//%LICENSE//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to The Open Group (TOG) under one or more contributor license // agreements. Refer to the OpenPegasusNOTICE.txt file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // Each contributor licenses this file to you under the OpenPegasus Open // Source License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the // License. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, // TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE // SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Description: this provider manages the SLP advertisements for Pegasus. It gets information from other sources within the Pegasus environment (primarily the Interop Classes such as CIM_ObjectManager, CIM_ObjectManagerCommunicationMechanism, CIM_Namespaces, etc. and generates the corresponding registrations. It also maintains a single Class, PG_WBEMSlpTemplate that defines what is in the template. NOTE: This provider should NEVER be getting information itself but simply using other classes in the environment to generate information. The intrinistic operations that exist include: enumerateInstances enumerateInstanceNames getInstance This module provides an SLP service agent that is activited once the first registration is created. This service agent provides either the normal SA functions or provides the registration to a DA if required. That set of functions in in the Pegasus service agent code. To initiate the SA within Pegasus, the system must make a first PEG_WBEMSLPTemplate enumerateInstances call to this provider or execute the register method. That initiates the build of the registration information and the startup of the SA. Note that this providers sets itself so that it cannot be removed once started. */ /* 1. Currently SLP readvertisement happens in the following condtions. (a) When PG_ProviderProfileCapabilities instance is created or deleted. (b) When PG_Provider and PG_ProviderCapabilities instances are created. (c) When PG_Provider, PG_ProviderModule and PG_ProviderCapabilities instances are deleted. (d) When PG_ProviderModule is disabled or enabled. 2. SLP advertisements for both EmbeddedSLP and External SLP will happen from this provider using slp_agent. TODO: 3. Consider seriously the concept of instance creation where the instance is provided and that instance is registered as a profile. Not sure today what the level of validation, etc. would be required. 4. We would like separate this function completely from the CIMOM so that the registration it could operate as first a separate process and second as a separte executable. 5. Look at getting certain parameters as the default from the class. This way we could use the class definition for defaults. 6. Determine if we really want to get enumerated attribute strings from the class or from a string tied to the template. If we get them from the class we are committed to whatever is in the class. However, in reality, the class and the template could be different in some cases. For the moment we are getting them from the class and the template and class enumerations do match. */ #include "SLPProvider.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for Logger #include #include #include PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN PEGASUS_USING_PEGASUS; PEGASUS_USING_STD; //****************************************************************** // // Constants // //***************************************************************** const char SlpProvider[] = "SlpProvider"; const char SlpTemplateClassName[] = "PG_WBEMSLPTemplate"; // This SLP service is named wbem. // Internally the serviceName is wbem (in the template) and the serviceID is // service:wbem for registration. const char serviceIDPrefix[] = "service"; const char serviceName[] = "wbem"; const char elementNamePropertyName[] = "ElementName"; const char descriptionPropertyName[] = "Description"; const char instanceIDPropertyName[] = "InstanceID"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Predefined Values that are part of the SLP template. These values are defined // as part of the DMTF SLP template. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is the current template version. Should change only if there is a new // template specification released. const char templateVersion[] = "1.0"; // Fixed test to be inserted in the templateDescription attribute. const char templateDescription[] = "This template describes the attributes used for advertising " "Pegasus CIM Servers."; // Default list of Registered Profiles is empty const char defaultRegisteredProfilesList[] = ""; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Names for attributes of SLP template and corresponding PG_WbemSLPtemplate // class. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Template attribute name constants This set of constants comes from the // DMTF wbem template definition. The ...attribute variables are the character // constants that define the template attributes. Note that we build an // instance of the wbemslpTemplate class for each created template and that // class contains names similar to the attribute names. // The attributename is used for that also unless the property name // in the class is different. At this point, there are no differences except // that all of the attribute names with dash in the name need // a separate property name because dash is not a legal CIMName. // We used "_" instead of "-" for the property names. const char templateTypeProperty[] = "template_type"; const char templateTypeAttribute[] = "template-type"; const char templateVersionProperty[] = "template_version"; const char templateVersionAttribute[] = "template-version"; const char templateDescriptionProperty[] = "template_description"; const char templateDescriptionAttribute[] = "template-description"; const char serviceUrlSyntaxProperty[] = "template_url_syntax"; const char serviceUrlSyntaxAttribute[] = "template-url-syntax"; const char serviceHiDescriptionProperty[] = "service_hi_description"; const char serviceHiDescriptionAttribute[] = "service-hi-description"; const char serviceHiNameProperty[] = "service_hi_name"; const char serviceHiNameAttribute[] = "service-hi-name"; const char serviceIDProperty[] = "service_id"; const char serviceIDAttribute[] = "service-id"; const char communicationMechanismAttribute[] = "CommunicationMechanism"; const char otherCommunicationMechanismDescriptionAttribute[] = "OtherCommunicationMechanismDescription"; const char InteropSchemaNamespaceAttribute[] = "InteropSchemaNamespace"; const char protocolVersionAttribute[] = "ProtocolVersion"; const char functionalProfilesSupportedAttribute[] = "FunctionalProfilesSupported"; const char functionalProfileDescriptionsAttribute[] = "FunctionalProfileDescriptions"; const char otherProfileDescriptionAttribute[] = "OtherProfileDescription"; const char multipleOperationsSupportedAttribute[] = "MultipleOperationsSupported"; const char authenticationMechanismsSupportedAttribute[] = "AuthenticationMechanismsSupported"; const char otherAuthenticationDescriptionsAttribute[] = "OtherAuthenticationDescription"; const char authenticationMechanismDescriptionsAttribute[] = "AuthenticationMechanismDescriptions"; const char namespaceAttribute[] = "Namespace"; const char classinfoAttribute[] = "Classinfo"; const char registeredProfilesSupportedAttribute[]="RegisteredProfilesSupported"; CIMNamespaceName _interopNamespace = PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP; CIMName namePropertyName = "name"; // This is the dynamic entry point into this dynamic module. The name of // this provider is "FamilyProvider" which is appened to // "PegasusCreateProvider_" to form a symbol name. This function is called // by the ProviderModule to load this provider. // // NOTE: The name of the provider must be correct to be loadable. #ifdef PEGASUS_OS_ZOS const int MAXPATHLEN=2000; #endif extern "C" PEGASUS_EXPORT CIMProvider * PegasusCreateProvider( const String & name) { if (String::equalNoCase(name, "SLPProvider") || String::equalNoCase(name, "SLPProvider(PROVIDER)")) { return(new SLPProvider()); } return(0); } //******************************************************************** // // Support functions // //******************************************************************** String _showStringArray(const Array& s) { String o; for (Uint32 i = 0 ; i < s.size() ; i++) { if (i > 0) { o.append(" "); } o.append(s[i]); } return o; } /** Returns value string from the value qualifier for the current value of an enumerated property. This function assumes that the qualifiers are in the property in the instance itself. The function determines if the qualifiers value and valuemap exist and are valid and then uses the property value to find the value and get the corresponding valueMap string. NOTE: Today this function assumes that the qualifiers are in the instance. In the long term this is incorrect. We need to get the class @param myInstance CIMInstance containing the property and with the qualifiers in the instance. @return String The value from the qualifier. @exception throws CIM_ERR_FAILED error if the value and value map information is not correct. */ String _getValueQualifier( const CIMConstProperty& instanceProperty, const CIMClass& thisClass) { CIMName propertyName = instanceProperty.getName(); CIMValue propertyValue = instanceProperty.getValue(); Uint32 pos; CIMConstProperty classProperty; if ((pos = thisClass.findProperty(propertyName)) != PEG_NOT_FOUND) { classProperty = thisClass.getProperty(pos); } else throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_FAILED, "SLPProvider Property find error. Class " + thisClass.getClassName().getString() + " Property " + propertyName.getString()); // validate the valueMap qualifiers in the Class Property Uint32 posValueMap; String errorMessage; Array va1; Array va2; if ((posValueMap=classProperty.findQualifier("valueMap")) != PEG_NOT_FOUND) { CIMConstQualifier qValueMap = classProperty.getQualifier(posValueMap); if (!qValueMap.isArray() || (qValueMap.getType() != CIMTYPE_STRING)) { errorMessage = "Error in valueMap Qualifier"; } else { CIMValue q1 = qValueMap.getValue(); q1.get(va1); // validate the value qualifier Uint32 posValue; if ((posValue=classProperty.findQualifier("values"))==PEG_NOT_FOUND) errorMessage = "No value Qualifier"; else { CIMConstQualifier qValue = classProperty.getQualifier(posValue); if (!qValue.isArray() || (qValue.getType() != CIMTYPE_STRING)) { errorMessage = "Invalid value Qualifier"; } else { CIMValue q2 = qValue.getValue(); q2.get(va2); // Test if the array size for the two values is the same. if (va2.size() != va1.size()) errorMessage = "Size error on value Qualifier"; } } } } else { errorMessage = "No valueMap Qualifier"; } if (errorMessage.size() != 0) { throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION( CIM_ERR_FAILED, " Qualifier Value mapping error. " + errorMessage + " " + propertyName.getString()); } // Need to find the values of the property in the ValueMap. If the // property is an array, then all of the elements need to be converted // and a concatenated string should be returned. If it is not an array // then just the one value needs to be found in the ValueMap qualifier // and returned. if (propertyValue.isArray()) { // TBD: Need to handle generic property values if (propertyValue.getType() == CIMTYPE_UINT16) { Array values; propertyValue.get(values); String convertedValues; bool found = true; for (Uint32 i = 0, size = values.size(); i < size && found; i++) { if (i != 0) convertedValues.append(Char16(',')); String currentValueString = CIMValue(values[i]).toString(); found = false; for (Uint32 j = 0, qSize = va1.size(); j < qSize && !found; j++) { if (currentValueString == va1[j]) { convertedValues.append(va2[j]); found = true; } } } if (found) { return convertedValues; } } } else { String targetValueString = propertyValue.toString(); // find this valueMap and get corresponding value for (Uint32 i = 0 ; i < va1.size() ; i++) { if (targetValueString == va1[i]) { // Return corresponding value in value qualifier return(va2[i]); } } } throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_FAILED, " Qualifier Value mapping error. Invalid property value " + propertyName.getString()); } /** convert an array of strings to a CSV string. @param s Array with input strings @return String with CSV String from array */ String _arrayToString(const Array& s) { String output; for (Uint32 i = 0 ; i < s.size() ; i++) { if (i > 0) output.append(","); output.append(s[i]); } return(output); } String _arrayToString(const Array& s) { String output; for (Uint32 i = 0 ; i < s.size() ; i++) { if (i > 0) output.append(","); char buffer[128]; sprintf(buffer,"%i", s[i]); output.append(String(buffer)); } return(output); } /** append the input string and if output not empty a comma separator param s String to which we will append s1. param s1 String to be appended */ void _appendCSV(String& s, const String& s1) { if (s.size() != 0) s.append(","); s.append(s1); } /** get one string property from an instance. @param instance CIMInstance from which we get property value @param propertyName String name of the property containing the value @param default String optional parameter that is substituted if the property does not exist, is Null, or is not a string type. The substitute is String::EMPTY @return String value found or defaultValue. */ String _getPropertyValueString( const CIMInstance& instance, const CIMName& propertyName, const String& defaultValue = String::EMPTY) { String output; Uint32 pos; PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "_getPropertyValue String for name= %s default= %s", (const char*) propertyName.getString().getCString(), (const char*) defaultValue.getCString())); if ((pos = instance.findProperty(propertyName)) != PEG_NOT_FOUND) { CIMConstProperty p1 = instance.getProperty(pos); if (p1.getType() == CIMTYPE_STRING) { CIMValue v1 = p1.getValue(); if (!v1.isNull()) v1.get(output); else output = defaultValue; } else output = defaultValue; } else output = defaultValue; return output; } Uint16 _getPropertyValueUint16( const CIMInstance& instance, const CIMName& propertyName, const Uint16& defaultValue = 0) { Uint16 output; Uint32 pos; PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "_getPropertyValue Uint16 for name= %s default= %uh", (const char*) propertyName.getString().getCString(), defaultValue)); if ((pos = instance.findProperty(propertyName)) != PEG_NOT_FOUND) { CIMConstProperty p1 = instance.getProperty(pos); if (p1.getType() == CIMTYPE_UINT16) { CIMValue v1 = p1.getValue(); if (!v1.isNull()) v1.get(output); else output = defaultValue; } else output = defaultValue; } else output = defaultValue; return(output); } /** Set the value of a property defined by property name in the instance provided. Sets a String into the value field unless the property name cannot be found. If the property cannot be found, it simply returns. ATTN: This function does not pass an error back if property not found. @param instance CIMInstance in which to set property value @param propertyName CIMName of property in which value will be set. @param value String value to set into property */ void _setPropertyValue( CIMInstance& instance, const CIMName& propertyName, const String& value) { Uint32 pos; if ((pos = instance.findProperty(propertyName)) != PEG_NOT_FOUND) instance.getProperty(pos).setValue(CIMValue(value)); } //******************************************************************* // // SLPProvider Protected and private methods // //******************************************************************* /** builds one instance of the class named className. Gets Class definition and fills in the correct properties from the class. This requires a repository getclass request for each instance built. The skeleton is built by creating the instance and copying qualifiers and properties from the class. Finally the instance is cloned to separate it from the original objects. NOTE: This is very inefficient for anything larger than a few instances. We should separate the get from the createSkeleton. @param className CIMName of the class for which the instance is to be built @return CIMInstance of this class with properties complete. @exception passes on any exceptions received from the repository request. */ CIMInstance SLPProvider::_buildInstanceSkeleton(const CIMName& className) { CIMClass myClass; CIMInstance skeleton(className); myClass = _cimomHandle.getClass(OperationContext(), _nameSpace, className, false, true, true,CIMPropertyList()); // copy the qualifiers for (Uint32 i = 0 ; i < myClass.getQualifierCount() ; i++) skeleton.addQualifier(myClass.getQualifier(i)); // copy the properties for (Uint32 i = 0 ; i < myClass.getPropertyCount() ; i++) skeleton.addProperty(myClass.getProperty(i)); return skeleton.clone(); } /* Remove the instances created as part of the registration and unregister. This is completely unregisters this this provider and disconnects it from the slp agent. ATTN: We could also change status so it could be unloaded. */ void SLPProvider::deregisterSLP() { // clear existing instances _instanceNames.clear(); _instances.clear(); // unregister from the agent slp_agent.unregister(); initFlag = false; } /* * This checks whether a registerred profile has to be advertised * through SLP or not */ Boolean SLPProvider::_checkProfileToAdvertise( const CIMInstance &cimInstance, const Uint32 &index_AT) { CIMConstProperty AT_Property = cimInstance.getProperty(index_AT); CIMValue AT_value = AT_Property.getValue (); Array valAdvTypes; if ((AT_value.isArray()) && (!AT_value.isNull())) { AT_value.get(valAdvTypes); } for(Uint16 i = 0, n = valAdvTypes.size(); i < n; ++i) { //SLP AdvertiseTypes has value 3 if( 3 == valAdvTypes[i]) { return true; } } return false; } /** get the list of registered profiles for the SLP template. Until we start using CIM 28, there are no template classes and no templates. We are doing a temporary hack here of (1) getting from an environment variable or (2) if this does not exist, simply getting from a fixed field in this provider @return String containing the list of registered profiles. ATTN: KS 8 Feb 2004. Replace this with function that gets the registered profiles from the correct classes when those classes begin to exist in the environment. */ String SLPProvider::getRegisteredProfileList(const OperationContext & context) { const CIMName CLASSNAME = CIMName("CIM_RegisteredProfile"); String regitem; String reglist; typedef HashTable, HashFunc > RegProfileIdTable; RegProfileIdTable regProfileIdTable; Array cimInstances; CIMName registeredProfileClassName("CIM_RegisteredProfile"); CIMClass RO_Class; const CIMName subProfileRequiresProfileClassName( "CIM_SubProfileRequiresProfile"); const CIMName referencedProfileClassName( "CIM_ReferencedProfile"); const CIMName propRegName("RegisteredName"); const CIMName propRegOrg("RegisteredOrganization"); const String propDependent("Dependent"); const String propAntecedent("Antecedent"); const String strColon(":"); const String strDMTF("DMTF"); // No reason to use deepInheritance for now as we do not support sub-classes Boolean deepInheritance = false; Boolean localOnly = false; Boolean includeQualifiers = true; Boolean includeClassOrigin = false; try { // include the qualifiers, required for ValueMap mapping RO_Class = _cimomHandle.getClass( context, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, CLASSNAME, localOnly, includeQualifiers, includeClassOrigin, CIMPropertyList()); } catch (Exception &) { Logger::put(Logger::ERROR_LOG, SlpProvider, Logger::SEVERE, "getRegisteredProfiles: get class error"); return defaultRegisteredProfilesList; } try { // // Enumerate Instances. // cimInstances = _cimomHandle.enumerateInstances( context, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, CLASSNAME, deepInheritance, localOnly, !includeQualifiers, includeClassOrigin, CIMPropertyList()); } catch (Exception&) { Logger::put(Logger::ERROR_LOG, SlpProvider, Logger::SEVERE, "getRegisteredProfiles: enum instances error"); return(defaultRegisteredProfilesList); } PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "SLPProvider::getRegisteredProfiles: Total Number of Instances: %u", cimInstances.size())); try { Uint32 j = 0; const CIMName propAdvertTypes("AdvertiseTypes"); for (Uint32 i = 0, n = cimInstances.size(); i < n; i++) { // same can be done by not using deepInheritance // on the enumInstances call thus I commented it out here // if (cimInstances[i].getClassName() != "CIM_RegisteredProfile") // continue; Uint32 index_AT=cimInstances[i].findProperty(propAdvertTypes); Uint32 index_RO=cimInstances[i].findProperty(propRegOrg); Uint32 index_RN=cimInstances[i].findProperty(propRegName); if (index_RO == PEG_NOT_FOUND || index_RN == PEG_NOT_FOUND || index_AT == PEG_NOT_FOUND) { continue; } //Check if the advertiseTypes is SLP, if(!_checkProfileToAdvertise(cimInstances[i], index_AT)) { continue; } //String isSLPAd = _getValueQualifier(AT_Property, RO_Class); //if(!String::equalNoCase(isSLPAd, "SLP")) //{ // continue; //} CIMConstProperty RO_Property = cimInstances[i].getProperty(index_RO); String RegOrg = _getValueQualifier(RO_Property, RO_Class); PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "Value of RegOrg=%s", (const char*) RegOrg.getCString())); if (RegOrg.size() == 0) { RegOrg = "Unknown"; } else { if (String::equalNoCase(RegOrg,"Other")) { //use the OtherRegisteredOrganization value if available Uint32 index_ORO = cimInstances[i].findProperty( "OtherRegisteredOrganization"); if (index_ORO != PEG_NOT_FOUND) { String OthRegOrg; // lets get the property CIMConstProperty ORO_Property = cimInstances[i].getProperty(index_ORO); // see if there is a String value on it and if so, // use that as organisation CIMValue ORO_value = ORO_Property.getValue (); if ((ORO_value.getType () == CIMTYPE_STRING) && (!ORO_value.isNull ())) { ORO_value.get(OthRegOrg); if (OthRegOrg != String::EMPTY) { RegOrg.assign(OthRegOrg); } } } } } CIMConstProperty RN_Property = cimInstances[i].getProperty(index_RN); String RegName; CIMValue RN_value = RN_Property.getValue (); if ((RN_value.getType () == CIMTYPE_STRING) && (!RN_value.isNull())) { RN_value.get(RegName); } // Check whether the profile is top-level. Array subProfiles; CIMObjectPath objectPath = cimInstances[i].getPath(); CIMName className = objectPath.getClassName(); // Check for DMTF profiles if (RegOrg == strDMTF) { // Check if this profile is sub-profile. Array profiles = _cimomHandle.associators( context, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, objectPath, referencedProfileClassName, CIMName(), propAntecedent, String::EMPTY, includeQualifiers, includeClassOrigin, CIMPropertyList()); if (profiles.size()) { continue; } subProfiles = _cimomHandle.associators( context, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, objectPath, referencedProfileClassName, CIMName(), propDependent, String::EMPTY, includeQualifiers, includeClassOrigin, CIMPropertyList()); } else { // check for SNIA or Other profiles // Check if this profile is sub-profile. Array profiles = _cimomHandle.associators( context, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, objectPath, subProfileRequiresProfileClassName, CIMName(), propDependent, String::EMPTY, includeQualifiers, includeClassOrigin, CIMPropertyList()); if (profiles.size()) { continue; } subProfiles = _cimomHandle.associators( context, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, objectPath, subProfileRequiresProfileClassName, CIMName(), propAntecedent, String::EMPTY, includeQualifiers, includeClassOrigin, CIMPropertyList()); } PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "Value of RegName=%s ; Value of regitem=%s", (const char*) RegName.getCString(), (const char*) regitem.getCString())); regitem.assign(RegOrg); regitem.append(strColon); regitem.append(RegName); regProfileIdTable.insert(regitem, regitem); for (Uint32 k = 0, n = subProfiles.size(); k < n; k++) { Uint32 pos = subProfiles[k].findProperty(propRegName); String pName = subProfiles[k].getProperty(pos).getValue().toString(); String subRegItem = regitem; subRegItem.append(strColon); subRegItem.append(pName); regProfileIdTable.insert(subRegItem, subRegItem); } j++; } if (j > 0) { const String strComma(","); for (RegProfileIdTable::Iterator i = regProfileIdTable.start(); i;) { reglist.append(i.value()); i++; if (i) { reglist.append(strComma); } } } PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "Value of reglist=%s", (const char*) reglist.getCString())); } catch(Exception &exc) { PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL2, "Exception caught in enumInst processing:%s", (const char*) exc.getMessage().getCString())); } return reglist; } /** get the list of valid namespaces and supporting info. Function builds an array of namespace names and a parallel array of classinfo information @param nameSpace in which to find CIM_namespace class @param, classInfo, anArray of strings for classinfo on return @return array of namespaces names ATTN: KS 5 Feb 2004.Today we get complete namespace list. We need to modify to use the CIM_ObjectManager to CIM_Namespace association to get the information. KS will do this when association added to interop */ String SLPProvider::getNameSpaceInfo( const CIMNamespaceName& nameSpace, String& classInfo, const OperationContext & context) { String names; Array CIMNamespaceInstances; try { // ATTN: KS In the future get only the fields we want based on property // list. CIMNamespaceInstances = _cimomHandle.enumerateInstances( context, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, PEGASUS_CLASSNAME_PGNAMESPACE, true, true, true, true, CIMPropertyList()); } catch (Exception& exc) { PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL2, "Error on Namespaces acquisition:%s", (const char*) exc.getMessage().getCString())); return names; } PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "Namespaces found. Count=%u", CIMNamespaceInstances.size())); // Determine if there are any classInfo attributes available. Boolean classInfoFound = false; for (Uint32 i = 0 ; i < CIMNamespaceInstances.size() ; i++) { if (_getPropertyValueUint16( CIMNamespaceInstances[i], CIMName(classinfoAttribute)) != 0) { classInfoFound = true; break; } } // Extract the namespace names and class info from the objects. for (Uint32 i = 0 ; i < CIMNamespaceInstances.size() ; i++) { String temp = _getPropertyValueString(CIMNamespaceInstances[i], CIMName(namePropertyName), ""); if (temp != String::EMPTY) { _appendCSV(names, temp); // Append to ClassInfo only if at least one valid classinfo property // provided if (classInfoFound) { // Append the Classinfo property value into the string for the // attribute. char buffer[32]; sprintf( buffer, "%hu", _getPropertyValueUint16( CIMNamespaceInstances[i], CIMName(classinfoAttribute))); _appendCSV(classInfo, buffer); } } else Logger::put( Logger::ERROR_LOG, SlpProvider, Logger::WARNING, "SLP Registration bypassed Namespace attribute: $0 property " "error in CIM_Namespace class."); } return names; } /** populate a single field in the template and the corresponding template instance. This function assumes that both the instance object and the template object have been created already. There is no error test for this at this point. It adds a property to the instance with the defined fieldname and value and also adds a line to the slp template with the field name and value. NOTE: There are two fieldName parameters because there may be different names for these fields in the instance and registration (this is due to the fact that the - used in slp templates is illegal in CIMNames. This uses the SLPProvider objects for the reference to the current instance and the SLP template string being built. @param slpTemplateInstance string for registration information. Each call adds the defined attribute to this string. @param instance CIMInstance being created. This is an instance of WBEMSlpTemplate. Each call adds the defined property value to the instance in the property defined by instanceFieldName @param regfieldName String defining the name of the field to populate in the registration @param value String defining the value with which to populate the field @param insstanceFieldName (Optional) String defining the name of the field to populate in the instance. */ void _addSeparator(String& s) { // if not first entry, set newline if (s != String::EMPTY) // bug 1737 EOL between attributes confuses some UA // s(",\n"); s.append(","); } void SLPProvider::populateTemplateField( CIMInstance& instance, const String& attributeFieldName, const String& value, const String& instancePropertyName) { String localInstancePropertyName = ((instancePropertyName == String::EMPTY)? attributeFieldName : instancePropertyName); PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "input Property name=%s, Populate TemplateField name=%s, %s. Value=%s", (const char*) instancePropertyName.getCString(), (const char*) localInstancePropertyName.getCString(), (const char*) attributeFieldName.getCString(), (const char*) value.getCString())); // Add the property to the instance. instance.addProperty( CIMProperty( CIMName(localInstancePropertyName), value)); // if not first entry, set newline _addSeparator(_currentSLPTemplateString); //if (_currentSLPTemplateString != String::EMPTY) //// bug 1737 EOL confuses some UA _currentSLPTemplateStringappend(",\n"); // _currentSLPTemplateString.append(",\n"); // Add entry as (name=value) _currentSLPTemplateString.append("("+attributeFieldName+"="+value+")"); } /** populate a template filed using a string array as input rather than a single String. The parameters are the same as the other overload except that this defines an array of strings rather than a single string. */ void SLPProvider::populateTemplateField( CIMInstance& instance, const String& attributeFieldName, const Array& value, const String& instancePropertyName) { String localInstancePropertyName = ((instancePropertyName == String::EMPTY)? attributeFieldName : instancePropertyName); String accumulatedValue = _arrayToString(value); PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "Populate TemplateField name=%s, %s. Value=%s", (const char*) localInstancePropertyName.getCString(), (const char*) attributeFieldName.getCString(), (const char*) accumulatedValue.getCString())); // Add the property to the instance. instance.addProperty( CIMProperty( CIMName(instancePropertyName), accumulatedValue)); // if not first entry, set newline _addSeparator(_currentSLPTemplateString); // Add entry as (name=value) _currentSLPTemplateString.append("(" + attributeFieldName + "=" + accumulatedValue + ")"); } /** populates the SLP template and its corresponding instance. Creates one instance of slp registration data, tests the registration and registers the information. The corresponding instance of PG_WBEMSLPTemplate represents the data in the registration. It uses largely information from the CIM_ObjectManager and its corresponding communication classes plus information for namespaces from CIM_Namespace. @param protocol String defining http or https. This will become the namespaceComponent part of the address in the template. @IPAddress - IP address we are to register. This should be a complete address minus the namespaceType component @param instance_ObgMgr CIMInstance of CIM_ObjectManager @param instance-ObjMgrComm CIMInstance of Interop communication class. @return - Boolean - True if successful */ Boolean SLPProvider::populateRegistrationData( const String &protocol, const String& IPAddress, const CIMInstance& instance_ObjMgr, const CIMInstance& instance_ObjMgrComm, const CIMClass& commMechClass, const String ®isteredProfiles, const OperationContext & context ) { // Clear the template instance _currentSLPTemplateString.clear(); CIMInstance templateInstance(SlpTemplateClassName); // template-url-syntax=string // #The template-url-syntax MUST be the WBEM URI Mapping of // #the location of one service access point offered by the WBEM Server // #over TCP transport. This attribute must provide sufficient addressing // #information so that the WBEM Server can be addressed directly using // #the URL. The WBEM URI Mapping is defined in the WBEM URI Mapping // #Specification 1.0.0 (DSP0207). // # Example: (template-url-syntax=https://localhost:5989) String serviceUrlSyntaxValue = protocol + "://" + IPAddress; // Fillout the serviceIDAttribute from the // object manager instance name property. // This is a key field so must have a value. String strUUID = _getPropertyValueString( instance_ObjMgr, namePropertyName, "DefaultEmptyUUID"); populateTemplateField( templateInstance, serviceUrlSyntaxAttribute, serviceUrlSyntaxValue, serviceUrlSyntaxProperty); //service-id=string L //# The ID of this WBEM Server. The value MUST be the //# CIM_ObjectManager.Name property value. populateTemplateField(templateInstance, serviceIDAttribute, strUUID, serviceIDProperty); // get service-hi-name and description from the instance of the // objectmanager class String elementName = _getPropertyValueString( instance_ObjMgr, elementNamePropertyName); populateTemplateField( templateInstance, serviceHiNameAttribute, elementName, serviceHiNameProperty); String description = _getPropertyValueString( instance_ObjMgr, descriptionPropertyName); populateTemplateField( templateInstance, serviceHiDescriptionAttribute, description, serviceHiDescriptionProperty); // templateTypeProperty); populateTemplateField( templateInstance, templateTypeAttribute, String(serviceName), templateTypeProperty); populateTemplateField( templateInstance, templateVersionAttribute, String(templateVersion), templateVersionProperty); populateTemplateField( templateInstance, templateDescriptionAttribute, String(templateDescription), templateDescriptionProperty); // populate name of InterOp Namespace attribute populateTemplateField( templateInstance, InteropSchemaNamespaceAttribute, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP.getString(), String::EMPTY); // Loop through all properties and process each. // Note: This does not make it easy to distinguish // required vs. optional but works. for (Uint32 j = 0; j < instance_ObjMgrComm.getPropertyCount(); j++) { // get the property value CIMConstProperty thisProperty = instance_ObjMgrComm.getProperty(j); CIMName propertyName = thisProperty.getName(); CIMValue v1= thisProperty.getValue(); if (propertyName.equal(communicationMechanismAttribute)) { String thisValue = _getValueQualifier(thisProperty, commMechClass); Uint16 communicationType; if (thisValue == String::EMPTY) { thisValue = "Unknown"; } populateTemplateField( templateInstance, communicationMechanismAttribute, thisValue); v1.get(communicationType); if (communicationType == 1) { String tmp = _getPropertyValueString( instance_ObjMgrComm, CIMName(otherCommunicationMechanismDescriptionAttribute), String::EMPTY); populateTemplateField( templateInstance, otherCommunicationMechanismDescriptionAttribute, tmp); } } else if (propertyName.equal("Version")) populateTemplateField( templateInstance, protocolVersionAttribute, v1.toString()); else if (propertyName.equal("FunctionalProfileDescriptions")) { Array descriptions; v1.get(descriptions); String desList = _arrayToString(descriptions); populateTemplateField( templateInstance, functionalProfilesSupportedAttribute, desList); if (String::equalNoCase(v1.toString(),"Other")) { Uint32 pos = instance_ObjMgrComm.findProperty( CIMName(otherProfileDescriptionAttribute)); CIMConstProperty temppr = instance_ObjMgrComm.getProperty(pos); String tmp = _getPropertyValueString( instance_ObjMgrComm, CIMName(otherProfileDescriptionAttribute), String::EMPTY); populateTemplateField( templateInstance, otherProfileDescriptionAttribute, tmp); } } else if (propertyName.equal(multipleOperationsSupportedAttribute)) populateTemplateField( templateInstance, multipleOperationsSupportedAttribute, v1.toString()); else if (propertyName.equal(authenticationMechanismsSupportedAttribute)) { String thisValue = _getValueQualifier(thisProperty, commMechClass); populateTemplateField(templateInstance, authenticationMechanismsSupportedAttribute, thisValue); } else if (propertyName.equal( authenticationMechanismDescriptionsAttribute)) { Array authenticationDescriptions; v1.get(authenticationDescriptions); if (authenticationDescriptions.size() > 0) { String authDesList = _arrayToString(authenticationDescriptions); populateTemplateField(templateInstance, authenticationMechanismDescriptionsAttribute, authDesList); } } } // fill in the classname information (namespace and classinfo). String classInfoList; String nameSpaceList = getNameSpaceInfo( PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, classInfoList, context); populateTemplateField( templateInstance, namespaceAttribute, nameSpaceList); if (classInfoList.size() != 0) { populateTemplateField( templateInstance, classinfoAttribute, classInfoList); } // set the current time into the instance templateInstance.addProperty( CIMProperty( CIMName("registeredTime"), CIMDateTime::getCurrentDateTime())); // populate the RegisteredProfiles Supported attribute. populateTemplateField(templateInstance, registeredProfilesSupportedAttribute, registeredProfiles); //Begin registering the service. Keep this debug. PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL3, "Template:\n%s", (const char*) _currentSLPTemplateString.getCString())); // Add the template to the instance as a diagnostic for the moment. templateInstance.addProperty( CIMProperty( CIMName("RegisteredTemplate"), _currentSLPTemplateString)); String fullServiceName = serviceIDPrefix + String(":") + serviceName; // generate the serviceID which is prefix:serviceName:serviceUrl String ServiceID = fullServiceName + String(":") + serviceUrlSyntaxValue; //String ServiceID = serviceName + String(":") + serviceUrlSyntaxValue; PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "Service URL: %s", (const char*) ServiceID.getCString())); // Fill out the CIMObjectpath for the slp instance. // The key for this class is the instanceID. // Simply use the count of instances as the ID for the moment. Array keyBindings; keyBindings.append( CIMKeyBinding( instanceIDPropertyName, ServiceID, CIMKeyBinding::STRING)); CIMObjectPath reference1 = CIMObjectPath( "localhost", PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, CIMName(SlpTemplateClassName), keyBindings); // set the key property into the instance. templateInstance.addProperty( CIMProperty( CIMName(instanceIDPropertyName), ServiceID)); // Make a Cstring from the registration information, etc for api CString CfullServiceName = fullServiceName.getCString(); CString CServiceID = ServiceID.getCString(); CString CstrRegistration = _currentSLPTemplateString.getCString(); // Test the registration PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "TEST_REG: ServiceId %s\n serviceName: %s\n TEMPLATE = %s", (const char *)CServiceID, (const char *) serviceName, (const char *) CstrRegistration)); Uint32 errorCode = slp_agent.test_registration((const char *)CServiceID , (const char *)CstrRegistration, (const char*)CfullServiceName, "DEFAULT"); if (errorCode != 0) { Logger::put(Logger::ERROR_LOG, SlpProvider, Logger::SEVERE, "SLP Registration Failed: test_registration. Code $0", errorCode); return(false); } // register this information. Boolean goodRtn = slp_agent.srv_register((const char *)CServiceID , (const char *)CstrRegistration, (const char *)CfullServiceName, "DEFAULT", #if defined( PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP ) && defined( PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT ) PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT * 60); #else 0xffff); #endif if (!goodRtn) { Logger::put(Logger::ERROR_LOG, SlpProvider, Logger::SEVERE, "SLP Registration Failed: srv_registration."); return(false); } // register for service-agent on each ip interface with SA #ifndef PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT HostLocator locator(IPAddress); String agentURL = "service:service-agent://"; agentURL.append(locator.getHost()); PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "REGISTER SVC %s,(service-type=*),service:service-agent,DEFAULT,0xffff", (const char *) agentURL.getCString())); slp_agent.srv_register((const char *)agentURL.getCString(), (const char *)"(service-type=*)", (const char *)"service:service-agent", "DEFAULT", 0xffff); #endif // Add the registered instance to the current active list. _instances.append(templateInstance); _instanceNames.append(reference1); return true; } //This function checks for Link-local ipv6 address(LLA), //If the address is LLA, it removes the zone id and return the //LLA, otherwise, no change in the address void SLPProvider::_processLinkLocalAddress( String &ip6add2check) { Uint32 percentPos = 0; if ((ip6add2check.size() >= 6) && (ip6add2check[0] == Char16('[')) && (ip6add2check[1] == Char16('f') || ip6add2check[1] == Char16('F')) && (ip6add2check[2] == Char16('e') || ip6add2check[2] == Char16('E')) && (ip6add2check[3] == Char16('8') && (ip6add2check[4] == Char16('0')) && (PEG_NOT_FOUND != (percentPos = ip6add2check.find(5,Char16('%')))))) { Uint32 closingSq = ip6add2check.find(']'); PEGASUS_ASSERT(closingSq !=PEG_NOT_FOUND); ip6add2check.remove(percentPos, closingSq - percentPos); PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "Processed LLA %s", (const char *) ip6add2check.getCString())); } } /** issue all necessary SLP registrations. Gets the objects that are required to provide information for registration and calls populate function to create a registration for each communication adapter represented by a communication object. */ Uint32 SLPProvider::populateSLPRegistrations(const OperationContext & context) { // clear existing instances _instanceNames.clear(); _instances.clear(); // get the PG communication mechanism class. Used as part of the populate // An exception here is caught in the facade. CIMClass pg_CIMXMLClass = _cimomHandle.getClass( context, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, PEGASUS_CLASSNAME_PG_CIMXMLCOMMUNICATIONMECHANISM, false, true, true, CIMPropertyList()); // Get the CIM_ObjectManager instance Array instancesObjMgr; try { instancesObjMgr = _cimomHandle.enumerateInstances( context, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, PEGASUS_CLASSNAME_PG_OBJECTMANAGER, false, false, false,false, CIMPropertyList()); } catch (const Exception & e) { PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL2, "Exception caught on enumerateInstances(CIM_ObjectManager):=%s", (const char*) e.getMessage().getCString())); } String registeredProfiles = getRegisteredProfileList(context); // get instances of CIM_ObjectManagerCommMechanism and subclasses directly Array instancesObjMgrComm = _cimomHandle.enumerateInstances( context, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, PEGASUS_CLASSNAME_OBJECTMANAGERCOMMUNICATIONMECHANISM, true, false, true,true, CIMPropertyList()); //Loop to create an SLP registration for each communication mechanism // Note that this depends on getting from the PG_Class for communication. Uint32 itemsRegistered = 0; for (Uint32 i = 0; i < instancesObjMgrComm.size(); i++) { // get protocol property String protocol = _getPropertyValueString(instancesObjMgrComm[i], CIMName("namespaceType"), "http"); // get ipaddress property String IPAddress = _getPropertyValueString(instancesObjMgrComm[i], CIMName("IPAddress"), ""); _processLinkLocalAddress(IPAddress); // create a registration instance, test and register it. if (populateRegistrationData(protocol, IPAddress, instancesObjMgr[0], instancesObjMgrComm[i], pg_CIMXMLClass, registeredProfiles, context)) { itemsRegistered++; } } return itemsRegistered; } /** issue all necessary SLP registrations. Gets the objects that are required to provide information for registration and calls populate function to create a registration for each communication adapter represented by a communication object using populateSLPRegistrations() method and starts service listener. return: Boolean. Indicates if there was an error in the registration. */ Boolean SLPProvider::issueSLPRegistrations(const OperationContext & context) { // populate all SLP registrations. Uint32 itemsRegistered = populateSLPRegistrations(context); // Start the Service Agent. Note that the actual registrations are part of // the populatetemplate function so that the various templates // are already created. if (itemsRegistered != 0) { try { slp_agent.start_listener(); } catch (...) { throw CIMOperationFailedException("Start SLP Listener Failed"); } Uint32 finish, now, msec; System::getCurrentTime(now, msec); finish = now + 10; // wait for 10 seconds. // Earlier wait for 30 secs caused the client to timeout ! while (finish > now) { Threads::sleep(1000); System::getCurrentTime(now, msec); } initFlag=true; // Log slp agent started. return true; } // ATTN: Log failure to register because no communication mechanisms found. // This error reflects NO communications mechanism objects found. // We assume that we MUST always have at least // one communication mechanism object for a registration and for a CIMOM. // Anything else should be considered an error. Reflect this in the log. return false; } void SLPProvider::initialize(CIMOMHandle & handle) { _cimomHandle = handle; initFlag = false; // Do not allow unload. _cimomHandle.disallowProviderUnload(); } //*************************************************************************** // // SLPProvider Public methods, intrinstic and extrinstic methods // This includes getInstance, enumerateInstance, enumerateInstanceNames // Today the other functions return NOT_SUPPORTED. // //*************************************************************************** SLPProvider* SLPProvider::_this; SLPProvider::SLPProvider() { _this = this; slp_agent.set_registration_callback((&updateProfileRegistration)); } void SLPProvider::updateProfileRegistration() { OperationContext context; context.insert(IdentityContainer(System::getEffectiveUserName())); _this->populateSLPRegistrations(context); } SLPProvider::~SLPProvider() { } /** gets a single instance. Note that this function uses the initFlag to determine if the instance has to be built and registered before it can return the instance. */ void SLPProvider::getInstance( const OperationContext & context, const CIMObjectPath & instanceReference, const Boolean includeQualifiers, const Boolean includeClassOrigin, const CIMPropertyList & propertyList, InstanceResponseHandler & handler) { // if this is the first call, create the registration. //if(initFlag == false) // issueSLPRegistrations(); // convert a potential fully qualified reference into a local reference // (class name and keys only). CIMObjectPath localReference = CIMObjectPath( String(), CIMNamespaceName(), instanceReference.getClassName(), instanceReference.getKeyBindings()); // begin processing the request handler.processing(); // instance index corresponds to reference index for (Uint32 i = 0, n = _instances.size(); i < n; i++) { CIMObjectPath localReference_frominstanceNames = CIMObjectPath( String(), CIMNamespaceName(), _instanceNames[i].getClassName(), _instanceNames[i].getKeyBindings()); if (localReference == localReference_frominstanceNames) { // deliver requested instance handler.deliver(_instances[i]); break; } } //complete processing the request handler.complete(); } void SLPProvider::enumerateInstances( const OperationContext & context, const CIMObjectPath & classReference, const Boolean includeQualifiers, const Boolean includeClassOrigin, const CIMPropertyList & propertyList, InstanceResponseHandler & handler) { // begin processing the request handler.processing(); PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "enumerateInstances. count instances=%u", _instances.size())); for (Uint32 i = 0, n = _instances.size(); i < n; i++) { // deliver instance handler.deliver(_instances[i]); } // complete processing the request handler.complete(); } void SLPProvider::enumerateInstanceNames( const OperationContext & context, const CIMObjectPath & classReference, ObjectPathResponseHandler & handler) { // if this is the first call, create the registration. //if(initFlag == false) // issueSLPRegistrations(); // begin processing the request handler.processing(); for (Uint32 i = 0, n =_instances.size(); i < n; i++) { // deliver reference handler.deliver(_instanceNames[i]); } // complete processing the request handler.complete(); } void SLPProvider::modifyInstance( const OperationContext & context, const CIMObjectPath & instanceReference, const CIMInstance & instanceObject, const Boolean includeQualifiers, const CIMPropertyList & propertyList, ResponseHandler & handler) { throw CIMNotSupportedException("SLPServiceProvider " "does not support modifyInstance"); } void SLPProvider::createInstance( const OperationContext & context, const CIMObjectPath & instanceReference, const CIMInstance & instanceObject, ObjectPathResponseHandler & handler) { throw CIMNotSupportedException("SLPServiceProvider " "does not support createInstance"); } void SLPProvider::deleteInstance( const OperationContext & context, const CIMObjectPath & instanceReference, ResponseHandler & handler) { throw CIMNotSupportedException("SLPServiceProvider " "does not support deleteInstance"); } /* process the invokemethods defined for this class. The methods include register - forces registration of the CIMOM characteristics as a template. This function can also be done by issuing enumerateinstance calls but the register is more precise. unregister - Forces any registrations to be deregistered and the slp-agen to be closed. update - causes the existing registration to be updated with new information */ void SLPProvider::invokeMethod( const OperationContext & context, const CIMObjectPath & objectReference, const CIMName & methodName, const Array & inParameters, MethodResultResponseHandler & handler) { PEG_TRACE((TRC_INTERNALPROVIDER,Tracer::LEVEL4, "invokeMethod. method=%s", (const char*) methodName.getString().getCString())); _nameSpace = objectReference.getNameSpace(); // convert a fully qualified reference into a local reference // (class name and keys only). CIMObjectPath localReference = CIMObjectPath( String(), CIMNamespaceName(), objectReference.getClassName(), objectReference.getKeyBindings()); handler.processing(); Uint32 response = 0; if (objectReference.getClassName().equal(SlpTemplateClassName)) { if (methodName.equal("register")) { if (initFlag == false) { OperationContext myCopy = context; String timeoutStr= ConfigManager::getInstance()->getCurrentValue( "slpProviderStartupTimeout"); Uint64 timeOut; StringConversion::decimalStringToUint64( timeoutStr.getCString(), timeOut); myCopy.insert(TimeoutContainer(timeOut & 0xFFFFFFFF)); if (issueSLPRegistrations(myCopy)) { // PEP 267 ifdef is added to allow reregistrations. // issueRegistration sets initFlag to true. #if defined( PEGASUS_USE_EXTERNAL_SLP ) && defined ( PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT ) initFlag = false; #endif response = 0; } else { response = 2; } } else { response = 1; } } else if (methodName.equal("unregister")) { if (initFlag == true) { deregisterSLP(); } } else if (methodName.equal("update")) { #ifdef PEGASUS_SLP_REG_TIMEOUT // Signal agents semaphore slp_agent.get_update_reg_semaphore().signal(); #else // increment update registrations count. slp_agent.update_reg_count(); #endif } else { // ATTN: Not sure that this is correct exception // for illegal method name. String e = "SLPServiceProvider does not support" + methodName.getString() + " method."; throw CIMNotSupportedException( e); } } handler.deliver(CIMValue(response)); handler.complete(); } void SLPProvider::terminate() { deregisterSLP(); delete this; } PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END