GetClass Operation

The GetClass method returns a single CIM Class from the target Namespace where the ClassName input parameter defines the name of the class to be retrieved.

NameSpace The NameSpace parameter is a string that defines the target namespace.

ClassName The ClassName input parameter defines the name of the Class to be retrieved.

LocalOnly                       If the LocalOnly input parameter is true, this specifies that only CIM Elements (properties, methods and qualifiers) overriden within the definition of the Class are returned. If false, all elements are returned. This parameter therefore effects a CIM Server-side mechanism to filter certain elements of the returned object based on whether or not they have been propagated from the parent Class (as defined by the PROPAGATED attribute).

IncludeQualifiers              If the IncludeQualifiers input parameter is true, this specifies that all Qualifiers for that Class (including Qualifiers on the Class and on any returned Properties, Methods or Method Parameters) MUST be included as elements in the response. If false no QUALIFIER elements are present in the returned Class.

IncludeClassOrigins         If the IncludeClassOrigin input parameter is true, this specifies that the CLASSORIGIN attribute MUST be present on all appropriate elements in the returned Class. If false, no CLASSORIGIN attributes are present in the returned Class.

PropertyList NOTE: NOT IMPLEMENTED. If the PropertyList input parameter is not NULL, the members of the array define one or more Property names. The returned Class MUST NOT include elements for any Properties missing from this list. Note that if LocalOnly is specified as true this acts as an additional filter on the set of Properties returned (for example, if Property A is included in the PropertyList but LocalOnly is set to true and A is not local to the requested Class, then it will not be included in the response). If the PropertyList input parameter is an empty array this signifies that no Properties are included in the response. If the PropertyList input parameter is NULL this specifies that all Properties (subject to the conditions expressed by the other parameters) are included in the response.

If the PropertyList contains duplicate elements, the Server MUST ignore the duplicates but otherwise process the request normally. If the PropertyList contains elements which are invalid Property names for the target Class, the Server MUST ignore such entries but otherwise process the request normally.


     RETURN - If successful, the return value is a single CIM Class.If unsuccessful, one of the following status codes MUST be returned by this method, where the first applicable error in the list (starting with the first element of the list, and working down) is the error returned. Any additional method-specific interpretation of the error in is given in parentheses