//%2005//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development // Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; The Open Group; Tivoli Systems. // Copyright (c) 2003 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation, The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2004 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; // IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. // Copyright (c) 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; // EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN // ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED // "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT // LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //============================================================================== // // Author: Humberto Rivero (hurivero@us.ibm.com) // // //%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef Cql2Dnf_h #define Cql2Dnf_h #include //#include //#include #include #include #include #include PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #undef PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE #define PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE #include enum OperationType { CQL_LT, CQL_GT, CQL_EQ, CQL_LE, CQL_GE, CQL_NE, CQL_IS_NULL, CQL_IS_NOT_NULL, CQL_AND, CQL_OR, CQL_NOT, CQL_NOOP, CQL_ISA, CQL_LIKE}; class term_el { public: term_el(){} term_el(Boolean m, CQLSimplePredicate simplePredicate) : mark(m), _simplePredicate(simplePredicate), NOT(false){} Boolean mark; CQLSimplePredicate _simplePredicate; Boolean NOT; void negate(); //int toStrings(CMPIType &typ, CMPIPredOp &opr, String &o1, String &o2) const; }; class stack_el { public: stack_el() {} stack_el(int o, Boolean i) : opn(o), is_terminal(i) {} int opn; // either to terminals or eval_heap Boolean is_terminal; }; class eval_el { public: eval_el() {} eval_el(Boolean m, OperationType o, int op1, Boolean i1, int op2, Boolean i2) : mark(m), op(o), opn1(op1), is_terminal1(i1), opn2(op2), is_terminal2(i2) {} Boolean mark; OperationType op; int opn1; Boolean is_terminal1; // if yes, look in terminal Array int opn2; Boolean is_terminal2; // if no, look in eval heap stack_el getFirst(); stack_el getSecond(); void setFirst(const stack_el s); void setSecond(const stack_el s); void assign_unary_to_first(const eval_el & assignee); void assign_unary_to_second(const eval_el & assignee); // Ordering operators, so that op1 > op2 for all non-terminals // and terminals appear in the second operand first void order(void); }; #define PEGASUS_ARRAY_T term_el # include #undef PEGASUS_ARRAY_T #define PEGASUS_ARRAY_T eval_el # include #undef PEGASUS_ARRAY_T #define PEGASUS_ARRAY_T stack_el # include #undef PEGASUS_ARRAY_T #undef PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE class Cql2Dnf { public: /* Cql2Dnf(); Cql2Dnf(CQLSelectStatement& cqs); Cql2Dnf(CQLSelectStatement * cqs); */ /** Contructs Cql2Dnf object. The predicate passed in is converted to DNF. @param - topLevel. CQLPredicate to convert to DNF. @return - None. @throw - None. Experimental Interface
*/ Cql2Dnf(CQLPredicate& topLevel); /** Destructs the Cql2Dnf object. @param - None. @return - None. @throw - None. Experimental Interface
*/ ~Cql2Dnf(); /* void compile (CQLSelectStatement * cqs); */ void compile (CQLPredicate& topLevel); /* void print(); */ /** Gets the DNF converted CQLPredicate. @param - None. @return - The CQLPredicate in DNF. @throw - None. Experimental Interface
*/ CQLPredicate getDnfPredicate(); protected: /** Preps the DNF algorithm. Fills the _operations and _operands objects for later processing. @param - None. @return - None. @throw - None. Experimental Interface
*/ void _buildEvalHeap(); void _pushNOTDown(void); void _factoring(void); /** This function takes a CQLSelectStatement and does a depth first search looking for the operations and operands. The operations are appended to the _operations array and the operands appended to the _operands array When finished, we will have two arrays, representing the statement tree, from which we can start the process to put the statement into DNF. Example: a=b^(!c=d v e=f) _operations array will look like: [=][=][!][=][v][^] _operands array will look like: [a][b][c][d][e][f] @param - topLevel. CQLPredicate to extract operations and operands from @return - None. @throw - None. */ void _strip_ops_operands(CQLPredicate& topLevel); void _destruct(CQLPredicate& _p); /** // // _construct() // // Each eval_el on the eval heap contains all the information needed to make a CQLPredicate. // We will build a CQLPredicate for every element in the eval heap. So there is a 1 to 1 correspondence // between elements in the eval heap and elements in the CQLPredicate array used below. // The first eval_el on the eval heap will always contain at least one terminal if the operation is a NOT // or two terminals if the operation is AND or OR. We are guaranteed to build a CQLPredicate from the first // position in the eval_heap array. // // The key to the algorithm is the isterminalX flag. When set to true, we go to the // term_heap and get the CQLSimplePredicate. When set to false, we go to the _preds array below // and get the CQLPredicate. Since there is a 1 - 1 correspondence, as explained above, the index // referred to by eval.opn1 or eval.opn2 is valid into the _preds array. // // For ANDs and ORs, we need two operands, as explained above, we get those operands // from either the term_heap or the _preds array. For NOTs, we need only 1 operand, and that // comes from either the term_heap or the _preds array. // // When finished, the last element in the _preds array contains the top level CQLPredicate (the rebuilt tree) // // Example: a=b^(!c=d v e=f) // If the current eval_heap looks like: // 0,NOT,1,True,-1,True [index = 0] // 0,OR,2,True,0,False [index = 1] // 0,AND,1,False,0,True [index = 2] // // And the current term_heap looks like: // CQLSimplePredicate(a=b) [index = 0] // CQLSimplePredicate(c=d) [index = 1] // CQLSimplePredicate(e=f) [index = 0] // // The _preds array at the end would look like: // CQLPredicate(!c==d) [index = 0] // CQLPredicate(e==f v !c==d) [index = 1] // CQLPredicate((e==f v !c==d) ^ a==b) [index = 2] (the rebuilt tree) // @param - None. @return - None. @throw - None. */ void _construct(); /** this is to prevent appending complex predicates to the top level predicate the final DNFed predicate must only have simple predicates inside its predicate array example: say P = A AND B say P1 = C AND D say we need to OR them together we cant call P.appendPredicate(P1,OR) because this creates one more complex predicate layer instead we would: -> get P1s predicates (which should all be simple) -> append its first predicate to P along with the operator passed into us -> so conceptually at this point we have P = A AND B OR C -> then go through P1s remaining predicates and append them and P1s operators to P -> when done we have P = A AND B OR C AND D INSTEAD of having P = A AND B OR P1 where P1 is a complex predicate @param topLevel, CQLPredicate that will contain CQLPredicate p @param op, The operation AND / OR @param p, CQLPredicate to add to topLevel. @return - None. @throw - None. */ CQLPredicate _flattenANDappend(CQLPredicate& topLevel, BooleanOpType op, CQLPredicate& p); OperationType _convertOpType(ExpressionOpType op); ExpressionOpType _convertOpType(OperationType op); private: // // The eval_heap structure contains an ordered tree of non-terminal // expressions, the term_heap structure the corresponding terminal // expressions // Stack terminal_heap; Array eval_heap; Array _operands; // contains all the operands from the original top level predicate Array _operations; // contains all the operations from the original top level predicate CQLPredicate _dnfPredicate; // the final DNFed predicate }; PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* Cql2Dnf_h */