// =================================================================== // Title: Network Pipes // $State: dead $ // $Date: 2005/02/24 20:47:33 $ // $Source: /cvs/MSB/pegasus/Schemas/CIMPrelim29/Attic/Network_Pipes.mof,v $ // $Revision: 1.2 $ // =================================================================== //#pragma inLine ("Includes/copyright.inc") // Copyright 1998-2004 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF). // All rights reserved. // DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated // to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability. // DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses // consistent with this purpose by members and non-members, // provided that correct attribution is given. // As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time, // the particular version and release date should always be noted. // // Implementation of certain elements of this standard or proposed // standard may be subject to third party patent rights, including // provisional patent rights (herein "patent rights"). DMTF makes // no representations to users of the standard as to the existence // of such rights, and is not responsible to recognize, disclose, or // identify any or all such third party patent right, owners or // claimants, nor for any incomplete or inaccurate identification or // disclosure of such rights, owners or claimants. DMTF shall have no // liability to any party, in any manner or circumstance, under any // legal theory whatsoever, for failure to recognize, disclose, or // identify any such third party patent rights, or for such party's // reliance on the standard or incorporation thereof in its product, // protocols or testing procedures. DMTF shall have no liability to // any party implementing such standard, whether such implementation // is foreseeable or not, nor to any patent owner or claimant, and shall // have no liability or responsibility for costs or losses incurred if // a standard is withdrawn or modified after publication, and shall be // indemnified and held harmless by any party implementing the // standard from any and all claims of infringement by a patent owner // for such implementations. // // For information about patents held by third-parties which have // notified the DMTF that, in their opinion, such patent may relate to // or impact implementations of DMTF standards, visit // http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/disclosures.php. //#pragma inLine // =================================================================== // Description: The Network Model extends the management concepts to // represent protocol interfaces and network/protocol // services. This file models network pipes, based on // the ITU M.3100 definitions. // // The object classes below are listed in an order that // avoids forward references. Required objects, defined // by other working groups, are omitted. // ================================================================== // Change Log for v2.9 preliminary // CR1347 - add iSCSI classes // CR1355 - Add properties to iscsi session // CR1465 - Remove extra space in MappingStrings // { "MIB.IETF|IPS-AUTH-MIB.ipsAuthCredAuthMethod "} // // Change Log for v2.7 // CR696 - Add M.3100 concepts of Pipe; Define the associations, // HostedPipe, EndpointOfPipe, and PipeComposition // CR850 - Change CIM_Pipe to CIM_NetworkPipe; Propagate this change // through the model; Make similar name changes throughout // the other classes // CR961 - Changes to Enabled and RequestedState in NetworkPipe, // inherited from EnabledLogicalElement // CR982 - Removal of Experimental for preliminary to final // CR994 - Update of the InstanceID property Description // Change Log for v2.8 // CR1128 - Change subclassing from CIM_Dependency to // CIM_HostedDependency for identified classes. This is // needed as a result of the introduction of HostedDependency // by SysDev // =================================================================== #pragma Locale ("en_US") // ================================================================ // NetworkPipe // ================================================================ [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "NetworkPipe is a subclass of EnabledLogicalElement, " "representing the state and management of a connection or trail " "between endpoints. This object is different than the " "association between the endpoints (CIM_ActiveConnection) since " "the emphasis is NOT on the endpoints but on the management of " "the pipe itself - its state, configuration, etc. NetworkPipes " "are defined in the context of a CIM_Network and represent the " "'transfer of information . . . between . . . endpoints'. These " "concepts are aligned with the definition of the Pipe object in " "ITU's M.3100 specification."), MappingStrings { "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe", "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.TrailR1", "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.ConnectionR1", "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.SubNetworkConnection" }] class CIM_NetworkPipe : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement { [Key, Description ( "Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID " "opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. " "In order to ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the " "value of InstanceID SHOULD be constructed using the " "following 'preferred' algorithm: \n" ": \n" "Where and are separated by a colon ':', " "and where MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked " "or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business " "entity creating/defining the InstanceID, or is a registered " "ID that is assigned to the business entity by a recognized " "global authority. (This is similar to the _ structure of Schema class names.) In " "addition, to ensure uniqueness MUST NOT contain a " "colon (':'). When using this algorithm, the first colon to " "appear in InstanceID MUST appear between and " ". (For DMTF defined instances, the 'preferred' " "algorithm MUST be used with the set to 'CIM'.) \n" " MUST include either a vendor specified unique " "identifier, or if mapping from an ITU M.3100 environment, " "the trailID, connectionID or subNetworkConnectionID of the " "instances of PipeR2."), MappingStrings { "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.TrailR1.trailId", "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.ConnectionR1.connectionID", "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.SubNetworkConnection." "subNetworkConnectionID" }] string InstanceID; [Description ( "Indicates whether the pipe is bi-directional (value = 2), " "unidirectional (value = 3), or this information is not " "known (value = 0). For unidirectional pipes, the source and " "sink are indicated by a property (SourceOrSink) of the " "association, EndpointOfNetworkPipe."), ValueMap { "0", "2", "3" }, Values { "Unknown", "Bi-Directional", "Unidirectional" }, MappingStrings { "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.directionality" }] uint16 Directionality; [Description ( "Indicates whether the pipe is composed of lower-level " "pipes, and if so, how these lower-level pipes are " "aggregated (in parallel or in sequence). The specific " "instances of NetworkPipe that are combined are described " "using the NetworkPipeComposition association. \n" "\n" "In the context of M.3100, the ability to be composed of " "lower-level pipes is modeled as a Trail. A Trail is made up " "of one or more Connections. (Note that both Trails and " "Connections are subclasses of Pipe). Because of the " "flexibility of the NetworkPipeComposition association, " "there is no need to subclass NetworkPipe, as was done in " "M.3100, but merely to instantiate the " "NetworkPipeComposition association to describe the bundling " "of the lower-level pipes (i.e., the connections), or the " "sequencing of them."), ValueMap { "0", "2", "3", "4" }, Values { "Unknown", "No Lower-Level Composition", "Combined In Parallel", "Combined In Sequence" }] uint16 AggregationBehavior; [Override ( "EnabledState" ), MappingStrings { "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.operationalState" }] uint16 EnabledState; [Override ( "RequestedState" ), Write, MappingStrings { "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.administrativeState" }] uint16 RequestedState = 5; }; // ================================================================== // HostedNetworkPipe // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "HostedNetworkPipe is an association between a pipe and the " "network in whose context the pipe is defined. The cardinality " "of this association is 1-to-many. A network may host many " "pipes, and pipes are scoped/contained by only one network.")] class CIM_HostedNetworkPipe : CIM_HostedDependency { [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 1 ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The hosting network.")] CIM_Network REF Antecedent; [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The pipe in the network.")] CIM_NetworkPipe REF Dependent; }; // ================================================================== // EndpointOfNetworkPipe // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "EndpointOfNetworkPipe describes the endpoints between which a " "pipe transfers information. Whether an endpoint is a source or " "sink is indicated by a property of the association, " "SourceOrSink."), MappingStrings { "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.a-TPInstance", "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.z-TPInstance" }] class CIM_EndpointOfNetworkPipe : CIM_Dependency { [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 2 ), Max ( 2 ), Description ( "One of the endpoints of the pipe.")] CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent; [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The pipe which is dependent on the endpoints as the source " "or sink of the transferred information.")] CIM_NetworkPipe REF Dependent; [Description ( "Indicates whether the endpoint is a source (value = 2), or " "sink (value = 3) for the pipe. If this information is not " "applicable, the property is set to 4. If the information is " "not known, the property is set to 0."), ValueMap { "0", "2", "3", "4" }, Values { "Unknown", "Source", "Sink", "Not Applicable" }] uint16 SourceOrSink; }; // ================================================================== // NetworkPipeComposition // ================================================================== [Association, Aggregation, Composition, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "NetworkPipeComposition describes the makeup a pipe, based on " "lower-level ones. If the pipe is not composed of lower-level " "entities (i.e., its AggregationBehavior property is set to 2), " "then no instances of this association should be defined where " "the pipe has the role of GroupComponent. \n" "\n" "In the context of M.3100, this semantic is modeled as a Trail " "that is made up of one or more Connections. Both Trails and " "Connections are subclasses of M.3100's Pipe. Because of the " "flexibility of the NetworkPipeComposition association, there " "is no need to subclass NetworkPipe, as was done in M.3100, but " "merely to instantiate this association to describe the " "bundling of the lower-level pipes (connections), or the " "sequencing of them. How the lower-level pipes are aggregated " "is described by the property, AggregationBehavior, of " "NetworkPipe. If the pipes are combined in a sequence, the " "ordering is conveyed via the property, AggregationSequence, on " "this association."), MappingStrings { "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.TrailR1.serverConnectionListPackage", "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.TrailR1.clientConnectionListPackage" }] class CIM_NetworkPipeComposition : CIM_Component { [Aggregate, Override ( "GroupComponent" ), Description ( "The higher level pipe that is composed of lower-level " "parts/pipes.")] CIM_NetworkPipe REF GroupComponent; [Override ( "PartComponent" ), Description ( "A pipe which is a part of a higher-level one.")] CIM_NetworkPipe REF PartComponent; [Description ( "Indicates the ordering of the PartComponent pipes in the " "GroupComponent. If the AggregationBehavior property of the " "GroupComponent pipe is set to 0 or 3 (\"Unknown\" or " "\"Combined In Parallel\"), then this property MUST be set " "to 0. If the AggregationBehavior is set to 4 (\"Combined In " "Sequence\"), then this property SHOULD indicate the " "ordering of the component pipes. Ordering starts with 1 and " "larger numbers indicate subsequent pipes. The numbering " "does not have to be in sequence. The word SHOULD is used in " "this Description, since the specific ordering of all the " "component pipes may not be known. In these cases, a value " "of 0 would be placed in AggregationSequence to indicate " "that ordering information is not available.")] uint16 AggregationSequence; }; // ================================================================== // iSCSISession // ================================================================== [Experimental, Version ( "2.8.1000" ), Description ( "iSCSISession is a network pipe between an initiator and target " "SCSIProtocolEndpoints. An iSCSISession is composed of one or " "more TCP connections which MUST be selected from a " "SystemSpecificCollection representing an iSCSI Portal Group. " "NetworkPipeComposition aggregates NetworkPipe instances " "representing iSCSI connections, which are associated to " "TCPProtocolEndpoints. Only an iSCSI initiator can create an " "iSCSI Session, an iSCSI Target MUST accept (or reject) a " "session request. EndOfNetworkPipe associates iSCSISession with " "SCSIProtocolEndpoint.")] class CIM_iSCSISession : CIM_NetworkPipe { [Override ( "Directionality" ), Description ( "iSCSI sessions MUST be bidirectional."), ValueMap { "2" }, Values { "Bi-Directional" }] uint16 Directionality = 2; [Description ( "iSCSI Session type."), ValueMap { "2" ,"3" }, Values { "Discovery", "Normal" }, MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnType" }] uint16 SessionType; [Description ( "The Target Session Identifying Handle (TSIH) for this " "session."), MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnTSIH" }] uint32 TSIH; [Description ( "The iSCSI Port Name (iSCSIProtocolEndPoint.Name), of the " "device at the other end of this iSCSISession."), MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnInitiatorName", "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnTargetName" }] string EndPointName; [Description ( "The number of transport protocol connections that currently " "belong to this session."), MinValue ( 1 ), MaxValue ( 65535 ), MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnConnectionNumber" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_iSCSISessionSettings.MaxConnectionsPerSession" }] uint32 CurrentConnections; [Description ( "If set to true, indicates that the initiator MUST wait for " "an R2T before sending to the target. If set to false, the " "initiator MAY send data immediately, within limits set by " "iscsiSsnFirstBurstLength and the expected data transfer " "length of the request."), MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnInitialR2T" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_iSCSISessionSettings.InitialR2TPreference" }] boolean InitialR2T; [Description ( "Indicates whether the initiator and target have agreed to " "support immediate data on this session."), MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnImmediateData" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_iSCSISessionSettings.ImmediateDataPreference" }] boolean ImmediateData; [Description ( "The maximum number of outstanding request-to-transmit " "(R2T)s per iSCSI task within this session."), Units ( "Bytes" ), MinValue ( 1 ), MaxValue ( 65535 ), MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnMaxOutstandingR2T" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_iSCSISessionSettings.MaxOutstandingR2T" }] uint32 MaxOutstandingR2T; [Description ( "The maximum length supported for unsolicited data sent " "within this session."), Units ( "Bytes" ), MinValue ( 512 ), MaxValue ( 16777215 ), MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnFirstBurstLength" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_iSCSISessionSettings.MaxUnsolicitedFirstDataBurstLength" }] uint32 MaxUnsolicitedFirstDataBurstLength; [Description ( "The maximum number of bytes which can be sent within a " "single sequence of Data-In or Data-Out PDUs."), Units ( "Bytes" ), MinValue ( 512 ), MaxValue ( 16777215 ), MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnMaxBurstLength" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_iSCSISessionSettings.MaxDataBurstLength" }] uint32 MaxDataBurstLength; [Description ( "The authentication method being used on this session, as " "communicated during the login phase."), ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5" }, Values { "None", "SRP", "CHAP", "Kerberos" }, MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|IPS-AUTH-MIB.ipsAuthCredAuthMethod" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_iSCSICapabilities.AuthenticationMethodsSupported" }] uint16 AuthenticationMethodUsed; [Description ( "False indicates that iSCSI data PDU sequences MAY be " "transferred in any order. True indicates that data PDU " "sequences MUST be transferred using continuously increasing " "offsets, except during error recovery."), MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnDataSequenceInOrder" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_iSCSISessionSettings.DataSequenceInOrderPreference" }] boolean DataSequenceInOrder; [Description ( "False indicates that iSCSI data PDUs within sequences MAY " "be in any order. True indicates that data PDUs within " "sequences MUST be at continuously increasing addresses, " "with no gaps or overlay between PDUs. Default is true."), MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnDataPDUInOrder" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_iSCSISessionSettings.DataPDUInOrderPreference" }] boolean DataPDUInOrder; [Description ( "The level of error recovery negotiated between the " "initiator and the target. Higher numbers represent more " "detailed recovery schemes."), MinValue ( 1 ), MaxValue ( 255 ), MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|iSCSI-MIB.iscsiSsnErrorRecoveryLevel" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_iSCSISessionSettings.ErrorRecoveryLevelPreference" }] uint32 ErrorRecoveryLevel; }; // =================================================================== // end of file // ===================================================================