_addr_from_url(const Sint8 *url, struct sockaddr_in *addr, Sint8 **host) { Sint8 *bptr, *url_dup; Boolean ccode = false; // isolate the host field bptr = (url_dup = strdup(url)); if(bptr == NULL) return(false ); while( (*bptr != '/') && (*bptr != 0x00) ) bptr++; if(*bptr == '/' && *(bptr + 1) == '/') { Sint8 *endptr, *portptr; endptr = bptr + 2; while (*endptr != 0x00 && *endptr != '/' && *endptr != ';') endptr++; *endptr = 0x00; portptr = (endptr - 1) ; while( ( portptr > ( bptr + 2 ) ) && ( *portptr != ':' ) ) portptr--; if( *portptr == ':') { *portptr = 0x00; portptr++; } else { portptr = NULL; } // bptr points to the host name or address // portptr points to the port or is null bptr += 2; if(host != NULL) { *host = new Sint8[ strlen(bptr) + strlen(portptr) + 3] ; strcpy(*host, bptr); strcat(*host, ":"); strcat(*host, portptr); } if (portptr != NULL) addr->sin_port = htons( (Sint16)strtoul(portptr, NULL, 0) ); else addr->sin_port = 0x0000; addr->sin_family = AF_INET; addr->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(bptr); if(addr->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { struct hostent *host; struct hostent hostbuf; Uint8 *temp ; Uint32 result, err; size_t hostbuflen = 256; // hopefully a hostname because dotted decimal notation was invalid // look for the user@hostname production Sint8 *userptr; userptr = bptr; while( (*userptr != 0x00 ) && (*userptr != '@' ) ) userptr++; if( *userptr == '@' ) bptr = userptr + 1; temp = (Uint8 *)malloc(hostbuflen); if(temp != NULL) { host = NULL; while(temp != NULL && (result = gethostbyname_r(bptr, &hostbuf, (char *)temp, hostbuflen, &host, (int *)&err)) == ERANGE){ hostbuflen *= 2; temp = (Uint8 *)realloc(temp, hostbuflen); } if(host != NULL) { struct in_addr *ptr; if (((ptr = (struct in_addr *)*(host->h_addr_list)) != NULL ) ) { addr->sin_addr.s_addr = ptr->s_addr; ccode = true; } } free(temp); } /* we allocated the temp buffer for gethostbyname */ } else { ccode = true; } /* host field is not in a valid dotted decimal form */ } /* isolated the host field in the url */ return(ccode); } static int slp_get_local_interfaces(Uint32 **list) { SOCKET sock; int interfaces = 0; delete [] *list; #ifdef PEGASUS_OS_TYPE_WINDOWS if ( INVALID_SOCKET != ( sock = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0, NULL, 0, 0) ) ) { char *output_buf = new char[1024]; DWORD buf_size = 1024, bytes_returned = 0; if ( 0 == WSAIoctl( sock, SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY, NULL, 0, output_buf, buf_size, &bytes_returned, NULL, NULL) ) { socket_addr_list *addr_list = (socket_addr_list *)output_buf; *list = new Uint32 [ addr_list->count + 1 ] ; socket_addr *addr = addr_list->list; Uint32 *intp; sockaddr_in *sin; for( interfaces = 0, intp = *list, sin = (sockaddr_in *)addr ; interfaces < addr_list->count; interfaces++ , intp++ ) { *intp = sin->sin_addr.s_addr; addr++; sin = (sockaddr_in *)addr; } *intp = INADDR_ANY; } delete [] output_buf; _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET(sock); } #else if( -1 < (sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) ) ) { struct ifconf conf; conf.ifc_buf = new char [ 128 * sizeof(struct ifreq ) ]; conf.ifc_len = 128 * sizeof( struct ifreq ) ; if( -1 < ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFCONF, &conf ) ) { // count the interfaces struct ifreq *r = conf.ifc_req; struct sockaddr_in *addr ; addr = SOCKADDR_IN_CAST&r->ifr_addr; while( addr->sin_addr.s_addr != 0 ) { interfaces++; r++; addr = SOCKADDR_IN_CAST&r->ifr_addr; } // now store the addresses *list = new Uint32 [interfaces + 1 ]; Uint32 *this_addr = *list; r = conf.ifc_req; addr = SOCKADDR_IN_CAST&r->ifr_addr; while( addr->sin_addr.s_addr != 0 ) { *this_addr = addr->sin_addr.s_addr; r++; this_addr++; addr = SOCKADDR_IN_CAST&r->ifr_addr; } *this_addr = INADDR_ANY; } // did the ioctl delete [] conf.ifc_buf; _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET(sock); } // opened the socket #endif // failsafe if the ioctl doesn't work if( interfaces == 0 ) { *list = new Uint32 [1] ; *list[0] = INADDR_ANY; } return(interfaces); } static Boolean slp_join_multicast(SOCKET sock, Uint32 addr) { // don't join on the loopback interface if (addr == inet_addr("") ) return(false); struct ip_mreq mreq; mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = addr; #ifndef PEGASUS_OS_OS400 if(SOCKET_ERROR == setsockopt(sock,IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (const char *)&mreq, sizeof(mreq))) #else if(SOCKET_ERROR == setsockopt(sock,IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (char *)&mreq, sizeof(mreq))) #endif return(false); return(true); } static int slp_join_multicast_all(SOCKET sock) { Uint32 *list = NULL , *lptr = NULL; int num_interfaces = slp_get_local_interfaces(&list); lptr = list; while ( *lptr != INADDR_ANY ) { slp_join_multicast(sock, *lptr) ; lptr++; } delete [] list; return(num_interfaces); } static SOCKET slp_open_listen_sock( void ) { SOCKET sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) ; int err = 1; #ifndef PEGASUS_OS_OS400 setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&err, sizeof(err)); #else setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&err, sizeof(err)); #endif struct sockaddr_in local; local.sin_family = AF_INET; local.sin_port = htons(427); local.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if( 0 == bind(sock, SOCKADDR_CAST&local, sizeof(local)) ) slp_join_multicast_all(sock); return(sock); } static Boolean slp_scope_intersection(const Sint8 *our_scopes, Sint8 *his_scopes) { const Sint8 delimiters [] = " ," ; Sint8 *saveptr = NULL, *bptr; if(our_scopes == NULL || his_scopes == NULL) return(true); bptr = _LSLP_STRTOK(his_scopes, delimiters, &saveptr); while (NULL != bptr) { // convert hist scope string upper case for( Sint8 *cp = bptr; *cp; ++cp) { if( 'a' <= *cp && *cp <= 'z' ) *cp += 'A' - 'a' ; } if( NULL != strstr( bptr , our_scopes) ) return(true); bptr = _LSLP_STRTOK(NULL, delimiters, &saveptr); } return(false); } // static class members (windows only ) #ifdef _WIN32 int slp_client::_winsock_count = 0; WSADATA slp_client::_wsa_data ; #endif // insert new node at the back of the list template void slp2_list::insert(L *element) { slp2_list *ins = new slp2_list(false); ins->_rep = element; ins->_next = this; ins->_prev = this->_prev; this->_prev->_next = ins; this->_prev = ins; _count++; return; } template inline L *slp2_list::next(const L * init) { if( init == NULL ) _cur = _next; else { assert( (init = _cur->_rep) != 0 ); _cur = _cur->_next; } return(_cur->_rep); } template inline L *slp2_list::prev( const L * init ) { if( init == NULL ) _cur = _next; else { assert( init = _cur->rep ) ; _cur = _cur->_prev; } return(_cur->_rep); } template inline int slp2_list::count(void) { return(_count) ; } template void slp2_list::empty_list(void) { while( _count > 0 ) { slp2_list *temp = _next; temp->unlink(); if(temp->_rep != NULL) delete temp->_rep; delete temp; _count--; } assert(_count == 0); return; } template L *slp2_list::remove( void ) { L *ret = NULL; if( _count > 0 ) { slp2_list *temp = _next; temp->unlink(); ret = temp->_rep; // unhinge ret from temp so it doesn't get destroyed temp->_rep = NULL ; delete temp; _count--; } return(ret); } template L *slp2_list::remove(const Sint8 *key) { L *ret = NULL; if( _count > 0 ) { slp2_list *temp = _next; while ( temp->_isHead == false ) { if( temp->_rep->operator==( key )) { temp->unlink(); ret = temp->_rep; temp->_rep = NULL; delete temp; _count--; break; } temp = temp->_next; } } return(ret); } template L *slp2_list::reference(const Sint8 *key) { if( _count > 0 ) { slp2_list *temp = _next; while(temp->_isHead == false ) { if( temp->_rep->operator==(key)) return(temp->_rep); temp = temp->_next; } } return(NULL); } template Boolean slp2_list::exists(const Sint8 *key) { if( _count > 0) { slp2_list *temp = _next; while(temp->_isHead == false ) { if( temp->_rep->operator==( key )) return(true); temp = temp->_next; } } return(false); } da_list::~da_list() { // unlink(); delete[] url; delete[] scope; delete[] attr; delete[] spi; delete[] auth; } Boolean da_list::operator ==(const Sint8 *key) const { if( ! strcasecmp(url, key) ) return(true); return(false); } rply_list::~rply_list() { // unlink(); delete[] url; delete[] auth; } Boolean rply_list::operator ==(const Sint8 *key ) const { if (! strcasecmp(url, key) ) return(true); return(false); } reg_list::reg_list(const Sint8 *r_url, const Sint8 *r_attributes, const Sint8 *r_service_type, const Sint8 *r_scopes, time_t r_lifetime) { if( r_url != NULL ) { url = new Sint8[ strlen(r_url + 1 ) ]; strcpy(url, r_url); } if( r_attributes != NULL ) { attributes = new Sint8[ strlen(r_attributes) + 1 ]; strcpy(attributes, r_attributes); } if(r_service_type != NULL ) { service_type = new Sint8[ strlen(r_service_type) + 1 ]; strcpy(service_type, r_service_type); } if(r_scopes != NULL) { scopes = new Sint8[ strlen(r_scopes ) + 1 ]; strcpy(scopes, r_scopes); } lifetime = r_lifetime; } reg_list::~reg_list() { delete[] url; delete[] attributes; delete[] service_type; delete[] scopes; } Boolean reg_list::operator ==(const Sint8 *key ) const { if( ! strcasecmp(url, key) ) return(true); return(false); } url_entry::url_entry( Uint16 u_lifetime, Sint8 *u_url, Uint8 u_num_auths, Uint8 *u_auth_blocks) { lifetime = u_lifetime; if(u_url != NULL && (len = strlen(u_url) )) { len++; url = new Sint8[len]; strcpy(url, u_url); } else { len = 0 ; } num_auths = 0; auth_blocks = NULL; } url_entry::~url_entry() { delete [] url; delete [] auth_blocks; } Boolean url_entry::operator ==(const Sint8 *key) const { if( ! strcasecmp(url, key) ) return(true); return(false); } void slp_client::set_target_addr(const Sint8 *addr) { if(addr == NULL) _target_addr = inet_addr("") ; else #ifndef PEGASUS_OS_OS400 _target_addr = inet_addr(addr); #else _target_addr = inet_addr((char *)addr); #endif } void slp_client::set_local_interface(const Sint8 *iface) { if(iface == NULL) _local_addr = INADDR_ANY; else #ifndef PEGASUS_OS_OS400 _local_addr = inet_addr(iface); #else _local_addr = inet_addr((char *)iface); #endif } void slp_client::set_spi(const Sint8 *spi) { delete [] _spi; if(spi != NULL && strlen(spi) ) { _spi = new Sint8[strlen(spi) + 1 ]; strcpy(_spi, spi); } return ; } void slp_client::set_scopes(const Sint8 *scopes) { delete [] _scopes; if( scopes != NULL && strlen(scopes) ) { _scopes = new Sint8[ strlen(scopes) + 1 ]; strcpy(_scopes, scopes); } return; } slp_client::slp_client(const Sint8 *target_addr, const Sint8 *local_addr, Uint16 target_port, const Sint8 *spi, const Sint8 *scopes ) : _pr_buf_len(0), _buf_len (LSLP_MTU), _version((Uint8)1), _xid(1), _target_port(htons(target_port)), _local_addr_list(NULL), _spi(NULL), _scopes(NULL), _use_das(false), _last_da_cycle(0), _retries(3), _ttl(255), _convergence(5), _crypto_context(NULL), das( ), replies( ), regs( ) { set_target_addr(target_addr); set_local_interface(local_addr); set_spi(spi); set_scopes(scopes); _pr_buf = new Sint8[LSLP_MTU]; _msg_buf = new Sint8[LSLP_MTU] ; _rcv_buf = new Sint8[LSLP_MTU] ; _tv.tv_sec = 0; _tv.tv_usec = 200000; #ifdef _WIN32 if(_winsock_count == 0) WSAStartup(0x0002, &_wsa_data); _winsock_count++; #endif // build our local address list slp_get_local_interfaces( &_local_addr_list ) ; // before opening the listen socket we need to see if the local machine is a da // if it is, don't open the listen socket _rcv_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; local_srv_req(NULL, NULL, "DEFAULT"); if(0 < das.count() ) _rcv_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; else _rcv_sock = slp_open_listen_sock( ); } slp_client::~slp_client() { // close the receive socket _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET( _rcv_sock ) ; #ifdef _WIN32 _winsock_count--; if(_winsock_count == 0) WSACleanup(); #endif delete [] _pr_buf; delete [] _msg_buf; delete [] _rcv_buf; delete [] _local_addr_list; delete [] _spi; delete [] _scopes; if(_crypto_context != NULL) free(_crypto_context); das.empty_list(); replies.empty_list(); } void slp_client::prepare_pr_buf(const Sint8 *a) { if(a == NULL) return;; if(_pr_buf_len > 0) *(_pr_buf + _pr_buf_len - 1) = ',' ; do { *(_pr_buf + _pr_buf_len) = *a; a++; _pr_buf_len++; }while((*a != 0x00) && (_pr_buf_len < LSLP_MTU - 1)); _pr_buf_len++; } Boolean slp_client::prepare_query( Uint16 xid, const Sint8 *service_type, const Sint8 *scopes, const Sint8 *predicate ) { Sint16 len, total_len; Sint8 *bptr; if(_msg_buf == NULL || _pr_buf == NULL) return(false); if(xid != _xid) { /* this is a new request */ memset(_pr_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); _pr_buf_len = 0; _xid = xid; } memset(_msg_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); bptr = _msg_buf; _LSLP_SETVERSION(bptr, LSLP_PROTO_VER); _LSLP_SETFUNCTION(bptr, LSLP_SRVRQST); /* we don't know the length yet */ _LSLP_SETFLAGS(bptr, 0); _LSLP_SETXID(bptr, xid); _LSLP_SETLAN(bptr, LSLP_EN_US); bptr += ( total_len = _LSLP_HDRLEN(bptr) ) ; if(_pr_buf_len + total_len < LSLP_MTU) { /* set the pr list length */ _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, (len = _pr_buf_len), 0); if(len) memcpy(bptr + 2, _pr_buf, len); total_len += ( 2 + len ); bptr += (2 + len); if(service_type == NULL) len = DA_SRVTYPELEN; else len = strlen(service_type) + 1; if(total_len + 2 + len < LSLP_MTU) { /* set the service type string length */ _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, len, 0); if(service_type != NULL) memcpy(bptr + 2, service_type, len); else memcpy(bptr + 2, DA_SRVTYPE, len); total_len += (2 + len); bptr += (2 + len); /* set the scope len and scope type, advance the buffer */ if(scopes == NULL) len = DA_SCOPELEN; else len = strlen(scopes) + 1; if( total_len + 2 + len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, len, 0); if(scopes != NULL) memcpy(bptr + 2, scopes, len); else memcpy(bptr + 2, DA_SCOPE, DA_SCOPELEN); total_len += ( 2 + len); bptr += (2 + len); /* stuff the predicate if there is one */ if(predicate == NULL) len = 0; else len = strlen(predicate) + 1; if( total_len + 2 + len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, len, 0); if(predicate != NULL) memcpy(bptr + 2, predicate, len); total_len += (2 + len); bptr += (2 + len); /* stuff the spi */ /* set the spi len and spi string */ if(_spi == NULL) len = 0; else len = strlen(_spi) + 1; if(total_len + 2 + len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, len, 0); if(_spi != NULL) memcpy(bptr + 2, _spi, len); total_len += ( 2 + len); bptr += (2 + len); assert(total_len == bptr - _msg_buf); /* now go back and set the length for the entire message */ _LSLP_SETLENGTH(_msg_buf, total_len ); return(true); } /* room for the spi */ } /* room for predicate */ } /* room for the scope */ } /* room for the service type */ } /* room for the pr list */ return(false); } rply_list *slp_client::get_response( void ) { return(replies.remove()); } int slp_client::find_das(const Sint8 *predicate, const Sint8 *scopes) { converge_srv_req(NULL, predicate, scopes); time(&_last_da_cycle); if(0 < das.count() ) _use_das = true; else _use_das = false; return( das.count( ) ); } // smart interface to slp discovery. uses das if they are present, // convergence otherwise. // periodically forces an active da discovery cycle void slp_client::discovery_cycle ( const Sint8 *type, const Sint8 *predicate, const Sint8 *scopes) { // see if we have built a cache of directory agents if( 0 == das.count() ) { // we don't know of any directory agents - see if we need to do active da discovery if( ((time(NULL)) - _last_da_cycle ) > (60 * 5) ) find_das(NULL, scopes) ; } // if there are das, unicast a srvreq to each da if( 0 < das.count() ) { da_list *da = das.next(NULL); struct sockaddr_in addr; while( da != NULL ) { addr.sin_port = htons(427); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(da->remote); unicast_srv_req(type, predicate, scopes, &addr); da = das.next(da); } } else { // do a convergence request because we don't have any das to use converge_srv_req(type, predicate, scopes ); } return; } // this request MUST be retried <_convergence> times on EACH interface // regardless of how many responses we have received // it can be VERY time consuming but is the most thorough // discovery method void slp_client::converge_srv_req( const Sint8 *type, const Sint8 *predicate, const Sint8 *scopes) { Uint32 old_target_addr = _target_addr; Uint32 old_local_addr = _local_addr; set_target_addr( "" ) ; Uint32 *p_addr = _local_addr_list; Uint16 convergence; Uint32 loopback = inet_addr(""); do { if( *p_addr == loopback ) { p_addr++; continue; } _local_addr = *p_addr; convergence = _convergence; if(prepare_query( _xid + 1, type, scopes, predicate)) { _LSLP_SETFLAGS(_msg_buf, LSLP_FLAGS_MCAST) ; send_rcv_udp( ); } while(--convergence > 0) { if(prepare_query( _xid, type, scopes, predicate)) { _LSLP_SETFLAGS(_msg_buf, LSLP_FLAGS_MCAST) ; send_rcv_udp( ); } } p_addr++; } while( *p_addr != INADDR_ANY ) ; // always try a local request local_srv_req(type, predicate, scopes); _target_addr = old_target_addr; _local_addr = old_local_addr; return ; } // this request will be retried MAX <_retries> times // but will always end when the first response is received // This request is best when using a directory agent void slp_client::unicast_srv_req( const Sint8 *type, const Sint8 *predicate, const Sint8 *scopes, struct sockaddr_in *addr ) { Uint32 target_addr_save, local_addr_save; Uint16 target_port_save; struct timeval tv_save; target_addr_save = _target_addr; local_addr_save = _local_addr; target_port_save = _target_port; tv_save.tv_sec = _tv.tv_sec; _tv.tv_sec = 1; // let the host decide which interface to use _local_addr = INADDR_ANY; _target_addr = addr->sin_addr.s_addr; _target_port = addr->sin_port; int retries = _retries ; int old_count = replies.count() ; srv_req(type, predicate, scopes, false) ; while( --retries > 0 && replies.count() == old_count ) { srv_req(type, predicate, scopes, true ); } _target_addr = target_addr_save; _local_addr = local_addr_save; _target_port = target_port_save; _tv.tv_sec = tv_save.tv_sec; return; } // this request is targeted to the loopback interface, // and has a tiny wait timer. It should be resolved quickly. // It will never be retried. void slp_client::local_srv_req( const Sint8 *type, const Sint8 *predicate, const Sint8 *scopes ) { Uint32 target_addr_save; struct timeval tv_save; target_addr_save = _target_addr; tv_save.tv_sec = _tv.tv_sec; tv_save.tv_usec = _tv.tv_usec; _tv.tv_sec = 0; _tv.tv_usec = 1000000; // let the host decide which interface to use _local_addr = INADDR_ANY; _target_addr = inet_addr(""); _target_port = htons(427); srv_req(type, predicate, scopes, false) ; _target_addr = target_addr_save; _tv.tv_sec = tv_save.tv_sec; _tv.tv_usec = tv_save.tv_usec; return; } // workhorse request function void slp_client::srv_req( const Sint8 *type, const Sint8 *predicate, const Sint8 *scopes, Boolean retry ) { if ((true == prepare_query( (retry == true) ? _xid : _xid + 1, type, scopes, predicate ))) { send_rcv_udp( ) ; } /* prepared query */ return ; } void slp_client::decode_msg( struct sockaddr_in *remote ) { if( _xid == _LSLP_GETXID( _rcv_buf )) prepare_pr_buf( inet_ntoa(remote->sin_addr) ); Sint8 function = _LSLP_GETFUNCTION( _rcv_buf ); switch(function) { case LSLP_DAADVERT: decode_daadvert( remote ); return; case LSLP_SRVRQST: decode_srvreq( remote ); return; case LSLP_SRVRPLY: decode_srvrply( remote ); return; case LSLP_SRVACK: default: break; } return; } void slp_client::decode_srvrply( struct sockaddr_in *remote ) { Sint8 *bptr; Sint16 str_len, err, count; Sint32 total_len, purported_len; bptr = _rcv_buf; purported_len = _LSLP_GETLENGTH(bptr); bptr += (total_len = _LSLP_HDRLEN(bptr)); if(total_len < purported_len) { rply_list *reply = new rply_list(); if(reply == NULL) abort(); err = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0); count = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 2); bptr += 4; total_len += 4; /* loop on the url entries */ while( ( total_len <= purported_len ) && ( count > 0 ) && reply != NULL ) { reply->function = LSLP_SRVRPLY; reply->err = err; reply->lifetime = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 1); total_len += (5 + (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 3))); if(total_len <= purported_len) { Sint8 num_auths; if(str_len > 0) { reply->url = new Sint8[str_len + 1]; memcpy(reply->url, bptr + 5, str_len); *((reply->url) + str_len) = 0x00; bptr += (5 + str_len); reply->auth_blocks = (num_auths = _LSLP_GETBYTE(bptr, 0)); total_len += 1; bptr += 1; while(num_auths && (total_len <= purported_len )) { /* iterate past the authenticators for now */ /* need extra code here to authenticate url entries */ total_len += (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 2)); bptr += str_len; num_auths--; } // handling duplicate responses is really inefficient, and we're // not helping things out by checking for dupes this late in the game // however, in order to get to any further urls that may be in the // reply buffer we need to unstuff it anyway. So we are optimizing // for the case where there are no dupes. if( false == replies.exists(reply->url) ) { strcpy(&(reply->remote[0]), inet_ntoa( remote->sin_addr )) ; replies.insert(reply); } else { delete reply ; } count--; if((total_len <= purported_len) && (count > 0) ) reply = new rply_list( ); else reply = NULL; } else { delete reply; reply = NULL ; } /* bad packet */ } else { delete reply; reply = NULL ; } /* bad packet */ } // while unwrapping multi-response message } /* if the hdr length field is consistent with reality */ return; } void slp_client::decode_daadvert(struct sockaddr_in *remote) { Sint8 *bptr; Sint16 str_len; Sint32 total_len, purported_len; bptr = _rcv_buf; purported_len = _LSLP_GETLENGTH(bptr); bptr += (total_len = _LSLP_HDRLEN(bptr)); if(total_len < purported_len) { da_list *adv = new da_list( ); if(adv == NULL) abort(); adv->function = LSLP_DAADVERT; adv->err = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0); adv->stateless_boot = _LSLP_GETLONG(bptr, 2); total_len += (8 + (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 6))); if(total_len < purported_len) { /* decode and capture the url - note: this is a string, not a url-entry structure */ adv->url = new Sint8[str_len + 1] ; memcpy(adv->url, bptr + 8, str_len); *((adv->url) + str_len) = 0x00; /* advance the pointer past the url string */ bptr += (str_len + 8); total_len += (2 + (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0))); if(total_len < purported_len) { if(str_len > 0) { adv->scope = new Sint8[str_len + 1] ; memcpy(adv->scope, bptr + 2, str_len); *((adv->scope) + str_len) = 0x00; } /* advance the pointer past the scope string */ bptr += (str_len + 2); total_len += (2 + (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0))); if(total_len < purported_len) { if(str_len > 0) { adv->attr = new Sint8[str_len + 1] ; memcpy(adv->attr, bptr + 2, str_len); *((adv->attr) + str_len) = 0x00; } /* advance the pointer past the attr string */ bptr += (str_len + 2); total_len += (2 + (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0))); if(total_len < purported_len) { if(str_len > 0 ) { adv->spi = new Sint8[str_len + 1]; memcpy(adv->spi, bptr + 2, str_len); *((adv->spi) + str_len) = 0x00; } /* if there is an spi */ /* advance the pointer past the spi string */ bptr += (str_len + 2); adv->auth_blocks = _LSLP_GETBYTE(bptr, 0); // if we already know about this da, remove the existing // entry from our cache and insert this new entry // maybe the stateless boot field changed or the da // supports new scopes, etc. da_list * exists = das.remove(adv->url); delete exists; /* need code here to handle authenticated urls */ strcpy(&(adv->remote[0]), inet_ntoa(remote->sin_addr)) ; das.insert(adv); return; } /* spi length field is consistent with hdr */ } /* attr length field is consistent with hdr */ } /* scope length field is consistent with hdr */ } } return; } void slp_client::decode_srvreq(struct sockaddr_in *remote ) { Sint8 *bptr; Sint16 str_len, err = LSLP_PARSE_ERROR ; Sint32 total_len, purported_len; time_t current; bptr = _rcv_buf; purported_len = _LSLP_GETLENGTH(bptr); bptr += (total_len = _LSLP_HDRLEN(bptr)); if(total_len < purported_len) { if( 0 < regs.count() ) { // advance past the slp v2 header // get the previous responder list str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0); if ( (str_len + total_len + 2 < purported_len )) { if( false == slp_previous_responder( (str_len ? bptr + 2 : NULL ) )) { Sint8 *service_type = NULL; Sint8 *scopes = NULL; Sint8 *spi = NULL; slp2_list url_list ; bptr += 2 + str_len; total_len += 2 + str_len; // extract the service type string str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0); if(str_len && (str_len + total_len + 2 < purported_len )) { service_type = new Sint8[str_len + 1]; // one extra byte strcpy(service_type, bptr + 2); // set the error code to zero err = 0; bptr += 2 + str_len; total_len += 2 + str_len; // extract the scope list str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0); if( str_len + total_len + 2 < purported_len) { if(str_len > 0 ) { scopes = new Sint8[str_len + 1] ; // one extra byte strcpy(scopes, bptr + 2); } // see if the requested scopes intersect with our scopes if (true == slp_scope_intersection(_scopes, scopes) ) { bptr += 2 + str_len; total_len += 2 + str_len; // this is a very lightweight client and currently // doesn't support predicate evaluation. // we will answer srvreq messages with no predicate // however, if there is a predicate, we can't evaluate it // so we won't answer it. // extract the predicate str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0) ; if(str_len == 0 ) { // ignore the spi for now. // look for a srvtype match reg_list *reg = regs.next(NULL); while( reg != 0 ) { // check the lifetime if( (current = time(NULL)) > reg->lifetime ) { // this guy is stale, unlink him and start over regs.remove(reg->url); delete reg; reg = regs.next(NULL); continue; } if( ! strcasecmp( reg->service_type, service_type ) ) { // found a match url_entry *entry = new url_entry((reg->lifetime - time(NULL) ), reg->url ) ; url_list.insert(entry); } reg = regs.next(reg); } // traversing list } // if there is no predicate } // scopes intersect } // scope string fits } // svc type string fits Boolean mcast = ( ((_LSLP_GETFLAGS( _rcv_buf )) & (LSLP_FLAGS_MCAST) ) ? true : false ) ; if(mcast == false || url_list.count() ) { // we need to respond to this message _LSLP_SETVERSION(_msg_buf, LSLP_PROTO_VER); _LSLP_SETFUNCTION(_msg_buf, LSLP_SRVRPLY); // skip the length for now _LSLP_SETFLAGS(_msg_buf, 0); _LSLP_SETNEXTEXT(_msg_buf, 0, LSLP_NEXT_EX); _LSLP_SETXID( _msg_buf, ( _LSLP_GETXID(_rcv_buf) ) ); _LSLP_SETLAN(_msg_buf, LSLP_EN_US ); Sint32 msg_len = _LSLP_HDRLEN(_msg_buf); Sint8 *bptr = _msg_buf + msg_len; _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, err, 0); _LSLP_SETSHORT( bptr, url_list.count() , 2 ); bptr += 4; msg_len += 4; while ( 0 < url_list.count() ) { url_entry *entry = url_list.remove() ; assert(entry != NULL); // check the length if ( (msg_len + 6 + entry->len ) <= LSLP_MTU ) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, entry->lifetime, 1); _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, entry->len, 3); memcpy(bptr + 5, entry->url, entry->len); bptr += (5 + entry->len ); msg_len += (5 + entry->len); // for now don't support authentication _LSLP_SETBYTE(bptr, 0, 0); bptr++; msg_len++; } else { // set the overvlow flag because we ran out of room // also decrement the count of urls // possibly a subsequent url will fit so kee going _LSLP_SETFLAGS(_msg_buf, LSLP_FLAGS_OVERFLOW); Sint8 *save = bptr; bptr = _msg_buf + _LSLP_HDRLEN(_msg_buf) ; _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, ( _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 2) - 1 ) , 2 ); bptr = save; } delete entry; } // ok, now we can set the length _LSLP_SETLENGTH(_msg_buf, msg_len ); // _msg_buf is stuffed with the service reply. now we need // to allocate a socket and send it back to the requesting node SOCKET sock; if(INVALID_SOCKET != (sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0))) { int err = 1; #ifndef PEGASUS_OS_OS400 setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&err, sizeof(err) ); #else setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&err, sizeof(err) ); #endif struct sockaddr_in local; local.sin_family = AF_INET; local.sin_port = _target_port ; local.sin_addr.s_addr = _local_addr; if(SOCKET_ERROR != bind(sock, SOCKADDR_CAST&local, sizeof(local))) { sendto(sock, _msg_buf, msg_len , 0, SOCKADDR_CAST(remote), sizeof(struct sockaddr_in )) ; } // successfully bound this socket _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET(sock); } // successfully opened this socket } // we must respond to this request delete [] spi; delete [] scopes; delete [] service_type; } // not on the pr list } // pr list length is consistent } // if there are local registrations } // if length is consistent } Boolean slp_client::srv_reg(const Sint8 *url, const Sint8 *attributes, const Sint8 *service_type, const Sint8 *scopes, Sint16 lifetime) { Sint32 len; Sint16 str_len; Sint8 *bptr; /* this is always a new request */ memset( _pr_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); _pr_buf_len = 0; _xid++ ; memset(_msg_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); bptr = _msg_buf; _LSLP_SETVERSION(bptr, LSLP_PROTO_VER); _LSLP_SETFUNCTION(bptr, LSLP_SRVREG); /* we don't know the length yet */ _LSLP_SETXID(bptr, _xid); _LSLP_SETLAN(bptr, LSLP_EN_US); bptr += (len = _LSLP_HDRLEN(bptr) ) ; /* construct a url-entry */ _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, lifetime, 1); _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, (str_len = (strlen(url) + 1)), 3); len += (5 + str_len ); if(len + 1 < LSLP_MTU ) { memcpy(bptr + 5, url, str_len); bptr += (5 + str_len); /* no auth blocks for now */ _LSLP_SETBYTE(bptr, 0x00, 0); bptr++; len++; /* stuff the service type */ str_len = strlen(service_type) + 1; if(len + 2 + str_len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, str_len, 0); memcpy(bptr + 2, service_type, str_len); bptr += (2 + str_len); len += (2 + str_len); /* stuff the scope list if there is one */ if(scopes == NULL) str_len = 0; else str_len = strlen(scopes) + 1; if(str_len == 1) str_len = 0; if(len + 2 + str_len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, str_len, 0); if(str_len) memcpy(bptr + 2, scopes, str_len); len += (2 + str_len); bptr += (2 + str_len); /* stuff the attribute string if there is one */ if(attributes == NULL) str_len = 0; else str_len = strlen(attributes) + 1; if(str_len == 1) str_len = 0; if(len + 2 + str_len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, str_len, 0); if(str_len) memcpy(bptr + 2, attributes, str_len); len += ( 2 + str_len); bptr += (2 + str_len); /* no attribute auths for now */ if(len + 1 < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETBYTE(bptr, 0x00, 0); } len += 1; /* set the length field in the header */ _LSLP_SETLENGTH( _msg_buf, len ); int retries = _retries; while( --retries ) { if(true == send_rcv_udp( )) { if(LSLP_SRVACK == _LSLP_GETFUNCTION( _rcv_buf )) { if(0x0000 == _LSLP_GETSHORT( _rcv_buf, (_LSLP_HDRLEN( _rcv_buf )))) { memset(_msg_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); return(true); } } } // received a response } // retrying the unicast } /* attribute string fits into buffer */ } /* scope string fits into buffer */ } /* service type fits into buffer */ } /* url fits into buffer */ memset( _msg_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); return(false); } Boolean slp_client::send_rcv_udp( void ) { SOCKET sock; struct sockaddr_in target, local; Boolean ccode = false; if(INVALID_SOCKET != (sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0))) { int err = 1; #ifndef PEGASUS_OS_OS400 setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&err, sizeof(err) ); #else setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&err, sizeof(err) ); #endif local.sin_family = AF_INET; local.sin_port = 0; local.sin_addr.s_addr = _local_addr; if(SOCKET_ERROR != bind(sock, SOCKADDR_CAST&local, sizeof(local))) { int bcast = ( (_LSLP_GETFLAGS(_msg_buf)) & LSLP_FLAGS_MCAST) ? 1 : 0 ; if(bcast) { if( (SOCKET_ERROR == _LSLP_SET_TTL(sock, _ttl) ) || #ifndef PEGASUS_OS_OS400 (SOCKET_ERROR == setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const Sint8 *)&bcast, sizeof(bcast)))) { #else (SOCKET_ERROR == setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *)&bcast, sizeof(bcast)))) { #endif _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET(sock); return(false); } if(_local_addr != INADDR_ANY ) { struct sockaddr_in ma; memset(&ma, 0x00, sizeof(ma)); ma.sin_addr.s_addr = _local_addr; #ifndef PEGASUS_OS_OS400 if( (SOCKET_ERROR == setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (const char *)&ma, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) ) { #else if( (SOCKET_ERROR == setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (char *)&ma, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) ) { #endif _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET(sock); return(false); } } } target.sin_family = AF_INET; target.sin_port = _target_port; target.sin_addr.s_addr = _target_addr; if(SOCKET_ERROR == (err = sendto(sock, _msg_buf, _LSLP_GETLENGTH(_msg_buf), 0, SOCKADDR_CAST&target, sizeof(target) ))) { _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET(sock); return(false); } /* oops - error sending data */ while ( 0 < service_listener( sock ) ) { ccode = true; } } // bound the socket _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET(sock); } /* got the socket */ return(ccode); } // must be called regularly to process responses Sint32 slp_client::service_listener(void) { return service_listener((SOCKET) 0); } Sint32 slp_client::service_listener_wait(time_t wait, SOCKET extra_sock, Boolean one_only) { Sint32 rcv = 0; time_t now; time_t start = time(NULL); while( time(&now) && ((now - wait ) <= start ) ) { rcv += service_listener(extra_sock); if(rcv > 0) if(one_only == true) return(rcv); #ifdef PEGASUS_OS_TRU64 usleep(10 * 1000); #else _LSLP_SLEEP(10); #endif } rcv += service_listener(extra_sock); return(rcv); } Sint32 slp_client::service_listener(SOCKET extra_sock ) { struct timeval tv; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); if(_rcv_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { FD_SET(_rcv_sock, &fds); } if(extra_sock) FD_SET( extra_sock, &fds); Sint32 err; do { tv.tv_sec = _tv.tv_sec; tv.tv_usec = _tv.tv_usec; err = select(_rcv_sock > extra_sock ? _rcv_sock + 1: extra_sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); } while ( (err < 0 )&& (errno == EINTR)) ; if( 0 < err ) { struct sockaddr_in remote; #if defined(PEGASUS_OS_HPUX) || defined(PEGASUS_OS_TRU64) int size = sizeof(remote); #else socklen_t size = sizeof(remote); #endif if(extra_sock && FD_ISSET(extra_sock, &fds) ) err = recvfrom(extra_sock, _rcv_buf, LSLP_MTU, 0, SOCKADDR_CAST&remote, &size); if(_rcv_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { if(FD_ISSET(_rcv_sock, &fds)) err = recvfrom(_rcv_sock, _rcv_buf, LSLP_MTU, 0, SOCKADDR_CAST&remote, &size); } if(err && err != SOCKET_ERROR) decode_msg( &remote ); } if (err == SOCKET_ERROR) { // our interfaces could be disconnected or we could be a laptop that // just got pulled from the network, etc. _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET(_rcv_sock ); if( 0 < slp_get_local_interfaces( & _local_addr_list ) ) { if(_rcv_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) _rcv_sock = slp_open_listen_sock( ); } } return(err); } int slp_client::srv_reg_all( const Sint8 *url, const Sint8 *attributes, const Sint8 *service_type, const Sint8 *scopes, Sint16 lifetime) { assert(url != NULL && attributes != NULL && service_type != NULL && scopes != NULL); if(url == NULL || attributes == NULL || service_type == NULL || scopes == NULL ) return(0); // see if we have built a cache of directory agents if( 0 == das.count() ) { // we don't know of any directory agents - see if we need to do active da discovery if( ((time(NULL)) - _last_da_cycle ) > (60 * 5) ) find_das(NULL, scopes) ; } // keep track of how many times we register int registrations = 0; // save target and convergence parameters Uint32 target_addr_save = _target_addr; int convergence_save = _convergence; _convergence = 0; // if there are das, unicast a srvreg to each da if( 0 < das.count() ) { da_list *da = das.next(NULL); while( da != NULL ) { set_target_addr(da->remote); if( true == srv_reg( url, attributes, service_type, scopes, lifetime) ) registrations++; da = das.next(da);; } } // restore parameters _convergence = convergence_save; _target_addr = target_addr_save; // if we have registered with any das, act like a service agent and cache our // own registration. This provides a failsafe in case the DA is not available srv_reg_local(url, attributes, service_type, scopes, lifetime); registrations++; return(registrations); } void slp_client::srv_reg_local ( const Sint8 *url, const Sint8 *attributes, const Sint8 *service_type, const Sint8 *scopes, Sint16 lifetime) { reg_list *reg = NULL; // first see if the reg already exists. if it does, just update the lifetime if ( NULL != (reg = regs.reference(url))) { reg->lifetime = lifetime + time(NULL); } else { // new reg reg = new reg_list(url, attributes, service_type, scopes, (lifetime + time(NULL))); regs.insert(reg); } return; } Boolean slp_client::slp_previous_responder(Sint8 *pr_list) { Sint8 *a, *s = NULL; Uint32 addr, *list_addr; if(pr_list == NULL || 0 == strlen(pr_list)) return(false); a = _LSLP_STRTOK(pr_list, ",", &s); while(NULL != a ) { if(INADDR_NONE != (addr = inet_addr(a))) { list_addr = _local_addr_list; while( INADDR_ANY != *list_addr ) { if(*list_addr == addr) return(true); list_addr++; } } a = _LSLP_STRTOK(NULL, ",", &s); } return(false); } PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END