// =================================================================== // Title: Network Quality of Service 2.8.0 // Filename: Network28_QoS.mof // Version: 2.8.0 // Status: Final // Date: Jan 26, 2004 // =================================================================== // Copyright 1998-2004 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF). // All rights reserved. // DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated // to promoting enterprise and systems management and interoperability. // DMTF specifications and documents may be reproduced for uses // consistent with this purpose by members and non-members, // provided that correct attribution is given. // As DMTF specifications may be revised from time to time, // the particular version and release date should always be noted. // // Implementation of certain elements of this standard or proposed // standard may be subject to third party patent rights, including // provisional patent rights (herein "patent rights"). DMTF makes // no representations to users of the standard as to the existence // of such rights, and is not responsible to recognize, disclose, or // identify any or all such third party patent right, owners or // claimants, nor for any incomplete or inaccurate identification or // disclosure of such rights, owners or claimants. DMTF shall have no // liability to any party, in any manner or circumstance, under any // legal theory whatsoever, for failure to recognize, disclose, or // identify any such third party patent rights, or for such party's // reliance on the standard or incorporation thereof in its product, // protocols or testing procedures. DMTF shall have no liability to // any party implementing such standard, whether such implementation // is foreseeable or not, nor to any patent owner or claimant, and shall // have no liability or responsibility for costs or losses incurred if // a standard is withdrawn or modified after publication, and shall be // indemnified and held harmless by any party implementing the // standard from any and all claims of infringement by a patent owner // for such implementations. // // For information about patents held by third-parties which have // notified the DMTF that, in their opinion, such patent may relate to // or impact implementations of DMTF standards, visit // http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/disclosures.php. // =================================================================== // Description: The Network Model extends the management concepts to // represent protocol interfaces and network/protocol // services. This file defines classes to manage // DiffServ/IntServ quality of service. // // The object classes below are listed in an order that // avoids forward references. Required objects, defined // by other working groups, are omitted. // ================================================================== // Change Log for v2.7 // CR662 - Modify Description of QoSService to indicate that // NetworkService has been deprecated // CR794 - Updates to PacketSchedulingService: // - Update description // - Change subclassing from ForwardingService to // ConditioningService // (ERRATA) - Change the enumeration for SchedulerType // - Update description for OtherSchedulerType // - Add NextScheduler Association // - Add NonWorkConservingSchedulingService and FailNextScheduler // (ERRATA) - Remove PrioritySchedulingService, // PriorityBandwidthSchedulingService, // BandwidthSchedulingService, // RoundRobinPacketSchedulingService and // WeightedRoundRobinPacketSchedulingService // - Deprecate SchedulerUsed // CR795 - Updates to DropperService: // - Update description // (ERRATA) - Change the enumeration for DropperType // - Deprecate AlwaysDrop property // - Add DropFrom property // - Changes to REDDropperService to update description, update // description of MinQueueThreshold and MaxQueueThreshold // properties, and add ThresholdUnits property // (ERRATA) - In REDDropperService, change the datatype of the // StartProbability and StopProbability properties // - Add HeadTrailDropper // - Deprecate WeightedREDDropperService // CR795 (Continued) - Updates to QueuingService: // - Update description // - Add CurrentQueueDepth and DepthUnits properties // (ERRATA) - Remove the SmoothingWeight, TimeInterval, and // GiveExcessCapacity properties // - Add DropThresholdCalculationService // - Add QueueAllocation.AllocationPercentage // - Deprecate QueueHierarchy // - Add CalculationServiceForDropper, CalculationBasedOnQueue // and HeadTailDropQueueBinding // CR796 - Updates to MarkerService: // - Update description // - Remove the CanRemark, RemarkType, OtherRemarkType, // and RemarkValue properties // - Add PreambleMarkerService, ToSMarkerService, // DSCPMarkerService and 8021QMarkerService // CR797 - Update description for MeterService and expand the // abbreviations for MeterType // - Update description for AverageRateMeterService // (ERRATA) - Change the datatype for AverageRateMeterService. // AverageRate from real32 to uint32 and change the // units for AverageRateMeterService.DeltaInterval // - Update the description for EWMAMeterService // (ERRATA) - Change the datatype for EWMAMeterService // .AverageRate and.Gain from real32 to uint32 // (ERRATA) - Change the Units of EWMAMeterService.DeltaIntervals // - Update the description for TokenBucketMeterService // - Change the datatype for TokenBucketMeterService // .AverageRate, .PeakRate, .BurstSize, and // .ExcessBurstSize from real32 to uint32 // (ERRATA) - Fix subclassing of NextServiceAfterMeter, fix // misspelled property name, and update the enum values for // MeterResult // CR798 - Updates to ClassifierService: // - Update description // - Remove ClassifierType, OtherClassifierType, and // HaveClassifiedPacket properties // - Add ClassifierElement, ClassifierElementInClassifierService, // ClassifierElementUsesFilterList, and // NextServiceAfterClassifierElement // - Deprecate ClassifierFilterSet // CR799 - Updates to QoSService: // - Update the description // (ERRATA) - Change the subclassing // - Add Composition qualifier to QoSSubService // - Update description for QoSConditioningSubService and // remove the Max (1) from the "Group" ref // - Update the description for DiffServService // - Deprecate DiffServService.DSCP // - Add DiffServService.PHBID // - Update the description for AFService and its ClassNumber // and DropperNumber properties // - Add FlowService // - Deprecate PrecedenceService, Hdr8021PService and EFService // CR800 - Updates to ConditioningService: // - Update the class description // - Deprecate the Enabled property // (ERRATA) - Change the subclassing // - Deprecate ConditioningServiceOnEndpoint // - Add IngressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint and // EgressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint // CR800 (Continued) - Updates for NextService: // - Update the class description // (ERRATA) - Remove the TrafficClass property // - Fix spelling of reference (Preceeding, should be Preceding) // CR849 - Define InstanceID as the Key of SchedulingElement // CR914 - Change inheritance of the deprecated association, // ConditioningServiceOnEndpoint (from ForwardsAmong to its // superclass, Dependency). Remove the ValueMap qualifier // from the properties, WRRSchedulingElement.WorkConserving, // PrioritySchedulingElement.WorkConserving, and // BoundedPrioritySchedulingElement.WorkConserving // CR920 - Remove the Key qualifier from NextScheduler.FollowingService // since its superclass defines the key; Add missing parenthesis // to the Description of AFService // CR961 - Update the reference to EnabledLogicalElement.EnabledState // CR982 - Removal of Experimental for preliminary to final // CR983 - v2.7 Deprecations promoted to final // CR994 - Update the InstanceID property Description // Change Log for v2.8 // CR1217 - Add to the Description for WRRSchedulingElement.Priority // CR1226 - Change all references to CIM_8021QMarkerService to // CIM_Priority8021QMarkerService. // Change all references to CIM_8021PService to CIM_Hdr8021PService. // CR1228 - Remove confusing double quotes in description for // AlwaysDrop property // CR1232 - Update incorrect references // From CIM_8021PService.PriorityValue // ToCIM_Hdr8021Filter.HdrPriorityValue8021 // in Hdr8021PService.PriorityValue // // From CIM_DropperService.TypeOfDropper (=4, Absolute ... // To CIM_DropperService.DropperType // in property CIM_DropperService.AlwaysDrop // // From CIM_DropperThresholdCalculationService.SmoothingWeight // To CIM_DropThresholdCalculationService.SmoothingWeight // in CIM_WeightedREDDropperService.Weight // // CR1238 - Fix model correspondence reference problems in final // version // // =================================================================== #pragma Locale ("en_US") // =================================================================== // QoSService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This is a concrete class that represents the ability to " "conceptualize a QoS service as a set of coordinated " "sub-services. This enables the network administrator to map " "business rules to the network, and the network designer to " "engineer the network such that it can provide different " "functions for different traffic streams. \n" "\n" "This class has two main purposes. First, it serves as a common " "base class for defining various sub-services that are needed " "to build higher-level QoS services. Second, it serves as a way " "to consolidate relationships between different types of QoS " "services and different types of ConditioningServices. \n" "\n" "For example, Gold Service may be defined as a QoSService which " "aggregates two other QoSServices together. Each of these " "'other' QoSServices could be DiffServServices - one " "representing the servicing of very high demand packets " "(instantiated as a DiffServService directly), and one " "representing the service given to most of the packets " "(instantiated as an AFService). The high demand " "DiffServService instance would use QoSConditioning SubService " "to aggregate together the necessary classifiers to indicate " "which traffic it applies to, the appropriate meters for " "contract limits, the marker to mark the EF PHB in the packets, " "and the queuing-related services. The AFService instance would " "similarly use QoSConditioning SubService to aggregate its " "classifiers, meters, the several markers used to mark the " "different AF PHBs in the packets, and the queuing-related " "services needed to deliver the packet treatment.")] class CIM_QoSService : CIM_Service { }; // ================================================================== // QoSSubService // ================================================================== [Association, Aggregation, Composition, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "The associations - QoSSubService and QoSConditioningSub " "Service - operate in conjunction. High level QoS definitions, " "such as 'John gets Gold Service', map to lower level, more " "concrete QoSServices (the subclasses of QoSService). This is " "described by the QoSSubService association. In turn, each of " "the SubServices may require their own conditioning. This is " "modeled using the QoSConditioningSubService aggregation. \n" "\n" "Note that a more concrete QoSService may only be aggregated " "into one higher level Service, using this association. The " "cardinality on the GroupComponent reference is Max (1).")] class CIM_QoSSubService : CIM_ServiceComponent { [Aggregate, Override ( "GroupComponent" ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The higher level QoSService that is constructed by " "aggregating one or more lower-level QoSServices.")] CIM_QoSService REF GroupComponent; [Override ( "PartComponent" ), Description ( "The more concrete QoSService that is used to provide the " "higher level Service.")] CIM_QoSService REF PartComponent; }; // =================================================================== // PrecedenceService // =================================================================== [Deprecated { "CIM_QoSService" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class represents a specialization of the general concept " "of forwarding network traffic by adding specific semantics " "that define how traffic is forwarded based on the value of the " "ToS byte of a packet. \n" "\n" "This class is used to enable DiffServ devices and non- " "DiffServ devices to exchange traffic. This is done by defining " "a sibling class, DiffServService, to represent devices that " "forward traffic based on the DiffServ code point. This enables " "the administrator to define mappings between devices that do " "not support DiffServ (and instead use IP Precedence) and those " "that do support DiffServ. \n" "\n" "PrecedenceService is deprecated since forwarding based on the " "value of the ToS byte is specified using a FilterList, which " "is associated with a ClassifierElement. If there is a need to " "distinguish a higher-level set of coordinated QoS services, " "the QoSService class can be instantiated directly.")] class CIM_PrecedenceService : CIM_QoSService { [Deprecated { "CIM_IPHeadersFilter.HdrDSCP" }, Description ( "This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the " "notion of precedence for different types of traffic.")] uint8 PrecedenceValue; }; // =================================================================== // DiffServService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "DiffServService represents the use of standard or custom " "DiffServ services (associated with particular Per Hop " "Behaviors, PHBs) to implement a (higher-level) QoSService. " "Note that the DiffServService may be just one of a set of " "coordinated QoSSubServices that together implement a " "higher-level QoSService. The relationship between the " "QoSServices is described using the association, QoSSubService.")] class CIM_DiffServService : CIM_QoSService { [Deprecated { "CIM_DiffServService.PHBID" }, Description ( "This property is an unsigned 8-bit integer, and defines the " "Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) that this link " "uses to represent various types of differentiated services " "through device-specific configuration commands. It is " "deprecated since this information is conveyed via filter " "lists, associated with ClassifierElements. The " "DiffServService is better represented as a Per Hop " "Behavior.")] uint8 DSCP; [Description ( "A 16-bit unsigned integer which identifies a particular per " "hop behavior, or family of per hop behaviors. The value is " "a Per Hop Behavior Identification Code, as defined in " "[R3140]. Note that as defined, these identification codes " "use the default, recommended, code points for PHBs as part " "of their structure. These values may well be different from " "the actual value used in the marker, as the marked value is " "domain-dependent. The ability to indicate the PHB " "Identification Code associated with a DiffServService is " "helpful when tying the QoSService to reference documents, " "and for inter-domain coordination and operation.")] uint16 PHBID; }; // =================================================================== // Hdr8021PService // =================================================================== [Deprecated { "CIM_QoSService" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class represents a specialization of the general concept " "of forwarding network traffic by adding specific semantics " "that define how traffic is forwarded based on the value of the " "Priority field in the 802.1P header. \n" "\n" "This class is used to enable DiffServ domains and domains that " "support 802.1P only to exchange traffic. It represents the " "mapping between implementations that only support 802.1P " "priority marking to be mapped to implementations that support " "DiffServ, which use DSCPs. \n" "\n" "Hdr8021PService is deprecated since forwarding based on the " "value of the Priority field in the 802.1P header is specified " "using a FilterList, which is associated with a " "ClassifierElement. If there is a need to distinguish a " "higher-level set of coordinated QoS services, the QoSService " "class can be instantiated directly.")] class CIM_Hdr8021PService : CIM_QoSService { [Deprecated { "CIM_Hdr8021Filter.HdrPriorityValue8021" }, Description ( "This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the " "notion of priority as specified in 802.1P implementations.")] uint8 PriorityValue; }; // =================================================================== // AFService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class represents a specialization to the general concept " "of forwarding network traffic by adding specific semantics " "that characterize the operation of the Assured Forwarding (AF) " "Service (RFC2597). This RFC defines four different AF classes " "to represent four different treatments of traffic (e.g., a " "different amount of forwarding resources, such as buffer space " "and bandwidth, are allocated). Within each AF class, IP " "packets are marked with one of three possible drop precedence " "values. The drop precedence of a packet determines the " "relative importance of that packet compared to other packets " "within the same AF class if congestion occurs. A congested " "interface will try to avoid dropping packets with a lower drop " "precedence value by instead discarding packets with a higher " "drop precedence value. \n" "\n" "Note that [R2597] defines 12 DSCPs that together represent the " "AF Per Hop Behavior (PHB) group. Implementations are free to " "extend this (e.g., add more classes and/or drop precedences). " "\n\n" "The AFService class is modeled as a specialization of " "DiffServService, which is in turn a specialization of " "QoSService. This enables it to be related to higher-level " "QoSServices, as well as to lower-level conditioning " "sub-services (e.g., classification, metering, dropping, " "queuing, and others).")] class CIM_AFService : CIM_DiffServService { [Description ( "This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer that indicates " "the number of AF classes that this AF implementation uses. " "Among the instances aggregated into AFService (using " "QoSConditioningSubService), one SHOULD find markers with as " "many distinct values as is indicated by ClassNumber.")] uint8 ClassNumber; [Description ( "This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer that indicates " "the number of drop precedence values that this AF " "implementation uses. The number of drop precedence values " "is the number PER AF CLASS. The corresponding droppers are " "found in the collection of ConditioningServices aggregated " "by QoSConditioningSubService.")] uint8 DropperNumber; }; // =================================================================== // FlowService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class represents a service that supports a particular " "microflow. The microflow is identified by the string-valued " "property FlowID. In some implementations, an instance of this " "class corresponds to an entry in the implementation's flow " "table.")] class CIM_FlowService : CIM_QoSService { [Description ( "This property is a string containing an identifier for a " "microflow.")] string FlowID; }; // =================================================================== // EFService // =================================================================== [Deprecated { "CIM_DiffServService" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class represents a specialization of the general concept " "of forwarding network traffic by adding specific semantics " "that characterize the operation of the Expedited Forwarding " "(EF) Service (defined in RFC 2598). \n" "\n" "The EF PHB can be used to build a low loss, low latency, low " "jitter, assured bandwidth, end-to-end service through DiffServ " "domains. Such a service appears to the endpoints like a " "point-to-point connection or a virtual leased line. This " "service has also been described as Premium service in the IETF " "literature. \n" "\n" "RFC 2598 defines one DSCP for the EF service. Thus, there is " "no need to define any attributes in this class, since an " "instance of the EFService class, by definition, means that " "this particular DSCP is used. \n" "\n" "EFService is deprecated since forwarding based on the value of " "the DiffServ Code Point is specified using a FilterList, which " "is associated with a ClassifierElement. If there is a need to " "distinguish a higher-level set of coordinated QoS services, " "the DiffServService class can be instantiated directly.")] class CIM_EFService : CIM_DiffServService { }; // ================================================================== // AFRelatedServices // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.6.0" ), Description ( "The IETF's RFC2597 describes a Differentiated Services " "Per-Hop-Behavior (PHB) Group called Assured Forwarding (AF). " "Quoting from the RFC, 'The AF PHB group provides delivery of " "IP packets in four independently forwarded AF classes. Within " "each AF class, an IP packet can be assigned one of three " "different levels of drop precedence.' The AFRelatedServices " "association describes the precedence of the individual AF " "drop-related Services within an AF IP packet-forwarding class.")] class CIM_AFRelatedServices { [Key, Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The AFService with a lower drop precedence (ie, lower " "probability of dropping packets).")] CIM_AFService REF AFLowerDropPrecedence; [Key, Description ( "An AFService at the same IP packet-forwarding class level, " "but at a higher drop precedence.")] CIM_AFService REF AFHigherDropPrecedence; }; // =================================================================== // ConditioningService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "ConditioningService represents the ability to define how " "traffic is conditioned in the data-forwarding path of a " "device. The subclasses of ConditioningService define the " "particular types of conditioning that are done. These are the " "services performed by a classifier, a meter, a marker, a " "dropper, a queue, and a scheduler. Other, more sophisticated " "types of conditioning may be defined in the future. \n" "\n" "ConditioningService is a concrete class because its superclass " "(ForwardingService) is concrete. While this class can be " "instantiated, an instance of it does not accomplish anything, " "because the nature of the conditioning, and the parameters " "that control it, are specified only in the subclasses of " "ConditioningService. \n" "\n" "Two associations in which ConditioningService participates are " "critical to its usage in QoS - QoSConditioningSubService and " "NextService. QoSConditioningSubService aggregates " "ConditioningServices into a particular QoS service (such as " "AF), to describe the specific conditioning functionality that " "underlies that QoSService in a particular device. NextService " "indicates the subsequent conditioning service(s) for different " "traffic streams.")] class CIM_ConditioningService : CIM_Service { [Deprecated { "CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.EnabledState" }, Description ( "This property is a boolean that, if TRUE, signifies that " "one or more conditioning functions can be performed on " "traffic encountered by this ConditioningService. This " "allows one or more ConditioningServices to be enabled or " "disabled to provide different types of conditioning for " "traffic. Enabled is deprecated in lieu of a similar (but " "more generally and completely defined) property which is " "inherited.")] boolean Enabled; }; // ================================================================== // QoSConditioningSubService // ================================================================== [Association, Aggregation, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "A QoSService utilizes underlying ConditioningServices as part " "of its overall functionality. This is modeled using the " "QoSConditioningSubService association. Note that a " "ConditioningService may only be part of a single QoSService - " "the cardinality on the QoSService reference is Max (1).")] class CIM_QoSConditioningSubService : CIM_ServiceComponent { [Aggregate, Override ( "GroupComponent" ), Description ( "This aggregation identifies the set of ConditioningServices " "that together condition traffic for a particular " "QoSService.")] CIM_QoSService REF GroupComponent; [Override ( "PartComponent" ), Description ( "The ConditioningService.")] CIM_ConditioningService REF PartComponent; }; // ================================================================== // ConditioningServiceOnEndpoint // ================================================================== [Association, Deprecated { "CIM_IngressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint", "CIM_EgressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "The QoS Model describes the traffic conditioning functions in " "place for a network device. In order to 'be conditioned', a " "packet is received at a ProtocolEndpoint. After " "'conditioning', a packet is dropped or leaves the device via a " "ProtocolEndpoint. This dependency on ProtocolEndpoints is " "defined by the ConditioningServiceOn Endpoint association. A " "property of the association, ServiceType, indicates whether " "the ConditioningService handles incoming (\"Ingress\") or " "out-going (\"Egress\") packets. This association is deprecated " "since different cardinalities are needed on the ingress and " "egress classes. This cannot be done using a single " "association.")] class CIM_ConditioningServiceOnEndpoint : CIM_Dependency { [Deprecated { "CIM_IngressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint.Antecedent", "CIM_EgressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint.Antecedent " }, Override ( "Antecedent" ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The ProtocolEndpoint through which traffic arrives at or " "leaves from a network device.")] CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent; [Deprecated { "CIM_IngressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint.Dependent", "CIM_EgressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint.Dependent" }, Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The ConditioningService which begins or ends the traffic " "conditioning processing within a network device.")] CIM_ConditioningService REF Dependent; [Deprecated { "CIM_IngressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint", "CIM_EgressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint" }, Description ( "Indicates whether a packet is incoming (value = 1, " "\"Ingress\") or out-going (value = 2, \"Egress\") at the " "ProtocolEndpoint, relative to the ConditioningService."), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" }, Values { "Unknown", "Ingress", "Egress" }] uint16 ServiceType; }; // ================================================================== // IngressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This association represents the binding, in the ingress " "direction, between a ProtocolEndpoint and the first " "ConditioningService that processes packets received via that " "Endpoint. Since there can only be one 'first' " "ConditioningService for a ProtocolEndpoint, the cardinality " "for the Dependent object reference is narrowed from 0..n to " "0..1. On the other hand, a single ConditioningService can be " "the first to process packets received via multiple " "ProtocolEndpoints. So, the cardinality of the Antecedent " "object reference remains 0..n.")] class CIM_IngressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint : CIM_ServiceSAPDependency { [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description ( "The ProtocolEndpoint through which traffic arrives at a " "network device.")] CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent; [Override ( "Dependent" ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The ConditioningService which begins the traffic " "conditioning processing within a network device.")] CIM_ConditioningService REF Dependent; }; // ================================================================== // EgressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This association represents the binding, in the egress " "direction, between a ProtocolEndpoint and the last " "ConditioningService that processes packets before they leave a " "network device (via that ProtocolEndpoint). This 'last' " "ConditioningService is ordinarily a scheduler, but it does not " "have to be. There can be multiple 'last' ConditioningServices " "for an Endpoint (for example, in the case of a fallback " "scheduler). Therefore, the cardinality for the Dependent " "object reference remains 0..n. On the other hand, a single " "ConditioningService cannot be the last one to process packets " "for multiple Endpoints. So, the cardinality of the Antecedent " "object reference is narrowed from 0..n to 0..1.")] class CIM_EgressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint : CIM_ServiceSAPDependency { [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The ProtocolEndpoint through which traffic leaves a network " "device.")] CIM_ProtocolEndpoint REF Antecedent; [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The ConditioningService which ends the traffic conditioning " "processing within a network device.")] CIM_ConditioningService REF Dependent; }; // ================================================================== // NextService // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "NextService establishes a predecessor-successor relationship " "between two ConditioningService objects. This association is " "used to indicate the sequence of ConditioningServices required " "to process a particular type of traffic. \n" "\n" "Instances describe the various relationships between different " "ConditioningServices (such as classifiers, meters, droppers, " "etc.) that are used collectively to condition traffic. Both " "one-to-one and more complicated fan-in and/or fan-out " "relationships can be described. The Conditioning Services may " "feed one another directly, or they may be mapped to multiple " "'next' Services based on the characteristics of the packet.")] class CIM_NextService { [Key, Description ( "The preceding ConditioningService, 'earlier' in the " "processing sequence for a packet.")] CIM_ConditioningService REF PrecedingService; [Key, Description ( "The 'next' or following ConditioningService.")] CIM_ConditioningService REF FollowingService; }; // =================================================================== // ClassifierService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "ClassifierService represents a logical entity associated with " "an ingress or egress interface of a device, that takes a " "single input stream, and sorts it into one or more output " "streams. The sorting is done by a set of filters that select " "packets based on the packet contents, or possibly based on " "other attributes associated with the packet. Each output " "stream is the result of matching a particular filter. \n" "\n" "Rather than being linked directly to its filters (instantiated " "as FilterLists), a classifier is modeled as an aggregation of " "ClassifierElements. Each of these ClassifierElements is linked " "to a single FilterList, by the association " "ClassifierElementUsesFilterList. Note that ClassifierServices " "are designed to allow hierarchical classification. When " "hierarchical classification is used, a ClassifierElement may " "point to another ClassifierService (via the association, " "NextServiceAfterClassifierElement). When this is true, the " "ClassifierElement MUST NOT use the ClassifierElementUses " "FilterList association. \n" "\n" "A classifier is modeled as a ConditioningService so that it " "can be aggregated into a QoSService (using the " "QoSConditioningSubService aggregation), and can use the " "NextService association to identify the subsequent " "ConditioningServices for different traffic streams.")] class CIM_ClassifierService : CIM_ConditioningService { }; // =================================================================== // ClassifierElement // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "ClassifierElement represents the linkage, within a single " "ClassifierService, between a FilterList (that defines the " "criteria to select packets from the stream of packets coming " "into the Service) and the next ConditioningService (to which " "the selected packets go after they leave the " "ClassifierService). ClassifierElement has no properties of its " "own. It is present to serve as an aggregated entity into " "ClassifierService (using the ClassifierElementIn " "ClassifierService association), and for associations with its " "FilterList (ClassifierElementUsesFilterList) and its next " "ConditioningService (NextServiceAfterClassifierElement). \n" "\n" "Note that a ClassifierElement may be associated with a " "ClassifierService through the NextServiceAfterClassifier " "Element association. This will occur when implementing " "hierarchical classification. In this case, the " "ClassifierElement MUST NOT instantiate the ClassifierElement " "UsesFilterList association. Further, when a ClassifierElement " "is associated with a ClassifierService as described above, the " "order of processing of the associated ClassifierService is a " "function of the ClassifierOrder property of the " "ClassifierElementInClassifierService aggregation.")] class CIM_ClassifierElement : CIM_ClassifierService { }; // =================================================================== // ClassifierElementInClassifierService // =================================================================== [Association, Aggregation, Composition, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This aggregation represents the relationship between a " "ClassifierService and the ClassifierElements that provide its " "fan-out function. ClassifierElements represent the traffic " "selectors for the Service. A ClassifierService typically " "aggregates multiple ClassifierElements. An individual Element, " "however, is aggregated only by a single ClassifierService.")] class CIM_ClassifierElementInClassifierService : CIM_ServiceComponent { [Aggregate, Override ( "GroupComponent" ), Min ( 1 ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The ClassifierService which aggregates ClassifierElements.")] CIM_ClassifierService REF GroupComponent; [Override ( "PartComponent" ), Description ( "The aggregated ClassifierElement, defined in the context of " "one ClassifierService.")] CIM_ClassifierElement REF PartComponent; [Description ( "Because the filters for a classifier can overlap, it is " "necessary to specify the order in which the " "ClassifierElements are aggregated by a ClassifierService. " "This then dictates the order in which packets coming into " "the classifier are presented. Values are represented in " "ascending order: first '1', then '2', and so on. Different " "values MUST be assigned for each of the ClassifierElements " "aggregated by a given ClassifierService.")] uint32 ClassifierOrder; }; // =================================================================== // ClassifierElementUsesFilterList // =================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This association relates one or more ClassifierElements with a " "FilterList that defines the criteria to select packets for the " "classifier to process. Note that a classifier is always " "modeled as a ClassifierService that aggregates a set of " "ClassifierElements. Each of these ClassifierElements is EITHER " "associated with a single FilterList OR associated to another " "ClassifierService (via NextServiceAfterClassifier Element to " "describe hierarchical classification).")] class CIM_ClassifierElementUsesFilterList : CIM_Dependency { [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The FilterList that specifies the traffic criteria for a " "ClassifierElement.")] CIM_FilterList REF Antecedent; [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The ClassifierElement that depends on the FilterList for " "its traffic criteria.")] CIM_ClassifierElement REF Dependent; }; // =================================================================== // NextServiceAfterClassifierElement // =================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "An association used to establish a predecessor-successor " "relationship between a single ClassifierElement (within a " "ClassifierService) and the next ConditioningService object " "that further processes the selected traffic. Note that the " "cardinalities indicate that a FollowingService MUST be " "defined, after the ClassifierElement. This is because there is " "no reason to classify traffic unless further processing will " "be done.")] class CIM_NextServiceAfterClassifierElement : CIM_NextService { [Override ( "PrecedingService" ), Description ( "The ClassifierElement that selects traffic to be passed to " "the FollowingService.")] CIM_ClassifierElement REF PrecedingService; [Override ( "FollowingService" ), Min ( 1 ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The ConditioningService that follows the ClassifierElement.")] CIM_ConditioningService REF FollowingService; }; // ================================================================== // ClassifierFilterSet // ================================================================== [Association, Deprecated { "CIM_ClassifierElementUsesFilterList", "CIM_ClassifierElementInClassifierService" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "In order for a ClassifierService to correctly identify and " "process network traffic, that traffic must be described by " "FilterEntries, which are aggregated into FilterLists. This " "association defines the Dependency of the ClassifierService on " "FilterLists (and therefore, their FilterEntries). The " "cardinality of the association requires that the Classifier " "Service operate against at least one FilterList. \n" "\n" "The association is deprecated in lieu of associating Filter " "Lists to ClassifierElements, and ClassifierElements into " "ClassifierServices. The latter approach is very flexible " "regarding the implementations that can be modeled, and removes " "the need to track individual traffic streams using an " "artificial model property, TrafficClass. Using " "ClassifierElements, each stream is processed beginning with a " "single FilterList and progressing through various " "ConditioningServices, associated via instances of NextService.")] class CIM_ClassifierFilterSet : CIM_Dependency { [Deprecated { "CIM_ClassifierElementUsesFilterList.Antecedent" }, Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description ( "The FilterList aggregating FilterEntries, these in turn " "describe how traffic is identified and processed by the " "ClassifierService.")] CIM_FilterList REF Antecedent; [Deprecated { "CIM_ClassifierElementUsesFilterList.Dependent" }, Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The ClassifierService which uses the FilterList and its " "aggregated FilterEntries.")] CIM_ClassifierService REF Dependent; [Deprecated { "CIM_ClassifierElementInClassifierService.ClassifierOrder" }, Description ( "The ordering of the FilterLists used in the classification " "and forwarding functions of the ClassifierService.")] uint16 FilterListPosition; }; // =================================================================== // MeterService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class represents the metering of network traffic. " "Metering is the function of monitoring the arrival times of " "packets of a traffic stream and determining the level of " "conformance of each packet with respect to a pre- established " "traffic profile. A meter has the ability to invoke different " "ConditioningServices for conforming and non-conforming " "traffic. Traffic leaving a meter may be further conditioned " "(e.g., dropped or queued) by routing the packet to another " "conditioning element. \n" "\n" "This class is modeled as a ConditioningService so that it can " "be aggregated into a QoSService (using the " "QoSConditioningSubService association), to indicate that its " "functionality underlies that QoS service. MeterService also " "participates in a subclass of the NextService association, to " "identify the subsequent ConditioningServices for conforming " "and non-conforming traffic.")] class CIM_MeterService : CIM_ConditioningService { [Description ( "This property is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned integer that " "is used to specify the particular type of meter. Defined " "values of the enumeration are: \n" "\n" "1: Other \n" "2: Average Rate Meter \n" "3: Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Meter \n" "4: Token Bucket Meter \n" "\n" "Note: The MeterType property and the MeterService " "subclasses provide similar information. This property is " "defined for query purposes and for future expansion. It is " "assumed that not all MeterServices will require a subclass " "to define them. Therefore, MeterService will be " "instantiated directly and the Type property is needed."), ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4" }, Values { "Other", "Average Rate Meter", "Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Meter", "Token Bucket Meter" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_MeterService.OtherMeterType" }] uint16 MeterType; [Description ( "This property is a string used in conjunction with the " "MeterType property. When the value of MeterType is 1 (i.e., " "\"Other\"), then the name of the conformance level for this " "meter is defined in this property."), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_MeterService.MeterType" }] string OtherMeterType; [Description ( "An unsigned integer indicating the number of conformance " "levels supported by the Meter. For example, when only " "'in-profile' or 'out of profile' metering is supported. " "ConformanceLevels is set to 2.")] uint16 ConformanceLevels; }; // =================================================================== // AverageRateMeterService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This is a concrete subclass of MeterService that represents a " "simple meter, called an Average Rate Meter. This type of meter " "measures the average rate at which packets are submitted to it " "over a specified time. Packets are defined as conformant if " "their average arrival rate does not exceed the specified " "measuring rate of the meter. Any packet that causes the " "specified measuring rate to be exceeded is defined to be " "non-conforming.")] class CIM_AverageRateMeterService : CIM_MeterService { [Description ( "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the " "rate used to determine whether admitted packets are in " "conformance or not. The value is specified in kilobits per " "second."), Units ( "KiloBits per Second" )] uint32 AverageRate; [Description ( "This property is a 64-bit unsigned integer that defines the " "time period over which the average measurement should be " "taken. The value is specified in microseconds."), Units ( "MicroSeconds" )] uint64 DeltaInterval; }; // =================================================================== // EWMAMeterService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This is a concrete subclass of the MeterService class that " "represents an exponentially weighted moving average meter. " "This meter is a simple low-pass filter that measures the rate " "of incoming packets over a small, fixed sampling interval. Any " "admitted packet that pushes the average rate over a " "pre-defined limit is defined to be non-conforming.")] class CIM_EWMAMeterService : CIM_MeterService { [Description ( "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the " "average rate against which the sampled arrival rate of " "packets should be measured. Any packet that causes the " "sampled rate to exceed this rate is deemed non-conforming. " "The value is specified in kilobits per second."), Units ( "KiloBits Per Second" )] uint32 AverageRate; [Description ( "This property is a 64-bit unsigned integer that defines the " "sampling interval used to measure the arrival rate. The " "calculated rate is averaged over this interval and checked " "against the AverageRate property. All packets whose " "computed average arrival rate is less than the AverageRate " "are deemed conforming. The value is specified in " "microseconds."), Units ( "MicroSeconds" )] uint64 DeltaInterval; [Description ( "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer representing the " "reciprocal of the time constant (e.g., frequency response) " "of what is essentially a simple low-pass filter. For " "example, the value 64 for this property represents a time " "constant value of 1/64.")] uint32 Gain; }; // =================================================================== // TokenBucketMeterService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This is a concrete subclass of the MeterService class that " "represents the metering of network traffic using a token " "bucket meter. Two types of token bucket meters are defined " "using this class - a simple, two-parameter bucket meter, and a " "multi-stage meter. \n" "\n" "A simple token bucket usually has two parameters, an average " "token rate and a burst size, and has two conformance levels: " "'conforming' and 'non-conforming'. This class also defines an " "excess burst size, which enables the meter to have three " "conformance levels ('conforming', 'partially conforming', and " "'non-conforming'). In this case, packets that exceed the " "excess burst size are deemed non-conforming, while packets " "that exceed the smaller burst size but are less than the " "excess burst size are deemed partially conforming.")] class CIM_TokenBucketMeterService : CIM_MeterService { [Description ( "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer that is used to " "define the committed rate of the meter. The value is " "expressed in kilobits per second."), Units ( "KiloBits per Second" )] uint32 AverageRate; [Description ( "This attribute is a 32-bit unsigned integer that is used to " "define the peak rate of the meter. The value is expressed " "in kilobits per second."), Units ( "KiloBits per Second" )] uint32 PeakRate; [Description ( "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer that is used to " "define the maximum number of tokens available for the " "committed rate (specified by the AverageRate property). The " "value is specified in kilobytes."), Units ( "KiloBytes" )] uint32 BurstSize; [Description ( "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer that is used to " "define the maximum number of tokens available for the peak " "rate (specified by the PeakRate property). The value is " "specified in kilobytes."), Units ( "KiloBytes" )] uint32 ExcessBurstSize; }; // ================================================================== // NextServiceAfterMeter // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This association describes a predecessor-successor " "relationship between a MeterService and one or more " "ConditioningService objects that process traffic from the " "meter. For example, for devices that implement preamble " "marking, the FollowingService reference (after the meter) is a " "PreambleMarkerService - to record the results of the metering " "in the preamble. \n" "\n" "It might be expected that the NextServiceAfterMeter " "association would subclass from NextService. However, meters " "are 1:n fan-out elements, and require a mechanism to " "distinguish between the different results/outputs of the " "meter. Therefore, this association defines a new key property, " "MeterResult, which is used to record the result and identify " "the output through which this traffic left the meter.")] class CIM_NextServiceAfterMeter { [Key, Description ( "The preceding MeterService, 'earlier' in the processing " "sequence for a packet.")] CIM_MeterService REF PrecedingService; [Key, Description ( "The 'next' or following ConditioningService.")] CIM_ConditioningService REF FollowingService; [Key, Description ( "Information on the result of the metering. Traffic is " "distinguished as being conforming, non-conforming, or " "partially conforming. More complicated metering can be " "built either by extending the enumeration or by cascading " "meters."), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3" }, Values { "Unknown", "Conforming", "Partially Conforming", "Non-Conforming" }] uint16 MeterResult; }; // =================================================================== // MarkerService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.6.0" ), Description ( "MarkerService represents the general process of marking a " "selected field in a network packet with a specified value. " "Packets are marked in order to control the conditioning that " "they will subsequently receive. Subclasses of MarkerService " "identify the specific fields to be marked, and introduce " "properties to represent the values used in marking these " "fields. Markers are usually invoked as a result of a preceding " "classifier match. \n" "\n" "MarkerService is a concrete class because its superclass " "(ConditioningService) is concrete. While this class can be " "instantiated, an instance of it does not accomplish anything, " "because both the field to be marked and the value used to mark " "it are defined in subclasses. \n" "\n" "MarkerService is modeled as a ConditioningService so that it " "can be aggregated into a QoSService (using the " "QoSConditioningSubService association). This association " "indicates that the MarkerService's functionality underlies the " "QoSService. MarkerService also participates in the NextService " "association to identify the subsequent ConditioningService(s) " "that act on packets after they have been marked.")] class CIM_MarkerService : CIM_ConditioningService { }; // =================================================================== // PreambleMarkerService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "PreambleMarkerService models the storing of traffic- " "conditioning results in a packet preamble. An instance appends " "a two-part string of the form ',' to the packet " "preamble. The concept of 'type's is discussed more fully in " "the Description of the class' FilterItemList property.")] class CIM_PreambleMarkerService : CIM_MarkerService { [Description ( "To foster interoperability, the basic format of the " "information captured by a PreambleMarker is specified. That " "information is contained in the FilterItemList property (an " "ordered, string array). Each entry in the array takes the " "form 'type,value'. When entries are added, they are " "appended to the end of the list. \n" "\n" "A limited set of standardized 'type's exist. They are: \n" "- ConformingFromMeter, NonConformingFromMeter and " "PartConformingFromMeter to convey metering results (where " "the 'value' is the name of the meter) \n" "- VlanId to describe the traffic's VLAN information (where " "the 'value' is the VLAN ID). \n" "An implementation is free to define and use other preamble " "'types'. \n" "Note that a wildcard value of \"any\" is allowed to " "indicate that the preamble entry matches for any 'value' of " "the specified 'type'. For example, using the wildcard, an " "administrator can define a filter to select all packets " "that were found to be conforming ('type' = " "\"ConformingFromMeter\") without having to name each meter " "individually."), ArrayType ( "Ordered" )] string FilterItemList[]; }; // =================================================================== // ToSMarkerService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "ToSMarkerService marks the ToS (type of service) field in the " "IPv4 packet header [R791] with a specific value. Packets are " "marked in order to control the conditioning that they will " "subsequently receive. Following common practice, the value to " "be written into the ToS field is represented as an unsigned " "8-bit integer.")] class CIM_ToSMarkerService : CIM_MarkerService { [Description ( "This property is an unsigned 8-bit integer, representing a " "value to be used for marking the type of service (ToS) " "field in the IPv4 packet header. The ToS field is defined " "to be a complete octet, so the range for this property is " "0..255. Some implementations, however, require that the " "lowest-order bit in the field is always 0. Such an " "implementation cannot support an odd TosValue.")] uint8 ToSValue; }; // =================================================================== // DSCPMarkerService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "DSCPMarkerService marks the differentiated services codepoint " "(DSCP) within the DS field in the IPv4 and IPv6 packet " "headers, as defined in [R2474]. It is marked with the specific " "value defined in the property, DSCPValue. Following common " "practice, the value to be written into the field is " "represented as an unsigned 8-bit integer.")] class CIM_DSCPMarkerService : CIM_MarkerService { [Description ( "This property is an unsigned 8-bit integer, representing a " "value to be used for marking the DSCP field in an IPv4 or " "Ipv6 packet header. Since the DSCP consists of 6 bits, the " "values for this property are limited to the range 0..63. " "When the DSCP is marked, the remaining two bits in the DS " "field are left unchanged."), MinValue ( 0 ), MaxValue ( 63 )] uint8 DSCPValue; }; // =================================================================== // Priority8021QMarkerService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "Priority8021QMarkerService marks the Priority field in an " "802.1Q- compliant frame, with a specified value. Frames are " "marked in order to control the conditioning that they will " "subsequently receive. Following common practice, the value to " "be written into the field is represented as an unsigned 8-bit " "integer.")] class CIM_Priority8021QMarkerService : CIM_MarkerService { [Description ( "This property is an unsigned 8-bit integer, representing a " "value to be used for marking the Priority field in the " "802.1Q header. Since the Priority field consists of 3 bits, " "the values for this property are limited to the range 0..7. " "When the Priority field is marked, the remaining two bits " "in the octet are left unchanged."), MinValue ( 0 ), MaxValue ( 7 )] uint8 PriorityValue; }; // =================================================================== // DropperService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "DropperService represents the ability to selectively drop " "network traffic, and/or to invoke another ConditioningService " "(indicated using the NextService association) for further " "processing of traffic that is not dropped. It is the base " "class for different types of droppers. Droppers are " "distinguished by the algorithm that they use to drop traffic. " "\n\n" "The NextService association has special semantics for " "droppers, in addition to conveying the general information of " "'what happens next' (that apply to all Conditioning Services). " "The queue(s) from which a particular dropper drops packets are " "identified by following chain(s) of NextService associations " "'rightwards' from the dropper, until they reach a queue.")] class CIM_DropperService : CIM_ConditioningService { [Description ( "This property is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned integer that " "defines the type of dropper. Its Values are: \n" "1: Other \n" "2: Random \n" "3: HeadTail \n" "4: Absolute Dropper \n" "\n" "Note: The DropperType property and the DropperService " "subclasses provide similar information. This property is " "defined for query purposes and to not require a subclass " "for all types of DropperServices (for example, to describe " "an Absolute Dropper in today's model). Therefore, " "DropperService can be instantiated directly and the Type " "property is needed."), ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4" }, Values { "Other", "Random", "HeadTail", "Absolute Dropper" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_DropperService.OtherDropperType" }] uint16 DropperType; [Description ( "This property contains a vendor-specific value for the type " "of dropping that is done. It is used when the value of the " "DropperType property is 1 (Other)."), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_DropperService.DropperType" }] string OtherDropperType; [Deprecated { "CIM_DropperService.DropperType" }, Description ( "This property indicates whether the Dropper will always " "drop incoming packets (value=1) regardless of their type. " "It is deprecated since its information is conveyed by the " "DropperType property (value=4, 'Absolute Dropper')."), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" }, Values { "Unknown", "Always Drop", "Do Not Always Drop" }] uint16 AlwaysDrop; [Description ( "This enumeration indicates the point in the associated " "queue (associated via the NextService relationship) from " "which packets should be dropped. If the value is 0 " "\"Unknown\", then packets MAY be dropped from any location " "in the queue."), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" }, Values { "Unknown", "Head", "Tail" }] uint16 DropFrom; [Description ( "This property is an enumerated unsigned 16-bit integer that " "defines the metric used to trigger the start of dropping " "packets. This does NOT mean that all packets will be " "dropped; it does mean that SOME packets will start to be " "dropped. The number and type of packets dropped is a " "function of the type of algorithm used by this Dropper. " "Values are: \n" "\n" "1: Other \n" "2: Queue Threshold \n" "3: Arrival Rate"), ValueMap { "1", "2", "3" }, Values { "Other", "Queue Threshold", "Arrival Rate" }] uint16 DropStartMetric; [Description ( "This property is an enumerated unsigned 16-bit integer that " "defines the metric used to determine when ALL packets will " "be dropped REGARDLESS of the type of algorithm used by this " "Dropper. Values are: \n" "\n" "1: Other \n" "2: Queue Threshold \n" "3: Arrival Rate"), ValueMap { "1", "2", "3" }, Values { "Other", "Queue Threshold", "Arrival Rate" }] uint16 DropMaintainMetric; }; // =================================================================== // REDDropperService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "REDDropperService represents the ability to drop network " "traffic using a Random Early Detection (RED) algorithm. The " "purpose of a RED algorithm is to avoid congestion (as opposed " "to managing congestion). Instead of waiting for the queues to " "fill up, and then dropping large numbers of packets, RED works " "by monitoring average queue depth. When the queue depth " "exceeds a minimum threshold, packets are randomly discarded. " "These discards cause TCP to slow its transmission rate for " "those connections that experienced the packet discards. Other " "connections are not affected by these discards. \n" "\n" "A RED dropper always drops packets from a single queue, which " "is related to the dropper as the following Service in the " "NextService association. The queue(s) examined by the drop " "algorithm are found by following the " "CalculationServiceForDropper association(s) to determine the " "dropper's DropThresholdCalculationService(s), and then " "following the CalculationBasedOnQueue association to find the " "queue being watched by each CalculationService.")] class CIM_REDDropperService : CIM_DropperService { [Description ( "This is an unsigned 32-bit integer that defines the minimum " "average queue depth at which packets are subject to being " "dropped. (See the ThresholdUnits property to determine the " "units of the threshold.) The slope of the drop probability " "function is described by the Start/StopProbability " "properties."), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_REDDropperService.ThresholdUnits" }] uint32 MinQueueThreshold; [Description ( "This is an unsigned 32-bit integer that defines the maximum " "average queue length at which packets are subject to always " "being dropped, regardless of the dropping algorithm and " "probabilities being used. (See the ThresholdUnits property " "to determine the units of the threshold.)"), MinValue ( 0 ), MaxValue ( 1000 ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_REDDropperService.ThresholdUnits" }] uint32 MaxQueueThreshold; [Description ( "This is an unsigned 32-bit integer, used in conjunction " "with the StopDropProbability property. The start and stop " "probabilities define the slope of the drop probability " "function. This function governs the rate at which packets " "are subject to being dropped, as a function of the queue " "length. \n" "\n" "This property expresses a drop probability in drops per " "thousand packets. For example, the value 100 indicates a " "drop probability of 100 per 1000 packets, that is, 10%. Min " "and max values are 0 to 1000."), Units ( "Per Thousand Packets" ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_REDDropperService.StopProbability" }] uint32 StartProbability; [Description ( "This is an unsigned 32-bit integer, used in conjunction " "with the StartDropProbability property. The start and stop " "probabilities define the slope of the drop probability " "function. This function governs the rate at which packets " "are subject to being dropped, as a function of the queue " "length. \n" "\n" "This property expresses a drop probability in drops per " "thousand packets. For example, the value 100 indicates a " "drop probability of 100 per 1000 packets, that is, 10%. Min " "and max values are 0 to 1000."), Units ( "Per Thousand Packets" ), MinValue ( 0 ), MaxValue ( 1000 ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_REDDropperService.StartProbability" }] uint32 StopProbability; [Description ( "ThresholdUnits is an enumerated integer that identifies the " "units for the Min and MaxQueueThreshold properties. The " "values are either bytes (1) or packets (2)."), ValueMap { "1", "2" }, Values { "Bytes", "Packets" }] uint16 ThresholdUnits; }; // =================================================================== // WeightedREDDropperService // =================================================================== [Deprecated { "No value" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class represents a logical entity that resides in the " "data forwarding path of a network device. It describes the " "ability to drop network traffic using a Weighted Random Early " "Detection (WRED) algorithm. Like RED, the purpose of WRED is " "to avoid congestion (as opposed to managing congestion). This " "modification of the basic RED algorithm enables packets " "belonging to different traffic classes to be dropped at " "different queue depths. This algorithm also enables discard to " "be done based on different information contained in the packet " "header, such as IP Precedence, RSVP session parameters, or " "even on other factors not directly encoded in the packet " "header, such as the queue depth. \n" "\n" "Implementation of this class has shown that weighting should " "not be a property of the class (but on an association to it), " "and that there is insufficient data to process the drop " "metric. The class is deprecated pending further definition by " "the DMTF.")] class CIM_WeightedREDDropperService : CIM_DropperService { [Deprecated { "No value" }, Description ( "This property is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned integer, and " "defines the type of metric that is used to drop traffic. " "Values are: \n" "\n" "1: Other \n" "2: IP Precedence \n" "3: DSCP Value \n" "4: 802.1P Priority Value \n" "5: RSVP Session \n" "6: Queue Depth \n" "7: Packet Arrival Rate"), ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" }, Values { "Other", "IP Precedence", "DSCP Value", "802.1P Priority Value", "RSVP Session", "Queue Depth", "Packet Arrival Rate" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_WeightedREDDropperService.OtherDropMetric" }] uint16 DropMetric; [Deprecated { "No value" }, Description ( "This string property is used in conjunction with the " "DropMetric property. When the value of DropMetric is 1 " "(i.e., \"Other\"), then the type of metric to be used is " "defined in this property."), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_WeightedREDDropperService.DropMetric" }] string OtherDropMetric; [Deprecated { "CIM_DropThresholdCalculationService.SmoothingWeight" }, Description ( "This is a 32-bit real number that represents the weighting " "factor used to determine which queues get more service."), MinValue ( 0 ), MaxValue ( 100 )] real32 Weight; }; // =================================================================== // HeadTailDropper // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "HeadTailDropper describes the threshold information of a head " "or tail dropper. The inherited property DropFrom indicates " "whether a particular instance of this class is a head dropper " "or a tail dropper. \n" "\n" "A head dropper always examines the same queue from which it " "drops packets, and this queue is always related to the dropper " "as the following service in the NextService association.")] class CIM_HeadTailDropper : CIM_DropperService { [Description ( "This is an unsigned 32-bit integer that indicates the queue " "depth (in bytes) at which traffic is dropped. For a tail " "dropper, all newly arriving traffic is dropped. For a head " "dropper, packets at the front of the queue are dropped to " "make room for new packets, which are added at the end."), Units ( "Bytes" )] uint32 QueueThreshold; }; // =================================================================== // QueuingService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "QueuingService represents the ability to queue network " "traffic, and to specify the characteristics for determining " "long-term congestion. It is modeled as a ConditioningService " "so that it can be aggregated into a QoSService (using the " "QoSConditioningSubService association). This indicates that " "its functionality underlies the QoSService.")] class CIM_QueuingService : CIM_ConditioningService { [Description ( "Indicates the current depth of this queue in units " "specified by DepthUnits. This value may be important in " "diagnosing unexpected behavior."), Gauge, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_QueuingService.DepthUnits" }] uint32 CurrentQueueDepth; [Description ( "DepthUnits is an enumerated integer that identifies the " "units for the CurrentQueueDepth property. The values are " "either bytes (1) or packets (2)."), ValueMap { "1", "2" }, Values { "Bytes", "Packets" }] uint16 DepthUnits; }; // =================================================================== // DropThresholdCalculationService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class calculates an average depth for a queue, based on a " "smoothing weight and a sampling time interval. The latter are " "properties of this Service, describing how it operates and its " "necessary parameters. The Service does the calculation on " "behalf of a RED dropper (as indicated by the association, " "CalculationServiceForDroppper). A " "DropThresholdCalculationService is always associated to the " "single queue that it examines via the Calculation BasedOnQueue " "relationship.")] class CIM_DropThresholdCalculationService : CIM_Service { [Description ( "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, ranging between " "0 and 100,000 - specified in thousandths. It defines the " "weighting of past history in affecting the calculation of " "the current average queue depth. The current queue depth " "calculation uses the inverse of this value as its factor, " "and one minus that inverse as the factor for the historical " "average. The calculation takes the form: \n" "average = (old_average*(1-inverse of SmoothingWeight)) \n" "+ (current_queue_depth*inverse of SmoothingWeight) \n" "Implementations may choose to limit the acceptable set of " "values to a specified set, such as powers of 2."), Units ( "Thousandths" ), MinValue ( 0 ), MaxValue ( 100000 )] uint32 SmoothingWeight; [Description ( "This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, and defines the " "number of nanoseconds between each calculation of " "average/smoothed queue depth. When this property is not " "specified, the CalculationService may determine an " "appropriate interval."), Units ( "NanoSeconds" )] uint32 TimeInterval; }; // ================================================================== // QueueHierarchy // ================================================================== [Association, Deprecated { "No value" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "Describes the reliance of a QueuingService on other, " "supporting queues and their QueuingServices. A given Service " "can only act in support of one QueuingService; but a higher " "level queue may be supported by many lower level " "QueuingServices. \n" "\n" "The class is deprecated since a queue only stores network " "traffic. It does not support other queues, or manipulate their " "entries. This type of processing is described using " "NextService associations 'rightwards' from the QueuingService. " "These associations reference 'other' ConditioningServices that " "may send traffic to 'other' queues).")] class CIM_QueueHierarchy : CIM_ServiceServiceDependency { [Deprecated { "No value" }, Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description ( "The supporting queue(s) and its QueuingService. This " "Service can only support at most one, higher level " "QueuingService.")] CIM_QueuingService REF Antecedent; [Deprecated { "No value" }, Override ( "Dependent" ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The QueuingService dependent on other, supporting Queuing " "Services.")] CIM_QueuingService REF Dependent; }; // ================================================================== // CalculationServiceForDropper // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This association is a subclass of ServiceServiceDependency, " "and represents the reliance of a REDDropperService on one or " "more DropThresholdCalculationServices. The latter calculate " "average queue depth, based on the observed depths of a queue. " "The specific queue examined by each CalculationService is " "defined using the CalculationBasedOnQueue association.")] class CIM_CalculationServiceForDropper : CIM_ServiceServiceDependency { [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 1 ), Description ( "A calculation service for the dropper.")] CIM_DropThresholdCalculationService REF Antecedent; [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The RED dropper which is dependent on average queue depth " "calculations by the Antecedent Service.")] CIM_REDDropperService REF Dependent; }; // ================================================================== // CalculationBasedOnQueue // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This association establishes a dependency relationship between " "a QueuingService and an instance of the " "DropThresholdCalculationService class. The queue's current " "depth is used by the CalculationService in calculating an " "average/smoothed queue depth.")] class CIM_CalculationBasedOnQueue : CIM_ServiceServiceDependency { [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 1 ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The queue examined by the CalculationService.")] CIM_QueuingService REF Antecedent; [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The CalculationService that provides an average queue " "depth.")] CIM_DropThresholdCalculationService REF Dependent; }; // ================================================================== // HeadTailDropQueueBinding // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This association describes the relationship between a head or " "tail dropper and the queue that it monitors to determine when " "to drop traffic. The referenced queue's depth is compared " "against the Dropper's threshold property. Although the dropper " "drops from only one queue, the drop decision may be influenced " "by the state of several queues. The rule for combining the " "multiple inputs is simple addition: if the sum of the lengths " "of the monitored queues exceeds the dropper's QueueThreshold " "value, then packets are dropped. Note that this rule for " "combining inputs may be overridden.")] class CIM_HeadTailDropQueueBinding : CIM_Dependency { [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 1 ), Description ( "A QueuingService examined by the CalculationService.")] CIM_QueuingService REF Antecedent; [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The CalculationService that provides an average queue " "depth.")] CIM_HeadTailDropper REF Dependent; }; // ================================================================== // QueueAllocation // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.6.0" ), Description ( "Describes the reliance of a QueuingService on the availability " "of space in a BufferPool.")] class CIM_QueueAllocation : CIM_Dependency { [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description ( "The BufferPool supporting packet storage for a " "QueuingService.")] CIM_BufferPool REF Antecedent; [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The QueuingService dependent on the BufferPool for storage " "space.")] CIM_QueuingService REF Dependent; [Description ( "This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer representing a " "percentage from 0 to 100. It defines the percentage of the " "BufferPool that should be allocated to the referenced " "QueuingService. If absolute sizes are desired, this is " "accomplished by defining individual BufferPools of the " "specified sizes, with QueueAllocation.AllocationPercentages " "set to 100."), Units ( "Percent" ), MinValue ( 0 ), MaxValue ( 100 )] uint8 AllocationPercentage; }; // =================================================================== // PacketSchedulingService // =================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class represents the scheduling service, which is a " "process that determines whether a queued packet should be " "removed from a queue and sent to an output interface. Note " "that output interfaces can be physical network interfaces or " "interfaces to components internal to systems, such as " "crossbars or backplanes. In either case, if multiple queues " "are involved, schedulers are used to provide access to the " "interface. Each instance of a PacketSchedulingService " "describes a scheduler from the perspective of the queues that " "the scheduler is servicing. One can describe that different " "schedulers support different queues, or that a scheduler " "supports several queues. \n" "\n" "PacketSchedulingService is modeled as a ConditioningService so " "that it can be aggregated into a QoSService (using the " "QoSConditioningSubService association) to indicate that its " "functionality underlies that QoS service. It participates in " "the NextService association to identify a subsequent " "ConditioningService, if any, that acts on traffic after it has " "been processed by the scheduler.")] class CIM_PacketSchedulingService : CIM_ConditioningService { [Description ( "This property is an enumerated 16-bit unsigned integer, and " "defines the type of scheduler. Values are: \n" "1: Other \n" "2: FIFO \n" "3: Priority \n" "4: Allocation \n" "5: Bounded Priority \n" "6: Weighted Round Robin Packet \n" "If no value is specified, 2 (\"FIFO\") should be assumed."), ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" }, Values { "Other", "FIFO", "Priority", "Allocation", "Bounded Priority", "Weighted Round Robin Packet" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PacketSchedulingService.OtherSchedulerType" }] uint16 SchedulerType; [Description ( "This string property is used in conjunction with the " "SchedulerType property. When the value of SchedulerType is " "1 (i.e., \"Other\"), then the type of scheduler to be used " "is defined in this attribute."), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PacketSchedulingService.SchedulerType" }] string OtherSchedulerType; }; // ================================================================== // NextScheduler // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This association is a subclass of NextService, and defines a " "predecessor-successor relationship between Packet " "SchedulingServices. In a hierarchical queuing configuration " "(where a second scheduler treats the output of a first " "scheduler as a single, aggregated input), the two schedulers " "are related via the NextScheduler association.")] class CIM_NextScheduler : CIM_NextService { [Override ( "PrecedingService" ), Description ( "The PacketSchedulingService whose output is treated as a " "single, aggregated input by the FollowingService scheduler. " "The [0..n] cardinality indicates that a single " "FollowingService scheduler may bring together the " "aggregated outputs of multiple prior schedulers.")] CIM_PacketSchedulingService REF PrecedingService; [Override ( "FollowingService" ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "A scheduler that includes among its inputs the aggregated " "outputs of one or more PrecedingService schedulers.")] CIM_PacketSchedulingService REF FollowingService; }; // ================================================================== // SchedulerUsed // ================================================================== [Association, Deprecated { "CIM_QueueToSchedule", "CIM_SchedulingServiceToSchedule" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "In order to remove queued packets, a process or Service " "(identified as a PacketSchedulingService) runs. This " "association describes the Dependency of the queue and its " "QueuingService on a SchedulingService, which empties it. \n" "\n" "The association is deprecated in lieu of associating Queuing " "Services to SchedulingElements, and SchedulingElements into " "SchedulingServices. The latter approach is very flexible " "regarding the implementations that can be modeled, and removes " "the need to track individual traffic streams using an " "artificial model property, TrafficClass.")] class CIM_SchedulerUsed : CIM_ServiceServiceDependency { [Deprecated { "CIM_QueueToSchedule.Queue" }, Override ( "Antecedent" ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The PacketSchedulingService which empties the Queuing " "Service's queue.")] CIM_PacketSchedulingService REF Antecedent; [Deprecated { "CIM_QueueToSchedule.SchedElement" }, Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The queue and its QueuingService from which packets are " "emptied.")] CIM_QueuingService REF Dependent; }; // ================================================================== // NonWorkConservingSchedulingService // ================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "A type of packet scheduler, that is capable of operating in a " "non-work conserving manner. This class does not add any " "properties beyond those it inherits from " "PacketSchedulingService. It does, however, participate in one " "additional association, FailNextScheduler.")] class CIM_NonWorkConservingSchedulingService : CIM_PacketSchedulingService { }; // ================================================================== // FailNextScheduler // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This association is a subclass of NextScheduler, and defines a " "predecessor-successor relationship between a NonWork " "ConservingSchedulingService and another PacketScheduling " "Service. It indicates that the NonWorkConserving scheduler may " "pass up a scheduling opportunity (thereby behaving in a " "non-work conserving manner), and make the resulting bandwidth " "available to the FollowingService scheduler.")] class CIM_FailNextScheduler : CIM_NextScheduler { [Override ( "PrecedingService" ), Description ( "The NonWorkConservingSchedulingService whose excess " "bandwidth is made available to the scheduler identified by " "the FollowingService reference. The [0..n] cardinality " "indicates that a single FollowingService scheduler may have " "the opportunity to use the unused bandwidth of multiple " "prior non-work-conserving schedulers.")] CIM_NonWorkConservingSchedulingService REF PrecedingService; [Override ( "FollowingService" ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "A scheduler that may use the bandwidth available from the " "non-work conserving scheduler.")] CIM_PacketSchedulingService REF FollowingService; }; // ================================================================== // SchedulingElement // ================================================================== [Abstract, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "SchedulingElement represents the configuration information " "that a PacketSchedulingService has for one of the elements " "that it is scheduling. The scheduled element is either a " "QueuingService or another Packet SchedulingService. \n" "\n" "Among the subclasses of this class, some are defined in such a " "way that all of their instances are work conserving. Other " "subclasses, however, have instances that either are or are not " "work conserving. In this class, the boolean property " "WorkConserving indicates whether an instance is or is not work " "conserving. Note that WorkConserving is restricted to TRUE in " "the subclasses that are inherently work conserving, since " "instances of these classes cannot be anything else.")] class CIM_SchedulingElement : CIM_ManagedElement { [Key, Description ( "Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID " "opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. " "In order to ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the " "value of InstanceID SHOULD be constructed using the " "following 'preferred' algorithm: \n" ": \n" "Where and are separated by a colon ':', " "and where MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked " "or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business " "entity creating/defining the InstanceID, or is a registered " "ID that is assigned to the business entity by a recognized " "global authority. (This is similar to the _ structure of Schema class names.) In " "addition, to ensure uniqueness MUST NOT contain a " "colon (':'). When using this algorithm, the first colon to " "appear in InstanceID MUST appear between and " ". \n" " is chosen by the business entity and SHOULD not " "be re-used to identify different underlying (real-world) " "elements. If the above 'preferred' algorithm is not used, " "the defining entity MUST assure that the resultant " "InstanceID is not re-used across any InstanceIDs produced " "by this or other providers for this instance's NameSpace. \n" "For DMTF defined instances, the 'preferred' algorithm MUST " "be used with the set to 'CIM'.")] string InstanceID; [Write, Description ( "A boolean property indicating whether the " "PacketSchedulingService tied to this instance (by the " "ElementInSchedulingService aggregation) is treating the " "queue/input tied to this instance, in a work-conserving " "manner. The queue/input is indicated by either the " "QueueToSchedule or SchedulingServiceToSchedule association. " "Note that this property is writeable, indicating that an " "administrator can change the behavior of the " "SchedulingElement - but only for those elements that can " "operate in a non-work conserving mode.")] boolean WorkConserving; }; // ================================================================== // AllocationSchedulingElement // ================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class is a subclass of the abstract class " "SchedulingElement. It introduces five new properties to " "support bandwidth-based scheduling. As is the case with all " "subclasses of SchedulingElement, the input associated with an " "instance of AllocationSchedulingElement is of one of two " "types: either a queue, or another scheduler.")] class CIM_AllocationSchedulingElement : CIM_SchedulingElement { [Description ( "A 16-bit unsigned integer enumeration that identifies the " "units in which the BandwidthAllocation and BurstAllocation " "properties are expressed. The following values are defined: " "\n- Bytes(1) \n" "- Packets(2) \n" "- Cells(3) (fixed-size, for example, ATM) \n" "If no value is specified, 1 (\"Bytes\") should be assumed."), ValueMap { "1", "2", "3" }, Values { "Bytes", "Packets", "Cells" }] uint16 AllocationUnits; [Description ( "A 32-bit bit unsigned integer defining the number of " "'units' per second that should be allocated to the " "associated input. 'Units' are identified by the " "AllocationUnits property."), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_AllocationSchedulingElement.AllocationUnits" }] uint32 BandwidthAllocation; [Description ( "A 32-bit bit unsigned integer specifying the amount of " "temporary or short-term bandwidth (in 'units' per second) " "that can be allocated to an input, beyond the amount of " "bandwidth allocated through the BandwidthAllocation " "property. If the maximum actual bandwidth allocation for " "the input were to be measured, it would be the sum of the " "BurstAllocation and the BandwidthAllocation properties. " "'Units' are identified by the AllocationUnits property."), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_AllocationSchedulingElement.AllocationUnits" }] uint32 BurstAllocation; [Description ( "A boolean property that, if TRUE, enables unused bandwidth " "from the associated input to be allocated to other inputs " "serviced by the Scheduler.")] boolean CanShare; [Description ( "A boolean property that, if TRUE, indicates that the " "behavior of the scheduler relative to this input can be " "altered by changing the value of the inherited property, " "WorkConserving.")] boolean WorkFlexible; }; // ================================================================== // WRRSchedulingElement // ================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class is a subclass of the abstract class " "SchedulingElement. It introduces a new property, " "WeightingFactor, to give some inputs a higher probability of " "being serviced than other inputs. It also introduces a " "Priority property, to serve as a tiebreaker to be used when " "inputs have equal weighting factors. As is the case with all " "subclasses of SchedulingElement, the input associated with an " "instance of WRRSchedulingElement is of one of two types: " "either a queue, or another scheduler. Because scheduling of " "this type is always work conserving, the inherited boolean " "property, WorkConserving, is restricted to TRUE in this class.")] class CIM_WRRSchedulingElement : CIM_SchedulingElement { [Override ( "WorkConserving" )] boolean WorkConserving = TRUE; [Description ( "A 32-bit bit unsigned integer defining the weighting factor " "that offers some inputs a higher probability of being " "serviced than other inputs. The property's minimum value is " "0, its maximum value is 100000, and its Units are " "thousandths."), Units ( "Thousandths" ), MinValue ( 0 ), MaxValue ( 100000 )] uint32 WeightingFactor; [Description ( "A 16-bit bit unsigned integer which serves as a tiebreaker, " "in the event that two or more inputs have equal weights. A " "larger value represents a higher priority. While this " "condition may not occur in some implementations of a " "weighted round robin scheduler, many implementations " "require a priority to resolve an equal-weight condition. In " "the instances where this behavior is not necessary or is " "undesirable, the property may be left unspecified. \n" "\n" "If this property is specified for any of the " "WRRSchedulingElements associated with a " "PacketSchedulingService, then it MUST be specified for all " "WRRSchedulingElements for that PacketSchedulingService, and " "the property values for these WRRSchedulingElements MUST " "all be different.")] uint16 Priority; }; // ================================================================== // PrioritySchedulingElement // ================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class is a subclass of the abstract class " "SchedulingElement. It indicates that a scheduler is taking " "packets from a set of inputs using the priority scheduling " "discipline. As is the case with all subclasses of " "SchedulingElement, the input associated with an instance of " "PrioritySchedulingElement is of one of two types: either a " "queue, or another scheduler. The Priority property represents " "the priority for an input, relative to the priorities of all " "the other inputs to which the scheduler (that aggregates this " "PrioritySchedulingElement) is associated. Inputs to which the " "scheduler is related via other scheduling disciplines do not " "figure in this prioritization. Because scheduling of this type " "is always work conserving, the inherited boolean property, " "WorkConserving, is restricted to TRUE in this class.")] class CIM_PrioritySchedulingElement : CIM_SchedulingElement { [Override ( "WorkConserving" )] boolean WorkConserving = TRUE; [Description ( "A 16-bit unsigned integer indicating the priority level of " "this SchedulingElement's input, relative to the other " "inputs serviced by the SchedulingElement's aggregating " "PacketSchedulingService. A larger value represents a higher " "priority.")] uint16 Priority; }; // ================================================================== // BoundedPrioritySchedulingElement // ================================================================== [Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This class is a subclass of the class PriorityScheduling " "Element, which is itself derived from the abstract class " "SchedulingElement. As is the case with all subclasses of " "SchedulingElement, the input associated with an instance of " "BoundedPrioritySchedulingElement is of one of two types: " "either a queue, or another scheduler. BoundedPriority " "SchedulingElement adds an upper bound (BandwidthBound in " "kilobits per second) on how much traffic can be handled from " "an input. This data is specific to that one input. It is " "needed when bounded strict priority scheduling is performed. " "Note that this class inherits from its superclass the " "restriction of the inherited boolean property WorkConserving " "to TRUE.")] class CIM_BoundedPrioritySchedulingElement : CIM_PrioritySchedulingElement { [Override ( "WorkConserving" )] boolean WorkConserving = TRUE; [Description ( "A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the upper limit on " "the amount of traffic that can be handled from the input " "(through this SchedulingElement). This is not a shaped " "upper bound, since bursts can occur. It is a strict bound, " "limiting the impact of the input. Units are kilobits per " "second."), Units ( "KiloBits per Second" )] uint32 BandwidthBound; }; // ================================================================== // QueueToSchedule // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This is a top-level association, representing the relationship " "between a queue (QueuingService) and a SchedulingElement. The " "SchedulingElement, in turn, represents the information in a " "packet scheduling service that is specific to this queue, such " "as relative priority or allocated bandwidth. \n" "\n" "Although it cannot be expressed formally with the association " "cardinalities, there is an additional constraint on " "participation in this association. A particular instance of (a " "subclass of) SchedulingElement always participates either in " "exactly one instance of this association, or in exactly one " "instance of the association SchedulingServiceToSchedule.")] class CIM_QueueToSchedule { [Key, Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The queue and its QueuingService from which packets are " "emptied.")] CIM_QueuingService REF Queue; [Key, Description ( "The SchedulingElement for the input queue.")] CIM_SchedulingElement REF SchedElement; }; // ================================================================== // SchedulingServiceToSchedule // ================================================================== [Association, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This is a top-level association, representing the relationship " "between a scheduler (PacketSchedulingService) and a " "SchedulingElement, in a configuration involving cascaded " "schedulers. The SchedulingElement, in turn, represents the " "information in a packet scheduling service that is specific to " "this scheduler, such as relative priority or allocated " "bandwidth. \n" "\n" "Although it cannot be expressed formally with the association " "cardinalities, there is an additional constraint on " "participation in this association. A particular instance of (a " "subclass of) SchedulingElement always participates either in " "exactly one instance of this association, or in exactly one " "instance of the association QueueToSchedule.")] class CIM_SchedulingServiceToSchedule { [Key, Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The scheduler being cascaded.")] CIM_PacketSchedulingService REF SchedService; [Key, Description ( "A SchedulingElement in the subsequent scheduler.")] CIM_SchedulingElement REF SchedElement; }; // ================================================================== // ElementInSchedulingService // ================================================================== [Association, Aggregation, Composition, Version ( "2.7.0" ), Description ( "This association represents the relationship between a " "PacketSchedulingService and the set of SchedulingElements that " "tie it to its inputs (either QueuingServices or other " "PacketSchedulingServices).")] class CIM_ElementInSchedulingService : CIM_Component { [Aggregate, Override ( "GroupComponent" ), Max ( 1 ), Description ( "The scheduler aggregating the SchedulingElement. A " "SchedulingElement can be associated with at most one " "SchedulingService.")] CIM_PacketSchedulingService REF GroupComponent; [Override ( "PartComponent" ), Min ( 1 ), Description ( "A SchedulingElement that ties either a queue or another " "scheduler to the referenced PacketSchedulingService. Every " "PacketSchedulingService MUST have at least one Scheduling " "Element/input.")] CIM_SchedulingElement REF PartComponent; }; // =================================================================== // end of file // ===================================================================