#//%2006//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// #// Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development #// Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; The Open Group; Tivoli Systems. #// Copyright (c) 2003 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; #// IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation, The Open Group. #// Copyright (c) 2004 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; #// IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. #// Copyright (c) 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; #// EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. #// Copyright (c) 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.; IBM Corp.; #// EMC Corporation; Symantec Corporation; The Open Group. #// #// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to #// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the #// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or #// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #// #// THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN #// ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED #// "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT #// LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR #// PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT #// HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN #// ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION #// WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #// #//============================================================================== #%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # # tog-pegasus.spec # #%///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # # WARNING: This file is automatically generated by executing # make -f pegasus/Makefile.Release create_OpenPegasusRPMSpecFile # Any changes made directly to this file in the OpenPegasus source will # be lost the next time this file is regenerated and submitted to CVS. # %define packageVersion 1 Version: 2.8.0 Release: %{packageVersion}%{?LINUX_VERSION:.%{LINUX_VERSION}} Epoch: 1 # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-intro.spec # %{?!PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM: %define PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM 0} # do "rpmbuild --define 'PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM 1'" to build test RPM. # %{?!AUTOSTART: %define AUTOSTART 0} # Use "rpm -[iU]vh --define 'AUTOSTART 1'" in order to have cimserver enabled # (chkconfig --level=345 tog-pegasus on) after installation. # Summary: OpenPegasus WBEM Services for Linux Name: tog-pegasus Group: Systems Management/Base License: Open Group Pegasus Open Source BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root URL: http://www.openpegasus.org Source: %{name}-%{version}-%{packageVersion}.tar.gz # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-intro.spec # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-buildRequires.spec # BuildRequires: bash, sed, grep, coreutils, procps, gcc, gcc-c++ BuildRequires: libstdc++, make, pam-devel BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= 0.9.6, e2fsprogs BuildRequires: net-snmp-devel # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-buildRequires.spec # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-requires.spec # Requires: bash, sed, grep, coreutils, procps, openssl >= 0.9.6, pam #Requires: krb5-libs, redhat-lsb, chkconfig, SysVinit, bind-libs Requires: e2fsprogs, bind-utils, net-tools Requires(post): bash, sed, grep, coreutils, procps, openssl >= 0.9.6, pam #Requires(post): krb5-libs, redhat-lsb, chkconfig, SysVinit, bind-libs Requires(post): e2fsprogs, bind-utils, net-tools Requires(pre): bash, sed, grep, coreutils, procps, openssl >= 0.9.6, pam #Requires(pre): krb5-libs, redhat-lsb, chkconfig, SysVinit, bind-libs Requires(pre): e2fsprogs, bind-utils, net-tools Requires(postun): bash, sed, grep, coreutils, procps, openssl >= 0.9.6, pam #Requires(postun): krb5-libs, redhat-lsb, chkconfig, SysVinit, bind-libs Requires(postun): e2fsprogs, bind-utils, net-tools Requires: net-snmp # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-requires.spec # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-desc.spec # Conflicts: openwbem Provides: tog-pegasus-cimserver BuildConflicts: tog-pegasus %description OpenPegasus WBEM Services for Linux enables management solutions that deliver increased control of enterprise resources. WBEM is a platform and resource independent DMTF standard that defines a common information model and communication protocol for monitoring and controlling resources from diverse sources. # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-desc.spec # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-arch.spec # %ifarch ia64 %global PEGASUS_HARDWARE_PLATFORM LINUX_IA64_GNU %else %ifarch x86_64 %global PEGASUS_HARDWARE_PLATFORM LINUX_X86_64_GNU %else %ifarch ppc %global PEGASUS_HARDWARE_PLATFORM LINUX_PPC_GNU %else %ifarch ppc64 pseries %global PEGASUS_HARDWARE_PLATFORM LINUX_PPC64_GNU %else %ifarch s390 %global PEGASUS_HARDWARE_PLATFORM LINUX_ZSERIES_GNU %else %ifarch s390x zseries %global PEGASUS_HARDWARE_PLATFORM LINUX_ZSERIES64_GNU %else %global PEGASUS_HARDWARE_PLATFORM LINUX_IX86_GNU %endif %endif %endif %endif %endif %endif # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-arch.spec %global PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB %{_lib} %global OPENSSL_HOME /usr %global OPENSSL_BIN /usr/bin %global PEGASUS_PEM_DIR /etc/Pegasus %global PEGASUS_SSL_CERT_FILE server.pem %global PEGASUS_SSL_KEY_FILE file.pem %global PEGASUS_SSL_TRUSTSTORE client.pem %global PAM_CONFIG_DIR /etc/pam.d %global PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR /etc/Pegasus %global PEGASUS_VARDATA_DIR /var/lib/Pegasus %global PEGASUS_VARDATA_CACHE_DIR /var/lib/Pegasus/cache %global PEGASUS_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET_PATH /var/run/tog-pegasus/socket/cimxml.socket %global PEGASUS_CIMSERVER_START_FILE /var/run/tog-pegasus/cimserver.pid %global PEGASUS_TRACE_FILE_PATH /var/lib/Pegasus/cache/trace/cimserver.trc %global PEGASUS_CIMSERVER_START_LOCK_FILE /var/run/tog-pegasus/cimserver_start.lock %global PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_DIR /var/lib/Pegasus/repository %global PEGASUS_PREV_REPOSITORY_DIR_NAME prev_repository %global PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_PARENT_DIR /var/lib/Pegasus %global PEGASUS_PREV_REPOSITORY_DIR /var/lib/Pegasus/prev_repository %global PEGASUS_SBIN_DIR /usr/sbin %global PEGASUS_DOC_DIR /usr/share/doc/tog-pegasus-2.8 %global PEGASUS_RPM_ROOT $RPM_BUILD_DIR/$RPM_PACKAGE_NAME-$RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION %global PEGASUS_RPM_HOME %PEGASUS_RPM_ROOT/build %global PEGASUS_INSTALL_LOG /var/lib/Pegasus/log/install.log # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-packages.spec # %package devel Summary: The OpenPegasus Software Development Kit Group: Systems Management/Base Requires: tog-pegasus >= %{version} Obsoletes: tog-pegasus-sdk %description devel The OpenPegasus WBEM Services for Linux SDK is the developer's kit for the OpenPegasus WBEM Services for Linux release. It provides Linux C++ developers with the WBEM files required to build WBEM Clients and Providers. It also supports C provider developers via the CMPI interface. %if %{PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM} %package test Summary: The OpenPegasus Tests Group: Systems Management/Base Requires: tog-pegasus >= %{version} %description test The OpenPegasus WBEM tests for the OpenPegasus %{version} Linux rpm. %endif # #End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-packages.spec %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version} %build # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-build.spec # export PEGASUS_ROOT=%PEGASUS_RPM_ROOT export PEGASUS_HOME=%PEGASUS_RPM_HOME export PEGASUS_PLATFORM=%PEGASUS_HARDWARE_PLATFORM export PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB=%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB export PEGASUS_ENVVAR_FILE=$PEGASUS_ROOT/env_var_Linux.status export OPENSSL_HOME=%OPENSSL_HOME export OPENSSL_BIN=%OPENSSL_BIN export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PEGASUS_HOME/lib export PATH=$PEGASUS_HOME/bin:$PATH export PEGASUS_EXTRA_C_FLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -g -Wno-unused" export PEGASUS_EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS="$PEGASUS_EXTRA_C_FLAGS" export PEGASUS_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" #export PEGASUS_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -g -pie -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now,-z,nodlopen,-z,noexecstack" %if %{PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM} export PEGASUS_TMP=/usr/share/Pegasus/test/tmp export PEGASUS_DISPLAYCONSUMER_DIR="$PEGASUS_TMP" %endif make -f $PEGASUS_ROOT/Makefile.Release create_ProductVersionFile make -f $PEGASUS_ROOT/Makefile.Release create_CommonProductDirectoriesInclude make -f $PEGASUS_ROOT/Makefile.Release create_ConfigProductDirectoriesInclude make %{?_smp_mflags} -f $PEGASUS_ROOT/Makefile.Release all chmod 777 %PEGASUS_RPM_HOME make -f $PEGASUS_ROOT/Makefile.Release repository # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-build.spec %install # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-install.spec # export PEGASUS_ROOT=%PEGASUS_RPM_ROOT export PEGASUS_HOME=%PEGASUS_RPM_HOME export PEGASUS_PLATFORM=%PEGASUS_HARDWARE_PLATFORM export PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB=%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB export PEGASUS_ENVVAR_FILE=$PEGASUS_ROOT/env_var_Linux.status export OPENSSL_BIN=%OPENSSL_BIN export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PEGASUS_HOME/lib export PATH=$PEGASUS_HOME/bin:$PATH export PEGASUS_STAGING_DIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %if %{PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM} make -f $PEGASUS_ROOT/Makefile.Release stage \ PEGASUS_STAGING_DIR=$PEGASUS_STAGING_DIR \ PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM=%{PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM} %else make -f $PEGASUS_ROOT/Makefile.Release stage \ PEGASUS_STAGING_DIR=$PEGASUS_STAGING_DIR %endif [ "$PEGASUS_HOME" != "/" ] && [ -d $PEGASUS_HOME ] && rm -rf $PEGASUS_HOME; # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-install.spec %clean # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-clean.spec # [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT; [ "${RPM_BUILD_DIR}" != "/" ] && rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version}; # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-clean.spec %pre # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-pre.spec # install remove upgrade reinstall # pre 1 - 2 2 # # If it exists, the active OpenPegasus Repository # directory, %PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_DIR is renamed # to %PEGASUS_PREV_REPOSITORY_DIR. If # %PEGASUS_PREV_REPOSITORY_DIR already exists, # it is saved as an archive file. if [ -d %PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_DIR"/root#PG_Internal" ]; then # # Save the current repository to prev_repository # if [ -d %PEGASUS_PREV_REPOSITORY_DIR ]; then /bin/tar -C %PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_PARENT_DIR -cf \ %PEGASUS_PREV_REPOSITORY_DIR`date '+%Y-%m-%d-%s.%N'`.tar \ %PEGASUS_PREV_REPOSITORY_DIR_NAME rm -rf %PEGASUS_PREV_REPOSITORY_DIR fi /bin/mv %PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_DIR %PEGASUS_PREV_REPOSITORY_DIR fi if [ $1 -gt 0 ]; then # Create the 'pegasus' user and group: /usr/sbin/groupadd pegasus > /dev/null 2>&1 || :; /usr/sbin/useradd -c "tog-pegasus OpenPegasus WBEM/CIM services" \ -g pegasus -s /sbin/nologin -r -d %PEGASUS_VARDATA_DIR pegasus \ > /dev/null 2>&1 || :; fi if [ $1 -eq 2 ]; then rm -f %PEGASUS_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET_PATH; rm -f %PEGASUS_CIMSERVER_START_FILE; rm -f %PEGASUS_CIMSERVER_START_LOCK_FILE; fi # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-pre.spec # When Privilege Separation is enabled, create the 'cimsrvr' user and # 'cimsrvr' group which are used as the context of the cimservermain process if [ $1 -gt 0 ]; then /usr/sbin/groupadd cimsrvr > /dev/null 2>&1 || :; /usr/sbin/useradd -c "tog-pegasus OpenPegasus WBEM/CIM services" \ -g cimsrvr -s /sbin/nologin -r -d %PEGASUS_VARDATA_DIR cimsrvr \ > /dev/null 2>&1 || :; fi %post if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then echo `date` > %PEGASUS_INSTALL_LOG 2>&1 %define PEGASUS_CONFIG_DIR /etc/Pegasus %define PEGASUS_PEM_DIR /etc/Pegasus %define PEGASUS_SSL_CERT_FILE server.pem %define PEGASUS_SSL_KEY_FILE file.pem %define PEGASUS_SSL_TRUSTSTORE client.pem # Create Symbolic Links for SDK Libraries # ln -sf libpegclient.so.1 /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libpegclient.so ln -sf libpegcommon.so.1 /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libpegcommon.so ln -sf libpegprovider.so.1 /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libpegprovider.so ln -sf libDefaultProviderManager.so.1 /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libDefaultProviderManager.so ln -sf libCIMxmlIndicationHandler.so.1 /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libCIMxmlIndicationHandler.so ln -sf libsnmpIndicationHandler.so.1 /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libsnmpIndicationHandler.so # Create Symbolic Links for Packaged Provider Libraries # ln -sf libComputerSystemProvider.so.1 /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providers/libComputerSystemProvider.so ln -sf libOSProvider.so.1 /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providers/libOSProvider.so ln -sf libProcessProvider.so.1 /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providers/libProcessProvider.so # Create Symbolic Links for Packaged Provider Managers # ln -sf libCMPIProviderManager.so.1 /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providerManagers/libCMPIProviderManager.so # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-post.spec # # install remove upgrade reinstall # %post 1 - 2 2 # export PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB=%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then %if %{AUTOSTART} /sbin/chkconfig --add tog-pegasus %endif :; elif [ $1 -gt 0 ]; then /etc/init.d/tog-pegasus condrestart :; fi # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-post.spec elif [ $1 -gt 1 ]; then # Check if the cimserver is running isRunning=`ps -el | grep cimserver | grep -v "grep cimserver"` if [ "$isRunning" ]; then /etc/init.d/tog-pegasus stop fi if [ -d %PEGASUS_PREV_REPOSITORY_DIR ]; then # The old repository was moved to /var/lib/Pegasus/prev_repository. It should now be upgraded to the new repository /var/lib/Pegasus/repository. %PEGASUS_SBIN_DIR/repupgrade >> %PEGASUS_INSTALL_LOG 2>&1 chown -R cimsrvr %PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_DIR chgrp -R cimsrvr %PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_DIR fi if [ -f %PEGASUS_TRACE_FILE_PATH ]; then /bin/mv %PEGASUS_TRACE_FILE_PATH %PEGASUS_TRACE_FILE_PATH-`date '+%Y-%m-%d-%R'` fi if [ "$isRunning" ]; then /etc/init.d/tog-pegasus start fi fi %preun # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-preun.spec # install remove upgrade reinstall # preun - 0 1 - if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then # Check if the cimserver is running isRunning=`ps -el | grep cimserver | grep -v "grep cimserver"` if [ "$isRunning" ]; then %PEGASUS_SBIN_DIR/cimserver -s fi /sbin/chkconfig --del tog-pegasus; rm -f %PEGASUS_VARDATA_DIR/cimserver_current.conf; rm -f %PEGASUS_INSTALL_LOG; [ -d %PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_DIR ] && rm -rf %PEGASUS_REPOSITORY_DIR; [ -d %PEGASUS_VARDATA_CACHE_DIR ] && rm -rf %PEGASUS_VARDATA_CACHE_DIR; rm -f %PEGASUS_LOCAL_DOMAIN_SOCKET_PATH; rm -f %PEGASUS_CIMSERVER_START_FILE; rm -f %PEGASUS_CIMSERVER_START_LOCK_FILE; fi # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-preun.spec %preun devel # Check if the SDK has been setup if [ -f /usr/share/Pegasus/samples/SDKIsSetup ]; then make --directory /usr/share/Pegasus/samples -s unsetupSDK if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" >&2 echo "ERROR: Failed to deregister sample providers." >&2 echo "To remove the SDK rpm without deregistering" >&2 echo "the sample providers, first remove file" >&2 echo "/usr/share/Pegasus/samples/SDKIsSetup," >&2 echo "then remove SDK rpm." >&2 echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" >&2 exit 1 fi fi make --directory /usr/share/Pegasus/samples -s clean %if %{PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM} %preun test make --directory /usr/share/Pegasus/test -s unsetupTEST [ -d /var/lib/Pegasus/testrepository ] && rm -rf /var/lib/Pegasus/testrepository; %endif %postun if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then export LC_ALL=C fi # Start of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-postun.spec # # install remove upgrade reinstall # postun - 0 1 - if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then /usr/sbin/userdel pegasus > /dev/null 2>&1 || :; /usr/sbin/groupdel pegasus > /dev/null 2>&1 || :; fi; # # End of section pegasus/rpm/tog-specfiles/tog-pegasus-postun.spec # When Privilege Separation is enabled, delete the 'cimsrvr' user and # 'cimsrvr' group which are used as the context of the cimservermain process if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then /usr/sbin/userdel cimsrvr > /dev/null 2>&1 || :; /usr/sbin/groupdel cimsrvr > /dev/null 2>&1 || :; fi %files %defattr(600,cimsrvr,cimsrvr,700) /var/lib/Pegasus/repository %defattr(644,root,pegasus,755) /usr/share/Pegasus/mof %defattr(600,root,pegasus,755) %dir /usr/share/doc/tog-pegasus-2.8 %dir /usr/share/Pegasus %dir /usr/share/Pegasus/scripts %dir /var/lib/Pegasus %dir /var/lib/Pegasus/cache %dir /var/lib/Pegasus/log %dir /var/lib/Pegasus/cache/localauth %dir /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus %dir /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providers %dir /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providerManagers %dir %attr(755,root,pegasus) /etc/Pegasus %dir %attr(755,cimsrvr,cimsrvr) /var/run/tog-pegasus %dir %attr(1755,cimsrvr,cimsrvr) /var/run/tog-pegasus/socket %dir %attr(1777,root,pegasus) /var/lib/Pegasus/cache/trace %config %attr(750,root,pegasus) /etc/init.d/tog-pegasus %config(noreplace) %attr(644,root,root) /var/lib/Pegasus/cimserver_planned.conf %config(noreplace) /etc/Pegasus/access.conf %config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/wbem %ghost %config(noreplace) /etc/Pegasus/ssl.cnf %ghost %config(noreplace) /etc/Pegasus/client.pem %ghost %config(noreplace) /etc/Pegasus/server.pem %ghost %config(noreplace) /etc/Pegasus/file.pem %ghost /var/lib/Pegasus/log/install.log %attr(755,root,pegasus) /usr/sbin/* %attr(755,root,pegasus) /usr/bin/* %attr(755,root,pegasus) /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/*.so.1 %attr(755,root,pegasus) /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providers/*.so.1 %attr(755,root,pegasus) /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providerManagers/*.so.1 %attr(750,root,pegasus) /usr/share/Pegasus/scripts/* %attr(644,root,pegasus) /usr/share/man/man1/* %attr(644,root,pegasus) /usr/share/man/man8/* %doc %attr(444,root,pegasus) /usr/share/doc/tog-pegasus-2.8/Admin_Guide_Release.pdf %doc %attr(444,root,pegasus) /usr/share/doc/tog-pegasus-2.8/PegasusSSLGuidelines.htm %doc %attr(444,root,pegasus) /usr/share/doc/tog-pegasus-2.8/license.txt /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libpegclient.so /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libpegcommon.so /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libpegprovider.so /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libDefaultProviderManager.so /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libCIMxmlIndicationHandler.so /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/libsnmpIndicationHandler.so /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providers/libComputerSystemProvider.so /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providers/libOSProvider.so /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providers/libProcessProvider.so /usr/%PEGASUS_ARCH_LIB/Pegasus/providerManagers/libCMPIProviderManager.so %files devel %defattr(644,root,pegasus,755) /usr/share/Pegasus/samples /usr/include/Pegasus /usr/share/doc/tog-pegasus-2.8/* /usr/share/Pegasus/html %if %{PEGASUS_BUILD_TEST_RPM} %files test %defattr(-,root,pegasus,-) /usr/share/Pegasus/test %ghost /usr/share/Pegasus/test/tmp/procIdFile %ghost /usr/share/Pegasus/test/tmp/trapLogFile %ghost /usr/share/Pegasus/test/tmp/IndicationStressTestLog %defattr(600,cimsrvr, cimsrvr,700) /var/lib/Pegasus/testrepository %endif