//%2004//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development // Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; The Open Group; Tivoli Systems. // Copyright (c) 2003 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation, The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2004 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN // ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED // "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT // LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //============================================================================== // // Author: Sushma Fernandes, Hewlett-Packard Company (sushma_fernandes@hp.com) // // Modified By: Jenny Yu, Hewlett-Packard Company (jenny_yu@hp.com) // Amit K Arora, IBM (amita@in.ibm.com) for PEP#101 // Roger Kumpf, Hewlett-Packard Company (roger_kumpf@hp.com) // //%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef Pegasus_Tracer_h #define Pegasus_Tracer_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /** Tracer implements tracing of messages to a defined file */ class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE Tracer { public: /** Levels of trace Trace messages are written to the trace file only if they are at or above a given trace level LEVEL1 - Function Entry/Exit LEVEL2 - Basic flow trace messages, low data detail LEVEL3 - Inter-function logic flow, medium data detail LEVEL4 - High data detail */ static const Uint32 LEVEL1; static const Uint32 LEVEL2; static const Uint32 LEVEL3; static const Uint32 LEVEL4; // PEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE defines the compile time inclusion of the Trace // interfaces. If defined the interfaces map to empty functions #ifdef PEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE inline static void traceBuffer( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char* data, const Uint32 size) { // empty function } inline static void traceBuffer( const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char* data, const Uint32 size) { // empty function } inline static void trace( const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char *fmt, ...) { // empty function } inline static void trace( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char* fmt, ...) { // empty function } inline static void trace( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const String& traceString) { // empty function } inline static void traceCIMException( const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, CIMException cimException) { // empty function } static Uint32 setTraceFile(const char* traceFile) { // empty function return 0; } static Uint32 setTraceLevel(const Uint32 traceLevel) { // empty function return 0; } static void setTraceComponents( const String& traceComponents) { // empty function } #else /** Traces the specified number of bytes in a given buffer @param traceComponent component being traced @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message @param data buffer to be traced @param size number of bytes to be traced */ inline static void traceBuffer( const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char* data, const Uint32 size) { _traceBuffer( traceComponent, traceLevel, data, size ); } /** Traces the specified number of bytes in a given buffer Overloaded to include the filename and the line number of trace origin. @param fileName filename of the trace originator @param lineNum line number of the trace originator @param traceComponent component being traced @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message @param data buffer to be traced @param size size of the buffer */ inline static void traceBuffer( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char* data, const Uint32 size) { _traceBuffer( fileName, lineNum, traceComponent, traceLevel, data, size ); } /** Traces the given message @param traceComponent component being traced @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message @param *fmt printf style format string @param ... variable argument list */ inline static void trace( const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList,fmt); _trace(traceComponent,traceLevel,fmt,argList); va_end(argList); } /** Traces the given message. Overloaded to include the filename and the line number of trace origin. @param fileName filename of the trace originator @param lineNum line number of the trace originator @param traceComponent component being traced @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message @param *fmt printf style format string @param ... variable argument list */ inline static void trace( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList,fmt); _trace(fileName,lineNum,traceComponent,traceLevel,fmt,argList); va_end(argList); } /** Traces the given string. Overloaded to include the filename and line number of trace origin. @param fileName filename of the trace originator @param lineNum line number of the trace originator @param traceComponent component being traced @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message @param traceString the string to be traced */ inline static void trace( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const String& traceString) { _traceString( fileName, lineNum, traceComponent, traceLevel, traceString ); } /** Traces the message in the given CIMException object. The message written to the trace file will include the source filename and line number of the CIMException originator. @param traceComponent component being traced @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message @param CIMException the CIMException to be traced. */ inline static void traceCIMException( const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, CIMException cimException) { _traceCIMException( traceComponent, traceLevel, cimException ); } /** Set the trace file to the given file @param traceFile full path of the trace file @return 0 if the filepath is valid 1 if an error occurs while opening the file in append mode */ static Uint32 setTraceFile(const char* traceFile); /** Set the trace level to the given level @param traceLevel trace level to be set @return 0 if trace level is valid 1 if trace level is invalid */ static Uint32 setTraceLevel(const Uint32 traceLevel); /** Set components to be traced @param traceComponents list of components to be traced, components should be separated by ',' */ static void setTraceComponents( const String& traceComponents); #endif // End of PEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE /** Traces method entry. @param fileName filename of the trace originator @param lineNum line number of the trace originator @param traceComponent component being traced @param methodName method being traced */ inline static void traceEnter( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const char* methodName) { _traceEnter( fileName, lineNum, traceComponent, "%s %s", _METHOD_ENTER_MSG, methodName); } /** Traces method exit. @param fileName filename of the trace originator @param lineNum line number of the trace originator @param traceComponent component being traced @param methodName method being traced */ inline static void traceExit( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const char* methodName) { _traceExit( fileName, lineNum, traceComponent, "%s %s", _METHOD_EXIT_MSG, methodName); } /** Validates the File Path for the trace File @param filePath full path of the file @return 1 if the file path is valid 0 if the file path is invalid */ static Boolean isValidFileName(const char* filePath); /** Validates the trace components @param traceComponents comma separated list of trace components @return 1 if the components are valid 0 if one or more components are invalid */ static Boolean isValidComponents(const String& traceComponents); /** Validates the trace components @param traceComponents comma separated list of trace components @param invalidComponents comma separated list of invalid components @return 1 if the components are valid 0 if one or more components are invalid */ static Boolean isValidComponents( const String& traceComponents, String& invalidComponents); /** Specify the name of the module being traced. If non-empty, this value is used as an extension to the name of the trace file. @param moduleName Name of the module being traced. */ static void setModuleName(const String& moduleName); private: static const char _COMPONENT_SEPARATOR; static const Uint32 _NUM_COMPONENTS; static const Uint32 _STRLEN_MAX_UNSIGNED_INT; static const Uint32 _STRLEN_MAX_PID_TID; static const Boolean _SUCCESS; static const Boolean _FAILURE; AutoArrayPtr _traceComponentMask; Uint32 _traceLevelMask; AutoPtr _traceHandler; String _moduleName; static Tracer* _tracerInstance; // Message Strings for function Entry and Exit static const char _METHOD_ENTER_MSG[]; static const char _METHOD_EXIT_MSG[]; // Message Strings for Logger static const char _LOG_MSG[]; // Checks if trace is enabled for the given component and trace level // @param traceComponent component being traced // @param traceLevel level of the trace message // @return 0 if the component and level are not enabled // 1 if the component and level are enabled static Boolean _isTraceEnabled( const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel); // Traces the given message // @param traceComponent component being traced // @param traceLevel level of the trace message // @param *fmt printf style format string // @param argList variable argument list static void _trace( const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char* fmt, va_list argList); // Traces the given message. Overloaded to include the file name and the // line number as one of the parameters. // @param traceComponent component being traced // @param traceLevel level of the trace message // @param message message header (file name:line number) // @param *fmt printf style format string // @param argList variable argument list static void _trace( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char* fmt, va_list argList); // Traces the specified number of bytes in a given buffer // @param traceComponent component being traced // @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message // @param data buffer to be traced // @param size number of bytes to be traced static void _traceBuffer( const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char* data, const Uint32 size); // Traces the specified number of bytes in a given buffer // Overloaded to include the filename and the line number // of trace origin. // @param fileName filename of the trace originator // @param lineNum line number of the trace originator // @param traceComponent component being traced // @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message // @param data buffer to be traced // @param size size of the buffer static void _traceBuffer( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const char* data, const Uint32 size); // Traces the given string. // @param traceComponent component being traced // @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message // @param traceString the string to be traced // static void _traceString( const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const String& traceString); // Traces a given string. Overloaded to include the filename // and line number of trace origin. // @param fileName filename of the trace originator // @param lineNum line number of the trace originator // @param traceComponent component being traced // @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message // @param traceString the string to be traced // static void _traceString( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, const String& traceString); // Traces the message in the given CIMException object. The message // to be written to the trace file will include the source filename and // line number of the CIMException originator. // @param traceComponent component being traced // @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message // @param CIMException the CIMException to be traced. // static void _traceCIMException( const Uint32 traceComponent, const Uint32 traceLevel, CIMException cimException); // Called by all the trace interfaces to log message to the // trace file // @param fileName filename of the trace originator // @param lineNum line number of the trace originator // @param traceComponent component being traced // @param *fmt printf style format string // @param argList variable argument list static void _trace( const Uint32 traceComponent, const char* message, const char* fmt, va_list argList); // Traces method enter // @param fileName filename of the trace originator // @param lineNum line number of the trace originator // @param traceComponent component being traced // @param *fmt printf style format string // @param ... variable argument list static void _traceEnter( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const char* fmt, ...); // Traces method exit // @param fileName filename of the trace originator // @param traceComponent component being traced // @param *fmt printf style format string // @param ... variable argument list static void _traceExit( const char* fileName, const Uint32 lineNum, const Uint32 traceComponent, const char* fmt, ...); // Tracer constructor // Constructor is private to prevent construction of Tracer objects // Single Instance of Tracer is maintained for each process. Tracer(); // Tracer destructor ~Tracer(); // Returns the Singleton instance of the Tracer // @return Tracer* Instance of Tracer static Tracer* _getInstance(); }; // Define the macros for method entry/exit, and tracing a given string #ifdef PEGASUS_REMOVE_TRACE #define PEG_METHOD_ENTER(traceComponent,methodName) #define PEG_METHOD_EXIT() #define PEG_TRACE_STRING(traceComponent,traceLevel,traceString) #else /** Macro for tracing method entry @param traceComponent component being traced @param methodName name of the method */ #define PEG_METHOD_ENTER(traceComponent,methodName) \ const char *PEG_METHOD_NAME = methodName; \ const Uint32 PEG_TRACE_COMPONENT = traceComponent; \ Tracer::traceEnter(__FILE__,__LINE__,PEG_TRACE_COMPONENT,PEG_METHOD_NAME) /** Macro for tracing method exit */ #define PEG_METHOD_EXIT() \ Tracer::traceExit(__FILE__,__LINE__,PEG_TRACE_COMPONENT,PEG_METHOD_NAME) /** Macro for tracing a string @param traceComponent component being traced @param traceLevel trace level of the trace message @param traceString the string to be traced */ #define PEG_TRACE_STRING(traceComponent,traceLevel,traceString) \ Tracer::trace(__FILE__, __LINE__,traceComponent,traceLevel,traceString) #endif PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* Pegasus_Tracer_h */