#ifndef Pegasus_CQLChainedIdentifier_h #define Pegasus_CQLChainedIdentifier_h #include #include #include #include #include PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class PEGASUS_CQL_LINKAGE CQLScope; class PEGASUS_CQL_LINKAGE CQLFactory; class PEGASUS_CQL_LINKAGE CQLChainedIdentifierRep; /** CQLChainedIdentifier class is used for parsing (not resolving) the identifier portion of a CQL select statement. A couple examples of a CQLIdentifier: Class.EmbeddedObject.Property[3] Class.Property#'OK' The CQLChainedIdentifier class can parse and return each section of a CQL identifier. The possible sections are: class (optional) zero or more embedded objects property Note: this must handle wildcard("*"), embedded objects, arrays, symbolic constants, etc. */ class PEGASUS_CQL_LINKAGE CQLChainedIdentifier { public: CQLChainedIdentifier(); /** constructor Parses the string into the various components of a CQL identifier. Throws parsing errors. */ CQLChainedIdentifier(String inString); CQLChainedIdentifier(CQLIdentifier & id); CQLChainedIdentifier(const CQLChainedIdentifier& cid); ~CQLChainedIdentifier(); /** The getSubIdentifiers method returns the array of subIdentifiers from a CQL SELECT statement. If there are no subidentifiers, an empty array is returned. Example: myClass.embeddedObject.myProperty would return an array of 2 strings: 'myClass' and 'embeddedObject'. myProperty would return an empty array. */ const Array& getSubIdentifiers()const; String toString()const; void append(CQLIdentifier & id); Uint32 size(); Boolean prepend(CQLIdentifier & id); CQLIdentifier& operator[](Uint32 index); CQLChainedIdentifier& operator=(const CQLChainedIdentifier& rhs); Boolean isSubChain(CQLChainedIdentifier & chain); CQLIdentifier getLastIdentifier(); Boolean applyScopes(); friend class CQLFactory; private: void parse(String & string); CQLChainedIdentifierRep* _rep; }; PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* Pegasus_CQLChainedIdentifier_h */