// Copyright (c) 2005 - 2007 DMTF. All rights reserved. // Add UmlPackagePath // qualifier values to CIM Schema. // New Credential class // hierarchy // ================================================================== // CIM_KerberosTicket // ================================================================== [Deprecated { "CIM_KerberosCredential" }, Version ( "2.16.0" ), UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::User::Kerberos" ), Description ( "A CIM_KerberosTicket represents a credential issued by a " "particular Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) to establish " "an identity, as the result of a successful authentication " "process. There are two types of tickets that a KDC may issue - " "a TicketGranting ticket, which is used to protect and " "authenticate communications between an entity and the KDC, and " "a Session ticket, which the KDC issues to two entities to " "allow them to communicate with each other." )] class CIM_KerberosTicket : CIM_Credential { [Deprecated { "CIM_KerberosCredential.InstanceID" }, Key, Description ( "The scoping System\'s CCN." ), MaxLen ( 256 ), Propagated ( "CIM_KerberosKeyDistributionCenter.SystemCreationClassName" )] string SystemCreationClassName; [Deprecated { "CIM_KerberosCredential.InstanceID" }, Key, Description ( "The scoping System\'s Name." ), MaxLen ( 256 ), Propagated ( "CIM_KerberosKeyDistributionCenter.SystemName" )] string SystemName; [Deprecated { "CIM_KerberosCredential.InstanceID" }, Key, Description ( "The scoping Service\'s CCN." ), MaxLen ( 256 ), Propagated ( "CIM_KerberosKeyDistributionCenter.CreationClassName" )] string ServiceCreationClassName; [Deprecated { "CIM_KerberosCredential.InstanceID" }, Key, Description ( "The scoping Service\'s Name. The Kerberos KDC Realm of " "CIM_KerberosTicket is used to record the security " "authority, or Realm, name so that tickets issued by " "different Realms can be separately managed and " "enumerated." ), MaxLen ( 256 ), Propagated ( "CIM_KerberosKeyDistributionCenter.Name" )] string ServiceName; [Deprecated { "CIM_KerberosCredential.AccessesService" }, Key, Description ( "The name of the service for which this ticket is used." ), MaxLen ( 256 )] string AccessesService; [Deprecated { "CIM_KerberosCredential.RemoteID" }, Key, Description ( "RemoteID is the name by which the user is known at the " "KDC security service." ), MaxLen ( 256 )] string RemoteID; [Deprecated { "CIM_KerberosCredential.TicketType" }, Description ( "The Type of CIM_KerberosTicket is used to indicate " "whether the ticket in question was issued by the " "Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) to support " "ongoing communication between the Users Access and the " "KDC (\"TicketGranting\"), or was issued by the KDC to " "support ongoing communication between two Users Access " "entities (\"Session\")." ), ValueMap { "0", "1" }, Values { "Session", "TicketGranting" }] uint16 TicketType; };