//%2006//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development // Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; The Open Group; Tivoli Systems. // Copyright (c) 2003 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation, The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2004 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; // EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; // EMC Corporation; Symantec Corporation; The Open Group. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN // ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED // "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT // LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //============================================================================== // //%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(PEGASUS_USE_SYSLOGS) # include #endif PEGASUS_USING_STD; PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // Maximum logfile size is defined as 32 MB = 32 * 1024 * 1024 # define PEGASUS_MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE 0X2000000 const Uint32 Logger::TRACE = (1 << 0); const Uint32 Logger::INFORMATION = (1 << 1); const Uint32 Logger::WARNING = (1 << 2); const Uint32 Logger::SEVERE = (1 << 3); const Uint32 Logger::FATAL = (1 << 4); static char const* LOGLEVEL_LIST[] = { "TRACE", "INFORMATION", "WARNING", "SEVERE", "FATAL" }; LoggerRep* Logger::_rep = 0; String Logger::_homeDirectory = "."; const Uint32 Logger::_NUM_LOGLEVEL = 5; Uint32 Logger::_severityMask; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LoggerRep // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(PEGASUS_USE_SYSLOGS) class LoggerRep { public: LoggerRep(const String& homeDirectory) { # ifdef PEGASUS_OS_ZOS logIdentity = strdup(System::CIMSERVER.getCString()); // If System Log is used open it System::openlog(logIdentity, LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); # endif } ~LoggerRep() { # ifdef PEGASUS_OS_ZOS System::closelog(); free(logIdentity); # endif } // Actual logging is done in this routine void log(Logger::LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const String localizedMsg) { // Log the message System::syslog(systemId, logLevel, localizedMsg.getCString()); } private: # ifdef PEGASUS_OS_ZOS char* logIdentity; # endif }; #else // !defined(PEGASUS_USE_SYSLOGS) static const char* fileNames[] = { "PegasusTrace.log", "PegasusStandard.log", "PegasusAudit.log", "PegasusError.log" }; static const char* lockFileName = "PegasusLog.lock"; /* _constructFileName builds the absolute file name from homeDirectory and fileName. */ static CString _constructFileName( const String& homeDirectory, const char * fileName) { String result; result.reserveCapacity( (Uint32)(homeDirectory.size() + 1 + strlen(fileName))); result.append(homeDirectory); result.append('/'); result.append(fileName); return result.getCString(); } class LoggerRep { public: LoggerRep(const String& homeDirectory) { // Add test for home directory set. // If home directory does not exist, create it. CString lgDir = homeDirectory.getCString(); if (!System::isDirectory(lgDir)) System::makeDirectory(lgDir); // KS: I put the second test in just in case some trys to create // a completly erronous directory. At least we will get a message if (!System::isDirectory(lgDir)) { MessageLoaderParms parms("Common.Logger.LOGGING_DISABLED", "Logging Disabled"); cerr << MessageLoader::getMessage(parms); } //Filelocks are not used for VMS # if !defined(PEGASUS_OS_VMS) _loggerLockFileName = _constructFileName(homeDirectory, lockFileName); // Open and close a file to make sure that the file exists, on which // file lock is requested FILE *fileLockFilePointer; fileLockFilePointer = fopen(_loggerLockFileName, "a+"); if(fileLockFilePointer) { fclose(fileLockFilePointer); } # endif _logFileNames[Logger::TRACE_LOG] = _constructFileName(homeDirectory, fileNames[Logger::TRACE_LOG]); _logFileNames[Logger::STANDARD_LOG] = _constructFileName(homeDirectory, fileNames[Logger::STANDARD_LOG]); # ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGGER _logFileNames[Logger::AUDIT_LOG] = _constructFileName(homeDirectory, fileNames[Logger::AUDIT_LOG]); # endif _logFileNames[Logger::ERROR_LOG] = _constructFileName(homeDirectory, fileNames[Logger::ERROR_LOG]); } ~LoggerRep() { } // Actual logging is done in this routine void log(Logger::LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const String localizedMsg) { // Prepend the systemId to the incoming message String messageString(systemId); messageString.append(": "); messageString.append(localizedMsg); // l10n // Get the logLevel String // This converts bitmap to string based on highest order // bit set // ATTN: KS Fix this more efficiently. const char* tmp = ""; if (logLevel & Logger::TRACE) tmp = "TRACE "; if (logLevel & Logger::INFORMATION) tmp = "INFO "; if (logLevel & Logger::WARNING) tmp = "WARNING "; if (logLevel & Logger::SEVERE) tmp = "SEVERE "; if (logLevel & Logger::FATAL) tmp = "FATAL "; # ifndef PEGASUS_OS_VMS // Acquire AutoMutex (for thread sync) // and AutoFileLock (for Process Sync). AutoMutex am(_mutex); AutoFileLock fileLock(_loggerLockFileName); Uint32 logFileSize = 0; // Read logFileSize to check if the logfile needs to be pruned. FileSystem::getFileSize(String(_logFileNames[logFileType]), logFileSize); // Check if the size of the logfile is exceeding 32MB. if ( logFileSize > PEGASUS_MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE) { // Prepare appropriate file name based on the logFileType. // Eg: if Logfile name is PegasusStandard.log, pruned logfile name // will be PegasusStandard-062607-122302.log,where 062607-122302 // is the time stamp. String prunedLogfile(_logFileNames[logFileType], (Uint32)strlen(_logFileNames[logFileType]) - 4); prunedLogfile.append('-'); // Get timestamp,remove illegal chars in file name'/' and ':' // (: is illegal Open VMS) from the time stamp. Append the time // info to the file name. String timeStamp = System::getCurrentASCIITime(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<=timeStamp.size(); i++) { if(timeStamp[i] == '/' || timeStamp[i] == ':') { timeStamp.remove(i, 1); } } prunedLogfile.append(timeStamp); // Append '.log' to the file prunedLogfile.append( ".log"); // Rename the logfile FileSystem::renameFile(String(_logFileNames[logFileType]), prunedLogfile); } // Check if the logfile needs to be pruned. # endif // ifndef PEGASUS_OS_VMS // Open Logfile. Based on the value of logFileType, one of the five // Logfiles will be opened. ofstream logFileStream; logFileStream.open(_logFileNames[logFileType], ios::app); logFileStream << System::getCurrentASCIITime() << " " << tmp << (const char *)messageString.getCString() << endl; logFileStream.close(); } private: CString _logFileNames[int(Logger::NUM_LOGS)]; # ifndef PEGASUS_OS_VMS CString _loggerLockFileName; Mutex _mutex; # endif }; #endif // !defined(PEGASUS_USE_SYSLOGS) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Logger // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Logger::_putInternal( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, const Uint32 logComponent, // FUTURE: Support logComponent mask Uint32 logLevel, const String& formatString, const char* messageId, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1, const Formatter::Arg& arg2, const Formatter::Arg& arg3, const Formatter::Arg& arg4, const Formatter::Arg& arg5, const Formatter::Arg& arg6, const Formatter::Arg& arg7, const Formatter::Arg& arg8, const Formatter::Arg& arg9) { // Test for logLevel against severity mask to determine // if we write this log. if ((_severityMask & logLevel) != 0) { if (!_rep) _rep = new LoggerRep(_homeDirectory); // l10n start // The localized message to be sent to the system log. String localizedMsg; // If the caller specified a messageId, then load the localized // message in the locale of the server process. if (messageId) { // A message ID was specified. Use the MessageLoader. MessageLoaderParms msgParms(messageId, formatString); msgParms.useProcessLocale = true; msgParms.arg0 = arg0; msgParms.arg1 = arg1; msgParms.arg2 = arg2; msgParms.arg3 = arg3; msgParms.arg4 = arg4; msgParms.arg5 = arg5; msgParms.arg6 = arg6; msgParms.arg7 = arg7; msgParms.arg8 = arg8; msgParms.arg9 = arg9; localizedMsg = MessageLoader::getMessage(msgParms); } else { // No message ID. Use the Pegasus formatter localizedMsg = Formatter::format(formatString, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); } // l10n end // Call the actual logging routine is in LoggerRep. _rep->log(logFileType, systemId, logLevel, localizedMsg); // route log message to trace too -> component LogMessages if (Logger::TRACE_LOG != logFileType) { // do not write log message to trace when trace facility is // the log to avoid double messages if (Tracer::TRACE_FACILITY_LOG != Tracer::getTraceFacility()) { PEG_TRACE_CSTRING( TRC_LOGMSG, Tracer::LEVEL1, (const char*) localizedMsg.getCString()); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Public methods start here: // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Logger::put( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1, const Formatter::Arg& arg2, const Formatter::Arg& arg3, const Formatter::Arg& arg4, const Formatter::Arg& arg5, const Formatter::Arg& arg6, const Formatter::Arg& arg7, const Formatter::Arg& arg8, const Formatter::Arg& arg9) { if (wouldLog(logLevel)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, 0, logLevel, formatString, 0, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); } } void Logger::put( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const String& formatString) { if (wouldLog(logLevel)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, 0, logLevel, formatString, 0); } } void Logger::put( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0) { if (wouldLog(logLevel)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, 0, logLevel, formatString, 0, arg0); } } void Logger::put( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1) { if (wouldLog(logLevel)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, 0, logLevel, formatString, 0, arg0, arg1); } } void Logger::put( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1, const Formatter::Arg& arg2) { if (wouldLog(logLevel)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, 0, logLevel, formatString, 0, arg0, arg1, arg2); } } void Logger::put_l( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const char* messageId, const char* formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1, const Formatter::Arg& arg2, const Formatter::Arg& arg3, const Formatter::Arg& arg4, const Formatter::Arg& arg5, const Formatter::Arg& arg6, const Formatter::Arg& arg7, const Formatter::Arg& arg8, const Formatter::Arg& arg9) { if (wouldLog(logLevel)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, 0, logLevel, formatString, messageId, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); } } void Logger::put_l( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const char* messageId, const char* formatString) { if (wouldLog(logLevel)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, 0, logLevel, formatString, messageId); } } void Logger::put_l( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const char* messageId, const char* formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0) { if (wouldLog(logLevel)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, 0, logLevel, formatString, messageId, arg0); } } void Logger::put_l( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const char* messageId, const char* formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1) { if (wouldLog(logLevel)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, 0, logLevel, formatString, messageId, arg0, arg1); } } void Logger::put_l( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, Uint32 logLevel, const char* messageId, const char* formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1, const Formatter::Arg& arg2) { if (wouldLog(logLevel)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, 0, logLevel, formatString, messageId, arg0, arg1, arg2); } } void Logger::trace( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, const Uint32 logComponent, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1, const Formatter::Arg& arg2, const Formatter::Arg& arg3, const Formatter::Arg& arg4, const Formatter::Arg& arg5, const Formatter::Arg& arg6, const Formatter::Arg& arg7, const Formatter::Arg& arg8, const Formatter::Arg& arg9) { if (wouldLog(Logger::TRACE)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, logComponent, Logger::TRACE, formatString, 0, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); } } void Logger::trace( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, const Uint32 logComponent, const String& formatString) { if (wouldLog(Logger::TRACE)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, logComponent, Logger::TRACE, formatString, 0); } } void Logger::trace( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, const Uint32 logComponent, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0) { if (wouldLog(Logger::TRACE)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, logComponent, Logger::TRACE, formatString, 0, arg0); } } void Logger::trace( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, const Uint32 logComponent, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1) { if (wouldLog(Logger::TRACE)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, logComponent, Logger::TRACE, formatString, 0, arg0, arg1); } } void Logger::trace( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, const Uint32 logComponent, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1, const Formatter::Arg& arg2) { if (wouldLog(Logger::TRACE)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, logComponent, Logger::TRACE, formatString, 0, arg0, arg1, arg2); } } void Logger::trace_l( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, const Uint32 logComponent, const char* messageId, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1, const Formatter::Arg& arg2, const Formatter::Arg& arg3, const Formatter::Arg& arg4, const Formatter::Arg& arg5, const Formatter::Arg& arg6, const Formatter::Arg& arg7, const Formatter::Arg& arg8, const Formatter::Arg& arg9) { if (wouldLog(Logger::TRACE)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, logComponent, Logger::TRACE, formatString, messageId, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); } } void Logger::trace_l( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, const Uint32 logComponent, const char* messageId, const String& formatString) { if (wouldLog(Logger::TRACE)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, logComponent, Logger::TRACE, formatString, messageId); } } void Logger::trace_l( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, const Uint32 logComponent, const char* messageId, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0) { if (wouldLog(Logger::TRACE)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, logComponent, Logger::TRACE, formatString, messageId, arg0); } } void Logger::trace_l( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, const Uint32 logComponent, const char* messageId, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1) { if (wouldLog(Logger::TRACE)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, logComponent, Logger::TRACE, formatString, messageId, arg0, arg1); } } void Logger::trace_l( LogFileType logFileType, const String& systemId, const Uint32 logComponent, const char* messageId, const String& formatString, const Formatter::Arg& arg0, const Formatter::Arg& arg1, const Formatter::Arg& arg2) { if (wouldLog(Logger::TRACE)) { Logger::_putInternal(logFileType, systemId, logComponent, Logger::TRACE, formatString, messageId, arg0, arg1, arg2); } } void Logger::setHomeDirectory(const String& homeDirectory) { _homeDirectory = homeDirectory; } void Logger::setlogLevelMask( const String logLevelList ) { Uint32 logLevelType = 0; String logLevelName = logLevelList; // Check if logLevel has been specified if (logLevelName != String::EMPTY) { // initialise _severityMask _severityMask = 0; // Set logLevelType to indicate the level of logging // required by the user. if (String::equalNoCase(logLevelName,"TRACE")) { logLevelType = Logger::TRACE; } else if (String::equalNoCase(logLevelName,"INFORMATION")) { logLevelType = Logger::INFORMATION; } else if (String::equalNoCase(logLevelName,"WARNING")) { logLevelType = Logger::WARNING; } else if (String::equalNoCase(logLevelName,"SEVERE")) { logLevelType = Logger::SEVERE; } else if (String::equalNoCase(logLevelName,"FATAL")) { logLevelType = Logger::FATAL; } // Setting _severityMask. NOTE: When adding new logLevels // it is essential that they are adding in ascending order // based on priority. Once a case statement is true we will // continue to set all following log levels with a higher // priority. switch(logLevelType) { case Logger::TRACE: _severityMask |= Logger::TRACE; case Logger::INFORMATION: _severityMask |= Logger::INFORMATION; case Logger::WARNING: _severityMask |= Logger::WARNING; case Logger::SEVERE: _severityMask |= Logger::SEVERE; case Logger::FATAL: _severityMask |= Logger::FATAL; } Executor::updateLogLevel(logLevelName.getCString()); } else { // Property logLevel not specified, set default value. _severityMask = ~Logger::TRACE; Executor::updateLogLevel("INFORMATION"); } } Boolean Logger::isValidlogLevel(const String logLevel) { // Validate the logLevel and modify the logLevel argument // to reflect the invalid logLevel Uint32 index=0; String logLevelName = String::EMPTY; Boolean validlogLevel=false; logLevelName = logLevel; if (logLevelName != String::EMPTY) { // Lookup the index for logLevel name in _logLevel_LIST index = 0; validlogLevel = false; while (index < _NUM_LOGLEVEL) { if (String::equalNoCase(logLevelName, LOGLEVEL_LIST[index])) { // Found logLevel, break from the loop validlogLevel = true; break; } else { index++; } } } else { // logLevels is empty, it is a valid value so return true return true; } return validlogLevel; } PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END