//%2005//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development // Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; The Open Group; Tivoli Systems. // Copyright (c) 2003 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation, The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2004 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; // EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN // ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED // "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT // LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //============================================================================== // //%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef Pegasus_OperationContext_h #define Pegasus_OperationContext_h #include #include #include #include // l10n #include // l10n #include PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class OperationContextRep; /** Contains context information from clients in objects referred to as containers.

The OperationContext class carries information about the context in which the client program issued the request. The OperationContext class contains containers that specify types of information. Currently, the only supported container is the container that specifies the identity of the user. Providers must use the user container to determine whether the requested operation should be permitted on behalf of the issuing user. For example, providers can get the user name information from the IdentityContext in an OperationContext as shown below:

    IdentityContainer container(context.get(IdentityContainer::NAME));
    String userName = container.getUserName();

*/ class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE OperationContext { public: /** An element of client context information.

The Container object carries the information that the provider may access. A container name determines which container is used. Currently, only the container carrying the user identity of the client is available.

*/ class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE Container { public: /** Destructs Container. */ virtual ~Container(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need to be described, if any? */ virtual String getName(void) const = 0; /** Makes a copy of the Container object. Caller is responsible for deleting dynamically allocated memory by calling destroy() method. */ virtual Container * clone(void) const = 0; /** Cleans up the object, including dynamically allocated memory. This should only be used to clean up memory allocated using the clone() method. */ virtual void destroy(void) = 0; }; public: /** REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ OperationContext(void); /** REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param context Specifies the name of the OperationContext container. */ OperationContext(const OperationContext & context); /** REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual ~OperationContext(void); /** REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param context Specifies the name of the OperationContext container. */ OperationContext & operator=(const OperationContext & context); /** REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ void clear(void); /** This operation is used to retrieve the container based on the key name. * Note: If the key is not present, the Exception("Common.OperationContext.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND") is thrown. @param containerName Specifies the name of the String container. */ const Container & get(const String& containerName) const; /** REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the container. */ void set(const Container & container); /** REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the container. */ void insert(const Container & container); /** REVIEWERS:Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param containerName Specifies the name of the container. */ void remove(const String& containerName); protected: OperationContextRep* _rep; }; class IdentityContainerRep; /// Insert description here. class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE IdentityContainer : virtual public OperationContext::Container { public: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ static const String NAME; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the Container. */ IdentityContainer(const OperationContext::Container & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the IdentityContainer. */ IdentityContainer(const IdentityContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param userName Specifies the name of the String. */ IdentityContainer(const String & userName); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual ~IdentityContainer(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the IdentityContainer. */ IdentityContainer & operator=(const IdentityContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual String getName(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual OperationContext::Container * clone(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual void destroy(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ String getUserName(void) const; protected: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ IdentityContainerRep* _rep; private: IdentityContainer(); // Unimplemented }; class SubscriptionInstanceContainerRep; class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE SubscriptionInstanceContainer : virtual public OperationContext::Container { public: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ static const String NAME; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ SubscriptionInstanceContainer (const OperationContext::Container & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ SubscriptionInstanceContainer (const SubscriptionInstanceContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ SubscriptionInstanceContainer(const CIMInstance & subscriptionInstance); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual ~SubscriptionInstanceContainer(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param operator Specifies the name of the SubscriptionInstanceContainer */ SubscriptionInstanceContainer & operator= (const SubscriptionInstanceContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual String getName(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual OperationContext::Container * clone(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual void destroy(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ CIMInstance getInstance(void) const; protected: SubscriptionInstanceContainerRep* _rep; private: SubscriptionInstanceContainer(); // Unimplemented }; class SubscriptionFilterConditionContainerRep; class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer : virtual public OperationContext::Container { public: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ static const String NAME; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer (const OperationContext::Container & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param conainer REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer (const SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param filterCondition REVIEWERS: Insert description here. @param queryLanguage REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer (const String & filterCondition, const String & queryLanguage); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual ~SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer & operator= (const SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual String getName(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual OperationContext::Container * clone(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual void destroy(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ String getFilterCondition(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ String getQueryLanguage(void) const; protected: SubscriptionFilterConditionContainerRep* _rep; private: SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer(); // Unimplemented }; class SubscriptionFilterQueryContainerRep; /** The SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer class contains a query filter string and a query language string. The query filter contains the whole SELECT statement from the filter associated with the subscription. This is different than the filter condition string in SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer, which only contains the WHERE clause of the filter. The query language string contains the language of the filter (eg. "WQL", "CIM:CQL").
    This container may be used by providers that wish to filter indications.
    The query filter and query langauge strings may used to constuct a QueryExpression
    object for parsing and evaluation.
*/ class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer : virtual public OperationContext::Container { public: /** The name of this container. This is set to "SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer". */ static const String NAME; /** Copy constructor. @param container The container to be copied. It must be of type SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer. @exception DynamicCastFailedException If the parameter is not the correct type. */ SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer (const OperationContext::Container & container); /** Copy constructor @param container The container to be copied. */ SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer (const SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer & container); /** Constructor @param filterQuery String containing the query filter. @param queryLanguage String containing the language of the query filter. */ SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer (const String & filterQuery, const String & queryLanguage, const CIMNamespaceName & sourceNameSpace); /** Destructor */ virtual ~SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer(void); /** Assignment @param container Container from which to assign. */ SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer & operator= (const SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer & container); /** Returns the name of this container. @return Name of this container. */ virtual String getName(void) const; /** Creates a duplicate of this container. @return Pointer to the cloned container. */ virtual OperationContext::Container * clone(void) const; /** Deletes this container. */ virtual void destroy(void); /** Returns the query filter string. @return The query filter string. */ String getFilterQuery(void) const; /** Returns the query language string. @return The query language string. */ String getQueryLanguage(void) const; /** Returns the source namespace for the filter. @return The source namespace. */ CIMNamespaceName getSourceNameSpace(void) const; protected: SubscriptionFilterQueryContainerRep* _rep; private: SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer(); // Unimplemented }; /**REVIEWERS: Insert class description here. */ class SubscriptionInstanceNamesContainerRep; /**REVIEWERS: Insert class description here. */ class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE SubscriptionInstanceNamesContainer : virtual public OperationContext::Container { public: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ static const String NAME; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ SubscriptionInstanceNamesContainer (const OperationContext::Container & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ SubscriptionInstanceNamesContainer (const SubscriptionInstanceNamesContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ SubscriptionInstanceNamesContainer (const Array & subscriptionInstanceNames); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual ~SubscriptionInstanceNamesContainer(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ SubscriptionInstanceNamesContainer & operator= (const SubscriptionInstanceNamesContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual String getName(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual OperationContext::Container * clone(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual void destroy(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ Array getInstanceNames(void) const; protected: SubscriptionInstanceNamesContainerRep* _rep; private: SubscriptionInstanceNamesContainer(); // Unimplemented }; ///Insert class description here. class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE TimeoutContainer : virtual public OperationContext::Container { public: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ static const String NAME; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ TimeoutContainer(const OperationContext::Container & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ TimeoutContainer(Uint32 timeout); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual String getName(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual OperationContext::Container * clone(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual void destroy(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ Uint32 getTimeOut(void) const; protected: Uint32 _value; private: TimeoutContainer(void); }; // l10n ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start - Containers used for globalization ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef PEGASUS_USE_EXPERIMENTAL_INTERFACES class AcceptLanguageListContainerRep; /** Experimental Interface
*/ class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE AcceptLanguageListContainer : virtual public OperationContext::Container { public: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ static const String NAME; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ AcceptLanguageListContainer (const OperationContext::Container & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ AcceptLanguageListContainer (const AcceptLanguageListContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ AcceptLanguageListContainer(const AcceptLanguages & languages); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual ~AcceptLanguageListContainer(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ AcceptLanguageListContainer & operator= (const AcceptLanguageListContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual String getName(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual OperationContext::Container * clone(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual void destroy(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ AcceptLanguages getLanguages(void) const; protected: AcceptLanguageListContainerRep* _rep; private: AcceptLanguageListContainer(); // Unimplemented }; /** REVIEWERS: Insert class description here. */ class SubscriptionLanguageListContainerRep; /** Experimental Interface
* REVIEWERS: Insert class description here. */ class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE SubscriptionLanguageListContainer : virtual public OperationContext::Container { public: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ static const String NAME; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ SubscriptionLanguageListContainer (const OperationContext::Container & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ SubscriptionLanguageListContainer (const SubscriptionLanguageListContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ SubscriptionLanguageListContainer(const AcceptLanguages & languages); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual ~SubscriptionLanguageListContainer(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the SubscriptionLanguageListContainer. */ SubscriptionLanguageListContainer & operator= (const SubscriptionLanguageListContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual String getName(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual OperationContext::Container * clone(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual void destroy(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ AcceptLanguages getLanguages(void) const; protected: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ SubscriptionLanguageListContainerRep* _rep; private: SubscriptionLanguageListContainer(); // Unimplemented }; /** REVIEWERS: Insert class description here. */ class ContentLanguageListContainerRep; /** Experimental Interface
* REVIEWERS: Insert class description here. */ class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE ContentLanguageListContainer : virtual public OperationContext::Container { public: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ static const String NAME; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the OperationContext container. */ ContentLanguageListContainer (const OperationContext::Container & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the ContentLanguageListContainer. */ ContentLanguageListContainer (const ContentLanguageListContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param languages Specifies the name of the ContentLanguages container. */ ContentLanguageListContainer(const ContentLanguages & languages); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual ~ContentLanguageListContainer(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the ContentLanguageListContainer. */ ContentLanguageListContainer & operator= (const ContentLanguageListContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual String getName(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual OperationContext::Container * clone(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual void destroy(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ ContentLanguages getLanguages(void) const; protected: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ ContentLanguageListContainerRep* _rep; private: ContentLanguageListContainer(); // Unimplemented }; #endif // PEGASUS_USE_EXPERIMENTAL_INTERFACES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End - Containers used for globalization ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SnmpTrapOidContainerRep; class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE SnmpTrapOidContainer : virtual public OperationContext::Container { public: /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ static const String NAME; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the container. */ SnmpTrapOidContainer (const OperationContext::Container & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the SnmpTrapOidContainer container. */ SnmpTrapOidContainer (const SnmpTrapOidContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param snmpTrapOid Specifies the name of the String container. */ SnmpTrapOidContainer(const String & snmpTrapOid); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ virtual ~SnmpTrapOidContainer(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? @param container Specifies the name of the SnmpTrapOidContainer. */ SnmpTrapOidContainer & operator= (const SnmpTrapOidContainer & container); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual String getName(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual OperationContext::Container * clone(void) const; /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. What parameters need descriptions? */ virtual void destroy(void); /** REVIEWERS: Insert description here. */ String getSnmpTrapOid(void) const; protected: SnmpTrapOidContainerRep* _rep; private: SnmpTrapOidContainer(); // Unimplemented }; PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END #endif