OS_TYPE = windows OS = win32 ARCHITECTURE = iX86 COMPILER = msvc SYS_INCLUDES = DEPEND_INCLUDES = DEFINES = -DPEGASUS_PLATFORM_$(PEGASUS_PLATFORM) -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 #-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 -DWINVER=0x0400 ifdef PEGASUS_DEBUG FLAGS = -GX -GR -W3 -Od -Zi -MDd -DDEBUG -Fd$(OBJ_DIR)/ LINK_FLAGS = -debug else FLAGS = -GX -GR -W3 -O2 -MD endif ifdef PEGASUS_DEBUG_CIMEXCEPTION DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_DEBUG_CIMEXCEPTION endif # Enable the compilation of the SLP functions. PEGASUS_ENABLE_SLP=true # ATTN KS 20020927 - Add flag to allow conditional testing of interoperability # changes during interoperability tests. ifdef PEGASUS_SNIA_INTEROP_TEST DEFINES+= -DPEGASUS_SNIA_INTEROP_TEST endif RM = mu rm RMDIRHIER = mu rmdirhier MKDIRHIER = mu mkdirhier COPY = mu copy MOVE = mu move CXX = cl -nologo EXE_OUT = -Fe LIB_OUT = -out: OBJ = .obj OBJ_OUT = -Fo EXE = .exe DLL = .dll ILK = .ilk PDB = .pdb EXP = .exp AR = LINK -nologo -dll LIB_PREFIX = LIB_SUFFIX = .lib TOUCH = mu touch ECHO = mu echo LEX = flex YACC = bison SH = bash YACC = bison # Windows DLLs are installed in the $(PEGASUS_HOME)/bin directory PEGASUS_DEST_LIB_DIR = bin # The Provider User Context feature (PEP 197) is not supported on Windows PEGASUS_DISABLE_PROV_USERCTXT=1 # l10n ifdef PEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_HAS_MESSAGES ifdef ICU_ROOT MSG_COMPILE = genrb MSG_FLAGS = MSG_SOURCE_EXT = .txt MSG_COMPILE_EXT = .res CNV_ROOT_CMD = cnv2rootbundle ################################## ## ## ICU_NO_UPPERCASE_ROOT if set, specifies NOT to uppercase the root resource bundle, ## default is to uppercase the root resource bundle## ################################## ifdef ICU_NO_UPPERCASE_ROOT CNV_ROOT_FLAGS = else CNV_ROOT_FLAGS = -u endif #################################### ## ## ICU_ROOT_BUNDLE_LANG if set, specifies the language that the root resource bundle will be generated from ## defaults to _en if not set. if set, for any directory containing resource bundles, ## there must exist a file name: package(the value of ICU_ROOT_BUNDLE_LANG).txt or the make messages target will fail ## ## We have to use the full path library because the cl /Fe command in program-windows.mak does ## not take libpath as an argument (as far as I can tell) #################################### ifdef ICU_ROOT_BUNDLE_LANG MSG_ROOT_SOURCE = $(ICU_ROOT_BUNDLE_LANG) else MSG_ROOT_SOURCE = _en endif DEFINES += -DPEGASUS_HAS_ICU EXTRA_LIBRARIES += $(ICU_INSTALL)/lib/icuuc.lib $(ICU_INSTALL)/lib/icuin.lib $(ICU_INSTALL)/lib/icudt.lib SYS_INCLUDES += -I$(ICU_ROOT)/source/common -I$(ICU_ROOT)/source/i18n endif endif