DeleteQualifier CIM Operation

The deleteQualifiers operation deletes a single CIMQualifier declarations from the target Namespace. 

NameSpace   Target Namespace

Qualifier         Qualifier name of qualifier  to be deleted.


Return Results

If successful, the specified CIMQualifier declaration MUST have been deleted from the Namespace. @return If unsuccessful, one of the following status codes MUST be returned by this method, where the first applicable error in the list (starting with the first element of the list, and working down) is the error returned. Any additional method-specific interpretation of the error in is given in parentheses.

Additional Fields Description

The deleteQualifier operation deletes a single CIMQualifier declaration from the target Namespace. 

NameSpace  - The NameSpace parameter is a string that defines the target namespace \Ref{NAMESPACE} 

QualifierName - The QualifierName input parameter identifies the CIMQualifier whose declaration to be deleted. @return 

C++ Pegasus API

        virtual void deleteQualifier(
        	 const String& nameSpace,
        	 const String& qualifierName) = 0;

Demonstration Prepared by the OpenGroup Manageability Work Group Pegasus Development Team

See ( for more information on Pegasus

Last Modified Friday, June 29, 2001 06:33:30 PM      Copyright @ The Open Group 2001