Pegasus Meta Dispatcher

The Pegasus Meta Dispatcher is a set of classes that extend the existing MessageQueue messaging system to be dynamic, asynchronous, and multithreaded. The primary classes consist of the folowing:

ClassDerived fromSource file
IPC classesn/aPegasus/Common/IPC.h
Threading classesn/aPegasus/Common/Thread.h

Purposes of Meta Dispatcher

The Meta Dispatcher has two primary goals:

  1. Provide for orderly asynchronous message-based communication among a dynamic set of Pegasus Services.
  2. Preserve the existing message-passing architecture of Pegasus.
  3. Allow Pluggable Services such as repositories, provider managers, and others.

Most of the purposes listed above revolve around maintaining the integrity of data and control flow in an asynchronous multithreaded environment.


Meta Dispatcher
The central message broker, or router, that provides the asynchronous communications within Pegasus. Derived from the MessageQueue class.
A Pegasus module that sends and receives messages to other modules through the meta dispatcher; A module that has enhanced privileges within Pegasus and which provides one or more functions necessary to the operation of Pegasus. Derived from the MessageQueueclass.
Asynchronous Message
A pair of messages, consisting of a request and a response that are treated as a single operation by Services. An asynchronous message may be fronted by a synchronous programming interface. Derived from the Message class.
A control object that manages the lifetime of an Asynchronous Message.The AsyncOpNode uses many of the IPC object classes. A Service manages the lifetime of an AsyncOpNode during the processing of the message. However, it necessarily cedes control of the AsyncOpNode to the Meta Dispatcher while the Asynchronous Message is being processed.

Meta Dispatcher Design

Three points are necessary to avoid deadlocks and to provide pluggable services in Pegaus. The first thing is independent execution paths of service modules. i.e., each service must have its own thread(s), which must not intersect with the thread(s) of other services. Intersection of execution paths can occur indirectly through IPC objects such as mutexes, conditions, and semaphores.

The second point that is necessary is interface abstraction, which the Meta Dispatcher provides through C++ polymorphism. This allows pluggable services. i.e., one service can replace another and the system will continue to function (hopefully in an improved manner).

The third point that is neccesary is a central message broker that isolates services from each other, thereby preventing deadlocks. The central message broker also provides message responses for services that are paused, stopped, or not present (plugged in).

Central Hub

The Meta Dispatcher therefore acts as a central message hub. Services communicate with each other via the Meta Dispatcher.

      Service A--Message----1----> (block on semaphore)
                                  Meta Dispatcher| 
                                               Message----2->Service B
                           (Signal Semaphore) <---Response---3-- +
      Service A <--Response--4---+

The numbered steps above are as follows:
  1. Service A creates a new AsyncMessage and AsyncOpNodeand sends that message to Service B by calling MessageQueueService::SendWait. The calling thread blocks on the client emaphore until the response is ready.

  2. The Meta Dispatcher's routing thread picks up the message and inserts it into Service B's incoming message queue. The routing thread returns to the Meta Dispatcher to route the next message in the system.

  3. Service B'sincoming thread picks up the message and calls the its message handler. Message handlers are virtual, so a class derived from MessageQueueServicecan define its own message handlers to override the default handlers. When the message handler has constructed an AsyncReply that reply gets linked to the AsyncOpNode. The MessageQueueService then signals the client semaphore within the op node.

  4. Service A awakens when the client semaphore is signalled. It pulls the AsyncResponse message from the AsyncOpNode and processes the result. Service A is responsible for discarding the request, response, and AsyncOpNode objects. The existing classes have mechanisms for caching these objects to avoid too frequent construction/destruction of them.

Test Program

The concepts explained below are all contained in the test program for the Meta Dispatcher, which is located in $PEGASUS_HOME/src/Pegasus/Common/tests/MessageQueueService/

Service Registration and Deregistration

Services (classes derived from MessageQueueServicemust register their presence with the Meta Dispatcher. This is done as follows (taken from the test program):

  1. Define the Service Class
  2. // Define our service class 
    class MessageQueueClient : public MessageQueueService
          typedef MessageQueueService Base;
          MessageQueueClient(char *name)
    	 : Base(name, MessageQueue::getNextQueueId(), 0,  
    		message_mask::type_cimom | 
    		message_mask::type_service | 
    		message_mask::ha_request | 
    		message_mask::ha_reply | 
    		message_mask::ha_async ),
    	 _client_capabilities = Base::_capabilities;
    	 _client_mask = Base::_mask;
          virtual ~MessageQueueClient(void) 
          // method to indicate acceptance of message to 
          // Meta Dispatcher
          virtual Boolean messageOK(const Message *msg);
          // function to send a request to another service
          void send_test_request(char *greeting, Uint32 qid);
          Uint32 get_qid(void);
          Uint32 _client_capabilities;
          Uint32 _client_mask;
          // method to receive messages from the Meta Dispatcher,
          // MUST be defined
          virtual void _handle_async_request(AsyncRequest *req);
          AtomicInt client_xid;
  3. Construct the Service
  4. // Create our Service
       MessageQueueClient *q_client = 
              new MessageQueueClient("test client");
  5. Register the Service
  6. // Register our service with the Meta Dispatcher
       q_client->register_service("test client", 
       cout << " client registered " << endl;
The example above hides many of the details which are handled by the MessageQueueService's constructor, such as creating the background thread, finding the Meta Dispatcher, and constructing the queues. But a derived class as the example shows does not need to worry about those details.

Finding Other Services

The MessageQueueService class has an api for finding other services. This api is built using messages that are defined in CimomMessage.h. Here is an example from the test program:

   Array services; 

   while( services.size() == 0 )
      q_client->find_services(String("test server"), 0, 0, &services); 
   cout << "found server at " << services[0] << endl;

The code sample above shows how to find services by their name. The api also allows finding services by their capabilities or the messages they support. Note that the return is an array of Queue IDs. It is possible, for example, to find multiple services.

Sending an Asynchronous Message to Another Service

The "handle" for a services is its Queue ID. Once you have the Queue ID you can send a message to that service. The example above shows one way to get a service's Queue ID. Here is an example that shows how to send that service a message.

  1. Define the Request and Response Message Pair by Inheriting from AsyncMessage.
    class test_request : public AsyncRequest
          typedef AsyncRequest Base;
          test_request(Uint32 routing, 
    		   AsyncOpNode *op, 
    		   Uint32 destination, 
    		   Uint32 response,
    		   char *message)
    	 : Base(0x04100000,
          virtual ~test_request(void) 
          String greeting;
    class test_response : public AsyncReply
          typedef AsyncReply Base;
          test_response(Uint32 key, 
    		    Uint32 routing,
    		    AsyncOpNode *op, 
    		    Uint32 result,
    		    Uint32 destination, 
    		    char *message)
    	 : Base(0x04200000,
          virtual ~test_response(void)
          String greeting;
    The function send_test_request shows everything that is necessary to send a message to another service and process the reply.
    void MessageQueueClient::send_test_request(char *greeting, Uint32 qid)
  3. Construct the Request
  4.    test_request *req = 
          new test_request(Base::get_next_xid(),
    		       qid,        // destination queue ID
    		       _queueId,   // my own queue ID 
    		       greeting);  // message parameter
  5. Send the message using MessageQueueService::SendWait
  6.    AsyncMessage *response = SendWait(req);
  7. Process the Response.
       if( response != 0  )
          delete response; 
          cout << " test message " << msg_count.value() << endl;
       delete req;
  8. Delete the Request and the Response. The SendWait interface creates and disposes of everything else.

Handling an Incoming Message

To handle messages the service needs to implement the following methods.

  1. virtual Boolean MessageOK(const Message *)
  2. This method allows the Service to accept or reject the message. The Meta Dispatcher will always call this method before inserting the request on the Service's queue.
    Boolean MessageQueueServer::messageOK(const Message *msg)
       if(msg->getMask() & message_mask::ha_async)
          if( msg->getType() == 0x04100000 ||
    	  msg->getType() == async_messages::CIMSERVICE_STOP || 
    	  msg->getType() == async_messages::CIMSERVICE_PAUSE || 
    	  msg->getType() == async_messages::CIMSERVICE_RESUME )
          return true;
       return false;
  3. virtual Boolean accept_async(AsyncOpNode *operation) (optional)
  4. This method executes on the Meta Dispatcher's thread and links the incoming message to the Service's queue.

  5. virtual void _handle_incoming_operation(AsyncOpNode *)

  6. This method is called by the Service's background thread. Here is an example implementation that just does some sanity checking on the message.
    void MessageQueueServer::_handle_incoming_operation(AsyncOpNode *op)
       if ( operation != 0 )
          Message *rq = operation->get_request();
          PEGASUS_ASSERT(rq != 0 );
          PEGASUS_ASSERT(rq->getMask() & message_mask::ha_async );
          PEGASUS_ASSERT(rq->getMask() & message_mask::ha_request);
          _handle_async_request(static_cast<AsyncRequest *>(rq));
  7. virtual void _handle_async_request(AsyncRequest *)

  8. This method handles the request. The Service must implement this method. If the Service does not handle the Request it must pass the Request to the Base class by calling Base::_handle_async_request(req)
    void MessageQueueServer::_handle_async_request(AsyncRequest *req)
       if (req->getType() == 0x04100000 )
          handle_test_request(req);   // Message Handler 
       else if ( req->getType() == async_messages::CIMSERVICE_STOP )
          Base::_handle_async_request(req);  // Give it to the Base !!
  9. Specific Message Handlers Each Message handler will be defined by the format of the Request/Response pair. Here is an example from the test program.
       if( msg->getType() == 0x04100000 )
    1. Construct the Reply
            test_response *resp = 
      	 new test_response(msg->getKey(),
      			   "i am a test response");
    3. Complete the Reply by calling the following helper routine in the Base class
    4.       _completeAsyncResponse(msg, resp, ASYNC_OPSTATE_COMPLETE, 0);

    Class Definitions

    cimom (Meta Dispatcher)

    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE cimom : public MessageQueue
       public : 
          virtual ~cimom(void) ;
          Boolean moduleChange(struct timeval last);
          Uint32 getModuleCount(void);
          Uint32 getModuleIDs(Uint32 *ids, Uint32 count) throw(IPCException);
          AsyncOpNode *get_cached_op(void) throw(IPCException);
          void cache_op(AsyncOpNode *op) throw(IPCException);
          void set_default_op_timeout(const struct timeval *buffer);
          void get_default_op_timeout(struct timeval *timeout) const ;
          virtual void handleEnqueue();
          void register_module(RegisterCimService *msg);
          void deregister_module(Uint32 quid);
          void update_module(UpdateCimService *msg );
          void ioctl(AsyncIoctl *msg );
          void find_service_q(FindServiceQueue *msg );
          void enumerate_service(EnumerateService *msg );
          Boolean route_async(AsyncOpNode *operation);
          void _shutdown_routed_queue(void);
          Uint32 get_module_q(const String & name);
          void _make_response(AsyncRequest *req, Uint32 code);
          void _completeAsyncResponse(AsyncRequest *request, 
    				  AsyncReply *reply, 
    				  Uint32 state, 
    				  Uint32 flag);
          struct timeval _default_op_timeout;
          struct timeval _last_module_change;
          DQueue<message_module> _modules;
          DQueue<AsyncOpNode> _recycle;
          AsyncDQueue<AsyncOpNode> _routed_ops;
          DQueue<AsyncOpNode> _internal_ops;
          static PEGASUS_THREAD_RETURN PEGASUS_THREAD_CDECL _routing_proc(void *);
          Thread _routing_thread;
          static Uint32 get_xid(void);
          void _handle_cimom_op(AsyncOpNode *op, Thread *thread, MessageQueue *queue);
          Uint32 _ioctl(Uint32, Uint32, void *);
          AtomicInt _die;
          AtomicInt _routed_queue_shutdown;
          static AtomicInt _xid;
    //       CIMOperationRequestDispatcher *_cim_dispatcher;
    //       CIMOperationResponseEncoder *_cim_encoder;
    //       CIMOperationRequestDecoder *_cim_decoder;
    //       CIMRepository *_repository;


    class message_module;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE MessageQueueService : public MessageQueue
          typedef MessageQueue Base;
          MessageQueueService(const char *name, Uint32 queueID, Uint32 capabilities, Uint32 mask) ;
          virtual ~MessageQueueService(void);
          virtual void handle_heartbeat_request(AsyncRequest *req);
          virtual void handle_heartbeat_reply(AsyncReply *rep);
          virtual void handle_AsyncIoctl(AsyncIoctl *req);
          virtual void handle_CimServiceStart(CimServiceStart *req);
          virtual void handle_CimServiceStop(CimServiceStop *req);
          virtual void handle_CimServicePause(CimServicePause *req);
          virtual void handle_CimServiceResume(CimServiceResume *req);
          virtual void handle_AsyncOperationStart(AsyncOperationStart *req);
          virtual void handle_AsyncOperationResult(AsyncOperationResult *req);
          virtual Boolean accept_async(AsyncOpNode *op);
          virtual Boolean messageOK(const Message *msg) ;
          AsyncReply *SendWait(AsyncRequest *request);
          void _completeAsyncResponse(AsyncRequest *request, 
    				 AsyncReply *reply, 
    				 Uint32 state, 
    				 Uint32 flag);
          Boolean register_service(String name, Uint32 capabilities, Uint32 mask);
          Boolean update_service(Uint32 capabilities, Uint32 mask);
          Boolean deregister_service(void);
          virtual void _shutdown_incoming_queue(void);
          void find_services(String name,
    			 Uint32 capabilities, 
    			 Uint32 mask, 
    			 Array<Uint32> *results);
          void enumerate_service(Uint32 queue, message_module *result);
          Uint32 get_next_xid(void);
          AsyncOpNode *get_op(void);
          void return_op(AsyncOpNode *op);
          Uint32 _capabilities;
          Uint32 _mask;
          AtomicInt _die;
          virtual void _handle_incoming_operation(AsyncOpNode *operation, Thread *thread, MessageQueue *queue);
          virtual void _handle_async_request(AsyncRequest *req);
          virtual void _make_response(AsyncRequest *req, Uint32 code);
          cimom *_meta_dispatcher;
          void handleEnqueue();
          DQueue<AsyncOpNode> _pending;
          AsyncDQueue<AsyncOpNode> _incoming;
          static PEGASUS_THREAD_RETURN PEGASUS_THREAD_CDECL _req_proc(void *);
          AtomicInt _incoming_queue_shutdown;
          Thread _req_thread;
          struct timeval _default_op_timeout;
          static AtomicInt _xid;

    Asynchronous Messages

    extern const Uint32 CIMOM_Q_ID;
    class AsyncOpNode;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE async_results
          static const Uint32 OK;
          static const Uint32 PARAMETER_ERROR;
          static const Uint32 MODULE_ALREADY_REGISTERED;
          static const Uint32 MODULE_NOT_FOUND;
          static const Uint32 INTERNAL_ERROR;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_STARTED;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_PROCESSING;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_COMPLETE;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_CANCELLED;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_PAUSED;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_RESUMED;
          static const Uint32 CIM_SERVICE_STARTED;
          static const Uint32 CIM_SERVICE_STOPPED;
          static const Uint32 CIM_SERVICE_PAUSED;
          static const Uint32 CIM_SERVICE_RESUMED;
          static const Uint32 CIM_NAK;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_PHASE_COMPLETE;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_CHILD_COMPLETE;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_PHASE_STARTED;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_CHILD_STARTED;
          static const Uint32 CIM_PAUSED;
          static const Uint32 CIM_STOPPED;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE async_messages
          static const Uint32 HEARTBEAT;
          static const Uint32 REPLY;
          static const Uint32 REGISTER_CIM_SERVICE;
          static const Uint32 DEREGISTER_CIM_SERVICE;
          static const Uint32 UPDATE_CIM_SERVICE;
          static const Uint32 IOCTL;
          static const Uint32 CIMSERVICE_START;
          static const Uint32 CIMSERVICE_STOP;
          static const Uint32 CIMSERVICE_PAUSE;
          static const Uint32 CIMSERVICE_RESUME;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_OP_START;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_OP_RESULT;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_LEGACY_OP_START;
          static const Uint32 ASYNC_LEGACY_OP_RESULT;
          static const Uint32 FIND_SERVICE_Q;
          static const Uint32 FIND_SERVICE_Q_RESULT;
          static const Uint32 ENUMERATE_SERVICE;
          static const Uint32 ENUMERATE_SERVICE_RESULT;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE AsyncMessage : public Message
          AsyncMessage(Uint32 type, 
    		   Uint32 key, 
    		   Uint32 routing,
    		   Uint32 mask,
    		   AsyncOpNode *operation);
          virtual ~AsyncMessage(void) 
          Boolean operator ==(void *key);
          Boolean operator ==(const AsyncMessage& msg);
          AsyncOpNode *op;
          Thread *_myself;
          MessageQueue *_service;
    inline Boolean AsyncMessage::operator ==(void *key)
       if( key == reinterpret_cast<void *>(this))
          return true;
       return false;
    inline Boolean AsyncMessage::operator ==(const AsyncMessage& msg)
       return this->operator==(reinterpret_cast<void *>(const_cast<AsyncMessage *>(&msg)));
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE AsyncRequest : public AsyncMessage
          AsyncRequest(Uint32 type, 
    		   Uint32 key, 
    		   Uint32 routing,
    		   Uint32 mask,
    		   AsyncOpNode *operation,
    		   Uint32 destination,
    		   Uint32 response,
    		   Boolean blocking);
          virtual ~AsyncRequest(void) 
          Uint32 dest;
          Uint32 resp;
          Boolean block;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE AsyncReply : public AsyncMessage
          AsyncReply(Uint32 type, 
    		 Uint32 key, 
    		 Uint32 routing, 
    		 Uint32 mask,
    		 AsyncOpNode *operation,
    		 Uint32 result_code,
    		 Uint32 destination,
    		 Boolean blocking);
          virtual ~AsyncReply(void)
    	 if(op != 0 )
    	    delete op;
          Uint32 result;
          Uint32 dest;
          Boolean block;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE RegisterCimService : public AsyncRequest
          RegisterCimService(Uint32 routing, 
    			 AsyncOpNode *operation,
    			 Boolean blocking,
    			 String service_name,
    			 Uint32 service_capabilities, 
    			 Uint32 service_mask,
    			 Uint32 service_queue);
          virtual ~RegisterCimService(void) 
          String name;
          Uint32 capabilities;
          Uint32 mask;
          Uint32 queue;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE DeRegisterCimService : public AsyncRequest
          DeRegisterCimService(Uint32 routing, 
    			   AsyncOpNode *operation,
    			   Boolean blocking, 
    			   Uint32 service_queue);
          virtual ~DeRegisterCimService(void)
          Uint32 queue;
    } ;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE UpdateCimService : public AsyncRequest
          UpdateCimService(Uint32 routing, 
    		       AsyncOpNode *operation,
    		       Boolean blocking, 
    		       Uint32 service_queue, 
    		       Uint32 service_capabilities, 
    		       Uint32 service_mask);
          virtual ~UpdateCimService(void) 
          Uint32 queue;
          Uint32 capabilities;
          Uint32 mask;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE AsyncIoctl : public AsyncRequest
          AsyncIoctl(Uint32 routing, 
    		 AsyncOpNode *operation, 
    		 Uint32 destination, 
    		 Uint32 response,
    		 Boolean blocking,
    		 Uint32 code, 
    		 Uint32 int_param,
    		 void *p_param);
          virtual ~AsyncIoctl(void)
          Uint32 ctl;
          Uint32 intp;
          void *voidp;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE CimServiceStart : public AsyncRequest
          CimServiceStart(Uint32 routing, 
    		      AsyncOpNode *operation, 
    		      Uint32 destination, 
    		      Uint32 response, 
    		      Boolean blocking);
          virtual ~CimServiceStart(void) 
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE CimServiceStop : public AsyncRequest
          CimServiceStop(Uint32 routing, 
    		     AsyncOpNode *operation, 
    		     Uint32 destination, 
    		     Uint32 response, 
    		     Boolean blocking);
          virtual ~CimServiceStop(void) 
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE CimServicePause : public AsyncRequest
          CimServicePause(Uint32 routing, 
    		      AsyncOpNode *operation, 
    		      Uint32 destination, 
    		      Uint32 response, 
    		      Boolean blocking);
          virtual ~CimServicePause(void)
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE CimServiceResume : public AsyncRequest
          CimServiceResume(Uint32 routing, 
    		       AsyncOpNode *operation, 
    		       Uint32 destination, 
    		       Uint32 response, 
    		       Boolean blocking);
          virtual ~CimServiceResume(void)
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE AsyncOperationStart : public AsyncRequest
          AsyncOperationStart(Uint32 routing, 
    			  AsyncOpNode *operation, 
    			  Uint32 destination, 
    			  Uint32 response, 
    			  Boolean blocking, 
    			  Message *action);
          virtual ~AsyncOperationStart(void)
          Message *act;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE AsyncOperationResult : public AsyncReply
          AsyncOperationResult(Uint32 key, 
    			   Uint32 routing, 
    			   AsyncOpNode *operation,
    			   Uint32 result_code, 
    			   Uint32 destination,
    			   Uint32 blocking);
          virtual ~AsyncOperationResult(void)
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE AsyncLegacyOperationStart : public AsyncRequest
          AsyncLegacyOperationStart(Uint32 routing, 
    				AsyncOpNode *operation, 
    				Uint32 destination, 
    				Message *action);
          virtual ~AsyncLegacyOperationStart(void)
          Message *act;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE AsyncLegacyOperationResult : public AsyncReply
          AsyncLegacyOperationResult(Uint32 key, 
    				 Uint32 routing, 
    				 AsyncOpNode *operation,
    				 Message *result);
          virtual ~AsyncLegacyOperationResult(void)
          Message *res;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE FindServiceQueue : public AsyncRequest
          FindServiceQueue(Uint32 routing, 
    		       AsyncOpNode *operation, 
    		       Uint32 response,
    		       Boolean blocking, 
    		       String service_name, 
    		       Uint32 service_capabilities, 
    		       Uint32 service_mask);
          virtual ~FindServiceQueue(void)
          String name;
          Uint32 capabilities;
          Uint32 mask;
    } ;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE FindServiceQueueResult : public AsyncReply
          FindServiceQueueResult(Uint32 key, 
    			     Uint32 routing, 
    			     AsyncOpNode *operation, 
    			     Uint32 result_code, 
    			     Uint32 destination, 
    			     Boolean blocking, 
    			     Array<Uint32> queue_ids);
          virtual ~FindServiceQueueResult(void)
          Array<Uint32> qids;
    } ;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE EnumerateService : public AsyncRequest
          EnumerateService(Uint32 routing, 
    		       AsyncOpNode *operation, 
    		       Uint32 response, 
    		       Boolean blocking, 
    		       Uint32 queue_id);
          virtual ~EnumerateService(void)
          Uint32 qid;
    class PEGASUS_COMMON_LINKAGE EnumerateServiceResponse : public AsyncReply
          EnumerateServiceResponse(Uint32 key, 
    			       Uint32 routing, 
    			       AsyncOpNode *operation, 
    			       Uint32 result_code, 
    			       Uint32 response, 
    			       Boolean blocking,
    			       String service_name, 
    			       Uint32 service_capabilities, 
    			       Uint32 service_mask, 
    			       Uint32 service_qid);
          virtual ~EnumerateServiceResponse(void)
          String name;
          Uint32 capabilities;
          Uint32 mask;
          Uint32 qid;


    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_UNKNOWN           0x00000000
    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_INTERVAL_REPEAT   0x00000010
    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_INDICATION        0x00000020
    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_REMOTE            0x00000040
    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_LOCAL_OUT_OF_PROC 0x00000080
    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_PHASED            0x00000001
    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_PARTIAL           0x00000002
    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_NORMAL            0x00000000
    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_SINGLE            0x00000008
    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_MULTIPLE          0x00000010
    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_TOTAL             0x00000020
    #define ASYNC_OPFLAGS_META_DISPATCHER   0x00000040
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_UNKNOWN           0x00000000
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_OFFERED           0x00000001
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_DECLINED          0x00000002
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_STARTED           0x00000004
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_PROCESSING        0x00000008
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_DELIVER           0x00000010 
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_RESERVE           0x00000020
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_COMPLETE          0x00000040
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_TIMEOUT           0x00000080
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_CANCELLED         0x00000100
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_PAUSED            0x00000200
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_SUSPENDED         0x00000400
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_RESUMED           0x00000800
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_ORPHANED          0x00001000
    #define ASYNC_OPSTATE_RELEASED          0x00002000
    class Cimom;
          Boolean  operator == (const void *key) const;
          Boolean operator == (const AsyncOpNode & node) const;
          void get_timeout_interval(struct timeval *buffer) ;
          void set_timeout_interval(const struct timeval *interval);
          Boolean timeout(void)  ;
          OperationContext & get_context(void) ;
          void put_request(const Message *request) ;
          Message *get_request(void) ;
          void put_response(const Message *response) ;
          Message *get_response(void) ;
          Uint32 read_state(void) ;
          void write_state(Uint32) ;
          Uint32 read_flags(void);
          void write_flags(Uint32);
          void lock(void)  throw(IPCException);
          void unlock(void) throw(IPCException);
          void udpate(void) throw(IPCException);
          void deliver(const Uint32 count) throw(IPCException);
          void reserve(const Uint32 size) throw(IPCException);
          void processing(void) throw(IPCException) ;
          void processing(OperationContext *context) throw(IPCException);
          void complete(void) throw(IPCException) ;
          void complete(OperationContext *context) throw(IPCException);
          void release(void);
          void wait(void);
          Semaphore _client_sem;
          Mutex _mut;
          unlocked_dq<Message> _request;
          unlocked_dq<Message> _response; 
          OperationContext _operation_list;
          Uint32 _state;
          Uint32 _flags;
          Uint32 _offered_count;
          Uint32 _total_ops;
          Uint32 _completed_ops;
          Uint32 _user_data;
          struct timeval _start;
          struct timeval _lifetime;
          struct timeval _updated;
          struct timeval _timeout_interval;
          AsyncOpNode *_parent;
          unlocked_dq<AsyncOpNode> _children;
          void _reset(unlocked_dq<AsyncOpNode> *dst_q);
          // the lifetime member is for cache management by the cimom
          void _set_lifetime(struct timeval *lifetime) ;
          Boolean _check_lifetime(void) ;
          Boolean _is_child(void) ;
          Uint32 _is_parent(void) ;
          Boolean _is_my_child(const AsyncOpNode & caller) const;
          void _make_orphan( AsyncOpNode & parent) ;
          void _adopt_child(AsyncOpNode *child) ;
          void _disown_child(AsyncOpNode *child) ;
          friend class cimom;
          friend class MessageQueueService;

    Michael Day
    Last modified: Tue Feb 5 18:09:50 EST 2002