README - The Scehmas Directories This directory contains a set of subdirectories with the CIM MOF files and the Makefile that installs a CIMSchema into the Pegasus Repository The CIMOMxx directories are the official DMTF MOF files for the versions of CIM defined by the xx (ex. CIM25 for CIM Schema version 2.5). Preliminary versions of the CIM schemas should have the directory naming: CIMPRELIMxx The other directories are CIM MOF files for the Pegasus project including Pegasus extensions and tests. New CIM Schemas should be added to this directory each as a complete subdirectory. Please use the directory naming CIMxx orCIMPRELIMxx where xx is the version 21 Feb 2002 - KS Added the Makefile for repository install to the Schemas directory. the version of the CIMSchema to install is defined in that makefile.