.\" $Header: /cvs/MSB/pegasus/rpm/manLinux/man1m.Z/Attic/cimauth.1m,v 1.2 2003/03/13 17:25:15 kumpf Exp $ .TA c \" lowercase initial letter of .TH name .TH cimauth 1M .SH NAME cimauth \- add, modify, remove, or list CIM namespace authorizations of users .SH SYNOPSIS \fBcimauth -a -u\fP username \fB-n\fP namespace [ \fB-R\fP ] [ \fB-W\fP ] \fBcimauth -m -u\fP username \fB-n\fP namespace [ \fB-R\fP ] [ \fB-W\fP ] \fBcimauth -r -u\fP username [ \fB-n\fP namespace ] .B cimauth -l .SH DESCRIPTION .PP The .B cimauth command manages read and write CIM namespace authorizations of users. The operations are executed on the local host by submitting requests to the CIM Server. If the value of the configuration property .B enableNamespaceAuthorization is .B True , the CIM Server restricts access to namespaces based on user authorizations configured via .B cimauth . (See .B "cimconfig (1M)" for information on configuring the CIM Server.) .SS Options .PP The .B cimauth command recognizes the following options: .RS .TP 15 .B -a Adds read and/or write authorizations to the specified user on the specified namespace. If neither the .B -R nor the .B -W option is specified, adds a read authorization by default. .TP .B -m Modifies authorizations of the specified user on the specified namespace. If neither the .B -R nor the .B -W option is specified, modifies the authorization to be a read authorization by default. .TP .B -r Removes authorizations of the specified user on the specified namespace. If no namespaces are specified, removes authorizations on all namespaces for the specified user. .TP .B -l Lists all the authorizations configured in the CIM Server. .TP \fB-u\fP username Specifies the user for the operation. The specified .IR username must represent a valid HP-UX user on the local host. .TP \fB-n\fP namespace Specifies the .IR namespace for the operation. .TP .B -R Specifies read authorization on the namespace. .TP .B -W Specifies write authorization on the namespace. .RE .SH EXIT STATUS .PP When an error occurs, an error message is written to stderr and an error value of 1 is returned. The following return values are returned: .RS .TP .B 0 Successful completion .PD 0 .TP .B 1 Error .PD .RE .SH EXAMPLES .PP Add read authorizations to user "guest" on namespace "root/cimv2". .IP .B "cimauth -a -u guest -n root/cimv2 -R" .PP Add read and write authorizations to user "guest" on namespace "root/system". .IP .B "cimauth -a -u guest -n root/system -R -W" .PP Modify authorizations of the user "guest" on namespace "root/system" to read only. .IP .B "cimauth -m -u guest -n root/system -R" .PP Remove the authorizations of the user "guest" on namespace "root/system". .IP .B "cimauth -r -u guest -n root/system" .PP List all the authorizations configured in the CIM Server. .IP .B "cimauth -l" .SH SEE ALSO .PP cimserver (1M), cimconfig (1M).