#ifndef Pegasus_CQLChainedIdentifier_h #define Pegasus_CQLChainedIdentifier_h #include #include #include #include #include PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /** CQLChainedIdentifier class is used for parsing (not resolving) the identifier portion of a CQL select statement. A couple examples of a CQLIdentifier: Class.EmbeddedObject.Property[3] Class.Property#'OK' The CQLChainedIdentifier class can parse and return each section of a CQL identifier. The possible sections are: class (optional) zero or more embedded objects property Note: this must handle wildcard("*"), embedded objects, arrays, symbolic constants, etc. */ class PEGASUS_CQL_LINKAGE CQLChainedIdentifier { public: CQLChainedIdentifier(){} /** constructor Parses the string into the various components of a CQL identifier. Throws parsing errors. */ CQLChainedIdentifier(String inString); CQLChainedIdentifier(CQLIdentifier & id); ~CQLChainedIdentifier(){} /** The getSubIdentifiers method returns the array of subIdentifiers from a CQL SELECT statement. If there are no subidentifiers, an empty array is returned. Example: myClass.embeddedObject.myProperty would return an array of 2 strings: 'myClass' and 'embeddedObject'. myProperty would return an empty array. */ const Array& getSubIdentifiers()const; String toString()const; void append(CQLIdentifier & id); CQLIdentifier getLastIdentifier(); private: void parse(String & string); /** The _subIdentifiers member variable is an array of Strings that are the parts of the CQL identifier that were delimited by the dots (.) except for the final part which is the _property member variable. */ Array _subIdentifiers; }; PEGASUS_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* Pegasus_CQLChainedIdentifier_h */