.\" $Header: /cvs/MSB/pegasus/rpm/manLinux/man1m.Z/Attic/cimprovider.1m,v 1.3 2006/10/27 19:56:24 denise.eckstein dead $ .TA c \" lowercase initial letter of .TH name .TH cimprovider 1M .SH NAME cimprovider \- disable, enable, remove or list registered CIM providers or CIM provider modules and module status .SH SYNOPSIS \fBcimprovider -d -m\fP module \fBcimprovider -e -m\fP module \fBcimprovider -r -m\fP module [ \fB-p\fP provider ] \fBcimprovider -l\fP [ \fB-s\fP | \fB-m\fP module ] .SS Remarks The .B -l option for this command can be executed by any user(s). All other options require superuser permissions. .PP This command disables, enables, or removes one CIM provider module or CIM provider at a time. .SH DESCRIPTION The .B cimprovider command provides a command line interface to disable, enable, unregister, and list registered CIM providers. If a CIM provider is disabled, the CIM Server rejects any requests to the provider. If a CIM provider is enabled, the CIM Server forwards requests to the provider. And if a CIM provider is unregistered, the CIM Server will no longer have any information about the provider. .PP In order to use the .B cimprovider command, .B cimserver has to be running and the specified provider module (a grouping of providers in the same shared library) or provider has to be registered with WBEM Services. .PP The first form of .B cimprovider disables the specified provider module. When a specified provider module is in the disabled state, any new requests to the providers that are contained in the specified provider module will be rejected. .PP The second form of .B cimprovider enables the providers that are contained in the specified provider module. The providers that are contained in the specified provider module are now ready to accept new requests. .PP The third form of .B cimprovider removes (un-registers) the specified provider module and all of its contained providers or the specified provider in the specified provider module. Once removed, a provider or provider module must be re-registered (typically by loading its registration schema via the .B cimmof command). .PP The last form of .B cimprovider lists all the registered provider modules and module status or all the providers in the specified provider module. To list all providers in all modules, issue a .C "cimprovider -l" command, followed by .C "cimprovider -l -m" for each listed module. .PP Specifying no options with the .B cimprovider command displays the command usage. .SS Options The .B cimprovider command recognizes the following options: .RS .TP 15 .B -d Disables the specified CIM provider .IR module . If user(s) try to disable a module that is already disabled, an error message is returned and no action is taken. .TP .B -e Enables the specified CIM provider .IR module . If user(s) try to enable a module that is already enabled or try to enable a module that is disabling, an error message is returned and no action is taken. .TP .B -r Removes the specified provider .I module and all of its contained providers. If .I provider is specified, removes the specified .I provider in the specified provider .I module (not affecting any other providers in that module). .TP .B -l Displays all the registered provider modules. .TP .CI -m \0module Specifies the provider .I module for the operation. .TP .CI -p \0provider Specifies the .I provider for the operation. .TP .CI -s Displays the status of provider modules. .SH EXIT STATUS .PP When an error occurs, an error message is written to stderr and an error value 1 is returned. The following return values are returned: .RS .TP .B 0 Successful completion .PD 0 .TP .B 1 Error .PD .RE .SH EXAMPLES .PP Disable provider module "OperatingSystemProvider" and all of its contained providers (placing them in a stopped state). .IP .B " cimprovider -d -m OperatingSystemProvider" .PP Enable provider module "OperatingSystemProvider" and all of its contained providers (placing them in an OK state). .IP .B "cimprovider -e -m OperatingSystemProvider" .PP Remove (un-register) the "OperatingSystemProvider" provider module and all of its contained providers. .IP .B "cimprovider -r -m OperatingSystemProvider" .PP Remove (un-register) the "PG_OperatingSystemProvider" provider that is contained in the "OperatingSystemProvider" provider module. .IP .B "cimprovider -r -m OperatingSystemProvider -p PG_OperatingSystemProvider" .PP List the registered provider modules. .IP .B "cimprovider -l" .PP List the registered provider modules and their status (such as OK, Stopping, Stopped). .IP .B "cimprovider -l -s" .PP List the registered providers which are contained in the "OperatingSystemProvider" provider module. .IP .B "cimprovider -l -m OperatingSystemProvider" .SH SEE ALSO .PP cimmof(1), cimserver(1M).