//%2006//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development // Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; The Open Group; Tivoli Systems. // Copyright (c) 2003 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation, The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2004 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; // EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; // EMC Corporation; Symantec Corporation; The Open Group. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN // ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED // "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT // LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //============================================================================== // //%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "WQLOperationRequestDispatcher.h" #include #include PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN PEGASUS_USING_STD; void WQLOperationRequestDispatcher::applyQueryToEnumeration( CIMResponseMessage* msg, QueryExpressionRep* query) { CIMEnumerateInstancesResponseMessage *enr=(CIMEnumerateInstancesResponseMessage*)msg; WQLSelectStatement *qs=((WQLQueryExpressionRep*)query)->_stmt; for (int i=enr->cimNamedInstances.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { WQLInstancePropertySource ips(enr->cimNamedInstances[i]); try { if (qs->evaluateWhereClause(&ips)) { // // Specify that missing requested project properties are allowed // to be consistent with clarification from DMTF // qs->applyProjection(enr->cimNamedInstances[i], true); } else enr->cimNamedInstances.remove(i); } catch (...) { enr->cimNamedInstances.remove(i); } } } void WQLOperationRequestDispatcher::handleQueryResponseAggregation( OperationAggregate* poA) { PEG_METHOD_ENTER(TRC_DISPATCHER, "CIMOperationRequestDispatcher::handleExecQueryResponse"); Uint32 numberResponses = poA->numberResponses(); Logger::put(Logger::STANDARD_LOG, System::CIMSERVER, Logger::TRACE, "CIMOperationRequestDispatcher::ExecQuery Response - " "Name Space: $0 Class name: $1 Response Count: $2", poA->_nameSpace.getString(), poA->_className.getString(), numberResponses); if (numberResponses == 0) return; CIMResponseMessage *response = poA->getResponse(0); CIMExecQueryResponseMessage *toResponse = 0; Uint32 startIndex = 0; Uint32 endIndex = numberResponses - 1; Boolean manyResponses = true; if (response->getType() == CIM_ENUMERATE_INSTANCES_RESPONSE_MESSAGE) { CIMRequestMessage* request = poA->getRequest(); AutoPtr query( new CIMExecQueryResponseMessage(request->messageId, CIMException(), request->queueIds.copyAndPop(), Array())); query->syncAttributes(request); toResponse = query.release(); } else { toResponse = (CIMExecQueryResponseMessage *)response; manyResponses = false; } // Work backward and delete each response off the end of the array for(Uint32 i = endIndex; i >= startIndex; i--) { if (manyResponses) response = poA->getResponse(i); if (response->getType() == CIM_ENUMERATE_INSTANCES_RESPONSE_MESSAGE) { // convert enumerate instances responses to exec query responses applyQueryToEnumeration(response, poA->_query); CIMEnumerateInstancesResponseMessage *fromResponse = (CIMEnumerateInstancesResponseMessage *)response; CIMClass cimClass; Boolean clsRead=false; for (Uint32 j = 0,m = fromResponse->cimNamedInstances.size(); jcimNamedInstances[j]); CIMObjectPath op=co.getPath(); const Array& kbs=op.getKeyBindings(); if (kbs.size()==0) { // no path set why ? if (clsRead==false) { cimClass = _repository->getClass(poA->_nameSpace, op.getClassName(), false,true,false, CIMPropertyList()); clsRead=true; } op = fromResponse->cimNamedInstances[j].buildPath(cimClass); } op.setNameSpace(poA->_nameSpace); op.setHost(System::getHostName()); co.setPath(op); if (manyResponses) toResponse->cimObjects.append(co); } } else { CIMExecQueryResponseMessage *fromResponse = (CIMExecQueryResponseMessage *)response; CIMClass cimClass; Boolean clsRead=false; for (Uint32 j = 0, m = fromResponse->cimObjects.size(); jcimObjects[j]; CIMObjectPath op=co.getPath(); const Array& kbs=op.getKeyBindings(); if (kbs.size()==0) { // no path set why ? if (clsRead==false) { cimClass = _repository->getClass(poA->_nameSpace,op.getClassName(), false,true,false, CIMPropertyList()); clsRead=true; } op=CIMInstance(fromResponse->cimObjects[j]).buildPath(cimClass); } op.setNameSpace(poA->_nameSpace); op.setHost(System::getHostName()); co.setPath(op); if (manyResponses) toResponse->cimObjects.append(co); } } if (manyResponses) poA->deleteResponse(i); if (i == 0) break; } // for all responses in response list // if we started with an enumerateInstances repsonse, then add it to overall if ((startIndex == 0) && manyResponses) poA->appendResponse(toResponse); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); } void WQLOperationRequestDispatcher::handleQueryRequest( CIMExecQueryRequestMessage* request) { PEG_METHOD_ENTER(TRC_DISPATCHER, "CIMOperationRequestDispatcher::handleExecQueryRequest"); Boolean exception=false; AutoPtr selectStatement(new WQLSelectStatement()); AutoPtr qx; CIMException cimException; CIMName className; if (request->queryLanguage!="WQL") { cimException = PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED, request->queryLanguage); exception=true; } else { try { WQLParser::parse(request->query, *selectStatement.get()); className=selectStatement->getClassName(); qx.reset(new WQLQueryExpressionRep("WQL",selectStatement.get())); selectStatement.release(); } catch (ParseError&) { cimException = PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_INVALID_QUERY, request->query); exception=true; } catch (MissingNullTerminator&) { cimException = PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_INVALID_QUERY, request->query); exception=true; } if (exception==false) { _checkExistenceOfClass(request->nameSpace, className, cimException); if (cimException.getCode() != CIM_ERR_SUCCESS) exception=true; } } if (exception) { CIMResponseMessage* response = request->buildResponse(); response->cimException = cimException; _enqueueResponse(request, response); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); return; } // // Get names of descendent classes: // Array providerInfos; // This gets set by _lookupAllInstanceProviders() Uint32 providerCount; try { providerInfos = _lookupAllInstanceProviders( request->nameSpace, className, providerCount); } catch(CIMException& exception) { // Return exception response if exception from getSubClasses CIMResponseMessage* response = request->buildResponse(); response->cimException = exception; _enqueueResponse(request, response); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); return; } // Test for "enumerate too Broad" and if so, execute exception. // This limits the number of provider invocations, not the number // of instances returned. if(providerCount > _maximumEnumerateBreadth) { Logger::put(Logger::STANDARD_LOG, System::CIMSERVER, Logger::TRACE, "Request-too-broad exception. Namespace: $0 " "Class Name: $1 Limit: $2 ProviderCount: $3", request->nameSpace.getString(), request->className.getString(), _maximumEnumerateBreadth, providerCount); PEG_TRACE_STRING(TRC_DISPATCHER, Tracer::LEVEL4, Formatter::format("ERROR Enumerate too broad for class $0. " "Limit = $1, Request = $2", request->className.getString(), _maximumEnumerateBreadth, providerCount)); CIMResponseMessage* response = request->buildResponse(); response->cimException = PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION_L(CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, MessageLoaderParms( "Server.CIMOperationRequestDispatcher.QUERY_REQ_TOO_BROAD", "Query request too Broad")); _enqueueResponse(request, response); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); return; } // If no provider is registered and the repository isn't the default, // return CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if ((providerCount == 0) && !(_repository->isDefaultInstanceProvider())) { PEG_TRACE_STRING(TRC_DISPATCHER, Tracer::LEVEL4, "CIM_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED for " + request->className.getString()); CIMResponseMessage* response = request->buildResponse(); response->cimException = PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, String::EMPTY); _enqueueResponse(request, response); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); return; } // We have instances for Providers and possibly repository. // Set up an aggregate object and save a copy of the original request. OperationAggregate *poA= new OperationAggregate( new CIMExecQueryRequestMessage(*request), request->getType(), request->messageId, request->queueIds.top(), className, CIMNamespaceName(), qx.release(), "WQL"); // Set the number of expected responses in the OperationAggregate Uint32 numClasses = providerInfos.size(); poA->_aggregationSN = cimOperationAggregationSN++; poA->_nameSpace=request->nameSpace; if (_repository->isDefaultInstanceProvider()) { // Loop through providerInfos, forwarding requests to repository for (Uint32 i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) { ProviderInfo &providerInfo = providerInfos[i]; // this class is registered to a provider - skip if (providerInfo.hasProvider) continue; // If this class does not have a provider PEG_TRACE_STRING(TRC_DISPATCHER, Tracer::LEVEL4, Formatter::format ("ExcecQuery Req. class $0 to repository, " "No $1 of $2, SN $3", providerInfo.className.getString(), i, numClasses, poA->_aggregationSN)); AutoPtr response( new CIMEnumerateInstancesResponseMessage( request->messageId, CIMException(), request->queueIds.copyAndPop(), Array())); response->syncAttributes(request); try { // Enumerate instances only for this class response->cimNamedInstances = _repository->enumerateInstancesForClass( request->nameSpace, providerInfo.className); } catch(CIMException& exception) { response->cimException = exception; } catch(Exception& exception) { response->cimException = PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_FAILED, exception.getMessage()); } catch(...) { response->cimException = PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_FAILED, String::EMPTY); } poA->appendResponse(response.release()); } // for all classes and derived classes Uint32 numberResponses = poA->numberResponses(); Uint32 totalIssued = providerCount + (numberResponses > 0 ? 1 : 0); poA->setTotalIssued(totalIssued); if (numberResponses > 0) { handleEnumerateInstancesResponseAggregation(poA); CIMResponseMessage *response = poA->removeResponse(0); _forwardRequestForAggregation(String(PEGASUS_QUEUENAME_OPREQDISPATCHER), String(), new CIMExecQueryRequestMessage(*request), poA, response); } } // if isDefaultInstanceProvider else { // Set the number of expected responses in the OperationAggregate poA->setTotalIssued(providerCount); } // Loop through providerInfos, forwarding requests to providers for (Uint32 i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) { // If this class has a provider ProviderInfo &providerInfo = providerInfos[i]; // this class is NOT registered to a provider - skip if (! providerInfo.hasProvider) continue; PEG_TRACE_STRING(TRC_DISPATCHER, Tracer::LEVEL4, Formatter::format ("Query Req. class $0 to svc \"$1\" for " "control provider \"$2\", No $3 of $4, SN $5", providerInfo.className.getString(), providerInfo.serviceName, providerInfo.controlProviderName, i, numClasses, poA->_aggregationSN)); ProviderIdContainer *providerIdContainer = providerInfo.providerIdContainer.get(); if (providerInfo.hasNoQuery) { OperationContext *context = &request->operationContext; const OperationContext::Container *container = 0; container = &context->get(IdentityContainer::NAME); const IdentityContainer &identityContainer = dynamic_cast(*container); AutoPtr enumReq (new CIMEnumerateInstancesRequestMessage(request->messageId, request->nameSpace, providerInfo.className, false,false,false,false, CIMPropertyList(), request->queueIds, request->authType, identityContainer.getUserName())); context = &enumReq->operationContext; if (providerIdContainer) context->insert(*providerIdContainer); context->insert(identityContainer); _forwardRequestForAggregation(providerInfo.serviceName, providerInfo.controlProviderName, enumReq.release(), poA); } else { AutoPtr requestCopy (new CIMExecQueryRequestMessage(*request)); OperationContext *context = &request->operationContext; if (providerIdContainer) context->insert(*providerIdContainer); requestCopy->operationContext = *context; requestCopy->className = providerInfo.className; _forwardRequestForAggregation(providerInfo.serviceName, providerInfo.controlProviderName, requestCopy.release(), poA); } } // for all classes and derived classes PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); return; } PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END