Pegasus  CIM Server Demonstration

This is the top level page of  a demonstration of the basic capabilities of the Pegasus CIMOM from a WEB based client. See here for a description of the Demonstration.  For more information see the current Pegasus documentation which is on the Opeg Group WEB site.

The following hyperlinks demonstrate  the Pegasus CIM Server and the Basic WBEM/CIM operations. Unless noted below, each of the hyperlinks represents a single WBEM operation as defined in the WBEM standard. For each Operation, a WEB page allows you to enter parameters and then the correct request is made to the CIM Server and the response formatted as a WEB page an returned.

SETUP Pegasus CIM Services Broker Interface

DefineHostParameters          Define the host name and port to use in subsequent operations (Not Used today)


CIM NameSpace Operations

EnumerateNamespaces       Enumerate the names of the Namespaces defined in the Repository.

CreateNamespace              Creates a new namespace in the repository.

DeleteNamespace               Deletes an existing namespace from the repository.

WBEM CIM Meta Operations (Operations on CIM Classes and Qualfiers)

EnumerateClassNames         Enumerate subclass names of a CIM Class

GetClass                              Get a CIM Class

DeleteClass                          Delete a CIM Class

EnumerateClasses                Enumerate subclasses of a CIM Class information (Not implemented in CGI Client)

EnumerateQualifiers             Enumerate CIM Qualifier definitions

GetQualifier                         Get a Qualifier declaration

DeleteQualifier                     Delete a single Qualifier.

WBEM CIM Object Instance Operations

EnumerateInstanceNames    Enumerate instance names of a CIM Class

EnumerateInstances              Enumerate instances of a CIM Class (Not Implemented in CGI Client)

GetInstance                         Get a CIM Instance

DeleteInstance                     Get a CIM Instance

Special CIM Object Instance Operations

GetProperty                        Get a CIM Property value from a CIM Instance (Under Construction)

SetProperty                        Set a CIM Property value from a CIM Instance (Under Construction)


Invkoking Methods

InvokeMethod                    Invoke an extrinsic method (Method defined for a CIM Class)


Compound Operations

Class Tree

All Instances                        Show the classes that have instances

The CIM Operations as defined in the CIM HTTP Specification

Get a CIM Class *

Get a CIM Instance * 

Delete a CIM Class * 

Delete a CIM Instance 

Create a CIM Class

Create a CIM Instance

Modify a CIM Class

Modify a CIM Instance

Enumerate subclasses of a CIM Class*

Enumerate subclass names of a CIM Class *

Enumerate instances of a CIM Class *

Enumerate instance names of a CIM Class *

Delete a CIM Qualifier definition

Create a CIM Qualifier definition

Enumerate CIM Qualifier definitions *

Execute a Query

Enumerate associators of a CIM Object

Enumerate names of associators of a CIM Object

Enumerate references to a CIM Object

Enumerate names of references to a CIM Object

Get a CIM Property value from a CIM Instance

Set a CIM Property value from a CIM Instance

Get a Qualifier declaration *

Set a Qualifier declaration

Delete a Qualifier declaration

Enumerate Qualifier declarations

Description of the Demonstration Environment

Under Construction


Open Questions Questions

 - Enumerate Qualifier - Declaration vs defintion.

Demonstration Prepared by the OpenGroup Manageability Work Group Pegasus Development Team

See ( for more information on Pegasus