//%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software, Hewlett-Packard Company, IBM, // The Open Group, Tivoli Systems // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN // ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED // "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT // LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //============================================================================== // // Author: Mike Brasher (mbrasher@bmc.com) // // Modified By: Roger Kumpf, Hewlett-Packard Company (roger_kumpf@hp.com) // Carol Ann Krug Graves, Hewlett-Packard Company // (carolann_graves@hp.com) // //%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef Pegasus_ObjectPath_h #define Pegasus_ObjectPath_h #include #include #include #include #include #include PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class CIMObjectPath; class CIMKeyBindingRep; class CIMObjectPathRep; class CIMValue; /** The CIMKeyBinding class associates a key name, value, and type. It is used by the reference class to represent key bindings. See the CIMObjectPath class to see how they are used. */ class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE CIMKeyBinding { public: enum Type { BOOLEAN, STRING, NUMERIC, REFERENCE }; /** Default constructor */ CIMKeyBinding(); /** Copy constructor */ CIMKeyBinding(const CIMKeyBinding& x); /** Construct a CIMKeyBinding with a name, value, and type @param name CIMName for the key for this binding object. @param value String value for this key. @param type CIMKeyBinding::Type representing the type of this key. */ CIMKeyBinding(const CIMName& name, const String& value, Type type); /** Construct a CIMKeyBinding with a name and CIMValue, mapping from CIMValue types to CIMKeyBinding types. @param name CIMName for the key for this binding object. @param value CIMValue from which to extract the value for this key. @exception TypeMismatchException if the type of the value is not valid for a key property. */ CIMKeyBinding(const CIMName& name, const CIMValue& value); /** Destructor */ ~CIMKeyBinding(); /** Assignment operator */ CIMKeyBinding& operator=(const CIMKeyBinding& x); /** Accessor */ const CIMName& getName() const; /** Modifier */ void setName(const CIMName& name); /** Accessor */ const String& getValue() const; /** Modifier */ void setValue(const String& value); /** Accessor */ Type getType() const; /** Modifier */ void setType(Type type); Boolean equal(CIMValue value); private: CIMKeyBindingRep* _rep; friend class CIMObjectPath; }; PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE Boolean operator==( const CIMKeyBinding& x, const CIMKeyBinding& y); #define PEGASUS_ARRAY_T CIMKeyBinding # include #undef PEGASUS_ARRAY_T #ifndef PEGASUS_REMOVE_DEPRECATED typedef CIMKeyBinding KeyBinding; typedef Array KeyBindingArray; #endif class XmlWriter; /** The CIMObjectPath class represents the value of a reference. A reference is one of property types which an association may contain. Consider the following MOF for example:
    class MyAssociations
        MyClass ref from;
        MyClass ref to;
The value of the from and to properties are internally represented using the CIMObjectPath class. CIM references are used to uniquely identify a CIM class or CIM instance objects. CIMObjectPath objects contain the following parts:
  • Host - name of host whose repository contains the object
  • NameSpace - the namespace which contains the object
  • ClassName - name of objects class
  • KeyBindings key/value pairs which uniquely identify an instance
CIM references may also be expressed as simple strings (as opposed to being represented by the CIMObjectPath class). This string is known as the "Object Name". An object name has the following form:
The namespace-path is implementation dependent and has the following form in Pegasus:
For example, suppose there is a host named "atp" with a CIM Server listening on port 9999 which has a CIM repository with a namespace called "root/cimv25". Then the namespace-path is given as:
As for the model-path mentioned above, its form is defined by the CIM Standard (more is defined by the "XML Mapping Specification v2.0.0" specification) as follows:

For example:
This of course presupposes the existence of a class called "TennisPlayer" that has key properties named "first" and "last". For example, here is what the MOF might look like:
    class TennisPlayer : Person
        [key] string first;
        [key] string last;
All keys must be present in the model path. Now the namespace-type and model-path are combined in the following string object name. //atp:9999/root/cimv25:TennisPlayer.first="Patrick",last="Rafter" Now suppose we wish to create a CIMObjectPath from this above string. There are two constructors provided: one which takes the above string and the other that takes the constituent elements. Here are the signature of the two constructors:
    CIMObjectPath(const String& objectName);

        const String& host,
        const CIMNamespaceName& nameSpace,
        const CIMName& className,
        const Array& keyBindings);
Following our example, the above object name may be used to initialize a CIMObjectPath like this:
        CIMObjectPath ref =
A CIMObjectPath may also be initialized using the constituent elements of the object name (sometimes the object name is not available as a string: this is the case with CIM XML encodings). The arguments shown in that constructor above correspond elements of the object name in the following way:
  • host = "atp:9999"
  • nameSpace = "root/cimv25"
  • className = "TennisPlayer"
  • keyBindings = "first=\"Patrick\",last=\"Rafter\""
Note that the host and nameSpace argument may be empty since object names need not necessarily include a namespace path according to the standard. The key bindings must be built up by appending CIMKeyBinding objects to an Array of CIMKeyBindings like this:
    Array keyBindings;
    keyBindings.append(CIMKeyBinding("first", "Patrick", CIMKeyBinding::STRING));
    keyBindings.append(CIMKeyBinding("last", "Rafter", CIMKeyBinding::STRING));
The only key values that are supported are:
  • CIMKeyBinding::BOOLEAN
  • CIMKeyBinding::STRING
  • CIMKeyBinding::NUMERIC
This limitation is imposed by the "XML Mapping Specification v2.0.0" specification. The CIM types are encoded as one of these three in the following way:
    boolean - BOOLEAN (the value must be "true" or "false")
    uint8 - NUMERIC
    sint8 - NUMERIC
    uint16 - NUMERIC
    sint16 - NUMERIC
    uint32 - NUMERIC
    sint32 - NUMERIC
    uint64 - NUMERIC
    sint64 - NUMERIC
    char16 - NUMERIC
    string - STRING
    datetime - STRING
Notice that real32 and real64 are missing. Properties of these types cannot be used as keys. Notice that the keys in the object name may appear in any order. That is the following object names refer to the same object:
And since CIM is not case sensitive, the following refer to the same object:
Therefore, the CIMObjectPaths::operator==() would return true for the last two examples. The CIM standard leaves it an open question whether model paths may have spaces around delimiters (like '.', '=', and ','). We assume they cannot. So the following is an invalid model path:
    TennisPlayer . first = "Patrick", last="Rafter"
We require that the '.', '=', and ',' have no spaces around them. For reasons of efficiency, the key bindings are internally sorted during initialization. This allows the key bindings to be compared more easily. This means that when the string is converted back to string (by calling toString()) that the keys may have been rearranged. There are two forms an object name can take:
In other words, the namespace-path is optional. Here is an example of each:
If it begins with "//" then we assume the namespace-path is present and process it that way. It should also be noted that an object name may refer to an instance or a class. Here is an example of each:
In the second case--when it refers to a class--the key bindings are omitted. */ class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE CIMObjectPath { public: /** Default constructor. */ CIMObjectPath(); /** Copy constructor. */ CIMObjectPath(const CIMObjectPath& x); /** Initializes a CIMObjectPath object from a CIM object name. @param objectName String representing the object name. @return Returns the initialized CIMObjectPath @exception MalformedObjectNameException if the name is not parsable.
            CIMObjectPath r1 = "MyClass.z=true,y=1234,x=\"Hello World\"";
*/ CIMObjectPath(const String& objectName); /** Constructs a CIMObjectPath from constituent elements. @param host Name of host (e.g., "nemesis-5988"). @param nameSpace Namespace (e.g., "root/cimv2"). @param className Name of a class (e.g., "MyClass"). @param keyBindings An array of CIMKeyBinding objects. @return Returns the constructed CIMObjectPath */ CIMObjectPath( const String& host, const CIMNamespaceName& nameSpace, const CIMName& className, // // NOTE: Due to a bug in MSVC 5, the following will not work on MSVC 5 // const Array& keyBindings = Array()); /** Destructor */ ~CIMObjectPath(); /** Assignment operator */ CIMObjectPath& operator=(const CIMObjectPath& x); /** Clears out the internal fields of this object making it an empty (or unitialized reference). The effect is the same as if the object was initialized with the default constructor. */ void clear(); /** Sets this reference from constituent elements. The effect is same as if the object was initialized using the constructor above that has the same arguments. @exception MalformedObjectNameException if host name is illformed. */ void set( const String& host, const CIMNamespaceName& nameSpace, const CIMName& className, // // NOTE: Due to a bug in MSVC 5, the following will not work on MSVC 5 // const Array& keyBindings = Array()); /** Set the reference from an object name . */ void set(const String& objectName); /** Same as set() above except that it is an assignment operator */ CIMObjectPath& operator=(const String& objectName); /** getHost - returns the hostname component of the CIMObjectPath @return String containing hostname.

*/ const String& getHost() const; /** setHost Sets the hostname component of the CIMObjectPath object to the input parameter @param host String parameter with the hostname
        CIMObjectPath r1;
Note that Pegasus does no checking on valid host names. */ void setHost(const String& host); /** getNameSpace - returns the namespace component of the CIMObjectPath as a CIMNamespaceName. */ const CIMNamespaceName& getNameSpace() const; /** Sets the namespace component. @param CIMNamespaceName representing the namespace. */ void setNameSpace(const CIMNamespaceName& nameSpace); /** Accessor for className attribute. @return CIMName containing the classname. */ const CIMName& getClassName() const; /** Sets the classname component of the CIMObjectPath object to the input parameter. @param className CIMName containing the className. */ void setClassName(const CIMName& className); /** getKeyBindings - Returns an Array of keybindings from the CIMObjectPath representing all of the key/value pairs defined in the ObjectPath. @return Array of CIMKeyBinding objects from the CIMObjectPath. */ const Array& getKeyBindings() const; /** setKeyBindings - Sets the key/value pairs in the CIMObjectPath from an array of keybindings defined by the input parameter @param keyBindings Array of keybindings to set into the CIMObjectPath object. */ void setKeyBindings(const Array& keyBindings); // ATTN: The form of the below string definition needs cleaning. /** Returns the object name represented by this reference. The returned string is formed from the hostname, namespace, classname and keybindings defined for this CIMObjectPath object. the form of the name is:
                "//" + hostname + "/" + namespace + ":" + classname +"." +
                        (keyname) + "=" (keyvalue) +"," ...
The building includes the escaping of special characters. */ String toString() const; /** Returns true if this reference is identical to the one given by the x argument. Since CIMObjectPaths are normalized when they are created, any differences in the ordering of keybindings is accounted for as are the case insensitivity characteristics defined by the specification @param CIMObjectPath for comparison @return True if the objects are have identical components
*/ Boolean identical(const CIMObjectPath& x) const; /** Generates hash code for the given reference. Two identical references generate the same hash code (despite any subtle differences such as the case of the classname and key names as well as the order of the keys). */ Uint32 makeHashCode() const; private: /** Stringizes object into canonical form (in which all keys are sorted into ascending order and classnames and keynames are shifted to lower case. */ String _toStringCanonical() const; CIMObjectPathRep* _rep; }; PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE Boolean operator==( const CIMObjectPath& x, const CIMObjectPath& y); PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE Boolean operator!=( const CIMObjectPath& x, const CIMObjectPath& y); #ifndef PEGASUS_REMOVE_DEPRECATED PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE PEGASUS_STD(ostream)& operator<<( PEGASUS_STD(ostream)& os, const CIMObjectPath& x); #endif #define PEGASUS_ARRAY_T CIMObjectPath # include #undef PEGASUS_ARRAY_T PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* Pegasus_ObjectPath_h */