Reference Names CIM Operation

The referenceNames operation enumerates the association objects that refer to a particular target CIM Object (Class or Instance)

NameSpace     String that defines the target namespace. See NameSpace Operations for more information.

ObjectName     Defines name of the Class or Instance for which instance names are to be retrieved.  This must be a legal class in the repository or a valid Instance

ResultClass    NULL or a valid CIM class name that acts as a filter on returned set of Object Names.

Role                Null or valid CIM Property name. Acts as filter on returned set of object names.



If successful, the method returns the names of zero or more full CIM Class paths or Instance paths of Objects meeting the requested criteria. Since it is possible for CIM Objects from different hosts or namespaces to be associated, each returned path is an absolute path that includes host and namespace information.

If unsuccessful, one of the following status codes MUST be returned by this method, where the first applicable error in the list (starting with the first element of the list, and working down) is the error returned. Any additional method-specific interpretation of the error in is given in parentheses.

Additional Information

NameSpace The NameSpace parameter is a string that defines the target namespace. 

ObjectName  The objectName input parameter defines the target CIM Object whose referring object names are to be returned. It may be either a Class name or an Instance name (model path).

ResultClass -  The resultClass input parameter, if not NULL, MUST be a valid CIM Class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of Object Names by mandating that each returned Object CIMName MUST identify an Instance of this Class (or one of its subclasses), or this Class (or one of its subclasses).

Role -  The role input parameter, if not NULL, MUST be a valid CIMProperty name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of Object Names by mandating that each returned Object CIMName MUST identify an Object that refers to the target Instance via a CIMProperty whose name matches the value of this parameter.

C++ Call

virtual Array<CIMReference> referenceNames(
		const String& nameSpace,
		const CIMReference& objectName,
		const String& resultClass = String::EMPTY,
		const String& role = String::EMPTY) = 0;


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Last Modified Friday, June 29, 2001 07:01:54 PM      Copyright @ The Open Group 2001