CreateClass CIM Operation

The CreateClass method creates a single CIM Class for the target Namespace where the ClassName input parameter defines the name of the class to be created.

NameSpace String that defines the target namespace. See NameSpace Operations for more information

ClassName Defines the name of the Class to be created. See Enumerate Class Names for a list of classes that already exist

SuperClass Name of the class that the new class inherits from

PropertyName1    PropertyValue1   String

PropertyName2    PropertyValue2   String

PropertyName3    PropertyValue3   Integer


The createClass method creates a single CIM Class in the target Namespace. The Class MUST NOT already exist. The NewClass input parameter defines the new Class. The proposed definition MUST be a correct Class definition according to the CIM specification. In processing the creation of the new Class, the following rules MUST be conformed to by the CIM Server: Any CLASSORIGIN and PROPAGATED attributes in the NewClass MUST be ignored by the Server. If the new Class has no Superclass, the NewClass parameter defines a new base Class. The Server MUST ensure that all Properties and Methods of the new Class have a CLASSORIGIN attribute whose value is the name of the new Class. If the new Class has a Superclass, the NewClass parameter defines a new Subclass of that Superclass. The Superclass MUST exist. The Server MUST ensure that:

@param NameSpace The NameSpace parameter is a string that defines the target namespace \Ref{NAMESPACE} @parm NewClass The NewClass input parameter defines the new Class. @return If successful, the specified Class MUST have been created by the CIM Server. If unsuccessful, one of the following status codes MUST be returned by this method, where the first applicable error in the list (starting with the first element of the list, and working down) is the error returned. Any additional method-specific interpretation of the error in is given in parentheses.
    virtual void createClass(

		const String& nameSpace,
		ClassDecl& newClass) = 0;