//%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software, Hewlett-Packard Company, IBM, // The Open Group, Tivoli Systems // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN // ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED // "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT // LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //============================================================================== // // Author: Nitin Upasani, Hewlett-Packard Company (Nitin_Upasani@hp.com) // // Modified By: Carol Ann Krug Graves, Hewlett-Packard Company // (carolann_graves@hp.com) // Nag Boranna, Hewlett-Packard Company (nagaraja_boranna@hp.com) // Yi Zhou, Hewlett-Packard Company (yi_zhou@hp.com) // //%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN PEGASUS_USING_STD; //#define DDD(X) X #define DDD(X) // X DDD(static const char* _CIMXMLINDICATIONHANDLER = "CIMxmlIndicationHandler::";) static Boolean verifyListenerCertificate(SSLCertificateInfo &certInfo) { // ATTN: Add code to handle listener certificate verification. // return true; } class PEGASUS_HANDLER_LINKAGE CIMxmlIndicationHandler: public CIMHandler { public: CIMxmlIndicationHandler() { DDD(cout << _CIMXMLINDICATIONHANDLER << "CIMxmlIndicationHandler()" << endl;) } virtual ~CIMxmlIndicationHandler() { DDD(cout << _CIMXMLINDICATIONHANDLER << "~CIMxmlIndicationHandler()" << endl;) } void initialize(CIMRepository* repository) { DDD(cout << _CIMXMLINDICATIONHANDLER << "initialize()" << endl;) } void terminate() { DDD(cout << _CIMXMLINDICATIONHANDLER << "terminate()" << endl;) } // l10n void handleIndication( CIMInstance& indicationHandlerInstance, CIMInstance& indicationInstance, String nameSpace, ContentLanguages& contentLanguages) { //get destination for the indication Uint32 pos = indicationHandlerInstance.findProperty (CIMName ("destination")); if (pos == PEG_NOT_FOUND) { // ATTN: Deal with a malformed handler instance } CIMProperty prop = indicationHandlerInstance.getProperty(pos); String dest; try { prop.getValue().get(dest); } catch (TypeMismatchException& e) { // ATTN: Deal with a malformed handler instance } try { static String PROPERTY_NAME__SSLCERT_FILEPATH = "sslCertificateFilePath"; static String PROPERTY_NAME__SSLKEY_FILEPATH = "sslKeyFilePath"; static String PROPERTY_NAME__SSLTRUST_FILEPATH = "sslTrustFilePath"; // // Get the sslCertificateFilePath property from the Config Manager. // ConfigManager* configManager = ConfigManager::getInstance(); String certPath; certPath = configManager->getCurrentValue( PROPERTY_NAME__SSLCERT_FILEPATH); // // Get the sslKeyFilePath property from the Config Manager. // String keyPath; keyPath = configManager->getCurrentValue( PROPERTY_NAME__SSLKEY_FILEPATH); // // Get the sslKeyFilePath property from the Config Manager. // String trustPath = String::EMPTY; trustPath = configManager->getCurrentValue( PROPERTY_NAME__SSLTRUST_FILEPATH); String randFile = String::EMPTY; #ifdef PEGASUS_SSL_RANDOMFILE // NOTE: It is technically not necessary to set up a random file on // the server side, but it is easier to use a consistent interface // on the client and server than to optimize out the random file on // the server side. randFile = ConfigManager::getHomedPath(PEGASUS_SSLSERVER_RANDOMFILE); #endif SSLContext sslcontext(trustPath, certPath, keyPath, verifyListenerCertificate, randFile); Monitor monitor; HTTPConnector httpConnector( &monitor); CIMExportClient exportclient( &monitor, &httpConnector); Uint32 colon = dest.find (":"); Uint32 portNumber = 0; Boolean useHttps = false; String destStr = dest; String hostName; // // If the URL has https (https://hostname:port/... or // https://hostname/...) then use SSL // for Indication delivery. If it has http (http://hostname:port/... // or http://hostname/...) then do not use SSL. // if (colon != PEG_NOT_FOUND) { String httpStr = dest.subString(0, colon); if (String::equalNoCase(httpStr, "https")) { useHttps = true; } else if (String::equalNoCase(httpStr, "http")) { useHttps = false; } else { throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, httpStr); } } else { throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, dest); } String doubleSlash = dest.subString(colon + 1, 2); if (String::equalNoCase(doubleSlash, "//")) { destStr = dest.subString(colon + 3, PEG_NOT_FOUND); } else { throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION(CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, dest); } colon = destStr.find (":"); // // get hostname and port number from destination string // if (colon != PEG_NOT_FOUND) { hostName = destStr.subString (0, colon); destStr = destStr.subString(colon + 1, PEG_NOT_FOUND); Uint32 slash = destStr.find ("/"); String portStr; if (slash != PEG_NOT_FOUND) { portStr = destStr.subString (0, slash); } else { portStr = destStr.subString (0, PEG_NOT_FOUND); } sscanf (portStr.getCString (), "%u", &portNumber); } // // There is no port number in the destination string, // get port number from system // else { Uint32 slash = destStr.find ("/"); if (slash != PEG_NOT_FOUND) { hostName = destStr.subString (0, slash); } else { hostName = destStr.subString (0, PEG_NOT_FOUND); } if (useHttps) { portNumber = System::lookupPort(WBEM_HTTPS_SERVICE_NAME, WBEM_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT); } else { portNumber = System::lookupPort(WBEM_HTTP_SERVICE_NAME, WBEM_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT); } } if (useHttps) { #ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_SSL exportclient.connect (hostName, portNumber, sslcontext); #else PEGASUS_STD(cerr) << "CIMxmlIndicationHandler Error: " << "Cannot do https connection." << PEGASUS_STD(endl); #endif } else { exportclient.connect (hostName, portNumber); } // l10n exportclient.exportIndication( destStr.subString(destStr.find("/")), indicationInstance, contentLanguages); } catch(Exception& e) { //ATTN: Catch specific exceptions and log the error message // as Indication delivery failed. PEGASUS_STD(cerr) << "CIMxmlIndicationHandler Error: " << e.getMessage() << PEGASUS_STD(endl); } } }; // This is the dynamic entry point into this dynamic module. The name of // this handler is "CIMxmlIndicationHandler" which is appened to "PegasusCreateHandler_" // to form a symbol name. This function is called by the HandlerTable // to load this handler. extern "C" PEGASUS_EXPORT CIMHandler* PegasusCreateHandler_CIMxmlIndicationHandler() { DDD(cout << "Called PegasusCreateHandler_CIMxmlIndicationHandler" << endl;) return new CIMxmlIndicationHandler; } PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END