@echo off REM *********************************************************** REM *********************************************************** REM Batch file for building the Pegasus-WMI Mapper on Windows REM REM NOTE: To run this script, GNU make (gnumake.exe) and REM Pegasus mu.exe MUST BE in the PATH or in PEGASUS_ROOT REM REM Also, this batch file assumes Visual C++ 6.0 and the REM Microsoft Platform SDK are installed, vcvars32.bat is REM in the PATH and the MSSdk env var is defined. Other REM environments (e.g., VisualStudio.NET) may require REM modifications to this batch file. REM REM Environment Variables: REM PLATFORM REM - Indicates the target platform for the build REM - Valid settings are "Win32" and "Win64" REM - Default(if not set) = "Win32" REM FLAVOR REM - Indicates whether to build debug or product/release bits REM - Valid settings are "product" and "debug" REM - Default(if not set) = "product" REM PEGASUS_ROOT REM - Root directory of the Pegasus "source" to build from REM (e.g., "C:\Pegasus") REM - No default -- MUST BE SET prior to running this script REM or the script will fail. REM PEGASUS_HOME REM - Root directory where the built Pegasus binaries, etc., REM are to be "installed" (e.g., "C:\Pegasus") REM - No default -- MUST BE SET prior to running this script REM or the script will fail. REM PEGASUS_HAS_SSL REM - If set, indicates Pegasus to be built with SSL support REM - If not set, Pegasus is still built with SSL by default REM (may be overridden by the command line param, below) REM OPENSSL_HOME REM - Root directory of the OpenSSL libraries/sdk REM - No default -- must be set prior to running this script REM if SSL support is specified (see PEGASUS_HAS_SSL, above). REM REM Command Line Parameters (used to override environment vars) REM [-]Win32 overrides PLATFORM=Win32 REM [-]Win64 overrides PLATFORM=Win64 REM [-]d[ebug] overrides FLAVOR=debug REM [-]p[rodcut] overrides FLAVOR=product REM [-]r[elease] overrides FLAVOR=product REM [-]ssl overrides PEGASUS_HAS_SSL defined REM [-]nossl overrides PEGASUS_HAS_SSL not defined REM REM *********************************************************** REM *********************************************************** echo Building Pegasus... REM *********************************************************** REM Keep any environment changes local REM *********************************************************** SETLOCAL REM *********************************************************** REM Default variables, if not already set REM *********************************************************** if not defined PLATFORM set PLATFORM=Win32 if not defined FLAVOR set FLAVOR=product if not defined PEGASUS_HAS_SSL set PEGASUS_HAS_SSL=Yes if not defined PEGASUS_WMIMAPPER set PEGASUS_WMIMAPPER=Yes if not defined PEGASUS_ROOT goto ERR_NO_PEGASUS_ROOT if not defined PEGASUS_HOME goto ERR_NO_PEGASUS_HOME REM *********************************************************** REM Add %PEGASUS_HOME%\bin to the PATH (needed for tests, etc.) REM *********************************************************** set PATH=%PEGASUS_HOME%\bin;%PATH% REM *********************************************************** REM Process command line args REM REM Valid args are (NOT case-sensitive): REM [-]Win32 overrides PLATFORM=Win32 REM [-]Win64 overrides PLATFORM=Win64 REM [-]d[ebug] overrides FLAVOR=debug REM [-]p[rodcut] overrides FLAVOR=product REM [-]r[elease] overrides FLAVOR=product REM [-]ssl overrides PEGASUS_HAS_SSL defined REM [-]nossl overrides PEGASUS_HAS_SSL not defined REM *********************************************************** :CHECK_COMMAND_LINE_ARG if "%1" == "" goto DONE_WITH_COMMAND_LINE if /i "%1"=="-Win32" goto ARG_PLATFORM_WIN32 if /i "%1"=="Win32" goto ARG_PLATFORM_WIN32 if /i "%1"=="-Win64" goto ARG_PLATFORM_WIN64 if /i "%1"=="Win64" goto ARG_PLATFORM_WIN64 if /i "%1"=="-debug" goto ARG_FLAVOR_DEBUG if /i "%1"=="debug" goto ARG_FLAVOR_DEBUG if /i "%1"=="-d" goto ARG_FLAVOR_DEBUG if /i "%1"=="d" goto ARG_FLAVOR_DEBUG if /i "%1"=="-product" goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT if /i "%1"=="product" goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT if /i "%1"=="-p" goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT if /i "%1"=="p" goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT if /i "%1"=="-release" goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT if /i "%1"=="release" goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT if /i "%1"=="-r" goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT if /i "%1"=="r" goto ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT if /i "%1"=="-ssl" goto ARG_SSL if /i "%1"=="ssl" goto ARG_SSL if /i "%1"=="-nossl" goto ARG_NOSSL if /i "%1"=="nossl" goto ARG_NOSSL REM: If here, have an INVALID ARGUMENT: echo Invalid argument on the command line: %1. Ignoring... goto NEXT_ARG :ARG_PLATFORM_WIN32 set PLATFORM=Win32 goto NEXT_ARG :ARG_PLATFORM_WIN64 set PLATFORM=Win64 goto NEXT_ARG :ARG_FLAVOR_DEBUG set FLAVOR=debug goto NEXT_ARG :ARG_FLAVOR_PRODUCT set FLAVOR=product goto NEXT_ARG :ARG_SSL set PEGASUS_HAS_SSL=Yes if not defined OPENSSL_HOME goto ERR_NO_OPENSSL_HOME set PATH=%OPENSSL_HOME%\bin;%PATH% goto NEXT_ARG :ARG_NOSSL set PEGASUS_HAS_SSL= goto NEXT_ARG :NEXT_ARG shift goto CHECK_COMMAND_LINE_ARG :DONE_WITH_COMMAND_LINE REM *********************************************************** REM Translate the PLATFORM and FLAVOR vars into environment REM variables used by Pegasus for specifying platform & flavor REM *********************************************************** if /i "%FLAVOR%" == "product" set PEGASUS_DEBUG= if /i "%FLAVOR%" == "debug" set PEGASUS_DEBUG=1 REM If/when Pegasus has a Win64/IPF config, the following can be REM used for setting the appropriate config, based on the PLATFORM: REM if "%PLATFORM%" == "Win32" set PEGASUS_PLATFORM=WIN32_IX86_MSVC REM if "%PLATFORM%" == "Win64" set PEGASUS_PLATFORM=WIN64_IA64_MSVC REM For now, using WIN32_IX86_MSVC, (even for Win64/IPF builds): set PEGASUS_PLATFORM=WIN32_IX86_MSVC REM *********************************************************** REM This sets up the Visual C++/Platform SDK environment REM *********************************************************** REM The MS Platform SDK has the following platform options: REM /2000 - target Windows 2000 and IE 5.0 REM /XP32 (default) - target Windows XP 32 REM /XP64 - target Windows XP 64 REM /SRV32 - target Windows Server 2003 32 bit REM /SRV64 - target Windows Server 2003 64 bit REM /x86_64 - target Windows for the x86_64 bit platform REM if /i "%PLATFORM%" == "Win32" set PSDKPLATFORM=/2000 if /i "%PLATFORM%" == "Win64" set PSDKPLATFORM=/SRV64 REM The MS Platform SDK has the following flavor options: REM /DEBUG - set the environment to DEBUG REM /RETAIL - set the environment to RETAIL REM if /i "%FLAVOR%" == "product" set PSDKFLAVOR=/RETAIL if /i "%FLAVOR%" == "debug" set PSDKFLAVOR=/DEBUG REM Configure the development environment call vcvars32.bat call "%MSSdk%\setenv.bat" %PSDKPLATFORM% %PSDKFLAVOR% REM *********************************************************** REM Finally, run the builds REM *********************************************************** REM *********************************************************** REM Makefiles must be run from the directory where they reside REM *********************************************************** pushd %PEGASUS_ROOT% echo. echo "=======================================" echo "Building the Pegasus core lib's & app's" echo "=======================================" REM NOTE: Remove "rebuild" from the make command, below, REM for a simpler build of Pegasus (build new/updated REM files/dependencies only, no repository & no tests) make rebuild REM NOTE: Comment-out the following line to ignore Pegasus REM build/test errors, and go on to build the Mapper: if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto ERR_BUILD_FAILED REM *********************************************************** REM return to the original directory REM *********************************************************** popd REM *********************************************************** REM Now build the WMI Mapper REM *********************************************************** pushd %PEGASUS_ROOT%\src\WMIMapper echo. echo "=======================================" echo "Building the Pegasus WMI Mapper " echo "=======================================" make mapper if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto ERR_BUILD_FAILED REM *********************************************************** REM return to the original directory REM *********************************************************** popd REM *********************************************************** REM Copy header files to PEGASUS_HOME, to complete the SDK REM *********************************************************** REM First, delete any existing include directory: rmdir /S /Q %PEGASUS_HOME%\include REM Now, create the include directory structure: set COMMON_INCL=%PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Common set CLIENT_INCL=%PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Client set PROVDR_INCL=%PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Provider REM This is how to do it if NT extensions are not enabled: REM mkdir %PEGASUS_HOME%\include REM mkdir %PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus REM mkdir %PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Common REM mkdir %PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Client REM mkdir %PEGASUS_HOME%\include\Pegasus\Provider REM With NT extensions enabled, can just do this: mkdir %COMMON_INCL% mkdir %CLIENT_INCL% mkdir %PROVDR_INCL% REM Finally, copy the headers: pushd %PEGASUS_ROOT%\src\Pegasus\Common copy AcceptLanguageElement.h %COMMON_INCL% copy AcceptLanguages.h %COMMON_INCL% copy Array.h %COMMON_INCL% copy ArrayInter.h %COMMON_INCL% copy Char16.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMClass.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMDateTime.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMFlavor.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMIndication.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMInstance.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMMethod.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMName.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMObject.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMObjectPath.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMParameter.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMParamValue.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMProperty.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMPropertyList.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMQualifier.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMQualifierDecl.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMScope.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMStatusCode.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMType.h %COMMON_INCL% copy CIMValue.h %COMMON_INCL% copy Config.h %COMMON_INCL% copy ContentLanguageElement.h %COMMON_INCL% copy ContentLanguages.h %COMMON_INCL% copy Exception.h %COMMON_INCL% copy Formatter.h %COMMON_INCL% copy LanguageElement.h %COMMON_INCL% copy LanguageElementContainer.h %COMMON_INCL% copy LanguageParser.h %COMMON_INCL% copy Linkage.h %COMMON_INCL% copy Logger.h %COMMON_INCL% copy MessageLoader.h %COMMON_INCL% copy OperationContext.h %COMMON_INCL% copy Platform_WIN32_IX86_MSVC.h %COMMON_INCL% copy ResponseHandler.h %COMMON_INCL% copy SSLContext.h %COMMON_INCL% copy String.h %COMMON_INCL% copy System.h %COMMON_INCL% popd pushd %PEGASUS_ROOT%\src\Pegasus\Client copy CIMClient.h %CLIENT_INCL% copy CIMClientException.h %CLIENT_INCL% copy Linkage.h %CLIENT_INCL% popd pushd %PEGASUS_ROOT%\src\Pegasus\Provider copy CIMAssociationProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy CIMBaseProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy CIMClassProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy CIMIndicationConsumer.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy CIMIndicationProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy CIMInstanceProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy CIMMethodProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy CIMOMHandle.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy CIMProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy CIMQueryProvider.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy Linkage.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy ProviderException.h %PROVDR_INCL% copy ResponseHandler.h %PROVDR_INCL% popd goto DONE REM *********************************************************** REM Error Message Sub-Routines REM *********************************************************** :ERR_NO_PEGASUS_ROOT echo "Error: The environment variable PEGASUS_ROOT is not set!" goto DONE :ERR_NO_PEGASUS_HOME echo "Error: The environment variable PEGASUS_HOME is not set!" goto DONE :ERR_NO_OPENSSL_HOME echo "Error: The environment variable OPENSSL_HOME is not set!" goto DONE :ERR_BUILD_FAILED echo Error: An error occured during the build. goto DONE :DONE ENDLOCAL :EOF