//%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 The Open group, BMC Software, Tivoli Systems, IBM // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN // ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED // "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT // LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //============================================================================== // // Author: Mike Day (mdday@us.ibm.com) // //%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include "lslp-perl-windows.h" #endif /* win 32 */ #ifdef __linux__ #include "lslp-perl-linux.h" #endif #include "lslp-perl.h" PEGASUS_USING_STD; PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #define LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE "liBsLpHanDLe\0" #define LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE_LEN 13 #define LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_VERSION 1 typedef struct lslp_lib_handle { int8 signature[LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE_LEN + 1] ; int8 version; uint16 xid; int16 target_port; uint32 target_addr; uint32 local_addr; int8 *spi; int16 pr_buf_len; int8 *pr_buf; int8 *msg_buf; int8 *id; int8 err_buf[255]; struct timeval tv; int8 retries; uint8 ttl; int8 delimitor; int8 convergence; void *crypto_context; } LSLP_HANDLE; #define NUM_LIB_HANDLES 1 LSLP_HANDLE lslp_lib_handles[1] ; #define DA_SRVTYPE "service:directory-agent:\0" #define DA_SRVTYPELEN 25 #define DA_SCOPE "DEFAULT\0" #define DA_SCOPELEN 8 typedef struct lslp_lib_daadv { struct lslp_lib_daadv *next; struct lslp_lib_daadv *prev; BOOL isHead ; int type; int8 function; uint16 err; uint32 stateless_boot; int8 *url; int8 *scope; int8 *attr; int8 *spi; int8 auth_blocks; int8 *auth; int8 remote[16]; } LSLP_LIB_DAADVERT; typedef struct lslp_lib_srvrply { struct lslp_lib_srvrply *next; struct lslp_lib_srvrply *prev; BOOL isHead; int type; int8 function; uint16 err; uint16 lifetime; int8 *url; int8 auth_blocks; int8 *auth; int8 remote[16]; } LSLP_LIB_SRVRPLY; #define TYPE_DA_LIST 1 #define TYPE_RPLY_LIST 2 typedef struct lslp_lib_list { struct lslp_lib_list *next; struct lslp_lib_list *prev; BOOL isHead; int type; } LSLP_LIB_LIST; #ifdef _WIN32 #define _LSLP_PERROR(h, a, b) _snprintf(&((h)->err_buf[0]), 254, "%s: Error %s (%s).", (a), (b), strerror(errno)) #else #define _LSLP_PERROR(h, a, b) snprintf(&((h)->err_buf[0]), 254, "%s: Error %s (%s).", (a), (b), strerror(errno)) #endif static LSLP_HANDLE *get_handle(const int8 *id) ; static void put_handle(LSLP_HANDLE *h) ; PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_convergence(const int8 *id, int8 convergence) ; PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_port(const int8 *id, int16 target_port) ; static void lslp_lib_set_addr_internal(const int8 *new_addr, uint32 *old_addr); PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_target_addr(const int8 *id, const int8 *target_addr); PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_local_interface(const int8 *id, const int8 *); PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_delimitor(const int8 *id, const int8 delimitor); static int8 *copy_unescape(int8 *dst, int16 dst_len, int8 *src); static int8 *copy_escape(int8 *dst, int16 dst_len, int8 *src, int8 esc ); PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_timout_retry(const int8 *id, uint32 t_sec, uint32 t_usec, int8 retries, uint8 ttl); PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_spi(const int8 *id, const int8 *spi) ; PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_init(const int8 *id, const int8 *target_addr, const int8 *local_addr, int16 target_port, const int8 *spi); PEGASUS_EXPORT void lslp_lib_deinit(const int8 *id); static void prepare_pr_buf(LSLP_HANDLE *h, const int8 *a); static BOOL prepare_query( LSLP_HANDLE *h, uint16 xid, const int8 *service_type, const int8 *scopes, const int8 *predicate ) ; PEGASUS_EXPORT LSLP_LIB_LIST *lslp_lib_converge_srv_req(const int8 *id, const int8 *type, const int8 *predicate, const int8 *scopes) ; PEGASUS_EXPORT LSLP_LIB_LIST *lslp_lib_srv_req(const int8 *id, const int8 *type, const int8 *predicate, const int8 *scopes); static void lslp_lib_decode_reply(LSLP_HANDLE *, LSLP_LIB_LIST **, struct sockaddr_in *) ; static void lslp_lib_decode_srvrply(LSLP_HANDLE *, LSLP_LIB_LIST **, struct sockaddr_in *) ; static void lslp_lib_decode_daadvert(LSLP_HANDLE *, LSLP_LIB_LIST **, struct sockaddr_in *); PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_srv_reg(int8 *id, int8 *url, int8 *attributes, int8 *service_type, int8 *scopes, int16 lifetime); PEGASUS_EXPORT void lslp_lib_free_list(LSLP_LIB_LIST *list) ; PEGASUS_EXPORT int8 *lslp_lib_get_host_name(void) ; static BOOL lslp_lib_send_rcv_udp(LSLP_HANDLE *h, void (*decode_func)(LSLP_HANDLE *, LSLP_LIB_LIST **, struct sockaddr_in *), LSLP_LIB_LIST **parm) ; PEGASUS_EXPORT void lslp_lib_srv_reg_all(int8 *id, int8 *url, int8 *attributes, int8 *service_type, int8 *scopes, int16 lifetime, int *succeeded, int *failed) ; PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_get_addr_from_url(const int8 *url, struct sockaddr_in *addr ) ; PEGASUS_EXPORT int8 *lslp_lib_get_addr_string_from_url(const int8 *url) ; static LSLP_HANDLE *get_handle(const int8 *id) { int i; LSLP_HANDLE *h; assert(id != NULL); if(id == NULL) return(NULL); for( i = 0, h = &lslp_lib_handles[0] ; i < NUM_LIB_HANDLES; i++ , h++) { if( ! strncmp(h->signature, LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE, LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE_LEN) ) { if(h->version == LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_VERSION) { if (! strcmp(id, h->id)) return(h); } } } for( i = 0, h = &lslp_lib_handles[0] ; i < NUM_LIB_HANDLES; i++ , h++) { if(h->id == NULL) { memset(h, 0x00, sizeof(LSLP_HANDLE)); strcpy(&(h->signature[0]), LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE); h->version = LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_VERSION; if(NULL != (h->id = strdup(id))) { if(NULL != (h->pr_buf = (int8 *)malloc(LSLP_MTU ))) { if(NULL != (h->msg_buf = (int8 *)malloc(LSLP_MTU ))) { h->local_addr = INADDR_ANY ; h->target_addr = _LSLP_MCAST; h->target_port = htons(LSLP_PORT); h->tv.tv_usec = 150000; h->ttl = 255; h->delimitor = '~'; h->retries = 3; h->convergence = 3; return(h); } free(h->pr_buf); } free(h->id); } } } return(NULL); } static void put_handle(LSLP_HANDLE *h) { assert(h != NULL); assert(h->id != NULL); if(h != NULL) { if( ! strncmp(h->signature, LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE, LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE_LEN) ) { if(h->version == LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_VERSION) { free(h->pr_buf); free(h->id); free(h->msg_buf); memset(h, 0x00, sizeof(LSLP_HANDLE)); } } } return; } PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_convergence(const int8 *id, int8 convergence) { LSLP_HANDLE *h; assert(id != NULL); if(id == NULL) return(FALSE); if(NULL != (h = get_handle(id))) { if(convergence < 0) convergence = 1; h->convergence = convergence; return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_port(const int8 *id, int16 target_port) { LSLP_HANDLE *h; assert(id != NULL); if(id == NULL) return(FALSE); if(NULL != (h = get_handle(id))) { if(target_port < 0) target_port = 0; h->target_port = htons(target_port); return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } static void lslp_lib_set_addr_internal(const int8 *new_addr, uint32 *old_addr) { if(new_addr == NULL) *old_addr = INADDR_ANY ; else *old_addr = inet_addr(new_addr); return; } PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_target_addr(const int8 *id, const int8 *target_addr) { LSLP_HANDLE *h; assert(id != NULL); if(id == NULL) return(FALSE); if(NULL != (h = get_handle(id))) { lslp_lib_set_addr_internal(target_addr, &(h->target_addr)) ; return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_local_interface(const int8 *id, const int8 *intface) { LSLP_HANDLE *h; assert(id != NULL); if(id == NULL) return(FALSE); if(NULL != (h = get_handle(id))) { lslp_lib_set_addr_internal(intface, &(h->local_addr)) ; return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_delimitor(const int8 *id, const int8 delimitor) { LSLP_HANDLE *h; assert(id != NULL); if(id == NULL) return(FALSE); if(NULL != (h = get_handle(id))) { h->delimitor = delimitor; return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } static int8 *copy_unescape(int8 *dst, int16 dst_len, int8 *src) { int8 *dst_ptr, *src_ptr; int8 tmp; int16 len = 0; dst_ptr = dst; src_ptr = src; while (*src_ptr != 0x00 && len < dst_len - 1) { if(*src_ptr == '\\') { if(isxdigit(*(src_ptr + 1)) && isxdigit(*(src_ptr + 2))) { tmp = *(src_ptr + 3); *(src_ptr + 3) = 0x00; *dst_ptr = (int8)atoi(src_ptr + 1); src_ptr += 3; *src_ptr = tmp; dst_ptr++; len++; continue; } } *dst_ptr = *src_ptr; dst_ptr++; src_ptr++; len++; } *dst_ptr = 0x00; return(dst); } static int8 *copy_escape(int8 *dst, int16 dst_len, int8 *src, int8 esc ) { int8 *dst_ptr, *src_ptr; int16 len = 0; dst_ptr = dst; src_ptr = src; while (*src_ptr != 0x00 && len < dst_len - 1) { if(*src_ptr == esc) { if(len + 3 < dst_len) { sprintf(dst_ptr, "\\%02x", esc) ; dst_ptr += 3; src_ptr++; len += 3; continue; } else {*dst_ptr = 0x00; return(dst) ;} } *dst_ptr = *src_ptr; dst_ptr++; src_ptr++; len++; } *dst_ptr = 0x00; return(dst); } PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_timout_retry(const int8 *id, uint32 t_sec, uint32 t_usec, int8 retries, uint8 ttl) { LSLP_HANDLE *h; assert(id != NULL); if(id == NULL) return(FALSE); if(retries < 0) retries = 0; if(ttl == 0) ttl = 255; if(NULL != (h = get_handle(id))) { h->tv.tv_sec = t_sec; h->tv.tv_usec = t_usec; h->retries = retries; h->ttl = ttl; return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_set_spi(const int8 *id, const int8 *spi) { spi = spi; return(FALSE); } PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_init(const int8 *id, const int8 *target_addr, const int8 *local_addr, int16 target_port, const int8 *spi) { LSLP_HANDLE *h; assert(id != NULL); if(id == NULL) return(FALSE); if(NULL != ( h = get_handle(id))) { if(target_addr != NULL) lslp_lib_set_addr_internal(target_addr, &(h->target_addr)); if(local_addr != NULL) lslp_lib_set_addr_internal(local_addr, &(h->local_addr)); if(target_port >= 0) h->target_port = htons(target_port); if(spi != NULL) { ; } #ifdef _WIN32 { WSADATA ws_data; WSAStartup(0x0002, &ws_data); } #endif return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } PEGASUS_EXPORT void lslp_lib_deinit(const int8 *id) { assert(id != NULL); if(id != NULL) put_handle(get_handle(id)); #ifdef _WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return; } static void prepare_pr_buf(LSLP_HANDLE *h, const int8 *a) { assert(h != NULL && a != NULL); if(h->pr_buf_len > 0) *(h->pr_buf + h->pr_buf_len - 1) = ',' ; do { *(h->pr_buf + h->pr_buf_len) = *a; a++; (h->pr_buf_len)++; }while((*a != 0x00) && (h->pr_buf_len < LSLP_MTU - 1)); (h->pr_buf_len)++; } static BOOL prepare_query(LSLP_HANDLE *h, uint16 xid, const int8 *service_type, const int8 *scopes, const int8 *predicate ) { int16 len, total_len; int8 *bptr; assert(h != NULL ); if( ! strncmp(h->signature, LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE, LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE_LEN) ) { if(h->version == LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_VERSION) { assert(h->msg_buf != NULL && h->pr_buf != NULL); if(xid != h->xid) { /* this is a new request */ memset(h->pr_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); h->pr_buf_len = 0; h->xid = xid; } memset(h->msg_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); bptr = h->msg_buf; _LSLP_SETVERSION(bptr, LSLP_PROTO_VER); _LSLP_SETFUNCTION(bptr, LSLP_SRVRQST); /* we don't know the length yet */ _LSLP_SETFLAGS(bptr, LSLP_FLAGS_MCAST); _LSLP_SETXID(bptr, xid); _LSLP_SETLAN(bptr, LSLP_EN_US); bptr += ( total_len = _LSLP_HDRLEN(bptr) ) ; if(h->pr_buf_len + total_len < LSLP_MTU) { /* set the pr list length */ _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, (len = h->pr_buf_len), 0); if(len) memcpy(bptr + 2, h->pr_buf, len); total_len += ( 2 + len ); bptr += (2 + len); if(service_type == NULL) len = DA_SRVTYPELEN; else len = strlen(service_type) + 1; if(total_len + 2 + len < LSLP_MTU) { /* set the service type string length */ _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, len, 0); if(service_type != NULL) memcpy(bptr + 2, service_type, len); else memcpy(bptr + 2, DA_SRVTYPE, len); total_len += (2 + len); bptr += (2 + len); /* set the scope len and scope type, advance the buffer */ if(scopes == NULL) len = DA_SCOPELEN; else len = strlen(scopes) + 1; if( total_len + 2 + len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, len, 0); if(scopes != NULL) memcpy(bptr + 2, scopes, len); else memcpy(bptr + 2, DA_SCOPE, DA_SCOPELEN); total_len += ( 2 + len); bptr += (2 + len); /* stuff the predicate if there is one */ if(predicate == NULL) len = 0; else len = strlen(predicate) + 1; if( total_len + 2 + len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, len, 0); if(predicate != NULL) memcpy(bptr + 2, predicate, len); total_len += (2 + len); bptr += (2 + len); /* stuff the spi */ /* set the spi len and spi string */ if(h->spi == NULL) len = 0; else len = strlen(h->spi) + 1; if(total_len + 2 + len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, len, 0); if(h->spi != NULL) memcpy(bptr + 2, h->spi, len); total_len += ( 2 + len); bptr += (2 + len); assert(total_len == bptr - h->msg_buf); /* now go back and set the length for the entire message */ _LSLP_SETLENGTH(h->msg_buf, total_len ); return(TRUE); } /* room for the spi */ } /* room for predicate */ } /* room for the scope */ } /* room for the service type */ } /* room for the pr list */ _LSLP_PERROR(h, "prepare_query", "out of room in transmission buffer"); } else {_LSLP_PERROR(h, "prepare_query", "bad library handle version"); } } else { _LSLP_PERROR(h, "prepare_query", "bad library handle signature"); } return(FALSE); } PEGASUS_EXPORT LSLP_LIB_LIST *lslp_lib_converge_srv_req(const int8 *id, const int8 *type, const int8 *predicate, const int8 *scopes) { if(TRUE == lslp_lib_set_target_addr(id, "") ) { if(TRUE == lslp_lib_set_convergence(id, 3) ) { return(lslp_lib_srv_req(id, type, predicate, scopes) ); } } return(NULL); } PEGASUS_EXPORT LSLP_LIB_LIST *lslp_lib_srv_req(const int8 *id, const int8 *type, const int8 *predicate, const int8 *scopes) { LSLP_HANDLE *h; LSLP_LIB_LIST *response_list = NULL; assert(id != NULL) ; if(id != NULL && (NULL != (h = get_handle(id)))) { if( ! strncmp(h->signature, LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE, LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE_LEN) ) { if(h->version == LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_VERSION) { if ((TRUE == prepare_query(h, (uint16)(h->xid + 1), type, scopes, predicate ))) { uint16 convergence = h->convergence; if(convergence-- > 0) { _LSLP_SETFLAGS(h->msg_buf, LSLP_FLAGS_MCAST) ; } lslp_lib_send_rcv_udp(h, lslp_lib_decode_reply, &response_list) ; while(convergence-- > 0) { _LSLP_SLEEP( h->tv.tv_usec / 1000 ) ; if(prepare_query(h, h->xid, type, scopes, predicate)) { _LSLP_SETFLAGS(h->msg_buf, LSLP_FLAGS_MCAST) ; lslp_lib_send_rcv_udp(h, lslp_lib_decode_reply, &response_list); } } /* if this was a multicast request try it on the local machine too */ if(h->convergence) { /* save current settings */ int8 convergence_save = h->convergence; uint32 target_save = h->target_addr; h->convergence = 0; h->target_addr = inet_addr("" ) ; if ((TRUE == prepare_query(h, (uint16)(h->xid + 1), type, scopes, predicate ))) { _LSLP_SETFLAGS(h->msg_buf, 0 ); lslp_lib_send_rcv_udp(h, lslp_lib_decode_reply, &response_list); } /* restore current settings */ h->convergence = convergence_save; h->target_addr = target_save; } /* if we need to do the query on the local machine */ } /* prepared query */ } /* handle is right version */ } /* handle has right signature */ } /* if we got our handle */ memset(h->msg_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); return(response_list); } static void lslp_lib_decode_reply(LSLP_HANDLE *h, LSLP_LIB_LIST **response_list, struct sockaddr_in *remote) { assert(h != NULL ); if(h->xid == _LSLP_GETXID(h->msg_buf)) { int8 function = _LSLP_GETFUNCTION(h->msg_buf); switch(function) { case LSLP_DAADVERT: assert(response_list != NULL); lslp_lib_decode_daadvert(h, response_list, remote); return; case LSLP_SRVRPLY: assert(response_list != NULL); lslp_lib_decode_srvrply(h, response_list, remote); return; case LSLP_SRVACK: default: break; } } /* msg has expected xid */ return; } static void lslp_lib_decode_srvrply(LSLP_HANDLE *h, LSLP_LIB_LIST **response_list, struct sockaddr_in *remote) { int8 *bptr; int16 str_len, err, count; int32 total_len, purported_len; LSLP_LIB_SRVRPLY *rply; if(*response_list == NULL) { if(NULL == (*response_list = (LSLP_LIB_LIST *)malloc(sizeof(LSLP_LIB_LIST)))) abort(); (*response_list)->next = (*response_list)->prev = *response_list; (*response_list)->isHead = TRUE; (*response_list)->type = TYPE_RPLY_LIST; } bptr = h->msg_buf; purported_len = _LSLP_GETLENGTH(bptr); bptr += (total_len = _LSLP_HDRLEN(bptr)); if(total_len < purported_len) { if(NULL != (rply = (LSLP_LIB_SRVRPLY *)calloc(1, sizeof(LSLP_LIB_SRVRPLY)))) { rply->type = TYPE_RPLY_LIST; err = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0); count = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 2); bptr += 4; total_len += 4; /* loop on the url entries */ while( ( total_len <= purported_len ) && ( count > 0 ) && ( rply != NULL ) ) { rply->function = LSLP_SRVRPLY; rply->err = err; rply->lifetime = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 1); total_len += (5 + (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 3))); if(total_len <= purported_len) { int8 num_auths; if(str_len > 0) { if(NULL != (rply->url = (int8 *)malloc(str_len + 1))) { memcpy(rply->url, bptr + 5, str_len); *((rply->url) + str_len) = 0x00; } else { abort(); } bptr += (5 + str_len); rply->auth_blocks = (num_auths = _LSLP_GETBYTE(bptr, 0)); total_len += 1; bptr += 1; while(num_auths && (total_len <= purported_len )) { /* iterate past the authenticators for now */ /* need extra code here to authenticate url entries */ total_len += (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 2)); bptr += str_len; num_auths--; } strcpy(&(rply->remote[0]), inet_ntoa( remote->sin_addr )) ; _LSLP_INSERT(((LSLP_LIB_LIST *)rply), (*response_list)); count--; if((total_len <= purported_len) && (count > 0) ) rply = (LSLP_LIB_SRVRPLY *)calloc(1, sizeof(LSLP_LIB_SRVRPLY)); else rply = NULL; } else { goto bad_packet; } /* bad packet */ } else { goto bad_packet; } /* bad packet */ } } else { abort(); } } /* if the hdr length field is consistent with reality */ return; bad_packet: _LSLP_PERROR(h, "lslp_lib_decode_srvrply", "recieved corrupt service reply"); free(rply); return; } static void lslp_lib_decode_daadvert(LSLP_HANDLE *h, LSLP_LIB_LIST **response_list, struct sockaddr_in *remote) { int8 *bptr; int16 str_len; int32 total_len, purported_len; LSLP_LIB_DAADVERT *adv; if(*response_list == NULL) { if(NULL == (*response_list = (LSLP_LIB_LIST *)malloc(sizeof(LSLP_LIB_LIST)))) abort(); (*response_list)->next = (*response_list)->prev = *response_list; (*response_list)->isHead = TRUE; (*response_list)->type = TYPE_DA_LIST; } bptr = h->msg_buf; purported_len = _LSLP_GETLENGTH(bptr); bptr += (total_len = _LSLP_HDRLEN(bptr)); if(total_len < purported_len) { if(NULL != (adv = (LSLP_LIB_DAADVERT *)calloc(1, sizeof(LSLP_LIB_DAADVERT)))) { adv->type = TYPE_DA_LIST; adv->function = LSLP_DAADVERT; adv->err = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0); adv->stateless_boot = _LSLP_GETLONG(bptr, 2); total_len += (8 + (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 6))); if(total_len < purported_len) { /* decode and capture the url - note: this is a string, not a url-entry structure */ if(NULL != (adv->url = (int8 *)malloc(str_len + 1))) { memcpy(adv->url, bptr + 8, str_len); *((adv->url) + str_len) = 0x00; /* advance the pointer past the url string */ bptr += (str_len + 8); total_len += (2 + (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0))); if(total_len < purported_len) { if(str_len > 0) { if(NULL != (adv->scope = (int8 *)malloc(str_len + 1))) { memcpy(adv->scope, bptr + 2, str_len); *((adv->scope) + str_len) = 0x00; } else { abort() ;} } /* advance the pointer past the scope string */ bptr += (str_len + 2); total_len += (2 + (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0))); if(total_len < purported_len) { if(str_len > 0) { if(NULL != (adv->attr = (int8 *)malloc(str_len + 1))) { memcpy(adv->attr, bptr + 2, str_len); *((adv->attr) + str_len) = 0x00; } else { abort() ; } } /* advance the pointer past the attr string */ bptr += (str_len + 2); total_len += (2 + (str_len = _LSLP_GETSHORT(bptr, 0))); if(total_len < purported_len) { if(str_len > 0 ) { if(NULL != (adv->spi = (int8 *)malloc(str_len + 1))) { memcpy(adv->spi, bptr + 2, str_len); *((adv->spi) + str_len) = 0x00; } else { abort(); } } /* if there is an spi */ /* advance the pointer past the spi string */ bptr += (str_len + 2); adv->auth_blocks = _LSLP_GETBYTE(bptr, 0); /* need code here to handle authenticated urls */ strcpy(&(adv->remote[0]), inet_ntoa(remote->sin_addr)) ; _LSLP_INSERT(((LSLP_LIB_LIST *)adv), (*response_list)); return; } /* spi length field is consistent with hdr */ } /* attr length field is consistent with hdr */ } /* scope length field is consistent with hdr */ _LSLP_PERROR(h, "lslp_lib_decode_daadvert", "message had bad hdr"); } else { abort() ; } /* allocated url buffer */ } else { _LSLP_PERROR(h, "lslp_lib_decode_daadvert", "message had bad hdr"); } } else { abort() ; } } else { _LSLP_PERROR(h, "lslp_lib_decode_daadvert", "message had bad hdr"); } return; } PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_srv_reg(int8 *id, int8 *url, int8 *attributes, int8 *service_type, int8 *scopes, int16 lifetime) { int32 len; int16 str_len; int8 *bptr; LSLP_HANDLE *h; assert(id != NULL && url != NULL && service_type != NULL ) ; if(id != NULL && (NULL != (h = get_handle(id)))) { if( ! strncmp(h->signature, LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE, LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_SIGNATURE_LEN) ) { if(h->version == LSLP_LIB_HANDLE_VERSION) { assert(h->msg_buf != NULL && h->pr_buf != NULL); /* this is always a new request */ memset(h->pr_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); h->pr_buf_len = 0; h->xid++ ; memset(h->msg_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); bptr = h->msg_buf; _LSLP_SETVERSION(bptr, LSLP_PROTO_VER); _LSLP_SETFUNCTION(bptr, LSLP_SRVREG); /* we don't know the length yet */ _LSLP_SETXID(bptr, h->xid); _LSLP_SETLAN(bptr, LSLP_EN_US); bptr += (len = _LSLP_HDRLEN(bptr) ) ; /* construct a url-entry */ _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, lifetime, 1); _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, (str_len = (strlen(url) + 1)), 3); len += (5 + str_len ); if(len + 1 < LSLP_MTU ) { memcpy(bptr + 5, url, str_len); bptr += (5 + str_len); /* no auth blocks for now */ _LSLP_SETBYTE(bptr, 0x00, 0); bptr++; len++; /* stuff the service type */ str_len = strlen(service_type) + 1; if(len + 2 + str_len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, str_len, 0); memcpy(bptr + 2, service_type, str_len); bptr += (2 + str_len); len += (2 + str_len); /* stuff the scope list if there is one */ if(scopes == NULL) str_len = 0; else str_len = strlen(scopes) + 1; if(str_len == 1) str_len = 0; if(len + 2 + str_len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, str_len, 0); if(str_len) memcpy(bptr + 2, scopes, str_len); len += (2 + str_len); bptr += (2 + str_len); /* stuff the attribute string if there is one */ if(attributes == NULL) str_len = 0; else str_len = strlen(attributes) + 1; if(str_len == 1) str_len = 0; if(len + 2 + str_len < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETSHORT(bptr, str_len, 0); if(str_len) memcpy(bptr + 2, attributes, str_len); len += ( 2 + str_len); bptr += (2 + str_len); /* no attribute auths for now */ if(len + 1 < LSLP_MTU) { _LSLP_SETBYTE(bptr, 0x00, 0); } len += 1; /* set the length field in the header */ _LSLP_SETLENGTH(h->msg_buf, len ); if(TRUE == lslp_lib_send_rcv_udp(h, NULL, NULL)) { if(LSLP_SRVACK == _LSLP_GETFUNCTION(h->msg_buf)) { if(0x0000 == _LSLP_GETSHORT(h->msg_buf, (_LSLP_HDRLEN(h->msg_buf)))) { memset(h->msg_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); return(TRUE); } } } } /* attribute string fits into buffer */ } /* scope string fits into buffer */ } /* service type fits into buffer */ } /* url fits into buffer */ _LSLP_PERROR(h, "lslp_lib_srv_reg", "registration request overflowed transmission buffer"); } else { _LSLP_PERROR(h, "lslp_lib_srv_reg", "library handle has wrong version"); } } else { _LSLP_PERROR(h, "lslp_lib_srv_reg", "unable to verify library handle signature" ); } } else { _LSLP_PERROR(h, "lslp_lib_srv_reg", "unable to get a library handle"); } memset(h->msg_buf, 0x00, LSLP_MTU); return(FALSE); } PEGASUS_EXPORT int8 *lslp_lib_get_host_name(void) { int8 *buf = (int8 *)malloc(255); if(buf != NULL) { if( 0 == gethostname(buf, 255)) { buf = (int8 *)realloc(buf, strlen(buf) + 1); } else { free(buf); buf = NULL; } } return(buf); } static BOOL lslp_lib_send_rcv_udp(LSLP_HANDLE *h, void (*decode_func)(LSLP_HANDLE *, LSLP_LIB_LIST **, struct sockaddr_in *), LSLP_LIB_LIST **parm) { SOCKET sock; struct sockaddr_in target, local; BOOL ccode = FALSE; assert(h != NULL); if(INVALID_SOCKET != (sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0))) { local.sin_family = AF_INET; local.sin_port = 0; local.sin_addr.s_addr = h->local_addr; if(SOCKET_ERROR != bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&local, sizeof(local))) { int err; fd_set fds; struct timeval tv; int bcast = ( (_LSLP_GETFLAGS(h->msg_buf)) & LSLP_FLAGS_MCAST) ? 1 : 0 ; if(bcast) { if( (SOCKET_ERROR == _LSLP_SET_TTL(sock, h->ttl)) || (SOCKET_ERROR == setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const int8 *)&bcast, sizeof(bcast))) ) { _LSLP_PERROR(h, "lslp_lib_converge_udp", "writing to datagram socket"); _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET(sock); return(FALSE); } } target.sin_family = AF_INET; target.sin_port = h->target_port; target.sin_addr.s_addr = h->target_addr; if(SOCKET_ERROR == (err = sendto(sock, h->msg_buf, _LSLP_GETLENGTH(h->msg_buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&target, sizeof(target) ))) { _LSLP_PERROR(h, "lslp_lib_converge_udp", "writing to datagram socket"); _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET(sock); return(FALSE); } /* oops - error sending data */ while(0 < err) { FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(sock, &fds); do { tv.tv_sec = h->tv.tv_sec; tv.tv_usec = h->tv.tv_usec; err = select(sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); } while( (err < 0) && (errno == EINTR)); if( 0 < err ) { int size = sizeof(target); err = recvfrom(sock, h->msg_buf, LSLP_MTU, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&target, (socklen_t *)&size); if(err && err != SOCKET_ERROR) { ccode = TRUE; if(decode_func != NULL) decode_func(h, parm, &target); if(bcast == 0) break; prepare_pr_buf(h, inet_ntoa(target.sin_addr)); } /* read a response */ } /* socket has data */ } /* while selecting */ } /* socket bound */ _LSLP_CLOSESOCKET(sock); } /* got the socket */ return(ccode); } static void lslp_lib_free_daadvert(LSLP_LIB_DAADVERT *dav) { if(dav->url != NULL) free(dav->url); if(dav->scope != NULL) free(dav->scope); if(dav->attr != NULL) free(dav->attr); if(dav->spi != NULL) free(dav->spi); if(dav->auth != NULL) free(dav->auth); free(dav); return; } static void lslp_lib_free_rply(LSLP_LIB_SRVRPLY *rply) { if(rply->url != NULL) free(rply->url); if(rply->auth != NULL) free(rply->auth); free(rply); } PEGASUS_EXPORT void lslp_lib_free_list(LSLP_LIB_LIST *list) { LSLP_LIB_LIST *temp; temp = list->next; while( ! _LSLP_IS_HEAD(temp)) { _LSLP_UNLINK(temp); if(temp->type == TYPE_DA_LIST) lslp_lib_free_daadvert((LSLP_LIB_DAADVERT *)temp); else if (temp->type == TYPE_RPLY_LIST) lslp_lib_free_rply((LSLP_LIB_SRVRPLY *)temp); else { free(temp) ; } temp = list->next; } free(list); return; } PEGASUS_EXPORT void lslp_lib_srv_reg_all(int8 *id, int8 *url, int8 *attributes, int8 *service_type, int8 *scopes, int16 lifetime, int *succeeded, int *failed) { LSLP_LIB_DAADVERT *das; assert(id != NULL && url != NULL && attributes != NULL && service_type != NULL && scopes != NULL && succeeded != NULL && failed != NULL); if(id == NULL || url == NULL || attributes == NULL || service_type == NULL || scopes == NULL || succeeded == NULL || failed == NULL) return; *succeeded = 0; *failed = 0; lslp_lib_set_target_addr(id, ""); lslp_lib_set_convergence(id, 3); if(NULL != (das = (LSLP_LIB_DAADVERT *)lslp_lib_srv_req(id, NULL, NULL, "DEFAULT"))) { LSLP_LIB_DAADVERT *thisDA = das->next; while( ! _LSLP_IS_HEAD(thisDA) ) { lslp_lib_set_target_addr(id, thisDA->remote); if(TRUE == lslp_lib_srv_reg(id, url, attributes, service_type, scopes, lifetime) ) (*succeeded)++; else (*failed)++; thisDA = thisDA->next; } lslp_lib_free_list((LSLP_LIB_LIST *)das); } /* now try to register with the local host */ lslp_lib_set_convergence(id, 0); lslp_lib_set_target_addr(id, ""); if(TRUE == lslp_lib_srv_reg(id, url, attributes, service_type, scopes, lifetime)) (*succeeded)++; /* its not really a failure if the localhost doesn't respond, because */ /* there may not be a da on the localhost */ return; } #ifdef _WIN32 PEGASUS_EXPORT int gethostbyname_r(const char *name, struct hostent *resultbuf, char *buf, size_t bufsize, struct hostent **result, int *errnop) { name = name; resultbuf = resultbuf; buf = buf; bufsize = bufsize; if(NULL == (*result = gethostbyname(name))) { *errnop = WSAGetLastError(); return(-1); } return(0); } #endif PEGASUS_EXPORT int8 *lslp_lib_get_addr_string_from_url(const int8 *url) { struct sockaddr_in addr; if( lslp_lib_get_addr_from_url( url, &addr) ) { int8 *name = (int8 *)malloc(255); if(name != NULL) { #ifdef _WIN32 _snprintf(name, 254, "%s:%d", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), ntohs(addr.sin_port) ); #else snprintf(name, 254, "%s:%d", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), ntohs(addr.sin_port) ); #endif realloc(name, strlen(name) + 1); } return(name); } return(NULL); } PEGASUS_EXPORT BOOL lslp_lib_get_addr_from_url(const int8 *url, struct sockaddr_in *addr ) { int8 *bptr, *url_dup; BOOL ccode = FALSE; assert(url != NULL && addr != NULL); if(url == NULL || addr == NULL) return(FALSE); // isolate the host field bptr = (url_dup = strdup(url)); if(bptr == NULL) return(FALSE ); while( (*bptr != '/') && (*bptr != 0x00) ) bptr++; if(*bptr == '/' && *(bptr + 1) == '/') { int8 *endptr, *portptr; endptr = bptr + 2; while (*endptr != 0x00 && *endptr != '/' && *endptr != ';') endptr++; *endptr = 0x00; portptr = (endptr - 1) ; while( ( portptr > ( bptr + 2 ) ) && ( *portptr != ':' ) ) portptr--; if( *portptr == ':') { *portptr = 0x00; portptr++; } else { portptr = NULL; } // bptr points to the host name or address // portptr points to the port or is null if (portptr != NULL) addr->sin_port = htons( (int16)strtoul(portptr, NULL, 0) ); else addr->sin_port = 0x0000; addr->sin_family = AF_INET; bptr += 2; addr->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(bptr); if(addr->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { struct hostent *host; struct hostent hostbuf; uint8 *temp ; uint32 result, err; size_t hostbuflen = 256; // hopefully a hostname because dotted decimal notation was invalid // look for the user@hostname production int8 *userptr; userptr = bptr; while( (*userptr != 0x00 ) && (*userptr != '@' ) ) userptr++; if( *userptr == '@' ) bptr = userptr + 1; temp = (uint8 *)malloc(hostbuflen); if(temp != NULL) { host = NULL; while(temp != NULL && (result = gethostbyname_r(bptr, &hostbuf, (char *)temp, hostbuflen, &host, (int *)&err)) == ERANGE){ hostbuflen *= 2; temp = (uint8 *)realloc(temp, hostbuflen); } if(host != NULL) { struct in_addr *ptr; if (((ptr = (struct in_addr *)*(host->h_addr_list)) != NULL ) ) { addr->sin_addr.s_addr = ptr->s_addr; ccode = TRUE; } } free(temp); } /* we allocated the temp buffer for gethostbyname */ } else { ccode = TRUE; } /* host field is not in a valid dotted decimal form */ } /* isolated the host field in the url */ return(ccode); } /***************************************************************** * test harness * * ****************************************************************/ #ifdef TEST_HARNESS #define TEST_HARNESS_ID "test_harness" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(TRUE == lslp_lib_init(TEST_HARNESS_ID, "", "", 427, "none" )) { LSLP_LIB_DAADVERT *daadvert; daadvert = (LSLP_LIB_DAADVERT *)lslp_lib_srv_req(TEST_HARNESS_ID, NULL, NULL, "DEFAULT"); if(TRUE == lslp_lib_srv_reg(TEST_HARNESS_ID, "service:nothing://localhost/", "(one = one), (two = 2)", "service:nothing", "DEFAULT, special", 0x00ff)) { LSLP_LIB_SRVRPLY *rply; rply = (LSLP_LIB_SRVRPLY *)lslp_lib_srv_req(TEST_HARNESS_ID, "service:nothing", "(one =*)", "DEFAULT"); } lslp_lib_deinit(TEST_HARNESS_ID); } return(1); } #endif PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END