//%2005//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development // Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; The Open Group; Tivoli Systems. // Copyright (c) 2003 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation, The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2004 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; // EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN // ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED // "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT // LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //============================================================================== // // Author: Nitin Upasani, Hewlett-Packard Company (Nitin_Upasani@hp.com) // // Modified By: Carol Ann Krug Graves, Hewlett-Packard Company // (carolann_graves@hp.com) // Ben Heilbronn, Hewlett-Packard Company (ben_heilbronn@hp.com) // Roger Kumpf, Hewlett-Packard Company (roger_kumpf@hp.com) // Yi Zhou, Hewlett-Packard Company (yi.zhou@hp.com) // //%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef Pegasus_IndicationService_h #define Pegasus_IndicationService_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ProviderClassList.h" #include "IndicationOperationAggregate.h" PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class SubscriptionRepository; class SubscriptionTable; /** IndicationService class is the service that serves the Indication Subscription, Indication Filter, and Indication Handler classes, and processes indications. @author Hewlett-Packard Company */ class PEGASUS_SERVER_LINKAGE IndicationService : public MessageQueueService { public: /** Constructs an IndicationSubscription instance and initializes instance variables. */ IndicationService ( CIMRepository * repository, ProviderRegistrationManager * providerRegManager); virtual ~IndicationService(void); void handleEnqueue(Message* message); virtual void handleEnqueue(void); virtual void _handle_async_request(AsyncRequest *req); /** Gets a String containing the Provider Name, for use in a log message to identify the provider. @param provider provider instance @return String containing the Provider Name */ static String getProviderLogString (CIMInstance & provider); AtomicInt dienow; /** Operation types for the NotifyProviderRegistration message */ enum Operation {OP_CREATE = 1, OP_DELETE = 2, OP_MODIFY = 3}; static Mutex _mutex; private: void _initialize (void); void _terminate (void); void _handleGetInstanceRequest(const Message * message); void _handleEnumerateInstancesRequest(const Message * message); void _handleEnumerateInstanceNamesRequest(const Message * message); void _handleCreateInstanceRequest(const Message * message); void _handleModifyInstanceRequest(const Message * message); void _handleDeleteInstanceRequest(const Message * message); void _handleProcessIndicationRequest(const Message * message); /** Asynchronous callback function for _handleProcessIndicationRequest. The response from the Handler is checked, and if it is not success, the subscription's On Fatal Error Policy is implemented. @param operation shared data structure that controls message processing @param destination target queue of completion callback @param userParameter user parameter for callback processing */ static void _handleIndicationCallBack ( AsyncOpNode * operation, MessageQueue * destination, void * userParameter); /** Notifies the Indication Service that a change in provider registration has occurred. The Indication Service retrieves the subscriptions affected by the registration change, sends the appropriate Create, Modify, and/or Delete requests to the provider, and sends an alert to handler instances of subscriptions that are no longer served by the provider. */ void _handleNotifyProviderRegistrationRequest(const Message * message); /** Notifies the Indication Service that a provider has been disabled. The Indication Service retrieves the subscriptions served by the disabled provider, and logs a message for each subscription that is no longer served by the provider. */ void _handleNotifyProviderTerminationRequest(const Message * message); /** Notifies the Indication Service that a provider has been enabled. The Indication Service retrieves the subscriptions that can be served by the enabled provider, sends Create Subscription and Enable Indications requests to the provider, and logs a message for each subscription that is now served by the provider. */ void _handleNotifyProviderEnableRequest (const Message * message); /** Determines if it is legal to create an instance. Checks for existence of all key and required properties. Checks that properties that MUST NOT exist (based on values of other properties), do not exist. For any property that has a default value, if it does not exist, adds the property with the default value. @param instance instance to be created @param nameSpace namespace for instance to be created @exception CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER if instance is invalid @exception CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if the specified class is not supported @return True, if the instance can be created; Otherwise throws an exception */ Boolean _canCreate ( CIMInstance & instance, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpace); /** Validates the specified required property in the instance. If the property does not exist, or has a null value, or is not of the expected type, an exception is thrown, using the specified message. This function is called by the _canCreate function, and is used to validate the Filter and Handler properties in Subscription instances, the Name, Query and Query Language properties in Filter instances, the Name and Destination properties in CIMXML Handler instances, and the Name, Trap Destination, and SNMP Version properties in SNMP Mapper instances. @param instance instance to be validated @param propertyName name of property to be validated @param expectedType expected CIMType of property value @param message message to be used in exception @param isArray indicates whether the validated property is array @exception CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER if required property is missing or null */ void _checkRequiredProperty ( CIMInstance & instance, const CIMName & propertyName, const CIMType expectedType, const String & message, const Boolean isArray = false); /** Validates the specified Uint16 (non-array) property and its corresponding String (non-array) Other___ property in the instance. If the property does not exist, it is added with the default value. If the property exists, but its value is NULL, its value is set to the default value. If the value of the property is Other, but the corresponding Other___ property either does not exist, has a value of NULL, or is not of the correct type, an exception is thrown. If the value of the property is not Other, but the corresponding Other___ property exists and has a non-NULL value, an exception is thrown. If the value of the property is not a supported value, an exception is thrown. This function is called by the _canCreate function, and is used to validate the following pairs of properties in Subscription or Handler instances: Subscription State, Other Subscription State, Repeat Notification Policy, Other Repeat Notification Policy, On Fatal Error Policy, Other On Fatal Error Policy, Persistence Type, Other Persistence Type. @param instance instance to be validated @param propertyName name of property to be validated @param otherPropertyName name of Other___ property to be validated @param defaultValue default value for property @param otherValue "Other" value for property @param validValues set of valid values for property @param supportedValues set of supported values for property @exception CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER if value of property or Other___ property is invalid */ void _checkPropertyWithOther ( CIMInstance & instance, const CIMName & propertyName, const CIMName & otherPropertyName, const Uint16 defaultValue, const Uint16 otherValue, const Array & validValues, const Array & supportedValues); /** Validates the specified property in the instance. If the property does not exist, it is added with the default value. If the property exists, but its value is NULL, its value is set to the default value. This function is called by the _canCreate function, and is used to validate the Source Namespace property in Filter instances. This function is also called by the _initOrValidateStringProperty function to validate the CreationClassName, SystemName, and SystemCreationClassName key properties in Filter and Handler instances. Note: currently all properties validated by this function are of type String. To use this function in the future with properties of other types, a type parameter would need to be added, and the default value would need to be passed as a CIMValue instead of a String. Note: currently all properties validated by this function are non-array properties. To use this function in the future with both array and non-array properties, a Boolean isArray parameter would need to be added. @param instance instance to be validated @param propertyName name of property to be validated @param defaultValue default value for property @return the value of the property */ String _checkPropertyWithDefault ( CIMInstance & instance, const CIMName & propertyName, const String & defaultValue); /** Validates the specified property in the instance. If the property does not exist, it is added with the default value. If the property exists, but its value is NULL, its value is set to the default value. If the property exists and has a non-NULL value, its value is validated against the default (expected) value. If the value is invalid, an exception is thrown. This function is called by the _canCreate function, and is used to validate the Creation Class Name, System Name and System Creation Class Name properties in Filter and Handler instances. Note: currently all properties validated by this function are of type String. To use this function in the future with properties of other types, a type parameter would need to be added, and the default value would need to be passed as a CIMValue instead of a String. Note: currently all properties validated by this function are non-array properties. To use this function in the future with both array and non-array properties, a Boolean isArray parameter would need to be added. @param instance instance to be validated @param propertyName name of property to be validated @param defaultValue default value for property @return the value of the property */ String _initOrValidateStringProperty ( CIMInstance & instance, const CIMName & propertyName, const String & defaultValue); /** Validates the specified property in the instance. If the property exists and its value is not NULL, but it is not of the correct type, an exception is thrown. This function is called by the _canCreate function. It is used to validate the FailureTriggerTimeInterval, TimeOfLastStateChange, SubscriptionDuration, SubscriptionStartTime, SubscriptionTimeRemaining, RepeatNotificationInterval, RepeatNotificationGap, and RepeatNotificationCount properties in Subscription instances, the Owner property in Handler instances, and the PortNumber, SNMPSecurityName, and SNMPEngineID properties in SNMP Mapper Handler instances. Note: currently all properties validated by this function are non-array properties. To use this function in the future with both array and non-array properties, a Boolean isArray parameter would need to be added. @param instance instance to be validated @param propertyName name of property to be validated @param expectedType expected CIMType for property @param isArray indicates whether the validated property is array @exception CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER if property exists and is not null but is not of the correct type */ void _checkProperty ( CIMInstance & instance, const CIMName & propertyName, const CIMType expectedType, const Boolean isArray = false); /** Validates that all properties in the instance are supported properties, and throws an exception if an unknown, unsupported property is found. @param instance instance to be validated @exception CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if instance includes an unknown, unsupported property */ void _checkSupportedProperties ( const CIMInstance & instance); /** Validates value of the specified Uint16 property in the instance. If the value of the property is not a valid value, or is not a supported value, an exception is thrown. @param instance instance to be validated @param propertyName name of property to be validated @param validValues set of valid values for property @param supportedValues set of supported values for property @exception CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if the property value is not supported CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER if the property value is not valid */ void _checkValue ( const CIMInstance & instance, const CIMName & propertyName, const Array & validValues, const Array & supportedValues); /** Determines if the user is authorized to modify the instance, and if the specified modification is supported. Currently, the only modification supported is of the Subscription State property of the Subscription class. @param request modification request @param instance instance to be modified @param modifiedInstance modified instance @exception CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if the specified modification is not supported @exception CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED if the user is not authorized to modify the instance @exception CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER if the modifiedInstance is invalid @return True, if the instance can be modified; Otherwise throws an exception */ Boolean _canModify ( const CIMModifyInstanceRequestMessage * request, const CIMObjectPath & instanceReference, const CIMInstance & instance, CIMInstance & modifiedInstance); /** Determines if the user is authorized to delete the instance, and if it is legal to delete the instance. If authorized, Subscription instances may always be deleted. Filter and non-transient Handler instances may only be deleted if they are not being referenced by any Subscription instances. If the instance to be deleted is a transient Handler, any referencing Subscriptions are also deleted. @param instanceReference reference for instance to be deleted @param nameSpace namespace for instance to be deleted @param currentUser current user @exception CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED if the user is not authorized to delete the instance @exception CIM_ERR_FAILED if the instance to be deleted is referenced by a subscription @return True, if the instance can be deleted; Otherwise throws an exception */ Boolean _canDelete ( const CIMObjectPath & instanceReference, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpace, const String & currentUser); /** Retrieves list of enabled subscription instances in all namespaces, where the subscription indication class matches or is a superclass of the supported class, and the properties required to process the subscription are all contained in the list of supported properties. If the checkProvider parameter value is True, a subscription is only included in the list returned if the specified provider accepted the subscription. If the checkProvider parameter value is False, the provider parameter is not used (ignored). @param supportedClass the supported class @param nameSpaces the list of supported namespaces @param supportedProperties the list of supported properties @param checkProvider indicates whether provider acceptance is checked @param provider the provider (used if checkProvider True) @return list of CIMInstance subscriptions */ Array _getMatchingSubscriptions ( const CIMName & supportedClass, const Array nameSpaces, const CIMPropertyList & supportedProperties, const Boolean checkProvider = false, const CIMInstance & provider = CIMInstance ()); /** Retrieves lists of enabled subscription instances in all namespaces that are either newly supported or previously supported, based on the supported class, the supported namespaces before and after modification, and the supported properties before and after modification. For subscriptions based on the supported class, the newSubscriptions list returned contains the subscriptions for which the properties required to process the subscription are all contained in the new list of supported properties, but are not all contained in the old list of supported properties, and/or the filter source namespace is contained in the new list if supported namespaces, but is not contained in the old list of supported namespaces. The formerSubscriptions list returned contains the subscriptions for which the properties required to process the subscription are not all contained in the new list of supported properties, but are all contained in the old list of supported properties, and/or the filter source namespace is not contained in the new list if supported namespaces, but is contained in the old list of supported namespaces. @param supportedClass the supported class @param newNameSpaces namespaces supported after modification @param oldNameSpaces namespaces supported before modification @param newProperties properties supported after modification @param oldProperties properties supported before modification @param newSubscriptions the list of newly supported subscriptions @param formerSubscriptions the list of previously supported subscriptions */ void _getModifiedSubscriptions ( const CIMName & supportedClass, const Array & newNameSpaces, const Array & oldNameSpaces, const CIMPropertyList & newProperties, const CIMPropertyList & oldProperties, Array & newSubscriptions, Array & formerSubscriptions); /** Determines if all of the required properties in the specified list are contained in the specified list of supported properties. @param requiredProperties the required properties @param supportedProperties the supported properties @return true, if all required properties are supported; false otherwise */ Boolean _inPropertyList ( const CIMPropertyList & requiredProperties, const CIMPropertyList & supportedProperties); /** Builds a QueryExpression from the filter query string, the query language name, and the namespace in which the query is to be run. @param filterQuery the filter query string @param queryLanguage the query language name @param ns query namespace @return QueryExpression representing the filter query */ QueryExpression _getQueryExpression (const String& filterQuery, const String& queryLanguage, const CIMNamespaceName ns) const; /** Extracts the indication class name from the specified query expression (WQL or CQL), and validates that the name represents a subclass of the Indication class. @param queryExpression the query expression @param nameSpaceName the namespace @return String containing the indication class name */ CIMName _getIndicationClassName ( const QueryExpression & queryExpression, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpaceName) const; /** Retrieves the list of indication providers that serve the specified indication subclasses. @param queryExpression the query expression @param nameSpace the namespace name @param indicationClassName the indication class name @param indicationSubclasses the list of indication subclass names @return list of ProviderClassList structs */ Array _getIndicationProviders ( const QueryExpression & queryExpression, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpace, const CIMName & indicationClassName, const Array & indicationSubclasses) const; /** Retrieves the list of required properties (all the properties referenced in the WHERE clause) for the specified filter query expression. @param queryExpression the query expression @param nameSpaceName the namespace @param indicationClassName the indication class name @return CIMPropertyList of required properties for the filter query expression */ CIMPropertyList _getPropertyList ( const QueryExpression & queryExpression, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpaceName, const CIMName & indicationClassName) const; /** Checks if the property list includes all properties in the specified class. If so, a NULL CIMPropertyList is returned. Otherwise, a CIMPropertyList containing the properties is returned. The list of property names in the specified indication class is also returned in the indicationClassProperties parameter. @param propertyList the list of property names @param nameSpaceName the namespace @param indicationClassName the indication class name @param indicationClassProperties the list of property names in the specified indication class @return CIMPropertyList of properties referenced by the filter query select statement */ CIMPropertyList _checkPropertyList ( const Array & propertyList, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpaceName, const CIMName & indicationClassName, Array & indicationClassProperties) const; /** Extracts the condition (WHERE Clause) from the specified filter query string. @param filterQuery the filter query @return String containing the filter query condition */ String _getCondition ( const String & filterQuery) const; /** Deletes subscriptions referencing the specified handler. All namespaces are searched for subscriptions that reference the handler to be deleted. @param nameSpace the name space of the handler being deleted @param referenceProperty the name of the reference property in the subscription instance @param handler the handler reference */ void _deleteReferencingSubscriptions ( const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpace, const CIMName & referenceProperty, const CIMObjectPath & handler); /** Determines if specified Subscription has expired NOTE: It is assumed that the instance passed to this function is a Subscription instance, and that the Subscription Duration and Start Time properties exist @param instance the subscription instance @return True, if the Subscription has expired; False otherwise */ Boolean _isExpired ( const CIMInstance & instance) const; /** Deletes specified subscription @param subscription the subscription reference */ void _deleteExpiredSubscription ( CIMObjectPath & subscription); /** Gets the Subscription Time Remaining property Calculates time remaining from Subscription Start Time, Subscription Duration, and current date time. If the subscription has a non-null Duration, the Time Remaining is set, and True is returned. If the subscription does not have a non-null Duration, it has no expiration date, and the time remaining is unlimited. In this case, the Time Remaining is not set and False is returned. NOTE: It is assumed that the instance passed to this function is a Subscription instance, and that the Start Time property exists and has a value @param instance Input the subscription instance @param timeRemaining Output the time remaining (seconds) @return True, if the subscription has a non-null Duration; False otherwise */ Boolean _getTimeRemaining ( const CIMInstance & instance, Uint64 & timeRemaining) const; /** Sets the Subscription Time Remaining property Calculates time remaining from Subscription Start Time, Subscription Duration, and current date time NOTE: It is assumed that the instance passed to this function is a Subscription instance, and that the Subscription Duration and Start Time properties exist @param instance the subscription instance */ void _setTimeRemaining ( CIMInstance & instance); /** Gets the parameter values required to Create or Modify the subscription request. If no indication providers are found, condition and queryLanguage are set to empty string. @param subscriptionInstance Input subscription instance @param indicationSubclasses Output list of subclasses of indication class in filter query @param indicationProviders Output list of providers with associated classes @param propertyList Output list of properties required by the subscription @param sourceNameSpace Output source namespace for filter query @param condition Output condition part of the filter query @param query Output filter query @param queryLanguage Output query language in which the filter query is expressed */ void _getCreateParams ( const CIMInstance & subscriptionInstance, Array & indicationSubclasses, Array & indicationProviders, CIMPropertyList & propertyList, CIMNamespaceName & sourceNameSpace, String & condition, String & query, String & queryLanguage); /** Gets the parameter values required to Create or Modify the subscription request. @param subscriptionInstance Input subscription instance @param indicationSubclasses Output list of subclasses of indication class in filter query @param propertyList Output list of properties required by the subscription @param sourceNameSpace Output source namespace for filter query @param condition Output condition part of the filter query @param query Output filter query @param queryLanguage Output query language in which the filter query is expressed */ void _getCreateParams ( const CIMInstance & subscriptionInstance, Array & indicationSubclasses, CIMPropertyList & propertyList, CIMNamespaceName & sourceNameSpace, String & condition, String & query, String & queryLanguage); /** Gets the parameter values required to Delete the subscription request. @param subscriptionInstance Input subscription instance @param indicationSubclasses Output list of subclasses of indication class in filter query @param sourceNameSpace Output source namespace for filter query @return List of providers with associated classes to Delete */ Array _getDeleteParams ( const CIMInstance & subscriptionInstance, Array & indicationSubclasses, CIMNamespaceName & sourceNameSpace); /** Sends Create subscription request for the specified subscription to each provider in the list. The requests are sent using SendAsync, and the responses are aggregated in the callback methods. Create Subscription requests are sent to the indication providers using SendAsync in the following cases: (1) on creation of an enabled subscription instance, and (2) on modification of a subscription instance, when the state changes to enabled. In cases (1) and (2), there is an original Create Instance or Modify Instance request to which the Indication Service must respond. @param indicationProviders list of providers with associated classes @param nameSpace the nameSpace name of the resource being monitored, from the SourceNamespace property of the CIM_IndicationFilter instance for the specified subscription @param propertyList the properties referenced by the subscription @param condition the condition part of the filter query @param query the filter query @param queryLanguage the query language in which the filter query is expressed @param subscription the subscription to be created @param acceptLangs the language of the response, and future indications @param contentLangs the language of the subscription @param origRequest the original request (Create Instance, Modify Instance) @param indicationSubclasses the indication subclasses for the subscription @param userName the userName for authentication @param authType the authentication type */ void _sendAsyncCreateRequests ( const Array & indicationProviders, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpace, const CIMPropertyList & propertyList, const String & condition, const String & query, const String & queryLanguage, const CIMInstance & subscription, const AcceptLanguageList & acceptLangs, const ContentLanguageList & contentLangs, const CIMRequestMessage * origRequest, const Array & indicationSubclasses, const String & userName, const String & authType = String::EMPTY); /** Sends Create subscription request for the specified subscription to each provider in the list. The requests are sent using SendWait, so no callback methods are required. Create Subscription requests are sent to the indication providers using SendWait in the following cases: (1) on notification of a provider registration change newly enabling the provider to serve the subscription, (2) on notification that a provider has been enabled and may now serve the subscription, and (3) on initialization, for each enabled subscription retrieved from the repository. In cases (1) and (2), there is an original Notify Provider Registration or Notify Provider Enable request to which the Indication Service must respond. In case (3), there is no original request and no response is required. @param indicationProviders list of providers with associated classes @param nameSpace the nameSpace name of the resource being monitored, from the SourceNamespace property of the CIM_IndicationFilter instance for the specified subscription @param propertyList the properties referenced by the subscription @param condition the condition part of the filter query @param query the filter query @param queryLanguage the query language in which the filter query is expressed @param subscription the subscription to be created @param acceptLangs the language of the response, and future indications @param contentLangs the language of the subscription @param userName the userName for authentication @param authType the authentication type @return List of providers that accepted subscription */ Array _sendWaitCreateRequests ( const Array & indicationProviders, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpace, const CIMPropertyList & propertyList, const String & condition, const String & query, const String & queryLanguage, const CIMInstance & subscription, const AcceptLanguageList & acceptLangs, const ContentLanguageList & contentLangs, const String & userName, const String & authType = String::EMPTY); /** Sends Modify subscription request for the specified subscription to each provider in the list. The requests are sent using SendWait, so no callback methods are required. Modify Subscription requests must be sent to the indication providers on notification of a provider registration change, when the provider was formerly serving the subscription, and is still serving the subscription, in the following cases: (1) the provider is newly serving an additional indication subclass specified by the subscription, or (2) the provider is no longer serving an indication subclass specified by the subscription (but is still serving at least one of the indication subclasses). In cases (1) and (2), there is an original Notify Provider Registration request to which the Indication Service must respond. @param indicationProviders list of providers with associated classes @param nameSpace the nameSpace name of the resource being monitored, from the SourceNamespace property of the CIM_IndicationFilter instance for the specified subscription @param propertyList the properties referenced by the subscription @param condition the condition part of the filter query @param query the filter query @param queryLanguage the query language in which the filter query is expressed @param subscription the subscription to be modified @param acceptLangs the language of the response, and future indications @param contentLangs the language of the subscription @param userName the userName for authentication @param authType the authentication type */ void _sendWaitModifyRequests ( const Array & indicationProviders, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpace, const CIMPropertyList & propertyList, const String & condition, const String & query, const String & queryLanguage, const CIMInstance & subscription, const AcceptLanguageList & acceptLangs, const ContentLanguageList & contentLangs, const String & userName, const String & authType = String::EMPTY); /** Sends Delete subscription request for the specified subscription to each provider in the list. The requests are sent using SendAsync, and the responses are aggregated in the callback methods. Delete Subscription requests are sent to the indication providers using SendAsync in the following cases: (1) on deletion of an enabled subscription instance, (2) on modification of a subscription instance, when the state changes to disabled, (3) on deletion of an expired subscription, and (4) on deletion of a subscription referencing a deleted transient handler. In cases (1) and (2), there is an original Delete Instance or Modify Instance request to which the Indication Service must respond. In cases (3) and (4), there is no orginal request and no response is required. @param indicationProviders list of providers with associated classes @param nameSpace the nameSpace name of the resource being monitored, from the SourceNamespace property of the CIM_IndicationFilter instance for the specified subscription @param subscription the subscription to be modified @param acceptLangs the language of the response @param contentLangs the language of the subscription @param origRequest the original request (Delete Instance, Modify Instance) @param indicationSubclasses the indication subclasses for the subscription @param userName the userName for authentication @param authType the authentication type */ void _sendAsyncDeleteRequests ( const Array & indicationProviders, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpace, const CIMInstance & subscription, const AcceptLanguageList & acceptLangs, const ContentLanguageList & contentLangs, const CIMRequestMessage * origRequest, const Array & indicationSubclasses, const String & userName, const String & authType = String::EMPTY); /** Sends Delete subscription request for the specified subscription to each provider in the list. The requests are sent using SendWait, so no callback methods are required. Delete Subscription requests are sent to the indication providers using SendWait in the following case: (1) on notification of a provider registration change newly preventing the provider from serving the subscription. In case (1), there is an original Notify Provider Registration request to which the Indication Service must respond. @param indicationProviders list of providers with associated classes @param nameSpace the nameSpace name of the resource being monitored, from the SourceNamespace property of the CIM_IndicationFilter instance for the specified subscription @param subscription the subscription to be modified @param acceptLangs the language of the response @param contentLangs the language of the subscription @param userName the userName for authentication @param authType the authentication type */ void _sendWaitDeleteRequests ( const Array & indicationProviders, const CIMNamespaceName & nameSpace, const CIMInstance & subscription, const AcceptLanguageList & acceptLangs, const ContentLanguageList & contentLangs, const String & userName, const String & authType = String::EMPTY); /** Collects responses from providers for aggregation as they are received, and stores them in the IndicationOperationAggregate instance. Calls _handleOperationResponseAggregation to process the responses, once all expected responses have been received. @param operation shared data structure that controls message processing @param destination target queue of completion callback @param userParameter user parameter for callback processing */ static void _aggregationCallBack ( AsyncOpNode * operation, MessageQueue * destination, void * userParameter); /** Calls the appropriate function to processes responses from providers, based on the type of request sent to providers, once all responses have been received. @param operationAggregate the operation aggregate instance */ void _handleOperationResponseAggregation ( IndicationOperationAggregate * operationAggregate); /** Processes create subscription responses from providers, once all have been received. Takes the appropriate action, based on the type of the original request, if any, and the responses received. Sends the response to the original request, if required. @param operationAggregate the operation aggregate instance */ void _handleCreateResponseAggregation ( IndicationOperationAggregate * operationAggregate); /** Processes modify subscription responses from providers, once all have been received. Updates the subscription hash tables. @param operationAggregate the operation aggregate instance */ void _handleModifyResponseAggregation ( IndicationOperationAggregate * operationAggregate); /** Processes delete subscription responses from providers, once all have been received. Updates the subscription hash tables appropriately, based on the type of the original request, if any. Sends the response to the original request, if required. @param operationAggregate the operation aggregate instance */ void _handleDeleteResponseAggregation ( IndicationOperationAggregate * operationAggregate); /** Creates an alert instance of the specified class. @param alertClassName the alert class name @param subscriptions subscriptions for which alert is to be created @return the created alert instance */ CIMInstance _createAlertInstance ( const CIMName & alertClassName, const Array & subscriptions); #if 0 /** Asynchronous completion routine for _sendAlerts */ static void _sendAlertsCallBack(AsyncOpNode *operation, MessageQueue *callback_destination, void *parameter); /** Sends specified alert to each unique handler instance for the specified subscriptions in the list. @param subscriptions subscriptions for which alert is to be sent @param alertInstance the alert to be sent */ void _sendAlerts ( const Array & subscriptions, /* const */ CIMInstance & alertInstance); #endif /** Sends a Subscription Init Complete request to the Provider Manager Service. */ void _sendSubscriptionInitComplete (); /** Gets the value of the Creator property from the specified Subscription instance. If this function returns False, the value of the creator parameter is unchanged. @param instance subscription instance @param creator value of Creator property if retrieved @return True, if the value of the Creator property was retrieved; False if Creator property was missing, null, or of an incorrect type */ Boolean _getCreator ( const CIMInstance & instance, String & creator) const; /** Validates the specified SubscriptionState property value. @param state SubscriptionState property value @return True, if the SubscriptionState property value is valid; False otherwise */ Boolean _validateState ( const Uint16 state) const; /** This function peforms an authorization test based on the value of the enableSubscriptionForNonprivilegedUsers. @param userName String @return True, if authentication is not enabled or the user is a privileged system user; False, if authentication is enabled and the user is not privileged */ void _checkNonprivilegedAuthorization ( const String & userName); /** Updates the propertyList, in preparation for calling the Repository. If the propertyList is not null, the Creator property must be added to the list. Also, if the request is for the Subscription class, the value of the Time Remaining property need only be calculated if it is requested. In that case, the Subscription Duration and Start Time properties must be added to the list if not already there. @param className class name for the request @param propertyList list of properties requested @param setTimeRemaining indicates whether Time Remaining property was requested @param startTimeAdded indicates whether Start Time property was added to the list @param durationAdded indicates whether Duration property was added to the list */ void _updatePropertyList (CIMName & className, CIMPropertyList & propertyList, Boolean & setTimeRemaining, Boolean & startTimeAdded, Boolean & durationAdded); /** Gets a String containing the comma-separated Subscription Filter Name and Handler Name, for use in a log message to identify the subscription. @param subscription subscription instance @return String containing the comma-separated Subscription Filter Name and Handler Name */ String _getSubscriptionLogString (CIMInstance & subscription); SubscriptionRepository* _subscriptionRepository; SubscriptionTable * _subscriptionTable; /** Handle to Provider Registration Manager */ ProviderRegistrationManager * _providerRegManager; /** Pointer to CIMRepository, for use in building QueryExpression. */ CIMRepository* _cimRepository; /** Integer representing queue ID for accessing Provider Manager Service */ Uint32 _providerManager; /** Integer representing queue ID for accessing Handler Manager Service */ Uint32 _handlerService; /** Boolean indicating that the CIM Server has been configured to allow non-privileged users read and write access to the Subscription classes. */ Boolean _enableSubscriptionsForNonprivilegedUsers; /** Gets the indication class specified by the subscription filter query. @param instance the subscription instance @return CIMClass object for the indication class */ CIMClass _getIndicationClass( const CIMInstance & instance); /** Arrays of valid and supported property values Notes: Valid values are defined by the CIM Event Schema MOF Supported values are a subset of the valid values Some valid values, as defined in the MOF, are not currently supported by the Pegasus IndicationService Supported Values SubscriptionState: Enabled, Disabled RepeatNotificationPolicy: Unknown, Other, None, Suppress, Delay OnFatalErrorPolicy: Ignore, Disable, Remove PersistenceType: Permanent, Transient SNMPVersion: SNMPv1 Trap, SNMPv2C Trap */ Array _validStates; Array _validRepeatPolicies; Array _validErrorPolicies; Array _validPersistenceTypes; Array _validSNMPVersion; Array _supportedStates; Array _supportedRepeatPolicies; Array _supportedErrorPolicies; Array _supportedPersistenceTypes; Array _supportedSNMPVersion; /** Arrays of names of supported properties for each class */ Array _supportedSubscriptionProperties; Array _supportedFormattedSubscriptionProperties; Array _supportedFilterProperties; Array _supportedCIMXMLHandlerProperties; Array _supportedCIMXMLListenerDestinationProperties; Array _supportedSNMPHandlerProperties; Array _supportedSyslogListenerDestinationProperties; Array _supportedEmailListenerDestinationProperties; }; PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* Pegasus_IndicationService_h */