//%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software, Hewlett-Packard Company, IBM, // The Open Group, Tivoli Systems // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN // ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED // "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT // LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //============================================================================== // // Author: Mike Brasher (mbrasher@bmc.com) // // Modified By: Karl Schopmeyer (k.schopmeyer@opengroup.org) // Roger Kumpf, Hewlett-Packard Company (roger_kumpf@hp.com) // //%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* CIMQualifier.h - Defines the CIM qualifiers class. */ #ifndef Pegasus_Qualifier_h #define Pegasus_Qualifier_h #include #include #include #include PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CIMQualifier // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CIMConstQualifier; class CIMClassRep; class CIMQualifierRep; /** Class CIMQualifier - This class defines the Pegasus implementation of the CIM Qualifier \Ref{QUALIFIER}. It is almost identical to CIMQualifierDecl except that it has no scope member. \Ref{CIMQualifierDecl} This includes functions to create qualifiers and manipulate/test the individual components of the CIMQualifier. CIMQualifiers are accumulated into lists for use in CIMClasses and CIM Properties using the CIMQualifierList Class and its functions. \Ref{CIMQualifierList} */ class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE CIMQualifier { public: /** Constructor instantiates a CIM qualifier with empty name value fields.Constructor @return instantiated empty qualifier object */ CIMQualifier(); /** Constructor - instantiates a CIM qualifier object from another qualifier object. @param CIM CIMQualifier object @return - Instantiated qualifier object */ CIMQualifier(const CIMQualifier& x); /** Constructor - Instantiates a CIM qualifier object with the parameters defined on input. @param String representing CIMName for the new qualifier @param value @param flavor - Flavor defined for this qualifier definition. Default for this parameter is CIMFlavor::NONE. @param propoagated - Boolean defining whether this is a propagated qualifier. This is an optional parameter with default = false @return -Returns the instantiated qualifier object or throws an exception if the name argument is illegal @exception Throws IllegalName if name argument not legal CIM identifier. */ CIMQualifier( const String& name, const CIMValue& value, Uint32 flavor = CIMFlavor::NONE, Boolean propagated = false); /// destructor ~CIMQualifier(); /// operator CIMQualifier& operator=(const CIMQualifier& x); /** getName - Returns the name field from the qualifier @return String containing the qualifier name. */ const String& getName() const; /** setName - Sets the qualifier name field in the qualifier object. @param name - String containing the name for the qualifier @exception Throws IllegalName if name argument not legal CIM identifier. */ void setName(const String& name); /** getType - Gets the type field from the qualifier object. @return CIMType containing the type for this qualifier /Ref{CIMType}. */ CIMType getType() const; /** isArray - Returns true if the qualifier is an array @return Boolean true if array qualifier. */ Boolean isArray() const; /** getValue - Gets the value component of the qualifier object @return CIMValue containing the value component */ const CIMValue& getValue() const; /** setValue - Puts a CIMValue object into a CIMQualifier object @param value - The CIMValue object to install */ void setValue(const CIMValue& value); /** setFlavor - Sets the bits defined on input into the Flavor variable for the Qualifier Object. @param flavor - Uint32 defines the flavor bits to be set. */ void setFlavor(Uint32 flavor); /** unsetFlavor - Resets the bits defined for the flavor for the Qualifier Object with the input. @param flavor - Uint32 defines the flavor bits to be set. */ void unsetFlavor(Uint32 flavor); /** getFlavor - Gets the Flavor field from a Qualifier @return - Uint32 with the Flavor flags that can be tested against the CIMFlavor constants. */ Uint32 getFlavor() const; /** isFlavor - Boolean function that determines if particular flavor flags are set in the flavor variable of a qualifier. @param flavor - The flavor bits to test. Return True if the defined flavor is set.
	if (q.isFlavor(CIMType::TOSUBCLASS)
		do something based on TOSUBCLASS being true
*/ Boolean isFlavor(Uint32 flavor) const; /** resolveFlavor - Function used only in object creation to resolve the combination of a qualifer flavor input and the corresponding inherited flavor from declaration or superclass and set the current qualifier to that definition. The functions changes the current flavor based on the characteristics of the inheritance. @param inheritedFlavor - The flavor inherited from higher level @param inherited - True if inherited from definition. False if this is definition that inherits from the declaration */ void resolveFlavor(Uint32 inheritedFlavor, Boolean inherited); /** getPropagated returns the propagated indicator @return Uint32 - TBD */ const Uint32 getPropagated() const; /** setPropagated - Sets the Propagated flag for the object. */ void setPropagated(Boolean propagated); #ifdef PEGASUS_INTERNALONLY /** CIMMethod */ Boolean isNull() const; #endif /** identical - compares two CIMQualifier objects. @return - True if the objects are identical. */ Boolean identical(const CIMConstQualifier& x) const; /** clone Creates an exact copy of the qualifier and returns the new object. @return CIMQualifier New Qualifier object. */ CIMQualifier clone() const; private: CIMQualifier(CIMQualifierRep* rep); void _checkRep() const; CIMQualifierRep* _rep; friend class CIMConstQualifier; friend class CIMClassRep; friend class XmlWriter; friend class MofWriter; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CIMConstQualifier // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE CIMConstQualifier { public: CIMConstQualifier(); CIMConstQualifier(const CIMConstQualifier& x); CIMConstQualifier(const CIMQualifier& x); // Throws IllegalName if name argument not legal CIM identifier. CIMConstQualifier( const String& name, const CIMValue& value, Uint32 flavor = CIMFlavor::NONE, Boolean propagated = false); ~CIMConstQualifier(); CIMConstQualifier& operator=(const CIMConstQualifier& x); CIMConstQualifier& operator=(const CIMQualifier& x); const String& getName() const; CIMType getType() const; Boolean isArray() const; const CIMValue& getValue() const; const Uint32 getFlavor() const; Boolean isFlavor(Uint32 flavor) const; Boolean isFlavorToSubclass() const; Boolean isFlavorToInstance() const; Boolean isFlavorOverridable() const; const Uint32 getPropagated() const; #ifdef PEGASUS_INTERNALONLY Boolean isNull() const; #endif Boolean identical(const CIMConstQualifier& x) const; CIMQualifier clone() const; private: void _checkRep() const; CIMQualifierRep* _rep; friend class CIMQualifier; friend class XmlWriter; friend class MofWriter; }; #define PEGASUS_ARRAY_T CIMQualifier # include #undef PEGASUS_ARRAY_T PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* Pegasus_Qualifier_h */