Notes from San Jose Meeting (February 8 - 9, 2001): =================================================== Ideas: * Write "The Pegasus Data Object" paper. * Tony might be able to help with GUI (will talk to Management). * Use MOF compiler to generate CreateInstance() functions. * See about porting to Tandem (see if BMC has a Tandem box). * Take a look at HTTPerf for beautiful code. * Implement process provider. * Take a look at UDG (Unix Design Guide); It proposed common Unix OS intrumentation. * What about dynmaic invocation of MOF? * Can we remove ACE earlier than planned? * Enumerate for Comapaq what level-1 SQL involves. * Client authentication. * We need a Java client. * Perform interoperability testing between "Sun WBEM Services" client and Pegasus server. * Need a whole Java discussion. * Provider writer's guide (start from writing provider, compiling MOF, and accessing it from a client). * DevCon: Paris in April. * DevCon: San Jose in June. * Compaq may contribute providers. * Installation using Install Shield. Compaq Priorities: * Get ACE going on Tandem. * Finalizing provider interface. * Query (Need SQL Parser).