03/05/2001 The mof compiler is a long ways from done, but it does build and populate a repository. Build instructions cd Pegasus/getoopt make cd ../Common make cd ../Repository make cd ../Compiler make cd cmdline make It will be integrated in Mike's make system shortly. It should build on NT with MSVC++ version 6 (I haven't tried version 5) and on Linux with gcc 2.95. On my machines, it successfully compiles CIM_Schema25.mof in about 50 seconds on NT and about 15 on Linux. Partial list of to-do's: - Add command line arguments to control over-laying of existing objects, stopping the addition of new base classes and several other things. - Make the command line driver turn off logging in the embeddable compiler code. Right now, errors print out twice. - Handle a few errors that are ignored now. - bunch of other cleanup Here are two gotcha's in trying to get things running: 1. Make sure you set the PEGASUS_HOME command line variable. The repository gets written to $PEGASUS_HOME/repository. You can override this with the -R flag on the command line. 2. If your mof file has include pragmas and the included files do not reside in the current directory, you must provide a path to them on the compiler command line. You do this with the -I flag. Example: cimmof -I~/testfiles ~/testfiles/main.mof The compiler does not handle missing include files very sanely right now. It just skips them.