REM Execute DOC++ on the PegasusManual REM ECHO OFF REM The following Did not work for some reason and I don't have time to look further. REM if %@index[%path%,"DOC++"] != -1 GOTO DONE REM TODO - test for existance of PEGASUS_ROOT and PEGASUS_HOME if defined DOCPLUSPLUS GOTO DONE set DOCPLUSPLUS=f:\"Program Files"\DOC++\DOC++347 set SWIG=f:\packages\swig13aNT set PEGASUSMANUAL_HOME=%PEGASUS_HOME%/manualhtml REM echo This is what the index shows after %@index[%path%,"DOC++"] set path=%path%;e:\cygnus\bin set path=%path%;%DOCPLUSPLUS% set path=%path%;%SWIG% :DONE IF NOT EXIST %PEGASUSMANUAL_HOME%\pegasus.html GOTO BYPASSDELETE ECHO del %PEGASUSMANUAL_HOME%\*.html /Y /Q ECHO del %PEGASUSMANUAL_HOME%\*.html /Y /Q pause del %PEGASUSMANUAL_HOME%\*.html /Y /Q del %PEGASUSMANUAL_HOME%\*.html /Y /Q DIR :BYPASSDELETE REM Execute CD %PEGASUS_ROOT%\doc\DEVMANUAL IF NOT Exist pegasusdoc.dxx GOTO ERROR docxx --dir %PEGASUSMANUAL_HOME% --verbose -H pegasusdoc.dxx mu copy *.gif %PEGASUSMANUAL_HOME% REM -a parameters says do things with tables CD %PEGASUS_ROOT% CD ..\ Quit ERROR: ECHO You are not in the directory with the Pegasus Documentation source files. ECHO could not find pegasusdoc.dxx